30 secrets shared by masters and spiritual traditions

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30 Secrets Shared by Masters and Spiritual Traditions Learn the most important Teachings of your Life. 1. Meditation. Before sleep and after awake, close your eyes for 5 minutes and laugh, laugh a lot with your belly like a child out of nothing at all. After some time the laughing will be natural. After keep silence for 1 min. Osho called this the Laughter meditation.

2. Watch the gap between breath. That gap sums up the eternity. 3. Repeat the maha mantra with Love: ‘’Om Namah Shivaya’’ that means ‘’I bow dow to the Divine in Me. Teaching of Paramahansa Muktananda, Babaji of Haidhakan (said that this mantra is the real way of do ‘Kryia Yoga’) Swami Premananda and Gurumayi.

4. Never react. Observe, meditate and do. 5. Chant the Hare Krsna Mantra with devotion. Swami Prabbuphada said that this mantra taught by Chaitanya ( one Divine Incarnation of eight century) is the real maha mantra and read the Bhagavad Gita are the best tools to realization.

6. Just see and understand: the aggression is not against YOU. All aggressions are against IMAGES of you. So, never take anything personally. 7. Before sleep repeat the Siddha mantra with breathing. ‘So’ in inhalation and ‘Ham’ in the exalation in a silent way. Like Muktananda taught. 8. If You need more prosperity, why not chant with Love like are aspects of God two powerful mantras to prosperity. (Remember that prayer, meditation and mantra never must be just for material realizations and things. All of these are by product. God is the greatest Gift and the Only Gift) The Ganapati mantra is: ‘’Om Gum Ganapataye Namah’’. The Mahalakshmi Mantra is ‘’Om Shrim Maha Lakhsmiyei Namaha. Or Savaha if you are under 28 years old)

Ganapati or Ganesha is the Son of Devi and Shiva. Lakshmi is the Divine Mother that gives spiritual abundance. The books by Farrand and David Frawley are the best on theme. 9. Treat the pleasure and the pain the same way. Both always pass. ALWAYS. You are beyond. Be happy in happiness. Be happy in difficult times. Surrender both to God. 10. Every now and then ask yourself: ‘’Who am I?’’ ‘’Who is sad? And so on.. Not try to answer. Just hammer inside this questions. Ramana Maharshi – the greatest sage of our time – taught ‘atma vichara’ the direct path to Realization based on this focus in the ‘I’ in ‘keep the ‘inner feeling of I all the time.’’ 11.When things goes wrong smile and be happy. When the thing goes the way you want..Stop and see that is not so good like you think. Go beyond the dualities. 12. Pray the Holy Rosary. Mother Mary or Divine Mother all through the world has been teaching such a powerful Prayer.

13.Write with the left hand one day. Or with the right one if you are left. You can change always the approach. After all you can develop both brain sides.

14. Breathing the suffering the weight of the world. Bring all this to your heart and feel the transmutation. Now you make the alchemy exhale light, happiness and peace to the world, people or situation. This is an ancient Tibetan Buddhism practice called ‘Tonglen’. So powerful and compassive. 15. Meher Baba the Avatar of this Age taught some meditation. One of them were sit in silence and in inhalation say one syllable of your personal God (Ishta) that can be Christ, Buddha, Meher Baba or any other God’s manifestation. For instance: Baba. Inhale: ‘’Ba’ silently and exhale ‘’ba’’. ‘’Je’’ in inhalation with Love and ‘sus in exhalation with the desire of being One with God the only desire worthwhile in this passing world. Make for, 5 10, 15 minutes.

16.Make aikido daily. It’s a great martial art. But in your real meaning is a powerful spiritual way. Morihei Ueshiba had a enlightenment experience after doing the aikido movements. Good for health. Good for soul.

17. Paramhansa Yogananda and many other masters taught the focus on the third eye. Just sit in silence. Breath in a easy and profound way and focus the spot above the two eyes. When you feel some magnetic push you know you find the point. Keep the attention there for some time, pray and listen to the ‘’Silence’’. 18. Always put yourself in the other person perspective. If you really ‘live’ like the other you will understand so many things and even be compassive with them. 19.When someone fights you don’t resist. Get out of the way. Make a round. And dance with your NEW friend. 20. Give. Give. Give. 21.You are not the body. If you can learn and know this in life. You are near of not reborn in the world. Meditation, atma vichara, prayer, service, Love are beautiful ways to achieve our goal the enlightenment or our Inner Being. 22.Remember all your day like a witness before sleep. But go the other way round. Start from the last minute before sleep and go back to the moment you wake up this very day. See your ways, acts, postures

and learn to be a best human being. Don’t persist in wrongdoing. It’s a Osho and Paul Brunton teaching. 23. Meditate before sex. Be playfulness and conscious in sex act. In the end both pray and celebrate. Your partner is the Divine Mother. So honor Her. Your partner is God. Honor Him. Tantra is go up through sex. 24.Robert Adams – a famous Ramana’s Maharshi disciple and master by himself – taught the ‘I am’ meditation. Sited repeat mentally with all your being ‘I’ and feel the sense of ‘I’. Exhaling repeat ‘’Am’. If in the gap you don’t need breath, just be in silence. Ramana Maharshi said the most sacred Name of God is ‘I’ ‘I am’.

25. Be kind with a person that attacked you. 26.Listen to spiritual and relaxing music like Kitaro, Deuter, Jai Uttal mantras, The Mother Alfassa’s songs, Gurdjieff’s songs and so on. Gurdjieff taught the music is objective when change all the people in the same way. Subjetive music is the music that not changes people. Or if change is in different ways.

27. Be different today. 28.Make a new thing by day. 29.Make the things you are afraid of. All the fears disappear when lived. I said ALL.

30. You body will drop or if you prefer you will die soon. So, the priorities first. The eternal values and things first: God, God, God. All the rest can wait. 31. Celebrate Life. Celebrate Death. Be friend with the Death. Both are marvelous when happens in a natural way. 32.All your money will drop of your hands in some years or months. It’s a fact of life. Be happy,yes..Be rich, if possible. But money is for man and not man for money. 33. The dark side of your life is the most wonderful moment to spiritual growth, to find new ideas and drop bad ideas. The greatest discoveries and happenings of my life happened in the most dark night of soul. And remember ALWAYS after the darkest night the sun is most beautiful.

34.Read Meher Baba’s books. The Avatar of Age. 35.Read Aurobindo’s books. What a master! 36. The outer world will never give you happiness. Just ephemeral pleasures and pain. Go inside! Investigate who You are. 37.The Gayatri Mantra is the most sacred mantra of Índia. Ramana, Aurobindo, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna and Sivananda said so. 38. The mantra that tibetan Buddhism said are the most powerful for our time is Guru Rinpoche mantra: ‘Om ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum.’’ Said so the great masters like Dilgo Rinpoche and Dudjom Rinpoche said that. See the Guru Rinpoche or your personal deity above you sending light to you during the mantra’s chanting.

39.Ramakrishna said that God is a Mother too. Kali Goddess. Yogananda said the same. Ammachi, Babaji of Haidhakan and so many other are Lovers of Divine Mother. The Divine Mother - that is Your Inner Being, or God in You – can be pleased by Love to Her, surrender of all your life to Her in confidence. The Holy Rosary also. Some mantras like Kali, Lakshmi, Bala in vedic tradition. In Budhism the ‘Taras’ or Female Buddhas mantras are so healing. And like Ramakrishna said: always you see a Woman treat her like the very Divine Mother. In Brazil so many people give flowers to the ocean in reveilon to Iemanja like the sea is one symbol of the Divine Mother. Aks for Her Love and guidance. She is fast with sincere sadhakas or spiritual people. But ask above all Her Grace and Love. Cause this is worthwhile.

40. You have a problem? Write about them. Put in the paper your problem and the solutions you see for 1,2 weeks. See how the problem just disappears. It’s a Osho’s meditation. 41. Go to cemetery, think always you will die (drop the body). All will die included Us. When you become conscious of death in a real way. Your life is so, so intense and profound and full of God. It’s a

Buddhist meditation see the bodies in cemetery. Teach the impermanence of body/mind. But you go on. So take care NOW of your Spiritual Life and relationship with God or your Inner Being.

42. When difficult person wants to argue, fight with you. Just not react. Keep silence. Soon those persons will go away. He/she will find an other person that will react and so the link is created. No reactions, silence keep difficult person away. 43. When an animal is dying chant ‘’Om Mani Padme (peme) Hum’ to this wonderful being. The Buddhist said that it helps the animal to reborn like a human being. 44. The people are so sad and suffering in this moment in the world. Be an angel or ‘boddhisatva’ like the Buddhists calls this angels. Unconditional service, help and love for the humankind is to Love God. 45. Problems just means = lack of humor and laughter. You can laughs at problems like they are so dull and with no base in reality. Laugh at a problem and it goes away..

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