1 minute read
Countrysideshows it cares
victoriaULINE staffwriter
For instance the Surf Club is collecting clothes of all sizes, disregarding undergarments, which will be donated to Clothes to Kids and Pinellas Surf Organization’s No Shirt, No Shorts mission project.

Early in November was the first period breakfast competition. The first period class that donated the most clothes were rewarded a Chick-Fil-A breakfast and the teacher received a fifty dollar donation for class room supplies. Although this competition ended, the Surf Club continues to donate clothes all throughout the year.
The SADD Club, Students Against Destructive Decisions, constructed a toy drive so that the kids at Community Pride Child Care can get presents for Christmas. This organization is a daycare for infants through the age of six. These families cannot afford presents for their children and with the donated toys Community Pride Child Care can give them gifts. Donations of any type of toys can be given to Officer Cavaliere or Mrs. Prescott. For the sixth year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, SADD Club goes to serve a Thanksgiving dinner for the children.
The Key Club collected food and delivered it to the Safety Harbor Neighborhood Family Center on Friday, November 16th.
Some of the clubs at Countryside High School have been doing these drives for years, some for the first time, and many just change it up year by year, but the help of some dedicated teachers and students can make an enormous impact on the holiday season for many people.
Employees are flooding into stores, toys stocking up on every shelf and the sweet aroma of cinnamon is filling the crisp air. Little kids are walking into stores with wide eyes filled with hope for what is to come.
Christmas is arriving. The Little Cougars have wishes of their own to be filled this holiday season.