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This portfolio includes real project cases selected from my ten years of work. Although each project has its own challenges and unique design practice, this work collection will focus on my elaboration of the interaction between people and space, narrative design, spatial rhythm and arrangement in design.

portfolio Huiming li

SHangHai BaoSHan WaSte to energy plant arCHiteCture / faCaDe / lanDSCape / interior DeSign

SHangHai BaoSHan

WaSte to energy plant

July 2019 - now

project context

• Phase1-W.T.E. Area-135,000m2/Phase 2 - 220,000m2

• Phase 1 Total Budget-4.5 - 5.5 Billion CNY

• Location- Baoshan District , Shanghai , China

• Plant Scale - Four incineration production lines,

• Daily Waste Treatment Scale - 3000 tons of dry waste and 800 tons of wet waste

design scope

Planning design/Conceptual design/Schematic design/Design development/Construction drawing review/Construction administration

• Project Positioning

• Landscape Planning of Phase I and Phase II

• Architectural Design - super roof/greenhouse design/exhibition hall 123

• Facade Design - Chimney decorative curtain wall/ Overall facade

• Interior Design - Exhibition hall 123/Greenhouse

• Landscape Design - Super roof landscape / the landscape under the roof / The ground floor landscape/ Phase 2 park design

design Leading and corrdination

• Environmental assessment strategy ( With EIA department)

• Fire Fighting Strategy (With Arup)

• Structural Strategy (With Arup)

• CFD Strategy (With Tongji University)

my work responsibiLity

As the project manager and leading designer of the project. From 2019 to 2021, I acted as a design role and decision-maker in almost every aspect of every stage of the project. This project is technically complex and difficult to be pushed forward.

aerial view from northeaste top view of green house and catwalk 60-meter top facade exhibition center - hall 1 mini - city

Sin C e we S tA rted, the de S ign of the whole proje C t followS the following TwO DeSIGN CRITeRIA

Applying larger vision storyline to the project guide the design BReAkTHROuGH

Seeking opportunities from the site constraints of the project itself, and alleviating the conflicts and contradictions between Chinese waste incineration power plants and the public's views by design.

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Start-glacier of Snow mountain

yangtze river


Snow mountain


SnoW mountain BaCk to Beginning SHangHai

tHiS glaCier HigH in tHe HimalayS iS tHe SourCe of tHe

yangZte river


tHiS Water floWS from tHe moutainS into tHe loW lying areaS , not only nouriSHing tHe lanD, But alSo Creating tHe national BounDary BetWeen nortH anD SoutH.

given plan layout


Fly Ash room

recycle Center

Tank Area

Sewage Treatment

Anaerobic Tank

Cooling Tower

a park lift a Corner put plant unDer tHe Corner a park BeComeS a mountain

Deposit Ash route

Fly Ash route

Garbage route

Main Entrace

WHere tHe yangtZe meetS tHe oCean, tHere iS a mega-metropoliS-


plant orientation StuDy ConfirmeD layout

ze r i v e r t

Super StruCture of Big roof BuilD-up

1 - StruCture BuilD up plan 2 - ColumnS

3 - truSS + BeamS 4 - StruCture WitH SlaB

The beam structure system is designed based on column plan provided by engineer. The main beam framework (orange coler) is truss structure. And we also design the secondary beam( green color) which is also truss structure between the main framework.

Above the beam framework is 250mm *3000mm composite slab holding the soil.

As an important basis for realizing the concept of ” park- to - S no W mountain", the large roof needs lots of design back and forth practice and study to make sure this project is on right track:

1. The column grid shall be fully coordinated with the functions of the power plant below

2 The roof structure system combination needs to consider roof load bearing and cost.

3. As the fire defense assessment requires that the roof must have openings of more than 25% of the roof area, the truss crossing the roof opening will have a great impact on the vision of the roof forest.

4. The roof was splited into 6 pieces, soil load of cantiliver will strongly affect the final landscape effect of the roof. at the beginning of the design, Bam and arup cooperated to develop the direction of roof structure to ensure that the design direction is convincing and promising when lDi is on board

1:100 roof opening truSS pHySiCal moDel CHeCk tilteD CroSSing truSS loWer CroSSing truSS The column’s size is 4m x 4m, Concrete base with steel structure. Add vertical cross bracing for lateral stability. 5 - Soil SyStem
Soil 1.5m in Depth Soil 0.3m in Depth Soil 0.3m in Depth
The size of column could be adjusted according to the different soil depth, 6 - faCaDe top anD CHimney 7 - faCaDe SyStem


tHree metHoDS of Camoflage uSeD

i n the design, it is necessary to fully consider the constraints brought by the waste incineration process.

i ntroduce activities- t ake waste incineration process as part of exhibition route

r espect the site history and legacy status quo. Use the current architecture and integrate it with the new building functions to form a functional community

w eaken the sense of existence of the power plant to reduce the aversion of the surrounding neighbors. bringing natural forests

metHoDS of Camoflage uSeD
WaSte inCineration proCeSS
lanDSCape aCtivitieS 1 2
Site legaCy anD HiStory neigHBorS’ oBJeCtionS BreaktHrougH pointS 2 1 Site leftover-g6 Station Cafe/reStaurant) Site leftover-furnaCe Deep Diving) offiCe anD CampuS offiCe anD CampuS Steel muSem roCk ClimBing viSit route roof park program ligHt roof-unaCCeSS Ble Water filteration kayak greenHouSe miniCity pool “BeaCH”ServiCe DoWnHill Bike DoWnHill Biking terminal BriDge viSit route park program-SoCCer fielD park program Hotel Site leftover-g1 Station (SHoW room/liBrary)
3 3

metHoDS of Camoflage-Site legaCy anD HiStory

making a mini-City

uSe tHe eXiSiting Site ConDition of poSt inDuStrial arCHiteCtural elementS to Create a tiny “City” of aCtivitieS anD programS, Set WitHin a park neXt to a “mountain.”

site remained strUctUre g1 steel transfer station(showroom)

site remained strUctUre blast Furnace(extreme sport tower)

botanical glasshouse institute

exhibition center cat-walk cat-walk

site remained strUctUre steel transfer trail

plant unDer tilteD park plant it into real Site environment

mini-City ConStruCtion proCeDure BuilD up

Showroom/Baosteel museum


aDDing programS to form a real City

site remained strUctUre steel transfer trail

site remained strUctUre g6 steel transfer station(cafe)

original site structure 1 show area 2 super structure 3 botanical glasshouse 4 exhibition center 5 roof slab 6 ground Landscape 7 roof Landscape 8
create Upper-LeveL Loop






should be noted that although the program of the site is a great improvement on a steel plant, achieving carbon positive through purely biological means is not possible in a site of this size.


The direct emission of fossil CO2 is caused by the combustion of fossil based materials such as many plastics and some textiles. This means that the actual emission depends on the waste incinerated. In recent years measurements of the fossil CO2 content of the flue gas as well as the application of indirect balancing methods suggest that the fossil CO2 emission is in the range of 250-600 kg CO2/tonne of waste processed. The variation may be large between plants depending on the waste they treat.

1 Ha of Bamboo would sequester 15.4 tons of CO2 per year. 15.4Ha x 5.12t/y = 78.84 tons of CO2/year Ha of Trees (400) will sequester 9.07 tons of CO2
year. 8.78Ha 9.07t/y = 79.63 tons of CO2/year 78.84t + 79.63t =158.47t of CO2 5.12 Ha Bamboo Forest 8.78 Ha Afforestation 7,300m2 Other Plantings 20.9 Ha of LA Green
area for Planting 20.9
Ha LA Planting Area- Planting Type Breakdown 35% Bamboo Forests=5.12Ha 60% Afforestation=8.78 Ha 15% Other = 7,300 m
1,095,000 t/year
of LA
x 0.7 = 14.63
1,000kg of
Emissions 1ton of Trash
Emissions. Carbon Emission 1800t/day 657,000 ton of C02 / year 750t/ day 450t/day 450tday 450t/day 450t/day 750t/ day 750t/ day 750t/ day CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 = 72,436.6 Ha = 724,366,000 m2 657,000 of CO2 emmited year 9.07 of CO2 sequestered year Ha Needed to sequester 1 year of emissions of plant incineration This 26.9 kilometer square would need to be filled with trees on meter grid to offset 1 year of CO2 emissions from the plant incineration process. 26.9 kilomaters 26.9 kilomaters BEFORE AFTER 3,000,000 500,000 124,615 Tons CO 3,500,000 Tons CO YR 400,000 275,000 385 STEEL PLANT WTE ELECTRICITY FOREST LANDFILL POLLUTE SEQUESTER YR 1: Steel Plant 2: Landfill 3: WTE 4: Electricity 5: Forest Would sequester 385,000 kg (385 tons) of CO2 per year. 25 Ha Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo Ha Bamboo 1 Ha 100m 100m 1 Ha of Bamboo would sequester 15,400 kg (15.4 tons) of CO2 per year. Bamboo 10,000 Trees would sequester 226,700 kg (226.7 tons) of CO2 per year. 25 Ha 1 Ha 100m 100m 400 Trees would sequester 9,068 kg (9.07 tons) of CO2 per year. 400 Trees 20 Trees 100m/5m per Tree = Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees 1 Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees 1 Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees 1 Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees 1 Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees Ha 400 Trees 1 Ha 400 Trees
Trash = 600kg of C02
= .6ton of C02

Cooling Tower


Anaerobic Tank

The following introduction will focus on the design thinking of spatial narration, spatial arrangement and visual control

Water recycle

Smoke Filteration

Biogas Tank

Spatial narratiion

Visiting route of Exhibition Center

SpaCe rytHem anD SigHt Control

roof Garden

Anaerobic Tank


Tipping hall Bunker

ConCept apply

Facade Design

Main Plant-Side Building

Sewage Treatment

1 2 3

during billions of years of evolution, the earth has undergone huge disasters-plate crust movement, volcanic eruption, comet impact, and so on. disasters have brought a devastating blow to some species on the earth. Under high temperature and pressure anaerobic condition, it is buried for tens to hundreds of millions of years. the dead bodies of these animals and plants have indeed existed in the earth in another form. they have evolved over hundreds of millions of years-turns into coal, fossil oil,natural gas etc. bring energy to subsequent organisms.

to roof park

In the 4.5 billion years of earth history, early homo sapiens appeared from 250,000 years ago, and humans (Neanderthals) began to develop 50,000 years ago. For human beings, it took a “long” history until 1760 for the first industrial revolution to make human beings develop fundamentally. It took people 100 years to carry out the second industrial revolution

the emergence of the industrial revolution also has an inseparable relationship with the resources on the earth-rich shallow coal mines and iron ore resources have made north central england the birthplace of the first industrial revolution.

The use of machinery, liberated productivity, and technological innovation have made human science and technology and medical treatment a qualitative leap. At the same time, human dependence on energy has become increasingly apparent.plastic products and plastic-like products refined from petroleum, coal, and other fossil materials have become a symbol of the present era. So the information age is also called the “plastic age”

internet/plaStiC age (inDuStry 4.0)

th e exponentialdevelopmentoftechnology and the extremelackofenvironmenta l energ y trash produced trash burning power planting plastic products
BotaniCglaSSHouSe From pLanttopLant - recycLing oF energywastto energ y
start/end fossil fuel
preHiStoriCalperioDHall1 inDuStrialrevolutionHall2 Hall3 1760-1840 1970n o W inDuStrial revolution
preHiStoriCal perioD
plaStiCage to energy
WaSte plant noW
Spatial narrative-tHe Story of traSH 1

viSiting route-SeQuenCe of SpaCe


The use of machinery, the liberation of productive forces, and technological innovation have made human science, technology, and civilization a qualitative leap in a short period of time. At the same time that human civilization has become unstoppable, the rapid development of population and the side effects of human development have also brought huge burdens on the earthoverexploitation, air pollution, soil desertification, flooding of plastic products, global warming.

In the time that humans can exist, the fossil oil used to make plastic are non-renewable energy sources, and the plastic waste produced is also non-degradable. human beings have to rethink their relationship with energy. WTE-converting waste into energy is also one of the more widely used methods in many solutions. Obviously, humans have begun to restore the original ecological rain forests, study the methods of rapid tree planting, and carry out ecological restoration because humans know very wellplants are a sign of the health of the earth.

from plant to plant, recycling of energy, humans still have a long way to go ...

- drop off sta2 - exhibition entry(booth) sta3 - exhibition Hall 1 (prehistoric nature) sta4 - exhibition connector passage (Fossil Fuels) sta5 - exhibition Hall 2 (industrial revolution) sta6 - crane room & bunker viewing sta7 - exhibition connector passage (plastics installation) sta8 - exhibition Hall 3 (age of the internet) sta9 - waste burning process (tipping Hall & bunker) sta10 - waste burning process (control room) sta11 - exhibition Hall 4 (Life of trash 4d cinema)
Drop-off 0m 0m 20m gathering point Start of tour
sta12 - waste burning process (incinerator / bag House) sta13 - green House(cafe booth) sta14 - botanic glasshouse end - roof Forest
lecture hall

mini-City fuCtion after tHe DeSign

proCeSS of making mini-City


eXHiBition faCaDe: painting faCaDe front elevation

painting pattern & eXtent painting pattern of eXHiBiion Center


rED: PANTONE 199 U BLUE: PANTONE 3005 U GrEEN: PANTONE 7482 U PUrPLE: PANTONE Purple U YELLOW: PANTONE 393 U YELLOW: PANTONE 1235 U rED: PANTONE red 032 U GrEEN: PANTONE 7479 U BLUE: PANTONE 2935 U rED: PANTONE 199 U BLUE: PANTONE 3005 U BLACK: PANTONE Black 6 U YELLOW: PANTONE 7549 U BLUE: PANTONE 312 U YELLOW: PANTONE 3945 U BLUE: PANTONE 072 U OrANGE: PANTONE Orange 021U PUrPLE: PANTONE Violet U OrANGE: PANTONE Orange 021 U PINK: PANTONE 515 U PUrPLE: PANTONE 514 U pattern type 1 pattern type 6 pattern type 5 pattern type 2 pattern type 3 pattern type 4 GIVEN OFFICE BUILDING PrOGrAM NEW EXhIBITION CENTEr take oUt some parts oF exHibition center pUt in exHibition HaLL exterior cat-waLk eLevator exHibition HaLL1 exHibition HaLL2 exHibition HaLL3 VOLUM EXTrUSION OF EXhIBITION hALLS FINAL EXhIBITION CENTEr WIhT EXTErIOr rOUTE
1 2 3 4


The greenhouse is the last stop to visit the power plant and the end of the cycle of the story of “the life of trash”. The greenhouse is composed of two main parts:


It is a 5-storey building,structrually separated from greenhouse. including exhibition space, lecture hall, coffee shop, environmental research institute and office. The 14.5m floor is connected with the main plant through the corridor. On the side of the wall, decorated with cheese hole-shaped windows


It is the fully open to air space, as a part of the tour route, the landscape bridge leads people from 14.5m to the first floor. There are 3 small greenhouses connected by landscape bridge.

F4 - 14.5m F3 - 11.0m
outDoor Climate aviary
F5 - 20.0m
OPTION1- Tr 3D print StruCture
partitioning BotaniCal Zone Corridor to plant 14.5m 0.0m General Public & Exhibition Exhibition room VIP rooom Worker Canteen F2 - 5.5m F1 - 0.0m
COMPArISON floorS plan
funCtional SpaCeS(5 floorS (offiCe/Canteen/eXH Bition/leCure room)
protential greenHouSe loCation

CarbonCapturepark 2

As an important part of the whole WTE project, the roof garden uses parks and plants to reduce people’s hostility to the WTE power plant. The roof gradually rises from the south to the north. The equipment of power plant covered by roof.

The roof park is also the last stop of the power plant tour route, and is an important part of people’s visit experience.

There are some ticked programs on the roof for Plant later operation . The whole roof is mainly used for sports. The extreme sports such as downhill bicycle are introduced on the the sever slope of the slabs zone.

SpaCe rHytHm - roof park roof foreSt BuilD-up 1 2 3 4 5 strUctUre coLUmns & beamns SLAB LEVES soiL deptH Landscape program & circULation pLanting & trees

roof park DeSign metHoDology


The design stratergy is to keep the flat slabs as many as possible for putting programs later. The slabs with slope steeper than 5% are treated with 3x3m grid retaining wall to prevent soil erosion.

The requirement of average soil depth indicates that each "STrUCTUrE BAY"can be looked at indivitrually- stack and reduce soil under the requirement of average soil depth.

The main loop connects the roof garden. The majority of road slopes should be controlled under 3% as far as possible to ensure the convenience of circulation, even if this strategy will lead to the need to use steps to solve the some parts elevation difference; At the same time, it is necessary to consider the relationship between the road slope and the slabs slope as well as the soil depth requirements. The more parallel it is to the slabs, the more convenient to be built and cost saving.

FLAT 52.50M 55.00M 50.250M 34.950M 49.00M 43.00M 33.50M 42.30M ±0.00M 33.50M 60.00M 54.00M 46.50M 44.50M 1.00M 15%-20% 5%-10% 0%-5% 10%-12% 12%-15% 1.20M 0.00M
FLAT OVEr 10% 0%-3% STEPS 3%-5% 5%-8% 28.50M 1 2 MAIN LOOP SET UP 3


The selection and distribution of plant species will be considered according to two major divisions


Mainly evergreen plants, wind-resistant and drought-resistant plants - such as metasequoia


The ground cover, wild grass and flowers are mainly used in combination with the topographic design. Tree species are mainly

The project is located along the Yangtze r iver with strong wind all year round. The edge of the roof park will be provided with windproof forest and landscape windbreak wall to reduce the impact of wind on park activities.

A 2.5m-wide pedestrian ring road ,as the main circulation. connect the open spaces, the semi-open spaces ,semi-enclosed spaces and enclosed spaces. With the combination of topography and planting to block the sight, and use visual focus to guide people's sight.


CloSevieW open open open open CloSe CloSe CloSe Sem -CloSevieW C loSev eW Clo Se v eW Sem -CloSe vi e W CloSe veW Semi-Cl oSe v W Semi-CloSevieW S e m iCloSe vieWSem -Clo e Sem -CloSevieW Semi-CloSevieW 1 3 5 2 4 6 open enCloSeD enCloSeD open open open Semi-open Semi-open CloSe vi eW Semi-en C loSeD SemienCloSeDvieW C l oSevieW Semi-CloSevieW
T h E r YT h EM
1 2 3 4 5 6





CloSevieW vieW leaDing vieW leaDing vieW leaDing vieW leaDing vieW leaDing vieW leaDing open open open open Semi-CloSe vieW CloSe CloSe CloSe Semi-CloSevieW C l oSevieW Clo Se vieW Semi-CloSe vi e W CloSe vieW Semi-Cl oSe v eW Semi-CloSevieW S e m iCloSe vieWSemi-CloSe Semi-CloSevieW Semi-CloSevieW Semi-open CloSe vi eW Semi-Clo S e vieW SemiCloSe vieW C l oSevieW Semi-CloSevieW rOOF PArKENTrY

DeSign iDea- layereD roCk


HigH refleCtion


Design idea: material instruction

refleCtion gray


Small teXture

partiCleS loW refleCtion

The overall concept of curtain wall is derived from the snow mountain appearance. It is abstracted according to the texture and external performance of the snow mountain at different latitudes


White, highly reflective features to design the top of curtain wall



Heavy roCk

ConCept apply-mountain

The color starts to be mixed and grainy,particles

BOTTOM rough,low reflection,heavy

GrC/Concrete Panel Metal Mesh Metal Panel Metal Panel
40421 2521 32369 23470 64951 66176 52764 8595 55631 10207 3193 25162 Drawn Drawing Purpose Scale Drawing Number Drawing Date Revision Date Revision Project Drawing Title BAM, LLC rights reserved 2019 Ballistic Architecture Machine Baoshan WTE Center Project Address Address 2020.11.06 LA 925 宝山再生能源利用中心项目 不要改变图纸比例。此图的作者对直接从图纸中测量或 改变比例的数据概不负责。如果没有给定尺寸,有责任同 绘图者联系或现场测量以确认尺寸。 所有结构及配件数 据必需同相关的工程师确认。此图中所显示的尺寸有可 能会依据最终施工中的条件作出修改 CHIMNEY PANEL SYSTEM DETAILS 烟囱面板详图1 ##### Design Development Landscape Architect BAM Design Consultancy (Beijing) South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 6592 8862 info@admin.bam-usa.com Notes Baoshan Set Baojingang contractually obligated local design institute (Wuzhou) any other consultant alter BAM's design design intent without BAM's knowledge and approval. drawings engineered design (Wuzhou). aesthetically important architectural design. Any changes structure result further engineering optimization must change visual proportions sizes. the event changes structure are visible, such changes must made without the notification approval BAM. the event that any visible changes are made design without BAM being notified BAM's approval, constitute breach contract client, according the terms BAM's contract with Baojingang. This drawing drawing intended illustrate design intent and bring remaining coordination issues represent fully complete design drawing responsibility client and local design institute (Wuzhou) inform BAM and/or omissions contained within drawings prior submission the 100% DD Drawing set. The direct BAM's drawings the local design institute's (Wuzhou) drawing set without BAM's approval shall constitute breach intellectual 宝山设计深化图集的注意事项 根据合同,宝金刚有义务确保当地设计院(五洲院)或任何其他顾问在未经 知晓和批准的情况下不得更改 的设计或设计意图。 图纸中绘制的所有结构元素均应由当地设计院(五洲院)进行设计和验证。结构在美学上对建筑设计很重要。由于进一步的工程或优化而导致的任何结构变化 均不得改变外观比例或尺寸。如果结构发生了明显变化,则未经 的通知和批准,不得进行此类更改。如果未事先通知 或获得 同意而对设计进行任何 可见的更改,根据 与宝金刚的合同条款,以上行为将构成客户违反合同条约。 该图是 %深化设计图集的一部分,该图集旨在说明设计意图并使人们对仍未协调问题有所了解,并不代表完整的设计图集。业主和当地设计院(五洲院)有责任 在提交 深化设计图集之前,将任何一个或多个图纸中包含的任何错误和 或遗漏告知 批准,当地设计院(五洲院)图纸集中直接使用 的图纸,将构成侵犯知识产权的行为,客户和当地设计院应对此负责。 Scale: 1:300 CHIMNEY SPIRE KEY PLAN 烟囱和尖塔索引图 surface A面 surface B面 surface C面 surface E面 surface D面 surface F面 surface G面 surface H面 surface J面 surface surface L面 surface P面 surface O面 surface N面 surface M面 surface Q面 surface K面 surface R面 Scale: N/A CHIMNEY & SPIRE 3D SCREENSHOTS 1 烟囱和尖塔3D截图 Drawn Drawing Purpose Scale Drawing Number Drawing Date Revision Date Revision Project Drawing Title BAM, LLC rights reserved 2019 Ballistic Architecture Machine Baoshan WTE Center Project Address Address 2020.11.06 LA 309 宝山再生能源利用中心项目 不要改变图纸比例。此图的作者对直接从图纸中测量或 改变比例的数据概不负责。如果没有给定尺寸,有责任同 绘图者联系或现场测量以确认尺寸。 所有结构及配件数 据必需同相关的工程师确认。此图中所显示的尺寸有可 能会依据最终施工中的条件作出修改 TOP PANEL DETAIL 顶部幕墙班详图 ##### Design Development Landscape Architect BAM Design Consultancy (Beijing) South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 6592 8862 info@admin.bam-usa.com Scale: ###### KEY PLAN 索引平面 Scale: 1:500 TOP MOUNTAIN FACADE ELEVATION 1 2 顶部山体幕墙立面图 Scale: 1:100 60% OPENING ENLARGE 5 60% 开洞率放大图-Scale: 1:500 TOP MOUNTAIN FACADE ELEVATION 4 顶部山体幕墙立面图 Scale: 1:500 TOP MOUNTAIN FACADE ELEVATION 2 3 顶部山体幕墙立面图 2 Scale: 1:100 15% AVERAGE OPENING ENLARGE 6 15% 平均开洞率放大图60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 15% AVERAGE OPENING 15% 平均开洞率 60% OPENING 60% 开洞率 Notes Baoshan DD Baojingang contractually obligated local design institute (Wuzhou) any other consultant BAM's design design intent without BAM's knowledge and approval. All structural elements drawn BAM's drawings engineered and verified local design institute (Wuzhou). Structure aesthetically important the architectural design. Any changes structure result further engineering optimization must change the visual proportions sizes. the event changes structure visible, such changes must not made without the notification and approval BAM. event visible changes made design without BAM being notified BAM's approval, shall constitute breach contract client, according the terms BAM's contract with Baojingang. This drawing part 50% drawing intended illustrate design intent and bring remaining coordination issues does represent complete design drawing the responsibility client and local design (Wuzhou) inform any and/or omissions contained within set drawings prior the submission 100% Drawing The direct BAM's drawings local design institute's (Wuzhou) drawing without BAM's approval shall constitute breach intellectual 宝山设计深化图集的注意事项 根据合同,宝金刚有义务确保当地设计院(五洲院)或任何其他顾问在未经 知晓和批准的情况下不得更改 的设计或设计意图。 图纸中绘制的所有结构元素均应由当地设计院(五洲院)进行设计和验证。结构在美学上对建筑设计很重要。由于进一步的工程或优化而导致的任何结构变化 均不得改变外观比例或尺寸。如果结构发生了明显变化,则未经 的通知和批准,不得进行此类更改。如果未事先通知 或获得 同意而对设计进行任何 可见的更改,根据 与宝金刚的合同条款,以上行为将构成客户违反合同条约。 该图是 %深化设计图集的一部分,该图集旨在说明设计意图并使人们对仍未协调问题有所了解,并不代表完整的设计图集。业主和当地设计院(五洲院)有责任 在提交 深化设计图集之前,将任何一个或多个图纸中包含的任何错误和 或遗漏告知 未经 批准,当地设计院(五洲院)图纸集中直接使用 的图纸,将构成侵犯知识产权的行为,客户和当地设计院应对此负责。 平均 开孔铝板 TYPICAL 15% AVERAGE OPEN PERFORATED PANEL 平均 开孔铝板 TYPICAL 15% AVERAGE OPEN PERFORATED PANEL 1500 1500 1500 63° 63° 63° 50 17 32 168 271 1500 30 1500 63° 117° 63° 117 Drawn By Drawing Purpose Scale A1 Drawing Number Drawing Date Revision Date Revision Project Drawing Title BAM, LLC rights reserved 2019 Ballistic Architecture Machine FM 107 不要改变图纸比例。此图的作者对直接从图纸中测量或 改变比例的数据概不负责。如果没有给定尺寸,有责任同 绘图者联系或现场测量以确认尺寸。 所有结构及配件数 据必需同相关的工程师确认。此图中所显示的尺寸有可 能会依据最终施工中的条件作出修改 ALUMINUM FACADE PANEL DETAIL 铝板幕墙节点详图 N/A Landscape Architect BAM Design Consultancy (Beijing) Co. Ltd South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 010 6592 8862 info@admin.bam-usa.com 形状 SHAPE U01 U02 U03 材质 FINISHES MT01 MT02 MT03 白色氟碳铝板 WHITE PVFD ALUMINUM PANEL 喷砂铝板 BRUSHED ALUMINUM PANEL 镜面铝板 MIRROR ALUMINUM PANEL 开孔率 POROSITY P01 POROSITY 0% 孔度 0% P02 POROSITY 9% 孔度 9% P03 POROSITY 9% 孔度 9% P04 P05 POROSITY 20% 孔度 20% POROSITY 20% 孔度 20% P06 P07 POROSITY 28% 孔度 28% POROSITY 28% 孔度 28% P8 POROSITY 60% 孔度 60% Scale: 1:50 ALUMINUM PANEL SHAPE, FINISH, POROSITY SYSTEM 铝板幕墙形状、表面、孔度系统 Scale: 1:20 ALUMINUM PANEL BLOW UP 2 铝板放大图 80×200×5mm热镀锌钢方通 80×200×5MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED STEEL BEAM 75×75mm热镀锌角钢 75×75MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED STEEL SHAPE BEAM M8不锈钢六角头螺栓组 M8 S.S. HEXAGON HEAD BOLT SET 50×50mm热镀锌角钢 50×50MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED SHAPE STEEL M8不锈钢六角头螺栓组 M8 S.S. HEXAGON HEAD BOLT SET 结构胶 STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 铝合金副框(阳极氧化) ALUMINUM ALLOY SUB-FRAME(ANODIZING) 4mm厚穿孔铝复合板 4MM THICKNESS PERFORATED ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL M8不锈钢六角头螺栓组 M8 S.S. HEXAGON HEAD BOLT SET 铝合金副框(阳极氧化) ALUMINUM ALLOY SUB-FRAME(ANODIZING) 铝合金连接件(阳极氧化) ALUMINUM ALLOY CONNECTOR(ANODIZING) 铝合金连接件(阳极氧化) ALUMINUM ALLOY CONNECTOR(ANODIZING) M8不锈钢六角头螺栓组 M8 S.S. HEXAGON HEAD BOLT SET 75mm×75mm热镀锌角钢 75×75MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED STEEL SHAPE BEAM 75mm×75mm热镀锌角钢 75×75MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED STEEL SHAPE BEAM 铝合金扣板 ALUMINUM ALLOY BUCKLE COVER 铝合金连接件(阳极氧化) ALUMINUM ALLOY CONNECTOR(ANODIZING) 80×200×5mm热镀锌钢方通 80×200×5MM HOT-DIP GALVANIZED STEEL BEAM 4mm厚穿孔铝复合板 4MM THICKNESS PERFORATED ALUMINUM COMPOSITE PANEL Scale: 1:2 ALUMINUM PANEL JOINT PLAN 铝板节点平面图 Scale: ALUMINUM PANEL JOINT SECTION 4 铝板节点剖面图 白色氟碳铝板 F01 WHITE PVFD ALUMINUM PANEL- F01 喷砂铝板 F01 BRUSHED ALUMINUM PANEL F01 镜面铝板 F01 MIRROR ALUMINUM PANEL F01 Shanghai Baoshan Sanitation Centre 上海宝山能源利用中心 MOCKUP DRAWINGS 2021.04.02 Baojingang contractually obligated ensure local design institute (Wuzhou) nor any other consultant alter BAM's design design intent without BAM's knowledge and approval. structural elements drawn BAM's drawings engineered verified local design institute (Wuzhou). Structure aesthetically important architectural design. Any changes structure result further engineering optimization must change visual proportions sizes. the changes visible, such changes made without the notification approval BAM. the that any visible changes made design without being notified BAM's approval, breach client, according the terms BAM's contract with Baojingang. The direct BAM's drawings the local design institute's (Wuzhou) drawing set without BAM's approval shall constitute breach intellectual property which Client local design institutes shall liable compensation. 宝山设计深化图集的注意事项 根据合同,宝金刚有义务确保当地设计院(五洲院)或任何其他顾问在未经 知晓和批准的情况下不得更改 的设计或设计意图。 图纸中绘制的所有结构元素均应由当地设计院(五洲院)进行设计和验证。结构在美学上对建筑设计很重要。由于进一步的工程或优化而导致的任何结构变化 均不得改变外观比例或尺寸。如果结构发生了明显变化,则未经 的通知和批准,不得进行此类更改。如果未事先通知 或获得 同意而对设计进行任何 可见的更改,根据 与宝金刚的合同条款,以上行为将构成客户违反合同条约。 批准,当地设计院(五洲院)图纸集中直接使用 的图纸,将构成侵犯知识产权的行为,客户和当地设计院应对此负责。 Address line SHANGHAI BAOSHAN Address line PUrE WhITE PUrE WhITE WhITE TO BLUE mountain top faCaDe - 375X750mm moCkup - outDoor WitH Sun
faCaDe- SnoW mountain peak
2.3 Chimney facade: panel System 2.3 Chimney facade: panel System
948 970 970 948 3985 1000 1000 1000 1000 40 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 15 30 30 948 30 970 970 948 1000 1000 1000 1000 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 15 30 12.5 12.5 30 65 Drawn Drawing Purpose Scale Drawing Number Drawing Revision Date Revision Project Drawing BAM, rights reserved Ballistic Architecture Machine 不要改变图纸比例。此图的作者对直接从图纸中测量或 改变比例的数据概不负责。如果没有给定尺寸,有责任同 绘图者联系或现场测量以确认尺寸。 所有结构及配件数 据必需同相关的工程师确认。此图中所显示的尺寸有可 能会依据最终施工中的条件作出修改 图纸为正确解释设计意图,实际中尺寸材料及质量均有可能发生变化 MESH FACADE DETAIL 金属网幕墙节点详图1 N/A 2021.04.02 17:50 Landscape Architect BAM Design Consultancy (Beijing) South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 +86 6592 8862 info@admin.bam-usa.com www.bam-usa.com FM 102 Scale: 1:20 MESH FACADE A 金属网A Scale: 1:20 MESH FACADE B 金属网B Scale: MESH TO FRAME CONNECTION DETAIL PLAN 金属网与网框连接放大平面 Scale: 1:2 MESH A TO FRAME CONNECTION DETAIL SECTION 金属网A与网框连接放大剖面 Scale: MESH B TO FRAME CONNECTION DETAIL SECTION 金属网B与网框连接放大剖面 铝网焊接在铝框上 ALUMINUM MESH WELDED TO THE ALUMINUM FRAME 铝网焊接在铝框上 ALUMINUM MESH WELDED THE ALUMINUM FRAME 铝网焊接在铝框上 ALUMINUM MESH WELDED TO THE ALUMINUM FRAME 铝网焊接在铝框上 ALUMINUM MESH WELDED TO THE ALUMINUM FRAME--大孔铝合金扩张网 BIG HOLE EXPANDED ALUMINUM MESH 小孔铝合金扩张网 SMALL HOLE EXPANDED ALUMINUM MESH 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 焊接点 WELD POINT 3mm厚铝边框 3MM THICKNESS, SHAPE ALUMINUM FRAME 3mm厚铝边框 3MM THICKNESS, SHAPE ALUMINUM FRAME Shanghai Baoshan Sanitation Centre 上海宝山能源利用中心 MOCKUP DRAWINGS 金属网内侧斜面向上 INNER BEVEL OF MESH IS UPWARD 金属网内侧斜面向上 INNER BEVEL MESH UPWARD 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT 金属网焊接点 MESH WELD POINT Scale: BIG HOLE MESH BLOW UP 大孔径金属网放大图 Scale: 1:2 SMALL HOLE MESH BLOW UP 7 小孔径金属网放大图 大孔径金属网 BIG HOLE MESH FACADE MH 小孔径金属网 SMALL HOLE MESH FACADE 2021.04.02 Notes Baoshan contractually obligated design (Wuzhou) other consultant alter BAM's design design without BAM's knowledge and approval. structural elements drawn BAM's drawings engineered verified local design institute (Wuzhou). Structure aesthetically important design. changes engineering optimization change proportions sizes. the event changes structure visible, such changes must made without notification approval BAM. changes design approval, client, according terms BAM's contract with Baojingang. The direct BAM's drawings local design institute's (Wuzhou) drawing without BAM's approval shall breach intellectual property Client local design institutes liable compensation. 宝山设计深化图集的注意事项 根据合同,宝金刚有义务确保当地设计院(五洲院)或任何其他顾问在未经 知晓和批准的情况下不得更改 的设计或设计意图。 图纸中绘制的所有结构元素均应由当地设计院(五洲院)进行设计和验证。结构在美学上对建筑设计很重要。由于进一步的工程或优化而导致的任何结构变化 均不得改变外观比例或尺寸。如果结构发生了明显变化,则未经 的通知和批准,不得进行此类更改。如果未事先通知 或获得 同意而对设计进行任何 可见的更改,根据 与宝金刚的合同条款,以上行为将构成客户违反合同条约。 批准,当地设计院(五洲院)图纸集中直接使用 的图纸,将构成侵犯知识产权的行为,客户和当地设计院应对此负责。 Address SHANGHAI BAOSHAN MH01 MH02 MH MH 02 9030 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 8000 8000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 9030 Drawn Drawing Purpose Scale Drawing Number Drawing Project Drawing BAM, rights reserved Ballistic Architecture Machine FM 100 不要改变图纸比例。此图的作者对直接从图纸中测量或 改变比例的数据概不负责。如果没有给定尺寸,有责任同 绘图者联系或现场测量以确认尺寸。 所有结构及配件数 据必需同相关的工程师确认。此图中所显示的尺寸有可 能会依据最终施工中的条件作出修改 图纸为正确解释设计意图,实际中尺寸材料及质量均有可能发生变化 Landscape Architect BAM Design Consultancy (Beijing) South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020 info@admin.bam-usa.com Scale: 1:50 MOCK-UP FACADE ELEVATION 幕墙单元立面 Scale: 1:50 MOCK-UP FACADE SECTION 2 幕墙单元剖面 Scale: MOCK-UP FACADE PLAN 幕墙单元平面108 铝板 ALUMINUM PANEL 金属网 MESH FACADE 金属网 MESH FACADE 金属网 MESH FACADE Shanghai Baoshan Sanitation Centre 上海宝山能源利用中心 MOUNTAIN TOP FACADE DETAIL 铝板幕墙详图 N/A MOCKUP DRAWINGS 金属网 MESH FACADE 铝板 ALUMINUM PANEL 铝板 ALUMINUM PANEL MT 03 金属网 MESH FACADE 金属网 MESH FACADE 金属网 MESH FACADE 金属网 MESH FACADE 喷银色漆 SILVER PAINT 铝板 ALUMINUM PANEL 铝板 ALUMINUM PANEL MT 01 2021.04.02 Notes Baoshan Baojingang contractually obligated local design institute (Wuzhou) other consultant BAM's design design intent without BAM's knowledge approval. drawings engineered design (Wuzhou). aesthetically important architectural design. changes result further engineering optimization change the visual proportions changes visible, changes approval that visible changes made design without being notified BAM's approval, shall breach client, according terms BAM's contract Baojingang. direct BAM's drawings design institute's (Wuzhou) drawing without BAM's approval constitute breach intellectual property which Client and design institutes shall liable compensation. 宝山设计深化图集的注意事项 根据合同,宝金刚有义务确保当地设计院(五洲院)或任何其他顾问在未经 知晓和批准的情况下不得更改 的设计或设计意图。 图纸中绘制的所有结构元素均应由当地设计院(五洲院)进行设计和验证。结构在美学上对建筑设计很重要。由于进一步的工程或优化而导致的任何结构变化 均不得改变外观比例或尺寸。如果结构发生了明显变化,则未经 的通知和批准,不得进行此类更改。如果未事先通知 或获得 同意而对设计进行任何 可见的更改,根据 与宝金刚的合同条款,以上行为将构成客户违反合同条约。 批准,当地设计院(五洲院)图纸集中直接使用 的图纸,将构成侵犯知识产权的行为,客户和当地设计院应对此负责。 Address NORTH WENCHUAN ROAD miDDle meSH faCaDe - Small teXture faCaDe-generiC pattern Strategy faCaDe-metal meSH apply generiC faCaDe DD DraWing meSH unit DD DraWing moCk-up teSt ligHting StuDy in Digital moDel ligHting StuDy in pHySiCal moDel

Bottom Stone faCaDe

525 525 525 525 2100 1050 Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 Panel 5 Panel 6 Panel 7 525 525 525 525 2100 1050 Panel 1 Panel 2 Panel 3 Panel 4 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 525 1050 2100 1050 525 525 525 525 1050 1 3 1 1111111 111 1 1 1 1 1 11111 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 32 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 21 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 111 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 2 2 3 4 3 3 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 444 2 3 2 32 5 6 6 3 24 3 444 666666 66 4 4 4 4 44 5 4 6 6 456 1 44 6 6 6 6 3 3 1 2 3 5 2666 66 6 5 4 4 5 66 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 4 6 6666 6 5 5 2 5 7 44100 23100 1050105010501050 2100 2100 2100 2100 Panel Unit_P1 661.5 m2, 300 Panels 1111 1 1 1 111111111 1111111 11111111 1111 1 1 1 11 1 1 1111 11 11 1 1 11 111111 1 1 1 1 11 11 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 44444 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 44 4 44 444 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 22 5 66 6 6 6 66666 6 666 6 66 66 6 6 7 5 5 7 7 66 666 6 6 6 6 666 6 666 6666 6 6 44 444 444 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 3 3 3 3 3 66 6 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 2 2 4 65 11 2 2 2 5 3 4 7 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 4 2 1 4 4 4 2 54 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 44 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 33 5 5 2 3 48300 33600 Panel Unit_P2 1162 m2, 527 Panels NATUrAL STrIPE PANEL WITh GAP INFILLS. NATUrAL STrIPE PANEL W/ TWO DENSITIES AND COLOrS. NATUrAL STrIPE PANEL WITh ThrEE DENSITIES.
P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P2 P1 P1 P1 P1 P2
DeSign Development renDering effeCt

t his project aims to explore the restructuring of traditional waste-toenergy (W te ) plants in order for better integration into urban contexts. During the actual design and operation of waste incineration power plant, found some issues of waste incineration power plant:

1. The appearance design of the waste incineration power plant s are restricted by the waste incineration process. The plane layout of the power plant takes a large space and is fixed relative to other auxiliary buildings. We have compared the current processes of waste incineration power plants in various countries and found that these machines have the opportunity to stack and change their positions. So when students majoring in mechanical engineering at MIT practiced in our company, we gave her the task. Directoring her to try and stact the equipment, which greatly reduced the floor area of the power plant.

2. At the beginning of the design, we found that the current waste incineration power plants in China are distributed in the urban edge, and the number of garbage trucks transported from the city to the power plant has reached 15-20 trips /per hour. The long-distance and frequent garbage transportation has caused huge waste of resources and urban pollution. Based on the above design considerations, we began to study the feasibility of placing small power plants in the CBD area of Beijing.

Nature is a big series of unimaginable catastrophes. We profit from them. What’s our main source of energy. Oil. But are we aware, what is oil? Oil reserves beneath the earth are material remainders of an unimaginable catastrophe.

Slavoj Zizek, Examined Life 2008

neW Wte prototype StuDy 2
traSH eleCtriCity Wte CyCle - Current SCHeme Wte plant far out of City CITY CITY PLANT PLANT Wte CyCle - negative SiDe effeCtS infraStruCture CoStS WaSte tranSportation energy tranSportation CITY PLANT CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Co Co Co Co Co2 Co Co Co Co Co ENERGY LOSS EMISSIONS EMISSIONS 89% ThE OVErALL LOSSES BETWEEN ThE POWEr PLANT AND CONSUMErS IS ThEN IN ThE rANGE BETWEEN 8 AND 15%. 75-85% 15-25% poWer griD SeCurity CENTrALIzED SYSTEM CrITICAL DEPENDENCY NETWOrK APPrOACh BACKUP SYSTEMS Wte CyCle - negative SiDe effeCtS emiSSionS - energy loSS

reStruCturing WaSte-to-energy (Wte) infraStruCture for tHe CHineSe City

this project aims to explore the restructuring of traditional waste-to-energy (Wte) plants in order for better integration into urban contexts.

Starting point tHeoretiCal moD

StaCkeD moDel 1 StaCkeD moDel 3 line plant

(A) Model of a traditional, single-line incineration WTE plant featured in the book (B) Model of “stacked” WTE plant, compacted to fit layout of Manhattan, New York (population density: 27,562/sq.km) constraints
Back view front view Back view
(D) Stacked model scaled up to include three incineration lines and two turbines
Wte inSiDe City

Step 4: Steam from the superheaters is sent to the turbines (red); the remaining flue gases pass through the economizer

Step 5: The electricity produced passes through the power transformers; steam from the turbines goes to the aircooled condensers, which sends the condensed water to the water tank

Step 6: Flue gases pass from the economizer to the baghouse filters to begin the flue gas treatment process

Step 7: Flue gas passes through the baghouse filters into the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) filters

Step 8: Flue gas passes from the SCR filters into the wet scrubbers

Step 9: The condensing unit further cools the flue gases from the scrubbers; the water treatment area receives the produced residue from the scrubbers

Step 10: The cleaned flue gases passes through the induced draft fan before exiting through the chimneys; the emissions control and sampling stations are connected to last part of flue gas cleaning and monitor produced emissions

1 2 Back View Back View Back View Back View
3 4 5 Back View
Back View
overvieW of tHe WaSte management proCeSS for propoSeD Wte plant moDel Back View
Step 1: Trash dumped from tipping hall to bunker. Back View
Step 2: Waste is fed into the incinerator from the bunker hall Back View
Step 3: The produced flue gas passes to the superheaters, while the bottom ash is discharged into the storage silos 6 7 8 10 Back View


S Ze of StaCkeD

3-line Wte plant

120m 70m

CHaoyang DiStriCt, BeiJing

Population: 3,545,000

Approx. trash generation: 4699.674 tons/day

Chaoyang Xunhuan Economy Industrial Park


Stacked 3-line WTE plant prototype

Gao’antun Waste Incineration

Power Plant

Treatment Capacity: 1600 tons/day

Gao’antun Waste Waste Sanitary Landfill Site

Xiaoguan Subdistrict

Population: 61,966

Density: 24017

Trash consumption: 84.35 tons/day

Treatment Capacity: 1000 tons/day

rhino model of the east side of CBD is shown, including relative size of our stacked WTE model and the location of the former plant, which could serve as a potential location for the stacked plant.

panjiayuan Subdistrict

Population: 100,272

Density: 23319

Trash consumption: 136.49 tons/day


Subdistrict Population: 98,084

Density: 22291

Trash consumption: 133.51 tons/day

Location of potential second Chaoyang WTE Plant



Population: 32,091

Density: 26, 090

Trash consumption: 40.68 tons/day

loCation: eaStern CBD area advantages:

• Central location, and conveniently located between two subdistricts with the highest population density

• Located on the western half of Chaoyang, in an area lacking large-scale trash management facilities

• Contains the site of a former plant

Population Density (per km ) > 20,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 - 10,000 0 - 5,000

Site-omaCHi City

Ōmachi (Ōmachi-shi) is a city located in Nagano prefecture, japan. as of 1 march 2019, the city had an estimated population of 27,559 in 11861 households,[1] and a population density of 49 persons per km2. the total area of the city is 565.15 square kilometres (218.21 sq mi).

nagano prefeCture

nagano prefecture used to be shinano. one of the few agricultural counties in japan, known as the horticultural kingdom. the forestry is developed, and the woods of muzeng mountain are known as one of the three beautiful forests in Japan. With a rich mountain lake and river, rainbow trout farming ranks first in Japan. Rich in sightseeing resources, it is called “switzerland in japan” and is one of the few sightseeing counties in japan. in 1998, nagano

prefecture hosted the winter olympic games and the paralympics.

omachi city is located in the northwest part of nagano prefecture. itbs surrounded by 3,000m high mountaious of the northern japanese alps. it’s blesses with abundant clear steams of melted snow and fresh air. there is a proverb which says “show human treatment to onebs enemy”.(the famous historical story of the battle of kawanakajima).this area, is also blessed with hotsprings and is full of nature. now,it has a serious population problem recently, because of decreasing numbers of children been born and young people moving out to live in other cities.now that the global environment faces a crisis and contemporary capitalism is facing various challenges, in the waves of globalization, innovative creativity to reveal local specific resources of the land and to revive the community .

nagano prefeCture omaCH City
kyoto nagoya osaka tokyo Shinano-omachi northern alps art festival 2019.05.29

omaCHi City

This area, is also blessed with three beautiful lakes Kizaki, Nakatsuna and Aoki lake, hotsprings and is full of nature. Itbs famous for a lot of tourists as a gateway from Naganobs side to Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route that connects to Tateyamabs town and Omachi city.

It is well known as the GATE to the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route on the side of the Nagano. This place is rich in natural environment, with natural hot springs, with an average elevation of 700 MM. Because it is surrounded by mountains, it is basically isolated from the world in winter.

kinDergartern primary SCHool takane SHrine kanayama SHrine kiZaki
entry of national government park alpS
omaCHi Station muSeum
omaCH energy muSeum nyakuiCHi-oJ SHrine Spring toWn railWay
kuroBe alpine
aZumino national government park
of Salt roaD
SHimiZu SHrine
tateyama kurobe alpine route national park guiSHen
Spring City river Station Shrines&temples Salt road museum lake aoki lake Ōmachi Dam takagari peak

ConCept introDuCtion -tHe aBSurD loSS anD tHe SuDDen reCovery-

The idea of this proposal is very simple. It is based on the relationship between the historical development of Nagano Prefecture and its unique natural environment, that is-destruction and restoration as the starting point to trigger thinking.

War -to- DeStruCtion

The earliest documented sites in Nagano Prefecture can be traced back to 5000-300 BC. During the whole historical period, Nagano Prefecture was regarded as the Shinano Province in AD 600-1868, and it was a place that must be contested by military strategists in history. In the Warring States period, there were five wars with heavy casualties, the OMAChI-BATTLE OF KAWANAKAjIMA, which spanned 11 years. The fourth war, the Nakagawa War, was the most deadly war in japanese history. In ten years, tens of thousands of people were killed and their homes were los, mountains and forests were destroyed t. however, on the time axis of history, this dark decade only has been condensed into a single line, a paragraph of text.

pain -to- reCovery

While experiencing destruction, this place has also become a place for soldiers to recuperate because of its rich hot spring resources. The soldiers were treated here. The destruction caused by human ambition is comforted by nature here; But the pain caused to nature is almost irrecoverable if time measured by human life span. This proposal is intended to express a thought that part of the mountain was recorded in detail before being "destroyed". Every tree, every stone, its slope and terrain are also completely recorded and carefully "restored" to the environment of concrete cities or towns What remains in original place is the self-created hardened concrete edge of the "destroyed" people. Of course, this "recovery" is abrupt and taken for granted. Once "damage" is caused, it is difficult to make up. This misplaced and taken for granted understanding is the product of human self-righteous.

Wappara iSeki -Two groups of stone row relics and pits have been found locally, and a large number of pottery and stone tools have been collected. As a result, it can be clearly seen that the site is an early relic of the Jōmon period (14000 – 300 BCE) about 5000 years ago.

The Battle of KAWANAKAjIMA refers to the general name of the five major wars between the JIAFEI country and the EChIGO country in the Warring States Period of japan. The battle took place in Shinano Prefecture, now is Nagano Prefecture. Although this final tied battle took place in Nagano City, the city of omachi became the main place for the soldiers to recover from the injury because of its abundant hot spring resources.

J Ō mon perio D a D 1553-1564 a D 600 a D1868 oma CH i -B attle of ka W anaka J ima
S H inano p rovin C e n agano p refe C ture
SHinano provinCe
recover noW futuer B C e 300
JŌmon perioD
wars ---> destroy - - -> injuries ---> deat h s

area overvieW


B a HeaDWaterS area B niSHina tHree lakeS area C DoWntoWn area D eaStern mountainS area e Dam area


B C e

B a C D e 25m

Find a pick a land of mountain This land should be close to Scenic spot High voltage line 3500m

SQM Water front road Mountain Path Mountain Path Mountain Path

land: This land should be a place with beautiful view. railway a D

X pieCe: 5X5m X-D X-i X-n X-S X-X X-e X-J X-o X-t X-y 0 1m Continue zooming

Zoom X-r-r pieCe 200X200mm

“restoration”. Catalog the location of every stone, loose twig, tuft of grass across the entire site. 1 2 3 4 5 6 a B C D e f 50MM X-r-r:S 01 X-r-r:St02 X-r-r:St03 X-r-r:St05 X-r-r:St05 X-r-r:St06 X-r-r:St07 X-r-r:St08 X-r-r:St04 X-r-r:St10 X-r-r pC01 X-r-r lf01 X-r-r:Bush edge Catalog of lanD 5m

each piece is


in on Scenic Spot
in on this easily accessible land
Pick a land of Scenic spot.This land should be easy to access by tourists. 0 200mm Take the 200x200mm piece as final piece. “Scan”the earth.
X-r pieCe 1X1m X-r-a X-r-f X-r-k X-r-p X-r-u X-r-B X-r-g X-r-l X-r-Q X-r-v X-r-C X-r-H X-r-m X-r-r X-r-W X-r-D X-rX-r-n X-r-S X-r-X X-r-e X-r-J X-r-o X-r-t X-r-y f g H i e 0 25m Divide the land equally into 25 pieces, each piece is 25sqm. name each piece. a k p u B l Q v C m r W D n S X J o t y tHe lanD: 25X25m
The organizing committee designated five places as places to realize the idea. In the route near Lake, 25X25M area is extracted from the mountain near the tourist center as the “destroyed” mountain location. Place the “mountain” in the front square of Omachi
Station as the site for the
Zoom in on one small piece, Divide the land equally into 25 pieces ame each smaller piece.
in on one piece, Divide the
equally into 25
name each the smallest piece.

The rough feeling of green non-woven fabric and glass fiber in the forest creates the feeling of construction site. Visitors can see the “destroyed” appearance of this place through the Qr code, and there will be a deep pit at the place where the mountain is dug 25X25. The trunk wrapped by nonwoven fabric will be invisible in the screen.

Contour :1m

temporary ConStruCtion of gray imitation ConCrete SlaB green geoteXtile meSH CuSHion grounD griD green non-Woven faBriC WinDing tree trunk

Five-meter column grid - light steel structure. Spiral staircase/3.3M high corridor Frame

vieW from omaCHi Station front SQuare

HigH refleCtive poliSHeD StainleSS Steel

tree proDuCtS plaCeD aCCorDing to Catalog

in tHe virtual WorlD, tHiS part of tHe mountain Will Be 100% reStoreD.

vr HeaDSet

tHe “DeStroyeD” mountain Will Be plaCeD aCCorDing to griDing Catalog in plan piCture WitH numBer markS.

tunnel Spiral Staircase 2 m a a 25m 5m 25 m 25m 4m 8 m 3.5 a a
7m 8m 3.5m 4m 25m 3D vieW SeCtion

Water Color SketCH in HangZHou,2009 lanDSCape SketCHeS renDering

interior SketCHeS renDering

my nepHeW

BaSiC training in painting
Huiming li e-mail li.Huiming@Hotmial.Com tel (+86)1 3 8 1 0 6 7 2 1 4 2 tHankS for your time!

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