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A change from outerspace to Fantasyland
haleySUHOZA staff writer


Nearly every teenager and their parents have sat down together at one point in their lives and watched one of the six movies in the Star Wars saga. Whether you hated it or loved it, there’s no denying how unique it truly is. When an idea that colorful, creative and evil is mixed together in a film series, it is sure to cause some different reactions. George Lucas’s mysterious mind surely left an impact on viewers in the 1970s when Episode IV: A New Hope was first released. Back then, a movie with the plot of a ‘dark side’ and an invisible force that can make things float was not common. People were hooked.
A New Hope, technically the first movie in the saga, cost nearly 11 million dollars to produce. All the actors, props and stuntmen added up to a hefty price. In the end it was all worth it because the final income for ticket sales was 460 million dollars in America and about 314 million dollars overseas.
Big time company Disney recently gave a bid for the rights of Star Wars to be turned over and George Lucas agreed to the hefty price of 4 billion dollars. This turn of events didn’t go very well with lovers of the series and quite a few spoke out against the event.
“I think it is going to crash the series only because it was an original idea and Disney is not going to be able to bring that excitement of the original’s to the series.” Said sophomore Brian Yoannon. When something like Star Wars that is known and loved by hundreds of thousands of people is sold out of the blue; there will be complaints. On the other hand, there are lovers of the films that will stand by it until the end no matter who has their name in the credits.

“It’s more a syfy movie so I find it odd, but I’m still excited to see the seventh, eighth and ninth movies.” Said sophomore Emily Bravo. While most fans stand strongly by their decision to enjoy the upcoming releases of episode 7, 8 and 9, there is no hiding the fact movie theaters will be packed full of critics and fans, ready to judge Disney’s latest project.