September - October Newsletter
The next City-Wide Clean-Up Day will be held downtown on Saturday, October 6, 2018, from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Visit for more information.
Trash & Recycling Services Waste Connections services bulk pick up for all City of Celina residential customers. Bulk pick-up is
UPCOMING EVENTS City Hall Closed 9/3
held every 1st full week and 3rd week of the month.
EDC Meeting 9/6
Scheduling a pick up is not necessary, items must be
Main Street Board Mtg 9/6
placed curbside on the day of your trash pickup. Please visit for additional information or
Friday Night Market 9/7 City Council Meeting 9/11
text us through Citibot at 972-458-3920 for questions or comments.
Please have trash & recycle carts out by 7 a.m. Waste Connections begins
Planning & Zoning 9/18 Main Street Board Mtg 10/4
National Night Out 10/2
servicing routes at 7 a.m. The changes in routes are made at the discretion of Waste Connections which could affect the pick up times.
Friday Night Market 10/5
City-wide clean up day 10/6
Holiday Trash and Recycling Schedule Due to the Labor Day Holiday on Monday,
City Council Meeting 10/9
Star Wars Movie Night 10/20
September 3, 2018, trash services will be delayed by one day.
Trick or Treat on the Square
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