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Céleo R. Ramos Rosales Tegucigalpa, Honduras rceleo@gmail.com Tel: +(347) 785-7462 www.celeoramos.com

Curriculum Vitae Work as a communication designer with the skill required to identify and solve different challenges within a visual communication problem with contemporary and effective approaches. Education

Graduate (currently) PRATT INSTITUTE –New York, USA Master of Science in Communication Design | August 2010 - to date Undergraduate CEDAC University –Tegucigalpa, Honduras Major Degree in Graphic Design | September 2001- September 2006 High School School of Tomorrow –Tegucigalpa, Honduras High School Diploma | June 2001

Professional Experience

Visual Communication consultant (SPANISH CULTURAL CENTER IN TEGUCIGALPA) | May 2008 - July 2010 Responsible for all visual communication: advertising, catalogue designs (usually includes photography of monthly exhibitions), posters. Setting up of exhibitions with artists. Web Designer WEBSONICOS.COM | May 2006 – April 2008 Responsible for designing visual appearance for web / print / interactive products, develop basic programming (CSS) Graphic Designer CHANNEL 48 (internship) | July – September 2005 Responsible for various screen based designs for Video Production


Graphic design teacher CEUTEC/UNITEC July 2007 – May 2010 Assigned to teach Graphic Communication 1 to first year students. Every semester I teach workshops on creativity, work closely with Faculty’s chairman constantly preparing workshops for starting design students.


Humble TV, NY. | January 2010 Responsible for shooting Tegucigalpa’s Central Park panoramic photograph used in motion graphics by ESPN to promote the FIFA Wolrd Cup ‘10 broadcast. Honduras Central Bank | April 2009 Responsible for designing a commemorative medal design “39 General Assembly” held for the first time in Honduras by the American States Organization OEA”

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