Practical meditationsby meher baba, osho, gurdjieff and yogananda

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1- Gurdjieff – the most magnetic Teacher ever – gave some hints to bring our consciousness to your life. Some of them: a) Internal Consideration. Put yourself in other’s people situation. Really fell and live what the others are living. In a sincere and intense way. You will understand so many acts and feel compassion for the others; b) Self Remembering. Feel ‘I AM’ not with the mind. Feel with all your being. Feel you are alive; c) In a practical way love what you hate. And see with no ‘passion’ the things you think you love. You will find that what happens doesn’t matter. What matters is the way you receive and embrace what happens; d) Listen to ‘objective music’: the music that changes everyone to better. Gurdjieff and Hartman composed a lot of such healing music, that you can find easily in the internet.


1- Like Meher Baba is the very Avatar or God. Just repeat your name with Love or Chant his Name can change your life. But chant with Love. Read about Him. And the Love will come naturally. P.s the best chants I ever heard with Baba’s Name are produced by Sufism Reoriented1 in California; 2- Sit in silence. So put all your focus and attention in the third eye above the two eyes. Keep the attention for some minutes;

3- Do a personal and devotional meditation on God like thinking in Christ, Meher Baba or the form of God you Love. Keep this Love for the personal form of God for 5 minutes. So, change completely. And for 5 minutes just contemplate the 1

infinite and impersonal nature of God. See a great Ocean or Sky without limits and feel its inside you. You don’t have boundaries, like You are son of the Infinite. Again after some time, changes to the personal meditation on God and again keep all attention on impersonal God meditation. Make these alternations for 15, 20 minutes. It’s a powerful way of dispel ‘vasanas’ or ‘the karma’;

4- Pray every day with sincerity the powerful Repentance Prayer taught by Meher Baba Himself: We repent, O God most merciful, for all our sins; for every thought that was false or unjust or unclean; for every word spoken that ought not to have been spoken; and for every deed done that ought not to have been done;

We repent for every deed and word and thought inspired by selfishness, and for every deed and word and thought inspired by hatred. We repent most specially for every lustful thought and every lustful action; for every lie; for all hypocrisy; for every promise given but not fulfilled, and for all slander and backbiting. Most specially also, we repent for every action that has brought ruin to others, for every word and deed that has given others pain; and for every wish that pain should befall others. In Your unbounded mercy, we ask you to forgive us, O God,

for all these sins committed by us, and to forgive us for our constant failures to think and speak and act according to Your will.


1. Dance! Osho said that the laughter and the dance are the easy and most natural ways of meditation; 2. Sit for some minutes in silence and let the breath go in a natural way. Just watch. In a special way focus all your attention in the gap between the inhalation and exhalation. In that ‘gap’ dwells the Eternity; 3. Dance with the hands. It’s a powerful technique and catharsis. Osho even said that let the hands dance by itself with no control is so important like your most important meditation the dynamic meditation. So, for 15, 20 minutes dance with the hands, let the hands find your ways and happiness in moving. After that keep 5 minutes of silence with closed eyes just watching whatever happens;

4. If your name is Célio just ask yourself: ‘’Célio Are You here?’’ Use your name for some times a day. It’s a method to bring our consciousness back; 5. When you wake up in the morning just relax your body and laugh for no reason at all for 5 minutes. In the beginning will not be natural but after some minutes the laughter will be so complete and total!! After the laughing stay for 2, 3 minutes in silence with closed eyes watching what happens inside you. Remember just watch whatever comes;

6. You can be in your bed. Relaxed just chant ‘aaahhhh’ with your exhalation going out completely. When the breath comes again naturally, just chant the ‘’aaahhhhhh’ with the exhalation till the end. No air must remain in your lungs. Keep this chant for the time you want. Ahhh is a sound so sacred and healing like Osho taught. Alas, any Name ending in aahhh like Allah!


1. God is the Divine Mother. So talk with Her, Love Her, Surrender all your life to Her and do Her Will. Yogananda said the Divine Mother listen to all the people that pray will Love and seeking just the Love of God. Pray for God. Pray for things is a poor petition. Pray not for the realm. Pray for the Celestial Father (King) himself!; 2. Sited in meditation posture breath in a rhythmical way. So after some time and you feel attuned just focus your full attention in the third eye above the physical eyes. Keep there the attention for 5, 10 minutes in the beginning. Just wait in silence God TALK. So many times will be in Silence. And send Love through the Third Eye to God, pray for Him. After, keep some time in silence;

3. You can breath/meditate with the mantra Yogananda taught. In inhalation said mentally ‘hong’ and in exhalation feel like your breath is sounding like ‘’sauh’ hong-sauhong-sauh-hong-sauh….You can do that even in the daily activities. 4. Yogananda’s foremost techniques are called ‘’Kriya Yoga’. Have 4 techniques basically: a) energization techniques taught by Monks of Self Realization Fellowship; b) breath meditation and focus on the third eye; c) listening to the celestial and healing sound ‘’Om’ after a technique where the senses are blocked and just hear the inner sounds. These techniques helped me in a personal way for some time. But I always remember the Meher Baba’s warnings to not be involved with Kriyas like can be dangerous for some people. The Swami Kriyananda direct disciple of Yogananda taught these teachings in his community Ananda2 till nowadays. The same with Roy Eugene Davis that founded the CSA. Baba taught the devotion to Him or just to be a perfect Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew and so on.. I know Yogananda was a great saint. But Meher Baba in my experience is higher. Meher Baba is an Avatar. So the Kriya’s Sistem is up to you. I think don’t lead to the very goal of spirituality. But its just a humble experience of mine; 5. If You are in the Yogananda Tradition. They said that if you are in danger. Just repeat the Avatar ‘’Babaji’’ for some times. And for the real sadhaka the help will come. A friend of mine and student of SRF said repeat Babaji Name with Love has saved his life in an occasion. A drawing of the immortal Avatar in that lineage: Babaji:


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