3 rd Year Architecture Portfolio

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Measuring Fluidities_CĂŠline Mugica

shifting Laboratory

Unit 1 Portfolio_Fill, Flow, Track on the Isle of Rum_Lisa Moffitt

[ Contents ] Chapter I: Migrating Sediments


- Altered Porosities - Contrasting Topographies - Cabinet of Curiosities

Chapter II: Measuring the Island


- Outlining the Tide - Registering Densities - Survey Drawing I - Survey Drawing II

Chapter III: A Revolving Laboratory


- Mapping Fluidity - Merging Landscapes - Material Strategy - Spiralling up - A Natural Sink - Programme - Crane - Filtration - Salinometer - Titration - Rotative Evaporator - TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) - Dissecting Microscope - Compound Microscope - Fluid Impacts: Sea Water - Fluid Impacts: Wind - Survey Drawing III - AbrĂŠgĂŠ


[ Chapter I ]

Migrating Sediments We were interested in how sediments travel in water and reveal its levels of turbulences and flow. Sediments become part of both land and sea since they are disturbed in water to be finally deposited on the shore. Since they are of a heavier nature than sea water, they can be easily filtered and collected. Since these particles have a higher density than water, they have a good capacity to represent the exchanges occurring in the sea. Their composition is also very important and reflects the quality of the natural environment. They give a good and relatively precise insight on the level of pollution in our seas.

Altered Porosities. We started off by looking at the flow of water (the tide) and at how we could hamper and guide it. At first we constructed a box with a manoeuvrable metal plate which could be moved back and forth to simulate the rhythm of the waves. We then created multiple “wave breakers” which could be inserted into the box to try and obstruct the flow. The resulting patterns created by the ink (mimicking the movement of sediments) were filmed and compared. So that the results would become more accurate, the “breakers” were reduced to five different panels of different porosity levels.



topography 1 / filter 1

topography 1 / filter 2

topography 1 / filter 3

topography 1 / filter 4

topography 1 / filter 5


topography 2 / filter 1

topography 2 / filter 2

topography 2 / filter 3

topography 2 / filter 4

topography 2 / filter 5


filter 1


filter 2


filter 3


filter 4


filter 5

Contrasting Topographies. -5




Key showing the different levels of topography


We then inserted the topographies of two different sites of the island inside the box so that are experiments would be a better representation of actual movements and exchanged. The two chosen sites were the bay of Kinloch and the eastern tip of Rum. These two locations had very different conditions and made a good base for comparisons to be made. The bay slopes at a much slower rate than that of the cliff and has a much smoother landscape. Along with these topographies, we inserted the five different filters to embody possible architectural interventions. The results showed that the bay had a tendency to collect and capture the sediments (the ink) whereas the cliff operated as a vertical barrier on which the sediments would crash and scatter.


Cabinet of Curiosities. Before setting off for Rum we constructed a box in which we could organise and contain all of our instruments. The object acted as a repertoire for measuring and collecting the landscape. We decided to measure the outline of the tide as it moved through the day and collect volatile sediments at different temporal and spatial intervals to study the levels of turbulence and current. In effect we placed inside the box multiple tools which could aid us in our research: string, measuring tape, steel rods, hammer, collection device, jars‌


[ Chapter II ]

Measuring the Island Since our trip to the Island was short it was crucial that all of the needed instruments were brought on site. The box became an incredibly useful tool as it contained all of our devices and protected them from the harsh environments. The issue of scale was brought to our attention as our measurements needed to be precise and thus spatially limited. Our dimensions would then become a wider representation of the island’s larger exchanges. It was interesting to see that our in studio experiments could be visualised at a grander scale on site: the Bay acted as a ‘collector’ of sediments and had much longer spans of movements than the cliff which broke up the volatile residues.

Sections through the Cliff

Sections through the Bay of Kinloch

Outlining the tide. Our first measurements consisted of drawing on the landscape an outline of the tide as it moved throughout the day. To do so we positioned two metal rods whose locations we knew exactly. We then placed coloured rocks where the tide reached and marked the distance between the rods and the rocks. These measurements were done every two hours to create an accurate and even picture of the waters movement across the topography.











Low High












Table showing tide times

Registering densities. We constructed a metal box which we could swing at a set distance and trap a certain amount of seawater. The collection device has a moving metal plate which locks the box tight when it is taken back to land. Consequently we were able to take samples at specific locations without the surrounding water contaminating it. Since the tool is made of metal, it pleasantly corroded as a result of being in contact with the salt found in the sea; a consequence which would be applied later on in the architectural intervention.


Survey Drawing I. Subsequent to our trip to Rum, we measured the distance between the metal rods and the marked rocks which we had previously recorded. We drew those distances and through Cartesian principles, determined the precise location of the rocks and thus the limit of the tide. The results gave us an interesting snapshot of a fluid phenomenon which we had transformed into a static dimension.










The Isle of Rum Stratified turbulence 1 2


Site 1 (The Bay) Site 2 (The Cliff)


4A 4F



2A 3A



Survey Drawing II. To give a better overall visual representation of our measurements we mapped the coast along with the important intertidal zone. This interesting zone ranging from high to low tide is both land and water depending on the time of day. It contains the most interesting amount of information regarding fluid exchanges and sedimentary deposits.


[ Chapter III ]

A Revolving Laboratory The device embodies the original language of fluidity transcended from the previous measurements. In addition it attempts to represent the box by collecting and containing samples taken from the other sites and studies them through a sequential laboratory. The revolving structure acts as a performance stage where the stepped process of the experiments can be seen from the inside with the use of dispersed pocketed spaces and the outside through the display of the yearly collection of sediments.

Mapping fluidity. BY was AN an AUTODESK Measuring a fluid andPRODUCED natural phenomenon action and language I wanted to translate through my architectural intervention. Since the distances we traced were of the tide outline, the shape they created was molten and beautiful. I decided to choose the profiles determined at the cliff as a base level, onto which I could add and subtract different layers of information.





Intertidal Layer This layer is crucial to all three of our projects since we all interact with it in different ways. It gives us the data we need but also has an impact on all of our buildings.

Survey Layer The survey drawings we had made of Rum were the basis for my design development. The fluid shapes created resonate throughout my progression and simulate the exchanges operating in the intertidal zone.

Wind Layer The first natural condition that affects the building is the wind. Its predominantly south western force softens the southern edge of the building. An extra wind shield was also added to create buffer zones at the entrance and in the central atrium. 32

Water Layer The second element which shapes the edifice is the continuous flow of water. The sea water direction comes predominantly from the east, as it enters the Bay of Kinloch. The building reacts by softening its front edge and elongating the port thus creating a buffer zone for boats steadily anchor.

Sun Layer The building is also conditioned by the amount of sunlight it receives. The southern edge is elongated for it to gain as much natural heat during the day as it can.

Views Layer There are three main views which the edifice reaches out two. Two shapes are pulled from the outline of the building on the west and east in the ambition of observing the other two devices at work. It also opens extends out to the sea to better assess the exchanges taking place. 33


Merging Landscapes.





As the building is affected by the same conditions as the topography it rests on, it merges with its outlines and points. The construction becomes in essence a moulded rock which has been softened by very contextual and external elements. The edifice accordingly develops into an architectural representation of the occurrences which perform in its precise location. The architecture and landscape become one.

Steel frame and larch cladding

ETFE panels

Fluid concrete

Material Strategy. Different model iterations were made to determine the material strategy of the building. Three strategies were more closely looked at: the use of ETFE panels to achieve as much natural light and heat as possible, concrete to accomplish more accurately the fluid forms of the architectural language and steel and larch cladding to create the most efficient construction method possible. The latter was determined to be the best solution. Since the soft outlines of the building are segregated into set lengths of larch shingles and steel beams then the ‘rock’ becomes a kit of multiple parts which is easy to set up on site. By standardising the construction elements the building not only becomes much more cost effective to erect but acquires beautiful facets which change colour due to long term exposure and altering light levels.

Structural language expressed throughout the building


dry lab

wet lab


Spiralling up. The building, in keeping with the fluid language of the original survey, spirals upwards and revolves around a central and open atrium. Its main circulation path is therefore a long spring like ramp on which trolleys carrying samples can be easily moved.


1:100 ground floor plan

1:50 first floor plan 40

1:50 second floor plan 41

A Natural Sink. The roof of the ‘crystal’ gently slopes, directing most of the rainwater towards the central core. At the level of the open atrium, gutters are hidden to collect the conducted water which is contained and filtered in a tank. Any excess water is simply let back into the nucleus. The collected water is used for the living area of the building but also for experiments which are being lead in the wet lab.

1:50 section


Programme. The two other buildings mainly collect samples of sediments at regular intervals and sorts them. These jars of volatile particles are then sent out by boat to my building. It first acts as a storage facility since it contains and annotates them. In effect, it functions in the same way as the box did. Each jar has its place inside the building and all of the samples are protected and sorted. As the architecture spirals up, the samples are taken through a sequence of various experiments. To start with, the specimen is filtered; consequently the ‘dry matter’ is extracted and sent directly to the dry lab. First, however the ‘wet matter’ is taken through various tests: salinometer, titrate, winkler test, evaporative rotator and tem (transmission electron microscope). The left over ‘dry matter’ then joins the previous one to be observed by a geologist through different microscopes. The pollution level of the sample in consequently determined and carefully recorded. A small dose is also stored around the central core of the building, creating a visual spectacle of a year’s research. Since after a year, jars are given in exchange of new ones, the laboratory adapts itself to current findings and shows and ever changing representation of a yearly analysis.

diagrams showing degrees of containment




1:30 section




1:20 section




1:20 section




1:20 section


Rotative Evaporator


1:20 section


TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope).


1:20 section


Dissecting Microscope.


1:20 section


Compound Microscope.


1:20 section


Fluid Impacts: Sea Water I revisited the ontological previously made to test my model and subject it to two different fluid conditions: sea water and wind The sea water was simulated by purple ink and with the aid of the metal plate it was pushed in a continuous motion against the exposed facet of the building. As predicted, a buffer zone materialized under the central core making it beneficial for boats to halt and unload.


Fluid Impacts: Wind The wind impact was simulated by red ink and with the aid of gravity it was directed in the general direction it naturally takes. Once more, as predicted, a buffer zone was created in the central atrium. Additionally, the wind breaker acted very efficiently, creating a sheltered area as the public enters the building.


The Isle of Rum Stratified turbulence 1 2

Site 1 (The Bay) Site 2 (The Cliff)


Survey Drawing III. With our three buildings materialised, we could update the survey drawing to its final outcome. The devices are positioned at relatively equal distances across the coastline, interacting with the crucial intertidal zone. They can merely observe each other’s operations and produce quantities of information brought by ever moving boats.



Abrégé. Our architectural proposals interact with the intertidal zone in three different and interesting ways. Ayla’s intervention reaches out to relate directly with it and collect the samples. Malin’s design acts as a collecting device and uses rock pools as natural containers which can be emptied when the tide is at a low level. My building allows the water to come into its central core for the purpose of bringing the boats at a reachable and stable distance of the laboratory. Our three buildings attempt to embody the initial ideas of fluidity, collection and cartography by proposing an interlacing programme where exchanges are ever-occurring. These interactions cover the back and forth flow of information and specimens between each of the buildings, the indeterminate layer between the indoor environment and the external conditions and the impact of the architecture on the intertidal zone and its instabilities.

“Every wave, regardless of how high and forceful it crests, must eventually collapse within itself” – Stephan Zweig



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