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A surviving champion of domestic violence
angelaBOOTH staff writer
It was only January of this year when 20 year-old, Melissa Dohme, faced a terrible life-threatening situation that has inclined her to make many teens aware about one worldwide issue faced today: teen dating and domestic violence.

Melissa had been with her former boyfriend, Robert Lee Burton, for two years and they both graduated from Clearwater High School together.
One evening, he called Melissa wanting to talk to her and was in need of a hug. Melissa, already sensing something suspicious, brought pepper spray with her when they had met each other. Then Burton stabbed her 32 times in both the neck, face, and shoulder.
Reproduced by the permission of the Support Melissa
Thescars and bruises marking her face display the abuse Dohme beared in her unhealthy relationship.

“He treated me like a queen,” said Melissa to ABC Action News, explaining how she saw no sign of cruelty in Robert at the time. It was not until she moved onto college when Melissa started noticing his strange behavior.
Burton would become angry whenever Melissa would not include him in every aspect of her life. He also became very controlling, and showed behavior similar to that of a stalker. When Melissa broke it off with him, things began to get worse. He started threatening Melissa and started harassing her, calling and texting her 24/7.
Doctors said that it is a miracle that she was alive, considering that she needed several pints of blood added back in her system and her recovery was phenomenal. Burton faced first-degree attempted murder charges as well as assault charges. Melissa is spending her time today enjoying life and making a difference in other people’s lives.
Robert Lee Burton is faced with attempted murder charges and is currently behind bars and has been previously charged with domestic battery twice when being with Melissa on October 25th and December 26th in 2011.
Astime passes, the blemishes progressively heal around Dohme’s person.
“He did not win and I won,” says Melissa, who is now considered to be both a champion and warrior amongst many women today.
The 2012 United States presidential election was nothing short of a nail-biting drama. For both parties, tension was high and nerves were on edge. This led to more than a few harsh exchanges; not only between the presidential candidates, but supporters as well. Social networking took a brand new spin on the whole, “freedom of speech” thing. The variety of emotions people put out on the internet for the whole of the world to see was quite the sight. A constant game of “he said...he said” was played throughout the final weeks, days, and moments of the election. This resemblance of a popularity contest was anything but muted when you turned on your computer. People from all walks of life, ages, and global locations had their opinion on the seemingly never-ending race taking place on American soil. Even President Obama and Governor Romney’s “people”, and the occasional candidate himself, tweeted from their official Twitter accounts, broadcasting information on their platform, advertising, and of course the friendly fire of verbal combat all presidential candidates appear to be obliged to. When the President gets a twitter account, you know things are getting serious.
As for the public, there rarely seemed to be a happy medium of opinions expressed by individuals. It appeared to be as black and white as the candidates running. (Pun, maybe intended.) Throughout the entirety of the race, it was difficult to get a good idea of who in fact would win the title of The President of the United States. As the election progressed, while commercials became more vicious and signs on the side of the road became more obnoxious, the winner’s name was even more clouded. However, a number of supporters belonging to the side of a specific office-seeker never had a doubt in their minds that anyone besides their “saving grace” would win.

A major curveball in the election made its way through the Atlantic ocean in the form of the historymaking superstorm Sandy. As the final days drew near, people had worries regarding achieving an outcome that would not be skewed. Flooding resulted in individuals being stranded in their homes and away from accessible voting polls. News coverage of the daunting hurricane took airtime away from the anxious candidates and their narrowing campaign efforts. With fears that individuals would not be able to reach a destination to vote due to blocked roads and have the opportunity to exercise that freedom, in the end it turned out that the affected northeast states turned blue on that election night.
Barack Obama won his second term as the President of the United States on December 6th, 2012. Throughout an election season filled with controversies, tribulations, and unexpected natural disasters, both candidates were unrelentlessly fighting day in and day out. Personal views and opinions aside, the only thing the public can do now is wish President Obama the best luck in guiding our country during his next four years in office.
The greatest treat granted to Americans along the east Winds of up to 80 miles per hour whirled through New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and West Virginia in the early morning of October 29. The day before was used to begin evacuations and to make final preparations for an incoming storm that could be largest to ever
Hurricane Sandy, later nicknamed “Frankenstorm”, destroyed numerous businesses, power lines, and over 50 homes as she made her way up the east coast. It had been reported that there was approximately 55 deaths after she passed through the states. In addition, 7.5 million people were without power, and seawater levels rose 13 feet. As the storm continued, high tides and harsh winds also aided progressive flooding.

Although the eastern states had their statistics repeatedly updated on every news channel, Sandy spent a bit of her time in the Caribbean, as well.

The very first victim of this superstorm was Puerto Rican, Kenah Huggins who had drowned in an overflowing river. Over 130 other deaths followed, counting from the Caribbean up through the East.
“As everyone knows, this [was] a big and powerful storm,” said President Barack Obama in a national address. “Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people who [were] potentially affected. We are extraordinarily grateful for our First Response Team because they are going to be working 24/7, around the clock, non-stop; and I would like to send out our thoughts and prayers to all those who... [will] be dealing with this situation. But the great thing about America is that when we go through tough times like this, we all pull together.”
Few people stay hopeful for the future and others focus primarily on the present times. After this storm’s mass destruction, comforting organizations have systemized plans for now and later times. The American Red Cross Association is a prime example: they have over hundreds of millions of dollars raised for disaster relief. One may give blood, volunteer, or become an advocate to aid this association. Another option for helping victims through The American Red Cross is to make a money donation; after Hurricane Sandy passed, female pop-singer Lady Gaga wrote a check for $1 million and Steve Jobs’s Apple Incorporation gave $2.5 million. Foundations and such like the American Red Cross do not expect those large donations, however, and will accept anything that is brought their way.