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MARKETING PROPOSAL celia spencer, greg prowse, jordyn gray, kristen lindquist

“When we were Boystown we had brand awareness of more than 60% but people didn't know what we did - now we are yourtown, brand awareness is below 10% after a year, but people connect with us with greater ease, we want to get back to the awareness levels of the past but with a depth of understanding that was not there then� - Tracy Adams, 2017

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executive summary company product price place promotion pestel analysis: climate porters 5 forces: opportunity industry life cycle competition consumer problems to address product development diversification community building junior sponsoship online promotion | social comp app marketing plan new competitive advantage contingency references

executive summary This strategic plan outlines the steps yourtown should undertake to ensure that their brand awareness can reach and exceed the previous awareness of their former identity Boystown. This report analyses their current business model, the major competitors, the current economic and market climate, an in depth industry overview and an assessment on potential opportunities for growth. yourtown currently faces three major problems; self-gain orientated customers as a source of primary revenue, lack of synergy between services and prize homes, and a lack of clarity between what yourtown’s competitive advantage is when answering questions such as “why australians should donate to yourtown” and “where exactly is their money is going” in the current economic climate. After identifying these core issues we have undertaken a full restrategization of yourtown and introduced an effective campaign to address them. This campaign includes a revitalisation of the marketing mix, developing existing products and diversifying their portfolio with the introduction of new ways to raise revenue. Further we have introduced a refined, consolidated and streamlined social media process to assist in the synergy of products and the brand as well as the development of an iphone / android app to boost customer engagement and transparency. We have also highlighted some cost-effective community involvement strategies such as team sponsorship, competitions and a nationwide open dinner event to ensure yourtown reaches household name status across australia.

company Yourtown is a large Australian based charitable enterprise that in 2015-2016 financial year put 46 Million dollars into providing crucial services to young disadvantaged people. The company commends itself on their “roll our sleeves up” approach to everything they do and employ real community spirit to achieve it’s goals. The company has underwent serious change to stay relevant and overcome various allegations, government and legal conflicts. Despite this, yourtown continues to produce countless good work for the community. Yourtown’s entire business structure currently serves its corporate mission of creating brighter futures for disadvantaged Australians. We believe the company has three identifiable strategic business unit’s with their own unique purposes. Firstly the programs that deliver the social good, the prize homes unit that produces the majority of the funding for the programs and the fundraising unit that promotes the company and raises additional funding. from these spans a large range of activities for the day 2 day activities.

product yourtowns' core product assists young people and families to tackle the many life issues they encounter The company's product offerings are currently split into prize homes and private donations as it’s primary source of revenue and offered programs as it’s widely diversified expenditure

Lottery Homes: One of yourtown’s widely known money raising products is their prize home tickets that give customers the opportunity to donate to your town and assist in social good, buyers get the chance to win a new luxury home, gold bullions, cars and other prizes. This product is very experiential. Core: The home's main value proposition is that the exchange is essentially a win-win. Actual: The tickets promote a sense of dream and possibility, whilst making the customers feel they are engaging in social good. Augmented: Myplace membership, Allows people the opportunity to regularly donate and encourages repeat purchase. Private Donations: Of course yourtown offer customers the opportunity to donate freely without the chance of anything in return. However this raises concerns of clarity.

Primary Social Output Support Children Yourtown provides the resources and tools disadvantaged children need to achieve through early intervention programs, access to all-hours support, and specialised creative therapies. Strengthen Families and Communities a broader category of involvement that aims to deliver services and tackle the grass roots issues affecting families in our community. CARE plus | Domestic and Family Violence Refuge | Parentline | San Miguel Family Centre | Young Parents Program Counselling and Mentoring Skills Programs to encourage young people to find their place and get back on their feet . Driving school | Youthful offenders program Job Recruitment and Employment Partnerships with government agencies, businesses and organisations to offer personalised attention to young people who need skills, training and employment to create brighter futures. Services for Employers | Services for Job seekers: | Smart Skilled & Hired - Youth Employment Program | Work for the dole Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Programs Yourtown provides programs specifically targeted for aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples: Indigenous youth and transition program School retention and re-engagement Qualified specialists and trained mentors working with young people to accomplish school completion or other educational pathway Art Training | Flexible Learning options program | Youth Engagement Program | Youth Skills Events Yourtown runs and participates in a large variety of events that creates good community awareness When the stars align | Meeting of minds | Pledging to find jobs Research and Evaluations Yourtown assists in filling the gaps in contemporary knowledge that affect the lives of young people: the most recent works and intervention includes (but not limited to) Supporting the retention of aboriginal and torres strait islander students Adequacy of criminal laws to capture cyberbullying Suicidal thoughts start young: the critical need for family support and early intervention

price donations


Website suggests $30 - $500

Luxury Homes $15 per ticket

Make a wish

Prestige Car Draw $10 per ticket

place impact


yourtown services and offices are

Online sales

located across New South Wales,

yourtown Business Centre

Queensland, South Australia,

Suite 5 Cordova Street, Milton QLD

Tasmania and Western Australia.


Kids Helpline is a national service and

Tickets sold on property sites

Parentline operates in Queensland and

Some news agency's (oasis on the gold

the Northern Territory.


promotion internet SEO SEM: Google AdWords

social media presence YouTube No Instagram account only a hashtag Facebook (numerous accounts / no clarity)

traditional advertising Radio Publicity and public relations ( Studio 10 ) Limited Televising advertisement spots Direct mail (was Australia Post largest client) WOM (stories of thousands of young people)

PESTEL analysis Yourtown is situated in the not-for-profit sector in Australia as it is categorised as a community service organisation. This industry sector is in the growth stage of the industry life cycle as it sees a phase where Australia has an ageing population that is able to drive an economic boost for those operating in the industry. Although Yourtown is a non-government organisation, they are still funded via trusts and differing Federal and State Government projects (“yourtown FAQs”, 2017). Political: Government focused on expenditure on aged care services – largest product in the segment (IBISWorld, 2017). Most operating organisations rely some part on government funding. Additional funding from the government depends on the party in power. The Coalition in power currently favours community based care (IBISWorld, 2017). Potential future benefit of the Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership aimed at eliminating barriers towards philanthropic giving (IBISWorld, 2017). Government is focused on strengthening the role of charitable organisations. Economical: Expected to raise at least $50.6 billion in revenue – anticipated growth of 7.6% in 2017/2018 (IBISWorld. 2017) Private investment is increasing due to the massive potential for growth National unemployment rate is forecasted to decrease in 2020-2021

Sociological: Increased demand for services for the aged society and the youngest members of society – will continue to further opportunities for growth in the industry Not-for-profit sector looks after millions of Australians in need Drug use and gambling is becoming an increasing problem for youth in Australia and is expected to rise – has implications socially as it can lead to the breakdown of families, impoverishment and violence Low income and underemployed members of society make up a significant number of the people in need for charitable service organisations Queensland holds the third largest subdivision of charitable organisations at 21.2% just behind Victoria and New South Wales Rising cost of living in Australia – more difficult for people to donate to these organisations Youth not wanting to get involved as much & volunteer for these organisations due to the lack of experiential engagement offered to a high standard (Miles, 2017). Australian market is currently saturated with over 56,000 registered not-for-profits

Technological: The level of technological change is low as the sector primarily relies on trained staff and volunteers to provide the community service – hard to replace this type of service with technological advancements. Costs that are administrative have been lowered due to improved digital technology – improvement in record keeping and capturing data (IBISWorld, 2017). Improved technology usage by these organisations has allowed staff to focus purely on providing the service to their highest ability.

Social media has become a highly important tool to promote awareness for these charitable organisations and their causes. Legal: New potential operating requirements for not-forprofit organisations Level of regulation is increasing as the government seeks to become more involved and root out organisations that are not operating for the right reasons or legally




The threat of new entrants into this

Bargaining power of buyers is high due to the

Bargaining power of suppliers is medium,

particular industry sector is high due to the

primary market for the industry being purely

without private investment and government

low barriers to entry and the growth


funding these organisations are unable to

forecasted for this industry. Potential

These charitable organisations rely on the

sustain their services and therefore have to

threats to decrease motive for entering the

people in order to survive and therefore have

remain attractive to receive these funds due

industry include:

to conform to the wants and needs of these

to the power suppliers hold.

The absence of a profit motive which makes

consumers to survive and ensure longevity of

Foreign investment in charitable

funding and additional income hard to

the organisation, for example Yourtown

organisations is becoming more popular, and

achieve (IBISWorld, 2017).

having to change their name in order to tailor

there is potential for more power to be

Regulations tied in with staff training,

their organisation better to the consumers.

wielded there with larger sums of money coming from overseas.

auditing and the strict conditions with remaining not-for-profit as to achieve additional public funding (IBISWorld, 2017).


In the wider picture of the industry the


rivalry among competitors is low due to the Rivalry amongst competitors is incredibly

range of consumers that can be targeted (i.e.

The need for brand differentiation is rife

high due to race amongst charitable

an aged care community service won’t be

within the sector with over 56,894 reported

organisations to be the most vocal and visual

worried by a child/youth community service

not-for-profit organisations in Australia as

in the eyes of target consumers in specific


of 2017. Due to the large number of not-for-

subdivisions. With low barriers to entry into

profits in Australia, the threat of an

the industry it is even more important for

organisation that directly challenges

organisations to consolidate their share of

Yourtown with a substitute product (i.e. a

the market. Yourtown’s main competition

charitable organisation that is run

includes the likes of The Salvation Army,

differently/has different programs) is quite

Lifeline, The Smith Family Mission and


Workskil Australia. Within the competition the bases for competition lie within reputation and quality, the promotion and any additional costs related to the service.

porters five forces

The industry is in the growth stage of the industry life cycle. Reasons for this include:

The discovery of new markets within the industry Boom in the aged-care community services sector as the population ages Growing demand for youth and child services

Yourtown provides community services for young people and one of the growing factors in this industry is the heightened rate of illicit drug use and high levels of gambling by youth that is creating a need for services tailored to their needs. These illegal behaviours have ramifications and can lead to domestic violence, the break down of families and health issues therefore creating an opportunity for charitable organisations within the industry to apply their services whether it be for family accommodation for those in rehabilitative need or crisis episodes, counselling, training and employment programs, etc. Demand will remain high throughout the industry due to the “continued existence of persistent disadvantage conditions among Australia’s most vulnerable members of society.” (IBISWorld, 2017).

industry life cycle

competition yourtown currently competes in a saturated market

Lifeline's vision is for an Australia free of suicide, and

where they must not only work towards regaining brand

their offerings and services all revolve around that vision

awareness, but continue to differentiate themselves to

creating synergy within the charity. Lifeline also has a

gain a strategic position against competitors. yourtown is

helpline listed at the top of their website which is direct

currently positioned against other organizations in the

competition to yourtown's kids helpline. The Smith

minds of supporters based on many parameters including

Family is another charity where all of their programs

those in the problem statements we have suggested.

align with their mission of helping disadvantaged Australian children in 94 communities across Australia

yourtown competes with thousands of organizations that get the most out of their education so they create better pose as a huge threat. According to the KHL brand survey

futures for themselves which is a similar service to the

conducted in 2017, The Salvation Army, a Christian

education programs that yourtown offers. The way in

charity which helps the poor, has a 95% National Brand

which they raise money and awareness is by donations

Awareness Level, Lifeline, which promotes suicide

to children in need and through the sponsorship of a

prevention, is at 81%, and The Smith Family, which is a

child which shares a unifying message of what they are

children's charity helping disadvantaged children get a

truly about.

better education, is at 80%. yourtown is only has 8% brand awareness.

Some charities like Surf Lifesaving employ a strategy where consumers can see where their money is going

Similar to yourtown, RSL Art Union, run to support

when they select the amount they wish to donate. For

current and ex-servicemen in Australia, and Surf

example, if you donate $32 it would go toward

Lifesaving, run to promote beach safety and save lives

purchasing a patrol log book and for every amount

across Australia, both use prize homes to raise funds.

higher would go towards a more expensive contribution.

Charities with resource similarity tend to have similar

This ties into the last problem statement that we

strengths and weaknesses leading to the implementation

suggested that yourtown has a lack of clarity in that

of similar strategies.

consumers do not know exactly where their money is going after they purchase a ticket.

As identified in our first problem statement, yourtown faces the issue of their customers being more invested in

Social media and Facebook are a huge part of our lives

the prize homes and self gain than the charity itself.

today and after comparing yourtown's competitors

Competitors like the Australian Red Cross have high

platforms, it is evident that they are all very similar.

brand integrity, trust, and awareness, and rely on the

Lifeline has 84,065 likes, Mission Australia, a charity

generosity of the public for donations and support

providing a variety of different services across Australia

creating a reputable and sustainable culture.

for those in need, has 41, 627 likes, The Smith Family has 89, 924 likes, but yourtown only has 3,278 likes.

yourtown's competitors offer many similar services and

However, their Prize Homes page has 105,108 likes.

programs. We identified our second problem statement

None of yourtown's competitors are currently using

to be yourtown's lack of synergy between their product

iPhone or Android applications.



The total amount of fundraising consumers has grown from 1,401,958 in 2011/2012 to 1,607,022 in 2016/2017. These consumers are providing YourTown the ability to function as an organization, and are consequently the primary audience. Alongside the increase in customers comes the incline in gross sales; $9,493,575 in 6 years. It is important that with the name change, such increases do not falter and proceed to influx. Understanding how this group of consumers interact with YourTown is vital to its successes. While these figures increase year to year, the brands awareness declines, where the percentage of Australians aged 16 – 65 aware of BoysTown declined by 10% from 2010 to 2017, where in 2017 the YourTown brand name was introduced. Henceforth, targeting those who are unaware of the brand, or are unaware of the name change are key audiences to the organisation.

This consumer is aware of the BoysTown brand, yet may or may not have yet been made aware of the name change to YourTown. They are conscious of the prize draws the brand offers, and may have purchased a ticket in the past. They somewhat understand that the organization helps those in need, but are not knowledgeable on exactly what the organization provides for communities. This consumer enjoys their involvement in the purchases they make due to the excitement of possibly winning. They also experience charitable emotions, whether these be altruistic or not. Their top reasons for purchasing from the charity is the chance to make a personal gain. Following this is trust and the desire to make a difference.

The primary consumers main interest is to purchase the product offered by YourTown. They will not actively engage in an information search on what the organization does, and their purpose as a charity. Their main navigation of the brands available information is to gain insights into the prizes they could win. The website supports this claim as home page mainly features these prizes. It is desired that the consumer engages themselves more in gaining more in depth information on the charity, to in turn increase the purchase of tickets, as well as a donations where the consumer gains nothing in return. This will be a consequence of the consumer now understanding the nature of what their money provides for the needy communities.

The consumer expects to be met with a chance to win the proposed prize as a result of their ticket purchase. It is hoped that from purchasing their ticket, they will gain more information on YourTown and resultantly increase their awareness of the brand. A sufficient amount of material on the brand should be provided to them on their abilities and purpose. They expect their contribution to the charity to be useful and used purposefully.

GENDER BOTH MALE AND FEMALE It is important that YourTown focuses on targeting females as well as males following the brands name change. Of all those aware of the brand, 64% of them are aware of the transition from BoysTown to YourTown. The proportions for aware and not aware in each gender are moderately even, with the national average level of awareness (8%): or men 7.6% and women 8.4%, which equivocates to 54% female and 46% male of those aware of YourTown. It is important that their perception that the organization is associated with delinquent young boys is altered to be accurate, that YourTown is for all communities, young people, and their families.

AGE 16 - 54 Those aged between 26 – 54 are the majority of those aware of YourTown at 57%, where awareness in the 16 – 25 years’ age range is 17%. While younger people are more unaware of the brand, it is the older generation who are more likely to be involved in providing funds for the organization. It can be determined that marketing targeted to the 16 – 25’s should aim to provide brand awareness, while promotions aimed towards 26 – 54’s should promote the purchases of lottery tickets. However, age is not a very strong indicator to ticket buying, which determines that both age groups should be considered to market to.

KNOWLEDGE AMATEUR The consumer does not have an in depth knowledge on who and how YourTown aids the community. The consumer tends to associate YourTown services to families, disadvantaged young people, hallway houses and lotteries. As the consumer grows older, the associations become more revolved around delinquent young boys. They also do not have an in depth amount of knowledge on the services the charity provides, with the attributes of easy access, easy connection, easily relatable and is all inclusive to be poorly attributed to YourTown.

INCOME PART TIME – FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Consumers have stable employment and have disposable income that is able to be donated to YourTown.

RESIDENCE AUSTRALIA (LOCAL TO THE BRAND) YourTown is an Australian charity with a current presence in four states: Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania. Awareness of the brand is highest in Queensland. These regions are where the YourTown consumers reside.

solution: yourtown 2.0 putting the community at the centre of yourtown

goal yourtown’s current goal is to Increase brand awareness above and beyond where Boystown was at it’s peak (roughly 60% awareness) whilst instilling a true sense of who yourtown is beyond just prize homes. We do not believe this should change.

mission Lead the way in creating meaningful change in Australian communities through a market-orientated approach with well highly thought-out initiatives and use of donor/customer resources.

scope The Scope of an organisation refers to the breadth of its strategic domain and should allign with the views of the management team in regards to what markets the company wishes to compete in. This strategy will see yourtown continue to compete directly within the art union market - fighting for wallet share and within the space of assisting disadvantaged youth and young australian families in need. yourtown will continue to compete indirectly with the 56,000+ Australian charities and not for profits. The strength of this strategy comes from within the improvement of this competition for wallet share.

synergy Ensure that every action of the strategy promotes and pushes yourtown’s mission in unison that is easy for customers to follow and understand. Yourtown’s current lack of synergy is part of the company’s major issues in raising awareness and holding within the customer mindset. This strategy aims to ensure that all the SBU’s of yourtown embody the corporate mission in a transparent and unified way.

resource This strategy will encompass all SBU’s and resources of the organisation including its counsellors, youth workers, Indigenous mentors, tradespeople and vocational trainers, employment consultants, community development workers, child and family workers, human resource advisors, marketers, fundraising and media advisors, researchers, administration staff, accountants and maximise each dollar of revenue earned from donations. However, the strategy will endeavour to remain within the boundaries of Government regulation and the executive boards requirements of having positive cash flow and a higher proportion of self funded operations.

main strategic problems Underpinning yourtown’s main problem statement of awareness, we have identified three overarching strategic problems in which we endeavour to alleviate. These three individual problem statements further break down this major problem and explore different resolutions that we believe can restore yourtown to its previous levels of awareness and the depth of understanding within the community that they seek..


Self-Gain Orientated Donors yourtown faces the issue of having customers who do not place value about the true services and programs that yourtown offers and are instead invested in the charity itself and their own self-gain (winning a house, winning a BMW etc.). This was highlighted distinctly in the brand tracking report 2017 as the 3 main states New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria had the most notable associations with yourtown as the ‘prize homes’ and ‘lotteries’ rather than the services. It is unsustainable to have this culture as it destroys any chance of brand loyalty and further donations to the charity above and beyond a lottery ticket. Lack of Synergy yourtown has a large portfolio of offerings that vary greatly between their SBU’s and as a result there is a lack of synergy between each of them. For example, the connection between their kids helpline, job training and employment programs and their prize homes is unclear. There is no complete unifying message for what yourtown is about.


Lack of Clarity the ACNC recently released a report by KANTAR PUBLIC specifying a steady decline in trust and confidence in Australian charities. yourtown customers are unsure about what they are getting out of yourtown and where exactly their money is going. Consumers are already apprehensive in this present day to donate, and not having a direct and official message about where their funds are going would further sway people away from assisting the cause.


product development Yourtown must continue to innovate and develop its main source of revenue to align with it’s values. yourtown currently runs 10 Luxury prize home draws a year and 5 luxury car prizes each year. yourtown should engage in product development by introducing a third category for luxury prizes. yourtown should sell tickets to win the opportunity of a life time. "to be sent on a life changing experiential journey through some of your town's most undervalued australian destinations, meet some of the hard working and enduring souls within the company as well as some of the people yourtown assists". As well as being a memorable and highly valued experience yourtown will receive some fantastic brand awareness and synergy across the company’s offerings. The trip will still include luxuries and glamour that the other two prie categories contain. This new product will attract donors who are more interested in life's "money cant buy" experiences rather than materialistic things.

diversification yourtown must diversify: by offering new products within a new market creating new and distinct opportunities for the brand. This can be done by Introducing specific and tangible products that community members can purchase. For example adopting a catalogue with a large product range of services and goods that customers can purchase for yourtown to use. These could include: $5 supply pack for disadvantaged children to go to school $10 for 10 hours of Kids Helpline support $15 runs an entire Starfish program for a day $50 Will protect and feed a disadvantaged family for a fortnight  $100 gets a young boy an internship These are inspired by World vision who offer the opportunity to buy valuable resources such as goats, ducks and wells for children and families in third world economies. These offerings will help address the problem of synergy within yourtown programs as well as identifying donors who seek change and involvement rather than self gain. The strategy is extremely cost effective - entailing an additional page under donations and a team to devise the best portfolio of gifts to arrange. yourtown already has the information on the programs therefore it is just a matter of packaging them.Â

yourhome night: In order to increase their brand awareness across australia we believe yourtown needs to engage the masses by hosting a country-wide event. One night a year where people register their home on yourtown’s website and across australia people invite their friends and neighbours over for a big dinner. One night a year were australian families open up their homes to raise awareness about how our community is all in this together. People invited are encouraged to donate the money they would’ve spent on dinner to the cause. Promotional material can be sent to homes that register. The night will create strong publicity for yourtown at relatively low cost yet has the potential to get involvement similar to movember, dry july, worlds greatest shave and earth hour. Members of the community can discuss their party’s leading up to the night and get excited about it. Not only does it raise national awareness and raise money, it aligns the event with the values and mission of yourtown to bringing the community together to assist those in need.

community building

team sponsorship To further develop a sense of community and involvement whilst aligning with their core values of assisting disadvantaged children to get back on their feet we believe yourtown should sponsor local sporting teams within their impact regions. By paying for the jerseys and memberships of children that wouldn’t necessarily get the chance to embrace team sport and build friendships for life. There is the added advantage of seeing 15 little yourtown logos smiling and laughing on a football oval. This strategy rekindles the Boystown mission of giving opportunity to societal outcasts. tying this with our diversification strategy means that donors could pay $100 to sponsor a disadvantaged child player for a whole season creating synergy between offerings and clarity on where yourtown is putting customers funds. An example of some teams we believe that would benefit from the aid and an estimated cost breakdown. Devonport Junior Soccer Campbelltown Junior swans Port Pirie Junior soccer association

Cost per player


N. Players






= 2,500





= 3,000





= 3,000 = 8,500

online promotion Problem statement 2 identified a strong lack of synergy in yourtown’s operations, this is also evident on their chosen social media platform, Facebook. yourtown has over 4 Facebook pages, with two of them being locally ran (yourtown Port Pirie has 155 likes, Transition to work yourtown has 96 likes). The most popular page on Facebook is yourtown Prize homes, with over 100,000 likes, whereas in comparison the official yourtown homepage has only 3,200 likes. It would be logical for yourtown to close down their smaller official page, and instead turn their prize homes Facebook page into an official yourtown homepage. Considering the high levels of engagement already, this would be the most logical option to create a sustainable and synergetic social media presence. To facilitate this change, and obvious differentiation in content, an example ‘post’ timeline over a week has been created for the new official yourtown page as seen below. Previous high levels of content for the prize homes competition will still remain, but in line with ensuring the focus is not purely on the prize homes, additional posts about yourtown services, initiatives and people’s stories (yourtown disadvantaged youth success stories) will be added to ensure a wholesome picture is created and sustained. Sticking with the fact that the prize homes posts are the most engaging content, these have been strategically placed at times where engagement and reach is predicted to be highest (at night). Each general yourtown post scheduled in the morning (second highest engagement time) will contain a call to action to urge followers to donate or purchase one of the new product offerings.

social competition To engage the millennial generation (18-25 YO) on facebook we want to run a competition to find a university student who wants to win the opportunity to meet and help teach disadvantaged youth in one of yourtown’s working towns. The student would have to be currently enrolled in a public university and show a keenness to give back. In return to incentivize students to share the post yourtown would offer to pay off their student debt. This tactic is aimed to students who don’t have the discretionary spending to buy lottery tickets but are more than happy to share a post and tag some of their friends.

app marketing plan

In relation to problem statement 3 and a lack of clarity as to where consumer’s money is going, an iPhone or Android app would be a creative way for donors to track donated money, prize draws and additional information about yourtown programs. Consumers are always on the move, and mobile applications are incredibly important as they give people all their information at the touch of a button. yourtown can use the app to provide people with notifications about events, competitions and prize draws, and in addition provide fast and easy to access to information about the organisation for consumers. Contactless payment is another aspect of applications that would provide an easier way for consumers to donate to yourtown. In reference to the app providing a way for people to track where the money is going, an example experience would be: “If Peter buys 4 tickets worth $60, he can open the app and see the countdown to the draw, and track where his money has gone i.e. $20 towards helping 8 year-old Michael pay for school supplies including a new notebook, a pack of pencils and markers, glue, scissors, an eraser and new pens.” In targeting a younger disengaged market, applications are a way to connect with the youth who haven’t been brought up on giving, but instead and more importantly, they have been brought up in an environment that has embraced innovative technology. By creating an app, yourtown is creating a channel to connect with this younger audience, and to engage and motivate them to become involved in the organisation through donation or supporting services. Overall an app would provide an adequate addition to yourtown’s marketing strategy as it is a responsible choice and a logical one and allows yourtown to increase their reach on consumers as well as increase return from repeat purchases. Also an app tied to Facebook profiles would further allow the collection of customer feedback and assist in building a useable database. Although costly, the application would assist on various levels (targeting a younger audience, mobility, payment clarity, etc.) and would prove to be a considerable asset in the yourtown portfolio.

new competitive advantage New Competitive Advantage yourtown's future competitive advantage relies on not only how they regain their brand awareness, but also how they use strategies suggested to their advantage to differentiate themselves from competitors. For example, our suggested strategy of using product development to introduce a new category for luxury prizes will also help yourtown stand out from RSL and other charities that incentivize with prize homes. Along with these once in a lifetime experiences, we expect our social media marketing plan to further broaden the reach, strengthen the identity, and help distinguish yourtown from its competitors. Not only does the app create more clarity for yourtown, but it also gives them a competitive advantage as no other charities have an application. Contingency Yourtown’s current business model has a heavy reliance on their art union prize homes as a key source of revenue. Our strategic plan ensures a shift from this dependance on a source of revenue that falls under the lottery and gambling legislations. Although there is no currently proposed State or Federal legislative change we highly recommend yourtown follows the new revenue raising practises of product development and diversification, we have suggested, to ensure that the social programs will not be in danger of losing adequate funding, as the last thing yourtown would like to see is program

references Australian Childrens Charity | The Smith Family. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from IG=5CEFB52E2BF84D90BCC4D3138CB48BC5&CID=2D6FA777FEF262922C0AAC3EFFF463F2&rd =1&h=I2Hhs4m5WItOdQAricq8Ajq0uirpGrpl7BjxvecKFns&v=1&r=https%3a%2f%2fwww.thesmithfa,5066.1 Australian Red Cross. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from Crisis Support. Suicide Prevention. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from RSL Art Union. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from The Salvation Army International - The Salvation Army International. (n.d.). Retrieved November 29, 2017, from Caneva, L. (2017, November 22). New ACNC report. Retrieved from Probono Australia: IBISWorld. (2017). Community Services in Australia. Australia. Retrieved from Miles, E. (2017). External Trends Impacting the NFP Sector in 2017. Retrieved 8 November 2017, from yourtown FAQs. (2017). yourtown. Retrieved 7 November 2017, from

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