Making Booklet 2017

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MAKING Spring 2017 Students


Audrey Loef//Céline Mugica//Charlotte Uiterwaal//Chenbin FU// Chong Du//Deepanshu Arneja//Dev Asawla//Duong Vu Hong// Evgenia Vlachaki//Feng Wang//Flora Bello Milanez//Ilianna Logotheti//Jamie Bakkes//Julia Oguiura Camargo//Jun Yang// Lucas Veldmaat//Matt Grimshaw//Merijn Sol//Miaolan Lin//Miriam Walther//Nafeesa Hamza//Piewen Ren//Quinten Boumann//Rahil Gauri//Rebekah Tien//Rense Kerkvliet//Rushabh Chheda//Ryan McGaffney//Saba Schramko//Sacha van Eerten//Selene Zhuang// Seunghan Seunghan//Silke Prinsse//Surbhi Singhal//Wioletta Sarara//Yang Meng//Yiannos Mexis //Yinan Yu//Yinxi Lu//Yitang Meng//Yixin Lyu Tutors Henri van Bennekom (course leader) Martijn Stellingwerff//Roel Schipper//Siebe Bakker Editors Céline Mugica//Ryan McGaffney


Lead by the Chair of ‘Complex Projects’, the TU Delft course “MAKING” is an inspiring collaboration between the Faculty of Architecture (‘Complex Projects’ and ‘Form and Modelling’), the Faculty of CitG (‘Structural and Building Engineering’), and the professional cement and concrete industry (Cement&BetonCentrum and bureaubakker). “MAKING” means designing and hands-on experimenting with innovative concrete techniques. For this year’s course, the overall theme was ‘re-use’: to explore possible new concrete applications and possibilities with the use of concrete demolition waste as aggregate in the new concrete mix. This book shows the “MAKING” results of the 10 student-teams. I would like to thank Siebe, Coen, Roel and Martijn for their great support, and all the students for their participation, enthusiasm and good ideas! Ir. Henri van Bennekom TUDelft, April 2017



“MAKING” is the course in which one will obtain insight into the relations and interdependency between knowing, designing, constructing, testing and final expression. After all, the choice and knowledge of the material, and its practical possibilities and impossibilities, has ultimate consequences for the performance and architecture of any built object.



Contents 0. Prisms UHPC (ultra high performance concrete) White Concrete

8-9 10-11

1. Permanent Formwork introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

15 16-17 18-21 22-23 24-27

2. Concrete Meets Ice


introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

31 32-33 34-37 38-39 40-43

3. Concrete Framework introduction tests final product future applications

47 48-51 52-53 54-57

4. Draped Concrete introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

61 62-63 64-67 68-69 70-73

5. Three Arch Project introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

77 78-79 80-83 84-85 86-89


6. Reactions introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

93 94-95 96-99 100-101 102-105

7. Catenary Body 109 110-111 112-115 116-117 118-121

8. Static Flow introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

125 126-127 128-131 132-133 134-137

9. Fabro. City introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

141 142-143 144-147 148-149 150-153

10. Multifunctional Concrete Components introduction inspirations tests final product future applications

157 158-159 160-163 164-165 166-169


Index | contents

introduction inspirations tests final product future applications






“All architects, designers and engineers need to fully understand the nature of the materials they deploy. Not only should they grasp the physical and structural properties of the mater als. Nor should they merely appreciate its aesthetical presence. They also need to know about manufacturing elements and systems out of the chosen materials...This knowledge needs to reach beyond a theoretical approach based on quantitative data and visual examples. It needs to extend to actually working with the materials. To touch them, experience them in action and reflect on physical testing and results.� - bureaubakker


0.1 UHPC (ultra high performance concrete)

Description UHPC (ultra high performance concrete) is a highstrength, ductile material. The materials are usually supplied in a three-component premix: powders (portland cement, silica fume, quartz flour, and fine silica sand) pre-blended in bulk-bags; superplasticizers; and organic fibers. The ductile behavior of this material is a first for concrete, with the capacity to deform and support flexural and tensile loads, even

after initial cracking.



Strength Compressive: 120 to 150 MPa Flexural:15 to 25 MPa Modulus of Elasticity: 45 to 50 GPa




0. Prisms | UHPC (ultra high performance concrete)

Strength Testing


Conclusions Compared with regular concrete, ultra high performance concrete are much stronger in load-bearing and durability while it has much strict requirement in the making process and it is more expensive than regular concrete. The material’s unique combination of superior properties and design flexibility facilitated the architect’s ability to create the attractive, off-white, curved cano-

pies. Overall, this material offers solutions with advantages such as speed of construction, improved aesthetics, superior durability, and impermeability against corrosion, abrasion and impact—which translates to reduced maintenance and a longer life span for the structure.



0.2 White Concrete

Description White concrete is a high strength concrete which uses white cement along with pigment to produce its white colour. It is self levelling and self compacting which eliminated the need for vibrating in the prism making process. Starting off in liquid form, white concrete was origionally darker in colour, however gained lightness in the curing process. The prisms were reinforced with PVA fibres which gave the concrete mix extra strength

White Concrete Recipe per 1m3:





White Cement: 600kg Limestone Powder: 180kg White Pigment: 6kg PVA Fibres: 5.2kg Superplastisizer: 3.9kg Water: 228kg Sand(0.125 - 0.25mm): 229.1kg Sand(0.25 - 0.5mm): 407.3kg Sand(0.5 - 1mm): 636.4kg


Strength Testing

0. Prisms | White Concrete 11

Conclusions After pouring the mix was still noticibly fluid, this can be effected over time by the dosage of superplastisizer. The predicted strength of the prism was expected to be between 7 and 15 MPa. In our test we found that the strength 9.984 MPa, concluding that

the tests were acurate with the origional prediction. However, we believe this strength to be variable depending on multiple parameters during the mixing and curing process.





Permanent Formwork

“Have no fear of perfection - you´ll never reach it.” - Salvador Dali



1. Permanent Formwork 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Inspirations 1.3 Tests 1.4 Final Product 1.5 Future Applications


Josh Stevenson-Brown Julia Oguiura Camargo Rense Kerkvliet Yixin Lyu Yiannos Mexis

15 16-17 18-21 22-23 24-27


1.1 Introduction Abstract in which concrete can be recycled is important to mitigate adverse effects on the environment. Although it doesn’t have the same properties as traditional concrete mixes, it can still be used in several situations, such as road beds and foundations. However, this alone will not solve the demolition waste problem, enforcing the need to reduce, reuse and recycle other types of materials and find other solutions for our current building practices.

1. Permanent Formwork| Introduction

The diminishing levels of natural resources and increasing CO2 emissions are two issues we cannot ignore in contemporary construction practices. One way in which both of these can be reduced is in the recycling of existing materials that would otherwise be seen as waste. In many cities a large number of concrete buildings will reach the end of their life span around the same period, which unless considered carefully has the potential to be wasted. Therefore developing ways


Construction sketches by group members.



1.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations At the start, we inventorised our collective interests concerning concrete casting. In this collection of references we found a couple of categories we wanted to further explore. We really appreciated the notion of fabric in some references we found. Creating an illusion that a brittle material as concrete can look to be very flexible. Furthermore we noticed the process of Gaudi’s working method, using gravity to manipulate his architectural

form. This analogue method truly inspired us. Finally the idea of creating a contrast within the object between different surfaces intrigued us a lot, since it creates interesting juxtapositions of surface qualities on the material in one object.




1. Buffalo School of Architecture and Planning project. (




2. Concrete Canvas Ltd. ( 3. Seltanica Light Commonnwealth lighting. 4 and 5. Funicular models of Antoni GaudĂ­.

notions of fabric, organic versus smooth & manipulating form with gravity


1. Permanent Formwork | Inspirations 17

Preliminary design sketches for the final object. By group members

Goals We set ourselves a goal to create something that could be functional, as a piece of furniture in which we could explore different concrete casting techniques. However, this variety should not break the overall concept, but rather reinforce it. This way we can treat surfaces differently, making a distinction in functionality of the elements but also in tactility. As already obvious from our shared interests we found that the notion of gravity should be incorporated.

In the experiments we will try in which way we can achieve this goal, be it with a draped fabric, strings or sand. Also since we want a functional object, like a coffee table, we want to test how we can make the top surface as smooth as possible, making it comfortable to use.



1.3 Tests Process We started by discussing and sketching our ideas to understand each other’s fascinations with the potential of concrete- looking to experiment with certain qualities . We decided which ideas we could test, so that we could understand if they feasible and see what techniques we could use for our final mold. We finally decided to make five different molds. In three of them we used plastic bags to achieve plasticity and softness. In two of them, ropes were used to shape the concrete. The other formwork was molded with soil underneath the plastic. Baloons were attached on the inside of the fourth mold to create voids. The last one was filled with soil to experiment how the concrete surface would respond to a direct contact.


During that task, we faced some issues that we had to solve. In a process of mold making tests and sketches we started evolving our initial ideas and altering them by finding more efficient ways of achieving some results. After we had finished with the mold making, we mixed the concrete and then poured it into the molds.

first tests, molds before and after the pour. Photos by the group.


1. Permanent Formwork | Tests 19

first tests demolded. Photos by the group


MAKING Looking back at the first inspirations and the initial concrete casting tests we felt that we had, as a group, two main interests; the idea of a form that can be influenced by gravity, and the idea of contrast between a very course surface finish and a very smooth one. We tried to explore these features in second experiment phase. One is based on a formwork made of sand that molds the bottom and on the top a smooth surface is created by plastic sheets with a semi circle shape. The other one is based on a fabric which is drenched in concrete which is then draped (gravity) upon a set of vertical sticks.


Second test, with sand and a plastic cover on the top. Photos by the group.


1. Permanent Formwork | Tests 21

test with soaked fabric. Photos by the group

Conclusions With the mold we made, we tested different textures of that we could give to the concrete (using soil, plastic bags, foam and plastic sheets.) Regarding the forms that we achieved in the end results, from the soil mold we realised that we can control the form of the mold and give to our model a rough texture. From the tests that we used rope, we found out that it is hard to control the final shape

of the model and that rope gets stuck in between concrete “bumps� making it hard to demold. Finally as a team we decided on which of the characteristics that we achieved from these tests we would like to include to our final design, regarding both the texture and the shape of the design.



1.4 Final Product Design and meaning The final design combined these ideas in the form a of a coffee table. It is executed in two casting moments. First to make the bottom of the table with the fabric, which then functions as a formwork for the second casting. We mixed concrete by ourself. After getting fabric wet with concrete, we drapped it on the wooden formwork to create the shape we wanted. When the concrete soaked fabric dried out , we demodelled it and turned it upside down. Then it be-

came the formwork of the second casting. A wooden support structure was added to avoid collapsing. During this casting, plastic sheets on the top would produce a smooth surface, creating a functional table surface. We added additional supports bellow the concrete soaked fabric formwork that we had created, however one of legs got soft after pouring concrete in. And then it expanded because of the weight of concrete.


manufacturing process. Photos by the group


1. Permanent Formwork | Final Product 23

final images. Photos by the group.



1.5 Future Applications Reused fabric or iron The key point of our design is the first casting, creating an organic shape using fabric drenched in concrete. This tecnic uses little amount of concrete and can achieve interesting and different shapes that can serve several uses. Reinforcing bars could be added during the second pour. Since in some cases the concrete-fabric framework is not the sturctural element, reused fabric could be appllied. The organic shape is elegant after being turned upside down.

However, if it is applied for bigger scale model, for instance pavilions or architecture, the difficulty will increase. It would be necessary to improve the strengh of the fabric, for example, reused iron could be considered to build a cable-net and used together with fabric to reinforce the first casting framework.

steel cable network formwork

organic shape through use of fabric


Reference: Torsing, R., Bakker, J., Jansma, R., & Veenendaal, D. (2012). Large-scale designs for mixed fabric and cablenet formed structures. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on flexible formworks, Bath, UK. http://www. block. arch. ethz. ch/brg/project/hilo-research-innovation-unit-nest.

collage of architectural application. Image by the group


In our casting process, a framework constituted by fabric drenched in concrete is made first. Then, a second pour of concrete is placed inside the previous one. By incorporating this first step in the final object, the formwork is put to use, even after the concrete is hardened out. In this way, the formwork uses far less material than a conventional one and is incorporated into the structure. Also, the wooden elements can be

reused in the second pour and in posteriors designs. Therefore, the concrete casting process will produce far less waste products.

Concrete material use in conventional formworks (

Reinforcing bar

Incorporated formwork

concrete formwork to be incorporated. Photo by the group


simplified build-up. Sketches by the group

1. Permanent Formwork | Future Applications

Reduce formwork waste



Formwork shell filled with low quality concrete As already highlighted, we can incorporate the formwork in the final object resulting in less waste material during the casting process. However this process can also reduce construction waste through off site prefabrication. By only pouring the outershell for the structural element, the elements remain quite light for transport. Then, on site, the elements can be filled with a second poor of concrete creating solid concrete elements. This reduced the energy that is

needed for transportation, while still having a similar structural strength. A further step could be to fill the shells with re-used concrete aggregates. This will lower the strength of the concrete a little, but in many situations this could be an effective way to recycle concrete construction waste in the production of new concrete components.


prefabricated concrete formwork

transportation with ligher weight

in situ reused concrete with concrete formwork


In our method of concrete casting, we corporate the formwork into the final object. This process could bring a couple of potential benefits as a construction method: - Less waste material due to the incorporation of formwork (where normally the formwork is seen as waste material and is often not re used)

- The use of fabric in concrete can create a stiff structure with many complex, fluid forms that can be created with textiles. - The concrete formwork can be filled up with lower quality concrete, or re-used concrete. - Less transportation costs in prefabrication, because only the shells have to be transported.

1. Permanent Formwork | Future Applications

Conclusions: Permanent Formwork


final images. Photos by the group.





Concrete Meets Ice

‘Whats nice about concrete is that it looks unfinished.’ Zaha Hadid



2. Concrete Meets Ice 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Inspirations 2.3 Tests 2.4 Final Product 2.5 Future Applications


Dev Asawla Evgenia Vlachaki Jamie Bakkes Meng Yang

31 32-33 34-37 38-39 40-43


2.1 Introduction Abstract It was fortunate that with the development of technologies, reusing concrete has been possible. The application and proportion of reused concrete, however, are still largely constrained by sorting technics and material properties. In this way, to explore more on reducing material and energy consumption during the making process, especially controlling the material cost on frameworks, would be a critical issue regarding saving energy.

2. Concrete Meets Ice | Introduction

Concrete, a composite material of cement, aggregates, and water, is the 2nd most consumed substance in the world, just behind water. At the mean time, most of the expected service years of concrete structure are only around 70 years, which will produce a vast amount of construction garbages. When taking all the material consumption on moulds making into consideration, the energy waste on concrete industry would be tremendous.


initial sketches (author’s own)



2.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations Our first idea comes from the search for contrast. By this, we mean finding contradictions in the concrete in a single object. First two images, both with a different scale and context, have been important for making the final product. Both objects partly have an almost perfect smooth finish, while the objects also have a partially organic, almost futuristic finish. A project of the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), School of Architecture in Sweden has inspired us. Plaster is

combined with ice and snow to create special shapes and patterns. Due to variations in plaster mix, time and the volume of the ice and snow, the surface can be manipulated. The transition processes are different. Ice becomes liquid while the plaster becomes solid after some time. This provides some uncertainty, but it also makes the final result interesting. Furthermore, concrete with special shape and textures also is a source of inspiration.


2. large scale

1. small scale

1. 2. master-programmes/architecture-urbanism-and-building-sciences/architecture/programme/specialisations/ non-standard-and-interactive-architecture/ 3. 4.

3. shape and texture


2. Concrete Meets Ice | Inspirations

4. project Sweden


Goals Besides research into various textures of the concrete, we mainly want to look at the combination of concrete with ice. We want to make an object by making a clear contrast between a smooth surface on the one hand and an organic, lunar landscape-like finishing of the concrete on the other hand. We want to study the effects of the ice on the concrete. The ultimate goal is to get similar finish like the example project. The most important aspect in this is the control of the ice.

Too much water from the ice into the concrete mix and floating elements must be prevented. In addition, our object should also have a challenge in terms of vertical forces.



2.3 Tests Process Our concrete experimentation commenced with testing various fabric samples, from weaved wool to leather, plastic, and foam as we were insterested in creating a final product featuring more than one surface textures. Further to these, we proceeded in experimenting with different materials for the mould itself including, plastic, foam and fabric sewn together

on a sewing machine. We, then, proceeded to test the uncontrolled effect of ice and the opportunities for creating interesting cavernous textures on the material. This process produced interesting results which we decided to incorporate in our final product (bench).

experiments with fabric textures (authors’ own)

experiments with fabric formwork (authors’ own)



2. Concrete Meets Ice | Tests 35

ice texture experiments (authors’ own)





final mould making process (authors’ own)


Design Process sheets, ice moulds of varying forms and concrete plywood. We considered pouring concrete directly over the ice, but then reconsidered and opted to suspend the ice moulds from the lid to control better textured facade and reduce the melting of the ice upon reaction. The maximum material available was 25 litres of concrete, we opted for 17 litres.

suspended ice mould

2. Concrete Meets Ice | Tests

In order to design this bench, we encountered many issues building the final mould. One consideration was the suitability for materials and the economics concerning the most efficient and sustainable way to create this lounge chair. To showcase a varierty of textures required the introduction of a variety of materials for the mould’s internal surfaces, i.e, plastic


concrete bench

design & making of the final mould (authors’ own)

Conclusions During the texture tests we recognised the possibilities of texturing a concrete surface as an underexploited potential in the construction industry. We, also, noticed that certain fabrics (leather) or materials (plastic) were easier to remove than others during the demoulding stage and whould therefore be more suited for large scale construction. Working with ice was a completely different process since the

result of the final concrete object could be affected by several parameters, such as the temperature of the environment where the concrete mould dries or the quantity of ice inserted into the mould. Finally, as the insertion of ice in certain areas of the mould can significantly affect the concrete’s strength we were adviced to incorporate steel reinforcement into our final design.



2.4 Final Product Design and meaning It has contrast with on the one hand, a smooth finish, and on the other an organic, lunar landscapelike finishing of the concrete. These organic finish is only located on the sloping surfaces at the top of the bench. The bench has in the total span three horizontal surfaces on three different levels. This results in different heights of the sides, and a bending in the middle of the span. In the example project a combination with plaster and ice is made.

This same effect we wanted to create in the concrete. This, however, only was partially successful. The ice molds are fused with the sloping surfaces, resulting in buildup of concrete. The hardening process of concrete is different from plaster. The heat during this process is probably the reason that the ice melted too soon and merged with the concrete mix.


details (author’s own)


2. Concrete Meets Ice | Final Product 39

final product (author’s own)



2.5 Future Applications Interior Purposes To conclude, working with ice and concrete ultimately creates a element lacking in structural integrity. It use as a structural building component or exterior cladding facade are not recommended. But where it can be utilised in future applications is in interior finishing, product design, furniture, stage design and interior wall finishing.

What we established when using with ice is the amount of water content added to the concrete mix. This added water to the concrete mixture, this added moisture, unbalances the concrete recipe and leads to the decline of the structural performance.


concrete fllor tiles can be manufactured from ice moulds (authors own)


2. Concrete Meets Ice | Future Applications

The added moisture leads to greater porosity, meaning that the concrete is not ideal for weathering. This allows water to penetrate deep within the concrete surface causing the reinforcement to experience damage and sustain failure.


concrete furniture designs using ice moulds (authors’ own)



Ice Moulds One way to develop the idea of ice and concrete working together is considering construction of concrete in extreme conditions. Consider ice moulds of that are formed in an environment where it is extremely cold. For example in areas of Siberia, Canada, Greenland, even Patagonia the natural climate will allow ice moulds to be formed and avoid melting.

Something we experienced in our testing. These ice moulds can be modelled into desired shapes. Or form the base for simple block construction. Ice is readily available and very flexible in its nature. It has no negative impacts on the environment as the formwork is essentially water.


1. concrete blocks can be formed in cold climates.


There is something beautiful in the spontaneous and uncontrollable outcome you can achieve in using ice. Ice in nature is difficult to regulate. But it is flexible. We can achieve new shapes and textures by controlling the texture of the ice, the possibilities are endless.

In this unpredictability each project becomes unique, there is no carbon copies. There is a certain originality to each project. An architectural identity starts to develop. Concrete is commonly used as a standard material. This changes everything. Each building block can be unique and revitalise the concrete industry. Strength tests are advised to truly test the compressive quality of the iced-concrete.

2. Concrete Meets Ice | Future Applications

One of the most intriguing aspects of using ice and concrete is its unpredictable nature.


ice mould designs (authors’ own)

a section reveals non-uniform layering of ice and concrete.





Concrete Framework

“Construction materials are increasingly judged by their ecological characteristics. Concrete recycling gains importance because it protects natural resources and eliminates the need for disposal by using the readily available concrete as an aggregate source for new concrete or other applications.� - PCA,



3. Concrete Framework 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Tests 3.3 Final Product 3.4 Future Applications


Merijn Sol Lucas Veldmaat Feng Wang Miriam Walther

47 48-51 52-53 54-57


3.1 Introduction Abstract the materials can be re-used. It is very clear that a fast change in awareness has to take place. For architects it is very important to know about the possibilities of recycled concrete and to take the initiative to use it, even if it seems more expensive at first glance.

3. Concrete Framework | Introduction

It is obvious that concrete is one of the most important materials used for building nowadays and has been since after the 2nd world war. This means that for us, it is really important to make it way more sustainable because it is such a huge factor in this field. What’s striking is that there are so many concrete buildings being taken down but the material is not used as effectively as it could be. This is because it is still very expensive to take down the buildings in a way that


Mixing small amounts of concrete in a first try (own picture)



3.2 Tests Process In the first try, the beams were ca. 20 mm wide. This was achieved by making a mould from foam which consisted of 10 by 10 cm cubes of which a 10 mm diagonal edge was cut off, together leaving the rectangular opening for pouring the concrete later. The demoulding took quite an effort, but the structure was so strong we were even able to stand on it. The further steps are now to make the structure thinner and to think of a solution for easier demoulding and a nicer finishing of the edges. In the second testing phase we reduced the size of the beams to ca. 12mm meaning that we had to cut off less material at the edges of the foam cubes. We used the same kind of foam but this time used duck tape around the corners to make the surface better

and the demoulding process somewhat easer. On the edges where the tape was placed, the demoulding really went better than before but the concrete leaked more into the edges which left them quite rough. Also a thinner tape might be better suited to apply to make a more smooth surface and not influence the leaking edges too much. Maybe, it could even be taped directly over the edge but that needs to be tried out during the process. For the final mould, the actual size of 90 cm long, 20 cm wide and 30 cm high needs to be achieved. To make the edges fit to each other nicely, first the whole volume was cut and put together to finally use a wooden template to cut off the edges. With this method, all edges should fit perfectly together.


during demoulding (own pictures)

first pour (own pictures)


Top cubes Quarter cubes Half cubes

Thin outer mold

3. Concrete Framework | Tests

Thicker beam under and above framework


first try, demoulded (own pictures)



Process In the first try, the beams were ca. 20 mm wide. This was achieved by making a mould from foam which consisted of 10 by 10 cm cubes of which a 10 mm diagonal edge was cut off, together leaving the rectangular opening for pouring the concrete later.

The demoulding took quite an effort, but the structure was so strong we were even able to stand on it. The further steps are now to make the structure thinner and to think of a solution for easier demoulding and a nicer finishing of the edges.


model of foam cubes, try-out of different shapes (own sketch-up models)

second pour (own pictures)

demoulding process (own picture)



3. Concrete Framework | Tests

The less concrete is being used for the grid, the more foam has to be used for the mold. This means that making the mold for this structure takes quite an effort and can be hard to fill. Thinking of the material that is used for the mold as insulation material which stays inside, the whole structure makes sense in itself. It should be considered to use a more sustainable material than foam which works as mold as well as insulation.

51 demoulding process (own picture)

second try after demoulding (own picture)



3.3 Final Product Design and meaning The regular grid has now been changed a bit to also use less material towards the center of the span where the force is lower and less support is needed. On the top, the grid is still regularly spread, while the bottom part uses a Fibonacci „distribution“. These lines are then connected forming angled vertical beams while all the horizontal beams are level. In a further step, the structure could be optimized to use even less material by calculating how to arrage the beams in the middle exactly that it still is just stable.

One of the biggest problem we faced was the weight of the foam vs. the concrete. During the pouring we found out that the foam cubes were pushing up themselves. This caused extra space on the bottom of the mold, which filled up with concrete. In this way the mold took much more concrete than planned and expanded. To limit the further damage, 3 wooden frameworks were attached. To conclude, even with a small amount of concrete being poured into a huge foam mold, lightweight objects need to be fixed better in order not to lift out of the concrete.


the final mold before pouring

final pour

sketches of the structure and molding


3. Concrete Framework | Final Product 53

the final result (own illustrations)



3.4 Future Applications Insulation Panel Related to our conclusions of this course, a more structural insulation panel could be a new application with reused concrete, Maybe it could also be a basic grid from normal or high performance concrete which is then filled with recycled concrete, which means that most of the material is recycled, but the structure is still very stable.

Another application would be floating constructive objects. The inner foam can remain during transportation over water. When the object has reached its destination, the lightweight material can be removed. In this way, transportation over roads can be minimalized. There is also a new system available which uses about 55% less concrete than standard concrete structures. It also reduces the thickness of the floor plates.

insulated concrete panel (1)

innovative concrete slab system (2)

insulation between concrete slabs (3)

floating concrete and foam structure (4)



Scaled up, the structure resembles a concrete office building. However, the whole building and moulding process works quite differently and forms the standard in bulding. Looking at our final product of the course in a scale 1:1, it could form a pre-fabricated insulated concrete panel. If the shape was worked out to be stacked

upon each other, these panels could form bigger structures like walls. Due to the minimum of concrete use, they will be quite light in contrast to massive concrete walls. Installations can be easily included into the structure.

3. Concrete Framework | Future Applications



concrete framework used as structual facade system (5)

insulation panel, prefabricated and stacked (own sketch)

sources of this page: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: own sketch



Structurally Smart Seeing the product as a piece of furniture, the structure could be used in many ways. Street furniture like benches are mostly massive concrete slabs but what if we try to be more sustainable by using less material and still use the advantages of concrete in this surrounding? Even for indoor furniture, this could be used and still be rearranged within the house because it does not weigh too much, In an aesthetical point of

view, it will make a very special piece of furniture, which could be combined with wood in many different ways. Another option could be to use it as a winerack.

used as an outdoor bench (own picture, photoshopped)

used as an outdoor wine rack (own picture, photoshopped)


used as an outdoor bench (own picture, photoshopped)


Reusing concrete is a process that has already been applied for decades. However, without processing the quite big aggregates any further, it is mainly downgraded and used for road construction or similar. Nowadays the recycled concrete can almost reach the same stengths as the normal concrete, so it is very important to eliminate prejudices against it. Although there is a lot of concrete becoming available

in the coming decades, we should not use more than necessary. Therefore we think using a grid structure with only as much material as needed is sustainable.

3. Concrete Framework | Future Applications







Draped Concrete

“In general, concrete is always regarded as stable, solid and inorganic. However, we want to explore more, we pursue the flowing concrete. We reveal the potential freedom of concrete from its rigid mould, free it by forming through gravity and standing against gravity.� - GROUP 4



4. Draped concrete 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Inspirations 4.3 Tests 4.4 Final Product 4.5 Future Applications


Yinan Yu Chong Du Quinten Boumann Silke Prinsse

61 62-63 64-67 68-69 70-73


4.1 Introduction Recycling retrieved from demolition sites, especially in the more coarse fraction. Sieves are used to take out a lot of polluted material, however, it is difficult to sieve the relatively wet particles from the building site. Nonetheless, there is a lot of potential for concrete recycling. The use of recycled aggregate instead of new aggregate reduces the amount of CO2 emissions by a factor two approximately.

4. Draped concrete | Introduction

Recycling is hot and happening, but the lecture by Maarten Bakker provided us with some important facts and thoughts about recycling concrete. One of the most important things that intrigued us is the fact that using recycled aggregate is in general more expensive than ‘new’ clean aggregate. Removal and transportation costs are limiting the potential of recycling concrete. Another obstacle is the presence of polluted material in the batches of old concrete


recycling on a small scale, test model now used as fruit basket



4.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations We all know concrete as a solid and hard material. With this course we were inspired by references where concrete is given a subtle and soft look, like a curtain blowing in the wind. A concrete object as a curtain blowing in the wind is contrary to how we are used to concrete and that is exactly what inspires us. Besides the fabric aesthetics it was an initial idea to let the parameters of the concrete influence the final form. After discussing several options on how

to give concrete the look of fabric we came up with the idea to actual use fabric as reinforcement and mould together. The concept of using fabric both as reinforcement and mould could be very efficient, since there is no loss of material.


sources: up-left _ and bottom-left and right _VerteX design studio


4. Daped concrete| Inspirations 63

initial sketches

Goals The main inspiration and goal for designing this concrete object was giving it the aesthetics of fabric. The assignment of the course stated that the object must have a span of 90 cm and a width and height of 30 cm. To accomplish these requirements the object obviously has to be strong enough. It was a challenge to find a good combination between the type of fabric and the right concrete mixture. Furthermore we studied on how to get the surface of our model

as smooth as possible, since a smooth texture represents the characteristics of fabric the best. In terms of re-use we found out that using fabric as mould and reinforcement is a suitable way to re-use material in the design. Different types of fabric can be used to make designs like we did. In general the working process we developed is quite sustainable because there is no loss of material in contrast to the regular way of using concrete.



4.3 Tests

testing different types of fabric and plastic

hanging and draping trying to smoothen the surface by adding the concrete fabric layers of plastic

Conclusions // principles Testing with concrete fabric resulted in two main principles to form shapes, illustrated below. PRINCIPLE 1


A hanging model with soaked concrete fabric, results in Gaudílike curves, especially when placed upside-down.

PRINCIPLE 2 Draping fabric over wooden sticks, results in a more “pointy” shape.

For the final object, principle 2 is chosen, because it will result in a more interesting shape. The first principle will result in a relatively flat shape, given the height restriction of 30 centimetres and the minimum span of 90 centimetres.


4. Daped concrete | Tests

using bigger size bubble plastic to cast powerful form, created result of covering the concrete fabric with concrete in gives a fascinating texture by hanging fabric plastic: does not give it a nice finish


hanging concrete fabric

bubble plastic: interesting texture, but difficult texture of the drying cloth is quite rough to use in combination with soaked fabric

Conclusions // practical

think about how to unmould, impossible for covering with plastic does not the yellow cleaning cloth is not a suitable this test model give a smooth surface fabric, dishcloth works much better



We made a video of the final pour, which can be viewed at


In the final pour, we made some changes by using the rope to roll around the sticks and to form a network to support our concrete sheet in some parts.

We tried to make the surface more flat with hands and added some more concrete to the sheet where it was concave.


4. Daped concrete | Tests

We used another layer of fabric to absorb more concrete in order to make the whole structure more solid and hard.

After placing the concrete sheet atop the sticks, the gravity pull some parts down to form the curve shape. We still need to adjust the position a little bit to make it more elegant.




4.4 Final Product Design and meaning Before making the final design we decided that the concrete object could have several functions. The smallest scale we want to use it for is a fruit basket. The curves in the model are useful for saving some fruits. Furthermore we can imagine using the structure on a bigger scale as a pavilion with for example a coffee corner. To go extreme, it would be fantastic to use the final design on a huge scale as a theatre, urban shelter or maybe even a stadium. In the pictures of the final design we made several suggestions for how

to use it. The main challenge for the final design was the strength. We decided to use two layers of fabric to improve the strength, but we were slightly afraid that the heaviness would make it collapse. In the end we made the right decision, the result is solid and strong. As a small experiment we used a different method on one side of the model. By stringing up some ropes between the temporary columns we have tried to influence the design.


the final setup, covered with plastic to make unmoulding easier

adding ropes in part of the model


4. Daped concrete | Final Product 69



4.5 Future Applications Re-use In terms of re-use our design stands out because the re-use of used fabric (clothes, sheets) and re-used concrete is possible. Besides that, as we stated before, it is unique that there is no loss of material because the fabric is both reinforcement and a mould. Using this way of thinking, we thought of an efficient method to use recycled aggregate from demolished structures. A solution could be to prefabricate regular concrete “moulds�, transport them to the building site (where the pile of recycled aggregate is produced from


the demolished building) and fill them with recycled concrete. In this way, the recycled concrete does not have to be as clean as possible, because the outer surface is a smooth and clean fabricated element. At the same time, this clean prefab element functions as a mould at the building site, resulting in a quite efficient process, especially if the recycled aggregate does not have to be transported to a factory. Depending on the wishes of the client, this outer layer can be adjusted (for strength or aesthetics), while still being able to use a certain amount of recycled aggregate.


Possible application directions

source: IVANKA,

Small scale - fruit basket The concept is suitable to make small (design) products which can be used in and around the house. The example given here is a fruit basket, but concrete fabric can be used to make a whole range of products, from plant pots to free form lamps.

Bigger scale - pavilion or shelter On a larger scale, the concept could be used to make a pavilion or shelter. It could be a relatively light and efficient way of building. However, upscaling the concept is quite difficult. This is explored in more detail in Chapter 4.5 - Future applications.


4. Daped concrete | Future Applications

Wearable concrete The concept could also be used for making concrete clothes. Some of our test models still show flexible behaviour, which is needed when you make clothes. This idea already exists, the Budapest-based design company IVANKA produced wearable concrete. However, most of their designs consist of a merger between actual concrete and genuine leather. In our opinion, that sounds a bit more wearable then only the rough concrete fabric.



Upscaling the tested principle Obviously it’s not possible to use the exact same construction method for a bigger scale of the design. The biggest issue with making the design on a bigger scale is to bridge a big span, thinking about 10 meters or maybe even more than 100 meters. We assume that it is not possible to accomplish such a big span without any columns. Although there are two possibilities to make the design on a bigger scale using columns permanently. It could be done by stringing up ropes between the columns to influence the design and strength, or without the ropes which results in a more curved form. Both of the methods are used in the final model.

By introducing permanent columns in the design a new problem appears. Because of the heaviness of the concrete the fabric might collapse due to punching shear. To avoid this, extra local reinforcement is needed. Cuff rings or a metal mesh can be used for the extra reinforcement.

option 1: reinforcing the fabric near the columns


big forces on columns because of the heavy concrete and extreme curves: danger for punching shear


option 2: adding ropes (secondary structure) between the columns, to make the total structure more stiff and reduce the total weight

Conclusion Overall we are very satisfied by the work we have done during this course. First of all we started with some decent experiments which helped us a lot to discover properties and possibilities of different types of fabric. Our design is very unusual because the aesthetics and properties are contrary with how we are used to concrete. Besides that, we figured out how to use

fabric as a mould and reinforcement in one on a small scale. In terms of architecture we are sure on how to use our design on a bigger scale, but for the technical part we would like to have some more time to work it out well. We worked on a proposal for how to make the design on a bigger scale, but to make a proper plan definitely some more research is needed.


We studied on several options on how to design a solid, re-usable and material saving temporary structure. An inflatable structure that can be reused would be ideal, but until now we didn’t figure out how to integrate that into our design. The hard part of using an inflatable structure is that we need a supporting structure underneath the design, but by inflating a sort of balloon underneath the concrete fabric an opposite formwork as what we designed will be the result.

Finally we came up with a solution, although it is not the most desirable solution for our design yet. If we would design our concept on a big scale we can make a scale model using the method we used for the final design of this course as well. By scanning the scale model into the computer we are able to scale it to a bigger scale and 3D print it. The 3D printed model will function as the mould of our design. By using this method it is possible to use smaller pieces of fabric and even integrating some steel reinforcement into the design. To stay close to our initial design it is crucial that the 3D printed mould is easily removable. This could be accomplished by making the surface smooth and non-sticky, but also by using a system that the mould can easily be lowered when the concrete is hardened. A system with pre-cut holes or easily to cut gaps in the mould would be an option.

4. Daped concrete | Future Applications

Another obstacle we found with making our design on a bigger scale is how we can structure the mould during pouring. Obviously it is not possible to soak a sheet of fabric of 100 by 100 meters. It would be better to use smaller pieces of concrete soaked fabric to work with. In order to do that there is a temporary structure needed to carry the concrete fabric.






Three Arch Project

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” That resonated powerfully with us when we saw images of David Umemoto’s work online. Sitting hundreds of miles away, we could still sense the multiple layers of meaning in his concrete installations and sculptures. We could feel the riveting experience of spaces created inside even the smallest of his works. It became easy to imagine ourselves in the arched passageways, running our hands against the textured concrete walls as we walked by. The idea of an arch with a strong geometry, exemplified textures and smooth curves was born. - GROUP 5



5. Three Arch Project 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Inspirations 5.3 Tests 5.4 Final Product 5.5 Future Applications


Chenbin Fu Deepanshu Arneja Mohammed Rahil Abdul Gaffar Sofawala Seunghan Yeum

77 78-79 80-83 84-85 86-89


5.1 Introduction Exploring Arches as a basic geometries Experiments Steps Step 1: Design experiment Step 2 : Texture experiment Step 3 : Molding experiment Step 4 : Structure experiment

5. Three Arch Project | Introduction

During the first two weeks, we learned a lot of things about concrete. The strength, flexibility, textures and forms achievable through concrete are astonishing. The initial lectures on the life cycle of concrete infromed our decision to maximise on the product and the mold. We were strongly attracted and decided to experiment with the curve shape ,strength and molding system of the concrete. The intention was to design something multi-functional and aesthetically appealing. To achieve our goal, we started from a simple shape : a single arch. Then we developed this to a continuous system of arches.


initial sketch : Three Arch Project



5.2 Inspirations

Texture and form Our inspiration came from David Umemoto’s works in concrete that absolutely blurred the lines between sculpture, architecture and technology. We were compelled to superimpose it with the curve shape of an arch. Can we make multiple arches with concrete for multiple use of our daily life accessory? What kinds of curves can be derived from concrete? How to make a molding for that shape without damaging the shape? Within the design regulation of 90cm of span, we discussed about our final shape and concluded a ‘Three Arch Shape’ for Multiple use of daily furniture such as ‘kitchen shelve’ or ‘Book shelf’.

Step 1 : Design Experiment: During this process, we gave different thickness 5mm, 1cm and 2cm Furthermore we made three types of molding system to figure out the most efficient molding system for our final work.


Mold ing structures and concepts


5. Three Arch Project | Introduction 79

Result of design experiments (From left : #1, #2, #3)

Goals: Find proper methodology for stable arch shape #1 : In this method, we tried to give a diverse thickness in the arch shape. However center part of arch was broken while demolding process. #2 : In this type, we gave a constant thickness in the arch shape. It was 2cm thickness and we reinforced concrete with a fabric. As a result, we could got a shape as we expected. #3 : In this shape, we crossed several arches side to side. Even though the demolding process was quite a challenging, we saw the possibility of its molding system.

Design direction : #2+#3 For the from, we decided to follow the methodology of the second form and decided to use MDF as a sturdier mold, easy to mold and unmold and high on durability. It also gave us flexibility in design and reinforcement.



5.3 Tests Development Process Step 2 : Texture experiment To find an attractive texture, we gave different surfaces rough, smooth and wooden texture. After this experiment, we selected wooden texture for the final work, To combine it with our MDF mold, now the challenge was to allow the texture imprint on the pour.

Step 3 : Molding experiment : Reusable assembly To make our molding be sustainable, we designed assembly MDF multi-layered modules. It is not only easy to combine them together but also possible to unmold without damage. In this way, we can reuse this module for the next molding work as well.

Wooden texture surface

Assembly MDF multi-layered modules


Assembly MDF multi-layered modules


First reinforcement

5. Three Arch Project | Tests

Step 4 : Structure experiment : Three steps of reinforcements. We gave three steps of reinforcement to make stable concrete structure. As a first reinforcement, we provide more thickness to spots, where tension acted more. Second, we inserted horizontal reinforcement bars. For third step, we connected these bars with metal wires pre-tensioned at the end and a steel bar curved for added support.


Second reinforcement

Conclusions Pros and Cons evaluation Through the several experiment, we tried to make three arch shape structure. To achieve this, we proceeded design experiment, texture experiment, molding experiment and structure experiment. These four steps of experiments brought us the three arch shape which we expected before.


Third reinforcement



Molding process


5. Three Arch Project | Tests 83

Demolding process



5.4 Final Product Three arch project Exploring the innumerable possibilities of concrete, our approach was leaned towards a flexible design. The design is carefully calibrated such that it is visually distinct and also fits in multiple spaces.

Our concept was to achieve a balance of art and design where the form breaks the monotony. The design tempts passerby to linger and savour the distinctive shelf on display.

Blending the bare visuals of the material with contemporary content and techniques, the product can be used as a coffee table or a shelf and a bathroom hanger as well.

the product allows one to explore it to the fullest. Minimal in its form, the product effortlessly integrates in the setting. The aesthetics and function come skillfully together rendering it a distinct look.


Photograph of final product : Three arch shelve


Multi-Functional & Stable Structure

5. Three Arch Project | Final Product

Through the three steps of reinforcement structure test, we could get a high intensity into our final product. We made stable structure not only maintain its form and shape but also supporting up to 30kg on top of it.


Photograph of final product : Three arch shelve



5.5 Future Applications Temporal informal spaces . Exhibitions . Retail The concrete course aggregate at the moment is mostly used for roads and pavements. We intend on using the salvaged or urban mined concrete for landscapes such as informal spaces in colleges, schools and universities or urban parks for recreation. They add character and vibrancy. As blocks they can be used in more than one form – seats, murals, panels. The concrete mix considered in this scenario is one in Which 70% of the aggregate is recycled while the

other 30% . Replacing most of the natural aggregate results in 23,700 tonnes/year of raw limestone sourcing. The ratio of ingredients in the concrete mix must be modified in order to make up for the reduced structural properties in the concrete resulting from the recycled aggregate use in order to provide durable structures. Specifically, the mix requires an additional cement, fly ash, water, and super plasticizer for the desired results as tested in the concrete experiments.

Informal meet-seat space. View 1

Informal meet-seat space. View 2


Concept Sketch


Playscape and Urban Parks They could be slender and thin, giving more vibrant space on the underside and upper side. This also gives all the park a highly required flexibility of using the arches in ways more than one and only concrete could give the kindof structural flexibility and strength as required.

5. Three Arch Project | Future Applications

This is a visualization of the three arches on the concepts of re-using the Urban mined concrete as landscape and urban park elements. They can make space for shelter and playgrounds, skate parks, and leisure spaces. The terrain filled with trees and greens adds onto a hill-scape like environment. At the same time, the structure itself is quite legible, making it popular in the urban environment. The process of scaling up the arches into this scale should involve minimizing the overall thickness of the arches.


Photomontage, three arches park



Animal Shelters Animal shelters are a huge problems in urban-scapes, Especially in India where we have elephants, cattle and horses. The Indian architects are looking for sustainable, durable and modern ways to house these animals which are an important part of cultures. The team proposes that maybe course aggregate can be used as animal shelters. A proposed sketch and a few images are added.

The other important requirement of the shelter is to store sick and wounded animals along with cranes for water and food. On an average, elephants require 300 litres of water per day; therefore, 100 elephants x 365 days x 300 litres = 10,950,000 litres. If not the shelter, the course aggregate can be used to make water and food storage containers for the animals.

Elephant Shelter, Hathigaon, India

Elephants with their handlers


Concept Sketch


Technique and Process We propose a fairly simple process of using course aggregate in this scenario. Course aggregate can be filled in bags and stacked on top of each other with steel reinforcements keeping each stable. The shell needs to have adequate windows and storage niches. Once, the shell is complete, it can be plastered with mud or cement for added weather protection.

5. Three Arch Project | Future Applications

The recycled aggregate coming from the buildings stock supplies enough material for roughly 19,700 m3 of structural concrete per year, i.e. the structural concrete needed to construct about 12 multi-family apartment building. This however, needs aesthetic and structural treatment making it economically unviable. Thus, the animal shelters are an excellent programs to use course aggregate.


Adobe bags to be used as concrete bags (CalEarth)

Impression of completed dome (CalEarth)

Concept Sketch




“The invention of human artefacts of any kind always consists of three elements, the geometry, the process, and the material that constitute that artefact. Its very clear that new materials engender new forms, and architectural design benefits from addressing and applying new materials in an informed way� - John Fernandez



6. Reactions 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Inspirations 6.3 Tests 6.4 Final Product 6.5 Future Applications


Audrey Loef Charlotte Uiterwaal Nafeesa Hamza Ryan McGaffney

93 94-95 96-99 100-101 102-105


6.1 Introduction Recycling concrete As a starting point to making, the lecture by Maarten Bakker on recycling concrete gave us inspiration to kickstart out design process. Looking at exisiting concrete structures that were being demolished we could see that, over time, the

steel reinforcement bar had had a chemical reaction within the concrete of which it was contained. This reaction influenced us to find ways that we could recycle materials within our concrete mix to produce striking aesthetic finishes which could be applied at both the scale of products and construction.

6. Reactions | Introduction 93

corroded steel reacts with concrete structure



6.2 Inspirations Initial ideas and inspirations We were inspired by the aesthetic results of different chemical reactions, varying from natural processes like the rotting of food, to chemical ones such as oxidisation. By introducing these processes into the making of concrete, there is an addition dimension of time added to its story. At the same way the grain of the formwork is sometimes intentionally preserved on concrete,

these reactions leave their own mark on the product. In terms of form we wanted to show how a simple addition, in our case aluminium (waste), can create multiple outcomes. It has an effect on the chemical part of the concrete, which creates an unique look, as well as on the physical part, it can be used as the formwork.

uncooked pasta - cooked pasta - wine - grape

showing carbonation in concrete


rusted concrete


6. Reactions | Inspirations 95

reaction aluminium powder mixed with concrete. reference: MIT Architecture (2012), Advances in Architectural Geometry. retrieved from:

Goals Our aim was to explore how we could influence the chemical process involved in the production of concrete. We did this to see how the result could be more aesthetically interesting while still being recognisable as concrete. Our initial question was what would happen if instead of water we used red

wine in the concrete mix - we wondered how this would affect both the strength and the appearance of the product. This represents clearly our intentions over these five weeks as our focus remained on the reaction between concrete and other materials.



6.3 Tests Process While the earliest of out tests involved fabric formwork, all of our subsequent experiments involved altering only the mix. We had mixed results with inserting food into the concrete. The grapes produced beautiful

smooth voids, the pasta simply remained stuck within, and the red wine had little effect other than taking longer to dry out.

aluminium form test

food reaction test


food reaction tests


expanded aluminium expanded aluminium with pigment

Next we turned to chemical additives such as aluminium and pigments. Our aluminium tests looked at three things: using it as formwork, using it for aesthetic effect within the mix, and using it to aerate the concrete. On the first count we were fairly successful as we found very densely packed foil could be used to create interesting forms, but on the other hand it was very difficult to remove once the

concrete had set. Our attempt to use torn up foil for aesthetic effect was less effective as most of it was never seen again. With regard to testing aerated concrete, it was the first of our tests which had the most visible results, and the addition of pigment to it clearly showed the expansion of the concrete on the surface. Lastly, we also tried reacting the concrete with bleach and vinegar but there was no change.


6. Reactions | Tests





aluminium form test


formwork assemble & disassemble

SPRING 2017 aerated aluminium & pigmented concrete calculation

per 1m3: cement(kg): 65 - 75 aluminium(kg): 0.5 - 0.6 water(kg): 230 pigment(kg):15kg 0.0002m3 sample mix:

6. Reactions | Tests

cement(kg): 0.013 - 0.015 aluminium(kg): 0.0001 - 0.00012 water(kg): 0.046 pigment(kg): 0.003


aerated aluminium & pigmented concrete



6.4 Final Product Design and meaning Our final piece consists of three segments which create a very minimalistic exterior envelope when adjacent. The bottom of the spans, however, reveals a series of varying sections which work together to create an undulating landscape. The aluminium foil we inserted into the formwork to create the underside has become embedded into the concrete, resulting in a permanent formwork which also adds aesthetic value. By dividing the final product into three segments we aimed to convey a sense of the experimentation

which occurred in the past five weeks. Our intention was for one to consist of an aerated concrete mix, the second of a pigmented mix, and the last would be both aerated and pigmented. In reality though the mixes were combined due to material constraints, and on removing the formwork the pigmentation was unfortunately barely apparent. The aeration was also not as much as expected, but we were limited by the difficulty of obtaining aluminium powder.


adjacent volumes form table


6. Reactions | Final Product 101

volumes rotated and twisted



6.5 Future Applications Bricks The goal of our experiment during the Making-course, was to influence the chemical process to make it aesthetically more interesting. Mixing concrete with aluminium powder, resulted in aerated concrete. The bubbles that came inside made the concrete rise, which meant that in order to create the same mass,

you needed to use less concrete. We can imagine that such a method could be useful for bricks. Less concrete is needed, plus you get an more interesting look on the bricks. Especially when you mix it with pigment, as we did in the tests.


examples of the use of aluminium-concrete bricks


brickwork cladding furniture

per 1m3:

0.001m3 brick mix:

cement(kg): 65 - 75 aluminium(kg): 0.5 - 0.6 water(kg): 230 pigment(kg):15kg

cement(kg): 0.065 - 0.075 aluminium(kg): 0.0005 - 0.0006 water(kg): 0.23 pigment(kg): 0.015

aerated aluminium & pigmented concrete brick calculation


6. Reactions| Future Applications

Al 3





The use of aluminium powder and pigment in the concrete mix can be used as an interesting aestitical element. The oxidisation of the aluminium creates an changing appearance over time. It will take a couple of years untill it stops changing. It could be used for for interior or exterior walls, along with recycled concrete aggregate. The aluminium powder can also be extracted from aluminium waste.


6. Reactions| Future Applications 105

The Oskar Reinhardt Collection, Winterthur by Gigon Guyer Example of the chemical reaction of concrete with metal - copper in this case -, that changes over years because of the oxidation of the metal.

example of the use of aluminium-concrete for cladding



Catenary Body

“There are no straight lines or sharp corners in nature. Therefore, buildings must have no straight lines or sharp corners.� - Antoni Gaudi



7. Catenary Body 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Inspirations 7.3 Tests 7.4 Final Product 7.5 Future Applications


Céline Mugica Flora Milanez Miaolan Lin Rushabh Chheda

109 110-111 112-115 116-117 118-121


7.1 Introduction Abstract in which this ambiguous material has been cast has taken the form of rigid planar moulds. Fabric formwork fundamentally challenges the notions of casting into conventional timber lined formwork and is revealed as the key to unlocking the potential of what some term to be ‘Liquid Stone.’ The inherent advantages of casting into fabric are covered, as well as the aesthetic potentialities that this brings. This lends itself well to parametric design, where dramatic forms can be achieved by digitally.

7. Catenary Body | Introduction

Concrete buildings, when demolished, can serve as an excellent source of new building materials. Instead of transporting aggregates from far away, we can use local buildings as a source for aggregates. It can develop an environmentally sound and cost-effective process technology that produces high-grade friendly concrete. But doubts about the purity of the aggregate are still an obstacle for the acceptance of the recycled material. Our group is interested in the topic of recycling concrete and fabric. Ever since the concept for reinforced concrete, the formwork


Timeline illustrating significant development of fabric form-

Texture of different fabric formwork


Geotextile membrane to cast concrete


7.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations During our research for references, our group developed a keen interest in investigating the shapes and qualities offered by fabric formwork. We were attracted to the formal aspects of the concrete and its possibilities of shapes, specially the double curvatures and the organic forms, both from examples of large scale architecture as well as small scale furniture or experiments with different functional purposes. We then became more inspired by the natural shapes that this kind of casting could offer. In

order to obtain a organic form, we came up with the idea of sewing a fabric formwork, suspend it from its endpoints and pour the concrete into it, allowing it to become a catenary arch, in a very similar fashion as to the studies of Gaudi. As Gaudi’s catenaries, we expected that this shape could hold the advantage of demanding relatively small amounts of concrete while still being a visually interesting and somewhat resistent structure.


Concrete table by Foster & Partners

Walter Jack, Cornwall, undulating concrete wall

Gaudi’s chain tests for catenary shapes


7. Catenary Body | Inspirations 111

initial sketches and ideas / a body in an arched position: natural form in a situation of strength

Goals From the beginning of our exploration, we had the idea to pursue the possibilities of form and structure in concrete casting as well as its limits. Materiality and finish took second place in our aspirations since we wanted the ‘body’ to be the main feature. In order to explore the possibilities of structure and create an uncommon form we had always the ambition to use fabric as our formwork since you can easily alter the shape with small alterations.

As an end goal we wanted to create a product which could be very usable in day to day life (like a piece of furniture), while having possible future larger structural applications. Not only would this product be striking in ‘body’ but would also translate its aesthetic through the clarity of its curvature.



7.3 Tests Test 1: In our first tests, we experimented with pouring on two formworks. One was a double curvature layer of concrete comprised between two layers of waterproof fabric but the result was unsucessful and very different from the desired form. The other casting was done in a fabric sleeve supported in its two extremities in order to obtain a more natural

arch through gravity. This structure was cast upside down and inverted after the concrete had hardened. This design for this test was draws inspiration from Gaudis catenaries, how use of a shape in its natural deformed state could offer strength and support if used to its advantage.

First test: Double curvature layer

First test: Inverted arch

Concrete sunk to the center of the formwork

Air bubbles and folds formed in the cast



7. Catenary Body | Tests

First test: Inverted arch


First test: Double curvature layer

Conclusions The first test, helped us understand the formal qualities of the fabric and how a desirable shape could be obtained by controlling certain parameters while designing the formwork. We investigated the problems after the cast, the double curvature cast had a flawed formwork, wherein the poured concrete simply sunk to the lowest point naturally through

gravity, as we hadn’t maintained a consistent thin gap between both fabrics. The inverted arch cast had air bubbles, due to trapped air during casting, and the fabric created folds throughout the arch due to the rigidity of the fabric. After seeing the results of both the tests, our group decided to take the idea of the inverted catenary arch forward and explore it more.



Test 2: The second test was designed from the concept of the inverted arch in our first test. In this test, we created a shape in which two arches would cross in two points of the structure and integrated a net in the gap created between them. We decided to make this test at per the dimensions required as per the brief which is 90cmx30cmx30cm. The formwork had

four entry points through which concrete could be simultaneously poured, thus allowing for a quick and easy pour sequence. During the pour, we noticed some prominent flaws immediately, like the twists and folds in the fabric and also the wooden formwork was touching the natural arch thus creating further folds in the cast and deforming it.

Second test: Double Arch

Formwork and Casting

Twisted fabric at pouring points

Strings used to achieve desired width


Second test: Double arch with net


7. Catenary Body | Tests

Second test: Double arch with net


Detail of ruptures in the second test product

Conclusions Upon observing the results of the second test, our group was satisfied with its formal qualities and decided to mantain its concept and improve on its faults. Since the second test was already designed in the scale of the final product, this implied making only some small changes to the fabric moulds and formwork concept. The structure ruptured in it’s central section as a result of a push and this allowed

us to notice that it was weaker where the fabric had created folds. Also, its supports had a strangled section due to twisting of the fabric mould. Changes in the orientation of the mould were made in order to avoid these issues and a more pliant fabric was chosen. As for the formwork, adjustments implied guaranteeing that it would no longer touch and therefore deform the fabric mould after the casting.



7.4 Final Product Design The design for the final is an improved version of our previous test of the same design. For this prototype, we decided to change the material of the fabric casting to the material used for shower curtains, giving us a much smoother texture and due to its pliability, it reduced the number of weak joints created by folds. The process of casting was done in the same way as the earlier test, but a change in the structure of the form-work was done, such that it doesn’t hinder the

natural curve of the cast. The net was sticthed between the fabric in such a way that its edges are embedded in the concrete and could be seperated from the fabric easily after the cast is ready. The structure successfully spans 90 cm in length and 30 cm in height and width respectively, with just 5 kgs of cement powder used. The material also had tiny pores through which the air bubbles could escape.

stitching of the fabric formwork

upside down casting technique

removing the fabric formwork (post 48 hours of pour

finish of the cast



clear span of 90 cm

top view showing the intersection of arches

catenary Arch shape

final product


7. Catenary Body | Final Product

smoother finish and less creases



7.5 Future Applications Furniture Concrete is often used in large scale construction and is often thought as an undesirable material finish on buildings because of its often uncreative applications. By bringing the material into the home and using it for smaller items and furniture, this brings up the appeal of the use of the material and hence increases the desire to re-use it. Concrete is a durable and heavy material which makes it great for structural furniture such as a hammock/couch.

Additionally casting the concrete using fabric could mean that this fabric could also be made from recycled garments or material, increasing the sustainable quality of the product. The fabric being used would have a specific imprint onto each piece of furniture, creating a different and attractive product every time. Part of re-using concrete is making an attractive solution since there would be more incentive to recycle but also to maintain it.

example of netted structure for lying

example of hanging baskets used for storage


illustration of how the object could be used as seating in human scale


Re-used Concrete The seating is partly made in reused concrete which has a specific imprint on the surface depending on the fabric formwork.

illustration of how the object could be used as seating in animal scale


7. Catenary Body | Future Applications

Formwork Fabric used for formwork could be made from recycled garments or material, increasing the sustainable quality of the product.



Structure According to the graceful double curvatures shape of our final concrete product, it is easy to remind us of the large-span structure applied in bridge or architecture. The arch bridge design nowadays has more possibilities and modern aesthetics, not only limited in traditional configuration such as solid-ribbed, trussed through arches. The structure could be developed into a visually delicate, double-curved, leaning-arch-

supported, cable-stayed bridge (cable positioned where the net component it is now). The greatest challenge in achieving this brief was to minimize the structural profile of each aspect, reduce the flexural and torsional behaviors of the structural systems and increase the dynamic response to wind- and footfall- induced vibrations. The application in largespan architecture such as stadium, station create can create very interesting roof system.

Double-curved bridge along the Swan River, Australia

Contest of London Bridge ‘Flaming Mouth of Hades‘

Large scale fabric formwork in India

Large scale fabric formwork of Cloud 9 project



7. Catenary Body | Future Applications

Illustration of bridge application


Miyagi Stadium by frames made of cast-in-place steel reinforced concrete structure

Conclusion Reusing concrete is a way to reduce the construction costs and at the same time providing some benefits to the environment when reusing that concrete. It could not only be widely used in small scale furniture but also in large scale structure. Recycling of concrete pavement is a relatively simple process and easily used in the deck construction of bridge. It involves breaking, removing and crushing concrete from an existing pavement into a material with a specified size and quality.


Crushed concrete may be reused as an aggregate in new Portland cement concrete or any other structural layer. Recycled concrete is more often used as aggregate in a sub-base layer.


Sketch of double-curved, cable-stayed bridge


Static flow

“Concrete you can mold, you can press it into - after all, you haven’t any straight lines in your body. Why should we have straight lines in our architecture? You’d be surprised when you go into a room that has no straight line - how marvellous it is that you can feel the walls talking back to you, as it were.” - Philip Johnson



8. Static flow 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Inspirations 8.3 Tests 8.4 Final Casting 8.5 Final Product 8.6 Future Applications


Duong Vu Hong Ilianna Logotheti Selene LiJie Zhuang Sรกba Schramkรณ

125 126-127 128-131 132-133 134-137


8.1 Introduction Recycling of demolition concrete the separation methods of moist concrete. These different approaches were motivating because they showed the real challenges and difficulties that one might not think about at first hand. Finally he spoke on the relevance and technical aspects of using recycled concrete. From this context the fact that ‘the amount of demolition concrete from post-WW developments is rising’ was the most insightful note that pointed at the immediacy of the topic.

8. Static flow | Introduction

Maarten Bakker’s lecture was particularly interesting because it yielded more in-depth analysis of the complex implications of recyclability than a general overview. Throughout the lecture he analysed the different types and classifications of demolition waste based on material properties and origin of waste and he also expanded on conventional and contemporary material streams. The greater and most interesting part of the lecture provided an introduction on coarse concrete and cement recycling, including


Environmental conscious demolition process



8.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations At the start of the course we began by looking at how organic and fluid expressions of concrete could be achieved. We were interested in the repetition of a relatively simple element that allows aesthetic variation and complexity of form. We were inspired by these flowing forms because as we began thinking about casting processes this new perspective directed our

attention towards concrete as being a primarily fluid and unconstrained material. In retrospect, most of our initial interests seemed to be more related to vertical systems and they did not readily accommodate the creation of a horizontal span.

Precedent images, inspirations


Concrete models by Unit C of the University of East London Concrete models by Unit C of the University of East London

Church of Christ Obrero by Eladio Dieste Concrete models by Unit C of the University of East London


8. Static flow | Inspirations 127

Development sketches

Goals We aimed to create a product that could be used as a modular element in several different applications. For us, modularity in this context meant that individual elements can easily be repaired or replaced and that modules can easily be transported to be used at another site for another application. We also considered that at the end of their lifetime the modules can more easily be recycled for coarse concrete as the ease of disassembly aids to reduce potential

contamination of the concrete. As a last note, modularity also meant that in real scale production the mould could be re-used for an extensive period as the adaptability of the unit ensures long term demand by multiple industries. Naturally modular products already exist, in this respect we sought to create a simple but organic form where the aesthetic beauty of complexity of different shapes and uses begins to play a role once multiple units are combined.



8.3 Tests



8. Static flow | Test 129

During the first casting session we looked at how the use of fabric formwork could be used to create organic forms. However, as we further developed our ideas we became more interested in modularity and different ways of assembly therefore we started to consider silicon formwork to be able to cast exactly the same module several times. We had three main ideas of modular forms. The stacking of ‘X’ shaped elements to form a honeycomb-like wall came first.

Then the dome structure came second comprising of triangular elements with interlocking notches. The third idea was the ‘spinal column’ where the simple tilt in the upper part of the module would have allowed the construction of organically curving columns. All three ideas were set aside because the wall, the dome and the column as structural forms were not the best solutions of achieving the horizontal spanning element required by the brief.




process sketches

SPRING 2017 Since our final product will be curved, we decided to use cnc milling on polyurethane foam boards to make the final mould. Due to the length of the final product, each four pieces of 125*60*4cm foam had to be glued together before the milling. Different kinds of glue ranging from general eco-friendly adhesive to special glue for polyurethane insulating board were tried, and eventually we settled with simple wood glue.

The last complication of the final casting process was to bend the relatively thick (6mm diameter) reinforcement bars into the required waving shape. Since there were no machines available for this purpose we had to use simple hand tools and therefore the bars did not follow the curvature perfectly. As a result only one bar could fit into the mould. As a result, the mid part of the final element, where the structural bar was placed, has much more structural strength than the two ends where no bars were used. If this product was to be manufactured, one long reinforcement bar should be used at the whole length of the product.

8. Static flow | Final Casting

In the concrete casting process, we tried to put pigment in the mortar to create a colour gradient change in different concrete pieces. What we were not aware of is that the pigment causes the concrete mixture to dry very fast. Hence the mixture was not fluid enough and as a result there were many air bubbles in the final outcome, which resulted in lower structural strength. Learning from this experience, we

discarded the pigment and used concrete in its original colour. As a result the non-pigmented concrete had perfect fluidity and therefore the pieces turned out smoother and gained more structural strength.




8.5 Final Product Design and meaning After the test we made with the concepts of the dome, the wall and the column, we decided to focus on more on achieving the 90cm span required by the brie in a more simple way. We recognized that the final product does not need to be a complete architectural mechanism, it can also be an installation, a furniture, or even just an object. The curve shape, although we have considered it before in our sketches, only came to the fore when we realised the repeating wave shape would suit all our propositions. The curve

between every two troughs creates a perfect arch, while the peaks provide great support for objects above them. To achieve higher structural strength a 8 steel bar with MDF conductors is placed in the core 4 of the structure. Due to the limited time and limited amount of concrete available, the final product would be a bench composed by two identical concrete structures each with two continual waves from peak 30 to peak, and a wooden board on top. 180


8 4

30 180 30


connection slot


wooden top

90 180


a bench or a small table


8. Static flow | Final Product 133

Final product



8.6 Future Applications Urban furniture One bench is never enough! The wave arch can be casted quickly and sustainably due to its small volume and perfect modularity. In public open space, identical benches composed from two concrete structures and a top board can be place next to each other to create a continuous long bench for more people to use. Additionally, the empty space between the two concrete structures allows storage or even used as planters. The concrete structure as a supporting object can be


placed anywhere and combined in different ways. The 180*30 cm top board for the slim bench is merely per request to the final product of the course. Practically, the shape and size of the top board do not have any limitation. Just move the concrete structures apart and put a bigger top board on, the new bench is good for a bigger party. According to the landscape design of the context environment, the bench can surround the beautiful trees in the park, or create a lovely curve that allow people sitting face to face.


Woven wall sides of the faรงade are hardly visually connected, with only bits and pieces of light passing through. They are great separators for semi-privacy in public area. No joint is needed in between each piece of concrete structure unit. The faรงade is completely mobile and can be installed and removed very easily. Plants, lighting facilities, or even pipes can be placed in the vertical holes enclosed by waves of the concrete structure from different layers. The faรงade is only an example. With its mobility and modularity, we are confident that there will be more functions of our concrete structure to be discovered.

8. Static flow | Future Applications

We believe in sustainability and multifunctionality. The former characteristic is fulfilled by the reuse of the mould. How about the second one? Is our final product merely a furniture? Although our final product for the course is a bench, the same concrete structures can form a system in a more architectural way as a mechanism. Apart from standing vertically and supporting objects or people with a top board, the concrete structures can also sit horizontally. As a result of a good amount of the modular concrete structures piling up, a faรงade would be constructed. The wavy faรงade allows ventilation while the two


Wall version A

Wall version B




pouring concrete

Detachable mold

steel reinforcement


a circular process - recycled aggragates





scenario A

scenario B

+ reused concrete

reused steel

Dismantling broken / redundant pieces and reusing for new modules or another products

Re-arrangement / Transportation to a new location

SPRING 2017 Re-use of concrete Furthermore at the end of their lifetime modules are easy to be unassembled and transported to be transformed into raw material again. The steel reinforcement after dismantling can be reused for another module or may be recycled as raw steel. The concrete can be more easily recycled as aggregate since the ease of disassemly of the whole structure will result in considerably lower levels of contamination than with products that need to be broken down to their parts on site.

Further considerations for future application We have identified the most important aspects where the final product could be further improved or modified to make it more suitable for future applications. The sectional depth of the curve could be modified in relation to structural forces, less stressed parts could be thinner and the most structurally performing parts could remain thicker. The length and the depth

of one module could also be changed if for some applications, for example roof bearing elements, it would be more sensible to use larger spans. Equally, the entire module could be scaled up or down.. The latter for example could be useful for creating a garden fence where plants can grow in-between the intertwined modules.

8. Static flow | Future Applications

As represented in our initial goals, we saw modularity as an incentive to the ease of recycling. If the production was to be scaled up to factory size, a reusable mould would be employed. It could be done in such a way that two halves would form the mould and a small opening could serve to pour the concrete in between. In the end the two halves could easily be opened up and later the mould could be reused. In terms of material reusability, modularity means that faulty modules are easier to be change and fixed.


Conclusions Overall, we are satisfied with the final product we managed to create. Having tried a few of its different possible applications we see it as a structurally sensible and also aesthetically pleasing element which suits the purposes of urban furniture and organically shaped wall structure. If we were to take the project a few weeks further, our main focus would be to elaborate the sectional depth and thus really make

the most of concrete’s capability to be transformed in almost any shape when it is still fluid. As far as our casting process is concerned, for a one-off cast the use of foam as mould material was acceptable. However, if the process was to be developed we would experiment with a mould made of two or more parts to create a reusable mould




Concrete, a material with impression of strength and stiffness; Fabric, a material with sense of flexibility and softness. We filled the soft fabric with fluid concrete. The soft gives shape to the concrete until time gave it hardness. The softness of the fabric casts on the concrete, making it a hybrid of the soft and the hard. - GROUP 9



9. Fabro. City 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Inspirations 9.3 Tests 9.4 Final Product 9.5 Future Applications


Peiwen Ren Yitang Meng Jun Yang Sacha van Eerten

141 142-143 144-147 148-149 150-153


9.1 Introduction Abstract After several crushing processes of the re-use concrete, the aggregate is obtained making the resultant material highly angular in shape. It is usually a combination of natural aggregate and mortar from the re-use concrete. The mortar portion with re-use concrete aggregate makes its texture rougher, its density lower, and its water absorption higher than that of natural aggregate with similar size. And thus it is perfect for the light weight applications.

9. Fabro. City | Introduction

Concrete is everywhere. Wherever humans have inhabited, concrete is there. Concrete is an excellent material to make long-lasting and energy-efficient buildings. However, even with good design, human needs change and potential waste will be generated. Changes in infrastructure planning and needs result in the generation of construction and demolition waste. Building and constructions is a cyclic process and the recycling of these wastes is necessary.


Initial Sketch Sketch by Peiwen



9.2 Inspirations

Initial ideas and inspirations What interests us is the way concrete can fit another appearance than you might expect of it. Almost like a chameleon. It could have the appearance of a soft pillow but with the physical properties of concrete. The contrast between the appearance and the actual material fascinates us.

Besides that the method you could use for such a result interested us. The contrast between the physical properties of the mall and that of concrete. Flexible soft fabric to create a strong heavy model.


Photographs of Inspirations Photograph from

Photograph from


9. Fabro. City | Inspirations 143

Sketches by Peiwen

Sketches by Jun

We want to explore what the possibilities are in creating a model out of a mall of fabric. Our main goal is about how we could realize an organic strong concrete model with a mall made out of fabric. To achieve this result we will do several tests.

We will examine the following aspects: Is the fabric strong enough? Will concrete copy the texture of the fabric? What kind of organic form can we realise in concrete? Will concrete be strong enough for a certain organic form? How thin or thick does it need to be? How could we create a curved shape? Every week we will investigate the weak and strong aspects of our models and with this knowledge improve the malls out of fabric.




9.3 Tests First test Sewing & Fixing





1st Attempt - using fabric as formwork for making an arch Photograph by Jun

Failure because of wrinkles and weak connection Photograph by Jun


Second test Sewing



9. Fabro. City | Inspirations





2nd Attempt - making larger span arch with slender structure Photograph by Periwen



Second test - Outcome


Photograph by Jun & Peiwen

The outcome of the test is satisfying considering the shape, texture and the formwork design. But two days later after demoulding, the long independent part of the model was broken due to external pressing force and the instability of the independent extended part. From this test, it is obvious that the structure consisting of slender “tubes� and holes could work properly if they are properly organized along the whole structure. Photograph by Jun


Third test - Texture

Plastic Sheet with Lace Texture

Without Oil

9. Fabro. City | Tests

With Oil Sofe Waterproof Shower Curtain

147 Photograph by Jun

In the tests of the last weeks, we discover that concrete has great capability of copying the texture of the fabric. Therefore, in this test, we aim to find out how detail the texture can leave on the concrete with different treatment on the fabric.

external layer to add stiffness to the formwork and ensure that the inner layer will not be tearing apart by the concrete. The inner layer is flexible plastic sheets with lace texture. In one of the test we oiled the inner layer while in the other we didn’t.

We applied 2 types of fabric and sewed them together as double-layer formwork. The white one is water-proof shower curtain, and it is used as the

The outcome shows that in the case with plastic sheets, the texture could be copied clearly without oil while it appears to be less clear with the oil.

Conclusions The first test is more about the possibility of making an arch out of fabric formwork. The first model was like a pillow with holes in it. The proportion between the concrete parts and the holes were not in balance. We found out that it would be better to create an organic form out of pipes. So instead of adding holes to the slab, we tried to create an organic form out of connected pipes. A much better result came out of the second model. But this time the proportions had to be improved. At

some points they were too thick, too thin, too long, or not well connected. Besides the construction of the model it was interesting to see the pattern and wrinkles of the fabric in the concrete model. We wanted to enlarge this result. So we did a test with a flower print fabric. To make sure the fabric wouldn’t be stuck in the concrete we did a test with oil and without oil. In both tests the fabric could easily be peeled off but the flower print was clearer in the model without oil.



9.4 Final Product Design and meaning Our final design is an organic form made out of an industrial material. This model is an assembling of nature and industry. We tried to combine the logic of nature and the strength of concrete. In our design you

could, for example, recognize the forms of the roots of tree and feel the weight of concrete. By using an organic form we tried to reduce the use of concrete but still have the strength of the material.

Design of Formwork Sketch by Jun & Peiwen

Final Formwork and Pouring Photograph by Jun



9. Fabro. City | Final Product 149

Final Model Photograph by Jun



9.5 Future Applications Pavilion One possible future application that would be possible with re-used concrete could be a pavilion. Thanks to its organic form, beautiful shadows will be projected on the ground under the sun. One can experience a dreamy atmosphere because of the

holes and organic form. When it’s raining the holes could be covered with transparent plastic to prevent the rain while keeping the light passing through. Besides, it could also be a perfect place for children to climb and play around.


Illustration by Peiwen


Although the materials we used is completely different, but the lightness and the organic shape of the pavilion is quite appealing. With the application of re-use concrete aggregates and the production method of our design, we might be able to achieve the similar outcome as the inspiration project.

9. Fabro. City | Applications

Our inspiration project is the pavilion built by the Emergent Technologies and Design program (EmTech) of the Architectural Association (AA), London, and the Chair of Structural Design at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich. It is a temporary light timber construction has been designed that functions as sun shading for parts of the grand stairs in front of the architecture department of the ETH.


Pavilion / EmTech (AA) + ETH Photograph from

Pavilion / EmTech (AA) + ETH Photograph from



Bridge Structure There is increasing demand for construction and construction materials around the world, for that concrete is the most extensively used material in construction. There are many advantages of concrete, but there is one drawback is that, it is not flexible, when it is hardened To overcome through this drawback of concrete, fabric was introduced into concrete moulding.

Thus in this way it could be used as pedestrian bridge. The flexible shape of the bridge could better fit the surrounding conditions and reflect into an organic form. The fluid shape could be derived by monitoring the circulation of pedestrians which shows the best performance. This application makes the organic design more operational and conventional than 3d printing. Fabric is relatively easy to use and easy to transform and assemble on site.



Illustration by Peiwen


Look at the traditional bridge over the canals in Amsterdam and the new pedestrian bridge, it is interesting to see the in order to let the people walk across the canals without interrupting the shipping on the water, arches are used to create sufficient space under the bridge.

Since the arch of our design is mainly formed by gravity, as a parabolic curve, it could have high enough and wide enough space down the bridge for ships passing. And the structure of the bridge can be produced in the factory as one whole piece or several pieces according to the span.

9. Fabro. City | Applications 153

Seven Bridges of the Reguliersgracht Photograph by Darrell Robinson

Pythonbrug Photograph by Senex Prime



Multifunctional Concrete Components

“We are beginning to recover a certain philosophical respect for the inherent morphogenetic potential of all materials. And we may now be in a position to think about the origin of form and structure, not as something imposed from the outside on an inert matter, not as a hierarchical command from above as in an assembly line, but as something that may come from within the material, a form that we tease out of those materials as we allow them to have their say in the structures we create.“ - Manuel DeLanda



10. Multifunctional Concrete Components 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Inspirations 10.3 Tests 10.4 Final Product 10.5 Future Applications


Matt Grimshaw Rebekah Tien Yinxi Lu Surbhi Singhal Wioletta Sarara

157 158-159 160-163 164-165 166-169


Abstract Recycling of Demolition Concrete. Materials that can be recycled are metals, thermoplastics, natural materials, artificial stone and roof materials. The process of demolition of a concrete structure is carried out first with a plan and material inventory. Concrete is recycled by using crushing equipment which may lead to mixing of different types of materials on site. Therefore, cleanliness while screening concrete is one of the major factors in recycling process. There can also be moist concrete on site, the three processes that

are used to sieve the moist concrete are: Floatsink process or washing, Thermal treatment and ADR- small and light grains can be separated from bif and heavy grains. One of the inspiring bits of the lecture was the formwork and the methods related to it. Timber, steel, extrusion, CNC milling and fabric formworks are used to cast concrete surfaces. It is interesting to note that formwork can also help in understanding the 3D geometry of the structure. It can help in understanding the mathematical concepts and shoring details related to the structure.

10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Introduction

10.1 Introduction


Photograph of the site | Source: Group 10



10.2 Inspirations Initial ideas and inspirations The material at hand Concrete, when initially tested for compressive and flexural strength performed very well for the compressive behaviour. It showed that it can perform better than just designing a formwork and de-moulding it. It can behave to its utmost strength if worked on the way it is formed and poured. This



influenced the initial idea of making hollow concrete blocks which can be tested later with sponge. This idea further developed to design an object that is multifunctional and flexible, with a void to store objects of need, later assembled to sit and play with it. It can work as a insulating panel, a lighting object, a plant pot or a storage.


A: Example of functional voids | Source: B: Example of functional voids | Source:

Sketches of ideas | Source: Group 10


The ‘Making’ workshops started with mixing concrete of varied performance levels and testing them to understand the compressive and flexural strengths. This initial process of strength made us realise the way concrete can be used to cast forms depending on the thickness and strength to achieve the desired outcome. This inspired us to design a

free-standing dismantled chair with identical blocks and no connecting joints. The use of different surface finish can help in balancing the weight and angle of assembly. The idea was to use concrete at the maximum strength with minimum section thickness of each identical block.


10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Inspirations



Support Perspex

Left: Diagram of Final Formwork Design Source: Group 10

Right: Photo of mock up test Source: Group 10



10.3 Tests Process The project idea was to design a free spanning object of 900x300x300 mm. Our initial pour was directed towards three tests. First, the strength with varying section thickness; Second, how different materials like foam, iron rod, wood, wire mesh, net fabric and used concrete pieces react to a freshly poured concrete; and third, Can we make a hollow concrete brick with foam insulation inside. This experiment

dominated our further design kind and type. We modelled a prototype of the final design at scale 1:2 in order to understand the way the weight will be distributed. Due to height limitation of 300mm the designed output needed supports, therefore, the height was increased to 450mm to achieve a freestanding structure with rough surfaces of concrete to create the friction and act as joints of each block.


Strength Test | Source: Group 10

Initial Test | Source: Group 10

Initial Tests | Source: Group 10


Final Formwork

10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Tests

Test- Foam


Test Formwork

Final Formwork



1 1





Failure Diagrams | Source: Group 10


Left: The perspex slid out and caused leakage when we tried to move the formwork after we have poured, causing leakage. 3

Right: We did not provide enough support to the inner shell of the formwork, and a piece of MDF being pushed inwards, resulting in a thicker edge on one of the block.

Final product before assembly | Source: Group 10


10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Tests 163

Photos of pouring, fixing formwork, and demoulding process | Source: Group 10

Conclusions One can conclude from all the above experiments that when designing, Material selection is one of the significant decision an architect must make, when designing an object, yet it is often not addressed at the beginning of the design process. The relationship between project’s aesthetics and its materiality is the most important factor as it provides the foundation for

a strong design sensibility intertwined with material knowledge. It concludes by promoting hierarchy in the vocabulary that is used to discuss space, elements and materials. Even though a lot of architectural books and references are arranged according to the hierarchy in the design elements and materials, yet we do not see the hierarchy in the design process.



10.4 Final Product Design and meaning The dismantled furniture and storage unit is designed to act as a multifunctional object in one’s interiors. In order to assemble the blocks and transform it into a chair, the structure of the object is very important. The object is designed in order to use the strength of concrete, experimenting with the angles on each side of the block so as to achieve a self-supporting

structure. The function of the object is to rotate - play - store - assemble - sit - disassemble. This playful nature of the material and design makes it easy to handle and incorporate in an house or formal office interiors. The materials are not altered in order to retain its originality so as to blend with different interior design styles.


Photographs of Final Product | Source: Group 10

SPRING 2017 10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Final Product 165

Top: Final Product with doors (storage units) Bottom: Final Product Concrete Shells Source: Group 10



10.5 Future Applications 1. Roof/ Wall/ Furniture The prefabricated concrete components if arranged in the horizontal manner, can act as a roof shed. The hollow block can be used to put insulation/ducts/ water proofing layer. The identical elements can be arranged upside down alternatively to achieve a form for the roof. The shed can be a roof for large struc-

tures like of petrol pump, gas station, offices, swimming pool or a small structure like a pavilion, table supports, outdoor furniture, wall elements etc. The hollow block reduces the amount of concrete used for construction, reducing the material demand, with comparatively light - weight structure.


Illustrations of our design as roof, wall and furnitures | Sources: Group 10


2. Building houses The future use of the prefabricated blocks can be tested in order to build the prototypes of the modular house. Each block can be arranged in relation to the other. Can this system be used to design and fabricate identical house and then customise

according to the client and his/her requirements? This can help in giving a language to the perimeter block arrangement, at the same time designing to constitute the expression of the material.

Illustration of our design as housing | Sources: Group 10


10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Future Applications

Trump Wall | Sources: Group 10



3. Insulated Concrete Blocks The concrete components can be filled with insulation and be used as building blocks. The form of our components can be used in building curved walls and arches. The prefabricated and identical units make it easy to build with, precise, and much more lightweight and sustainable than pouring a solid, curved concrete wall. This system we designed can also be applied in many different dimensions, forms and materials.



Example of (Insulated) Hollow Building Concrete Blocks | Source:

Sketches | Source: Group 10


We designed the system with “multifunction� being the main goal. The hollow components can not only be used as storage units, fun assemblable furniture, but also gardening features such as plant boxes. The components can be scaled down/ up easily in satisfying the purpose. With a big unit, you can even have your own moveable bar! Examples of concrete plant boxes and furniture

Source: Round-Concrete-Planter

10. Multifunctional Concrete Components | Future Applications

4. Gardening Features, Plant Boxes or Furniture







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