Cels Ho 何韋霆, portfolio 2019

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Cels Ho

作品 2015-2019

Selected works 2015-2019




Individual works


Collaborative works


Individual works

《 好友 》,2018 動力裝置 平板電腦 *2、電磁鐵、觸碰筆頭

此作品為兩台機械裝置,一台持續從好友建議名單加好友;另一台持續為帳號 刪除原來好友。將網路社群上人際關係的開始與結束,萃取其動作並簡化為一 項重複性機械行為。

Friends, 2018 Performance art online Social media Facebook, account of artist Machine A continuously adds recommendations as friends, while machine B continuously removes friend from friend list. Simplifying the “beginning” and “termination” of an online social relationship into a repetitive behaviour.

好友紀錄 Friendship documentation

《 登入 》,2017 網路行為表演 網路社群 Facebook、本人帳號

我將自己從 2008 年開始使用的網路社群 Facebook 所使用的帳號及密碼,公開於網 路上作為作品的開端。 當帳號密碼資訊公佈出來後,「公」、「私」領域界線模糊, 帳號可能不再只受單一使用者控制,因此帳號「何韋霆」及其衍伸出的行為也不再 指涉單一個體。作品發生後我持續使用著相同的,如被暴風雨摧殘後的帳號,延續 著生活。 作品主題思考著身份上的匿名、形象破壞、群體行為,討論在當代人與自身身份的 延伸(網路社群帳號)關係,以及網路社群較為特殊的社會性。

Login, 2017 Performance art online Social media Facebook, account of artist I publicly posted my Facebook account and password (which I've been using since 2008, just to clarify it's neither a fake nor new account) on the internet. After the publish of private informations, boundaries between "private" and "public" regions are merged. The definition of an account's individuality is also affected, "WE"="ME"; "Me"="WE". It contains a possibility that it may be controlled by more than one or more user, thus this account "Cels Ho" and it's expanded behaviour no longer refers to a sole individual. This work focuses on the subject of anonymity, image destruction, collective behaviour, and above all, the relationship between one and one's extended identity (accounts, avatars on the internet social medias), and the various aspects of social behaviours on the internet.

帳號公開了約莫四個小時,過程中我扮演著彙集者的身份,收集著這帳號所發展出來的各 式「行為」,以螢幕畫面截圖作為紀錄。生產過程中大部分人都具備著創作者及觀者多重 身份的角色,我有時會跳入這團混亂一起為這件作品增添行為的「發生」;沒有人知道誰 是誰,帳號原來的主人也與其他人達至權力平行,作品觀看的層級只分為有無登入此舉動, 這之間的關係用下列示意圖表示:

創作者: 登入帳號且產生行為者。 觀者 A: 登入帳號但純粹觀察,並無產生任何行為或更動者。 觀者 B: 並無登入帳號者及路人。帳號對於此層級的觀者而言是單一個體,如同一個人在 自言自語,他們無法看入以帳號為邊界的這個範圍,例如帳號對外的 Messenger 訊息內容、 對話過程。 集結整理後的影像紀錄如同當代網路社群的某種生活模式的縮影,也紀錄著這個時期人們 對於視覺、文字在生活狀態底下的使用方式(因為作品的出現及向群眾的接觸發生在日常 的時空,而非傳統藝術時空)。

My account was opened approximately for 4 hours, and during the process I act as a collector, gathering “actions” generated by this account. Sometimes I jump inside and join the chaos, producing and increasing the "happening" of the actions together, but during the process everyone is the creator, collectors, or viewers.

Creator: Those who logged in and produced actions with account. Viewer A: Those who logged in but acts solely as an observer, not contributing any actions or alters to the account. Viewer B: Those who did not log in, passer-by, might see this account talking to one’s self, or chaos. Viewer Bs will always see this account as “one”, the “only creator”, and can never see through the bubble, tracing the source of each behaviour. Result of the documentation acts like an epitome of the contemporary internet-age society : multiversed, speed and chaos, disappearance of distance, anonymity…etc

《 WE / ME 》,2018 動力裝置 交流馬達、壓克力、鐵

一個不斷旋轉的圓盤讓上面的 WE(我們)與 ME(我)兩個詞不停處於相互轉換的 狀態,象徵著作品《登入》進行時群體與個體間不斷模糊的界線。

WE / ME, 2018 Kinetic sculpture AC motor, acrylic, metal A continuously spinning disk causing the recognition of the word "WE" kept on changing to "ME", this exchanging status symbolizes the blurred lines between the concept of "group" and "individuality" during the happening of previous work "Login" (2017).

《身份》Identity / 何韋霆 Cels Ho / 2017

《 身份 》,2017 網頁(投票系統)、匿名留言板

一個可重複投票的網頁投票系統 比例圈即時更新 ​以友善的語氣藉由貼文/訊息/電子郵件的方式主動接觸觀者 ​附加匿名留言區

《身份》Identity / 何韋霆 Cels Ho / 2017

Identity, 2017 Webpage (poll system), anonymous message board A poll system webpage that can vote multiple times. Doughnut chart changes in real-time. Approached viewers through posting a friendly note on their Facebook wall / messenger / email spam. An anonymous message board is attached.

匿名留言板截圖 Anonymous message board documentation

《 暗邊 》,2015 戶外裝置,700cm*300cm*5cm 木頭、黑漆、發光二極體 ( 紅 )、電子電路

Dark Edge, 2015 Outdoor installation, 700cm*300cm*5cm Wood, dark coatings, LEDs (Red), circuits

實際現場比影像紀錄更暗 The actual environment is darker than image.

凌晨三點的城市夜景,為了節省能源,大部分大樓熄了燈,在昏暗的天空留下一塊一 塊的暗處。建築物邊緣閃爍的警示燈,藉由三個或以上同步閃爍的光點,提示著自己 的存在,也在黑暗中劃出自己物質的邊界。 ​ 亮,滅,亮,滅 有,無,有,無 規律的節奏,使巨大的人造物成為自然的一部分,平穩地呼吸。看著他們同步地在閃 爍著,莫名安祥,似乎這種規律性帶來份安全感,產生某種信任。當光點亮起時,他 們暗示著的是一個實體的邊界,在失去空間感的黑夜之中,這些邊界是我們感知方向 的依據;光點熄滅時,實物瞬間成了虛無的幻象,彷彿從來不曾存在。一個沒有邊界 的物質不被稱作「實體」,一棟建築失去了作為實體的資格,建築二字的概念也瓦解了。 ​ 藉由閃爍頻率的差異,在昏暗的水泥叢林之中與另一棟建築做出區別,顯示自己的個 體性。從遠處看,這片夜景就像這個年紀在社會一樣,許多個體在用力卻無聲地喊叫、 宣告著自身的存在,只不過我們都物化成了沒有情緒的巨大水泥塊。也不是沒有情緒, 應該說只有一種,那就是平靜,平靜地不斷向世界發送訊號。我們看不見另一邊是否 有接收端,或許根本沒有,但訊號就這樣一直無止盡的往宇宙的邊際前進。 一個厚(高)度為 5 公分,面積為 300*700 公分的黑色物體,放置在廣場的中央,站在 樓梯或平台從遠處往下看是塊較暗的平面,只佔了廣場的一小部分;走下樓梯到物體 旁時才感受到他的巨大,也才會發現他不單是個平面,而是有在地面上形成陰影,向 上凸出 5 公分的長方體。視覺上是空間向內的空洞,本質上卻是向外的物體。厚度除 了讓物體本身具備量體,再來技術層面就是為了讓四個角的 LED 光的方向能夠往暗處 以外發射。 當與作品在同個地面基礎,圍繞著作品四周,從某一邊望去會發現另外兩個光點被作 品本身的物質性所遮蔽而消失,不過還是能看得見渲染在地面上的紅光(影像記錄看 不太出來,這系列真的太太太難拍了),紅光因為是從物體側面散發,所以與地面平行, 面積最大的平面依然保持黯淡無光。當紅光亮起時,渲染在地面的光照亮了暗處以外 的部分,又銳化了物體的邊界;紅光消失時,他退回背景,與黑夜氛圍融為一體。

凌晨三點,輕風吹拂著樹葉的剪影 訊號燈規律地呼,吸 城市該休息了。

​3:00 a.m., the city has fallen asleep. During this hour of the night, most buildings had their lights turnt off, leaving large, dark areas in the skyline, as if someone had cut out holes in the nightview. One or more signal light shines and flickers at the edge of the skyscrappers, bringing its' existence into attention, also marking its' physical boundaries in the dark. 1, 0, 1, 0 0, 1, 0, 1 The repeated rythm made these giant man-made structures became part of nature, breathing steadily, giving a feeling of secure and trust. Whenever the lights shine, they imply the boundaries of an object, which give us a foundation for our sense of direction; when these hints vanishes, visions are once again lost in the vast emptiness, as if the object never existed. A thing without its boundaries couldn't be referred as a physical object, a building that loses its qualities to be physical also collapses the concept of "architecture".

實際現場比影像紀錄更暗 The actual environment is darker than image.

《 廣場 》,2016 戶外裝置 太陽能、貼片式發光二極體 ( 紅 )、電子電路

在建築概念中,「廣場」具備某種等待的性質。一種中性、灰色、安靜,等待著某種意 義的發生。這是一件夜晚才會出現的作品,我在地磚之間的縫裝設了四個同步閃爍的光 點,在黑暗中不斷顯現、消逝、顯現、又消逝,環境被覆寫成新的規律。從點到點之間, 存在與消逝的狀態下劃出了一塊虛擬、沒有厚度的「面」,與現實空間中的建築物、戶 外空間安靜地共存。

Plaza, 2016 Outdoor Installation Solar panel, SMD LEDs (Red), Circuits Under architectural concept, "plaza" has a neutral, gray and quiet quality, like as if it's waiting for an occasion of meaning. This piece has 4 synchronized blinking LEDs installed in the spaces between the floor tiles and activates only at nights, it appears and vanishes in the dark, which then overwrites the environment with its rhythm. The appearance of the dots creates an image of a virtual, zero-thickness "plane", calmly stating its existence with the architecture and the exterior spaces.

實際現場比影像紀錄更暗 The actual environment is darker than image.

建築 在建築概念中,「廣場」具備某種等待的性質。一種中性、灰色、安靜,等待著某種意義的 發生。這種建築規劃時預留的空白總是吸引著我,因為可以看到場域會隨著行為或活動的差 異而有了意義上的變動,也可以看到人們在這種開放式的人造空地散心交流;可是當這一切 都被去除,留下承載這一切人類活動的基礎時,一切恢復成原來的平靜,帶絲孤寂感。

黑 夜晚因光源的缺乏,空地失去了界定形狀與範圍的依據(邊界)。我在廣場裝設了四個同步 閃爍的光點,在黑暗中不斷顯現、消逝、顯現、又消逝,將環境覆寫成新的規律。晶片會在 白天時重置,每晚再以不同的頻率閃爍。作品週期綁定自然時間,而非美術館機構底下的開 閉館時段,讓它更獨立且貼近於戶外環境。 光點的位置,被設置為任一角度皆可以觀看。在觀眾移動的過程中,光點的形狀也會因透視 產生變化:當觀眾進入形狀內,只得以看到幾個光點時,封閉的形狀破碎了,原本建構的「面」 也頓時拉成了「線」。

日 此裝置的能源是來自於白天的陽光輻射,藉由太陽能板將能源集於電池,於夜晚時自動啟動。 每一組裝置的獨立性讓作品在面對場域 ( 地面 ) 時是一種附著於平面的狀態,沒有厚度;白天 時作品更會因材料在尺寸選擇上都十分渺小而消失,場域則回復為原來的樣子。

《 白邊 》 Blank Edge, 2019 移動展牆、噴漆於木板廢料上

Movable exhibition wall, spray paint on waste wooden boards.

《 嗨嗨人生 》,2015 雙頻道錄像,無聲,5'00"

此作品為左右同步、一鏡到底的雙頻道錄像,內容設定了一個人興奮的、積極的敘 述著自己的夢想及計畫。主角說話過程中,嘴巴從未說出任何一句話,取而代之的 是字幕、手勢及表情,試圖帶出一種空談、不真實的心境及氣氛。整件作品中一直 被主角提及,卻不曾出現過的主要意象——船,如此龐大、穩重的物體放置在海上 時卻是如此不安定,強調了主角計畫的虛無。

Hello Life, 2015 Two-channel video, soundless, 5'00" This is a syncronized two-channel, long take video which the content is an excited man actively speaking about his dreams and plans. This piece focuses on the action and words, in order to amphasize the unrealistic and unrealized atmosphere, the character's mouth is set to never speak a word, replaced by subtitle, gestures and facial expressions. A boat is used as a main image (also never appeared) symbolising the emptiness of the character's plans, as such huge and sedate object is so unstable when placed on the ocean.

Some of them want cars

worked too hard trying to be different

not sure if they're going to a beauty contest or what.


Collaborative works

《 臨時演員 》,2016 跨領域表演,10'00" 頭戴裝置(雷射、發光二極體、蜂鳴器)、動力裝置(旋轉即時攝像機 、 升降布簾)

觀者進場前被分為兩批次分別進入表演場地;第一批觀者經由一個隧道直接進入中間的環 繞投影布簾,在被布簾包覆不知情的情況下我們將隧道拆除並讓第二批觀者入場(布簾之 外)。在上半段的聲音影像表演達至高潮時布簾將會升起,第一批的觀者會突然意識到布 簾的另一側也是表演發生的另一面,而投影介面的升起使自己成了被觀看對象。 我們以機械、頭戴裝置及視覺影像試圖重新定義一個空間裡「表演發生」的位置,例如下 半段當觀者頭戴裝置上的聲光在黑暗中被我們開啟,等同創造視覺誘因;開啟觀者頭上的 雷射標示了每個人觀看(尋找)表演的視覺方向。在這概念底下我們創造了一個流動的表 演,同時模糊了傳統劇場中表演者及觀者的身份。

Temporary Actors, 2016 Interdisciplinary performance, 10'00" Wearing device (laser diode, LED, buzzer), kinetic installation (turning real-time camera, rising drape) Using machines, self-made devices and visual images, we wanted to redefine the location of the "happening of the performance" in that space, such as controlling the light and sound of the device audiences wore creates an incentive for visual in the dark, and activating lasers on audiences’ head indicates their direction of perspective of the performance. Under this concept, we created a fluid performance that blurs the identity of the audience and the performer in traditional theatrical performance.

共同創作:劉千鈺、林佩諭、林雨儂、黃偉、鄭羽芝、高友儀、陳柏雅、林以敏、藍文臨、蔡宜蓓 (Co-creators)

《 石膏面像 》,2017 互動裝置 機械結構、伺服馬達、Kinect、Arduino


一個會偷看人的石膏面像。我們靈感源自石膏像的神秘感,走經雕像或人像時常常會有種被石膏 像偷看的錯覺,而我們想把這個詭異的感受實踐出來。利用 Kinect 攝影機捕捉觀眾頭部位置的技 術,將訊號經由 Processing 傳至 Arduino,即時控制伺服馬達轉動眼珠,製造石膏像在「觀看」的 動態。

The Plaster Face, 2017 Interactive Installation Mechanism, servo motors, Kinect, Arduino

Co-creators: Tsai Fang, Syu Fang-jing, Lin Zhi-yu

Our inspiration came from the illusion of being watched when walking past statues, as they always have an atmosphere of creepiness. We wanted to try this concept that our eyes were right, and the bust is really looking at us, we then put this idea into practice using Kinect to capture audience's head, then sending the data to Arduino,and controlling servo motors at the same time to move the animatronic eyes, creating the illusion for the audience being “looked at”.

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