Education in America: Sate-By-State Scorecard 2007

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Education in America: State-by-State Scorecard Inputs and Outputs 1

State-by-state Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 1

Per Pupil Spending Lowest (1) to Highest (51) 8 ($6,300) 44 ($9,870) 7 ($6,282) 10 ($6,482) 25 ($7,552) 20 ($7,384) 48 ($11,057) 49 ($11,847) 43 ($9,693) 9 ($6,439) 27 ($7,774) 31 ($8,100) 3 ($6,081) 33 ($8,287) 29 ($8,057) 26 ($7,574) 21 ($7,454) 13 ($6,661) 15 ($6,922) 42 ($9,344) 41 ($9,153) 47 ($10,460) 37 ($8,781) 32 ($8,109) 2 ($5,792) 23 ($7,495) 24 ($7,496) 30 ($8,074) 5 ($6,092) 35 ($8,579) 51 ($12,568) 17 ($7,125) 50 (11,961) 12 ($6,562) 14 ($6,870) 36 ($8,632) 4 ($6,092) 22 ($7,491) 39 ($8,997) 45 ($10,349) 16 ($7,040) 11 ($6,547) 6 ($6,118) 18 ($7,136) 1 ($4,838) 46 ($10,454) 28 ($7,822) 19 ($7,252) 34 ($8,319) 40 ($9,004) 38 ($8,985)

Achievement2 Graduation Rate Rank3 Rank (Graduation Rate %) 48 25 33 41 42 28 17 51 29 43 45 46 24 32 26 9 22 34 47 18 27 1 31 2 50 19 4 10 38 3 12 49 23 30 11 15 37 14 20 35 40 7 39 36 21 5 13 8 44 6 16

46 (60%) 44 (60%) 30 (71%) 25 (74%) 39 (65%) 29 (72%) 7 (82%) 41 (63%) 40 (65%) 43 (61%) 50 (56%) 32 (70%) 22 (74%) 26 (73%) 23 (74%) 2 (85%) 18 (76%) 36 (69%) 42 (63%) 24 (74%) 20 (75%) 28 (72%) 13 (77%) 5 (84%) 47 (59%) 15 (76%) 16 (76%) 6 (84%) 38 (67%) 11(79%) 1 (88%) 48 (59%) 49 (58%) 35 (69%) 4 (85%) 9 (79%) 27 (72%) 31 (70%) 8 (81%) 19 (75%) 51 (54%) 10 (79%) 45 (60% 37 (69%) 14 (77%) 12 (78%) 21 (75%) 34 (69%) 17 (76%) 3 (85%) 33 (70%)

Education Reform Action Charter School4 Law CER Grade No Law 34 (D) 4 (A) 30 (C) 7 (A) 8 (B) 31(C) 3 (A) 1 (A) 9 (B) 16 (B) 35 (D) 23 (C) 28 (C) 6 (A) 40 (F) 37 (D) No Law 26 (C) No Law 36 (D) 10 (B) 5 (A) 2 (A) 41 (F) 14 (B) No Law No Law 27( C) 29 (C) 20 (B) 17 (B) 13 (B) 15 (B) No Law 12 (B) 21 (B) 18 (B) 11 (B) 39 (D) 24 (C) No Law 32 (C) 22 (C) 25 (C) No Law 38 (D) No Law No Law 19 (B) 33 (D)

School Choice5 none public public, tax credits public public* public, public-private public public public-private public*, tax credits public public* public* public, tax credits public* public, tax credits public* public public public-secular none public* public* public, tax credits public public public public public* public* public* public* public* none public* public-private (Cleveland), public*

public public* public*, tax credits public* public* public public* public* public public*, public-secular none public public* public-private (Milwaukee), public


Accountability Policy6 post NCLB (point change pre-NCLB ) 4.0 (+0.7) n/a 3.4 (+1.1) 3.4 (+1.1) n/a 3.8 (+0.7) n/a n/a 3.7 (+0.8) n/a 4.1 (+1.2) 3.3 (+1.7) 3.4 (+1.2) 3.8 (+0.6) n/a n/a n/a 3.8 (+0.5) n/a 3.3 (+1.5) n/a 3.8 (+0.7) 3.9 (+1.0) 3.8 (+1.0) n/a n/a 3.3 (+1.4) n/a n/a 3.4 (+1.0) n/a 3.9 (+0.8) 4.1 (+0.5) 4.5 (+0.2) 3.3 (+1.7) 4.1 (+0.9) n/a n/a 4.0 (+0.8) 3.4 (+1.1) n/a 3.4 (+1.7) n/a 4.3 (+0.5) n/a 3.5 (+1.4) 4.1 (+1.0) 3.4 (+1.0) 3.4 (+0.9) 3.6 (+1.0) n/a

National Center for Education Statistics,

2 American Legislative Exchange Council Report Card on Education 2006 by Andrew T. LeFevre, page 4. Ranking based on 2004 test scores on the SAT, the ACT assessment, and 2005 scores on the NAEP 8th grade mathematics and reading tests. 3 Most rates for class of 2003, from Leaving Boys Behind: Public High School Graduation Rates by Jay P. Greene, Ph.D., The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, April 2006 DC and Hawaii Rates for class of 2001, from Public High School Graduation and College Readiness Rates in the United State by ibid., September 2003; 4

The Center for Education Reform,, Raising the Bar on Charter School Laws: 2006 Ranking and Scorecard. School Choice Key: public = states that have enacted open enrollment laws, *indicates states that offer open enrollment but districts are not required to participate; public-private = publically funded voucher law including public, private, and parochial schools; public-secular = publically-funded voucher law that does not include parochial schools. (reference: The Heritage Foundation; Choices in Education, Education Commission of the States: School Choice State Laws 6 The Guide To State Standards, Tests, And Accountability Policies, published by Thomas B. Fordham Foundation and AccountabilityWorks. Evaluated accountability systems across 30 states, looking at six broad measures for each state’s K-12 accountability system, including accountability policies both before and after No Child Left Behind, included here. Ratings were assigned on a 1-5 scale, with 5 as “outstanding,” 4 as “solid,” 3 as “fair,” 2 as “poor,” and 1 as “very poor.” The authors note, “Prior to the passage of the No Child Left Behind act, [the 30 evaluated] state accountability policies on average were only fair, bordering on poor. NCLB, if properly implemented, would increase the average accountability ranking significantly.” 5

Compiled by The Center for Education Reform, June 2007

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