2 minute read
Consider the consequences
There is a lot more to teen sex than what meets the eye.
From provocative songs to the wild and crazy television shows, it is pretty hard to deny that sex is everywhere. Being portrayed as a glamorous thing that everyone should take part in it is almost as though sex is the new trend, and it has gone viral.
For many people, the value of sex has dwindled down to virtually nothing. Up until recent years, the word “sex” only came into context when talking about marriage or love, but times have changed.
Having intercourse as though it is just another leisure activity, teens are just doing what appears normal according to multiple reality shows, such as “Jersey Shore”. But there are a lot of awful things about sex that shows and songs keep hidden in the shadows. The only consequence ever talked about coming from teen sex is pregnancy, but theres much more at stake.
Sexually transmitted diseases in teenagers are increasing at alarming rates, and statistics do not show any evidence of the rapid incline slowing down. There are many steps in stopping the spread of STDs; although, without any knowledge of what these diseases can mean for their health, there seems no hope in stopping, or even putting a dent in these outbreaks.
According to the Huffington Post, one in two sexually active young people will get an STD by the age of 25, and most of these people will have never known they even had STD until they were tested. Also, if left untreated some STDs can cause infertility or increase the risk of getting cancer. Hence, it is very important for a person who is sexually active to get tested just to be safe.
There are plenty of steps to help protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Diseases. First and foremost, abstinence would be the most effective way. Corresponding to archaic belief sex should be valued much more than it is in modern society. It used to be looked upon as a special gift you could give to your significant other after marriage; however, nowadays being a virgin up until the day you get married is a very rare thing.
Finally, be knowledgeable about sex. Ask questions and find out all that you can do to stay safe. Sex should be something that teens can feel comfortable talking about to someone if need be.
Teen Sex Facts
•The US has the hightest teen pregnancy rate of the western industrialized world.
•Before the age of twenty, 34% of teens have had at least one pregnancy.
•80% of teen pregnancies are unintended.
•75% of teens have had intercourse before they have turned 20.
•Approximently 8,300 teens (1324) in 40 states have reported having a HIV infections in 2009.
•Nearly one half of the 19 million new STDs each year are among young people, aged 15 to 24.

For more information visit teenhelp.com, familyfirstaid.org and cdc.gov