Skill Gaps and Training Needs of Existing and Potential Entrepreneurs in Venezuela

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Report: Skill Gaps and Training Needs in Businesses Creation – [CEFE Venezuela | Venezuela]

III.- Sampling methodology and report structure: The sample of 114 respondents were obtained from participants that filled up a Google Form posted on the Instagram Profile of @cefevenezuela and from beneficiaries of organizations that conform the National Entrepreneurial Ecosystem The report is structured according to how the questionnaire was designed. It will start with the survey participants’ characteristics, followed by their professional and business characteristics. According with the responses received, the local team developed a second survey in which the participants could share more details related to their idea of business or the business already stablished, in order to select the participants for the trainings that will be developed in further steps of the GET YES2 program. The findings will be presented, starting with participants’ motives for becoming entrepreneur, their expected or experienced problems in running a business, the importance of skills requirements associated with running a business, the knowledge and adequacy of skills requirements associated with running a business, and participants’ views on how skills could be upgraded or retained. The study concludes with an analysis on how the problems, skill gaps and knowledge adequacy among those survey are interrelated. The report ends with national survey specific issues that might help understand the limitations of the study.

GET YES2 – February / March 2021


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