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Steffi Rodigas, GERMANY, in World Art Guide 2023 by Bellamonti Art
After a life in various professions and raising three children, Steffi Rodigas decided to break all conventions and left her secure job. Since then, she has been creatively expressing her feelings, thoughts and ideas through art and music and has been working as a freelance artist since 2018. In her artistic works, you can feel and see her deep connection to nature, animals and the love for detail.
She works with various materials and techniques, including acrylic, oil, pastel and pouring. In the last year, she has successfully focused on watercolours. Her specially developed kind of art, “ART in ART”, combines realistic painting with abstraction. Numerous small works of art with colorful expressiveness come together to form a complete work that reveals a motif or gives free rein to the imagination. With her passion for three-dimensionality, she often incorporates 3D elements into her paintings and has created numerous sculptures from building insulation material.
Rodigas finds it particularly important for her to articulate her emotions and opinions on world events in a creative way. This has resulted in works that have addressed climate change, pollution and overuse of the oceans, world politics, media overkill and more.
In Germany, she has already had seven solo exhibitions and numerous collective exhibitions. Internationally, Steffi Rodigas’ works have been shown in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid, Venice, Milan and Luxembourg. In New York, she was involved in “Mother Earth Day 2022” and received ATIM`S TOP 60 Masters Award.
• 2022 Art award, “ATIM´s Top 60 Masters Award”, New York, U.S.A.
• 2022 Art fair, “Earth Day”, ArtTour International, New York, U.S.A.
• 2022 Group exhibition, Rosso Cinabro Gallery, Rome, Italy
• 2020 Solo exhibition, “Unique New Zealand”, Natural History Museum, Coburg, Germany
• 2019 Solo exhibition, “Controversy”, Kotyba Art Gallery, Kulmbach, Germany steffirodi@yahoo.de www.steffi-rodigas-artist.com