Center City Development Corporation April 2012 Newsletter

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calendar at a glance

Apr 4, 2012

IU East SIFE “Who Are YOUtube” Video Wrap Up Celebratory Event @ The Innovation Center: 5:15P

Apr 12, 2012

Richmond Social Media Luncheon @ The Innovation Center: 11:30A-12:30P

Apr 16, 2012

center city meetups businesses working together to better main street Center City Development Corporation held its first “Center City MeetUp” of the 2012 calendar year on March 20. Some great ideas were shared and business owners were able to bounce ideas off one another. Based on the success of the meeting and the enthusiasm of business

Center City MeetUP @ The Innovation Center: 8:00A-9:00A

apr 14 & 28, 2012 Winter Farmer’s Market @ The Innovation Center: 9:00A-Noon

apr 25, 2012

“Networking with other Small Businesses” - Center City Educational Series @ The Innovation Center: 7:30A-9:00A

CONTACT US: Center City Development Corp. The Innovation Center 814 East Main Street Richmond, Indiana 47374 Phone: 765.962.8151 E-mail: Web:

This is a great opportunity for local businesses to come together to share ideas, to voice concerns, to keep people up to date on Center City events, to give businesses educational opportunities, and to work together to help market/promote each other through combined efforts. April’s MeetUp will be Tuesday, April 16, 2012 from 8 AM-9 AM. Please call or e-mail Center City with any questions or concerns.

apr 17, 2012

Barnes & Thornburg & the Indiana Health Industry Forum Educational Series @ The Innovation Center: Noon-1:00P

owners who attended, Center City will continue to host its Meetups at the Innovation Center on the third Tuesday of every month from 8 AM-9 AM.

iu east s.i.f.e. videos complete celebratory awards event to be on april 4, 2012 On April 4, 2012 businesses who participated in the IU East S.I.F.E. (Students In Free Enterprise) “Who Are YOUtube” event will gather at the Innovation Center for a celebratory viewing of the YouTube videos that the IU East students made to promote small business in the Richmond area. These YouTube videos were created by the students in a competition to showcase local business in Richmond’s Central Business District. The videos were posted on the IU East YouTube channel on Thursday, March 1, 2012, and were monitored for a month to see which video got the most views. The student and business winners, who get special awards for winning, will be announced during the event. There will be a nacho bar for attendees

(provided by Joe’s Pizza), awards for the business and student winners, and awards for all businesses who participated in the project, as well. Please contact Center City Development Corporation at the Innovation Center at (765) 962-8151 or by e-mail at kaitlinv@ with questions or concerns.

farmers market

italian festival in the depot district

winter 2012 dates

1st annual taste of italy festival: may 19, 2012

April 14, 2012

The first annual “Taste of Italy” Richmond Italian-American Festival will be held in Richmond’s Historic Depot District (Ft. Wayne Street & E. Street) on Saturday, May 19, 2012 from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.

April 28, 2012 All dates are Saturday. Market hours are from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please contact Cindy Reed, Market Master, at (765) 874-1183 or at

The Italian Festival will have food, wine, beer, and several music groups. There will be Italian and International foods, booths and vendors, music and more fun events which will be announced soon.

form ez-2 #52501

please fill out by may 10

To make this event as successful as possible, the festival needs the following support from Center City businesses:

This deduction allows taxpayers to deduct the increased value of property within an Urban Enterprise Zone following a qualified investment. A qualified investment includes the following:

• Sponsors (other than those who sponsor the other festivals and events, maps, and schedules).

1. The purchase of a building 2. The purchase of a new manufacturing or production equipment 3. Costs associated with the repair, rehabilitation or modernization of an existing building 4. On site infrastructure improvements 5. Construction of a new building 6. Costs associated with retooling existing machinery.

To claim the deduction, a taxpayer must fill out Form EZ-2 and file it with the county auditor between March 1 and May 10. Choose Form EZ-2 #52501. It can be found on the State’s webpage at http://www. Please contact the UEA at bfields@ or at (765) 9837396 with questions .

• Cooking class instructors for Italian Food demonstrations. • Grape Stomping Event: Tub & grapes (designed primarily for kids to do). •And advertising - Facebook, Twitter, Other Social Media Outlets, T.V., & Radio Stations. By working together, the Center City businesses can make this event special and successful! If you have any questions or would like to help out please contact The “Taste of Italy” Committee at 765-966-3614. You can also contact Center City at the Innovation Center at (765) 962-8151 or by e-mail at info@mycentercity. com.

life science lunch series

“how to hire, fire, & discipline your employees” april 2012: issue 08 - the small business issue

The deduction is equal to the difference between the assessed property value following the qualified investment and the assessed property value of a base year (the year preceding the qualified investment).

• Billboard Sponsors @ $350 per billboard. The committee is looking to acquire around seven billboard

sponsors, at least.

The Innovation Center will act as the host for a satellite location of the Life Science Lunch Series, Presented by Barnes & Thornburg LLP and the Indiana Chamber of Commerce (Attorney Presentations, FirmSponsored Events, Seminar, Speaker: Hans Murphy, Partner, Barnes & Thornburg LLP.) presented via webcast. This event will be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at noon. This month’s topic is “How to Hire, Fire and Discipline Your Employees.” “Our society is a litigious one, and people can be quick to sue. This sometimes causes employers to be hesitant in disciplining and or terminating employees. Back by popular demand - “How to Hire,

Fire and Discipline Your Employees” will address how to manage this unfortunate part of human resources and do so within the law. Don’t get caught up in a lawsuit that could be avoided - register today.” (http://www.

There is NO COST to attend the Richmond seminars and the events are open to the public. Please bring a brown-bag lunch if you wish. If you have any questions, please contact Center City Development Corporation at the Innovation Center at (765) 962-8151 or by e-mail at with questions or concerns.

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