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Helén Burstedt in World Art Guide 2023 by Bellamonti Art
Helén Burstedt lives in Järnäsklubb, Sweden, the place where the sea always sparkles, street lights are missing, and the starry sky is close. Burstedt was born and raised in Kiruna, the city that is being moved for the sake of the mine and the ore. Biting cold, mosquitoes, rivers, mountains and the northern lights are a big part of the origin that is manifested in her art.
Burstedt was born with creative ideas and many ways of expressing herself, but as an adult, she lost her playfulness and adventure in the way she expressed herself. Today, she again uses art as a way to communicate with the world and believes that it is a language that is spoken everywhere on earth. She loves to paint large acrylic paintings where canvases are built up with structure and many layers of paint. For Burstedt, structure in the canvas is as important as the colors. Most of the artist’s paintings have been painted with hands and only small details with brushes or other tools.
Burstedt’s paintings are described as explosions in a paint factory, and sculptures in stoneware clay having luxuriant shapes. She touches and tickles the imagination with her colorful art, and her way of painting is often described as stormy, unique, and emotional. Her expression is varied, and colors are allowed to intuitively guide her from color chaos to order. Helén Burstedt paints both figuratively and abstractly. She strives to allow all ages to be present in her way of expression and bravely takes turns in both colour and design language. In every work of art, there are stories and fairy tales from life and worlds of feelings and dreams.
Helén Burstedt finds inspiration in everyday life, people, the sky, the sea , and the mountains. She is passionately driven by attracting the world to laughter, contributing to he wonder and courage of being human. In addition to her own art, Burstedt holds painting courses for terrified women who want to be brave and for groups of friends who want to paint together. She is passionate about helping women become brave, wild, and free with the help of art.
• 2022 Group exhibition, Millenium Art Gallery, Nordingrå, Sweden
• 2021 Music collaboration, “December, a Blank Canvas to My Piano – By Margin Alexander”, New York, U.S.A.
• 2021 Group exhibition, Utopia Galleria, Umeå, Sweden
• 2019 Juried exhibition, Galleri 1, Skellefteå, Sweden
• 2019 Group exhibition, Galleri Riddaren, Stockholm, Sweden helen.burstedt@gmail.com www.helenburstedtart.se helenburstedtart
