CEEM Constitution

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STATUTES National Council of Medical Students´ of Spain (CEEM) Chapter I. General Arrengements Article 1. Name and nature With the name “National Council of Medical Students´” an Association is constituted according to Organic Law 1/2002 of the 22nd of March and supplementary regulation. The acronym “CEEM” is established as identified with this Association. Article 2. Duration This Association is constituted indefinitely Article 3. CEEM is established as a university, not linked with any political parties, lay and nonprofit organization. Article 4. CEEM has legal personality and full capacity to act, managing and disposing of its property and pursue its own purposes. Article 5. Scope, aims and activities It‟s CEEM‟s own duty the exclusive representation, management and defense of Medical Students within the Spanish State, holding their official representation towards the State General Administration and public bodies linked or dependent to it, and the coordination of the Spanish Medical Students among the different organizational levels. Article 6. The existence of this organization has the following aims: 1. Hold the representation of the Spanish Medical Students collective towards any national or international health organization 2. Represent the Spanish Medical Students towards the European Union institutions in the topics that affect them 3. Study the problems of the Spanish Medical Students, adopting in its competence field the general solutions or proposing for itself and/or on behalf of Medical Students Councils, the requested changes; intervene in any conflicts that concerns Spanish Medicine and their Students, exercising the rights in the representation that it holds, without prejudice to the Medical Students´ Council, individual students, or the competence of the correspondent Regional Council. 4. Promote the exchange of experiences and ideas between the representative student organizations and similar organizations in the Spanish Medical Schools (from here on forward, Schools). 5. Hold legitimately the defense of the Medical School Councils when its own competences or the ones of the Regional Council are exceeded. 6. Collect, groups analyze and disclose the maximum possible information that concerns Medical Students. 7. Promote the improvement of the clinical and theorical preparation of Spanish Medical Students, as a guaranty of future health care quality. 8. Maintain a critical, informative and participative attitude in the training of Spanish Medical Students, fostering this attitude between medical students.


Promote and defend public health and education, in any forum in which the voice of Medical Students can be heard. 10. Coordinate its own actions, whenever it considers this convenient, with public and private institutions and/or associations to achieve the previously stated objectives 11. Ensuring compliance with current legislation and promoting its fitness to the needs of the Spanish Medical Students „collective. 12. Any other functions that legally authorized are profitable for the professional interests of medical students and are routed to the accomplishment of these Statutes. Article 7. Address The official Address of this Association is: Plaza de las Cortes nº11, 28014, Madrid, Spain.

Chapter II. Requirements and modalities of admission, dropping, sanction and separation of the associated Article 8.The Association is composed by: a) All the Medical Students´ Councils, under the state of Full Members b) The Associated individual members Article 9.In the Association there will be the following types of membership: a) Associated members: any person in their Medical Universitary degree, who share their interests with the Association objectives b) Representative members: the accredited School representatives, according to the bylaws c) Honorary life members: who for their prestige, or for having contributed with their actions in a relevant way to the dignification and development of the Association. Their appointment is decided by the General Assembly, as stated by the bylaws. Article 10.-Lose of the member condition The member condition is lost with one of the following conditions: 1. By the members free will 2. If the member fails to accomplish this Statutes or the agreements decided by the government boards 3. If the representative member loses the condition of students representative 4. By seriously damaging the interest of the Association 5. If the representative members loose the official accreditation of their maximum University institution. 6. If according to the law, the member is declared enable 7. By death or death declaration For points 2 or 4 it is necessary an agreement of the General Assembly adopted by a two third majority of the votes validly issued, being the correspondent sanctional file opened by the Executive Board after hearing the interested. Points number 3 and 5 do not apply for Honorary Life Members, Associate Members and Executive Board Members. Article 11.- Lose of the Full Member Condition The condition of Full Member is lost with one of the following conditions: 1. By the Medical Students „Council free will 2. If the member fails to accomplish this Statutes or the agreements decided by the government boards 3. If the member doesn´t pay the fee according to the periods and the amount fixed by the bylaws 4. By seriously damaging the interest of the Association

In point number 1, it shall only be necessary to present a written resignation to the General Secretary of the Association according to the Medical Student Council regulation. The effects will be automatic since the date of presentation. For points 2 or 4 it is necessary an agreement of the General Assembly adopted by a two third majority of the votes validly issued, being the correspondent sanctional file opened by the Executive Board after hearing the interested.

Chapter III. Rights and duties of the Members and associates Article 12. Obligations The following are duties for the members and associates: 1. Sharing the goals of the Association and collaborating in their achievement 2. Abide and fulfill the validly adopted agreements by the Executive Board and the General Assembly 3. Paying the fee and other amounts that according to these Statutes and the bylaws, every associate shall meet. 4. Attend to the General Assembly meetings, as well as to any other meetings of the boards there are part of. 5. Accomplish the rest of the Statutary dispositions. 6. Informing the medical students of their Medical Schools that are discussed in the General Assembly and in each period. 7. Participating actively in the term work of the Association. 8. Working in, at least one the Standing Committees or Divisions of the Associations. Point number 8 applies for the Full Members, not to the individual members. Article 13. Rights These are the rights of every associate and member: 1. Attending the General Assembly with voice right and only one voting right for each Medical School Council, as explained in article 21, regardless of the number of representatives each Medical School Council has. 2. Elect and be elegible for Executive Board 3. Intervene in the management, organization, services and activities of the Association according to legislation and Statutes 4. Exposing to the General Assembly whatever they consider can contribute to the Association objectives. 5. Be informed of the composition of the government boards of the Association, of its financial accounts and of the development of its activity. 6. Contribute to the diffusion of the information of CEEMs´ activities 7. Participate in the working groups and Standing Committees 8. Be called to the official boards meetings in time and place according to the bylaws. 9. To be heard before the adoption of any disciplinary measure against him and to be informed of the facts that originate that measures. 10. To have Access to the Association documents 11. To impugn the agreements of the boards of the Association which he believes are contrary to the legislation and regulation Article 14.The Honorary life members have the same obligations as the representative members. They have also the same rights except points number 2 and 4 of article 13. The associate members will have no more obligations that the ones they want to assume personally, without prejudice against the objectives written in this Statutes. They will only have the rights exposed in points number 1 and from 5 to 12, both included, and the ones that the General Assembly gives them.

Chapter IV. The Government and Representation Boards. Administration Regime 1st Section.- The General Assembly Article 15.-The General Assembly The supreme and sovereign board of the association is the Full Member General Assembly or General Assembly, constituted by all the Full Members who have full rights. Agreements are adopted based on the principle of majority or internal democracy in it shall be reunited as this Statutes and the bylaws state. The General Assembly can be either Ordinary or Extraordinary, according to competences and ways the bylaws. Any person that doesn´t participate in the Association, previous agreement of the Executive Board, can attend to the General Assembly, being their goals publicly explained and according to the venues capacity. From every session of the General Assembly minutes should be taken as stated in the bylaws. Article 16.-Legitimacy to call the Assembly Ordinary Assemblies should be called by the Executive Board two times a year with an in-between period of about six months, as stated in the bylaws. Full Members can call an Ordinary or Extraordinary Assembly as stated in the bylaws. The organization of the General Assemblies should be rotary as stated in the bylaws Article 17.-Calls The calls for the General Assembly should be made written by the Executive Board, with a minimum of thirty days in Ordinary Assemblies and of fifteen days for Extraordinary Assemblies. The call should be directed to all the Full Members, and should incorporate the hour, date and place of the meeting as well as the Plenary Agenda. Any matter raised by CEEM working groups should be incorporated to the Agenda, being previously communicated to the Executive Board. Article 18.-Calls´quorum The General Assemblies, both Ordinary and Extraordinary, will be validly constituted in first call when half of the Full Members are present and in second call when two fifths of the Association is present, being mandatory in both assumptions the presence of the President and General Secretary of the Association. Any Full Member should communicate as early as possible their presence to the General Secretary. Article 19.-Deliberating process, adoption and execution of agreements The agreements will be adopted by order and democratically, moderated by the Plenary Team. The procedures should be made as stated on the bylaws, without contradicting these Statutes. Article 20.At the end of each General Assembly a document with all the agreements achieved should be recorded in a written document that has to be passed through the Assembly. Article 21.-Voting rights Each Full Member, independently to the number of representative members they have brought, has only one vote. Article 22.-Standing Committees and Divisions For a better accomplishment of its activities, the General Assembly can create as many Standing Committees and Divisions as it believes appropriate, whose members should be elected from the student collective. The Standing Committees and Divisions will only answer to the General Assembly, shall not have decision rights, unless the General Assembly awards them. The composition and functioning of the Standing Committees and Divisions will be the ones approved by the General Assembly as stated in the bylaws

2nd Section.-Executive Board Article 23.-Executive Board 1. The Executive Board is the ordinary government, representative and administrative body of the Association, without prejudice of the functions of the General Assembly as sovereign board. It is composed by: President, Vice-president for Internal Affairs, and Vice-president for External Affairs, General Secretary and Treasurer. The duration of each position should be one year, until their renovation in the following Ordinary General Assembly. 2. A position in the Executive Board can be taken for a maximum of two years, with four Ordinary General Assemblies in between. Only representative members can access to the Executive Board. 3. The members of the Executive Board shall be proposed by a Full Member, they should have the support of their own Medical Student Council and they should be elected by majority of votes as stated in the bylaws. Article 24.The condition of Executive Board member will not suppose any kind of payment Article 25.-Cessation of the Executive positions The members of the Executive Board should cessate under the following circumstances: 1. Death or death declaration 2. Incapacity juridically delcarated 3. Legal settlement 4. Ending of their term 5. Resignation writtenly presented to the members in which they explain their reasons 6. Agreement of the General Assembly as stated in the Statutes and bylaws 7. Illness that disables a correct exercise of the position The appointments and resignations should be communicated to the National Association Register. If a member of the Executive Board is cessated, in any postulation apart from point 4, measures are defined in the bylaws. Article 26.-Executive Board members functions The Presidency should be the highest representative of the organization, and he will execute the agreements of the Executive Board, the Treasurer in financial issues and the General Secretary in the administrative and documentation issues. The functions of the Vicepresidencies and other Executive Board member functions are collected in the bylaws, without prejudice of these Statutes.

3rd Section: Common dispositions for the boards Article 27.-About the minutes From each session that the General Assembly celebrates, minutes should be taken as stated in the bylaws. They should specify the agenda, the assistants, time, place, the main points of deliberations, as well as the agreements adopted Article 28.-Contestation to the agreements The Full Members may contestate the agreements and actuations of the Association that they estimate contrary to the Statutes, with a maximum of forty days after the agreement is adopted, urging to its suspension, rectification or accumulating both of them according to the procedures established by the Civil Procedure Act.

Chapter V. Documents and accountable regime, initial capital and economic resources Article 29.-Associations Register The Association must have the following documents: 1. A Full Member Book 2. Accountable book that allows to give a continuos image of the capital, result and financial situation and activities. This accounting has to be made according to its specific regulation. 3. Good inventory 4. Minute Books of the meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board. Article 30.-Initial capital The initial capital of the association is 0 Euros Article 31.-Funding The Association, in order to achieve its goals will fund from: 1. The resources that comes from its own capital. 2. Donations, inheritance or grants that may be given by juridical persons, both public and private. 3. The incomes of its activities 4. The established fees Article 32.-Economical exercise and Budget 1. The economical exercise will meet the economical year and will closet he 31 st of December 2. The Executive Board will propose from year to year the Associations´ Budget 3. The economical state of each year should be approved by the Ordinary General Assembly each year. Article 33.In each General Assembly an economical memory should be presented and signed by the President and Treasurer, previous approval of the whole Executive Board. Article 34.The economical resources should be used to: 1. Guaranty the good organization of General Assemblies 2. Ease CEEMs´term work 3. Any other activities that without prejudice of this Statutes is organized in between General Assemblies and are approved by the General Assembly 4. Incidentals that the Executive Board considers important enough. They have to be presented and justified to the General Assembly

Chapter VI. Accomplishment of the regulations and sanctions Article 35.The interpretation of these Statutes only corresponds to the General Assembly. The Executive Board should ensure that the rules in these Statutes are accomplished, according to the agreement of the General Assembly. The Sanctioning Regimen will be done according to the bylaws approved by the General Assembly

Chapter VII. Dissolution and application of social capital Article 36.-Causes of dissolution The Association will be dissolved for the following causes: 1. By an agreement of two thirds majority issued by the Full Members in Extraordinary General Assembly 2. By the causes regulated by the current legislation 3. By final judicial decisión Article 37.-Destination of the capital The dissolution of the Association should open the period of settlement. Until its end the Association will maintain its juridical personality. The lasting capital after the actions provided by the Association Law should go to non-profit organizations whose objectives are similar to the Associations´.

Chapter VIII. Motion of censure Article 38.With a one third of the Association proposal, there should be a call of an Extraordinary General Assembly with only one point: Motion of censure. The presentation of the Motion of Censure shall include its reasons, an alternative motion, and the name of the Full Members that support it. A motion of censure can be presented for the whole Executive Board or for its members separately.

Chapter IX. Statute Changes Article 39.The proposals for partial or total changes for the Statutes should be approved by a two third majority of the members of the Association present in the General Assembly, being necessary to be present at least a seventy five percent of the Association Full Members.

Final Disposition Final Disposition 1 These Statutes enter into force for Members and associates the day after their approval and for others, the following day as their approval by the correspondent organizations Final Disposition 2 In all that isn´t provided by these Statutes, the bylaws should be applied, always respecting the Organic Law 1/2002, of the 22nd of March, governing the Association Right and its complementary dispositions.

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