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Coming home for the holidays

As everyone knows, Christmas is generally a holiday where you spend time with family and friends. An estimated 70,000 U.S military personnel will be serving in combat or in some kind of service operation. Families of military personnel will get a surprise of having their soldier home; however others will not be so lucky this holiday season.
“My brother is 23; he just got back from basic military training for Marines, and is now at Camp Lejeune for training. My brother inspires me. It is hard when he is gone, but we write back and forth. When he was at basic he wrote telling us about how he was doing, and how his staff sergeant walked by him he would shake his head and say ‘It is not Hammer time’.” Said sophomore, Zach Hammer.
While many Americans feast, sing, or cuddle up with warm hearts during the holidays, thousands of military families have had to plan ahead to adapt their traditions to the demands of the deployments. For the troops not able to make it home for the holidays, they commonly receive treats. Also, morale boosters which include comedians or bands that come and perform for them.
In their free time they go to the recreation center to work out, play cards, shower or shoot some pool. Particularly using the computers to via skype with friends and family.
Being able to come home for the holidays is a very special thing for those who have been in battle for the past months or even past holidays. Some soldiers like to get creative with their homecomings, wrapping themselves up as gifts or showing up places. Thankfully, the troops will not come home to spits and jeers of an ungrateful nation, but to their loved ones lined on the streets with signs and joyful smiles of gratitude awaiting their arrival.
Troops agree that coming home relieves stress and they are no longer worried about separation. “The first week back, I was the best man in a wedding, and I had a Vietnam War veteran come up to me, and he handed me $50 and said, ‘Take your wife out to dinner. I appreciate what you did. We didn’t get the welcome we deserved when we got back, and I don’t want that to happen to you; I want you to go out and enjoy yourself.’ It was amazing to see her smile, i missed it so much” Stated Navy Corpsman, Jim Weller
All over America there have been thousands of teary eyed reunions for families of troops coming home. The Christmas season makes these reunions that much sweeter.
During the holiday season, multiple responsibilities are conflicted by the extremely short amount of time- considering most people procrastinate tasks such as planning Christmas dinner, buying presents and gathering the family into one house. Although this month is cha otic, some note-worthy individuals and groups, manage to find time for good deeds.
Multiple clubs at Countryside High School are organizing drives to collect clothing, food and toys for the families that cannot afford a nice Christmas meal or just want to give their children a very special and memorable day.