Business Environment Macroeconomic Outlook Capital Market Banking Sector Privatization and Investments Economic Freedom Business News In the Spotlight Coming up... Graphic 4. Structure of deposits by sectors, period-end, in % 41,4% 39,8% 41,0%
Demand deposits
58,6% 60,2% 59,0%
Time deoisits 18,0% 13,0% 12,5%
Up to 3 months
29,3% 35,9% 35,2%
From 3 months up to 1 year 9,8% 9,2% 9,2%
From 1 to 3 year 1,5% 2,1% 2,1%
Over 3 years 0
20 X 10
XI 10
XII 10
Graphic 5. Structure of deposits, period-end, in % 34.8% 28.8% 27.9% 6.5% 6.8% 6.9%
General Government
48.5% 52.5% 53.2%
Households 1.3% 1.3% 1.4%
Non-profitable organisations
0.1% 4.1% 4.3%
Other 0
10 X 10
XI 10
XII 10
Table 1. Lending interest rates, period-end (%) Average lending interest rates
Household loans X 10
XI 10
XII 10
Nominal lending interest rate
Average lending interest rates
Loans granted to legal persons
Nominal lending interest rate
Lending effective interest rate
When observing data regarding bank assets for November and comparing it with October 2010, increases in the following items can be seen: monetary assets and deposits with depository institutions (5.1%) and other bank assets (6.2%). Provisions were also made for losses in other assets. In December 2010, in the area of bank liabilities, deposits accounted for the main share (60.8%), followed by borrowing (23.7%) and total bank capital (10.6%). The remainder (4.9%) was other miscellaneous liabilities. Regarding last month, the only increase was recorded in the area of capital (0.1%). Observing data from November and comparing with October, increases were recorded in all liabilities.
Deposits Total deposits amounted to €1,790.4 million at end-December 2010, and remained the same as in the previous month. At end-November 2010, in comparison with the previous month, total deposits increased by 0.2%. In December and November 2010, within the deposit maturity structure, time deposits were dominant (59,0%; 60,2% respectively).
Household deposits Total household deposits amounted to €951.7 million at end-December 2010. In relation to the previous month they recorded a growth of 1.3%. During the period October-November 2010, total household deposits increased by 1.7%. At end-December and end-November 2010, in the maturity structure of household deposits, time deposits were dominant with recorded levels of 66.9% (12.10) and 67.8% (11.10). Demand deposits accounted for 33.1% (12.10) and 32.2% (11.10).
Lending effective interest rate
Total bank assets amounted to €2,944.0 million at end-December 2010, 0.7% lower than at end-November 2010. In December 2010, within the total structure of bank assets, net loans accounted for the main share (70.1%), followed by monetary assets and deposits with depository institutions (21.4%) and other bank assets (6.6%), while other miscellaneous assets accounted for the remaining (1.9%). When compared with November 2010, bank assets recorded an increase in monetary assets and deposits with depository institutions (3.5%).
In the structure of time deposits, the largest share was recorded by deposits with a maturity period from 3 months to 1 year (12.10 - 35,2%; 11.10 – 35,9%) and those with a maturity period of up to 3 months (12.10-12,5%, 11.10 – 13,0%).
8.8% 6.5% 6.4%
Non-financial institutions
Total Bank Assets and Liabilities
Total bank capital amounted to €312.9 million at end-December 2010, while at endNovember 2010 it amounted to €312,6. At end-November 2010, total bank capital was 5.9% higher than it had beenin October 2009.
* Observed by sector in the area of deposits, those made by Montenegrin inhabitants were still dominant and make about 50.0% of the total amount.
Financial institutions
Banking Sector
At end-December 2010, total loans granted by banks amounted to €2,208.9 million. Compared with November 2010, a decline of 0.8% was recorded. A decline (1.3%) in the total number of loans can also be seen when comparing data from November 2010 with figures from October 2010 ones. The loan-to-deposit ratio was 1.23 in December 2010, thus showing an improvement in relation to the previous month when it was 1.24. Compared with October, when it was 1.26, the loan-to-deposit ratio improved in November 2010. The loan/deposit-plus-borrowings ratio was 0.888 at end-December 2010, while at endNovember 2010 it was 0.887. The loan-to-deposit ratio was 0.98 at end-October 2010. In the structure of total disbursed loans, corporate and household loans were dominant and represented 94.2% in December, while in November they accounted for 93.9%. There mainder referred to banks, other financial institutions, public owned organisations, non-profitable organisations and others. In December 2010, corporate loans amounted to €1,273.7 million, while household loans amounted to €863.6 million. Source: Bulletin of Central Bank of Montenegro (Janury 2011, December 2010, November 2010)