CEMS is a Global Alliance of leading business schools, multinational companies and NGOs that together offer the CEMS Master in International Management.
Get ready for the rise of Gen Z, soon to be the largest generational cohort of CEMS! Learn more about their career dynamics, glimpse into the future through their perspective, and, most crucially, uncover effective ways to connect with them.
33 Leading Business schools
20,000 Alumni
High-calibre, multi-lingual students
International companies and NGOs
This guide is based on a survey conducted in January, featuring responses from over 400 CEMS students.
Gen X Millenials
Gen Z Born between 1946 and 1964 Born between 1965 and 1980 Born between 1981 and 1996
Born between 1996 and 2007
Ages 59 to 77
Ages 43 to 58
Ages 27 to 42
Ages 16 to 26
Around 60% of the surveyed individuals from Generation Z believe that 3 to 5 years is an ideal duration for staying in one job. Loyalty takes a backseat for Generation Z; they prioritize change and purpose over steadfast commitment.
What are the top three criteria that would most influence your decision to take on a new role (either within your current company or a different one)?
Looking closer at these criteria, the CEMS study found that both men and women identified similar aspects that would influence their decision to take on a new role. Nonetheless, the ranking of these criteria differs between genders, with women putting more emphasis on work/life balance and internationalization than men.
The concept of "bleisure" (business + leisure) travel is a rising trend among Gen Z professionals. Individuals often extend their business trips to include personal travel and exploration. This trend reflects Gen Z's desire to blend work and personal life in a way that enhances overall well-being and experiences.
A majority of Gen Z think that social media has mostly a positive impact in their lives. They feel comfortable with technology, understand its dual outcomes and well accustomed to the idea of combining physical and virtual lives.
How does social media affect your life? (1 being very negatively, 10 being very positively)
Instagram remains the top social media platform for CEMS Gen Z, with over 50% of votes.
Linkedin ranks 2nd for CEMS Gen Z, gathering 28% of the votes.
Without surprise, Tiktok ranks 3rd, coinciding the exponential rise in Tiktok usage worldwide.
Gen Z spends on average 4 hour per day on their mobile (against 2 hours for other generations). This increase has had profound impacts on media consumption, with the Gen Z favoring social media rather than television. Did you know?
Over 57% of surveyed participants feel confident with the increasing integration of AI. Only 2% perceive AI as a threat.
How do you feel with the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of daily life? Women’s perception on AI
The AI divide: gender disparities among users
The CEMS study reveals that women feel less confident about the rise of AI compared to men, with 46% of women feeling secure, in contrast to men who lead at 67%
70% of Gen Z are optimistic about the future. Despite the world facing many challenges, this generation remains optimistic. Their confidence in their ability to make a meaningful impact on the world shows a resilient and forward-looking mindset.
It emerges that women express a slightly less optimistic stance on the future in contrast to men who exhibit a leading level of optimism, notably at 29% expressing a very optimistic outlook.
Gen Z respondents identified several key challenges and opportunities for their generation, with 4-5 themes consistently standing out.
What do you see as the biggest challenges for your generation?
What do you see as the biggest opportunities for your generation?
Summary of the CEMS Gen Z as a workforce:
Gen Z adapts easily into changing environments and embraces innovation.
Gen Z were born into a world of technological innovation where information is always accessible and social media omnipresent.
Gen Z is known for their mobility and frequent job changes. This generation is also more likely drawn to the appeal of freelance status.
Gen Z, like previous generations, prioritizes financial considerations when seeking employment.
Positioning your
as the employer of choice for
Corporate Partners of the CEMS Global Alliance can actively benefit from engaging with top business schools and gain exclusive access to insights and talent from Generation Z cohorts.
Hire from a pool of 1300+ Gen Z students of more than 70 countries
Post career opportunities on our job portal
Gain exclusive access to our career and networking events
Increase marketing reach to an audience from around the globe
Increase the reach of your digital marketing campaigns
Build brand credibility and leverage our social media platforms to directly access the new generations of CEMSies
Get consultancy services from a team of Next Generation Thinkers
Collaborate with 33 top business schools
Initiate a market research and let our CEMS Gen Z present a business case
Study with a detailed analysis and well-thought-out solutions to your most pressing challenges.
Find out more about business projects.
Seize a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of student talent
Get a chance to share knowledge with a truly international group of students
Raise your company visibility within the CEMS network.
55% of the surveyed CEMS Gen Z members indicated critical thinking and problem-solving as the most important soft trait for their career. It is followed by leadership and social influence. CEMS Corporate Partners can actively use those soft skills in the classroom to support their corporate projects.