Post-Human Gestures II Master Portfolio

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P OR T FO L I O Post-Human Gestures II 2017 sem 2 studio 28 Loren Adams David Fedyk 923790



• Phase I - Robotic Line Drawings


• Phase II - Robotic Field Drawings


• Phase III - A Playground for ‘Other’ Bodies


- Robotic Drawings


- Explorations


- A Playground for Busy Bodies


- Reflections on ‘Other’ Bodies




We approached the first robotic drawing task by making the most of the flexibility of the tool_object of the robot (apart from the last set where we also altered the robotic code). By chaning the tool used to draw, we could obtain varrying subtleties fo the code and trending patterns that we could not get from previous tools. These ranged from thin to thick black felt tip pen to watercolour brush and charcoal. The thickness and preciseness of the tool point also exagerated the robot’s movements in a beautiful manner.


Robotic Line Drawing 1

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the brush to a watercolour brush and scaling down nshift by 20 percent.

The following code was use to obtain the robotic drawing on the left: PROC Sub_submodCM() VAR num nshift:=2; ConfL\Off; ConfJ\Off; FOR i FROM 1 TO 100 DO

Robotic Line Drawing E0

Movel pCM01,v20,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pCM02,v20,z40,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pCM03,v20,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pCM04,v20,z30,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; movel pCM05,v20,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1;


pCM01.trans.x:=pCM01.trans.x+nshift; pCM01.trans.y:=pCM01.trans.y+nshift; pCM02.trans.y:=pCM02.trans.y+nshift; pCM03.trans.y:=pCM03.trans.y+nshift; pCM03.trans.x:=pCM03.trans.x+nshift; ENDFOR ENDPROC


edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Line Drawing 2

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the brush to a watercolour brush and scaling down nshift by 20 percent.

The following code was use to obtain the robotic drawing on the left: PROC Sub_Kenneth_Martin_01() ConfL\Off; ConfJ\Off; FOR i FROM 1 TO 100 DO

Robotic Line Drawing E1

Movel pRM01,v30,z10,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pRM02,v30,z5,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pRM03,v30,z10,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pRM04,v30,z5,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1;


pRM01.trans.x:=pRM01.trans.x+5; prm01.trans.z:=prm01.trans.z-0.1; pRM02.trans.y:=pRM02.trans.y+7; pRM02.trans.x:=pRM02.trans.x+3; pRM02.trans.y:=pRM02.trans.y+5; prm02.trans.z:=prm02.trans.z-0.1; pRM03.trans.x:=pRM03.trans.y+5; pRM03.trans.y:=pRM03.trans.x+3; prm03.trans.z:=prm03.trans.z-0.1; pRM04.trans.y:=pRM04.trans.y+3; pRM04.trans.y:=pRM04.trans.x+7; prm04.trans.z:=prm04.trans.z-0.1; !pRM04.trans.y:=pRM04.trans.y + 5; ENDFOR



edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Line Drawing 3

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the brush to a watercolour brush and scaling down nshift by 20 percent.

The following code was use to obtain the robotic drawing on the left: PROC Sub_zaha_hadid() ConfL\Off; ConfJ\Off;

Robotic Line Drawing E2

Movel pal01,v20,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pal02,v20,z5,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pal03,v20,z5,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pal04,v20,z5,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pal05,v20,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1;

- 10 -

pal01.trans.x:=pal01.trans.x+1; pal01.trans.y:=pal02.trans.y+1.4; pal02.trans.x:=pal02.trans.x+0.6; pal02.trans.y:=pal02.trans.y+1; pal03.trans.x:=pal03.trans.y+1; pal03.trans.y:=pal03.trans.y+0.6; pal04.trans.y:=pal04.trans.y+0.6; pal05.trans.x:=pal05.trans.x+1; pal05.trans.y:=pal05.trans.y+1.4;


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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Line Drawing 4

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the brush to a watercolour brush and scaling down nshift by 20 percent.

The following code was use to obtain the robotic drawing on the left: PROC Sub_Aalto_curve()

VAR num nshift:=2; ConfL\Off; ConfJ\Off; FOR i FROM 1 TO 1 DO

Robotic Line Drawing E3

Movel pcjm1,v100,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pcjm2,v100,z30,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pcjm3,v100,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pcjm4,v100,z30,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; movel pcjm5,v100,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1;

- 12 -

pcjm1.trans.x:=pCjm1.trans.x+nshift; pcjm1.trans.y:=pcjm1.trans.y+nshift; pcjm4.trans.y:=pcjm4.trans.y+nshift; pcjm4.trans.y:=pcjm4.trans.y+nshift; pcjm5.trans.x:=pcjm5.trans.x+nshift; ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Line Drawing 5

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the brush to a watercolour brush and scaling down nshift by 20 percent.

The following code was use to obtain the robotic drawing on the left: PROC Sub_EMBT() VAR num nshift:=5; ConfL\Off; ConfJ\Off; FOR i FROM 1 TO 100 DO Movel pqz001,v40,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pqz002,v40,z20,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pqz003,v40,z15,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pqz004,v40,z15,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; Movel pqz005,v40,z10,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pqz006,v40,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; MoveL pqz007,v40,fine,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1;

Robotic Line Drawing E4

pqz001.trans.x:=pqz001.trans.x-4; pqz002.trans.x:=pqz002.trans.x-2; pqz002.trans.y:=pqz002.trans.y+1; pqz003.trans.x:=pqz003.trans.x-2;

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nshift:=nshift+(i*2); ENDFOR


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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Line Drawing Conclusion

The first sets of robotic drawings allowed me to gain an initial understanding of the robotic process and programming. By creating a set of architectural drawings from the robotic lines, this allowed me to formulate a 3-dimensional approach to the task.

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Robotic Line Drawing E1 Robotic Line Drawing E3

Robotic Line Drawing E4

Robotic Line Drawing E0 Robotic Line Drawing E2

Interpreting these results in a set of models allowed the depth and insinuated shadows of the drawings come through even further.

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model 1

model 2

model 3

model 4


Our focus with this set of robotic drawings was to see the influence of altering the code instead of the tool. The process of creating field drawings took a longer time than the line drawings but the trending patterns would progressively appear making the drawing discoverable as the robot travelled the paper.

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Robotic Field Drawing 1

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the quantity of rob_targets and their mathematical relationship with each other.

The following is a sample of the robotic code: PROC Sub_FieldDwgs_DW01()

FOR i FROM 1 TO nCount DO

! Set value of all empty shell variables to match pCurrent p01:=pCurrent; p02:=pCurrent; p03:=pCurrent; ! Modify the values of each relative robtarget, according to mathematical relationship between x and y vector components p 0 1 . t r a n s . x : = p 0 1 . t r a n s . x + ( n P o s X (nFactor*nPosX)); p01.trans.y:=p01.trans.y+(nPosY); p02.trans.x:=p02.trans.x+(nPosX); p02.trans.y:=p02.trans.y+(nFactor*nPosY); p03.trans.x:=p03.trans.x-(nTotalX-nPosX); p03.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY);

Robotic Field Drawing G0

! Check that the modified targets are within the bounds of the sheet, and adjust accordingly if needed

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IF p02.trans.x>nSheetX THEN ! What to do if x runs out ( offset back up and then move to new line) MoveL Offs(pTempStart,0,0,nOffs),spD raw,zCorner,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Field Drawing 2

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the quantity of rob_targets and their mathematical relationship with each other.

The following is a sample of the robotic code: PROC Sub_FieldDwgs_DW02()

FOR i FROM 1 TO nCount DO

! Set value of all empty shell variables to match pCurrent p01:=pCurrent; p02:=pCurrent; p03:=pCurrent; ! Modify the values of each relative robtarget, according to mathematical relationship between x and y vector components p 0 1 . t r a n s . x : = p 0 1 . t r a n s . x + ( n P o s X (nFactor*nPosX)); p01.trans.y:=p01.trans.y+(nPosY); p02.trans.x:=p02.trans.x+(nTotalX-nPosX); p02.trans.y:=p02.trans.y+(nFactor*nPosY); p03.trans.x:=p03.trans.x-(nTotalX-nPosX); p03.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY);

Robotic Field Drawing G1

! Check that the modified targets are within the bounds of the sheet, and adjust accordingly if needed

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IF p02.trans.x>nSheetX THEN ! What to do if x runs out ( offset back up and then move to new line) MoveL Offs(pTempStart,0,0,nOffs),spD raw,zCorner,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Field Drawing 3

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the quantity of rob_targets and their mathematical relationship with each other. The following is a sample of the robotic code: PROC Sub_FieldDwgs_DW03()

FOR i FROM 1 TO nCount DO

! Set value of all empty shell variables to match pCurrent p01:=pCurrent; p02:=pCurrent; p03:=pCurrent; ! Modify the values of each relative robtarget, according to mathematical relationship between x and y vector components p 0 1 . t r a n s . x : = p 0 1 . t r a n s . x + ( n P o s X (nFactor*nPosX)); p01.trans.y:=p01.trans.y+(nPosY); p02.trans.x:=p02.trans.x+(nPosX); p02.trans.y:=p02.trans.y+(nFactor*nPosY); p03.trans.x:=p03.trans.x-(nTotalX-nPosX); p03.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY); p04.trans.x:=p03.trans.x+((nFactor*nTotalX)nPosX); p04.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY);

Robotic Field Drawing G2

! Check that the modified targets are within the bounds of the sheet, and adjust accordingly if needed

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IF p02.trans.x>nSheetX THEN ! What to do if x runs out ( offset back up and then move to new line) MoveL Offs(pTempStart,0,0,nOffs),spD raw,zCorner,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Field Drawing 4

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the quantity of rob_targets and their mathematical relationship with each other. The following is a sample of the robotic code: PROC Sub_FieldDwgs_DW04()

FOR i FROM 1 TO nCount DO

! Set value of all empty shell variables to match pCurrent p01:=pCurrent; p02:=pCurrent; p03:=pCurrent; ! Modify the values of each relative robtarget, according to mathematical relationship between x and y vector components p 0 1 . t r a n s . x : = p 0 1 . t r a n s . x - ( n P o s X (nFactor*nPosX)); p01.trans.y:=p01.trans.y+(nPosY); p02.trans.x:=p02.trans.x+(nPosX*nTotalX); p02.trans.y:=p02.trans.y+(nFactor*nPosY); p03.trans.x:=p03.trans.x-(nTotalX-nPosX); p03.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY); p04.trans.x:=p04.trans.x+((nFactor*nTotalX)nPosX); p04.trans.y:=p04.trans.y+(nTotalY-nPosY);

Robotic Field Drawing G3

! Check that the modified targets are within the bounds of the sheet, and adjust accordingly if needed

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IF p02.trans.x>nSheetX THEN ! What to do if x runs out ( offset back up and then move to new line) MoveL Offs(pTempStart,0,0,nOffs),spD raw,zCorner,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Field Drawing 5

This set of robotic drawings was obtained by changing the quantity of rob_targets and their mathematical relationship with each other. The following is a sample of the robotic code:

PROC Sub_FieldDwgs_DW05()

FOR i FROM 1 TO nCount DO

! Set value of all empty shell variables to match pCurrent p01:=pCurrent; p02:=pCurrent; p03:=pCurrent; ! Modify the values of each relative robtarget, according to mathematical relationship between x and y vector components p 0 1 . t r a n s . x : = p 0 1 . t r a n s . x + ( n P o s X (nFactor*nPosX)); p01.trans.y:=p01.trans.y+(nPosY); p02.trans.x:=p02.trans.x+(nPosX); p02.trans.y:=p02.trans.y+(nFactor*nPosY); p03.trans.x:=p03.trans.x-(nTotalX-nPosX); p03.trans.y:=p03.trans.y+(nTotalY);

Robotic Field Drawing G4

! Check that the modified targets are within the bounds of the sheet, and adjust accordingly if needed

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IF p02.trans.x>nSheetX THEN ! What to do if x runs out ( offset back up and then move to new line) MoveL Offs(pTempStart,0,0,nOffs),spD raw,zCorner,tooFine_josh\WObj:=wobj_sheetteam1; ENDIF ENDFOR ENDPROC

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edge / corner

surface / texture

terrain / landscape

volume / enclosure

Robotic Field Drawing Conclusion

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Robotic Field Drawing G1 Robotic Field Drawing G3

Robotic Field Drawing G4

Robotic Field Drawing G0 Robotic Field Drawing G2

Since we focused on altering the code instead of the toold, throughout the second set of architectural interpretations I decided to incorporate the robot code in the form of grids and geometric indicators. Although a much more difficult task of interpretation than for the robotic line drawings, the field drawings allowed to create an architecture which would populate a lot more the drawing, thus giving an idea of site layout, circulation and spatial qualities.

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model 1

model 2

model 3

model 4

PART III - A PLAYGROUND FOR ‘OTHER’ BODIES As the human body leaves the working environment of the city to immerse itself in the natural surroundings of Carlton Gardens, it releases itself from its machinelike qualities and assumed productivity in order to slow down and incorporate uncontrolled gestures. Since the site is on a crucial intersection between the busy city and the ‘unproductive’ nature, it creates a great locus for the slowing down of the body and the possibility for the “nourishment” of its soul.

analysis of the existing circulation at rush hour on the site

By inviting the busy body into a previously undiscovered route, it can start to unwind its predetermined and rigid gestures and be offered a new perspective of its machine inducing work place.

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Robotic Drawings 1

After having made a first site analysis of the sites movements and numbers during rush hour, we observed that noone enters the site and that its boundary acts as a sort of inpenetrable perimiter.

SITE 01 SPEED: v100 - v80 - v20 ZONE : fine - z30 - fine

Thus we first used the limiting boundaries of the site as robotargets for our drawings.

SITE 02 SPEED: v100 - v80 - v10 ZONE : z5 - z30 - fine

SITE 03 SPEED: v100 - v20 - v80 ZONE : z5 - z50 - z30


SITE 05 SPEED : v100 - v20 - v80 - v10 ZONE : z15 - fine- z30 - z10

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site parameters 1

SPEED : v100 - v80 - v10 - v20 ZONE : z15 - z30 - z10 - fine

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site drawing 1

architecture interpretation 1 - elevation

architecture interpretation 1 - perspective

site drawing 2

architecture interpretation 2 - elevation

architecture interpretation 2 - perspective

- 36 site drawing 3

architecture interpretation 3 - elevation

architecture interpretation 3 - perspective

site drawing 4

architecture interpretation 4 - elevation

architecture interpretation 4 - perspective

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site drawing 5

architecture interpretation 5 - elevation

architecture interpretation 5 - perspective

site drawing 6

architecture interpretation 6 - elevation

architecture interpretation 6 - perspective

Robotic Drawings 2

site parameters 2

We found the resulting drawings of the previous robotic drawings too formal and not explosive enough. Therefore, we increase the number of robo_targets in order to attempt to relate the site to its surroundings and create points of entry into the site. Hence why we named these robotic drawings, ‘active drawings’; their relative architectural interpretations now include the site.

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active drawing 1

architecture interpretation 1 - elevation

architecture interpretation 1 - perspective

active drawing 2

architecture interpretation 2 - elevation

architecture interpretation 2 - perspective

- 40 active drawing 3

architecture interpretation 3 - elevation

architecture interpretation 3 - perspective

active drawing 4

architecture interpretation 4 - elevation

architecture interpretation 4 - perspective

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active drawing 5

architecture interpretation 5 - elevation

architecture interpretation 5 - perspective

active drawing 6

architecture interpretation 6 - elevation

architecture interpretation 6 - perspective

Robotic Drawings 3

site parameters 3

Because of our initial study of travelling paths during rush hour of the site, speed and movement became of great interest to us. We decided to accentuate these attributes of the robot by attaching lights to its joints creating intricate light drawings. In order to obtain varrying heights we also chose the robo_targets relative to the section of the site.

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robot light drawing 1

robot light drawing 2

robot light drawing 3

robot light drawing 4

robot light drawing 5

robot light drawing 6

Robotic Sculptures

After finiding that the qualities of the robotic light drawings were very successful, we decided to interprate them in a 3-dimensional and sculptural form by using the PLA extruder attached to the robot. By directly translating the light drawing patterns as form and building them up straight, they were able to create delicate scultpures. Additionally a default in the extruder, which later one turned to be a great advantage, melted the PLA through in droplets instead of one continuous flow.

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robot extruder

beautiful light effects from the robotic sculpture

By shining light through the translucent wall, intricate and beautiful reflections and shadows were made.

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robot sculpture 1

robot sculpture 2

robot sculpture 3

robot sculpture 4

robot sculpture 5

robot sculpture 6


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3d printed glass column Robotic woven fibreglass structure

Initial material sketches

3d prined glass form Robotic woven fibreglass structure

In order to develop our concept into a final architecture, we looked to material precedents in order to inflence our design. This resulted in using 3d printed glass as a wall and roof structure in order to create beautiful refelctions and shadows onto the site and the Royal Society building.

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Superposition 1

Superposition 2

Superposition 3

Superposition 4

Superposition 5

Superposition 6

- 48 Night view

A Playground for Busy Bodies

Using a combination of sloped ramps, framed views and awkward geometries, the playground slows down or speeds up the body depending on the direction of approach. The strong use of glass in combination with steel creates beautiful ripples as the light shines through it and can also frighten or disorientate the user as they walk on top of it.

Exploded axonometric showing the different omponents of the design

The speed like qualities tested with the robot are also present in the glass structure and roof where, as the glass thins out, certain views are created. This allows for the busy body to obtain a brand new experience of a site which they might not have previously enjoyed. By accelerating, crouching and twisting the body, the playground allows for the preconceived efficient and machine-like movements to unravel.

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- 50 Site plan

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Existing situation

New circulation

Ramp gradients

A new playground

- 52 Ground Floor Plan

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First Floor Plan

- 54 Long Section

Long Elevation

- 55 -

Short Section

Short Elevation

- 56 Interior Day Render 1

Foundation Detail

Platform Detail

01 scale 1:20



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- 58 Interior Day Render 2

Reflections on ‘Other’ Bodies

By looking at a different body typology and not succumbing to the standardised one, various qualities emerge. These qualities, even if frowned upon by society are inherently human ones. Somewhat ironically, it is with the help of the robotic arm that these qualities (of abrupt speed, repetitive motions and playful movements) were able to be exaggerated and interpreted into an architecture which caters for an ‘other’ body. As a woman, this is a common issue in my experience of designed objects in the world. Not only often designed for men, they are also badly based on a standardised model of the woman’s body. (a close example are the great dimensions of the robotic arm and its enclosure). This semester’s exercise has allowed me to think freely concerning looked over body typologies and create more stimulating architecture for the stimulation of ‘other’ bodies.

Drawing standards for women

Thank you.


Architectural Press

Adler, D. 1999. Metric Handbook - Basic Design Data


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