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Masaki Hirokawa TOYAMA , JAPAN in World Art Guide 2023 by Bellamonti Art
Masaki Hirokawa is a Japanese graphic artist who produces art works that focus mainly on photo collages. He has done exhibitions around the world and won numerous international design awards. He contributes his artwork to art annuals and specialty graphic magazines worldwide.
Masaki Hirokawa’s wide range of activities includes graphic design, smartphone app development, interactive movie production, and website development. He also writes technical articles on graphic design for graphic design magazines and reference books. Born in Toyama, Japan, in 1981, he started web design and programming self-study in 1997 at the age of 16. After that, he went to Tokyo to work as a web designer/DTP operator in 1999. He got involved in the development of mission-critical systems as a system engineer/programmer in 2002 at the age of 21. Later, he switched to working as a freelancer, working on web design, programming, graphic design, and producing interactive movies in 2005. He won the Grand Prize in the MTV SO-ZO Competition “Web Screensaver Category” in 2006.
Hirokawa has also authored multiple reference books while submitting works to graphic design magazines in 2008. He also got involved in the development of multiple video games as a technical artist in 2011 and then went independent to start a smartphone app business in 2013, developing an app that was eventually downloaded more than 20 million times and is still being used by more than 3 million users worldwide. Masaki Hirokawa then returned to creating graphic design and participating in exhibitions in Italy, Spain, the UK, Greece, and more in 2019. He was awarded the “Artist of the Year 2021” by Itsliquid Group in 2022. He continues to create graphic design while managing smartphone apps.
• 2022 Art Award, “Iron Award in The Graphics Design Category”, A’Design Award & Competition
• 2022 Group exhibition, “100 Artists for the Future”, Invited by RenovArt, ApuliaAste, Matera, Italy
• 2021- Collaboration, 365 Art + Magazine
• 2009 Group exhibition, “Larotica II Exhibition”, Gallery Art Point, Ginza, Japan
• 2006 Award, “Excellence in The Web Screensaver Category”, MTV SO-ZO Competition masakihirokawa@gmail.com www.dolice.design