CEER Annual Conference 2013 - Draft Programme

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Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)

2013 Conference Competitive, sustainable and secure energyProgress and Prospects Tuesday, 29 January 2013 Venue : Musée du Cinquantenaire (Address: Parc du Cinquantenaire 10, 1000 Brussels)






Lord Mogg CEER President and Chair of ACER Board of Regulators


Opening Remarks: Aims of the European Commission’s (Nov. 2012) Communication on the Internal Energy Market

Mr Günther Oettinger EU Commissioner for Energy


Opening Remarks: Is the Internal Energy Market delivering for consumers?

Mr Tonio Borg EU Commissioner for Health and Consumers


Questions from the floor


Session 1

Coffee break

Competitiveness goal –progress and prospects

Lord Mogg CEER President and Chair of ACER Board of Regulators


Introductory speech by Lord Mogg on the findings of the ACER/CEER Market Monitoring Report


Q&A -Will Europe have a competitive single energy market by 2014? Panel discussion (moderated discussion in the form of questions to panel members) Mr Alberto Pototschnig ACER Director Mr Graeme Steele Member of the Board of ENTSOG Ms Inge Bernaerts Head of Unit, DG ENER Ms Monique Goyens Director General of The European Consumer Organisation, BEUC

12.10-12.30 12.30-13.30

Questions from the floor Lunch Break

Session 2

Sustainability goal – progress and prospects for renewables

Ms Annegret Groebel CEER Vice President


Opening Remarks: Renewable energy – a major player in the EU Energy Market? Council conclusions on renewables

Mr Michael Goodwin Irish Permanent Representation in Brussels, Irish Presidency, Council of the EU


Opening Remarks: CEER review of renewable support schemes

Mr Martin Crouch Chair, CEER Electricity Working Group


Q&A: Meeting sustainability goals through integrated and efficient network investment Panel discussion (moderated discussion in the form of questions to panel members) Mr Daniel Dobbeni ENTSO-E President Ms Hannah Nixon Senior Partner, Ofgem/CEER Ms Marie Donnelly Director, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, DG Energy Mr Juan José Alba Rios Vice-President Regulatory Affairs Endesa


Questions from the floor

15.30-15.50 Session 3

Coffee Break Security Goal – progress and prospects


Opening Remarks: The need for compliance between current and future bilateral agreements and internal energy market rules.


Q&A: Security of supply and the role of gas

Mr Michel Thiollière CEER Vice President

Mr Krišjānis Kariņš MEP, Rapporteur for setting up an information exchange mechanism with regard to intergovernmental agreements between Member States and 3rd countries

Panel discussion (moderated discussion in the form of questions to panel members) Mr Shkelqim Bozgo President of the Energy Community Regulatory Board Mr Riku Huttunen CEER Mr Brendan Devlin Adviser in the Directorate for Internal Energy Market, DG ENER Mr Gertjan Lankhorst Eurogas Vice-President 17.05-17.30

Questions from the floor and concluding remarks

Lord Mogg, CEER President

CEER 2013 Conference “Competitive, Sustainable and Secure Energy – Progress and Prospects”


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