Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 33 Issue 1

Page 1

I.S.T.E.M. page 12

Meet the staff page 11

Back to school pages 6-7



Teenage pregnancy on the rise macyHARPER

staff writer

When noticing a pregnant, underage girl what goes through your mind? Is it appropriate or average in today’s society to be a teenager and pregnant? The Center for Disease control says one-third of girls are pregnant by the age of 20. With that said, teenage pregnancy is rapidly becoming socially accepted. In recent years, this topic has been broadcasted in a positive light on mainstream television, like ABC Family’s Secret Life. Being pregnant at such a young age can start not only social problems, but health problems as well. By being a pregnant teen, the health of both the mother and child is being jeopardized. A baby born to a teenage mother is at higher risk for premature labor and/or delivery, anemia, preeclampsia, and a low birth weight. If timely prenatal care is not received, this will put the mother at risk for high blood pressure along with other complications. Frequently, teens don’t acquire prenatal care early because they’re unaware that they are pregnant.

Health is just one of the countless worries of a pregnant teenager. Imagine how difficult and stressful it would be to confess an unexpected pregnancy to your loved ones. Brendan Stevens, a junior, said “If I got a girl pregnant I would tell her to call the teenage pregnancy hot line.” Another junior, Winn Maw, said “If I was pregnant I would not even consider telling my parents.” One of the hardest decisions for a pregnant teen is choosing the right time to tell your friends, family, and partner. For some fortunate teenagers granted with laid back parents; coming clean isn’t so nerve-racking, but for others it’s quite a difficult topic to discuss. Overcoming the obstacle of confessing your pregnancy is one challenge for a pregnant teenage girl, but then comes the big question of whether to keep the baby or not. Of teenage births less then 1% end up being put up for adoption. How can raising a baby at such a young age possibly be affordable? The cost of diapers, formula, furniture, food, and clothing all added up is not something a typical teenager can afford. If prior to your pregnancy you were planning on going to college or already attending you

may have to consider other options. Being a teen mom means balancing time for school, the baby, work, friends, and other random errands. When looking from the outside-in at a pregnant teen it seems like teenage pregnancy would have a negative outcome, but when speaking to a 12th grade student at Countryside who was pregnant she stated the opposite. She is taking all AP and honors classes and will be going to college next year. At the beginning of her pregnancy she contemplated her options and chose to keep her baby. When discussing the troubles of admitting her pregnancy to her parents she said, “My parents had found out from someone else and confronted me, I told them I was pregnant and they were disappointed and they felt as if they didn’t parent me right.” Though she undoubtedly loves her child, she admits taking on such a vital role, like motherhood, should be saved for adulthood. There are precautions, including birth control to avoid the fact that there are 1 million teens pregnant every year. However, abstinence is the only way to assure you don’t become one of the million.

Free birth control makes an appearance in public schools


features editor

Schools across the nation enter uncharted waters as they weigh in on whether or not it is acceptable to provide contraceptives to high school students without their parents’ consent. About 2% of the public high schools in the nation now offer birth control and condoms to any student that needs them. While this might not seem like a large percentage, there are 28,000 high schools in America’s public school system, of which about 600 provide students with contraceptives. This has become a huge outrage to some parents, who claim that the school is overstepping its boundaries. Shockingly, more parents are okay with the idea than those who are not. According to a poll taken in 2009, 51% of parents would rather see the nation’s school systems providing contraceptives and teaching sex education compared to the 46% of parents who would rather schools stressed abstinence from sex. It all seems to boil down to one question: which is more effective in preventing teen pregnancies, preaching abstinence or offering contraceptives? A study conducted in 2006 that still holds evident, found that no abstinence-onlyuntil-marriage education program has been shown to help teens delay having sex or to protect themselves from STDs and pregnancies when they do initiate sex. As the availability of contraceptives increases in public high schools, students and parets have begun to wonder what would happen if such plans would be put into place at Countryside. “I think that it would be a good idea because it would probably get more kids to practice safe sex, but I also think that it would be promoting the fact that it is okay for high school students to be having sex,” said Olivia Waggoner, a senior at Countryside. It seems that this is a common opinion shared by other high school students. Many would welcome the change but worry that students might abuse the free services and simply have sex more often. “High school students will continue to do what they want with their sex lives, regardless of the availability of birth control. The school will really just be making sure there’s less pregnancies,” added Blake Huber, another Countryside senior. However, some parents would be less than thrilled with such a school decision. The parent of two Countryside students said, “I’m completely against it. I think birth control is something the parents should be involved in, not the school.” The parent of a sophomore at Countryside voiced yet another concern, “I’d be very upset if our hardearned tax money started going toward putting contraceptives in schools.” Are public schools overstepping their boundaries? The dividing line between parent responsibilities and school responsibilities have begun to blur, leaving some parents and students furious, while others look forward to the possibility of more available contraceptives.

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Chopsticks pleases customers kelleyBUTTERFIELD

sports editor

The second customers walk through the door of Chopsticks Chinese Buffet, a plethora of different smells greets them. Some scents are unrecognizable, while others are familiarly comforting, like sweet-andsour chicken and vegetable stir fry. The iridescent chandelier at the entrance makes for an aesthetically pleasing first look at the recently opened restaurant. After you gaze at the piece of art in awe for a few seconds you walk past the buffet full of food. In that glorious area are half a dozen islands of steamy crab legs, egg rolls, wonton soup, a salad bar, and a stir fry station. This smorgasbord of food also includes 25 different selections of freshly made sushi. When customers are seated at their table, a waitress immediately approaches the table and records the drink order. Then you are free to roam the buffet as you wish, piling your photo credit Paige Steele plate high with all the entrees they have to offer. Generally, the term “Chinese buffet” leaves an uneasy feeling in people’s stomachs, often conjuring up mental images of lukewarm seafood delight and dingy dining areas. However, Chopsticks is not your average Chinese buf-

fet.The delicious entrees are kept at an ideal temperature so that it is still piping hot when it reaches your table. The tables as well as the buffet were kept clean and orderly. It is definitely a family oriented restaurant, but also a decent date location. Chopsticks is a dress up or scrounge down environment, where customers will not receive funny looks for wearing either sweatpants or formal attire. Kids are welcome and accommodations like high chairs are readily available. One slight disappointment- customers have to request chopsticks! The lunch buffet is $7.49 and features the exact same dishes as the dinner buffet. Needless to say, the restaurant is packed around lunchtime. The dinner buffet is $15.00, drawing less of a crowd because of the sharp increase in price after 4:00 PM. Although it is a bit more than most Chinese buffets, when the fresh sushi, stir fry station, and massive variety of food are taken into consideration, it is well worth the money. Not only is there typical Chinese food; but chicken wings, ice cream, and a salad bar, too! Come hungry and prepared to overeat and you’ll be satisfied for the rest of the day and possibly the next.


Beach drinkers beware saraKARULI

staff writer

Imagine your fingers digging through the sand, the beautiful bright sun shining against your skin, the comforting ocean breeze against your body, and then the peace is suddenly ruined by some under-aged student who’s drunk. Why do some of these students do what they do? A Countryside High School student was asked why they drink while they were at the beach, their reply was “Because we photo credit do things that we normally wouldn’t do and also it’s pretty fun”. Of course it’s all fun and games until these under-aged students get caught. This student has been through some experiences on the beach that when returning to school, it was like “the walk of shame” and there was rumors being spread left and right. When a Palm Harbor University High School student was asked what she thought of other people who drank, her reply was “I don’t really have a problem with it until they start to bother me and act annoying”. If this student had the opportunity to drink she wouldn’t take advantage of embarrassing herself on the beach in front of many people. Clearwater beach has a strict no drinking policy. If you fail to obey this policy they consider it a misdemeanor crime, any criminal offense that is punishable by less than one year in jail, and face many consequences. Some consequences you may face are suspension from your license until the age of 18. “If you are to get caught on the spot they are more likely to take you to a detention center than calling your parents.” said officer Cavaliere. From there you face many court dates and fines. So why would you want to go through all of this just so you can not act like you “normally” do?

Somebody to love: Animals up for adoption


news editor

Panting, pacing and the swish of tails gently wagging is all that can be heard in the tightly enclosed spaces of kennels throughout the country. When a door is opened and foot prints sound, a sudden, inevitable chain of perked ears and soft whines begin to fan out along the cages lining each wall. At that very moment, millions of warm, hopeful faces look upon the large, looming figure now entering, with one thought turning tirelessly in their innocent minds. Are you here to take me home? The life of man’s best friend, particularly the population living in shelters, is truly all about man. Every scratch, encouragement, or minute of merriment must be savored; for they are often few and far between. Even at a location in charge of only 400 furry friends. The large-hearted, dedicated community of staff and volunteers at the Humane Society of Pinellas spend day after day spreading around as much affection filled care as possible; but in the end, nothing can ever compare to the yearning of all canines to have somebody to curl up with in the middle of the night. Somebody to take them on wild squirrel-chasing strolls and to provide them with Beggin’ Strips in return for rolling over. Just somebody, really anybody, to love.

Walking through the rows of kennels at HSP you are well aware of each animal’s response to your passing. Some will bark harshly, a majority will whine continuously, and


photo credit Katelyn Wabnum

crabbles is at the Humane Society of Pinellas looking for a new home.

many will not take notice, but very few in particular, will walk to the end of the cage and wait. Seeming to be staring directly into your heart. One of these tender-hearted few, is Blueberry. A Labrador-Chow mix, this raven haired beauty, is all about affection. If you stand in front of her cage she always finds a way to reach out and gently lick your hands. After just one meeting Blueberry makes it hard to leave, and when you’re gone all you can do is hope for a loving home for this 11 ⅔ yr old pup. If wise, loving, and playful is your type, then Blueberry is your gal. Across the corridor lies a larger, yet just as endearing member of the shelter. Tall, tan, 4 ½ yrs old, and warmly brown eyed. As a purebred Shepherd, James, could be described a million ways, but to me only word can sum it up; amazing. Patience among his many defining traits, James is waiting for a home ready to surround him in love. Although his energy and caring nature set him apart from many, he is still after all a dog misplaced in the mist of human affairs. Dreaming endlessly for someone like you James is available to visit, now. So, just ask yourself, do you really need another $60 video game that will start collecting dust within a week or two? Is one more pair of $115 Guess jeans that you’ll grow out of in 6 to 9 months, really necessary? Or would you rather have somebody eternally grateful, expressing so in a lifetime of entertainment, security and slobbery kisses?


Gaddafi running from law

need leaders who love Libya and the Libyan people...” The head of the Hydra has been removed, but out sprout After almost 42 years of ruling Libya as an Autocratic two more for the citizens of Libya. The problems that Dictator, Muammar Gaddafi is on the run from remain are now the task of forming an entireLibyan Rebels and remaining government offily new government, as Gaddafi’s system was cials. After an attempt to negotiate his role in based on fear, as put by a Libyan citizen. Also, Libyan leadership through his son, Saadi, a NaLibya now has even more economic problems tional Transition Council member said, “I would due to this ongoing conflict. Some Libyans like to state very clearly, we do not recognize the have had members of their family killed, others former government.... We are looking at them as have had their businesses or homes destroyed. criminals. We are going to arrest them very soon.” As most of the Libyans attempt to rebuild British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, retheir internally torn country, some are looking ferred to Gaddafi’s negotiation attempt for powfor their former leader because of warrants out er in Libya, after having been run out, as “delufor his arrest. As Gaddafi remains sional”. It was also said that the former Dictator uammar on the run, his billions of dolshould no longer be considered for discussion Gaddafi, lars of assets have been of the next Libyan leader or any other govern- forced out of rule frozen, with the excepment position. A small business owner, named after 42 years of Billion in Muored Franka, that the revolution was inevi- dictatorship. photo tion of $1.6 London, which has gone table and that after suffering through 42 years credit www.haguejustito humanitarian aid in of his rule just to be handed down to his son, Tripoli; the heavily affected capital of Libya. was simply “impossible”. He also said “We parkerANDERSEN

entertainment editor


Always remembered, 9/11

weren’t around during the time better understand how horrific this terrorist attack really was. The experience of September 11, 2011 marked a check point in history of this museum is wished to be similar to the experience of the attacks that took place a decade ago. Now, we have more the day of the attack, although nothing will ever compare. The memorial covers a vast region of eight acres with two than just our memories of the tragedy, we have a memorial reflection ponds that are placed directly in the footprints to honor the ones that departed that day. It recently opened of the Twin Towers. Along with the reflection ponds, over on September 11, 2011 to mark the decade that has passed. four hundred Swamp White Oak Attending the opening ceremony was Prestrees were planted. The trees have idents, Bush and Obama, with their families been selected and retrieved from the and thousands of people with grief amongst areas that were affected by the 9/11 them. A United States flag, that was rescued attacks; Pennsylvania, Washington from the disaster, was presented at the cerphoto credit D.C. and anywhere else within a five emony as well. By the end of the day, flowhundred mile range of the World Trade Center. These trees ers and American flags covered the walls and ledges of the will symbolize life; growing at all different times and reachmemorial, for the ceremony captivated the hearts of many. Stationed in New York, on Ground Zero, where the original ing different heights (up to sixty feet). They will also range Twin Towers stood, the memorial marks the terrible event in color and their leaves will change at distinctive times. Throughout the past ten years, some may have forgotten clearly. Illustrating the sorrow from the attacks, the memohow tragic it was to see the Twin Towers stumble down rial consists of illuminated waterfalls, over 3,000 names of along with many innocent citizens much like themselves. the ones lost and it also contains a remarkable museum. The memorial will remind and inform them that this catasThe museum tells the story of the attack in unique trophe forever changed hundreds of families who are still ways people originally wouldn’t have realized. It includes feeling the pains left behind from the loss of their loved ones. fragments of debris and rubble left over from the disaster. “Even though the earth be removed, may the mountains be For example, there are a set of stairs known as “The Survicarried into the mist of the sea.” quotes Barrack Obama at vor’s Staircase” located next to the museum stairs. These the “9/11 Remembered” ceremony. Please don’t ever forget stairs were used by the fortunate individuals who escaped the demolishing tower. This museum will help those who that very day- the day when “the world stopped turning”. rachelWAAG

staff writer


Coming soon: a new theatre near you brianaDILWORTH

staff writer

You and your friends walk into the cool mall air on a Friday afternoon. You get in some shopping, go to dinner and hit a movie. All the makings for a perfect girls night out. As soon as December hits everyone will be able to do exactly that at Westfield Countryside Shopping Center. A new Cobb Theatre at Westfield mall is opening up in December and will hold twelve auditoriums. Contained in these audi- toriums will be extra wide D Box brand rocking chairs for the most comfortable movie experience possible. The new theater will be showing IMAX and Real D 3D movies. This will allow the theater to play movies that are digitally enhanced, such as Avatar and concert movies. Along with that, they will be hosting NCM Fathom events. Fathom events are unusual movies or events that do not come to photo credit Briana Dilworth This will bring in every theater. many more people and be a great addition to the theater. Many students are looking forward to the new Cobb Theatre. Most of the students here at Countryside live in the Clearwater area, so the new theater will be much closer to them than the Oldsmar Woodlands Square 20. Sophomore, Sarah Hughes said, “This movie theater is going to be very convenient for me because it is much closer to where I live than the Oldsmar movie theater.” Having a movie theater closer to most students will save a lot of gas and is more accommodating to students who also need to go to the mall. Considering the new theater is inside the mall, if you have to go it is a two in one trip. There has been some buzz lately about the restaurants that will be included in the new addition to the Westfield Countryside Shopping Center. Some students have even been saying The Cheesecake Factory is going to be put in. There is definitely going to be some sort of restaurant. What exactly will be in the new part of the mall is unknown as of right now, but many students have their own opinions of what restaurants they want to include in the mall. “I would like The Melting Pot, Chili’s and California Pizza Kitchen to be in the new addition to the mall,” said sophmore Sydni Kloczkowski. This movie theater is going to be a great addition to Countryside Mall. Countless students are excited for a new Cobb Theatre to open in December. Cobb is going to be very helpful and convenient for most students here at Countryside. Students will no longer have to drive all the way out to Oldsmar to see a new movie. With so many students as well as other members in the community being thrilled for this new theater it is hard to see it failing.

College and Career Fair 6:00-7:30 PM Thursday, October 27th at Countryside High School

This is an event for students and their parents to meet with representatives from colleges, military recruiters, and employment agency representatives. Come check it out!


Success A+ all levels


staff writer

Real world skills such as working at Publix through O.J.T( on the job training), take out working around Pinellas County, making delicious treats for furry friends to sell at school, or working hard academically towards achieving a Standard or Special Diploma are all part of the daily lives of the students enrolled in E.S.E at CountrysideHigh School. The E.S.E program at Countryside features a wide range of disabilities from students who have medical disabilities, behavioral disorders, aggression, immaturity or defiance, to students who may have language differences affecting their ability to learn. “A pretty wide range [of students]” are enrolled in E.S.E according to Mrs. Boylan, head of the department. ESE is for anyone who may require extra assistance in learning. Any of the ESE students can be placed into a regular education class. The program is for students to achieve success and develop skills for the real world. Moreover, the E.S.E curriculum offers superfluous guidance to a better way of learning. The E.S.E unit, standing for Exceptional Student Education, works one-on-one to help students learn in a more controlled environment. Part of the reason students are successful in ESE can be credited to the devotion of Countryside’s teachers. Some of the ESE teachers have known their students for years and therefore the students are in a safe learning environment that they are familiar with. The trust is then built between the student and the teacher. Specifically, students in E.S.E classes can be categorized into three types—the students in S.V.E (Support Varying Exceptionality), I.V.E(Independent Varying Exceptionality), and last of all, VE (Varying Exceptionality). Students enrolled in S.V.E will earn their Special Diploma. Thus, they are placed into a classroom with extra teacher assistance that cannot be provided in a regular education class. In this type of environment, the students will be allotted extra note taking skills, learn how to become better organized, and inherit appropriate classroom behaviors. The program works with students on finances, job applications, scholarships and transitional classes. Students working towards their Standard Diploma are involved in “O.J.T”. OJT is three periods where Pinellas County organizes various jobs the students can do in order to prepare them for their future outside of high school. Any student in ESE can stay in the program until they are twenty-two years of age. It is a great program for lower-leveled learners, and anyone in need of more individual teaching. Here, at Countryside, the ESE students are put into elective courses such as art or gym. They also work to make dog biscuits that are sold in the main concourse. To prevent any discrimination, ESE kids sometimes have ‘peer mentors’ who are role models to them. Furthermore, allowing ESE kids to go into mainstream classes provides them with outside regular education role models, as well. The ESE program at Countryside High School is equipped with all the tools needed for a student of any level to succeed. photo credit paige steele


Volunteering; not so boring There is an array of different duties you could execute iin Clearwater, BayFront Medical Center in Tampa, or even Mease Countryside Hospital right down the street from Whether you are interested in marine life, facilitating Countryside High on McMullen Booth Road. where service is needed, nature, or even photography, you Something that’s out of the ordinary for volunteercan find volunteering options that fit your personality ing, can be found on in the volunteer and interests. section. There is a Bright FuTeens often volunteer for tures applicable volunteering varying reasons.Some teenposition as a volunteer phoagers volunteer to get the tographer. Part of this job hours for graduation or a would include photographing scholarship. Others do it to homes, multi-family projects, train for a future career. Then individuals and special events. there are those we all admire This would be a great opporthat entirely do it out of tunity to build a portfolio for the loving-kindness of their any aspiring photographers heart. These selfless individuin high school, while acquirals make an impact in society ing some volunteer hours and help the community be along the way. an all around better place. Finally, a very interestThe problem with the ing option for teenagers ages other portion of high school 16-18 have the opportunity students needing to volunto dedicate their time at the teer, but don’t, is the plethora photo credit, www., www.sptimes. Weedon Island Preserve in com, and of excuses that come with it. St. Petersburg. The Weedon There’s the “I’m too busy”, the “none of my friends have Island Preserve is a birding and fishing site. They are to volunteer!”, and the classic “It’s so boring...” home to an educational and resource center, paddling While I’m sure some people would be quick to argue trails, and docks.Their on-going mission is to connect that volunteering for a cause is far from boring because and educate people about the relationship between them you’re taking time out of your life to help others and that and the environment. This job would include providing you’re making a difference, it is not too far off to say that customer support, program support, and educational acsitting at a nursing home front desk may get a little muntivities. This seems out of the ordinary, and definitely far dane at times. If you look around your community, there from sitting behind a desk somewhere twiddling your really are some interesting alternatives to the everyday, thumbs. conventional volunteering gigs. Volunteering is a gift. Without volunteers, a lot of Locally, The Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA), our everyday activities would not be possible. Just think can always use volunteers. Currently, they are looking for about the front desk volunteers at our own school. Dediindividuals 18 years and older to help out with their sea cating your time may seem like a drag now, but later it turtle nesting watch. Briefly, what this would consist of will pay off. Life is all about getting a little, and giving a is sitting on the sites of the turtle hatching ground, and little. Its important to start young! ultimately, making sure nothing threatening to the turtles So if you concoct excuses for lack of volunteering,such occurs on your shift of 9 pm-1 am. as they bore you, think outside of the box. There are alAnother option, more on the traditional side, is hosways going to be people and organizations in need of pital volunteering. It’s simple, but informative if you’re all the help they can get. If we don’t aid those destitute, looking at a potential future career in the medical field. who will? mollyCURLS

staff writer

Is Chorus for Do Rae you?


staff writer

“Chorus is for do re mi because, I don’t know a better past time than singing!” said senior choral student, Chris Simpson. When students think of school activities they think of a sport or a popular club like the surf club. Hardly anybody thinks about chorus. Why are some activities or clubs at school more popular than chorus? Advertising is a very big part of chorus. If nobody pubChorus is classified as a club although it is an actual class. Chorus students prepare for the upcoming performances licizes then no one will come to the performances. Mrs. and practice their songs every day, so the performance Franchi said, “We sometimes advertise in the school newsletter, on UPC or by word of mouth.” Students said that will reflect all of their Photo credit Briana Dilworth they tell all their friends hard work. The chorus to come. Student viewers teacher, Mrs. Franchi are highly encouraged by said “We mostly sing both the teacher and stumodern choral songs.” dents. Simpson said, “I This gives concerts a love when students come little bit more liveliness to the concerts because it to get the audience inshows them my talents as terested. a singer.” There are four levels Many students think to chorus, and usually chorus should have a students move up a levlarger influence of the el every year they are in school. Sophomore Gichorus. This separates anna Diaz said, “Chorus some of the work into utside the chorus room are participents Alexandra Douthat, Chris Simpson, should get more attennormal and advanced Sarah Mangrum, Jason Carroli, and Samantha Goldsmith. tion because it is an under activities, so nobody is overwhelmed or bored with the work. Chorus students do advertised art, but it is so pretty and enjoyable.” If students activities or workbook pages to learn about the music they are thinking this way then the next step would be to take are singing, so when they practice they understand how to action and get more involved by having more than just the chorus help with getting the word around. sing the piece. The problem does not lie within the duration or the Every year the students from chorus travel to MPAs, or Music Performance Assessment. In past years MPAs cost of concerts. The concerts only last one hour and it is have awarded the chorus the rating of excellent which is free to attend. The real problem lies within the school itthe second highest rating available. With these ratings it self. The chorus is tying to advertise, and the problem is seems like many people would take interest in going to the school is not. If there is a football game they go to extremes to make sure every student knows there is a game, chorus concerts. The chorus normally has two or three performances a what time the game is, and who we are playing. Why can’t year. Out of these performances one is accompanied by the we do the same with chorus?


ESE students after working hard during OJT.

band, and there is never a charge for these concerts. The attire for the performances is casual for the audience and the chorus wears a nice white shirt with black bottoms. Concerts usually start at seven p.m., and last for about an hour. The first choral concert is going to be on December sixth in the auditorium. Junior, Erin Williamson, said, “I love concerts because I get to show people everything I learned in class.”



Florida legislatures address statewide problem abbyMILLS

business editor

Extreme colored hair, high pumped shoes, and welldesigned wardrobes tend to be an easy way for high school students across the country to find out who they are, and allows them to flaunt it. However, there are times in school when some students are dressing too far over the edge. Hence, Florida’s revised dress code. The new dress code is outlined in the Pinellas County Student Code of Conduct, changes were effected at the start of this year, 2011-2012. The more obvious rules of shorts being a moderate length and shirts covering students belly’s are still in place and still enforced. The major changes however, include the “banning” of saggy pants and no undergarments showing. WPDS-TV14 interviewed Ward Kennedy, Assistant Superintendent Region 3, on July 26 to grasp a better understanding as to why changes were made in the first place. Some key points mentioned in his interview are that revisions are going to “clarify” and be “more specific” to help administrators better handle violations. Kennedy also outlined the new form of punishment which entails “parent contact, disciplinary referral and possible in school suspension”. After multiple offenses students won’t be allowed to participate in school activities for 5 to 30 days. Another new concept to Countryside this year is what is known as the “dress code sweeps”.Teachers have the responsibility of looking over all their students in class and sending any who may be in violation to the office for repercussions. But according to Mrs. Brunner in administration, Countryside has the freedom to create their own discipline plan. Teachers are to send their students directly to the office without the chance to change. Students will be receiving referrals on account of dress code violation the first time because they have already been warned of the changes and assigned to read them in the code of conduct. However, a simpler solution to stay out of the office with a dress code violation would be to just dress appropriately for school. Although attention and self image are important among teens, self respect should be higher and shown in the way students portray themselves.

Countryside class of 201 superintenden and new “ Bottoms up, Countryside


staff writer

As students wandered into the concourse on the first day of school, many noticed a dramatic change to the line of beverages offered in our vending machines. There is now a new line of drinks, one of the most prominent being the Fizz Ed beverage. Fizz Ed, a line of sparkling water made by Apple and Eve Juice Company, is only offered in two flavors, Orange Mango, and Sour Apple. So what do the students think of the new drink? When asked about his opinion of the drink, Lucas Plager said,“That was the worst dollar I’ve ever spent in my life, I literally taste nothing but fizz and sour apple. I’m never buying this drink again”. While some say the new line of beverages are disgusting, other students are all for the change. They believe that the new sparkling waters are a much healthier alternative to the Pepsi products that once existed at Countryside. So, why the change? A new rule across Pinellas County mandates healthier vending options to aid in quenching the thirst of the Countryside student body. Through the rule, Countryside High School ended its contract with Pepsi, and we now rely on the county to come and restock the vending machines with these “healthy alternatives”. Another interesting fact is that Countryside High School no longer benefits from the sales in its vending machines, however the Pinellas County School Board does. This is different from the past 2010-2011 school year where Countryside High School made some of the proceeds from the vending contract between Pepsi Corp. These new vending options aren’t going anywhere anytime soon, and only time will tell if the new options will be able to last in the harsh environment of High School taste buds.



welcomes the 15 with a new nt, new policies Cell phone policy repealed “snackage”. macyHARPER

So long Janssen, hello Stewart


staff writer

Former Pinellas County Schools Superintendent Julie M. Janssen is now officially out of office. As of September 2nd the county decided to let Janssen go with a full year salary plus benefits. Janssen was disappointed and said “I hoped that I would be able to finish my career (in Pinellas) but the word I got back from a couple of board members was that I wouldn’t be given that option. It was highly recommended that I bring a proposal to them to buy me out.” The boards decision was based mainly on negative reviews of Janssen. However, the county is leaving many important decisions that need to be made that will directly affect the students of Pinellas County Schools. The most important of these decisions being the newly proposed school budget, determining what areas will take drastic cuts in funding. In her place, the Pinellas County School Board voted 6-to-1 to select Dr. John A. Stewart, Ed. D. as interim superintendent. Now 67, Stewart has quite a bit of experience under his belt. He served as Polk County Schools superintendent from 1983-1996, and then worked for two years as Deputy Commissioner of educational programs at the State Department of Education. In 2000, he came to Pinellas, where he held his spot until 2003 where he left to help run the Florida High School Athletic Association. Stewart's salary has been set at $12,000 a month, and will have a monthly car allowance of $750 a month, however Stewart’s contract states he will not be able to apply for the permanent position. Stewart will only be a temporary replacement, and as soon as the county can decide on a permanent replacement, his term will be over. As of right now, Stewart will be the interim superintendent for the entire term of the 2011-2012 school year. Stewart has had a very good reputation, but can he live up to the new Pinellas County School Board vision of “100 years 100% student success” an achieve the goal of our mission statement, “educate and prepare each student for college, career, and life?

staff writer

It seems like almost all teenager these days own a cell phone. Cell phones are extremely convenient and resourceful; you have continual access to contact whomever you desire, whenever you desire. Also, by owning a phone you may be reached at any time that available, which is essential. At Countryside High School, it has just become a rule, once again, to have no cell phones on campus from the hours of 7:00am to 1:50pm. I think this rule is ludicrous; being a high school student you are responsible and you should be old enough to be able to have your cell phone with you at school. You also should be allowed to have your cell phone for emergency purposes, finding out your way home, etc. One of my biggest concerns about banning cell phone use on campus is students not having the capability of reaching family. Although I disagree with this rule, I do apprehend that students should not be allowed to use their cell phones in class. The classroom is an environment that should be focused on learning, and cell phones can be used for cheating, copying, etc. A more rational law would be no cell phone use allowed during class time. High school students should have connection to communication. Restraining cell phones seems nonsensical and should have certainly been more thought out by the school system. Students have been receiving referrals and other disciplinary actions for having their cell phones in the hallways, cafeteria, and the concourse. When students get their cell phones taken away by an administrator or teacher, they take your phone to the attendance office and your parents must pick them up. This is so inconvenient, parents like mine are working and do not have the time in their hectic agendas to pick up their teenagers phones. High school students are practically adults anyway or soon will be. With that said, why would it be required for a parent to pick it up? I disagree with this rule and, in my opinion, I think that the school school should compromise. Complete access to cell phones isn’t demanded, but absolutely prohibiting phones is useless.



Cougars start season undefeated paigeSTEELE

staff writer

photo credits Paige Steele

The smoke blows through the Countryside tunnel, the fans roar, the marching band excites the crowd as the cheerleaders cheer; it’s football season! A time to show school spirit for our Cougars as they head into the Fall season. “Nobody can beat Lakewood, except Lakewood,” boasted Lakewood’s head coach, Cory Moore after the first preseason game to a local Brighthouse Networks News Crew. With a score of 35-31, on August 26, 2011, Countryside’s own football team lost to the Lakewood Spartans. Since it is only the preseason for football, players are optimistic of a season mirroring the previous. With new head coach, Jared Davis, going 12-1 last season, and the loss o f


aptains Nico Morgado,Cody Chmelik and Adam Vinson walking on the field for the coin toss.

“... her

responsibility is to support,

encourage and lead the team to

Success both in the

photo credits Sara Karuli

water and out”

over 30 seniors, everyone is wondering if Countryside will pull through. The game started out rough for Countryside with Lakewood’s early 14-0 lead. On Lakewood’s first possession, quarterback, Tracy Johnson teamed with Rodney Adams for a touchdown. Then, Lattimore Laterian scored after an interception. Throughout the game, Countryside showed just how hard they wanted to win; Countryside kicked an 18- yard field goal by Ryan Pandy off a fumble recovery and blocked a punt that made our first touchdown from quarterback and offensive team captain, Gray Crow to Marrieo Taylor. Defensive captain, Adam Vinson remarked, “It’s the preseason, so the score doesn’t really matter.” After trailing 21-10 in the first quarter,,things were looking down for Countryside. The second and third quarters showed Countryside was ready to win. During the third quarter, Gray Crow passed to Nick Canter in the end zone for a 40-yard touchdown. Fans went wild and Countryside had its first lead of 24-21. During the fourth quarter of the game, both Junior Varsity teams took the field. It was a close game with a loss of 35-31. Lakewood was the team to break Countyside’s perfect season last year. Despite their loss, Countryside still has a great team and they have all trained hard for this coming season. Defensive captain, Adam Vinson remarked, “It’s the preseason, so the score [of the game]

doesn’t really matter.” Aside, from the pre-season loss, Countryside’s actual season has been great. Countryside has gone 4-0 into their Fall Season defeating Boca Ciega, East Lake, and Largo High School. Countryside Cougar’s most recent victory against Seminole included an impressive 51-0 score. The game shows just how great the team is this year. The game kicked off with a thirty yard touchdown in the first quarter by Diomi Roberts. Countryside was already 21-0 going into the second quarter--fans and players, confident! In the fourth quarter, already with a substantial lead, Mike Flory ran ninety yards for Countryside’s final touchdown. Seminole High School had multiple penalties and dropped passes. Countryside Cougars really hustled, and were ultimately the better team! This was Countryside Varsity’s greatest lead this season. Let’s go Cougars!

Upcoming Games 10/6- Northeast (away game) 10/14- Wiregrass (homecoming game) 10/21- Clearwater (away game) 10/28- Pinellas Park 11/14- St. Petersburg

Diving into the new year

season, her doctor recommended taking on a different sport. He began to list off a few sports to her and diving Being really caught her attention. Diving was out of her captain of a element and although injured, she was still up team comes for a challenge. with a great Since it has been such a great change for deal of honor and her, Kenyon believes she wants to continue responsibility. For sediving recreationally throughout college. She nior Nicole Kenyon, beplans on attending Florida State University ing Dive Captain for the or Flagler College and majoring in ESE schools Swim and Dive Team means education. that she’s carrying the team’s weight on Kenyon believes that holding a leaderher shoulders. Kenyon feels it is her re- ship position now will benefit her work sponsibility ia to support, encourage and in ESE later on. She really enjoys lead the team to success both in the water working with children with disabilities beand out. cause she feels that they can’t help what Along with the responsibili- they have and not many people are willing ties of being Dive Captain, Ke- to step up to the plate and aid them. nyon takes honors and AP classes while holding a job. As “Not one second with the kids ever gets important as diving is to her, she keeps in mind that school boring,” she said. comes before everything else. With an exciting season and a Kenyon began diving the beginning of her junior year. promising future ahead, Kenyon looks “I began diving due to a problem caused in my ankle,” forward to her senior year as captain of she said. After injuring it her sophomore year during track the dive team. saraKARULI

staff writer



Hurricanes caught in storm of trouble


opinion editor

With a new season of college football upon us, fans will have to get used to some monumental changes. Teams such as Boise State, Nebraska, and Colorado have all switched to different conferences, with more teams planning to follow. This has led to the creation of new conference championship games for the Big Ten, and the former Pac-10, now known as the Pac-12. Now conferences are talking about even more expansion and the creation of super conferences with as many as sixteen teams. However, over time, fans will get used to this news and come to accept it. The most shocking news came from just one school, and in particular, just one man. Nevin Shapiro, has been imprisoned for committing a $930 million Ponzi Scheme. Before he was sentenced to prison, Shapiro enjoyed a life of luxury, living in a huge mansion in Miami Beach. Shapiro was a huge Miami Hurricane fan, his money and status allowed him access to the players and facilities as often as he liked. Shapiro was determined to be even closer to the team.

He began to invite players to his house, allow them to use his yacht, and take them to clubs; paying for whatever they needed. Coaches began to use Shapiro as well, sending high school recruits to his mansion or asking him to pay for their hotel fees. Shapiro also claimed to have paid for prostitutes and even an abortion for one player’s mistress. Not only were these all major NCAA violations, most of the money he was spending was from his Ponzi scheme. This went on from 2002-2010 and involved over 72 athletes. Which included both football and basketball. This ended when Shapiro was charged with securities fraud and money laundering for his Ponzi Scheme. H o w ever, the N CA A s t i l l remained unaware of his invol vement

with the University of Miami, that is, until Shapiro told them. Shapiro apparently felt the players he once thought were his “friends”, had turned their backs on him, and now he seeks revenge by destroying the university he once loved. As of now, the NCAA is still conducting an investigation of the program, as this is all based on information from Shapiro. Talks of the “death penalty” have been tossed around, in which the NCAA shuts down a program for an entire year. It has been used only once in college football history on Southern Methodist University better known as SMU. The evidence has continued to show up, such as pictures of Shapiro with coaches, players, and even university officials. As of now, eight players have been suspended for at least one game. This scandal, along with other recent ones, has led to talks about whether or not the NCAA can really govern college football. Programs continue to cheat and have only minor punishments, which doesn’t equal what they gained about even more expansion and the creation of super conferences with as many as sixteen teams.

photo credit,

photo credit

Lockout doesn’t stop players zachSTEELE

opinion editor

f o r Home Depot during lockout, surprise of The move frightens the most, as many name stars of going overball in Europe contract Williams o phot


tK credi

Butte rfield

When the NBA lockout began on July 1, 2011, fans feared it would be the last time they would see their beloved stars on the court for a long time. However, in a surprising turn of events, NBA stars have been seen on courts all over the world. Whether it be small time parks, local recreation centers, or sold-out venues that seat 50,000 fans, the players seem to have kept on playing even with the lockout. The NBA and National Basketball Players Association have yet to reach terms that would end the lockout, which began, as usual, over money. The NBA believes that it is currently losing money and wants to reduce player salary substantially and enact a hard salary cap. However, the NBPA believes that these demands are unreasonable, and this is currently being negotiated. With no end in sight, players have shown they are not going to quit playing ball. For example, Kevin Durant playing at legendary Rucker Park, Lebron James and Kobe

Bryant playing at the Drew League, or Deron Williams signing to play in the Turkish Basketball League. Delonte West has even said he would like t o work

the to the many fans. by Williams NBA the more big have talked seas to play or Asia. The signed states that

he may return to the NBA once the lockout ends, and it seems unlikely any players would leave the NBA permanently, but this makes it seem like the players make the company and not the other way around. Another fear is that a player may get hurt while playing during the lockout. Most players seem to be limiting themselves when playing, but in the heat of the moment many seem to be giving it full effort, and even getting confrontational. Michael Beasley got so heated during a game at Dyckman Park in New York City, that he pushed a fan and had to be pulled back before any more trouble ensued. Whether it is for better or for worse, the players continue to play through the lockout. Currently these games are just available in small highlights on sites such as YouTube or Dailymotion, but it won’t be long before these games start being televised. New leagues are forming every day, charity events are being scheduled and pick-up games are being played whenever possible. Even without the NBA, basketball continues to push forward.


Winter makes a splash on the silver screen katelynWABNUM

news editor

The soft gleam of sunlight reflecting off a smooth, drifting mammal is an instant eye catcher. An energetic atmosphere seeming to surround this gentle sea fairer holds the attention of the many on lookers. It jumps, it flips, and it dives. Never would you have guessed that this dolphin is any different from the others in its sub-genus’; if not for the constant flash of white following closely behind its every move. Upon closer inspection, you are able to see that the white blur is not in fact a flash, but actually a part of the cetacean, itself. Now, it is well-known by each and every observer that this particular marine animal is truly exceptional. This is Winter, and this is a Dolphin’s Tale. Brought into The Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) in December of 2006, at only three months of age, little Winter was in critical condition. Due to her entanglement in a crab trap in which she was unable to escape, Winter unphoto credit fortunately lost her tail as well as two vertebrae. In her fist few months of life, this triumphant dolphin had already managed to beat the odds, as many marine animals do not make it past any encounters with crab trap lines. Faced with the obstacles of fending for herself, the CWA found it her only option to stay in the care of their staffed biologist, veterinarians, and volunteers. Determined to rehabilitate an animal whose entire way of life had been taken away a multitude hearts had decided to reach out and lend a hand. Some of which included Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc., a leading human prosthetics company, with Dr. Mike Walsh, a leading marine mammal veterinarian, and the CMA’s world-class marine mammal trainers. With their collegial commitments this unlikely trio managed to devise a never-before performed plan. The very first dolphin applicable prosthetic was to be developed. Attaching a swim-enabling mechanism to a sleek body constantly covered in water was no easy task. Many layers were required to maintain supreme comfort and ability. Over the course of several months, Winter was at the correct age to be sized for a fit plastic sleeve. This was used to secure her “new tail” under her peduncle, the muscular section of the dolphin located just before the tail flukes. Winter, now 5 years old, 230 lbs and eating 12 lbs of fish a day, is still continuing to grow, requiring “tail” adjustments and improvements to be made occasionally. Now the owner of a brand new tail, Winter is able to swim in an up-and down-motion, natural to mammals of her kind; instead of the side-to-side swim she was previously refrained to, commonly characterized by sharks. With the aid of many caring people, Winter’s miracle has become known worldwide. Starting out as a small wonder and ending up a renowned phenomenon, our local celebrity continues to inspire hundreds and has even made it to the silver screen. Filmed in the comfort of her own home, the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, Winter’s newly acquired acting skills were put to the test. Playing herself in a Warner Bros. Pictures paired with Alcon Entertainment feature, the true soft-side to Winters struggle for survival is exposed. Although, the facts linked to Winters loss may come as a shock, the reenacted events will place the pressing reality of ocean tragedies heavily on your heart. The A-list has even reached out to make this new type of movie into a blockbuster debut, the prominence set forth by actors such as Morgan Freeman and Ashley Judd, is sure to project the legend of little Winter even larger . A Dolphin’s Tale is available in select theaters now. Rated 4/5 stars, this dolphin “...may have lost her tail, but she’ll capture your heart!”


Hordes of gamers unleashed for Dead Island


entertainment editor

On the beautiful island resort of Banoi, just off the coast of Papua New Guinea, there are plenty of things for every vacationer to keep themselves entertained. From kayaking, to a game of beach volleyball. You can hike through the hills during the day and then dance the night away. Oh, and don’t forget the recent zombie outbreak. As the game starts to load up in your console, the first thing a player sees is through the eyes of a party goer. You get a vague look at the four playable characters just as the outbreak is beginning. After the intro, the player starts out in their hotel room after choosing which of the four characters they would like to play as. As the player begins to get a feel for the controls, they should also begin to notice that the rest of the hotel guests are gone, their belongings strewn across the hallways. After given a bit of back story, and around five minutes to get a better look at the controls, you are almost literally thrown into your fight for survival. Being the first open- world zombie game ever, Dead Island was considered by critics as a huge risk for game developer Deep Silver. This game was highly anticipated by many gamers around the nation, most game stores sold out within a few days of its release. This wasn’t because of a high amount of people buying the game, but because there were very few pre-orders. Due to few pre-orders, game

stores had very few copies ordered to their stores. With role playing game and first person shooter elements alike, Dead Island is sure to be the trend-setter for the future of gaming because you can do pretty much whatever you want with there still be a storyline and objective. This freedom of choice is what many gamers desire and expect in most releases nowadays. Dead Island allows for players to play the way that fits them best. Whether it’s going in, guns blazing, or taking the long way around and avoiding most of the danger, the player can make the decision that they think is best for the mission or objective. By completing missions and objectives, players gain points in which they can use to upgrade certain properties of their characters’. No matter how you decide to play Dead Island, you have to start at Point A and eventually end photo credit up at Point B. Dead Island still has a few kinks to work out; such as the online bug-outs of your co-op partner, but it has the potential to be the template for future zombie games.

Overall: 4/5 Graphics: 5/5 Gameplay:4/5 Story:3/5

11 Paige Steele

Haley Peters Features Editor

n Alex Anderse ctor Technical Dire

rney Caleb Ca i raz Pawpar Editor

ele Zach Ste itior Ed Opinion

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Briana Dilworth

H a r r i s

twein u a r T Mrs. r Advise


Sara Ka

E d i t o r



I.S.T.E.M. plants the seed calebCARNEY

pawparazzi editor

Starting anew in the 2011-2012 school year, Countryside High School has become an exclusive centralized institute for learning. On August seventeenth, former Pinellas County Schools Superintendent, Julie M. Janssen, unveiled Countryside High School’s brand new magnet program to the general public. This program, better known as I.S.T.E.M, will reinforce education for select students in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. I.S.T.E.M, which is an acronym for the “Institute for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math,” is a brand new four year program that will introduce new elective, and core-type classes that are compulsory to participating ninth grade students. Each participating student must take the class “Introduction to Information Technology” while in their first year of the program. Upon completion of this preliminary course, as well as other college-level classes, I.S.T.E.M students are required to choose one of three specific areas of study, or strands, while applying for classes for their tenth grade year. The strands are limited to three specific categories: Cyber-Security, Biological Technology, and Television Production. Throughout the rest of a

given student’s high school tenure, they are required to attend honors and advanced placement classes that conform to whichever strand the student has selected. Participating students who complete this program receive certification in whichever industry their area of study pertained to. The three teachers selected to teach each specified strand of the I.S.T.E.M program are as follows: Marcella Robinson teaching Biological Technology, Daniel Smith teaching Cyber-Security, and Carl Zimmermann teaching Television Production Each instructor is certified in their area of study to teach students at an intensity in which students may be legally certified to hold a job/career in whichever s t r a n d they have

Cyber Security TelevisionProduction Bio Technology

photo credit Caleb Carney

chosen. Countryside High School was selected to receive this program because it was the only school in Pinellas County that lacked a magnet program for the upcoming 2011-2012 school year. Although the I.S.T.E.M program is not yet quite as popular as Palm Harbor’s medical or I.B programs, being that I.S.T.E.M is a brand new program, it has received almost forty young ambitious minds to set the standard for future generations. The original mark of students to attract to the program for the first year was seventy-five. Speculation from officials involved with the program suggests that the reason for coming up short on this objective is that two other new magnet programs opened in the Pinellas County School District for the 2011-2012 school year, hence hindering the amount of incoming freshmen. Cindy Saginario, the I.S.T.E.M coordinator, hopes to convey that the program’s ultimate goal “is to keep the students desiring a more rigorous program, to remind them of the value of education, and to show them the direct impact it will have on their future.” Such virtuous goals are reinforced daily by the I.S.T.E.M faculty, in the hope that these students will have a hand in providing a brighter future for themselves, and America as a whole.

Perceived through the eyes of a scholar calebCARNEY

“I believe that learning the concepts of engineering will help me understand daily life”

photo credit Caleb Carney

pawparrazi editor

The I.S.T.E.M program has received appraisal from parents and faculty for being an innovative program that will revolutionize the way some students prepare for life after high school. This initial reaction to the program is not far off from how one of the participating students is reacting to her four year tenure towards a bright future. I.S.T.E.M student Stephanie Clark is one of the first freshmen to experience the pros and cons of the I.S.T.E.M program. “Becom[ing] a journalist for The St. Pete Times” is on Clark’s list of things-to-do after graduation, which is why she aims to commit to the the Television Production strand of the program in her later years of high school. Despite her future aspirations, Clark’s favorite part of the program is currently the Concepts of Engineering class. Clark explains that “learning the concepts of engineering will help [her] understand daily life, which plays a big role in [her] career of choice.” Her least favorite part of the program is “how much pressure teachers put on you to do

well.” Clark understands the faculty’s concern for the wellbeing of students, but deems it “unnecessary to constantly remind students of what responsibilities they have.” Stephanie Clark’s considerable motivation in school comes purely from her intrinsic drive “to establish prominence among [her] peers.” Clark made it clear during the interview that her parents did not know what her goals were for the upcoming school year. She explained that all her parents knew was that she had originally wanted to attend St. Petersburg Collegiate High School, but she had just barely missed the cutoff date for admissions. After a brief moment of defeat, Stephanie Clark recollected a speech that her eighth grade guidance counselor made that mentioned the I.S.T.E.M program. Clark decided to cut her losses, pick up the phone and contact the supervisor of the I.S.T.E.M program, Cindy Saginario. Upon review of Stephanie Clark’s transcripts and through standard procedure, Saginario admitted Clark to participate in the unfamiliar echelon of learning known as the I.S.T.E.M program.

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