Editor in chief: Darko Pekić ceed@t-com.me MBO Team: Dragana Radević Mihailo Zečević Vesna Bojanović Jelena Međedović Jasna Žarković Biljana Janković Jovana Stojković ASSOCIATES Charles Brogden, Editor Marko Mihailović, graphic designer Front page picture: MBO archive
Coming Up! UDG has launched the Stock Exchange of entrepreneurial ideas
The aim of the Stock Exchange is to encourage the development of entrepreneurial and business ideas first of all, among students and high school students from Montenegro. Stock exchange is a place where students present their business ideas (“Offer ideas”). Accepted business ideas (10 of them) will be presented to the quotation of a business idea, and according to the Rules of the quotation of business ideas on the Stock exchange. The event will be held during the celebration of European Union day (May 9).
USAID’s RCI Access to Finance Event The Regional Access to Finance Event titled “Challenges and Opportunities for a BETTER FUTURE and GROWTH,” which is organized under the auspices of USAID’s Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI) will be held on May 14, 2013 at hotel Ramada in Podgorica, Montenegro. It is possible to register for the event by using the following link: http://registration.bcserdon.com/eventdetails. php?event_id=55
Free Market Road Show 2013
University of Donja Gorica (UDG) this year for the fifth time is a part of FMR (Free Market Road Show: www.freemarket-rs.com), a series of conferences are to be held in several European countries. The main theme of this year’s conference is: “To save or not to save: Will austerity programs alone save Europe”. The conference in Podgorica will be held on 23 May, starting at 10am. For the participation at the conference there is no participation fee, but all participants must be registered. All those interested can sign up by sending an email to fmrs@udg.edu.me, no later than 17 May at 11 am.