EU Corner
EU Corner
MONTENEGRIN STEPS TOWARDS EU Montenegro opened and provisionally closed the 26th Chapter Education and Culture On the IGC between Montenegro and the European Union, which was held on 15 April in Brussels, the second negotiating chapter Chapter 26 Education and Culture was opened and provisionally closed . This section includes, among other things, the most important programs such as Erasmus Mundus, Tempus and Youth in Action, as well as Creative Europe Program, which are essential for citizens and enable thousands of Europeans to study and work abroad each year, improving cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and learning. Bilateral screening process In April 2013 the bilateral screening of EU legislation was held on the following topics: 15th Chapter- Energy and 28 th Chapter-Consumer and Health Protection. Explanatory screening process In April 2013 an explanatory analytical overview was held about the following chapters: 16th negotiation Chapter -Taxes, 14th Chapter-Transport Policy and 9th Chapter relating to financial services. Resolution on Montenegro in the European Parliament In April 2013 the resolution on Montenegro in the European Parliament was adopted. The document can be downloaded at the following link: stor i e s/dow n lo ad/ re zolucij apredlog-28012013.pdf ■ Source:
Montenegro – Negotiations status Negotiations opened
Negotiations closed
1 – Free movement of goods 2 – Freedom of movement of workers 3 – Right of est. & freedom to provide services 4 – Free movement of capital 5 – Public procurement 7 – Intellectual property rights
The participants of the program are: new entrepreneurs, host entrepreneurs and Intermediary Organizations.
8 – Competition policy 9 – Financial services 10 – Information society and media 11 – Agriculture and rural development
New Entrepreneurs are defined as entrepreneurs in the early stages. This includes both nascent entrepreneurs, who are firmly planning to start their own business based on a substantiated business plan, and entrepreneurs who have recently started their own business.
12 – Food safety, vet. & phytosanitary policy 13 – Fisheries 14 – Transport policy 15 – Energy 16 – Taxation 17 – Economic and monetary policy 18 – Statistics
Host Entrepreneurs are successful and experienced entrepreneurs or people directly involved in entrepreneurship at SME management board level, according to the EU definition of micro, small or medium-sized enterprise.
19 – Social policy and employment 20 – Enterprise and industrial policy 21 – Trans-european networks 22 – Regional pol. & coord. of structural instr. 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights 24 – Justice, freedom and security 26 – Education and culture 27 – Environment 28 – Consumer and health protection 29 – Customs union 30 – External relations 31 – Foreign, security and defense policy 32 – Financial control 33 – Financial and budgetary provisions 34 – Institutions 35 – Other issues Source:
Currently a call for the proposal “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs”, under the CIP program has opened. The general objective of the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs program is to help European entrepreneurs enrich their experiences, through learning and networking, and by spending periods of time in enterprises run by experienced entrepreneurs in other countries. It furthermore aims to enhance entrepreneurship, internationalization and competitiveness of new and established micro and small enterprises within the EU and in other participating countries. Who are the participants of the program?
6 – Company law
25 – Science and research
EU Funds In Focus:
18 December 2012 18 December 2012 15 April 2013
15 April 2013
Final evaluation of EU projects Evaluation (evaluation of projects and / or programs) is periodical evaluation of the effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and relevance of the program / project in the context of stated objectives. It refers to the general objective of the project and its purpose, and is engaged in the so-called long-term effect (impact). Given the stage of the evaluation cycle it is possible to distinguish between the following evaluations: the previous (ex-ante) evaluation prior to implementation of programs / projects, evaluation of progress (on-going) or periodic evaluation (interim evaluation) or a mid-term evaluation (midterm) in the implementation of the program / project, subsequent (ex-post) evaluation after the implementation of programs / projects. The objective of the evaluation is to understand better the project action, achieved results and prospects of impact and sustainability, as well as constraints and benefits from the project implementation. Identification of recommendations and lessons learned are also an important segment of final evaluation. The methodology used in the evaluation is based on the evaluation of programs / projects for the following five standard OECD-DAC criteria: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, effects and sustainability. Evaluation criteria Relevance The extent to which the objectives of a development intervention are consistent with beneficiaries’ requirement, country`s needs, global priorities and partners’ and donors’ policies.
Intermediary Organizations are entities engaged in business support as their regular activities, which operate at national, regional or local level. Their role is to promote the program at national or sub-national level, recruit entrepreneurs, propose match-making services and establish successful relationships between NEs and HEs. ■
Efficiency A measure of how economically resources/inputs (funds, expertise, time, etc.) are converted to results.
The deadline for submission of proposals is: 09/07/2013
Sustainability The continuation of benefits from a development intervention after major development assistance has been completed. The probability of long-term benefits. The resilience to risk of the net benefit flows over time. ■
Effectiveness The extent to which the development intervention’s objectives were achieved, or are expected to be achieved, taking into account their relative importance. Impacts The positive and negative, primary and secondary long-term effects produced by a development intervention, directly or indirectly, intended or unintended.