Second Style #31

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The best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories and more

A Rebirth


Style Icon

Anya Ohmai Special Feature by Winter Jefferson

Rebirth | Version 2.0

Issue #31

contents The Look

issue 31

By Vega Arida

Main Features Fresh Faces 12

24 A Rebirth | Skins by James Schwarz

Postcards 20 38 Style Icon: Anya Ohmai The Look - ULTRA Fashion 32 To Top it Off - Rebirth of Color 43 Color with Clyde - Black 44 Seriously Hand Drawn Art 48 Mini-Guide - Skins 62

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by Brigette Belgar

60 Special Feature | Rebirth Verson 2.0 by Winter Jefferson

editor’s note The best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories, and more

Issue #31 Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Senior Layout Designer HeatherDawn Cohen Managing Editor Felicity Blumenthal Senior Staff Writers Ana Lutetia James Schwarz Staff Writers Dancien Graves Brigitte Belgar Gabby Panacek Vega Arida Tenshi Vielle Luna Jubilee Clyde Saunder Guest Columnists Winter Jefferson Founder Josie Hamilton

Here is to hoping you’ve kicked off your New Year with a great start, spending the last moments of 2009 and First of 2010 with loved ones. We are ringing in the New Year in Style, Second Style… The Second Style Sim; Le Zoo will shortly be undergoing a complete rebuild, a rebirth if you will. It seems fitting with the New Year, new outlook, and all of the new faces you will see in this issue! Our style icon this month is none other then Anya Ohmai, who has recently joined the LeLutka team to create some fresh amazing looks. Brigitte has taken some time to sit with her and pick her brain on all things fashion related. Ana Lutetia is back with another Fresh Faces, this month featuring FuseMelon, while Gabby Panacek’s To Top It Off is takes a look at Rebirth of Color. You won’t want to miss the pictorial this month full of skin by James Schwarz either. We have a TON of new faces this month as well; Clyde Saunders has joined the team to do a special piece each month on menswear through color, starting off this month with a special look at Black. Luna Jubliee has also joined the team, to take over the Mini Guide, and she offers up some fantastic suggestions on skin wear. In addition, we are also welcoming Tenshi Vielle, who will be dishing out some looks at SL art for us each month, starting it off with a look at sketchers. And last but certainly not least, we have a very special piece that Winter Jefferson has given us just for our New Year’s edition, which is a MUST READ! Welcome to everyone, whether you are staying on, or just doing a guest spot, we are so happy to have you all with us this issue! Issue number 31, our first issue of the New Year, is all about Rebirth. We’ve interpreted it quite a few ways, and hope you take the time to flip through, and enjoy all we have to offer this month.

~Felicity 8 | Second Style Magazine

fresh faces | FuseMelon By Ana Lutetia

Aemilia Case started by making accessories and then hair and now has decided to branch out into clothing with FuseMelon. She is extremely new into designing clothing textures as well as anything clothing related for that matter, but Aemilia has already created some high quality basics for men and women. All of the attire is made out of hand-drawn textures and is sold with all layers and modifiable prim attachments. However, she didn’t stick to clothing with FuseMelon. You can also find accessories such as jewelry, bags and hair. Overall, FuseMelon is a bright and happy store with lots of colors and styles. I am looking forward to seeing her next releases. We could safely say that FuseMelon is Aemilia’s rebirth inSL fashion industry. For a better idea of what FuseMelon has to offer, in each image I am only using items that can be found at her store.

Look 1 *FM* Vneck Jumper Copper *FM* Linen Button Pants Navy *FM* City Life (hair) *FM* Forget Me Knot Set Antique (accessories] Look2 *FM* Linen Shorts Charcoal *FM* Ladies Tees- Love Bug Red *FM* Seeking Me (hair) *FM* Flower Power Purse Berry Look 3 *FM* Plaid Shorts Royal *FM* Ladies Tees- Hate Mornings Grey *FM* Two Hearts Port (hair) Look 4 *FM* Workit Shorts Candy *FM* Ladies Tees- Toonz Charcoal *FM* Tongue Tied (hair)

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POSTCARDS by Brigitte Belgar

Dear Brig, If there’s one thing that has characterized the essence of my virtual existence, it’s pixilated fashion. From the day I emerged from my digital womb (known to most as Help Island), I found peace, joy, and euphoria inside the prim walls of my favorite in-world shops. Naturally, my fixation guided me toward the seemingly depthless blogosphere devoted to SL fashion. I spend the better part of my day perusing the feeds to see what apparel is being buzzed about, who the hottest new designers are, and what hunts I need to pencil into my schedule. This existence is, to say the least, exhausting. I hate feeling like I need to devote every second of my sparse spare time to virtual fashion in order to stay in the loop and on the cutting edge of in-world couture. My rezz day falls on the first day of 2010, and for my birthday, I want a rebirth-- a new virtual existence that balances my desire to stay immersed in the world of SL fashion with my need to spend a healthy amount of time logged offline. Can you help? Dear Fatigued Fashionista, Although I haven’t received a postcard from anyone on this topic before, I have a sneaking suspicion that your plight is shared by many of your fellow virtual citizens. Surely, we’ve all been guilty of hopping online and slinking away hours later, burned out and plagued with remorse at our lack of productivity. As with any disorder, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. (Yes, I’ve watched one too many episodes of ‘Intervention’ this month). I have three suggestions for you. 20 | Second Style Magazine

First, ask yourself who your top five favorite designers and/or bloggers are, and commit to devoting your time only to their online musings. Resist the lure of clicking links on any of their sites, and don’t choose an entire ‘feed’ as your favorite or you’ll trim your online time by a total of zero minutes. Next, choose one aspect of SL fashion that you’ll let yourself indulge in. Sure, you’ll only follow five blogs, but when it comes to shoes, maybe you ought to let yourself go a little wild now and then. Allow yourself an occasional peek at a few extra blogs if they’re reviewing your favorite item, whether it’s billowy skirts, lavish hats, or sparkling prim nails. You’re only human, after all. Finally, and perhaps most simply, set a time limit for yourself. Decide how many minutes a day you think is reasonable to spend gazing at fashion blogs and don’t allow yourself to do so for a minute more than you’ve allotted. If you’re bad at looking at and/or reading clocks, set an alarm on your iphone or borrow the egg timer from the kitchen for self-policing purposes. Tempering your online time can only be a good thing. You’re going to enjoy every blog entry and flickr picture all the more because you’ll have made viewing them a privilege-- not a right-- for yourself. I suspect that your eyes, brain, and wallet will thank you profusely.

Dear Brig, If there’s one thing I love about the New Year, it’s the chance to reinvent and reinvigorate myself. In RL I achieve that

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< continued from page 20 by loosely following a checklist of thoughtfully composed resolutions, ruthlessly cleaning out my entire abode from top to bottom, and putting an end to relationships and friendships that have begun to taste of foulness. It’s no secret that this has been a rough year for many of us. My RL ‘challenges’ have flooded over like a typhoon into my virtual life, leaving an ugly wake of despair, scandal, and chaos behind. When the clock strikes twelve and 2010 begins, I’ve vowed to abandon my current avatar and start afresh with the birth of a new one. I couldn’t be more excited-- I’ve even chosen a name for her-- but I’m overwhelmed, too.

I’d offer advice about keeping your new avatar’s social life manageable, but I don’t want to pretend to know what’s best for managing your in-world exploits and relationships-goodness knows it’s none of my business. Second Life, in my humble opinion, is supposed to be a game/diversion, so let it be just that. Above all, just have fun. Oh-- and don’t choose ‘GossipGirl’ as your new last name.

How on earth do I begin to rebuild an inventory? Where do I start? I don’t want my avatar to be the laughingstock of Help Island, but I don’t have an endless source of income to fund my newest online exploit, either. Do you have any practical suggestions for me? Dear Not-so-new Noob, Creating a new virtual existence for oneself is certainly both a delightful and daunting task. You could probably spend an entire week gathering treats for your avatar and an entire weeks’ paycheck paying for your outfitting efforts-- and hardly have made what most of us consider a ‘dent.’ I think it’s best for you to create a guideline for yourself so that you shop with a purpose and stop at a reasonable time. After all, you do want a simpler pixillated life, right? If you missed your chance for an entire makeover courtesy of Le.Look, pop over and use their boards as an outline for your restocking efforts. First, invest in some key basics: a shape and skin you like, 5-7 hairstyles in your favorite colors, and a good AO. From there, you really have to think about what it is you spend your in-world time doing/what you want to spend your in-world time doing. If you like to dress lavishly and attend chic in-world events, perhaps procuring a number of gowns, heels, and sparkly accessories would be most practical for you. If you prefer a life of relaxation and exploration, maybe your wardrobe ought to be composed of jeans, tees, jackets, and boots. Whatever the case may be, I think 4-6 outfits in your preferred ‘style’ is a reasonable start. Once you’ve got your essentials covered and you’ve defined your style, think practically about the most fiscalfriendly way to make things happen. Check out which hunts are coming up, join your favorite designers’ groups and scour theie notices for gifts, and take a gander at the fashion feeds for deals and freebies. If it were me, I’d spend the bulk of my Lindens on essentials and gamble on getting my wardrobe fillers through these more frugal means. My time in-world has, if nothing else, taught me that there’s always a treat or two hiding around the grid for anyone clever enough to track them down. Second Style Magazine | 23

Rebirth | Skins by James Schwarz 24 | Second Style Magazine


Curio Skin: Curio by Gala Phoenix - Elf - Petal Frex (Pure) Hair: Truth - Britney Eyes: Exodi - Zbilja 26 | Second Style Magazine

Dutch Touch Skin: Dutch Touch by Iki Ikarus - Jolie - Olive Basic Hair: Maitreya - Jaiden Eyes: Exodi - Zbilja Second Style Magazine | 27

Laqroki Skin: Laqroki by Mallory Cowen - Glow Skin - Imani - Ebony Hair: Exile - Sinlge Lady Eyes: Edge Grafica - Diseased Eyes 28 | Second Style Magazine

L. Fauna Skin: L. Fauna by Launa Fauna - Lapine - Tan - Petals Hair: Lamb - Say Eyes: Poetic Colors - Blue Autumn Eyes Second Style Magazine | 29

Milk Motion Skin: Milk Motion by Marie Lauridsen - Colette Skin - Nude Hair: Lamb - Whoop Dee Doo Eyes: Edge Grafica - Diseased Eyes 30 | Second Style Magazine

Tuli Skin: Tuli by Tuli Asturias - Bella - Dark Tan - Natural Hair: Truth - Sophia Eyes: Edge Grafica - Diseased Eyes Second Style Magazine | 31


by Felicity Blumenthal photography by Vega Arida

LeLutka recently held a phenomenal fashion show in-world, to debut their new ULTRA fashion line. The entire event was bustling with excitement, from the moment they announced it was to take place; VIP guest list, folders of mandatory dress code, and the hint of something remarkable to be seen. Of course each time a model hit the runway the audience was yet again breath taken by the designs that had been created. It is a step away from the general market of Second Life users, but all the same full of creativity, and will undoubtedly fill you with a desire to poses a piece of your own. We are giving you just a very small taste of LeLutka’s rebirth‌ 32 | Second Style Magazine

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Style Icon Anya Ohmai

By Brigitte Belgar

She’s fresh. She’s bright. She’s innovative, and she’s airy. She’s reinventing what it means to create top-notch, functional habiliments that have graceful and even flirty aftertastes, and she’s renewing how we gab about pixilated fashion in the blogosphere. She’s Anya Ohmai. Anya is very candid about the purpose of her work-- a purpose many of us who invest time in the world of digital fashion can relate to. She notes on her blog, “I call myself mainly a fashion blogger…because that’s what I love most. I enjoy creating looks, piecing different creations from all parts of second life into a little package.” She reflects, “Perhaps this blog is to showcase my love for fashion, perhaps it’s to please those who have similar tastes, or perhaps it’s just a documentary of my time in Second Life. I don’t really know as this journey hasn’t ended.” For many, Anya’s efforts represent a refreshing rebirth of SL fashion and blogging. She takes a no-nonsense approach to both, concentrating on things like the simple merriment that comes with a clean, austere gown; the beauty found in bold, soft, and even electric color palates; and the joy in uniting what most would dismiss as incongruous pieces together in surprisingly bubbly and pleasing couture concoctions. We’re all witness to the occasional staleness of the SL fashion feeds that we help fill-- redundant reviews of items we all love but can, apparently, get enough of. Anya’s unique, truly original work is the breath of fresh air we often find ourselves surfacing for. She might borrow inspiration from other designers and bloggers (let’s face it, we all thrive on one another’s work), but she fashions her versions with often unmatched creativity and zest, creating clothing and reviews that make us smile even hours after we’ve seen them.

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Style Icon | Anya Ohmai < continued from page 37

To find out more about how Anya balances her exceedingly rich RL and SL, what she likes to do to unwind, and what her resolutions are for the year’s rebirth, I went to the source herself. The rebirth and redesign of your blog is certainly refreshing and edgy, to say the least. Can you tell us a little bit about the ‘anya ohmai state of mind’ behind it? Thank you for the compliment! Well I think that stems from the initial thoughts I had whilst creating a blog. I was very new, very inexperienced with the fashion community and wondered with it already being so saturated, how can one stand out? I wanted to bring something different to the table. Hence, an Anya Ohmai state of mind is really just the idea of this blog being a unique individual pool of who I am and what’s going through my mind in Second Life. As you note in your origin story, you dove almost immediately straight into the world of Second Life fashion after graduating from Help Island. Can you tell us who or what inspired that instant interest? To be honest, I didn’t really start off in Help Island! The story is, I heard about Second Life years ago but always thought of it as a dating virtual world and wasn’t too interested in it. Then I got hooked onto a guilty pleasure of watching Gossip Girl (the TV series) and saw an ad on the CWTV website for a virtual experience of the Gossip Girl world in Second Life. I joined and got plenty of newbie help through the admins over there, but didn’t want to walk around with a GossipGirl last name so after 3 days of having that account, I made Anya Ohmai and have stuck with it ever since. There were tons of fashionistas in the Gossip Girl sim and through profile stalking, I found blogs which led to more blogs and that inspired my initial courage to start one myself! What’s your favorite and least favorite thing about being so immersed in SL? My favorite thing has got to be having a creative outlet for what I truly would love to do in RL but never got the opportunity to, it’s like being in a huge community of people who share similar interests and inspire you! To me the creative work I produce in SL becomes very real and that makes me satisfied with the experience. My least favorite thing has got to be...well I guess that it’s as real as I love it to be. Sometimes I meet with drama inworld which kinda sucks when you’re treating the people within the game seriously as you would in RL. I think many people don’t get that what they say affects other actual human beings. That part of it can really suck since I do take things very personally sometimes. It’s a habit I have to change for sure.

What real-life store might you liken !Ohmai’s creations to? You know I really have no idea! I initially had the idea of being somewhat like Anthropologie with their very bohemian chic look, but I don’t create prints as well as they do. Right now I’m still in the middle of finding out what !Ohmai’s styles really are and I think it’s hard to pin point a RL store when I’m constantly changing phases right now. Can you share the names of a few peers from the SL Fashion world whose work you find stimulating/innovative and tell us why you’re drawn to their creations? Such a hard list! I could go on forever telling you who inspires me cause there’s so many people. My close friends who create together with me such as suetabulous Yootz, Chance Greatrex, Moddishh GossipGirl... they constantly inspire me every single day not only through their talents but because I get to see the background scenes of how they work, too. They’re all extremely creative people and I don’t think I’d be as creative without them by my side. However, people who I’ve got strong admiration for normally lie within the hand drawn artist range. I’m not a snob about clothes making techniques at all-- I enjoy every single one of them. I have a particularly soft spot for hand drawn artists because I am one myself. elka Lehane shares similar aesthetics and style as I do, she does it better, but I love her all the same. I wish she’d make a big come back soon as I know she’ll be awesomer than ever. The Tableau artists to me are hand drawing gurus and I wish I could pick their brains to see how it works, cause those people have serious killer talent. Right now though, I must say a great hand drawn artist to watch out for is Kimberlee Miles from Madsy. Madsy has been steadily coming out with high quality hand drawn goodies and I only wish I could draw half as well as that girl does. Eeep! Like I said, this list is long...there’s tons of people I’ve failed to mention as well...SL is like a big whirlpool of awesome talent. If someone was visiting your store for the first time, what three pieces would you recommend they get as wardrobe essentials, and why? 1) White version of every basic piece. All that counts as 1 piece cause they’re all free~ These pieces to me are like wearable demos for first time comers, so they know what kind of quality work they’d be paying for. 2) Entire pack of sheer leggings -- those

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Style Icon | Anya Ohmai < continued from page 38

leggings aren’t perfect; but they’ve got amazing alpha work done on them and can be worn in many different ways. I enjoy getting items that can be used over and over again. This piece I can proudly say is one of them. 3) Hamilton Military. That was actually the first coutureish item I designed and I’m terribly proud of it. So I’m being biased and saying it’s different from anything else out there. When you’re not piecing together ensembles or creating new treats for all of us to wear, what do you enjoy doing in-world? Exploring!! I haven’t been able to do that much lately, I’m regretful to say. I do love to walk around aimlessly in new sims, stalk profiles, walk into another one and just keep traveling and finding out new things, even outside the fashion community! Can you share a fun fact about yourself that our readers might not know from perusing your blog or visiting your shop? Uh...I use to be an avid Ball Jointed Doll collector and worked with Pixel Art since...forever! None of us ever seem to have enough time in-world to take our work in all the directions we imagine for it. What would you do with more time, if you had it? If I had more time, I wish I made more pieces rather than colors. Made more collections rather than individual releases...made more exclusive for satellite stores. Made better hair...skins...I’m a big whiner for more time. I really wish I HAD MORE TIME *screams* -- ahem. What are some of Anya Ohmai’s RL and SL New Year’s resolutions? Only one resolution really. Make an effort to live 2010 to it’s fullest -- no regrets, carpe diem.

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To Topbyit Gabby Off | Rebirth of Color Panacek By Gabby Panacek

Look 1: Sable Rose Zoe Celtic Cross Necklace Paper Couture Multi-Stone Cuff Noju Antique Rose Head Dress Bare Rose Toe Shoes

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Look 2: LaGyo Love Me Or Not Hair Flower +Plus Rock Clutch Narcodix Kurvy Ruby Slippers Exodi Aubrey Bangle

Look 3: Zaara Vyomini Chained Bracelet Maitreya Gold Salience Heels Shade Throne The Gossip Necklace Zaara Sarayi Painted Hoops

Look 4: alaMood Mora Gold Stacked Bracelets Puarangi Designs Swirly Pearly Ring Violet Voltaire Melancholy Earrings Donna Flora Gabriela Necklace Tesla Natasha Heels

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Color with Clyde | Black By Clyde Saunders Each month I will be taking you on a colorful journey with the latest fashion creations from Second Life® designers. I have chosen black as the primary color for this segment for January; a month of rejuvenation and rebirth. Black symbolically represents classic, or new, but its also one of the most popular colors seen within the fashion industry. As we transition into January, be sure to shed some of your outdated clothing, and step into some of the latest winterwear from AOHARU. Machang Pichot, the talented designer behind the successful AOHARU brand, continues to create amazingly detailed clothing. Not only does she create some stunning clothing, but her shoes are just as intricate, and can be found at ANEXX, located on her second AOHARU sim. This winter season, Machang developed some great winterwear for men. The noticeable trends in her collection were down jackets and vests, plaid, leather, and denim of course. I hope you enjoy the outfits that I compiled with black as the inspiration for all the pieces. Not only does AOHARU have an amazing collection of black winterwear, but be sure to check out her colorful mix too. She has just about every color you could imagine and no matter what your preference, you’re sure to find something you will enjoy at AOHARU. For more information about AOHARU visit: http://

AOHARU_BT_DownVest_with_Shirt_Black-B AOHARU_BT_2WayPants_Black/Leather ANEXX_2WayBeltLaceupBoots_Black/Male 44 | Second Style Magazine

AOHARU_BT_DownJK_with_Sweater_Black_[Male] AOHARU_BT_VintageDenim_Black ANEXX_LaceupBoots_Black/Male_[Box] Second Style Magazine | 45

AOHARU_BT_DownVest_with_W-ZipHoody_Black AOHARU_BT_2WayPants_Black ANEXX_2WayBeltLaceupBoots_Black/Male 46 | Second Style Magazine

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Rebirth | Version 2.0 by Winter Jefferson Alex lay in the bed, not daring to open his eyes. He could hear the beep of a machine every few seconds, and remembered what had happened. That truck hit my car so hard. I must be really messed up. But why am I not feeling any pain? A soft female voice was heard just then, a murmur of satisfaction. “I think he’s coming around, Doctor.” He sat up suddenly, and realised with panic that yes, something bad must have happened to him, oh god - to to my eyes! Because all he could see of the world, all of it - was gray. A few unformed blobs moved in this monochrome sea, and one stirred closer to him. It slowly coalesced into the outline of a person, and to his astonishment gradually took on colour. A kindly smile finally appeared in the blur, and a male voice asked him “And how do you feel, Mr Wilson?” He responded with a stammer of “I feel... I feel fine, I feel as light as a feather and I can’t believe that I do! What’s happened, Doctor?” The doctor flicked a glance at the other blob in the room, and as Alex transferred his gaze that way he saw that it was the nurse. A very well developed nurse it seemed, busting out of her short latex uniform with her tail peeking out from under the skirt - wait, tail? And... cat ears? He asked with a growing note of fear in his voice as he looked back “Doc? What the hell kind of rabbit hole did that truck knock me into?” The doctor leant closer to him, close enough for him to see with a shock that that friendly smile was bristling with vampire fangs. “Mr Wilson Alex - while I’m very sorry to have to tell you that your body was far too damaged to save; we were able to rescue the very essence of you. Thanks to an experimental technology, we uploaded your consciousness onto the Internet. This is your digital rebirth. Welcome to Second Life.”

parked two miles in the sky above a South American skin store. So it’s time to start getting used to being called Anakin. You are in the company of thousands of teenage boys with that name, so you won’t ever be lonely.” Alex Anakin - looked at the vampire incredulously, who tapped his fangs thoughtfully as he flipped over another page. “Ah - yes. You may still think that you have some spinal injuries, as there are times when you simply will not be able to walk. It’s an entirely natural phenomenon that we call lag. Lag is a swear word here, and you won’t ever hear it more than on weekends. From Friday to Monday get used to just sitting at home and not doing anything.”

...we uploaded your consciousness onto the Internet. This is your digital rebirth. Welcome to Second Life...

Alex shook his head in denial, and the doctor put a comforting arm around his shoulders, sitting next to him on the bed. He cleared his throat and bought out a clipboard. “There are some things that you need to know right away. The most dramatic change is the fact that you no longer have the same name. We tried to register you as Alex, Alexander, Alex2010, AlexHotBunsBigRod and finally Alexandria - just in case you wanted to try being a female. It seems that all those variations were taken by a single IP address and have been 60 | Second Style Magazine

Anakin moaned and clutched his head. “Too much... way too much...” The undead doctor grimaced in sympathy, but started rattling off pointers from his clipboard. “I’ll do this quickly then. Naked girls on leashes in a clothing store are perfectly acceptable. And they always wear the same clicky high heels. Children here have large breasts and dress like hookers. Speaking of breasts, as a guideline - the bigger the cup size, the more likely it’s a guy. Get voice verification whenever you can. The most common greeting you will hear is hoooooooo! Everyone in Second Life is into BDSM, even though most of them are really virgins. You’ll also notice an inordinate amount of cat people here, we call them nekos. Try to move past the fact that they almost all have tails that look more like horses than felines.” By this stage the freshly minted noob had curled up into a fetal position and was shuddering in the corner, his back hard up against the computer that he now realised was the lifeline for his rebirth. The vampire was relentless in his instructions though, and kept hammering Anakin. “Never accept a bite request. Don’t get too close to plants with tentacles. It’s very easy to put someone in your picks, but a cause for grid wide war if you ever remove them. Everything you ever say will be repeated on plurk, and no it’s not against the TOS. Get used to people landing on your head. No matter how infinitely different we can look here youKitty will Hair - Sebastian (Black) - Gritty find that everyone likes to Sunglasses look the same. No one wants to - Switchblade FNKY know where you are DJ’ing in an hour’s time, and that the Skin - Gothica Bone BL Runny - Gothica theme for the day is sexy inOutfit red lacy wings. And beware the - Cassock Male - Nomine

rogue shopping cart, especially on a Sunday.” The doc stopped mid spiel as his nurse simply blinked out of existence. Anakin opened his eyes wide in startlement, and they grew even larger when a swearing, glowing cloud reappeared in her place. “God, what now..?” he shrieked, and then shut up suddenly when it formed into the catgirl... with no clothes on at all. His face relaxed into a smile of appreciation as he checked out her voluptuous form. But - something wasn’t right. It was very.... very not right. His smile faltered as he looked down at his pants, then at the doctor in puzzlement. The vamp winced and looked away. “I was really hoping this wouldn’t come up so soon.” He reached under the bed and bought up a plain wooden box, which he handed over. He said quietly “You’ll need to attach this.” Anakin opened it, and looked inside. His face froze. His eyes met the doctor’s as he silently stood up, reached past him... and yanked the computer plug out of the wall. The nurse screamed as the lights went out, then they flickered back on again to reveal her and the doctor standing in the room alone. He dropped to his knees and howled “NOOOOO! First Hour was a failure yet again!” The nurse coughed, turned off her voice modulator and patted his boss on the back. “Don’t worry about it too much. Why don’t you just help me get more “This Way To Teh Sex” signs set up? Then I’ll take you to Bukakke Bliss for a drink. Sort of.... I’m sure we both still have at least one alt that hasn’t been banned from there, right?” The vampire stood up and sighed. “Sure thing. Let me just log in Phillip. Meet you there in twenty?”



By Luna Jubilee LAQ

Over the past year, several designers have reinvented their image with a new brand name. For this edition of the miniguide we will look at four of the most celebrated re-invented skin brands from the past year.

Exodi Though Genesis started predominately as a jewelry line, the new Exodi is probably best known for skins. Despite being a relative newcomer to market, Exodi skins improve by leaps and bounds with each new line. Skin shown: :: Exodi :: Sienna Soleil - Poker Face (Dk/C) $1000/skin

LAQ Originally Raspberry and Cow, better know as RAC, this brand has once again reemerged with new name and new set of letters. LAQ has brought new life to Laqroki’s existing lines with new Glow skins. Skin shown: LAQ ~ Emma 05 [Fair] Glow skin $1990/skin pack

5th and Oxford 5th & Oxford

With three years under their belts, the owners of 5th and Oxford don’t consider their new name as a rebrand but a natural progression. The team has branched from skins into clothing and home furnishings as well. Skin shown: (5th&Oxford) MEDIUM Fresh Freckles 6 $600/skin

L.Fauna While L.Fauna is the newest brand featured, the designer behind the brand has been in the skin game for over five years. L.Fauna is the culmination of a three month reinvention of CHAI skins, showing the designer’s maturity and creative growth. Skin shown: L.Fauna {Lapine . Tan 1} [Voom] OO $850/skin

L.Fauna 62 | Second Style Magazine

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