Fostering energy markets, empowering consumers

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Fostering energy markets, empowering consumers

What is CEER? → The Council of European Energy Regulators is the voice of Europe’s national energy regulatory authorities. → Its members and observers, from 32 European countries (the EU-28, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, FYROM), are the independent statutory bodies responsible for energy regulation at national level.

→ CEER is a not-for-profit association under Belgian law. → CEER is a platform for Europe’s national regulators to cooperate at European level and to speak with one voice globally.

“CEER champions the development of competitive energy markets in the public interest, through sound and independent regulation.”

Why does CEER champion competition? So that customers can ultimately benefit from competitive pressure on prices, better quality services and greater choice.

What do national energy regulatory authorities (NRAs) do? NRAs play an important role in: → overseeing market developments and promoting competitive wholesale and retail energy markets; → scrutinising the network companies’ costs and investments; and → providing a sound and predictable regulatory policy that encourages investment and a thriving energy sector.

What does CEER do? → CEER develops best practice energy regulation, sharing experience and supporting NRAs in their daily work, including through training and workshops. → CEER advocates the benefits of good regulatory practices. Sound regulation must promote consistency of rules, market-based mechanisms whenever technically and economically feasible, fair and reasonable tariffs and decision-making processes based on widespread consultation. → CEER produces fact-based reports and develops common position papers by NRAs, technical advice and forward-thinking recommendations to improve the electricity and gas markets for the benefit of consumers and businesses.

↓ What contribution does CEER make to Europe’s energy goals? • CEER shares with the EU Institutions the common objective of creating a single, competitive, efficient and sustainable Internal Energy Market that works in the public interest.

• CEER actively promotes an investmentfriendly, harmonised regulatory environment and the consistent application of existing EU legislation.

• Through CEER, energy regulators are committed to serving as valued partners to the European Institutions in shaping energy policy and legislative proposals. CEER’s technical advice and recommendations often input directly to work of the European Commission and subsequent EU legislative proposals on issues such as energy efficiency, consumer rights, infrastructure investment and renewables. • CEER’s work in shaping the energy policy and regulatory framework for future energy markets to thrive is important not only in its own right but also because energy plays a pivotal role in the growth, competitiveness and sustainability of the European economy at large.

What are CEER’s current work priorities? CEER’s scope (geographic & range of areas of expertise) and reputation have grown considerably since its creation in 2000. Each year, we publicly consult on our work programme. Our current priorities are: • developing and sharing best practice regulation;

• empowering consumers; and

• driving emerging regulatory issues for energy markets, such as the

• fostering international cooperation among energy regulators.

future role of the distribution system operator;

↓ How does CEER work?

→ CEER’s advice and position papers are developed by NRA experts in dedicated working groups and task forces, supported by the Secretariat. → CEER is committed to open, transparent and inclusive dialogue with stakeholders on key EU energy regulatory issues. In our outreach to consumer bodies, we work particularly hard to make sure that the consumer voice is heard. → A rolling calendar of our events (which are free of charge) and of our public consultations can be found on our website

Some key CEER Achievements CEER has long been a pioneer and visionary. We have developed common regulatory views on emerging regulatory issues such a sustainable development, smart grids and market integrity issues. • In 2013, CEER developed a Blueprint on Incremental Gas Capacity

(a key element of the Gas Target Model). • In 2013, the European Commission’s Consumer Agenda Summit showcased the relationship between energy regulators and consumer bodies as good a good example for other sectors to follow. • In 2012, CEER took the initiative to build, with consumer bodies and other stakeholders, a 2020 Vision for Europe’s Energy Customers. The widespread support that the Vision has gained (from 16 supporters

plus the European Commission), testifies that the 4 RASP principles (reliability, affordability, simplicity, protection and empowerment) on which it is based are a touchstone for the Internal Energy Market. • CEER led stakeholders in developing a Gas Target Model for Europe in March 2012. • CEER won the 2011 Energy Transparency Award for its innovative pilot project which led to EU legislation (REMIT) that aims to prevent market abuse in wholesale energy market.

CEER champions consumers’ interests CEER is at the forefront of efforts to protect and empower energy customers, in our belief that consumers have a central – and evolving – role to play in energy markets. • The 2020 Energy Customer Vision is widely accepted by

stakeholders. The focus now is for all stakeholders to implement the Vision. • Our many workshops and events (such as our annual customer conference) are an important means of engaging in dialogue with stakeholders.

• Consumer empowerment and building trust in the markets is central to all our

work, whether it is monitoring and enabling markets; developing advice and recommendations; our efforts to make it easier for consumers to compare offers or switch suppliers; or our work on facilitating smart grids and demand side management. • The customer section of the CEER website makes the complex world of energy simple – explaining the basics through videos, interactive tools and infographics.

Making an impact globally The international dimension of CEER’s work is of growing importance. This is reflected in CEER’s own membership which extends beyond the borders of the EU-28 Member States. Through CEER, Europe’s national regulators forge strong relationships with fellow regulators from outside of Europe and speak with one voice globally. CEER maintains close relations with other regional associations of regulators through bilateral regulatory roundtables and through CEER’s active involvement in the International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER), which is currently chaired by CEER’s President, Lord Mogg.

Communications and Publications CEER produces a large number of position papers and fact-based reports. These are posted on our website ( along with videos, press releases, monthly online newsletters, annual reports, presentations and much more. All technical reports now contain a customer section explaining the relevance to consumers. Reports are accompanied by a Citizen Q&A memo, drafted in a non-technical way.

Want to know more? Visit our website 1. The dedicated energy customer section of the website is packed with information presented in simple, visual and interactive ways such as games and jargon-free factsheets. 2. Visit our interactive map of Europe for links to your national energy points of contact. 3. Subscribe online (it’s free) and receive our free monthly newsletter.

CEER Secretariat Cours Saint-Michel 30a, box F, B-1040 Brussels +32 2 788 7330

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