Town of Port Hedland May 2013 Events Calendar

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MaY 2013


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tickets ee movie ) r F in w 17 and fo page (more in

Who said nothing happens in Hedland?

Sport, MuSic, cineMa, art, Youth, theatre, Dance, cooking, FeStival anD Much More!!!


s t n e v E f o t Lis ellness Week

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Map# coSt

More inFo



WElcomE to HEDlanD morning tEa

Well Women’s Centre






PErinatal class

Well Women’s Centre






VisUal arts DEVEloPmEnt: Port HEDlanD De Grey Station coUrtHoUsE gallEry 2013 artist camP




HEDlanD yoUng ProfEssional ‘matHlEtEs The Esplanade Hotel Vs atHlEtEs’ Party




















tHUr fri


04 sat

05 sUn

VisUal arts DEVEloPmEnt: Port HEDlanD De Grey Station coUrtHoUsE gallEry 2013 artist camP Shana’s café - Boulevard 9.30am mayor coffEE sEssion Shopping Centre Muffin Break - South Hedland 11.30am mayor coffEE sEssion Shopping Centre -


VisUal arts DEVEloPmEnt: Port HEDlanD De Grey Station coUrtHoUsE gallEry 2013 artist camP

intErnational miDWiVEs Day

Contact the Well Women's Centre to have the address Well Women's Centre

gi gong (WoW WEEk) Biz Basics (WoW WEEk) goUrmEt BBQ mastEr class (WoW WEEk) HoW to Host a DinnEr Party (WoW WEEk)

Well Women’s Centre Well Women’s Centre Well Women’s Centre Well Women’s Centre

38 38 38 38

Free Free Free Free

p.27 p.27 p.27 p.27

Well Women’s Centre Wanangkura Stadium Wanangkura Stadium

38 28 28

Free Free Free

p.28 p.28 p.28

Well Women’s Centre




Pilbara Institute Matt Dann Cultural Centre Wanangkura Stadium Well Women’s Centre

30 26 28 38

Free Free Free Free

p.28 p.6 p.29 p.29

4.30pm fooD garDEn HEaltHy stylE WorksHoP 6pm


8.30am 10am 6.30pm 7.45pm


10am coPing DUring a timE of crisis 10.15am PrE anD Post-natal conDitioning 11.30am sEniorsational ExErcisE 6pm introDUction to JoUrnal Writing WorksHoP 6pm cakE DEcoration WorksHoP 6pm matt Dann nEW Play-rEaDing groUP 6.30pm lEs mills frEE cx Works 6.30pm sUPErnanny WorksHoP








Map# coSt

More inFo



BrEastfEEDing: WHat’s in it for mUm?

Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre Civic Centre Gardens Well Women’s Centre Wanangkura Stadium

38 13 38 28

Free Free Free Free

p.30 p.30 p.30 p.30

Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Well Women’s Centre




Matt Dann Cultural Centre




Well Women’s Centre Different locations Wanangkura Stadium Civic Centre Gardens Andrew McLaughlin Centre South Hedland Town Square Colin Matheson Oval Port Hedland Courthouse WEst EnD moViEs fEatUring ‘WastE lanD’ Gallery gardens

38 28 13 19 36 20

Free Free Free Free Free -

p.31 p.7 p.31 p.32 p.7 p.8 p.8





motHErs anD DaUgHtErs HigH tEa

Well Women’s Centre





HEDlanD Walks for a cUrE motHEr’s Day classic

Civic Centre Gardens





first aiD for BaBiEs 3.30pm lEarning to rEaD: ligHting UP yoUr cHilD’s imagination 10am


Ways to BloW off stEam WorksHoP

7.15pm family laW mattEr WorksHoP



10am 5.30pm 6pm 6.30pm 7pm

10 fri

10am 11am 6pm

sUPErnanny WorksHoP frEE gi gong WorksHoP Basic BUDgEting iDEas WorksHoP frEE Boot camP sEssion frEE carD making anD scraPBooking WorksHoP fooD WitH fUss WorksHoP iPaD 101 timE WorksHoP WinE anD cHEEsE tasting sUnDoWnEr

7.30pm trancE (moViE)

11 sat

8am 9am 2pm 4pm 4pm 4pm 4.30pm 6pm

12 sUn

HEaltH ExPo casH for trasH frEE lEs mills BoDy stEP sEssion frEE zUmBa class HEDlanD amatEUr sWimming clUB agm markEts & mEloDiEs Port HEDlanD’s roVErs Pink Party


Map# coSt

More inFo

Well Women’s Centre slEEP mattErs cHEaP tUEsDay moViE fEatUring ‘goDDEss’ Matt Dann Cultural Centre

38 26

Free $11

p.9 p.9


Book clUB fEatUring ‘ tHE Book sHoP on JacaranDa strEEt’

Port Hedland Library






Hartz cHarcoal Portrait WorksHoP WitH mEl nortH

HARTZ Studio






PErinatal class

Well Women’s Centre






2013 WElcomE to HEDlanD commUnity ExPo

South Hedland Town Centre 36







10am 7pm



tHUr fri

18 sat

12noon nortH WEst rEgional HockEy cHamPionsHiP






10.30am national simUltanEoUs storytimE

South Hedland Library







aUstralia’s BiggEst morning tEa

JD Hardie Youth Zone






samsara (moViE)

Matt Dann Cultural Centre










tHUr fri

25 sat



31 fri

01 sat

02 sUn



carE for HEDlanD garDEning WorksHoP TBC 10.30am frEE comEDy WorksHoP WitH comEDian Matt Dann Cultural Centre Damian callinan 9am


‘caVE to tHE raVE’ comEDy sHoW By Damian callinan

Matt Dann Cultural Centre





PErinatal class

Well Women’s Centre




5.30pm Wa statE strEEt stock titlEs

Port Hedland Speedway





gooDByE JamiE BoyD tHEatrE DancE liVE sHoW

Matt Dann Cultural Centre




7pm 3pm

rED Dog fEstiVal Wa statE strEEt stock titlEs tHE crooDs (cHilDrEn moViE)

Pilbara Coastal Region Port Hedland Speedway Matt Dann Cultural Centre

23 26

$20 -

p.14 p.15 p.15


Wa statE strEEt stock titlEs

Port Hedland Speedway




South Hedland Town Square

A community celebration of everything Hedland

Friday 17 May 5pm-9pm


+ An exciting mix of local stalls including food, sporting, arts and crafts, businesses and services.


+ Performance by Busby Marou the Deadly Award winner and Triple J favourite. + Join local musicians and groups at the amphitheatre for an entertainment program not to be missed. + Plenty of fun and activities for the whole family. For more information visit, call 08 9158 9660 or email

Welcome to

Scan your mobile device to go directly to prinCipal sponsors

Hedland Community Expo event sponsors

Government of Western Australia Department of Housing

event supporters

WelcoMe to heDlanD Morning tea Come along to our welcome morning tea where women in Hedland come to meet every month to make new friends, build and strengthen their networks in town, and hear from our guest speaker. When: Wednesday 1 May Time: 10am to 12pm Where: Well Women’s Centre, Leake St, South Hedland Map: #38 Cost: Free Info: or (08) 9140 1124

heDlanD Young proFeSSionalS event The Hedland Young Professionals are holding their second event on Friday 3 May, at The Esplanade Hotel, from 7pm to 10.30pm. This event is a great opportunity for all professionals of all ages, and all walks of life, to mingle and extend your professional and social network. The theme for this event is ‘Mathletes vs Athletes’, so come dressed as either a geek or a jock to win some great prizes! Tickets are $25 per head and include complimentary finger food. Cash bar will be available on the night. For more information, please email us at Add us as a friend on Facebook to keep updated – ‘Hedland YoungProfessionals’. 5

When: Friday 3 May Time: 7pm to 10.30pm Where: The Esplanade Hotel, Crows Nest Map: #1 Cost: $25 per head, includes complimentary food Info:

viSual artS DevelopMent: artiSt’S caMp 2013 FORM, with the support of BHP Billiton, is excited to welcome the return of the 2013 Visual Arts Development Program created to enhance the creative and artistic skills of Pilbara community members. This year the Artist Camp will return to the picturesque landscape of De Grey Station from May 3rd (commence 4.30pm) - 5th (finish 5.30pm). The workshops will feature sessions in water colour painting and ink work, and processes in working with textiles and natural fabrics through dying and embellishment techniques. These workshops have been designed to incite, inspire and teach residents from Hedland and the broader Pilbara communities through exploring refined creative skills and encourage alternative approaches to art. Throughout the weekend, participants and mentors will venture to new locations to draw inspiration from the landscape and learn how to capture nature to create unique artworks. Just in time for the 2013 Hedland Art Awards, this Artist Camp will challenge participants to capture their surrounds in new and creative ways. As there are limited spaces available, all interested participants must apply to take part in the workshops. All applications must be received by April 22, 2013 to be considered.

When: Time: Where: Cost: Info:

From Friday 3 to Sunday 5 May see details above De Grey Station $175 or (08) 9173 1064

MaYor coFFee SeSSion Members of the community are invited to come along and have a chat with Mayor Kelly Howlett, at Shana’s Café in Port Hedland Shopping Centre from 9.30am to 11am, and at Muffin Break Café in South Hedland Shopping Centre from 11.30am to 1pm. This is a great opportunity to learn more about Council’s projects, find out about things happening around town and learn how you can get Council support for an idea or project you have. Complimentary coffee. When: Time:

Saturday 4 May 9.30am to 11am at Shana’s Café 11.30am to 1pm at Muffin Break Cost: Free Info: Contact Mayor Kelly Howlett on 0439 941 431 or

WoMen on WellneSS Week Ladies, make your wellness the number one priority this week for Women on Wellness (WoW) Week! Brought to you by the Well Women’s Centre in partnership with the Town of Port Hedland and BHP Billiton Iron Ore, this week incorporates a series of free workshops designed to nurture women physically, mentally and emotionally, increase confidence, make new friends and have fun! Get top wellness tips, mind-body exercises, healthy recipes and self-development advices. Full program is available from page 27 to 32.

When: Time: Where: Info:

from 6th to 12th May please refer to time table page… different locations or (08) 9140 1124, or refer page…

Matt Dann cultural centre plaY reaDing group Similar in constitution to a book club, the ‘play-reading’ group is made for people who enjoy reading plays aloud and love the words and language of theatre. Each month the group selects a play and read the script aloud together. Amateurs and beginners are welcome. The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 6pm to 7.30pm at the Matt Dann Cultural Centre. Come on down and join the fun! When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Tuesday 7 May 6pm to 7.30pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 Free or (08) 9158 9663

Matt Dann Movie Trance Simon (James McAvoy), a fine art auctioneer, teams up with a criminal gang to steal a Goya painting worth millions of dollars, but after suffering a blow to the head during the heist he awakens to discover he has no memory of where he hid the painting. When physical threats and torture fail to produce answers, the gang’s leader Frank (Vincent Cassel) hires hypnotherapist Elizabeth Lamb (Rosario Dawson) to delve into the darkest recesses of Simon’s psyche. As Elizabeth begins to unravel Simon’s broken subconscious, the lines between truth, suggestion, and deceit begin to blur. 6

When: Time: Where: Map: Cost:

Friday 10 May 7.30pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $17/adult $14/concession and Matt’s Mates $11/children under 12 years old MA15+ Crime/Drama/Thriller or (08) 9158 9368

Wine anD cheeSe taSting SunDoWner

cardboard). Cash for Trash is a monthly event and requires volunteers to assist in counting of bottles and the smooth-running of the operation. There can never be too many volunteers to help out so if you would like to participate please email Everyone is encouraged to bring their bottles and cans to be recycled at the Boulevard Port Hedland, South Hedland Shops, Shay Gap Park and the landfill at South Hedland.

Get your weekend off to a fantastic start with an evening of wines and cheese tasting at the Well Women’s Centre. This is a great opportunity for ladies who work and don’t often get to come to the Well Women’s Centre to join us for an evening of relaxed fun and get top tips on tasting and serving wine.

When: Saturday 11 May Time: 9am to 11am Where: Port Hedland Shopping Centre, Centenary Park, Shay Gap Park, Daylesford Park and South Hedland Landfill Info: Kelly Howlett on 0439 941 431 or

Rated: Genre: Info:

When: Friday 10 May Time: 6pm to 8pm Where: Well Women’s Centre, Leake St, South Hedland Map: #38 Cost: Free Info: or (08) 9140 1124

caSh For traSh **CARDBOARD CAN NOW BE COLLECTED AT PORT AND SOUTH HEDLAND SHOPS. RINSED, LIDLESS PLASTIC BOTTLES NOW ABLE TO BE RECYCLED AT ALL SITES** The highly successful ‘Cash for Trash’ program promotes the recycling of cardboard, glass bottles, plastic bottles and aluminum cans for a small reimbursement (10c for a glass bottle and $2 for a bag of cans – no payment for plastic and 7

heDlanD aMateur SWiMMing club agM Hedland Amateur Swimming Club welcomes all community members to attend their Annual General Meeting for the 2013-2014 Season. During the night, new committee and executive positions will be appointed for the coming year. Awards for the Club Champion and acknowledgements of all our swimmers and those who helped for 20122013 season will be presented. When: Saturday 11 May Time: 4pm to 7pm Where: Andrew McLaughlin Community Centre, Keesing St, Cooke Point Map: #19 Cost: Free Info: please contact Celena Hinch, Secretary, on 0438 309 216

MarketS anD MeloDieS Markets and Melodies returns in May, as part of the popular South Hedland Town Square event series. This month’s event will see a wide variety of markets and food stalls, as well as treating the community to some talented live acoustic musicians. Popular local musician, Brad Holder, will share the stage with Karin Page, who has just won the ‘Best New talent’ Award at this year’s Boyup Brook Music Festival and was nominated with her band for the 2012 WAM Song of the Year. This event is proudly brought to you by Town of Port Hedland, BHP Billiton Iron Ore and Landcorp. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Saturday 11 May 4pm to 7pm South Hedland Town Centre #36 Free

port heDlanD rover’S pink DaY Port Hedland Rovers will salute the wonderful contribution women make to our community by hosting the club’s annual Pink Day. Held in the lead up to Mother’s Day, the event will raise money for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Come down and watch the mighty Rovers take on arch rivals Karratha Falcons, all in the luxury of the upstairs clubhouse. Spoil the women in your life with delicious finger food, champagne, exciting raffles and auctions, live entertainment and more. It will also be the first time in club history that Rovers will don all-pink guernseys! Guernseys worn during the game will be auctioned.

When: Saturday 11 May Time: 4.30pm to 1am Where: Port Hedland Rovers clubhouse, Colin Matheson Oval, Cooke Point Map: #20 Cost: TBA Info: please contact Alex Massey on 0421 021 356 or email

WeSt enD MovieS Featuring ‘WaSte lanD’ Filmed across three years, WASTE LAND follows world renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world’s largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There, he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”— self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. However, his collaboration with these inspiring characters as they recreate photographic images of themselves out of garbage reveals both the dignity and despair of the’catadores’ as they begin to re-imagine their lives. WASTE LAND is an uplifting documentary highlighting the transformative power of art and the beauty of the human spirit! This event is proudly presented by Town of Port Hedland and BHP Billiton Iron Ore. When: Time:

Saturday 11 May Live music from 6pm before movie starting at 7pm 8

Where: Port Hedland Courthouse Gallery gardens, Edgar St, Port Hedland Map: #3 Cost: Free event but booking is essential to secure your deckchairs by collecting your tickets from the Courthouse Gallery, the Silver Star Cafe (Edgar St, Port Hedland) or the Visitor Centre (Wedge St, Port Hedland) Info: or (08) 9158 9643

heDlanD WalkS For a cure Mother’S DaY claSSic Take part in Australia’s largest Mother’s Day celebration and raise money for breast cancer research by walking, running or fundraising in the Mother’s Day Classic. The event will be held at the Civic Centre Gardens (McGregor Street, Port Hedland) and includes a 3km walk or a 6km timed run along the stunning Sutherland Street foreshore, commencing at 3pm. Participants taking part in the 3km walk can pre-register online at or on the day from 2.30pm. Participants for the 6km timed run must pre-register online via the website. The event will also have a ‘Best Dressed’ competition, prizes for the highest fundraiser and participants who place in the 6km timed run, live entertainment, refreshments and face painting. 9

When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Sunday 12 May 3pm to 5.30pm Civic Centre Gardens, McGregor Street #13 $20/adults, $12/concession, $10/child (family discounts available) Please contact Kellie Williams on (08) 9158 9651 or email

Sleep MatterS A program to help you establish good sleeping patterns for your child. When: Tuesday 14 May Time: 10am to 12pm Where: Well Women’s Centre, Leake St, South Hedland Map: #38 Cost: Free Info: or (08) 9140 1124

cheap tueSDaY Movie Featuring Goddess Young mother Elspeth Dickens (Laura Michelle Kelly), a British immigrant, is isolated at her Tasmanian homestead with her naughty twin sons while her whale saving husband, Jimmy (Ronan Keating), works away for long periods of time. To keep connected, Jimmy gives Elspeth a video camera, but Jimmy fails to connect. Elspeth, bored and craving attention, decides to cure her ailment by broadcasting her musical performances from her kitchen sink live on the internet. In comes Cassandra Wolfe (Madga

Szubanski), an advertising agency powerhouse who sweeps up Elspeth’s internet success for a campaign. Wolfe transforms Elspeth from a simple stay-at-home mum into a domestic goddess, taking her on a journey to a world far from her own. But when forced to choose between fame and family, the newly anointed internet goddess almost loses it all. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Rated: Genre: Info:

Tuesday 14 May 7pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $11/entry PG Comedy/Musical/Romance or (08) 9158 9368

book club The book club offers a great variety of books for all reading tastes which have been selected to prompt lively book discussions. The title for May is “The Book Shop on Jacaranda Street” by Marlish Glorie. It’s never too late to run away from home! Helen burns her bed and her bridges when she leaves home to run a second hand bookshop. But can you ever really discard the past? For starters there are thousands of musty books to sort through. Then her sons return home with more baggage than a Qantas 747 and on top of all that the drunk who sold her the bookshop is determined to muscle his way back into the business. Helen desperately wants life to be a literary novel but it’s looking more and more like a pile of pulp fiction. As quirky characters browse the shelves of her bookshop, Helen fights for the right to choose a future that is not yet written.

Men and women of all ages are welcome to attend our book club night. When: Tuesday 14 May Time: 7pm Where: Port Hedland Library, Dempster St, Cooke Point Map: #18 Cost: Book Club membership is $20.80/year Info:

hartZ charcoal portrait WorkShop With Mel north Come join us for this unique demonstration of charcoal portraiture with renowned local artist Mel North. Participants will learn how to scale up an image, use charcoal drawing techniques and different types of charcoal mediums. This 3 hour workshop is suitable for adults and all skill levels are welcome. When: Wednesday 15 May Time: 7pm to 10pm Where: HARTZ Studio, corner McKay and Kingmill St, Port Hedland Map: #6 Cost: $50 including all materials and HARTZ Membership Info: please contact Di Boyd on 0408 688 124 or email

WelcoMe to heDlanD coMMunitY expo Welcome to Hedland Community Expo is a celebration of everything Hedland. Over 50 local businesses and organisations will display their products and services to the wider community including not-for-profits fundraising through food stalls. The event will feature all-night 10

entertainment with local dance and music groups being joined by a headline act, Busby Marou, the Deadly Award winning and Triple J favourite duo. There will also be plenty of giveaways and fun activities for the kids, along with a variety of food and drink options for purchase. This event is brought to you by the Town of Port Hedland and proudly supported by Landcorp, BHB Billiton Iron Ore, Complete Portable, Coates Hire, Department of Housing’s South Hedland New Living Project, ESS Services, GWN7, CSE Comsource, Toxfree, Rio Tinto and North West Telegraph. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Friday 17 May 5pm to 9pm South Hedland Town Centre #36 Free please contact Voula Keating on (08) 9158 9660 or email

north WeSt regional hockeY chaMpionShip The North West Hockey Championships are an annual mixed team competition which will be held this year in Karratha. Port Hedland is entering at least one team and looking for players keen for a day of full field hockey. When: Time: Where: Info:


Saturday 18 May first game to start at 12noon Tambrey Oval (Karratha) please contact David Bullock on 0408 918 056 or email

librarY anD inForMation Week - Share Your StorY The Library team invites community members to join us in celebrating Library and Information Week. Drop in, relax and check out what the library has for you! When: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

From 20 to 26 May Port and South Hedland Library #18 & 38 Free (08) 9158 9373

national SiMultaneouS StorYtiMe The Library Services would like to invite all children to be part of our special Simultaneous Story time session. At the National Simultaneous Story time session, libraries in the whole of Australia read the same prescribed story book at more or less the same time. The book that we will be reading is “The Wrong Book” by Nick Bland. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Wednesday 22 May 10.30am to 11am South Hedland Library, Leake Street #38 Free please contact Anneke Scheepers on 9158 9373 or email

May 2013 This is a drug and alcohol free event

Saturday 11 May 2013 Venue: South Hedland Town Square Time: from 4pm to 7pm Community members can expect to see a larger variety of markets and food stalls while being treated to live entertainment. Local acoustic musician, Brad Holder, will share the stage with Karin Page, who won the ‘Best New Talent’ Award at this year’s Boyup Brook Music Festival and was nominated with her band for the 2012 WAM Song of the Year Award.







eer ing




auStralia’S biggeSt Morning tea Come and help us raise some well needed funds for the Cancer Council, with Hedland Playgroup and the JD Hardie Youth Zone hosting an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Hot, cold beverages and morning tea will be available for purchase with all proceeds going to the Cancer Council. If you are unable to attend on the day but would like to donate please visit our website at hedlandplaygroup When: Thursday 23 May Time: 9am to 11am Where: JD Hardie Youth Zone, Cottier Drive, South Hedland Map: #41 Cost: Gold coin donation Info: please contact Catherine Roberts on 0448 228 980 or email

Matt Dann Movie samsara Prepare yourself for an unparalleled sensory experience. Samsara reunites director Ron Fricke and producer Mark Magidson, whose awardwinning films Baraka and Chronos were acclaimed for combining visual and musical artistry. Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means “the ever turning wheel of life” and is the point of departure for the filmmakers as they search for the elusive current of interconnection that runs through our lives. Filmed over a period of almost five years and in twenty-five countries, Samsara transports us to sacred grounds, disaster zones, industrial sites, and natural wonders. By dispensing with dialogue and descriptive text, Samsara subverts our expectations of a traditional documentary, instead encouraging our own inner interpretations inspired by images and music that infuses the ancient with the modern. Brought to you by our Matt’s Mates (Friends 13

of the Theatre), the movie will be followed by a group discussion where tea, coffee and cakes will be offered while patrons will share their thoughts about the movie and get to know each other. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Rated: Genre: Info:

Friday 24 May 7pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $17/adult $14/concession and Matt’s Mates $11/children under 12 years old PG Documentary or (08) 9158 9368

care For heDlanD garDening WorkShop The third Gardening workshop of the season will be held on Saturday 25th May. Full details still to come, keep an eye on the Care for Hedland website ( and the Hedland Garden Club Facebook page. When: Time: Where: Cost: Info:

Saturday 25 May 9am to 11am TBC Free please contact Pip Short on 0488 907 260 or email

Free coMeDY WorkShop With coMeDian DaMian callinan Leading up to his live show ‘Cave to the Rave’, renowned comedian Damian Callinan will be conducting a free comedy workshop at the Matt Dann Cultural Centre on Saturday 25 May. This exclusive workshop is tailored for all comedy goers and lovers of arts who are keen to learn how to write and interpret funny scripts. Rather than just performing routines, Damien will take you through the comedy writing process of stand-up, character and sketch comedy and share hilarious anecdotes

about the times things don’t go to plan. Part performance, part master class, this is a workshop you won’t forget. Come and join us, and explore your funny side with Damian Callinan and other comedy goers! When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Info:

Saturday 25 May 10.30am to 12pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 Free or (08) 9158 9663

cave To The rave coMeDY ShoW After sending regional WA into hysterics with his 2011 tour of The Merger, Damian Callinan returns to take audiences from the earthen floor of prehistoric man to the polished parquetry of modern dance in 'Cave to the Rave' – A Comedy Danceathon. Damian will indeed take to the stage with a series of ‘highly’ choreographed routines capturing the finer detail of everything from the sociology of the wedding dance floor, suspiciously funded fringe movement ensembles, unseen YouTube clips of So You Think I Can Dance auditions from around the world and a homage to the dance film genre that will have you wishing you never threw away your leg warmers. So strap your dance card to your wrist and don’t be a wallflower – shimmy your way to this hilarious comedy! When: Time: Where: Map: Cost:

Saturday 25 May 8pm (doors and bar open at 7pm) Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $34/adult $32/concession $28/Matt’s Mates $24/under 18yrs Audience: A family-friendly show but most suited to adults Info: or (08) 9158 9368

reD Dog FeStival anD relaY Red Dog Festival Relay is a new adventure team event in the Pilbara. The two day relay includes eight rounds: run, bus, road bike, mountain bike, cross country walk, swim, 4WD and paddle. A team of four will traverse the coastal region of Dampier, Karratha and Millstream-Chichester National Park using selected modes of transport. Showcasing the Pilbara as an outdoor adventure destination, it promotes wellness and encourages mateship as characterised by the region’s iconic kelpie, Red Dog. The relay is part of the new Red Dog Festival, which also features a welcome party and big finale event in Karratha. The Relay is open to corporate and community teams. Teams can choose which members compete in each leg, but must field a minimum of two team members in the bus, swim, mountain bike and walk legs, and three team members in the run and road bike legs. All team members will participate in the 4WD and paddle legs. Kayaks are provided. Registration fees are $1200 (+ GST) per team and close on April 30th. Please refer to the website for more information: When: 01 Jun – 02 Jun, 2013 Where: Pilbara coastal region of Dampier, Karratha and Millstream-Chichester National Park Cost: $1200 (+ GST) per team Info:

cooking up a StorM Frontier Services in conjunction with the Well Women’s Centre (WWC) run monthly multicultural workshops where you can share your traditional cuisine and learn some new cooking skills in a fun and laid back environment. All you need to bring is your sense of fun. No cost is involved! This month Dawn Logan will cook an Irish dish – Beef and Guinness Pie. Morning tea will be provided and a sample of your cooking will be shared afterwards. 14

When: Friday 31 May Time: 10am to 12pm Where: Well Women’s Centre, Leake St, South Hedland Map: #38 Cost: Free Info: or (08) 9140 1124

Goodbye Jamie boyd theatre Dance live ShoW Anna has schizophrenia. She experiences delusions of her dead older brother’s presence. Jamie is Anna's confidant and mentor but when he becomes possessive and jealous of her real life relationships, coercing Anna to self-harm and to hurt those she holds dear, she realises she must seek help. Goodbye Jamie Boyd is a powerful multi-artform show that tackles confronting issues of mental illness and its ripple effects. Suitable for audience aged 13 years old and over, this heartfelt, yet brutal, poetic story has been adapted into a powerful show incorporating multimedia, dance theatre and spoken text. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost:

Friday 31 May 8pm (doors open at 7pm) Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $34/adult $32/concession $28/Matt’s Mates $24/under 18yrs Audience: recommended for 13 years old and above Info: or (08) 9158 9368

Wa State Street Stock titleS For the first time in 25 years, Port Hedland will be hosting the WA State Street Stock Title from Friday 31 May to Sunday 2 June. On Friday 31 May, all Street Stock drivers who want to enter the competition are welcome to attend the free 15

Practice Night from 4pm to 6pm. On Saturday 1 June, all Street Stock drivers will race for the first Race Night starting at 7pm. Race includes three heat races of 10 laps. Second Race night will be held on Sunday 2 June from 7pm featuring the final 10 lap Street Stock heat race. Top qualifying drivers from the heats on points will then compete in C, B and A Main races. The Titles race (A Main) will be a spectacular 35 Lap Race. Gate entry for both race nights are $20 per adult and $5 per child with canteen and licensed bar available on the night. When: From Friday 31 May to Sunday 2 June Time: See times above Where: Port Hedland Speedway race track, (Madigan Road, on the Great Northern Highway, after the airport) Map: #23 Cost: TBC Info: please contact Ben Hands on 0439 929 547, email or visit our Facebook page (Port Hedland Speedway Club)

Matt Dann Movie The croods The Croods tells the story of the world’s first family road trip. When their cave is destroyed, the Crood family must embark on a comedy adventure into strange and spectacular territory in search of a new home. As if patriarch Grug didn’t already have enough to handle, it goes from bad to worse when they encounter an imaginative nomad named Guy. With Guy’s help the Croods conquer their fear of the outside world and discover that they have exactly what it takes to survive - each other. When: Time: Where: Map: Cost: Rated: Genre: Info:

Saturday 1 June 3pm Matt Dann Cultural Centre #26 $17/adult $14/concession and Matt’s Mates $11/children under 12 years old PG Animation/Adventure/Comedy or (08) 9158 9368


Country Country Arts Arts WA WA And And Buzz Buzz dAnCe dAnCe theAtre theAtre present present elizABeth elizABeth FenshAm’s FenshAm’s

Comedy, tragedy, tension, teenage wisdom and a slow but certain roller coaster of circumstance Artshub ★★★★

Port Hedland Matt Dann Cultural Centre

Friday 31 May 2013, 8.00pm Bookings 08 9158 9368 or Locally presented by Town of Port Hedland not not suitable suitable for for people people under under the the age age of of 12. 12. Contains Contains mature mature themes themes and and drug drug references. references.

tour coordination coordination by by Country Country Arts Arts WA. WA. published published by by the the university university of of Queensland Queensland press press 2009. 2009. tour



other inForMation recreational activitieS heDlanD choir If you love singing, or have always wished you could, then this is your chance! Singing in a group is good for the mind, body and spirit! Hedland choir is starting up at Bloodwood Tree Association building (19 Hamilton Rd South Hedland) on Wednesday 17th April at 6pm, and will then run every week. Participation fee is $10/session and everyone aged 12 years and above is welcome. For more information please call Delany Delaney on 0427 695 924.

bingo nightS Every Monday night, the Port Hedland Golf Club hosts a fantastic bingo night for community members of all ages. All proceeds from bingo go back into the running and maintenance of the course and club machinery. For more information, please contact Helen Wright on 0400 200 781. (map #24)

‘Yarning up’ WoMen’S group Every fortnight on Tuesday from 9:30am to 2pm, women in Hedland are invited to the Wirraka Maya Social & Emotional Well Being Centre (17 Hamilton Road, South Hedland) to do art/craft, baking, cooking, sewing, basket weaving etc and just enjoy getting together to catch up, have a yarn along with morning tea and lunch. Different workshops are run each fortnight with local agencies joining in who provide information of what is available in our area, and how they may be able to assist people.

Each Friday, from 10.30am to 12noon, the Wirraka Maya Health Service also runs hydrotherapy sessions for women at Port Gratwick Aquatic Centre for approximately 4 5minutes. If you would like to attend these sessions, please leave your name and pick-up address at the Well Being Centre reception and we will contact you. The Yarning Up’ Women’s Group sessions are open to all women and is all free, plus we offer a transport service too! For more information please contact Markysia Kelly on (08) 9172 0444 or email (map #33)

gruMpY olD Fella’S group This is a group of guys who want to get out and about meeting other local guys, having a yarn remembering different stories and talking about the places they have been. The group meets every fortnight on Tuesday from 9.30am and 2.30pm, and participate in various activities such as fishing, cooking, excursions, woodworking, BBQ’s, etc. Different workshops are run each fortnight with local agencies joining in who provide information of what is available in our area, and how they may be able to assist people. Each Thursday, from 10.30am to 12noon, the Wirraka Maya Health Service also runs hydrotherapy session for men at Gratwick Aquatic Centre for approximately 45 minutes. If you would like to attend these sessions, please leave your name and pick-up address at the Well Being Centre reception and we will contact you. All activities are free to attend. Wirraka Maya Social & Emotional Well Being Centre is the meeting place, though many activities are held in various locations around town. For more information please contact Markysia Kelly on (08) 9172 0444 or email markysiak@ (map #33) 18

pilbara inStitute cooking claSSeS Take a trip to Thailand without leaving home or learn how to bake yummy pastries with Pilbara Institute! Through this series of convivial cooking classes you will discover different cultures and recipes via unique culinary experiences so don’t miss out on this great opportunity to impress your family and friends! The ‘Thai Cooking Class’ is a 6 night course that will focus on creating yummy Thai dishes including green curry, satay, soups, curry puff and much more. The Thai cooking class will start on 14th May and will run every Tuesday evening for 6 weeks from 6-9pm with a little theory and lots of cooking. The ‘Baking Day Course’ will run every Monday morning over 6 weeks and will start on 20th May. You will learn to produce a range of pastries, cakes and yeast products. Each class starts at 9am and finishes at 1pm, so this is excellent for mums who have kids at school. You will produce approximately three yummy dishes per session along with a little theory which will help you gain three units of Qualification from the Hospitality Training package. The Pilbara Institute proposes small classes for only 12 students so that everyone can get hands-on and enjoy the fun while learning a variety of recipes to recreate at home. Best of all, you’ll also receive units from a nationally recognized hospitality qualification. The classes will be conducted in the training kitchen and restaurant at South Hedland Pilbara Institute.


Places for cooking class are limited so make sure you secure your place NOW! Participation fees are $350 for the Thai Cooking Class and $230 for the Baking Day Course. For more information or to RSVP please contact Jenny Heffernan on 9158 9415 or email jenny. (map #30)

MuMS & bubS heDlanD plaYgroup Hedland Playgroup Association has now moved to the JD Hardie Youth Zone, on Cottier Drive in South Hedland. Their primary objective is to offer social, emotional, motor and cognitive learning for children in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for parents to connect with other parents. A weekly session for babies (0-12months) is available every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12.30pm. A pre-Kindy group for children aged 3yrs and above is available on Monday from 9am to 11am (closed group, please contact Hedland Play group for more information). On Thursday, all kids from newborn to 5 years are welcome to have fun on the basketball court from 9am to 11am. The Hedland Playgroup is now open during the school holidays, for past, current and casual members. Participation fees are $5 Casual Fee or $40 per family per term plus Insurance with a 3 free session policy. For more information, please contact Catherine Roberts on 0448 228 980 or (map #41)

abc (aDjuSting to babYhooD club) Held every Wednesday from 10am-12pm at the Well Women’s Centre (WWC), ABC allows mums with young bubs to get together for a cuppa and a chat while also offering support to each other. A Child Health Nurse attends the sessions giving mums a chance to discuss any concerns or queries. Open to mums with babies up to the crawling stage. This month, sessions will occur as mentioned above, except on Wednesday 1 May which will be held from 12pm to 2pm.

Attendance is free. For more information please call the WWC on 9140 1124 or email . (map #38)

tWinS + abc (aDjuSting to babYhooD club) Held every Thursday morning from 10am to 12pm at the Well Women’s Centre, this is a new mums and bubs group for multiple births. ‘Twins + ABC’ allows parents with multiple bubs to get together for a cuppa and a chat while also offering support to each other. A Child Health Nurse will be at the Well Womens giving mums a chance to discuss any issues or concerns. These sessions are open to mums with babies up to the crawling stage. Attendance is free. For more information, please contact the Well Women’s Centre on (08) 9140 1124 or email info@wellwomens. (map#38)

perinatal claSS On Thursday 2nd, 16th and 30th of May from 1pm to 4pm, expecting parents are invited to the Well Women’s Centre for an informative session to help you prepare for labour, birth, and early parenthood. Prenatal classes help expecting mums focus on your pregnancy and forthcoming labour and birth, and is also a great social function to meet expecting parents. Attendance is free. For more information, please contact the Well Women’s Centre on (08) 9140 1124 or email info@wellwomens. (map#38)

cooke point plaYgroup Held at the Andrew McLaughlin Centre, Cooke Point Playgroup sessions explore and develop the fundamental building blocks of your child’s readiness for formal schooling and caters for all children from newborn to 5 years old. The sessions are a wonderful opportunity for your child(ren) to have fun, make friends and learn new skills. They are also a great way for you to relax and meet other parents and carers from your local area. Sessions take place every week day and cater specifically for different age groups. Monday, Tuesday and Friday groups (9am to 11am) cater for children 2 to 5 years old. Baby group caters for newborn to 12 month old on Thursday from 11am to 1pm and is a fantastic opportunity in which to let your child develop and explore in a safe and stimulating environment while socially enjoying the company of like-minded others. A new group has started on Wednesday to cater for children 12 months to 2 years old who are transitioning from baby group to formal play group, starting at 11am to 1pm. For those who are interested in preparing their 3-4yrs to Kindergarten, there is a special curriculum based program every Thursday morning from 8.30 to 10.30am. For more information, please call 0457 494 187 (map #19)

StorY tiMe Join us for a fun-filled session of reading, action rhymes, songs and easy craft activity 20

every week. Story time sessions are held every Tuesday morning from 10.30am-11am at Port Hedland Library and every Thursday morning from 10.30am-11am at South Hedland Library. Attendance is free and sessions are suitable for children aged 2-5years. Please note that there will be no story time sessions during school holiday. For more information, please contact Anneke Scheepers on (08) 9158 9373 or email yps@

babY rhYMe tiMe Come and join other Mums and Dads, and enjoy rhymes, songs and stories with your baby every Monday morning from 10.30am-11am at Port Hedland Library. Attendance is free and session is suitable for babies and toddlers aged birth to 2 years. Please note that there will be no rhyme time sessions during school holiday. For more information, please contact Anneke Scheepers on (08) 9158 9373 or email yps@

artS & craFt the heDlanD patchWorkerS anD QuilterS SeWing group Do you do patch work quilting or sewing? Maybe it’s something you have been interested in and never actually given it a go. This group consists of a dedicated group of ladies who love to sew and laugh all at the same time. Bring your work and sewing machine with you or come on down and check it out and see if you want to join. The ladies are happy to help you get started. The Hedland P’s & Q’s holds regular meetings each Tuesday morning from 9am to 2pm and every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9am to 4pm at the Well Women’s Centre, Leake Street, South Hedland. Participation fees are $5 towards room hire. For more information call 9140 1124 or email (map #38) 21

Scrapbooking anD carD Making Come along every Thursday evening from 7-9pm at the Well Women’s Centre and make cards and scrapbooks in a fun environment. It’s a great way to meet others while also being creative. Bring along your own gear. Participation fees are $5 towards room hire. For more information call 9140 1124 or email (map #38)

SportS heDlanD running club Join the Hedland Running Club for one or more of our weekly runs! Monday and Wednesday evening runs are 5-10kms, with starting locations alternating between Port and South. On Tuesday mornings we do interval training at the Colin Matheson Oval in Port, and on Sunday mornings we go for a longer run (10-15kms) in Port. Call Amanda to find out more info and this week’s meeting places! Runners and walkers of all fitness levels are encouraged to attend. Call Amanda Hamilton on 0467 670 823 or visit Hedland Running Club Facebook page to find out where we’re meeting this week. People of all fitness levels welcome to attend!

ZuMba claSSeS Zumba it’s fun, it’s different, it’s easy and it’s effective! Every week, join Jackie & Emm, our qualified Zumba Instructors, for their Latin inspired, calorie burning and dance fitness classes in Hedland. Classes are held every Monday and Wednesday from 6-7pm at the Hedland Senior High School Gym and every Thursday from 6-7pm at South Hedland Lotteries House. For more information, please email or visit their Facebook page Zumbafitnesshedland

roller DerbY

the hooD hip-hop Dance

Roller Derby is open to all girls aged 18yrs and over and caters for all skill levels. Come along to our training sessions on Tuesday and Friday night from 6pm to 8pm at the JD Hardie Youth Zone, Cottier Drive in South Hedland and chat with the girls or watch a session to see the sport in action. New members are always welcome. Whether you are keen to be a bout ready derby girl or an essential support team member, we’d love to meet you. We strive to offer a family friendly environment, so partners and supervised kiddies always welcome.

The Hood uses hip hop to provide an exciting youth program every Friday night bringing the best choreographers from across Australia to teach routines and break dancing skills. Young people can learn the windmill, back spins, air flares, top rock, baby freeze and other cool moves. The Hood has a leadership program called the ‘Ministry of Bling’ and is working with international projects across the world including the Inuit communities in Canada. Sessions are held at the JD Hardie Youth Zone, Cottier Drive, South Hedland every Friday from 5pm to 6.30pm followed by the BLING leadership program from 6:30pm to 8pm. Participation is free.

For more information please visit www., or visit our Facebook page North West Roller Derby. (map #41)

heDlanD gYMnaStic club Hedland Gymnastic Club offers gymnastics for girls and boys aged from one year old to teenagers. HGC promotes fun, fitness and participation for all children in a safe environment at the Andrew McLaughlin Centre. HGC is affiliated with Gymnastics WA and our wonderful coaches are Gym WA accredited. New coaches, assistant coaches and committee members are always welcome! Training provided. For more information on gymnastics or coaching, please call 0437 433 444. (map #19)

jabat Dance JaBaT Dance Incorporated is a not-for-profit dance school which proudly provides training in Cecchetti National & International Classical Ballet, Contemporary, CSTD Ballet, Jazz & Tap by accredited teachers. Jabat Dance is run by a volunteer committee made up of parents & carers from within the school. Our school caters for boys and girls from 2 years and older and provides the benefits of education, healthy lifestyle & provides children with an after school interest. For more information please email

For more information please call Mama Relmz on 0408 903 733 or Sista Bling Treena on 0419 977 352

ata heDlanD taekWonDo club The ATA Hedland Taekwondo Club is a nonprofit sport association committed to teaching children and adults the sport and martial art of Taekwondo. The club has students who have won at state and national competitions and competed overseas. It is a family orientated club with many parents learning alongside their children in a fun and disciplined environment. Children gain confidence and skills as they progress toward black belt with qualified black belt instructors who are overseen by 8th Dan Grand Master Kim Seng who regularly visits Hedland for grading and workshops. Classes are held at the JD Hardie Youth Zone every Tuesday and Thursday and times are the following: • Tiger Cubs (4yr-6yrs) from 4:30pm to 5:10pm • Junior White Belts (7yrs-9yrs) from 4:30pm to 5:30pm • Senior’s from 5:30pm to 7pm For more information about fees and conditions please contact Club Secretary Petula Riches 0412 686 054 or Relma BuleTurner on 0408 903 733 22

phYSiological training SWiSS ball pilateS claSSeS Claire is a skilled physiotherapist with over 6 years experience teaching Swiss Ball classes to individuals of all fitness and experience levels. Swiss Balls are used as tools in a pilates-style class to target and work the core muscles, toning, strengthening and stretching from head to toe. As a physiotherapist, Claire can identify the root cause of poor technique and strength deficits leading to pain and injury in daily activities. Exercise with the confidence of knowing you have a professional with you to provide advice and guidance, tailoring a training regimen specifically for you! Swiss balls available for trial or purchase in class. All other equipment provided. Please call to book your place. Classes are held every Tuesday and Thursday from 5.15pm to 6.15pm, and every Saturday from 8.30am to 9.30am at the Andrew McLaughlin Community Centre, Keesing Street, Port Hedland (map #19). Participation fees are $22 per class or $200 for 10 session pass, and all participants can claim their membership through Private Health Funds for ‘Group Physiotherapy’. For more information please contact Claire Sobolewski on 0417 488 072 or email

Qigong claSSeS Every Monday at 5.30pm and Thursday at 9am, Elisi Therapies offers Qi Gong Classes. Qi Gong (chee kung) is an ancient Chinese form of exercise. It is very gentle yet extremely powerful. A QiGong class at Elisi Therapies is easy to follow with the emphasis on relaxing into the moves rather than concentrating on correct technique. It is also a great way to start to regain fitness if you’ve been inactive for some time. Participation fee is $15 per casual class or $100 for a 7 class pass. For more information, please contact Lisa Bowen on 9173 5667 or visit www. Classes are held at 5 Morgan Street, Port Hedland. (map #7) 23

Yoga With grace Yoga with Grace offers Vinyasa yoga classes that are true to the ancient tradition of yoga and work on strength, flexibility and relaxation and are suitable for all skills levels and genders. Participation is $20 per casual class or $180 for a 10 class pass. Yoga With Grace also offers Kids Yoga classes for children up to 12 years Regular Yoga classes are held every Monday at St Cecilia’s Primary School Hall, 35 Sutherland Street, Port Hedland (map #10). For more information, please contact Grace on 0411 292 426.

SuMMer cup golF Come along every Saturday afternoon and play the magnificent Port Hedland Golf Club Summer Cup competition proudly sponsored by Smartbar. The competition includes 9 holes and carts and clubs are available for hire. New members and players are always welcome. Every Saturday, nominate at 2pm for 2:30pm tee off. Nomination fee applies for the day. Non-members will pay standard green fees for nine holes. Port Hedland Golf Club located of the Great Northern Hwy, outside South Hedland travelling towards Karratha, approximately 1km from town (map #24). For more information please contact Sandy Macgregor Port Hedland Golf Club on 9172 2046.

heDlanD Water polo Be part of the local Hedland association that organises the greatest night in Hedland - Pimps and Pros! There are 4 men’s teams and 4 women’s teams (boy and girl juniors welcome to play in women’s competition). Water polo is a great social game and a fantastic way to get fit. Keep cool over summer training and playing sport in the water. All new members welcome. No prior experience is required. For more information, please contact Kate Tsrovas or Sarah Pell at hwpapresident@ or

breWerS baSeball club Training is held every Thursday at Colin Matheson Oval in Cooke Point, Port Hedland from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The club is currently looking for interested players. A-Grade games are played on Saturday afternoon and night, and A-Reserve games on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. The second week of March will be our last week of the season with an A-reserve on Saturday 9 March from 4pm followed by an A-Grade game at 7.30pm. On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March two A-Reserve games will be played at 7pm. Finals will kick off on Saturday 16 March with an A-Grade baseball preliminary final at 3pm, followed by an A-reserve baseball preliminary on Tuesday 19th from 7pm and an A-Grade first play off final on Wednesday 20th from 7pm. A-Grade and A-Reserve Grand finals will be held on Saturday 23rd March from 3pm onwards at Marie Marland Reserve, with live music, food and drinks for sale. For more information, contact PHBA president Matt Templeman on 0437 803 361.

SWanS baSeball club Training is held every Monday night from 6pm at the Marie Marland Reserve, South Hedland. A Grade and A-Reserve games are played on Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday. For more information, contact Andrew Wood on 042 7123 350. (map #29)

port heDlanD taekWonDo John’s classes are fun and informative, offering a wide range of attack, defence and offensive techniques whilst embracing Taekwondo’s strict code of ethics. Join us every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 4.30pm to 5.30pm for the beginners and from 5.30pm to 7pm for the seniors at the Hedland Senior High School gymnasium on Roberts Road in South Hedland. Everyone aged seven years and above is welcome. Joining fees are $10/hour. Term fees

with family discount also available. For more information, please contact John Geeves on 0428 831 359.

heDlanD touch Touch Football is a non-tackling form of Rugby League that is played internationally and is very popular in Australia and New Zealand. The local Hedland Touch Club’s training is held every Wednesday at the Colin Matheson Oval in Cooke Point, Port Hedland from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. Three grades (A, B and C) comprised of 18 teams played every Wednesday night, which each game going for 40min. All new players from 12yrs old are welcome. Team fees are $900 per season. For more information, please contact Erana Hadfield, club president, on 0402 672 102 or email

Social tenniS Grab a friend and come down to the Port Hedland Tennis Club to hit a few balls over the net. Every Wednesday and Sunday night is Social Tennis – all skills levels and age groups are welcome. Racquets are available for hire and balls can be provided. No registration or booking necessary. Out of these hours, tennis court can be used by anyone. Keys can be obtained across the road from the Civic Centre during work hours or at the Gratwick Aquatic Centre from 6am to 8.30pm. Hire fees for non members to be paid to the honesty box at the club house (free for members). Lights can be turned on from inside the change rooms by inserting $1 or $2 coins into the machine (one hour=$6). Racquet hire is only available during Social Tennis nights. Social Tennis occurs every Wednesday from 6.30pm and Sunday from 5pm. Participation fees for non-members are $5/player. Racquets available for hire for only $2 per session. For more information, please contact Lucas Wimmer on 9158 9389 or email cpdo@ 24

heDlanD bMx racing BMX Racing is an exciting sport for people of all ages, skill levels and gender. It provides familybased fun and fitness for everyone. Hedland BMX Club meets every Monday night from 6.30pm to 8pm for seniors training, every Wednesday night from 4pm to 6pm for juniors training. On Friday night, members meet from 6pm to 8.30pm with five races per age group each night. Points are accumulated at each round with trophies for highest point scorers at the end of the season. In addition there are various races - slowest, pit bikes, mini wheelers, mums Vs daughters throughout the season as a bit of fun. Hedland BMX Club is located on the corner between Anderson and Darlot streets in Port Hedland. Licensing Fees range from $40 for 4 months to $150 for an Open license. There is a $5 fee per rider on race nights. For more information, please contact Matthew Galloway, Club President, on 0409 298 057 or Suzanne Galloway, Registrar, on 0400 591 563 or email

port heDlanD hockeY aSSociation Hockey is back in Hedland for another season! We offer social mixed hockey for both juniors and seniors every Tuesday night at Port Hedland Tennis Court (McGregor St, Port Hedland). The juniors session is from 5pm to 6pm, and seniors from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. All skill levels and experience is welcome, so why not grab a friend and join us for some great fun? If there are any parents interested in helping with coaching, please let us know. Any help you can offer is always appreciated. Please note that Junior Hockey will not be run during the school holidays. Registration fee for Junior is $40/player for a 12 week program. You can register through the club finder at Registration fee for Senior is $20/player. This fee entitles you to two free games. Game fee is $10/game or you can purchase 10 games upfront for $70. For more information please contact Nick Hughes on 0437 700 425 or email 25

port heDlanD SpeeDWaY club race Port Hedland Speedway Club runs regular race meetings between March and November, on the biggest track in the State being just under 600 metres long. Local and out-of- town drivers race in Production, Street Stock, Sprint Car and Junior Classes. Quad bikes and two wheel motorbikes also regularly race at the clubs meetings. Towards the end of the season, you can look forward to our Demo Derby meeting where members of the public are welcome to enter cars and join in on the smashing bashing fun. New members and drivers are always welcome with racing age starting at 10 years. Port Hedland Speedway race track is located on Madigan Road sign posted off the Great Northern Highway. For more information please contact Ben Hands on 0439 929 547, email or visit our Facebook page (Port Hedland Speedway Club)

port heDlanD Sporting ShooterS club Hedland Sporting Shooters Club offers a wide range of disciplines including: Metallic Silhouette (Rifle and Handgun), Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette, Field Rifle, Muzzle-loading rifle and pistol, Practical Pistol, Shotgun (clay target). We operate on a monthly rotating roster, meaning most disciplines are shot once a month. Hedland Sporting Shooters club aims to provide an instructive, fun and overall, safe experience. Hedland Sporting Shooters Club is located on Madigan Road, past the speedway and is open every Sunday from 9am to 12noon. All ages and skill levels welcome. Children under 18 may participate under their guardians’ supervision. $5 range fee plus ammunition costs for visitors. Visitors may attend 3 times and are then required to become members. For more information please contact Chris Lefroy, Secretary, at secretary@hedlandssaa.

port heDlanD oZtag Football Oztag football is a non-contact Rugby League orientated sport which utilizes kills such as passing, catching, tagging & kicking. It is played over two 20min halves with eight players on the field from each team. Each player must wear official Oztag shorts with 2 Velcro tags attached. The objective of the game is to score tries & defend by removing the tag of the ball player. Port Hedland Oztag Footbal club meets every Monday night at 6.30pm at the McGregor Street Oval in Port Hedland. Joining fees are $100 for 14 weeks, $25 for shorts and $35 for tights. For more information, please contact Mohanna on 0416 688 400, email or visit our facebook page (oztag.porthedland.1).

Ladies, make your wellness the number one priority this week for Women on Wellness (WoW) Week!


Get top wellness tips, mind-body exercises, healthy recipes and self-development advices while having fun and making new friends!

Monday 6 May

Monday 6 May

Qi Gong Qi Gong is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. Typically a qi gong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement, a calm mindful state, and visualization of guiding qi through the body. A great way to start the day and week! Time: 8.30am to 9.30am

Venue: Well Women’s Centre

Cost: Free

Biz Basics Turn your dream business into reality! Michele Wardell from the Small Business Centre will guide you through the steps involved with establishing and running your own business; from exploring your suitability to business to financing your business idea. Time: 10am to 11.30am

Venue: Small Business Centre

Cost: Free

Gourmet BBQ Master Class In our climate, alfresco dinning is a big part of life. We want to show you how you can cook some superb meals out on your BBQ and look like you could be on MKR. Open to men and women. Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm Venue: Well Women’s Centre Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre

How to Host a Dinner Party Does hosting a dinner party sound like a lot of hard work, stressful event? Join us in learning some new ideas and tips to make it easier and fun including: Theming your event, Planning the menu (You don’t have to be a Masterchef), Creating breathtaking factor with your table and Keeping it cost effective. Open to men and women. Time: 7.45pm to 8.45pm Venue: Well Women’s Centre Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Brought to you by the Well Women’s Centre in partnership with the Town of Port Hedland and BHP Billiton Iron Ore, this week incorporates a series of free workshops designed to nurture women physically, mentally and emotionally and increase confidence.

Tuesday 7 May Coping during a time of crisis We all have events in our lives that at times we find it hard to deal with. We will talk about how stress affects our emotional and physical wellbeing and learn strategies to help work through the daily ups and downs. Time: 10am to 11am

Venue: Well Women’s Centre

Cost: Free

Pre and Post-Natal conditioning Whilst exercise seems scary at this time, our qualified trainer will take you through a series of low impact exercises designed for the pregnant or post natal body to ensure that you retain your vitality through this exciting period of change. Bubs 3 – 9 months are welcome to attend as this enhances your bonding experience. Time: 10.15am to 11.15am Venue: Wanangkura Stadium Cost: Free Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Seniorsational Exercise 50yrs+ Whilst it is called Seniorsational, this is a fantastic low impact option for anyone cautious about beginning an exercise regime. This session will suits everyone new to exercise, people aged 50years and above and rehabilitation. Time: 11.30am to 12.30pm Venue: Wanangkura Stadium Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Introduction to Journal Writing Workshop This workshop will explore the concept of journal writing and look at some of the ways in which journal writing can help enhance your overall wellbeing. We will discuss various different journal writing techniques and talk about how they may assist you including: understanding yourself better; achieving goals and working towards personal growth. This workshop is for beginners, so no experience with journal writing is necessary. At the end of this workshop you will have learned a number of techniques and tips to help you start your own journaling process. Time: 6pm to 7pm

Venue: Well Women’s Centre

Cost: Free

Cake Decorating Janelle will delight you with great skills in how to make that great icing you often wish you could make and how to decorate your cake, and best of all: you will even get to take your decorated cake home! Time: 6pm to 8pm Venue: Pilbara Institute Cost: Free Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Les Mills CX Works Based on cutting-edge scientific research, this program is the ultimate way to get a tight and toned core. With dynamic training that hones in on your abs, gluts, back, obliques, and "slings" this will connect your upper and lower body (This class is not recommended for Pregnant participants) Time: 6.30pm to 7pm Venue: Wanangkura Stadium Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Supernanny (a teachers perspective on positive

behavioural management for children over 3yrs old)

Come and learn some new skills on positive behaviour management for your children over 3 years of age. Time: 6.30pm to 8.30pm Venue: Well Women’s Centre Cost: Free Open to men and women. Free childcare for children under 5 years old.

Wednesday 8 May Breastfeeding: What’s in it for Mum? We all know Breastfeeding is beneficial to babies but just how good is it for the mother? This interactive workshop will be fun and educational. Time:10am to 11am & 11am to 12pm Venue: Well Women's Centre Free childcare for children under 5 years old.

Cost: Free

First Aid for Babies Do you know how to administer first aid or CPR to a baby? Let the professionals teach you what to do and how. If you have small children or are pregnant then don’t miss this life saving class. Free Childcare for kids under 5 years old. Time:10am to 11am & 11am to 12pm Venue: Well Women's Centre Free childcare for children under 5 years old.

Cost: Free

Learning to Read: Lighting up your child's imagination This 90 minute session is targeting busy families with children from Kindergarten to Year 2 and will provide you with practical ideas on how to support reading in the home or when out and about. Time: 3.30pm to 4.30pm Venue: Well Women's Centre Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

To book your place for any of these workshops please call the Well Women's Centre on 9140 1124 or email 29

Ways to Blow off Steam Explore what internal events, feelings and physiological reactions upset people and learn skills to better understand anger and how to manage it in yourself and others. This workshop will build your skills in how to establish a common language for describing anger experiences, understanding the components of the anger episode model and altering the cycle of anger. It will also give you great anger management strategies; relaxation tips and solutions to establish a relapse prevention plan. Time: 6pm to 7pm Venue: Well Women's Centre Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

Family Law Matters Kim Bramwell from DS Family Law will be talking about family legal issues faced by people in the Pilbara. Time: 7.15pm to 8pm Venue: Well Women's Centre Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

Thursday 9 May Supernanny (a teachers perspective on positive

behavioural management for children over 3yrs old)

Come and learn some new skills on positive behaviour management for your children over 3 years of age. Time: 10am to 12noon Venue: Well Women’s Centre Cost: Free Open to men and women. Free childcare for children under 5 years old.

Qi Gong Qi Gong is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation. Typically a qi gong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement, a calm mindful state, and visualization of guiding qi through the body. A great way to start the day and week! Time: 5.30pm to 6.30pm

Venue: Civic Centre Gardens

Cost: Free

Basic Budgeting ideas Hints and tips on ways of saving money! From creating a household budget to managing credit card debt, this workshop will make you save money! Time:6pm to 7m Venue: Well Women's Centre Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

Boot Camp Action packed exercise class with a variety of exercises to keep you motivated as your fitness and muscle tone increase. Time: 6.30pm to 7.30pm Venue: Wanangkura Stadium Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the WWC

Card making and Scrapbooking Join the weekly meeting of this group to have a go at this addictive hobby. BYO card making materials. Time: 7pm to 9pm

Venue: Well Women's Centre

Cost: Free

Friday 10 May Food without Fuss Top tips to encourage your child to enjoy a wide variety of foods! Time: 10am to 12noon Venue: Well Women’s Centre Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre. Free Child care for children udner 5 years old.

iPad 101 time For anyone who has an iPad/iPhone, or is thinking of getting one, and wants to learn how to use it to its full potential. Bring your device if you have one! Time: 11am to 12pm Venue: Well Women’s Centre Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

Wine and Cheese tasting Sundowner Get top tips on tasting and serving wine, and enjoy some cheese and nibbles from someone with over 20 years in the business. Time: 6pm to 8pm

Venue: Well Women’s Centre

Cost: Free

Saturday 11 May Health Expo Get ready for a jam-packed morning full of classes, seminars and demos to boost your health and wellbeing. We will start the day off with Yoga and finish with Meditation. Other classes will include nutrition and reflexology. For a breakdown of the morning please contact the Well Womens Centre or check the WOW Calendar on our Website Time: 8am to 12pm

Venue: Well Women’s Centre

Cost: Free

Les Mills Body Step Using a height-adjustable step, the ultimate workout to tone your butt and thighs. Time: 2pm to 3pm Venue: Wanangkura Stadium Cost: Free Open to men and women. Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.


Zumba Fitness with a dash of fun! A Latin inspired dance fitness class that will have you moving in no time. Get your friends together for this hour of the best fun you will have in a long time. Time: 4pm to 5pm Venue: Civic Centre Gardens Open to men and women.

Cost: Free

Sunday 12 May Mother and Daughter High Tea A special morning to celebrate Mothers and Daughters. We encourage mothers and daughters to come out together to enjoy this lovely event. We are mindful that some of you don’t have your mothers and daughters here but invite you to join us also. We are all worth celebrating. This fun morning will include morning tea, entertainment, a Mother and Daughter team as our guest speakers and a photo booth. Time: 10am to 11.30am Venue: Well Women's Centre Cost: Free Limited places so RSVP is essential to the Well Women's Centre.

Mother’s Day Classic Take part in Australia’s largest Mother’s Day celebration and raise money for breast cancer research by walking, running or fundraising in the Mother’s Day Classic. The event will include a 3km walk or a 6km timed run along the stunning Sutherland Street foreshore, commencing at 3pm. Time: 3pm to 5.30pm Venue: Civic Centre Gardens Cost: $20/adult, $10/child and $12/concession (family discounts available). Please refer page 9 for more information.

Leake Street, South Hedland

(08) 9140 1124

Wanangkura Stadium

Hamilton Road, South Hedland

Civic Centre Gardens

McGregor Street, Port Hedland

Small Business Centre

Anderson Street, Port Hedland

Pilbara institute

Hamilton Road, South Hedland

To book your place for any of the workshops please contact the Well Women's Centre.







Hedland Well Women’s Centre





s e i t i v i t c a r a l Regu




age group


Map# coSt

2pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm

tEEns fitnEss sEssion Qi gong HEDlanD rUnning clUB zUmBa sWans BasEBall training aQUa aEroBics DEEP WatEr Bingo nigHt sWans BasEBall clUB yoga HEDlanD Bmx training Port HEDlanD oztag footBall

Teens Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults Family Adults Adults Seniors Adults

Wanangkura Stadium Elisi Therapies Different locations High School Gym Marie Marland Reserve Gratwick Pool Port Hedland Golf Club Marie Marland Reserve Saint Cecilia’s Hall Crn Anderson & Darlot St McGregor Street Oval

28 7 PH/SH 25 29 14 24 29 11 8 16

$15 Free $10 $16 $20 -

p.23 p.21 p.21 p. p.18 p.24 p.23 p.25 p.26

5.30am 9.30am 2pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 6.30pm 6.30pm

HEDlanD rUnning clUB yarning UP’ WomEn’s groUP tEEns fitnEss sEssion ata HEDlanD taEkWonDo Port HEDlanD taEkWonDo sWiss Ball PilatEs classEs ata HEDlanD taEkWonDo Port HEDlanD taEkWonDo social BaDminton Port HEDlanD HockEy asso. HEDlanD PatcHWorkErs & QUiltErs

Adults Adults Teens Juniors Beginners Adults Seniors Seniors Adults Adults

Different locations PH/SH Wirraka Maya 33 Wanangkura Stadium 28 JD Hardie Youth Zone 41 High School Gym 25 Andrew McLaughin Centre 19 JD Hardie Youth Zone 41 High School Gym 25 Wanangkura Stadium 28 McGregor Street Oval 16

Free Free $20 $7 -

p.21 p.18 p.22 p.24 p.23 p.22 p.24 p.25


Well Women’s Centre




tEEns fitnEss sEssion HEDlanD rUnning clUB social tEnnis zUmBa cHoir HEDlanD toUcH HEDlanD Bmx training

Teens Adults Adults Adults 12yrs+ Adults Juniors

Wanangkura Stadium Different locations Port Hedland Tennis Club High School Gym Bloodwood Tree Assoc. Colin Matheson Oval Crn Anderson & Darlot St

28 PH/SH 16 25 32 20 8

Free $5 $10 $10 -

p.21 p.24 p.21 p.18 p.24 p.25




More inFo

naMe activitY

2pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 6pm 6pm 6.30pm 6.30pm

age group


Map# coSt


9am 2pm 4.30pm 4.30pm 5.15pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 5.30pm 6pm 6pm 6.30pm 7pm

Qi gong tEEns fitnEss sEssion ata HEDlanD taEkWonDo Port HEDlanD taEkWonDo sWiss Ball PilatEs classEs ata HEDlanD taEkWonDo Port HEDlanD taEkWonDo BrEWErs BasEBall clUB social sQUasH aQUa aEroBics zUmBa scraPBooking & carD making

Adults Teens Juniors Beginners Adults Seniors Seniors Adults Adults Adults Adults Adults

Elisi Therapies Wanangkura Stadium JD Hardie Youth Zone High School Gym Andrew McLaughlin Centre JD Hardie Youth Zone High School Gym Colin Matheson Oval Wanangkura Stadium Gratwick Pool Lotteries House Well Women’s Centre

7 28 41 25 19 41 25 20 28 14 36 38

$15 $20 $7 $16 $10 $5

p.23 -. p.22 p.24 p.23 p.22 p.24 p.24 p.21 p.21


More inFo

naMe activitY

2pm 5pm 6pm 6pm

tEEns fitnEss sEssion tHE HooD HiP-HoP DancE rollEr DErBy HEDlanD Bmx training

Teens Children Adults All ages

Wanangkura Stadium JD Hardie Youth Zone JD Hardie Youth Zone Crn Anderson & Darlot St

28 41 41 8

Free -

p.22 p.22 p.25



8.30am 9am 10.30am 2pm

sWiss Ball PilatEs classEs tEEns fitnEss sEssion softBall for girls sUmmEr cUP golf

Adults Teens Year 6 and above -

Andrew McLaughlin Centre Wanangkura Stadium Marie Marland Reserve Port Hedland Golf Club

19 28 29 24

$20 Free -

p.23 p.23



Free $16 $5

p.21 p.24

Port HEDlanD sPorting sHootErs clUB 5.30am HEDlanD rUnning clUB 9am tEEns fitnEss sEssion 10.15am aQUa aEroBics 5pm social tEnnis



Adults Adults Teens Adults Adults

PH Sporting Shooters Club 23 (after the airport) Different locations PH/SH Wanangkura Stadium 28 Gratwick Pool 14 Port Hedland Tennis Club 16



. p s e i t i v i t c a s b u ecial mums & b


Hedland Walks for a Cure

Mother’s Day Classic Time: Where: Entry:

Walk & Run please

3pm for a 3:30pm Start


Civic Centre Gardens, McGregor St, Port Hedland $20/Adult, $10/child $12/Concession Family discount available

Distance: 3km walk or 6km run

your gold coin donations

(must be pre-registered online to be timed for the 6km run)

Sunday 12 May 2013 Li v

ting in


Fo o

Priz es w ill b e aw arde d fo grou r: p an d


tertainm en

t en



indiv sed idua (gro l up a und nd in 6km r plac dividuaali)ser male ed r & fem unn ers ale




F ace p a

Community celebration to follow Walk & Run

est F

Start Fundraising now! O





Proudly supported by:






For further information, please contact Kellie Williams at the Town of Port Hedland on 9158 9651 or email

tue Mon WeD

kiDs clUB 9am 9am cookE Point PlaygroUP 10.30am BaBy rHymE timE

6months-4yrs JD Hardie Youth Zone 2-5yrs Andrew McLaughlin Centre 0-2yrs Port Hedland Library

41 19 18

$7.50 Free

p.20 p.21

cookE Point PlaygroUP 9am 10.30am story timE sEssion

2-5yrs 2-5yrs

Andrew McLaughlin Centre Port Hedland Library

19 18


p.20 p.20/21

6months-4yrs JD Hardie Youth Zone kiDs clUB HEDlanD PlaygroUP (BaBiEs) 0-12months JD Hardie Youth Zone 1-2yrs Andrew McLaughlin Centre cookE Point PlaygroUP

41 41 19

$7.50 $5 -

p.19 p.20

aBc (aDJUsting to BaByHooD) Family

Well Women’s Centre





Andrew McLaughlin Centre




Family Family 2-5yrs

JD Hardie Youth Zone Well Women’s Centre South Hedland Library

41 38 38

$5 Free Free

p.19 p.20 p.20/21


Andrew McLaughlin Centre




12months-4yrs JD Hardie Youth Zone 2-5yrs Andrew McLaughlin Centre

41 19

$7.50 -


9am 10.30am 11am 12pm

PrEParE yoUr kiDDiEs to kinDErgarDEn 9am HEDlanD PlaygroUP 10am tWins + aBc story timE sEssion 10.30am cookE Point PlaygroUP 11am BaBy clUB




9am 9am

kiDs clUB cookE Point PlaygroUP

with p u h c t a c d n a t u Get the prams o bubs! d n a s m u m r e h t o am to 11.30am

s from 8.30 rs creche facilitie fe of m 40 0400. iu ad St a s. More info on 91 Wanangkur e se th as ? cl ss ow ne kn u fit e yo Did go to th who would like to for all the mums


We are much more than a Youth Centre. We have: Pool, soccer and tennis table competitions Creative and expressive art Team sports and locomotive focus Cognitive board games and appreciation Supervised computer use Expressive movement and music Water park excursions Musical instruments and disco Sewing and more fine motor appreciation Bicycle, drumbeat and basketball workshops Horticulture and nutrition

Open Monday to Saturday from 2.30pm to 6.30pm. All activities are free to attend and suitable for 10-17yrs (under 10's with an adult). Free healthy snacks provided every day. 37

Lawson Street Youth Centre, South Hedland. For more information, please call (08) 9158 2637.


The Town of Port Hedland provides a range of health and lifestyle activities with highly qualified fitness staff on hand to help people meet their fitness goals. Venues include the Wanangkura Stadium, Gratwick Aquatic Centre and South Hedland Aquatic Centre.

Every week we offer a range of Les Mills and group training programs designed to motivate and energise. No matter what your fitness levels are, our group fitness sessions will engergise and motivate you in a safe and fun atmosphere that is guaranteed to keep you active.

FitneSS claSSeS les Mills boDYpuMp The world’s most popular group fitness program guaranteed to change your shape. Bodypump is a revolutionary non-impact weight training workout for all the major muscle groups of your body, using adjustable weight-loaded barbells in an energy-charged class to music. Bodypump will assist you with building lean muscle mass, rapid fat burning and increasing your bone density (a vital factor in avoiding osteoporosis). Bodypump is suitable for women and men of all fitness levels.

les Mills boDYStep

The ultimate step workout renowned for being the world’s fastest way to tone your butt and thighs. By using different step heights and inspirational music, this exhilarating, pre-choreographed workout prescribes a high energy, athletic cardio blast with levels that cater for everyone from the beginner to the most athletic participant.

les Mills boDYbalance

Is a revolution in mind/body training that draws from eastern disciplines such as Yoga and Tai Chi, together with new methods such as Pilates and Feldenkrais. Bodybalance is a dynamic fitness to music program that will leave you feeling relaxed and renewed. You’ll stand straighter, feel stronger and be more flexible, while becoming more physically and mentally aware. Suitable for women and men of all fitness levels.

les Mills boDYcoMbat


A fiercely energetic workout to music borrowing a mix of moves and stances from a range of self defence disciplines including Karate, Tai Chi, Kickboxing, Tae Kwon do and Muay Thai. Guaranteed to raise fitness levels while’ fighting’ calories and cholesterol. Jab, hook and kick your way to awesome cardiovascular fitness and great muscle definition. Recommended for people of all ages and fitness levels. *For an updated copy of Les Mills fitness classes time table, visit

les Mills boDYattack A high-energy, calorie-consuming athletic workout that will push you past the limit with strong, simple moves and pumping music. This is the most intense workout you’ll find in the world of fitness—a session guaranteed to take no prisoners.

les Mills cxWorx Looking for a short, sharp workout that’ll inspire you to the next level of fitness, while strengthening and toning your body? CX30 is for you. CX30 hones in on the torso and sling muscles that connect your upper body to your lower body. It’s ideal for tightening your tummy and butt, while also improving functional strength and assisting in injury prevention.

aQua aerobicS Want to get fit and have fun? Aqua aerobics is a non weight bearing exercise using water as a resistance for a total body workout. Aqua aerobics has an emphasis on cardio, toning and flexibility and is suitable for new participants, rehabilitation, pregnant women and athletes. For more information on days and times during March, please visit or call (08) 9140 0400.

boot caMp For boot camp workouts, think ‘group training sessions’, think ‘outdoors’, think ‘fun’ and think ‘challenging’. By providing a mixture of exercises and cardiovascular training, these sessions will give almost every muscle in your body a workout. Boot camp training is suitable for novice exercisers and fitness enthusiasts alike. For more information on days and times during March, please visit or call (08) 9140 0400.

opening hourS Wanangkura StaDiuM Monday to Thursday 5:30am to 10pm Friday 5:30am to 9pm Saturday/Sunday 8am to 5pm Public holidays 8am to 5pm (Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day)

gratWick aQuatic centre Monday & Wednesday 5:30am to 8:30pm Tuesday & Thursday 6:30am to 8:30pm Friday 5:30am to 6pm Saturday/Sunday 10am to 6pm Public holidays 12noon to 8pm (Closed Good Friday & Christmas Day)

Healthy outcomes In addition to loads of fun, kids also improve their cardio, strength, speed, agility, balance and coordination along the way. Better still, parents keep telling us that their kids also gain confidence, self-esteem and social skills thanks to the Gecko experience.

Timetable Youngsters (5-9) Monday – Thursday 3.30-4.15pm Midsters (10-14) Monday – Thursday 4.30-5.15pm

How much? The Gecko program is only $13.95 per week for Gecko Gold – access to unlimited classes!

! Take 2 for Free Voucher Bring this voucher and your child and a friend can do Gecko for free*! *

New Gecko members only

Want to know more? Visit our website

Phone 9140 0400

Wanangkura Stadium, Hamilton Road, South Hedland WA 6722

Healthy outcomes In addition to loads of fun, kids also improve their cardio, strength, speed, agility, balance and coordination along the way. Better still, parents keep telling us that their kids also gain confidence, self-esteem and social skills thanks to the Gecko experience.

Timetable Youngsters (5-9) Monday – Thursday 3.30-4.15pm Midsters (10-14) Monday – Thursday 4.30-5.15pm

How much? The Gecko program is only $13.95 per week for Gecko Gold – access to unlimited classes!

! Take 2 for Free Voucher Bring this voucher and your child and a friend can do Gecko for free*! New Gecko members only


Want to know more? Visit our website

Phone 9140 0400

Wanangkura Stadium, Hamilton Road, South Hedland WA 6722

t s i l s t c a t n o C

re this brochu in d e n n o ti by emailing roups men

g ow community ided, thank you for letting us kn d n a s e u n e prov of the v information e y errors in th if you find an dlan eao@porthe




anDrEW mclaUgHlin commUnity cEntrE carE for HEDlanD association cookE Point PlaygroUP Port HEDlanD coUrtHoUsE gallEry DoVEtail EnglisH golf clUB HEDlanD garDEn clUB HEDlanD gymnastic clUB HEDlanD PatcHWorkErs anD QUiltErs HEDlanD PlaygroUP HEDlanD rUnning clUB HEDlanD toy liBrary Jan forD inDUlgEncE cEntrE JD HarDiE yoUtH zonE matt Dann cUltUral cEntrE nortH WEst rollEr DErBy PilatEs PilBara institUtE cooking classEs Port HEDlanD gratWick Pool Port HEDlanD liBrary Port HEDlanD tEnnis clUB Port HEDlanD taEkWonDo Port HEDlanD yacHt clUB silVEr star cafE softBall for girls soUtH HEDlanD liBrary toWn of Port HEDlanD EVEnts coorDinator

9158 9660



08 9173 4787

0428 159 052 0415 682 016 9173 1064 0413 020 564 0400 200 781 0488 907 260 0437 433 444 9172 2046

9140 1124

0448 228 980 0467 670 823 0413 083 859 0417 750 810 9158 9380 9158 9368 Hedland Running Club Facebook page

0417 488 072 08 9158 9415 9173 3303 9158 9378 0413 742 151 0428 831 359 9173 1198 0411 143 663 0418 915 015 9158 9373,au

naMe Wangka maya PilBara aBoriginal langUagE cEntrE WanangkUra staDiUm WEll WomEn’s cEntrE Wirraka maya WEllBEing cEntrE yoUtH inVolVEmEnt coUncil zUmBa fitnEss HEDlanD




9172 2344

9140 0400 9140 1124 08 9172 0444 9140 1272

he t f o y p o c a b a r Where can I g e? brochur

port heDlanD

South heDlanD

courthouse gallery, Edgar St silver star cafe, Edgar St Port Hedland Visitor centre, Wedge St Port Hedland chamber of commerce, Wedge St Port Hedland Boulevard shopping centre Jan ford indulgence centre, Kingsmill St civic centre, McGregor St andrew mc laughlin community centre, Keesing St Port Hedland library, Dempster St len taplin child care, Dempster St ymca child care, Keesing St Port Hedland medical centre, Edgar St cooke Point caravan Park, Athol St

lawson street youth centre, Lawson St Video Ezy, Hedditch St JD Hardie youth zone, Cottier drive mcDonald, Throssell Rd muffin Break (in South Hedland Shopping Centre) south Hedland library, Leake St Well Women’s centre, Leake St matt Dann cultural centre, Hamilton Rd Pilbara institute, Hamilton Rd Wangka maya Pilbara aboriginal language centre, Hamilton Rd Wanangkura stadium, Hamilton Rd Bloodwood tree association, Hamilton Rd Wirraka maya Wellbeing centre, Hamilton Rd 44


9. 5.

4. 6.

8. Ander Wilson

Ha lto mi

ula irc C h

Port Hedland

North Cir cular Rd

d rR

1 Dalgety House Museum 2 Port Hedland Visitor Centre



3 Port Hedland Courthouse Gal


25. 27. 28. 30.

Forrest Circular

son S t

Port Hedland

4 Silver Star Cafe/ Banger’s Bu

26. 29.







W ed 2. 3. ge 1. St


Sutherland St




5 Marrapikurinya Park

Drive Cottier

6 HARTZ Hedland Arts Council 7 Elisi Therapies (Qi Gong)


32. 33. 32. Throssel Rd 35. 36. Colebatch 37. 38.

South Hedland

8 Hedland BMX Club d hR oc d r Mu

9 Jan Ford Indulgence Centre 10 Port Hedland Yacht Club

11 St Cecilia’s Hall (Yoga With Gr 12 Cemetery Beach Park

13 Gratwick Hall / Civic Centre G 14 Gratwick Aquatic Centre

15 Port Hedland Turf Club / Scoo 16 Port Hedland Tennis Club

17 McGregor St Oval and Skate P 45

Kee ol S


t eS od Go

t or S 17.

Rd oint ke P


n St


s Rd

21. 22.


18 Port Hedland Library 19 Andrew McLaughlin Community Centre

ils o



Port Hedland

20 Colin Matheson Oval & Club House

23 Speedway Club - Maddigan Road

South Hedland 24 Port Hedland Golf Club 25 Hedland Senior High School Oval

Redbank Gr ea tN ort he rn Hw y



18. 19. 20.



eg cGr 16. M

22 Pretty Pool Beach & Park

ot Hall





21 Port Hedland Pony Club









South Hedland


Gre at N ort or he rn t


26 Matt Dann Cultural Centre


Hw y

27 Faye Gladstone Netball Court

35 South Hedland Skate Park / Centenary Park

28 Wanangkura Stadium

36 South Hedland Town Centre and Lotteries House

29 Marie Marland Reserve

37 South Hedland Aquatic Centre

30 Pilbara Institute

38 South Hedland Library & Well Women’s Centre

31 South Hedland Tennis & Bowling Club

39 YIC Youth Centre

32 Bloodwood Tree Association

40 C3 Church

33 Wirraka Maya Wellbeing Centre

41 JD Hardie Youth Zone

34 Wangka Maya Pilbara Aboriginal Language Centre

42 Shay Gap Park 46


Soon in june


! g n i s i t r e v d a e e r F






the events calendar is produced and distributed every month by the town of port hedland and printed by pk print, Fremantle.


thly ugh our mon ro th b lu c r o 663 ity events cer on 9158 9 ffi our commun y o g te n o ti m e ro rk p a to ur M u ase contact o d e h brochure, ple rt o p @ o a or email e ing




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