40 powerful meditations by masters and spiritual traditions revised

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40 Powerful Meditations by Masters and Spiritual Traditions Learn Teachings that will Change your Life Forever.

1. Meditation. Before sleep and after awakening, close your eyes for 5 minutes and laugh, laugh a lot with your belly like a child out of nothing at all. After some time the laughing will be natural. After keep silence for 1 min. Osho called this the ‘Laughter meditation’.

2.Watch the gap between sleep and wakefulness. Try to keep the attention while you fall in sleep. That gap sums up the eternity. Paul Brunton the Western Ramana’s Maharshi disciple taught this in your books. This teaching of ‘’be aware and dwells in the gaps of life’’ it’s a spiritual practice in so many traditions. Paul Brunton seemed to be a serious spiritual seeker. Find in Ramana your ultimate Guru. But lost the most precious Meher Baba. He regarded Meher Baba like a ‘spiritual genius’’ but fail to perceive the Greatest of Meher Baba. Seems in the end of his like He recognize the high and unique spiritual status of the parsi Avatar. 3. Repeat the Maha mantra with Love: ‘’Om Namah Shivaya’’ that means ‘’I bow down to the Divine in Me’. Teaching of Paramahansa Muktananda, Babaji of Haidhakan, Gurumayi, Swami Premananda (said that this mantra is the real way of do ‘Kryia Yoga’)

In the pic Swami Muktananda of the Sidha Yoga tradition.

4. Never react. Observe, meditate, wait and so do whatever!! But in a conscious way after 24 hour of meditation on the theme think about your fails and the other person’s fails. You can believe nobody is always right! 5. Chant the Ganesha/Ganapati (The Son of Shiva and Devi that symbolizes the power of God to remove obstacles of all kinds) with devotion. Swami Sivananda, Sathya Sai Baba (I have doubts on his authenticity) said that this mantra taught will remove all obstacles, bring prosperity and the most important Self realization. Lord Ganesha is the elephant-headed God. He is worshipped first. His Names are repeated first before any auspicious work is begun, before beginning any kind of worship. He is the Lord of power and wisdom. He is the eldest son of Lord Siva, and the elder brother of Skanda or Kartikeya. He is the energy of Lord Siva, and so He is called the son of Sankara and Uma. By worshipping Lord Ganesha, mothers hope to earn for their sons the sterling virtues of Ganesha. Symbolic Philosophy of Lord Ganesha’s Form Lord Ganesha brings wisdom and bliss. He is the Lord of Brahmacharins. He is the Deity of the Muladhara Chakra. Ganesha removes all obstacles in the spiritual path and brings worldly success. For this reason, Ganesha is called Vighna Vinayaka. Lord Ganesha represents OM or the primordial sound. OM is the chief Mantra of the Hindus. Nothing can be done without uttering it. Hence the tradition of invoking Lord Ganesha before any rite or puja. The two feet are His Jnana Sakti and Kriya Sakti. The mouse represents that Ganesha has killed egoism. He holds the Ankusa. This means that Ganesha is the Ruler of the world.

Ganesha is the first God, Adi-Deva. He is the Lord of groups, such as the group of elements, the group of senses. He is the head of the followers of Siva, his father. The Japanese, the Vaishnavas, also worship Lord Ganesha. They have given Him the name of Thumbikkai Alwar, Ganesha and His brother Lord Subrahmanya or Skanda had once a dispute as to who was the elder of the two. The matter was referred to Lord Siva for final decision. Lord Siva decided that whoever would make a tour round the world and come out first to the starting point had the right to be the elder. Lord Skanda flew off at once on His vehicle, the peacock, to make a circuit of the world. But Ganesha went round His parents and asked for the prize of victory. Lord Siva said: "Beloved and wise Ganesha! You did not go round the world". Ganesha said: "No, but I went round my parents. My parents represent the manifested world".. Ganesha was thereafter acknowledged as the elder of the two brothers. Without the grace of Sri Ganesha and His help, nothing whatsoever can be achieved. No action can be undertaken without his support, grace or blessing. During Aksharabhyasa (teaching of the alphabets), the child is initiated into His Mantra of Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah in Maharashtra and other places. The following are some of Lord Ganesha’s most common Names: Sumukha, Ekadanta, Kapila, Gajakarnaka, Lambodara, Vighnaraja, Vinayaka. He is also known as Maha Ganapati. His Mantra is Om Gam Ganapataye Namah. Sadhaks who worship Ganesha as their Ishta Deva, repeat this Mantra or Om Sri Ganeshaya Namah.

Ekadantaya Vidmahe Vakratundaya Dheemahi Tanno Danti Prachodayat: this is Ganesha Gayatri. The devotees of Lord Ganesha can do Japa of this Mantra also. So, Ganesha for Sages like the Aurobindo’s Mother and Dr. Pillai are a real God. Exist. But Ganesha is in a true sense our Higher Self or God. 6.HARA CENTERING Concentrate the energy on the Hara, the point two inches below the navel. That is the center from where one enters life and that is the center from where one dies and goes out of life. So that is the contact center between the body and the soul. If you feel a sort of wavering left and right and you don’t know where your center is, that simply shows that you are no longer in contact with your Hara, so you have to create that contact When: In the night, when you go to sleep/first thing in the morning. Duration: 10-5 minutes.Find the Hara.Lie down on the bed and put both your hands two inches below the navel and press a little.So, tahe a Deep Breath. “Start breathing, deep breathing. You will feel that center coming up and down with the breathing. Feel your whole energy there as if you are you are just existing there as a small center, keep all the focus there, in that energy.

After.. “Fall asleep doing it — that will be helpful. Then the whole night that centering persists. Again and again the unconscious goes and centers there. In the morning, the moment that you awaken, don’t open your eyes first. Put your hands there, push a little, start breathing and again feel the Hara. Do this for 10-5 minutes and then get up. “Do this every night, every morning. Within three months you will start feeling centered. It’s a technique very used in martial arts in a special way aikido e judo. All the secret of powerful martial artist movements is originated from hara. With the centering there will be less thinking because energy will not move to the head, it will go to the Hara. The more you think of the Hara, the more you concentrate there, the more you will find a discipline arising in you. That comes naturally; it has not to be forced. “The more you are aware of the Hara, the less you will become afraid of life and death — because that is the center of life and death. Once you become attuned to the Hara center, you can live courageously. This hara meditation was taught by Osho. But please try to do for 40 days at least for real results.

G.I Gurdjieff above.

7. G.I Gurdjieff essential teachings is ‘the inner considering’’. Just see and understand: any aggression is never against YOU. All aggressions are against IMAGES of you. So, never take anything in a personal way: ‘’ External considering is a form of self-remembering in relation to people. You take other people into consideration and do not what is pleasant to you but what is pleasant to them. It means you must sacrifice yourself, but it does not mean self-sacrifice. It means that in relation to people you must not act without thinking. You must think first, and then act. But the idea is that in relation to people things must not happen mechanically, without thinking. You must decide your course of action. External considering means you do not walk over people without seeing them whilst internal considering means that you walk over them

without noticing. We have too much internal and not enough external considering. External considering is very important for self-remembering. If we have not got enough of it, we cannot remember ourselves. It is necessary to understand this principle and create standards for oneself. There is no special technique — only understanding and right point of view. Observe more. With the help of external considering, you control the impression you wish to produce. With internal considering you wish to produce one impression but produce a different one. By practicing non-identifying, by trying to control attention, you find many opportunities of studying external considering and, if you find examples, perhaps you will find methods of struggling with internal considering and transforming it into the practice of external considering. For instance, you are talking to somebody from whom you want to get something. Say he knows something and you want him to tell you what he knows. Then you must speak in the way he would like, and not argue, not oppose him. External considering is always practical.’’ 8. Before sleep repeat the siddha mantra with breathing. ‘So’ in inhalation and ‘Ham’ in the exalation in a silent way. Like Muktananda, Sai Baba, Premananda, Deepak Chopra taught. Paramahnsa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga repeat the mantra in a different form: ‘’hong sau’’ I was initiated in Kriya Yoga and help me a lot. I really feel an inner peace and happiness by practice Kriya Yoga system. Just a observation. Meher Baba, maybe the greatest Sage of our times said that Kriya is not for westerns and even can do harm for westerns. So, it’s a point. Listen to your inner voice. 9.If You need more prosperity, why not chant with Love the Mahalakshmi Mantra is ‘’Om Shrim Maha Lakhsmiyei Namaha./ Or “‘’Om Shrim Maha Lakhsmiyei Savaha” if you are under 28 years old About mantras the best books are by Farrand, Sivananda and Pandit David Frawley. 10. Treat the pleasure and the pain the same way. Both always pass. ALWAYS. You are beyond. Be happy in happiness. Be happy in difficult times. Surrender both to God.

11 Every now and then ask yourself: ‘’who am I?’’ ‘’Who is sad? And so on.. Not try to answer. Just hammer inside these questions. Ramana Maharshi – the greatest sage of our time – taught ‘atma vichara’ the direct path to Realization based on this focus in the ‘I’ in ‘keep the ‘inner feeling of I all the time.’’

When things go wrong smile and be happy. When the thing goes the way you want.. Stop and see that is not so good like you think. Go beyond the dualities.

12. Pray the Holy Rosary. Mother Mary or Divine Mother all through the world has been teaching such a powerful Prayer. About the Rosary said Our The 15 promises (Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan de la Roche) 1 Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive powerful graces. 2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary. 3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies 4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of people from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift

them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means. 5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish. 6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its Sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life. 7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church. 8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the Saints in Paradise. 9. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary. 10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven. 11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary. 12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities. 13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death 14. All who recite the Rosary are my children, and brothers and sisters of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.”

16. Write with the left hand one day if you write with right hands. Or with the right one if you are left. You can change always the approach. After all you can develop both brain sides. 17. Breathing the suffering the weight of the world. Bring all this to your heart and feel the transmutation. Now you make the alchemy exhale light, happiness and peace to the world, people or situation. This is an ancient Tibetan Buddhism practice called ‘Tonglen’. So powerful and compassive. To practice tonglen, you simply breathe in and breathe out, taking in pain and sending out spaciousness and relief. When you tonglen as formal meditation, it has four basic stages: a) First,rest your mind briefly in a state of openness or stillness called bodichita. You can remember the most happy or full of compassion moment in your life. It will bring back the bodichita state. b) Work now with textures. Breathe in a feeling of hot, dark, and heavy, and breathe out a feeling of cool, bright, and light. Breathe in and radiate

completely, through all the pores of your body, until it feels synchronized with your in-and out-breathe. c) Work with any painful personal or happening that matters to you. In Tibetan Buddhism, you begin by doing tonglen for someone you love. However, if you prefer, do the practice for your pain and at the same time for all those just like you who feel that specific kind of suffering. d) So make the taking in and the sending out larger. Whether your doing tonglen for someone you love or for someone now do it for all the others in the same situation. In a special way it’s so curative after some experience on the practice do tonglen for people you consider your enemies--those who have hurt you or others. Do tonglen for them, thinking of them as having the same confusion as your find or yourself. This is to say that tonglen can extend indefinitely. As you do the practice, gradually, over time, your compassion naturally expands-- and so does your realization that things are not as solid as you thought. As you do this practice, you’ll be surprised to find yourself more and more able to be there for the others beings. The best books on this marvelous technique of Tibetan Buddhism are of Pema Chodron, Lama Surya Das, Dalai Lama and Osho. 18. Meher Baba the Avatar of this Age taught some meditation. One of them were sit in silence and in inhalation say one syllable of your personal God (Ishta) that can be Christ, Buddha, Meher Baba or any other God’s manifestation. For instance: Baba. Inhale: ‘’Ba’ silently and exhale ‘’ba’’. ‘’Je’’ in inhalation with Love and ‘sus in exhalation with the desire of being One with God. This is the only desire worthwhile in this passing world. Make for, 5 10, 15 minutes.

Meher Baba for many the Avatar or Incarnation of Supreme God of this Age


19. When someone treat you bad. Don’t’ react. Reaction creates a link between both. Just deviate, dance with the other and soon the ‘enemy’ will be a new friend. 20. Paramhansa Yogananda and many other masters taught the focus on the third eye. Just sit in silence. Breath in a regular and profound way and focus the spot above the two eyes. When you feel some magnetic push you know you find the point. Keep the attention there for some time, pray and listen to the ‘’Silence’’. Here one of the closest disciples of Yogananda, Sw Kriyananda1 give precious hints about the theme: “What is the Spiritual Eye? In yoga classes you may have heard it called the “third eye” or “the sixth chakra,” located between the eyebrows. When we focus on this point in meditation it helps us to raise our consciousness and feel more uplifted. To focus on the spiritual eye, you do not need to focus your eyes directly at this point, which can be very uncomfortable and make you cross your eyes. Imagine a distant mountain, and focus your gaze at the top of it. Your eyes should be relaxed and looking slightly upward.



If you are meditating you should do this with your eyes closed. As you focus on this point and your thoughts are stilled, you may actually begin to see the visible form of it. When the spiritual eye is seen clearly, it is a golden circle of light surrounding a field of deep blue. In the center of this blue field is a white star with five points. When the spiritual eye is seen imperfectly, it is seen as a dim violet light with a faint circle around it, and an even fainter dot in the center. Whether or not you see the spiritual eye, by meditating at that point your consciousness will gradually rise until it passes beyond human awareness and enters a state of ecstasy and joy, or superconsciousness. You can also focus on the spiritual eye while going about your daily life, to help keep your mind uplifted throughout the day. To do this, just focus a part of your attention at this point, while letting your eyes focus on the task at hand. You can also look at another persons spiritual eye while talking to them, to help remind you that God or Spirit is in that person as well as you. Some people find it helpful to know from what mental position to focus at the spiritual eye. The guru of Paramhansa Yogananda’s guru, Lahiri Mahasaya, said to focus on it as if you were looking up at it from the medulla oblongata (the indentation at the base of the skull), which is where our ego, or sense of self, is located. Because most people’s sense of self is vaguely their whole body, it is easier to direct our attention at the spiritual eye when we focus our sense of self at the point where it truly lies, the medulla. When we become absorbed in this point and our sense of self dissolves into superconsciousness, the center of our consciousness becomes the heart rather than our egos, and from there our hearts show us the way to lift ourselves up through the spiritual eye into Infinity.”

The third Eye of Sidharta Gautama, the Buddha.

The famous and effective transcendental meditation shared to the world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that received the technique of your master Brahmananda or Gurudeva.The Beatles, Rolling Stones learned. Paul Mccartney and Ringo Star till today and so many famous people practices. It’s basically a mantra meditation to achieve more profound levels of consciousness. You receive a sacred vedic sound in a ritual (Just a Qualified Teacher of TM can do this) and repeat daily the sound for 20 minutes. So, I can’t give here the technique like would be not correct and ethic. And some qualifications are required to choose the mantra for you. I am not prepared for that. But I really have great peace and insights of practice. Find a real teacher of TM2. It’s a wonderful meditation. Helps the body, helps to have a good sleep and is so relaxing.



21. Give. Give. Give. Give is up to you. Receiving not depend on you. 22. Treat the most important thing like the only priority. You are not the body/mind. If you can learn and know this in life, you are near of not reborn again in the world. Meditation, atma vichara, prayer, service, unconditional love are beautiful ways to achieve our goal: the realization of our Inner Being. 23. Remembering all your day like a witness before sleep. But go the other way round. Start from the last minute before sleep and go back to the moment you wake up this very day. See your ways, acts, postures and learn to be a best human being. Don’t persist in wrongdoing. It’s an Osho and Paul Brunton teaching. 24. Meditate before sex. Be playfulness and conscious in sex act. Before sit in meditation with your partner. In the end of sex both pray and celebrate. Your partner is the Divine Mother. So honor Her. Your partner is God or Shiva (Brahman). Honor Him. Tantra is go up through sex. Not fast sex. Loving sex with preliminaries and respect for the other. 25. Robert Adams – a famous Ramana’s Maharshi disciple and master by himself – taught the ‘I am’ meditation. Sited repeat mentally with all your being ‘I’ and feel the sense of ‘I’. Exhaling repeat ‘’Am’. If in the gap you don’t need breath, just be in silence. Ramana Maharshi said the most sacred Name of God is ‘I’ ‘I am’.

26. Listen to spiritual and relaxing music like Kitaro, Deuter, Jai Uttal mantras, The Mother Alfassa’s songs, Gurdjieff’s songs and so on. Gurdjieff taught that the music can be objective when change all the people in the same way for better. Subjective music is the music that not changes people. Or if change is in different ways. 27. Chant mantras, songs you love. Enjoy it! It’s a pleasure and meditation. Be one with the chant! 28. Whirling is a powerful technique to feel your Higher Self or God. In the beginning open the arms with right hand palms high and upward. The left arm down the waist palms downward. So, whirl clockwise for 21 times in a slow way. With the time you cam increase the repetitions. After finish fall in earth, close the eyes and feel a great peace or void inside you. Abide there for some minutes. Some Sufi Schools whirl to the left. The same idea is shared in ‘Whirling meditation taught by Osho. In my experience both help a lot in spiritual evolution. So it’s up to you choosing. It’s a Sufi Meditation. Chris Griscom teaches this in his wonderful Institute of Light. And in the six Tibetan exercises for keep the youth in Peter Kelder 3’s book whirling its one of the exercises. 29. The desires never end. It’s the reason of our unhappiness. Just look and see how the desires never fulfill the expectation. The real happiness involves the world. But in a essential way is inner happiness. Find it wiyhin. Meditate. Pray, weep for the Beloved God/Goddess. You can believe God always listen. And Surrender everything for Him. Everything happens for His Will. So receive with love whatever!! And see the precious teaching inside the pleasure and inside of pain. But be free of both, like Gurdjieff in this picture. Living in the world, but not of the world. 3


30. Before sleep and in the awakening remember always God. Pray, meditate, read spiritual books, the Bible, The Torah, The Koran, the Zohar, The Gita. And if you have some doubt writes and ask to your Higher Self answer while you dream. Sometimes the answer is so clear! 31. Celebrate Life. Celebrate Death. Be friend with the Death. Both are marvelous when happens in a natural way. 32. The dark side of your life is the most wonderful moment to spiritual growth, to find new ideas and drop bad ideas. The greatest discoveries and happenings of my life happened in the darkest night of soul. And remember ALWAYS after the darkest night the sun is most beautiful. The hindus said that in Kali Yuga the most hard and chaotic epoch of the world it’s easier develop in a spiritual way. You can achieve evolution of a hundred of like in Kali Yuga. So, remember: the ‘bad and hard’ moments’’ are just invitations to your growth and happiness. Surf these times and thanks God.

33. Read Meher Baba’s books. He isThe Avatar of Age. 34.Read Aurobindo’s books. What a master!

35 .Read Ramana Maharshi’s books. What a master! 36.Read Shirdi Sai Baba’s books. Shirdi Sai Baba was one of the greatest Sages/Avatar of all times. Repeat the ‘Sai’ mantra. It’s a miracle for so many people in the world. And Baba taught the utterance of your Name. What a master!

37.Read Zen Monk Thich Nhat Hahn’s books. What a master!

38. Surf, Run, Swim!! The body is a master. Bring back the focus to the heart by living in the body. 39. Repeat Meher Baba’s Name. Its Sacred. Read about Him. And do japa with Love. The Sufism Reoriented4 ‘s songs and cd’s are the best.

Meher Baba

40. Accept the anger. Drink a tea with sadness and anger. Look in their eyes. They are messengers. But never act on anger. The anger in mind is just a teacher and host and soon will pass away. The anger externalized is lost of energy and bad karma for you and others.



41. The Gayatri Mantra is the most sacred mantra of Índia. Ramana, Aurobindo, Vivekananda, Ramakrishna and Sivananda said so. Chant 108 times daily the mantra.

42. The mantra that tibetan Buddhism masters regard the most powerful for our time is Guru Rinpoche mantra: “Om ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum.’’ Said so the great masters Dilgo Rinpoche, Sogyal Rinpoche and Dudjom Rinpoche . See the Guru Rinpoche or your personal deity above you sending light to you during the mantra’s chanting. So unite with that Light during the meditation.

43. Ramakrishna said that God is a Mother too. Kali Goddess. Yogananda said the same. Ammachi, Babaji of Haidhakan and so many other are Lovers of Divine Mother. The Divine Mother - that is Your Inner Being, or God in You – can be pleased by Love to her, surrender of all your life to her in confidence. Ramakrishna said: always you see a woman treat her like the very Divine Mother. In Brazil so many people give flowers to the ocean in reveilon to Iemanja like the sea is one symbol of the Divine Mother. Ask for Her Love and guidance. She is fast with sincere sadhakas or spiritual people. But ask above all Her Grace and Love. Because this is worthwhile.

44.You have a problem? Write about it. Put in the paper your problem and the solutions and aspects you see for 1,2 weeks. See how the problem just disappears. It’s a Osho’s meditation. 45. Go to cemetery, think always you will die (drop the body). All will die included us. When you became conscious of death in a real way. Your life will be so intense and profound and full of God. It’s a buddhist meditation: see the bodies in cemetery. Teach the impermanence of body/mind. But you

go on. So take care NOW of your Spiritual Life and relationship with God or your Inner Being.

46. When difficult person wants to argue, fight with you. Just not react. Keep silence. Soon those persons will go away. He/she will find an other person that will react and so the link is created. No reactions, silence keep difficult person away.

47. When an animal is dying chant ‘’Om Mani Padme (peme) Hum’ to this wonderful being. The Buddhist said that it helps the animal to reborn like a human being.

48. The people are so sad and suffering in this moment in the world. Be an angel or ‘boddhisatva’ like the Buddhists calls this angels. Unconditional service, help and love for the humankind is to Love God in a real way. 49. Problems just means = lack of humor and laughter. You can laughs at problems like they are so dull and with no base in reality. Laugh at a problem and it goes away. Lose the power. 50. After death. The ‘real You’ will survive. Find It before Death.

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