Smart leaflet Coca-cola catalogue

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the ultimate solution for low-volume premises



Push down the break-even point of your fountain business

pag. 4

Expand your fountain business to low-consumption premises

pag. 4

A great design in a small footprint

pag. 4

Brand Empowerment

pag. 5

Wide customized areas for maximum visibility and attraction of the consumer’s attention. Highly attractive magnets and eye-catching red Coca-Cola housing.




Performance & Consumptions


pag. 5

Best Italian design with modern look and feel, elegant lines and harmonious proportions. Nice-looking overcounter with a compact footprint.

pag. 5

Innovative Celli multivalve technology which allows up to 40 different combinations in one tower, wide choice among a wide range of soda or still soft drinks, also in combination with multiple flavors. Possibility to dispense juices with pulp.


pag. 6

Refrigerating unit, hydraulic and electronic parts are easily accessible for maintenance. Ease of use thanks to reduced installation time and quick access to key components.


pag. 6

Smart is focused on environmental awareness. Energy-saving solutions, reduced heat loss and R744 environmental friendly refrigerant gas are the most successful actions to surf the ecological wave.

Smart - Technical Sheet

pag. 7

Our Certifications

pag. 8

Smart the ultimate solution for low-volume premises

The most compact

The most affordable

Great design for a superb drinking experience! The R&D department of CELLI leveraged on its 40-year experience to develop a post-mix countertop equipment to address the needs of low-volume premises: compact footprint and affordable price. With its limited bulk, it is the smallest of its category. Easy operation, minimal size, minimized TCO make SMART the best solution for low-volume premises to enjoy all the benefits of the fountain business. Well-balanced lines and proportions characterize the smallest Celli equipment as a nice-looking and functional object, suited for premises with limited available space. Eye-catching red Coca-Cola housing and brand valorization with the backlit logo that stands out harmoniously against the front and sticker magnets. Care for the environment is crucial also for such a small-sized equipment, which features a 30-mm HFC-free CO2 polyurethane foam tank insulation to reduce heat dispersion and uses an eco-friendly R744 cooling gas (CO2). These characteristics make the new SMART the ultimate solution for a small-sized or low-volume venues.

Push down the break-even point of your fountain business Smart is the smallest post-mix dispenser in the Celli range It allows to push down the break-even point to introduce the fountain business in low-consumption premises With its low energy consumption, competitive price, easy operation, minimal size, and minimized TCO, SMART ensures a positive payback after serving only 300 drinks.

= 300

Expand your fountain business to low-consumption premises The fountain provides the best drinking experience by ensuring high-quality and freshness of drinks With the Celli SMART dispenser, even small venues can benefit from a low TCO. Its compact footprint allows to expand the fountain business in full respect of the environment. For a superb drinking experience!

A great design in a small footprint With a total size of only mm 290x640 h575, SMART perfectly meets the challenge of top efficiency and reliability in a very compact cooler The bulk of SMART is half the average size in its category Cost-effectiveness and look are matched together as never before. Its simple and clean lines make SMART a design object suited for optimal brand communication


Smart .the ultimate solution for low-volume premises

Brand Empowerment Powerful brand communication with wide customized areas Highly attractive side branding magnets Thermoformed backlit front shield Eye-catching red Coca-Cola housing

D esign All-Italian design Modern look and feel Elegant lines and harmonious proportions

Performance & Consumptions Proven technology provides best-in-class reliability High-quality components Low energy consumption


M aintenance Easily accessible refrigerating unit



Celli beer and beverage dispensing equipment has always stood out because of its high level of quality centred on innovation, its design and for some years now also its environmental sustainability. From the early 1980’s, Celli S.p.A. has been channelling its investments and energies into the development of coolers with a low environmental impact. One of the most important decisions that testifies to this commitment was the replacement in the 1990’s of the chlorofluorocarbons, responsible for the hole in the ozone layer, with the gas R134a. The company was the first to do this, and much earlier than successive legal provisions making it compulsory, and at a time when there were few in the sector interested in environmental issues. Celli S.p.A. was also the first in the sector, in 2002, to supplement its ISO 9001 Certified Quality System, with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System. In this catalogue you will find all beer, wine and beverage coolers that Celli S.p.A. produces, many of the products shown have been designed and refurbished in relation to a huge reduction in the emissions of Co2 into the air and the reduction of energy consumption. In coming years the company is committed to expanding the use of new technologies for reducing the environmental impact (the use of less energy consuming components, an increase in the tank insulation, HFC free polyurethane foam tanks, etc) of all the ranges and the equipment in this catalogue. At the same time, the company is introducing new solutions to replace the R134a gas in the refrigeration coils. There are many possible solutions: the company is already in a position to produce machinery using propane (R290) and Co2 (R744). In any case, Celli is also testing other types of non-toxic gasses with low inflammability and with the lowest possible Global Warming Potential. Celli S.p.A. is also engaged in the general simplification of the equipment, in reducing the number of components and in making assembly and dismantling easier in order to increase reliability and extend the useful life of the machines themselves, preventing unnecessary scrapping due to serious faults. Currently the coolant gas used in the Celli range is still the R134a, but the solutions mentioned above are available upon request, our Commercial and Technical staff will be happy to advise you on the most suitable solution for your needs.

Celli beer and beverage dispensing always Gli impianti per la spillatura della birra e delleequipment bevandehasCelli stood out because of its high level of quality centred on si distinguono da sempreitsper il loro elevato livello qualitainnovation, design and for some years now also its entivo incentrato sull’innovazione, il design e da anni anche vironmental sustainability. the early 1980’s, Celli S.p.A. has been channelling sulla sostenibilitàFrom ambientale. its investments and energies into the development of coLa Celli S.p.A. olers ha infatti fin dai primi anni ‘80 orientato i with a low environmental impact. One of the most propri investimenti per decisions lo sviluppo di impianti dal ridottowas important that testifies to this commitment the replacement the 1990’s of theimportanti chlorofluorocarbons, impatto ambientale. Una dellein decisioni più che responsible for the hole in the ozone layer, withanni the gas testimoniano questo impegno fu la sostituzione negli R134a. The company was the first to do this, and much ‘90 dei Cloro Fluoro responsabili del buco earlier Carburi, than successive legal provisions makingnell’oit compulzono, con il gassory, R134a. S.p.A. lo hawere fatto prima and atCelli a time when there fewper in the sectoreintein environmental issues.obblighi di legge e molto in anticiporested rispetto ai successivi Celli S.p.A. was also the first in the sector, in 2002, to supin un periodo in plement cui nelitssettore erano in pochi ad aver cura ISO 9001 Certified Quality System, with the ISO dell’ambiente. 14001 Environmental Management System. In this catalogue will findnel all beer, and beverage Celli S.p.A. è anche stata layou prima suo wine settore, nel coolers that Cellisistema S.p.A. produces, of the products 2002, ad integrare il proprio qualità many ISO 9001 con shown have been designed and refurbished in relation to un sistema di gestione ambientale ISO 14001 certificato. a huge reduction in the emissions of Co2 into the air and In questo catalogo degli impianti reduction ofbuona energy parte consumption. In comingper years the troverete company committed to bevande expanding the of new la spillatura dellathebirra, del isvino e delle cheuseCelli technologies for reducing the environmental impact (the S.p.A. produce;use gran parte dei prodotti illustrati sono stati of less energy consuming components, an increase progettati e rinnovati in funzione unafree significativa in the tank insulation,diHFC polyurethaneriduziofoam tanks, etc)di of Co all thenell’ambiente ranges and the equipment in this catalogue. e del contenimento ne delle emissioni 2 At the same time, the company introducing new soludei consumi energetici. L’impegno di Celli isS.p.A. nei prostions to replace the R134a gas in the refrigeration coils. simi anni è l’estensione dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie There are many possible solutions: the company is already per la riduzione dell’impatto (uso using di componenti in a position to ambientale produce machinery propane (R290) (R744). In any case, Celli is also testing other and Co meno energivori, aumento dell’isolamento della vasca, va2 types of non-toxic gasses with low inflammability and with sca in poliuretano espanso HFC free ecc) a tutti gli impianti the lowest possible Global Warming Potential. della gamma Celli questo catalogo. Cellipresenti S.p.A. is in also engaged in the general simplification of the equipment, in reducing the number of components Nel contempo l’azienda è in grado di introdurre delle nuove and in making assembly and dismantling easier in order to soluzioni per sostituire nei circuiti refrigeranti il gas R134a. increase reliability and extend the useful life of the machiLe soluzioni possibili sono molteplici: già in granes themselves, preventing l’azienda unnecessaryè scrapping due to (R744). do di produrre impianti a propano (R290) e agasCo serious faults. Currently the coolant used in the Celli 2 still the R134a, but the solutions mentioned above La Celli in ogni range casoissta anche testando altre tipologie di are available upon request, our Commercial and Technical gas, atossici, a bassa infiammabilità e con un Global Warstaff will be happy to advise you on the most suitable soluming Potential iltion piùforbasso possibile. your needs. Celli S.p.A. è inoltre impegnata nella semplificazione generale degli impianti, nella riduzione di componenti e Energy Coolers range is marked withalthis nell’aumentata facilità diSaving montaggio e smontaggio, fine symbol: di aumentare l’affidabilità e della la vita utile degli impianti Gli impianti linea Energy Saving sono stessi evitando inutili rottamazioni dovute a simbolo: guasti gravi. Attualcontraddistinti da questo mente il gas refrigerante impiegato nella gamma di impianti Celli è ancora l’R134a, ma le alternative di cui sopra sono disponibili su richiesta: il nostro staff commerciale e tecnico sarà felice di consigliare la soluzione più adatta alle vostre esigenze.

No need to disconnect the hydraulic parts or syrup pipes

Ease of use: reduced installation time and quick access to key components


Great care for the environment without compromises on performance Environment-friendly thanks to the R744 cooling gas Energy-saving solutions

Energy Saving Coolers range is marked with this symbol: Gli impianti della linea Energy Saving sono contraddistinti da questo simbolo:

30-mm HFC-free tank insulation to reduce heat loss

Green Coolers Range (with alternative low GWP coolant gas) is marked with this symbol: Gli Impianti della linea Green (con gas refrigerante ecologico alternativo) sono contraddistinti da questo simbolo:


Comparison of the GWP of 5 different cooling gases The global-warming potential (GWP) is a relative measure of how much heat a greenhouse gas traps in the atmosphere CO2 cooling gas (R744) has a minimum GWP index, 1300 times lower than R134a cooling gas



3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500


1.000 500

R404a R134a









Gli impianti per la sp si distinguono da se tivo incentrato sull’in sulla sostenibilità am La Celli S.p.A. ha in propri investimenti impatto ambientale. testimoniano questo ‘90 dei Cloro Fluoro zono, con il gas R13 molto in anticipo ris in un periodo in cui n dell’ambiente. Celli S.p.A. è anch 2002, ad integrare il un sistema di gestio In questo catalogo t la spillatura della bir S.p.A. produce; gra progettati e rinnovat ne delle emissioni di dei consumi energe simi anni è l’estensi per la riduzione dell’i meno energivori, au sca in poliuretano es della gamma Celli pr Nel contempo l’azien soluzioni per sostitu Le soluzioni possibil do di produrre impia La Celli in ogni caso gas, atossici, a bass ming Potential il più Celli S.p.A. è inoltre nerale degli impian nell’aumentata facili di aumentare l’affida evitando inutili rotta mente il gas refrigera Celli è ancora l’R134 disponibili su richiest sarà felice di consig esigenze.

Green Coolers R (with alternative lo GWP coolant gas is marked with th symbol: Gli Impianti della linea Green (con refrigerante ecolo alternativo) sono contraddistinti da questo simbolo:

Smart .the ultimate solution for low-volume premises

Smart 223


Technical Sheet


462 644



Celli beer and beverage dispensing equipment has always Gli impianti per la spillatura della birra e delle bevande Celli stood out because of its high level of quality centred on si distinguono da sempre per il loro elevato livello qualitainnovation, its design and for some years now also its en- tivo incentrato sull’innovazione, il design e da anni anche vironmental sustainability. sulla sostenibilità ambientale. From the early 1980’s, Celli S.p.A. has been channelling La Celli S.p.A. ha infatti fin dai primi anni ‘80 orientato i its investments and energies into the development of co- propri investimenti per lo sviluppo di impianti dal ridotto olers with a low environmental impact. One of the most impatto ambientale. Una delle decisioni più importanti che important decisions that testifies to this commitment was testimoniano questo impegno fu la sostituzione negli anni beer and beverage dispensing equipment has always Gli impianti per la spillatura della birra e delle bevande Celli the replacement in the 1990’s of the Celli chlorofluorocarbons, ‘90 dei Cloro Fluoro Carburi, responsabili del buco nell’ostood out because of its high level of quality centred on si distinguono da sempre per il loro elevato livello qualitaresponsible for the hole in the ozone layer, with the gas con ilnow gasalso R134a. lo ha fatto per prima e e da anni anche innovation, its design and for zono, some years its en- Celli tivoS.p.A. incentrato sull’innovazione, il design R134a. The company was the first to do this, sustainability. and much molto in anticipo rispetto ai successivi di legge e vironmental sulla sostenibilitàobblighi ambientale. From the early 1980’s, Celli in S.p.A. has beeninchannelling La Celli S.p.A. infattiad finaver dai primi earlier than successive legal provisions making it compulun periodo cui nel settore erano in ha pochi curaanni ‘80 orientato i its investments and inteenergies dell’ambiente. into the development of co- propri investimenti per lo sviluppo di impianti dal ridotto sory, and at a time when there were few in the sector olers with a low environmental impact. One of the most impatto ambientale. Una delle decisioni più importanti che rested in environmental issues. CellitoS.p.A. è anchewas statatestimoniano la prima questo nel suo settore, important decisions that testifies this commitment impegno fu lanel sostituzione negli anni Celli S.p.A. was also the first in the sector, in 2002, to supintegrare il proprio ISO 9001 con del buco nell’othe replacement in the 1990’s2002, of the ad chlorofluorocarbons, ‘90sistema dei Cloroqualità Fluoro Carburi, responsabili for the layer,diwith the gasambientale zono, con ISO il gas14001 R134a. certificato. Celli S.p.A. lo ha fatto per prima e plement its ISO 9001 Certified Quality responsible System, with thehole ISOin the unozone sistema gestione R134a. The company was the to docatalogo this, and troverete much molto in anticipo ai successivi 14001 Environmental Management System. In first questo buona parte rispetto degli impianti per obblighi di legge e successive legal provisions making it compul- in un periodo in cui nel settore erano in pochi ad aver cura In this catalogue you will find all beer,earlier winethan and beverage la spillatura della birra, del vino e delle bevande che Celli sory, and at a time when there were few in the sector inte- dell’ambiente. coolers that Celli S.p.A. produces, many the products S.p.A. produce; gran parteCelli deiS.p.A. prodotti illustrati statinel suo settore, nel rested of in environmental issues. è anche statasono la prima shown have been designed and refurbished relation progettati in funzione di integrare una significativa riduzioCelli S.p.A.inwas also thetofirst in the sector,einrinnovati 2002, to sup2002, ad il proprio sistema qualità ISO 9001 con its ISO Certifiedne Quality with the ISO nell’ambiente un sistema di gestione ambientale ISO 14001 certificato. the9001 air and a huge reduction in the emissions ofplement Co2 into e del contenimento delleSystem, emissioni di Co 2 14001 Management System. energetici. L’impegno In questo catalogo buona parte degli impianti per InEnvironmental coming years the reduction of energy consumption. dei consumi di Celli troverete S.p.A. nei prosIn this catalogue you will find all beer, wine and beverage la spillatura della birra, del vino e delle bevande che Celli the company is committed to expanding the use of new simi anni è l’estensione dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie coolers that Celli S.p.A. produces, many of the products S.p.A. produce; gran parte dei prodotti illustrati sono stati technologies for reducing the environmental (the and per refurbished la riduzione ambientale (uso indifunzione componenti shown haveimpact been designed in dell’impatto relation to progettati e rinnovati di una significativa riduziouse of less energy consuming components, an increase menoofenergivori, dell’isolamento vasca, va- e del contenimento air and ne a huge reduction in the emissions Co2 into the aumento delle emissioni didella Co2 nell’ambiente the reduction of energy In comingespanso years dei consumi energetici. L’impegno di Celli S.p.A. nei prosin the tank insulation, HFC free polyurethane foam tanks, consumption. sca in poliuretano HFC free ecc) a tutti gli impianti the company is committed to expanding the use of new simi anni è l’estensione dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie etc) of all the ranges and the equipment in this catalogue. della gamma Celli presenti in questo catalogo. technologies for reducing the environmental impact (the per la riduzione dell’impatto ambientale (uso di componenti At the same time, the company is introducing new soluNelcomponents, contempoan l’azienda grado di introdurre nuove della vasca, vause of less energy consuming increase è in meno energivori, aumentodelle dell’isolamento tions to replace the R134a gas in the refrigeration coils. circuiti refrigeranti il gas R134a. soluzioni per sostituire in the tank insulation, HFC free polyurethane foam tanks,nei sca in poliuretano espanso HFC free ecc) a tutti gli impianti etc) of all the ranges and the equipment in this catalogue. gamma l’azienda Celli presenti in questo catalogo. There are many possible solutions: the company is already Le soluzioni possibili sono della molteplici: è già in graAt the propane same time,(R290) the company is introducing new solu-a propano Nel contempo l’azienda in grado di introdurre delle nuove in a position to produce machinery using (R744). do di produrre impianti (R290) e a èCo 2 to replace the R134a gas in the refrigeration coils. soluzioni per sostituire nei circuiti refrigeranti il gas R134a. is also testing other La Celli in ogni caso sta anche testando altre tipologie and Co2 (R744). In any case, Celli tions di There are many possible solutions: the company is already Le soluzioni possibili sono molteplici: l’azienda è già in gratypes of non-toxic gasses with low inflammability and with gas, atossici, a bassa infiammabilità e con un Global Warin a position to produce machinery using propane (R290) do di produrre impianti a propano (R290) e a Co2 (R744). the lowest possible Global Warming Potential. ming il più other bassoLa possibile. CelliPotential is also testing and Co2 (R744). In any case, Celli in ogni caso sta anche testando altre tipologie di types of non-toxic gasses with low inflammability and with gas, atossici, bassa infiammabilità e con un Global WarCelli S.p.A. is also engaged in the general simplification Celli S.p.A. è inoltre impegnata nellaasemplificazione gethe lowest possible Global Warming mingriduzione Potential il più possibile. e of the equipment, in reducing the number of components neralePotential. degli impianti, nella di basso componenti Celli S.p.A. is also engaged in the general simplification Celli S.p.A. è inoltre impegnata nella semplificazione geand in making assembly and dismantling easier in order to nell’aumentata facilità di montaggio e smontaggio, al fine of the equipment, in reducing the number of components nerale degli impianti, nella riduzione di componenti e increase reliability and extend the useful of the machi-and di aumentare l’affidabilità la vita utile degli stessi and inlife making assembly dismantling easier in order to enell’aumentata facilitàimpianti di montaggio e smontaggio, al fine nes themselves, preventing unnecessary scrapping to evitando rottamazioni dovute a l’affidabilità guasti gravi. Attualincrease reliability due and extend the useful inutili life of the machi- di aumentare e la vita utile degli impianti stessi preventing scrapping due to impiegato evitando inutili a guasti gravi. Attualserious faults. Currently the coolant nes gasthemselves, used in the Celli unnecessary mente il gas refrigerante nellarottamazioni gamma didovute impianti serious faults. Currently used l’R134a, in the Cellimamente il gas refrigerante nella gamma di impianti range is still the R134a, but the solutions mentioned abovethe coolant Celli è gas ancora le alternative di cui impiegato sopra sono range is still the R134a, but the solutions mentioned above Celli è ancora l’R134a, ma le alternative di cui sopra sono are available upon request, our Commercial andupon Technical disponibili suand richiesta: il nostro staffsucommerciale e tecnico are available request, our Commercial Technical disponibili richiesta: il nostro staff commerciale e tecnico staff will be happy to advise you on the most suitable sarà di suitable consigliare soluzione adattalaalle vostre staff will be happy tosoluadvise you on felice the most solu- lasarà felice di più consigliare soluzione più adatta alle vostre tion for your needs. esigenze. tion for your needs. esigenze.


Energy Saving Coolers range is marked with this symbol: Gli impianti della linea Energy Saving sono contraddistinti da questo simbolo:

tank capacity: ................................................... 7 l ice bank: ........................................... 4,5 kg = 9 LBs compressor: .................................................... ms cooling capacity: ........................................ 300 w refrigerant: .................................................. r744 carbonation pump: ................................... 200 l/h carbonator total volume:........................ 700 cc backlit logo................................................... YES

Green Coolers Range (with alternative low GWP coolant gas) is marked with this symbol: Gli Impianti della linea Green (con gas refrigerante ecologico alternativo) sono contraddistinti da questo simbolo:



housing material: ................... stainless steel coil material: .......................................... aisi 304 n° of valves: ....................................................... 3 Box dimensions (l x w x h): 760 x 455 x 625 mm 29.92 x 17.91 x 24.60 incH product weight: .......................... 39 KG = 85 LBs electrical rating: ............................. 230 V/50 hz Power input: ............................................... 250 w


cod. 80167 Reg. n. 045 UNI EN ISO 9001: 2000 • UNI EN ISO 14001: 2004 UNI EN ISO 14021: 2012 • UNI EN ISO 22000: 2005

CELLI S.p.A. Via Casino Albini 605 - 47842 S. Giovanni in Marignano - Rimini - Italy Tel +39 0541 755211 - Fax +39 0541 759735

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