Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 33 Issue 3

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In This Issue: Countryside loses, but does not forget

page 11


The Government is “SOPAthetic”

page 3

Scandals sweep the states page 2

Get the scoop on school food

page 12




Rape scandal shocks state colleges zachSTEELE

opinion editor

With all the lockouts, steroids, and egos of professional sports, it was nice to be able to enjoy the stability and sportsmanship of the college level. However, in November, college athletics was shaken by disturbing new allegations against Pennsylvania State University and Syracuse University. At Pennsylvania State University, former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky has been indicted on 40 counts of sex crimes against at the least eight young boys from 1994 to 2009. Sandusky coached at Penn State for 30 years until 1999, but still had unlimited access to the facilities. He was also the founder of the The Second Mile program for troubled children. Current Penn State assistant coach Mike McQueary witnessed one of these sexual acts in 2002 when he was just a graduate assistant. McQueary first went to his father, then went to head coach Joe Paterno, who then went

to university officials. However, university officials never reported this incident to the police, which lead to the resigning of school president Graham Spanier on November 9, 2011. That same day, regardless of the massive support from the student body , Joe Paterno was fired, resulting in riots and protests breaking out throughout the school. Paterno received heavy media criticism for his lack of communication of the crimes and possible further knowledge of them. This pressure is the main reason for his firing. Months later, Paterno died on January 22, 2012, due to complications from lung cancer. The death devastated the entire college football community, as Paterno was not only a legendary coach, but was adored by both fans and players. In wake of the Penn State scandal, Syracuse University was also shocked by sexual allegations involving assistant basketball coach, Bernie Fine. Two former ball boys claimed they were sexually molested by Fine beginning in the 1970s and continuing on until the 1990s. When the allegations

first came forth, head coach Jim Boeheim was confident that the allegations were false and his assistant was innocent. However, days later new evidence was discovered, including a recorded conversation between one of the victims and Bernie Fine’s wife in which the molestations are discussed in detail. Bernie Fine was fired on November 27, 2011, and Boeheim has since backed off his previous comments, and claimed he knew nothing about what was going on. Both Fine and Sandusky both claim they are innocent. As the investigations at both universities continue, and cover-ups and lies are exposed, it brings an important question to mind. Are sports and the media image of a university more important than public safety? It is becoming more and more apparent that little was done to stop these men, when many could have stepped in and put it to an end. Regardless of the circumstances, more should have been done in both cases, and it is sad to see actions that happened over twenty years ago, are just now being dealt with.



eft: A protestor illustrates contempt for Penn State assistant football coaches for not speaking up about sexual abuse. Right: A Slutwalk Tampa advocate boasts the right for women to dress skantily without being targeted for rape. photocredit!/SlutWalkTampa,,

Empowered women reclaim the word “Slut” meganMASON


When Toronto police constable Michael Sanguinetti told York University students in January 2011 that to prevent being sexually assaulted, women should “avoid dressing like sluts”, the public did not just react with criticism, they retaliated with a movement. “We had just had enough,” said Heather Jarvis and Sonya Barnett, founders of the original Slutwalk in Toronto. “It isn’t about just one idea or one police officer who practices victim blaming, it’s about changing the system and doing something constructive with anger and frustration.” Over 3,000 protesters attended the first Slutwalk in Toronto, Canada on April 3, 2011. Since then, dozens of other cities in the states, and abroad, have organized Slutwalk’s in an effort to avert the public’s attention from the victim to the persecutor. Their motivations lay amidst a growing opinion in courts and the public eye that how a woman expresses herself through her looks determines not only whether she will be assaulted, but also if it could have been “ avoided” by refraining to dress a certain way. That February, a Manitoba judge condemned a rape victim for wearing makeup, high heels and a tube top – all of which had apparently “contributed” to her assault. Justice Robert Dewar went as far to say that the victim’s attacker was just a “clumsy Don Juan” who had “succumbed to inviting circumstances”.

One month later, the New York Times published an article regarding the gang rape of an 11 year old girl in Cleveland, Texas. The article noted that the victim “dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20’s,” as if it was a relevant factor in her assault. “If someone breaks into a house, do you blame the owner for having a house that looks appetizing?” asked Elizabeth Webb, organizer of Slutwalk Dallas. “I don’t think so!” A victim of both rape and unlawful accusation herself, Webb organized the protest to send the message that rape is not the victim's fault. At 18, Webb was raped in college by a close friend who drugged her and then assaulted her at a party. Although she reported the incident the next day, Webb dropped all attempts to pursue her attacker after the Texas Police Department asked her questions that she felt insinuated she was to blame for the attack. Questions like: What were you wearing? Why did you go to his party? Why did you drink? Because of the police department’s blatant victimblaming, like 15 out of 16 rapists, Webb’s attacker never spent a night in jail. Like Webb, many of the women who have organized Slutwalks are victims of sexual assault and have experienced the same victim-blaming game. Slutwalk Boston organizer, Nicole Sullivan, was told after she was raped that “if [she] hadn’t owned a vibrator, [she] wouldn’t have gotten raped.” The public’s faulty attitude towards such a deplorable

crime is exactly why founders Jarvis and Barnett are hoping to shift the paradigm and reform the word “slut”. “The idea that there is some aesthetic that attracts sexual assault or even keeps you safe from sexual assault is inaccurate, ineffective and even dangerous,” said Jarvis. Although the movement has continued to grow since its controversial beginnings in April 2011, Slutwalk’s adversaries are speaking up against the “embrace of sluttiness”. Targeted on their websites and Facebook groups, Slutwalk supporters have found themselves attacked by both the common man and the media. Fox News stated that “there is nothing brave about the march for sluttiness” while an infamous blogger apprehended protesters for being “high on attention”. An attempt to organize a countermovement was also made against the Slutwalk Boston May 7th, 2011. “Not everyone has to chant ‘I’m a slut and I’m proud,’” said Siobhan Conners, co-organizer of the Boston Slutwalk, in response to the counteractions. “No matter how you identify, even if you don’t consider yourself a sexual person, we’d like to have anyone who is supportive of creating a more positive environment for women and believes that rape shouldn’t be permitted.” Despite resistance movements and media criticism, Slutwalk, nearing its one year anniversary, is still planning active protests for a growing number of cities. While Constable Michael Sanguinetti has since released an apology for his insensitivity, the movement he sparked will always be remembered as a valiant step made on a long road for women’s rights.



Censorship bill creates a stir Censorship blacks-out websites?


features editor

Social networking sites erupted into pandemonium during October regarding news of the SOPA/PROTECTIP act, a vaguely worded bill designed to protect American Internet users from copyrighted property or counter fit goods taken from foreign websites. According to the bill, the sale of counterfeit goods on the world wide web costs American creators and producers billions of dollars every year, as well as resulting in hundreds of thousands in lost jobs annually. In simple terms; the government would scrub the Internet clean of sites offering pirated music, movies, information, pharmaceuticals, or misleading items designed to scam Americans, ensuring we’ll buy things the legal way. The upset with users of sites like Tumblr, Facebook,

Youtube is the clause of the act stating that any copyright holder victim of said infringing websites can add sites to the government’s blacklist. Any copyright holder-- which is millions of people. All with the ability to remove sites as they please. Those who oppose the bill claim it interferes with freedom of speech by granting the US government new powers, while supporters argue it simply protects Internet users from copyrighted property. This caused a frenzy of petitions to oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act as well as notices on websites such as Tumblr, allowing every user to sign an online petition to “keep the Internet a free place.” Wikipedia, located at the forefront of the web’s battle against censorship, blacked out its entire website on January 18th in protest. Google, Firefox, and other sites followed suit, blacking out their logos in hopes of creating a stir.

Resolutions revised for 2012


staff writer

The list begins again, commitments, that will traditionally be abandoned. Countryside students are committing to their resolutions more than ever as the new year rolls around. Preparations are being made in hopes that this year will contradict all the others. “My New Year’s resolution is to raise my honors biology grade during this next semester,” said Sophomore, Jake Litov. A significant amount of students said that achieving higher grades was the number one spot on their lists. Although grades are essential and should be maintained, why delay it until New Year’s? Commencing after a semester has already subsided does not do any justice, considering we are all capable of accomplishing much more throughout the entire year. Buckling down and setting long term ambitions will be more objective than establishing a new one halfway

through the school year. Seventy-three percent of teenage students who make New Year’s resolutions relinquish them by February. So we are left with a choice, be just another statistic or gain the perseverance to accomplish our goals. Mr. Angelo said, “I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I think that everyone should do right all of the time.” Whether it is receiving proficient grades, scoring the winning goal, or ending bullying one person at a time, every person should pledge to this: No matter the situation, we should take 2012 by the tail and take every opportunity we get to accomplish more. “Resolutions are mainly given up because of laziness,”said Sophomore, Jessica Osario. Excuses will no longer be tolerated, if we are going to make a change we need to put in our finest efforts. We have until the clock strikes midnight on December 31st to choose: conform back to our routine ways or make a lifestyle change. The choice is ours and time is ticking.

Online articles described the act a “China-like censorship regime in the United States.” While many consider this to be an extreme overstatement, the Government would be overstepping its bounds if such an act were to become law. The Internet is a limitless frontier where anyone, whether they are a 40 year old housewife or a preschooler, is free to post anything, buy anything, and sell anything. But how do you catch someone in a foreign country scamming Americans via Internet? For the government, this is precisely the problem. Due to the overwhelming disapproval from Internet users as well as Nationwide online protests on networking sites like Twitter, the cloture vote scheduled for January 24th has been delayed. While a consensus is yet to be made, Americans are hopeful in that the Internet will remain uncensored.

Resolutions from Countryside Students - Get accepted to the University of Florida - Get ripped - Lose 20 pounds - Get Dean’s List for the rest of the year - Quit smoking - Get driver’s license - Stop drinking - Get Bright Futures Volunteer Hours - Get a scholarship

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staff writer

With students that constantly bump into each other, hug, kiss, share food, and touch every surface possible, the Countryside High School concourse is an easy place to contract germs of any sort. From the toilets, to the hand scanners in the cafeteria, germs can be found in abundance. Being that humans are more susceptible to illness, such as the flu, in the winter, the concourse could be a dangerous place for Countryside High School students. What is it exactly that the faculty does that keeps these germs at bay, and what do they recommend students do to keep from becoming ill? Jerry Reynolds and his janitorial staff work hard to keep Countryside High School a clean environment for students and teachers alike. Every day after school Jerry’s

cleaning-up red





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crew works late sanitizing every commonly touched surface in the school, such as but not limited to: vending machines, toilets, water fountains, and floors. Countryside janitors use “a disinfectant that literally kills every germ it touches, from H.I.V to the flu.” Although the janitorial staff cleans every day, it is impossible to kill every germ that students may encounter. For this reason, Jerry has placed four hand sanitizer dispensers on walls throughout concourse and encouraged teachers to keep hand sanitizer bottles in their classrooms that students may use at their leisure. Headed by Troy Cheves, the cafeteria staff also does their part in keeping the school germ free. Troy estimates that “over six-hundred students use the hand scanners in the cafeteria each day.” For this reason, the scanners are carefully cleaned with hand sanitizer after each school

Texting 911 is in the works

selves. Of course, the police needed to be aware of the situation the school was in, but no one knew how to contact them. While home alone one night, a loud crash echoes Later, students said they attempted texting 911 so from the back room; someone just broke into the house. they could remain unheard, but still talk to officials. They Quickly, but quietly, dash to the nearest closet and lock did not know that their messages were not the door, with a cell phone in hand. If one is silent, maybe going anywhere. the robber will think no one is home This idea is still being debated due to and leave peacefully. contradictory statements made by people How can someone call 911 if they who actually work for 911. have to remain silent, though? What “Dispatchers need to ask questions to if when the cops get here, the robber get a better understanding of the incident is gone and they do not believe the so they can determine the immediacy of victim’s story? the emergency and decide which agencies Since 2010, complaints have been to send to the scene. Currently, the 911 addressed to the Federal Communicacenter tries to get an agency dispatched tions Commission (FCC) regarding the within one minute of the call. Fielding same issue: an easier and safer way to text messages will slow down the fastcontact 911. paced response system,” said Pam Hicks, With today’s advancing technology, the supervisor of the Corvallis Regional citizens have suggested the idea of texting 911. “Voice tones tell a dispatcher a lot.” emergencies to 911 operators. With this For now, some states are trying to option available, a person can not only decide whether they should try allowing send and receive messages, but can take texting emergencies to 911 statewide, pictures and videos of an active crime, a such as Oregon and Idaho. criminal, accident, injuries, and so on. photo credit Alex Miller No estimated date has been deterResearch has shown that more than 70 mined for this change yet. Officials want to make sure percent of all calls to 911 are made from wireless phones. they take time to plan this out and that everyone knows A good example of when this technology would have what they are agreeing to. been helpful was during the Virginia Tech shooting in Today, most citizens are in favor of this idea. There2007. fore, many people are expecting this to be put to action While the school was on lock down, no one was within the next year. allowed to leave or even speak in order to protect them-


staff writer

photo credit Scott Beck


news editor

In Park City, Utah, TV and film students from Countryside High School attended the Sundance Film Festival. It was held from January 19th to the 22nd. The group saw approximately a dozen movies out of the 120 films that were premiered. Many celebrities were seen

roaming throughout the city. The Contryside students met members of the Kennedy family, Liv Tyler, Frank Lanjella, Victoria Justice, Paul Simon, and Nolan Gould. Unfortunately the weather did not hold up and they experienced quite a snow storm. The students recently returned and had a fantastic time.

day; hand sanitizer is also placed next to each scanner for students to use after touching the scanner. Considering that students will inevitably eat with the same hands they used to touch the hand scanners -the scanners that are not cleaned after every use- students may do well to heed Troy’s implications of using the hand sanitizer after going through the lunch line; whether you touch the scanners or not, you are still coming into contact with food that someone else may have handled before you; there is no easily conceivable way to tell what germs the person before you may have put on the food itself. The upkeep of a germ free school is a perpetually endless task that Jerry and Troy have accepted with unwavering resolve. Whether it is sanitizing the cafeteria or the rest of the institution, this unseen benevolence truly helps keep Countryside High School a clean environment for everyone.

Ditching students face the consequences danaHARRIS

news editor

Skipping, ditching and missing class all mean the same thing. What are the consequences of leaving or not attending class without the teacher’s permission or knowledge? Why do students do it? What do they skip and where do they go? Each day, the assistant principals find approximately two to three students skipping. Those who get caught are often leaving campus to get food, to visit friends or to do drugs. Sometimes, students go to their favorite teacher’s classroom, or they sleep or hide in the bathroom. The most common reason students skip is they do not feel like attending class. Often they have not done any of their work, they think the class is boring, or they want to join their friends who are also ditching. “I’ve skipped because I did not want to go to class, it is boring. I usually leave or go home,” said an anonymous Countryside High School student. The consequences that a student faces for skipping are a series of referrals. If it is a student’s first offense, teachers may begin with just writing the student up. If ditching is a constant occurrence, then after-school detention is brought upon the student. This requires for them to stay after school for an hour. Saturday school is the following consequence. This means going to school for two hours on Saturday and doing work. Students are required to do something. They must appear attentive and cannot sleep. Saturday school may occur more than once depending on the student’s previous behavior. “Saturday school really isn’t as bad as everybody makes it out to be. You get a chance to finish all your homework and read,” said another anonymous student of Countryside High School. The final repercussion is suspension. Generally, the student is only suspended for one day because to keep a kid from school that already does not want to be there is counterproductive. Skipping also results in some indirect penalties. These include taking every exam and having to make up work. Because it is not an excused absence, the work turned in is dropped a letter grade each day it is late and it is due the day the student returns. As for tests, the student is required to make it up the day they get back or further specified by the teacher. The next time that skipping seems like the way to go, remember the consequences. Is getting out of not turning in an assignment really worth it? The cost of skipping one class is more extreme then missing one assignment. photo credit Katelyn Wabnum




The St.Pete Pier makes a splash rachelWAAG

staff writer

The St.Petersburg Pier and the City of St. Petersburg, as most know, have been planning to remodel and have recently finished the brainstorming process for the various designs. Since the old pier has been there for about thirty-eight years, it is beginning to wear away. There were three main designs that were in the running. The Wave was most popular; with its sleek, futuristic look, along with the functions it brings. It contains nine different rooms, to add more choices for the public to choose from. At the very top level there is a Cloud Room with model airplanes throughout the room, giving the illusion of a sky-high feeling. On the left side, descending down, is the Steam Room where you can let all of your muscles loose, Botanical Room with garden/ plants, Mist Room which is sauna-like and the Salt bath

Room with a refreshing atmosphere. On the right side there is the Snow Room for snowboarding, Polar Bear Club Room, Water Slide Room and the Swimming Pool Room. There were many benefits to The Wave; however, there are a few cons. Ed Montanari, from the Tampa Bay Times, questions the boating access along with the swimming area provided by this design. Unfortunately, maintenance and building costs of The Wave have disqualified this design from the drawing board. Lastly, was The Eye. It seemed to lack personality and function. It was mainly designed for looking out into the water and hanging out at the beach. The maintenance expense, limited boating access, and the idea that there are many sharks that roam the waters available to swim in made most of the public hesitant to favor this designmaking it obvious why this design was not chosen.The Lens was one of the more favorable of the three designs,

leaving many smiling faces when the announcement was made that this design was the winner. Mr. Titus, an art teacher at Countryside High School said, “I like its simplicity and how it is only to be walked on and you can look over the water as well. It is not something you can get tired of.” The panel members said they liked the “flexible design” and “graceful beauty” of The Lens and it was most the “practical and cost-effective”. The egg-shaped design of The Lens allows people to walk around the outer dock and view the waterfront. The inner space will be utilized for boat docking and possibly kayaking. Along with The Lens design, there is an amphitheatre, for events to take place and a water park for the pleasure of the little ones to play in. Agreeably, it is time for a new pier in St.Pete. However, time, money and weather were considering factors in this decision. Hopefully, the public will find something they like about the design and enjoy the new pier!

photo credit amd

s s e n i p p a h o t y s her wa

t n i a p t s Arti


staff writer

Cerebral Palsy is a diagnosis many people do not want to hear. For many, being diagnosed is the start of a long, painful journey through life. Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that can limit the important functions of the brain such as sight, movement, and hearing. There are many different types; however, all cause a lot of discomfort. Usually people with Cerebral Palsy are limited to what they can do with their lives, and for many being wheel chair bound ends their opportunity to do anything. Despite fighting a lifelong battle with the disease, one local artist is not letting this horrible disease prevent her from doing what she loves: painting beautiful portraits of local scenery, as well as painting scenes from places she has visited in the past. Mary Ann Hennosy owns “My Right Hand”, an abstract art company based out of St.Petersburg. She has been painting for the past 12 years. Due to the disease, Hennosy has very limited movement in her arms. Using a special system in her studio composed of pulleys, sand bags and an easel, Mary painstakingly puts her talent to the canvas. Her Note Papers are hand made with versions of her paintings placed on quality parchment paper. Mary herself also enjoys being out in the public, where she can sell her artwork and communicate with her customers, and overcome her severe speech impediment. Mary’s artwork is available for sale at many local festivals including Safety Harbor’s Third Friday Music Festival and St.Petersburg’s first Friday festival. For more information on Hennosy or to purchase one of her outstanding paintings go to http://myrighthand.

Despite fighting a lifelong battle, one local artist is not letting [it] prevent her from doing what she loves. photo credit, and

photo credit,,, and



2011 Top Movies of the Year

Top Games of the Year

Top Songs of the Year

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 2. Transformers 3 3. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 4. Hangover 2 5. The Help 6. The Tree of Life 7. Margin Call 8. Midnight in Paris 9. Moneyball 10. Drive

1. Gears of War 3 2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 3. Modern Warfare 3 4. Battlefield 3 5. L.A. Noire 6. Deus Ex: Human Revolution 7. Portal 2 8. Assassin’s Creed: Revelations 9. Uncharted 3 10. RAGE

1. “Firework” - Katy Perry 2. “Rolling in the Deep” -Adele 3. “Party Rock Anthem” - LMFAO 4. “Born this Way” - Lady Gaga 5. “Moves Like Jagger” - Maroon 5 ft. Christina Aguilera 6. “Grenade” - Bruno Mars 7. “Look at Me Now” - Chris Brown 8. “Pumped Up Kicks” - Forster the People 9. “We Found Love” - Rihanna 10. “N---as In Paris” - Kanye West ft. Jay-Z

The beginning of the end haleyPETERS

features editor

Four hundred rowdy seniors crowded into the auditorium last December to hear the annual Herf Jones shpeel on ordering caps, gowns, and those useless extra tassels. While the information session was a snore, many seniors shared a similar realization-- graduation is right around the corner. Once we get through the stress surrounding mid-terms, we enter our last semester of high school. Ever. While some seniors are petrified to leave their best friends, lovers, and maybe even the comfortable familiarity of Countryside High School, lets face it-- it is time for a change. “I’d say graduation is what I’m looking forward to most about senior year,” said

really excited for graduation and finishing up this chapter in my life. But it’s going to be really hard saying bye to all of the friends I’ve made here.” Keeping in touch with exclassmates is a common concern Allison shares with other seniors. Luckily, social networking sites like Facebook are making it harder and harder to leave old friends behind. “It’s great that whenever I miss someone, they’re just a text or wall-post away!” said Elizabeth Mason. In this last semester of our high Seniors have a variety of post graduation school career, let us not forget to look back plans; some will be leaving Pinellas County and reflect on our experience. For some it all together, pursuing a university education. was an effortless road to travel, while others Others will remain close to home, study- had serious obstacles to overcome. All the ing at St. Petersburg College, working, or a while, we should be looking ahead in anticipation of the the future and what challenges combination of both. A fellow Senior, Allison Fisher said “I’m “adult life” will bring. Lauren Reese, a Senior at Countryside who plans on continuing her education at University of South Florida or University of Tennessee Knoxville.

“I’m really excited [to finish] up this chapter in my life”



2012 ...

Technology of tomorrow rachelWAAG

staff writer

From iPod Classics to iPod Touches and iPads, technology is certainly progressing. Yet, satisfaction of the public has still not been met. Designers are diligently working to generate new and improved technology, which is what the public is waiting for. Now, according to teams of designers and scientists, the public is going to get what they asked for, with ideas that some people thought were not possible. This year, NASA is planning to send a Mars Rover into space with specified 3D lenses to capture footage never seen before with hope to receive information and facts about possible life forms on Mars present-day or if there ever was inhabitants on Mars. The idea of cars is getting more and more “high-tech” each day. Recently presented at the 2011 Tokyo Auto Show, the Toyota FunVii (Fun Interactive Internet) not only has a

futuristic look to it, but also has futuristic characteristics like it’s own personal “navigation concierge” in the form of a hologram. This car is like a chameleon with it’s ability to change it’s exterior into whatever you choose. From “Happy Birthday” messages to a calming waterfall. And it is not just the exterior, but the interior of the vehicle is customizable as well. For those who do not have the ability to

solutely amazing, there is more that the public demands. Transportation in ways of teleporting, where one’s atoms would have to completely break down. Or what about mind-reading? Imagine having the power to see what other people are thinking. Hover cars, perhaps, something we have been hearing about for so many years. As inventions come, others go. Touch screens still seem to be somewhat new to people. Touch screens on phones, computer monitors, iPods and GPS are increasing in number.They seem to offer better control and there is more one can do on a device with them- more interaction. Although they were introduced to the world of technology not too long ago, by 2020 it is said that the key substance, Indium, often found in deposits of Zinc, will be depleted. Due to the production rate of touch screens, it is reported that we will see touch screens fade away. Will satisfaction ever be met? Who knows what we will see in the future.

“Will satisfaction ever be met?”

Anticipated Movies 1.The Dark Knight Rises 2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3. The Avengers 4. The Hunger Games 5. The Amazing Spider- Man 6. G.I. Joe: Retaliation 7. Snow White and The Huntsman 8. Men in Black 3 9. Skyfall 10. Django Unchained

play guitar, there is still hope. A machine that basically “possesses your hand” has been brainstormed and experimented. By the means of a belt that wraps around your forearm, it electronically stimulates your fingers to play the right notes. While these inventions may sound ab-

Anticipated Games

Anticipated Albums

1. Diablo 3 2. Halo 4 3. Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm 4. Counter Strike: Global Offensive 5. Tribes Ascend 6. Prototype 2 7. Metal Gear Solid: Rising 8. Terra Online 9. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria 10. Guild Wars 2

1. Nicki Minaj- Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded 2. Justin Bieber- Believe 3. Madonna- TBD 4. Willow Smith- Knees and Elbows 5. Meek Mill- A Hustler’s Dream and a Hater’s Nightmare 6. Ke$ha-TBD 7. Rick Ross- God Forgives, I Don’t 8. Lana Del Rey- Born to Die 9. T.I.- Trouble Man 10. No Doubt- TBD


Sports Countryside Hockey Update:

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RECORD:10-4 Oct 07, 2011 Steinbrenner 3 @ DT C 6 Oct 14, 2011 Jesuit 3 @ DT C 3 Oct 21, 2011 Berkeley 1 @ DT C 11 Oct 28, 2011 Jenkins 0 @ DT C 6 Nov 04, 2011 Bloomingdale 3 @ DTC 8 Nov 11, 2011 Wiregrass 4 @ DT C 10 Nov 18, 2011 Plant 3 @ DT C 2 Nov 21, 2011 Manatee 9 @ DTC3 Nov 22, 2011 DTC 5 @ Mitchel l 13 Dec 02, 2011 Freedom 2 @ DT C 5 Dec 09, 2011 DTC 11 @ Wharto n 1 Dec 16, 2011 DTC 2 @ East Lake 1 Dec 23, 2011 DTC 6 @ Gaither/Sic kles 7 Jan 06, 2012 DTC 6 @ Sara sota 2 Jan 13, 2012 DTCT 3 @ Dur ant 0

Countryside boys soccer brings home District gold haliKUDLER

sports editor

As the temperature drops, soccer takes center stage at Countryside High School. With a record of fourteen wins, four loses, and five ties of the twenty-three games played during the season, the boys’ soccer team kicked its way into the District Tournament. Countryside walked into the Quarter Final District game as the sixth seed of the Class 5A, District 8. In order to become the District Champions, Countryside would have a long road ahead of them – needing to beat the top three teams in the region to claim the title. On Tuesday, January 24, 2012, with just seconds before the stoppage time, Sarasota Riverview’s goalie, Gus Pederson, stopped Cameron Thomas’ attempt but junior, Dalton Martinez rebounded the shot to score from 12 yards out to give Countryside the only goal of the night. With the

lone goal scored by Martinez, Countryside was set to move onto the semi-finals. The District Semi-Finals on January 25, 2012, junior, Cameron Thomas scored against East Lake to give Countryside the one goal game and the chance to win the District Tournament. When Countryside was set to play against number one seed Palm Harbor University High School, everyone was counting the underdogs out. However, after a tie game at the end of regulation, the two teams were forced into penalty kicks. Senior goalkeeper for Countryside, Danny George, stopped all three of the Palm Harbor’s attempts while Ryan Carter gave Countryside the win. Countryside High School was viewed more of an underdog when they entered the Tournament. However, they rose to the top to become the Class 5A, District 8 Champions.

NHL reconstructs conferences


sports editor The National Hockey League has undertaken a bold strategy to fix the game’s problems and be pro-active unlike its closest professional rival the National Basketball Association. While the NBA has been caught in a vicious labor dispute that’s resolution has kept the status quo for the ‘elite’ franchises, the NHL has looked to resolve its problems proactively with the help of its players union, the National Hockey League Player Association. The league’s bold u n dertaking rephoto cr edit new sides around shopper. com the realignment plan that brings about equitable team expenses, fan enthusiasm and the resolving of franchise movement, which plagues both professional leagues. Compared to the NBA, the NHL relies on ticket gate sales first and TV revenue second. While teams in the NBA’s smaller markets play to half empty arenas, the NHL boasts a 96% sellout rate, league wide. It was with this idea, the NHL had to act decisively in restructuring. Over the off-season, the Atlanta Thrashers were sold and moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba to bring back the Winnipeg Jets. This move dramatically shook up, not only the Southeast Division, but the whole league. The Southeast Division, which is the home division for the Tampa Bay Lightning, took over the travel expense leader from the other five divisions and destroyed the geographic organization within the current alignment. The NHL hierarchy had to look at realignment options other than the current two-conference, six division format. While early proposals suggested moving the Jets to the Central Division and replacing the team with the Detroit Red Wings, Columbus Blue Jackets or Nashville Predators, this didn’t resolve the on-going problem of the inequity of travel expenses, fans not being able to watch their teams at a reasonable hour and the problem with teams that relocate. Commissioner, Gary Bettman, hoped to make universally fair changes for each team that

would not increase travel for specific teams and would lessen those for others, while strengthening fan support. A new radical plan of a four-conference format was designed to keep major rivalries intact, but to bring some degree equality in travel expenses. By maintaining historic rivalries and making the league more flexible to the movements of its teams, the league presented its idea to the league owners. The new format would increase travel during the regular season for the Eastern Conference teams, while cutting back on the Western Conference’s travelling which was a major issue for four of the Western teams. It also placed all teams in a conference in the same time zone which never happened previously, but would increase team visibility, especially in the Western Conferences. These new changes will even out traveling expenses, permit team fans the ability to watch games at reasonable time and strengthen fan support for all teams by allowing fans from other cities to see players from the other conferences more often. The new alignment will consist of four conferences, two with seven teams and two with six teams. The two conferences with seven teams, Western Conferences, will play each other six times a year with three of those games at home. The two Eastern Conferences, consisting of six teams each, will play either five or six times a year with a rotation – three teams will play six times and four will play five times with the process switched e a c h season. Both conferences w i l l play non-conference foes twice a year, one home, one away. Currently, the names of the four conferences have not been announced. While the new changes will take some photo credit time for teams to adjust, the new format benefits the majority of the league. It creates a balanced travel schedule for each conference, maintains historical rivalries, increases fan viewership and allows the league more flexibility if teams relocate to different cities. This was all done while working hand and hand with the player’s union. The NHL h a s set the standard for solving negotiating problems.

Conference “A” Anaheim Calgary Colorado Edmonton Los Angeles Phoenix San Jose Vancouver

Conference “B” Conference “C” Conference “D” Chicago Columbus Dallas Detroit Minnesota Nashville St. Louis Winnipeg

Boston Buffalo Florida Montreal Ottawa Tampa Bay Toronto

Carolina New Jersey NY Islanders NY Rangers Philadelphia Pittsburgh Washington

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photo credit Hali Kudler



meyer goes “urban”


opinion editor

In the world of sports, there is no allegiance or loyalty anymore. Whenever there is a better opportunity to win, a chance to earn more money, or a chance to coach again, the past is forgotten. Players and coaches will jump ship to rival teams and programs without hesitation. On December 8, 2010, Urban Meyer announced his retirement from coaching, and that he was stepping down as head coach of the Florida Gators. He stated his reason for stepping down was family and health, and made his departure after the Gators beat Penn State in the Outback Bowl. However, Meyer could not quite stay away from football, and became a college football analyst and commentator for ESPN. In November 2011, reports began to come in that Meyer was returning to coaching, and taking over as the head

coach of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Ohio State was thrown into turmoil after National College Athletics Association(NCAA) violations forced former head coach, Jim Tressel, to resign and star quarterback, Terrelle Pryor, to the National Football League. The university decided to vacate all wins from the 2010 season and limped into the 2011 season under interim head coach, Luke Fickell. Fickell did his best with the situation at hand, but after their first loss to Michigan in seven years, a change was needed. Urban Meyer was introduced as the new head coach at the University of Ohio State on November 28, 2011. Meyer has quite a history with the university beginning as a graduate assistant. Later when he was head coach of the Gators, Meyer would meet up again with the Buckeyes, winning his first National Championship against them in 2007. Fans of both Florida and Ohio State had different reactions to the news of Meyer taking the job.

On the Florida side, fans were confused as to why Meyer had claimed he left Florida for family and health reasons, just to return to coaching a year later. Ohio State fans had mixed reactions, some were excited to have such an experienced coach joining the university, while others were still holding a grudge against Meyer for the 2007 National Title game. However; things got even more interesting when it was announced that Ohio State would be playing Florida on January 2, 2012, in the Gator Bowl, held in Jacksonville, Florida. Although Meyer wasn’t coaching in the game, he watched on as his former team beat his new team 24-17. Although the 2011 season ended with a loss, the Buckeyes have a lot to look forward too with Meyer as their new coach. Meyer is an excellent recruiter, and should have the program headed in the right direction. While Gator fans are left with a bitter aftertaste, despite their victory


Alabama rolls in A rematch zachSTEELE

opinion editor

On January 9, 2012, the Louisiana State University Tigers met the Alabama University Crimson Tide in one of the most highly debated college football National Championships of all time. Not only were the two teams from the same conference, they had already played earlier in the year, stirring up quite a bit controversy. The two teams met earlier in the season, on November 5, 2011, with LSU winning in overtime after Alabama missed four field goals. However, this was Alabama’s only loss of the season, while LSU went on to go undefeated. As the season progressed, every other national title contender

fell victim to upset, and when the bowl season arrived LSU was the only undefeated team left. With LSU in the title game for sure, it was up to the BCS(Bowl Championship Series) system to decide who they would be playing. Although Okla- h o m a State, Stanford, and Alabama all were


worthy candidates, the BCS selected Alabama to face LSU in a re- m a t c h , by the slightest margin in BCS history, over Oklahoma

State, who would go on to beat Stanford in the Fiesta Bowl. Oklahoma State coach Mike Gundy was outraged over the decision, and so were many fans and analysts who wanted to see LSU take on a new challenger. The high powered offense of Oklahoma State facing LSU’s loaded defense seemed much more intriguing than another defensive struggle between LSU and Alabama. Regardless of the complaints, the game went on as scheduled, and ended with Alabama hoisting the National Title. The Crimson Tide dominated the rematch, winning 21-0. Although the Crimson Tide are the National Champions, many are left to wonder what could have been, and if they really are the best team in the country. photocredit

Jaguars head in a new direction haliKUDLER

sports editor

Amidst a 3-8 record, an angry fan base and a struggling market, the National Football League’s, Jacksonville Jaguars, decided to make some big changes. On November 29, 2011, it was announced that the Jaguars had fired head coach, Jack Del Rio, and owner Wayne Weaver was selling the team to Shahid Khan. Del Rio was only the second head coach in the Jaguars short history, and had only one playoff win in three appearances. Defensive coordinator, Mel Tucker, will take over as interim head coach while the coaching search begins. However, it was not the change at head coach that has created the buzz around the Jaguars, but instead the change at owner. New owner, Shahid Khan, was born in Pakistan, but then came to America at age 16, and has become a successful businessman in the United States. He had previously tried to purchase the St. Louis Rams, but

was unable to, and now has set his sights on the Jaguars. Although he has already promised to keep the Jaguars in Jacksonville, reports of a possible move to Los Angeles are spreading like wild fire and a move would make sense. The Jaguars market is not exactly strong, and although it has not worked in the past, L.A. is the second largest media market in the United States and is hungry for another chance to have a NFL team. However, Khan says he is focused on keeping the team in Jacksonville, although many fans are skeptical, and rightfully so. One possible reason for the Jaguars troubles on and off the field is their moves at quarterback. Entering the 2010 draft, the Jaguars had a golden opportunity to draft local hero Tim Tebow and build him as the future of the franchise and cash in on his massive popularity. Instead they passed,

and waited until the 2011 draft to pick their franchise quarterback, Blaine Gabbert. However, the Jaguars released veteran quarterback, David Garrard, before the season started and Gabbert was forced to take over the reigns extremely early and has struggled greatly as a starter. Although there isn’t really one person to blame for the Jaguars struggles, changes have been made and the future of the team is in jeopardy. Only time will tell the future of the Jacksonville Jaguars.


Korn: the path of total disap ointment


entertainment editor

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Just a year and a half after Korn released their album “Remember Who You Are”, they have released their newest and riskiest album yet, “The Path of Totality.” After having released two singles “Get Up!” and “Narcissistic Cannibal” earlier in the year and both ranking 10th and 12th on the Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks Billboard, there seemed to be some promise for this Korn/ dubstep producer collaboration. There are some songs that are as impressive as the singles, such as “Chaos Lives In Everything”, “My Wall”, and “Let’s Go”, but other than these songs, the remainder of the album is anything but impressive. If you are listening to this album expecting to hear Korn’s best work, then you are sure to be disappointed. Other than vocalist, Jonathan Davis, the rest of the band seems to be absent from the production, making this album seem as if it were thrown together out of scraps left by the featured producers with some decent lyrics; being the only thing that Davis brought to the table. In closing, I suggest that all Korn and dubstep fans give this album a chance because it is quite interesting. In my opinion, I hope that this was just an experiment not to be repeated by Korn.


Cobb Premieres at Countryside Mall abbyMILLS

Cobb Countryside 12 serves cheeseburgers, funnel cakes, salads, and deep-fried Oreos. It was lights, camera, action as the new Cobb Theatre at Another stand out difference from local movie theaters the Westfield Mall opened their doors to a large awaiting are the D-Box seats. Upon reserve, guests can be sitting in crowd. Since the announcement of the new construction, a seat that vibrates and tilts in sync with the movie. For a residents have highly anticipated how the mall can handle grand total of $18, this theatre both of the crowds, and how will have movie watcher’s the movie theater could show blood rushing and eyes popa variety of movies with only a ping in response to the latest limited amount of theaters. action movie. In addition, the In addition to the theater seats recline as if you were opening, two major restaurant sitting in a comfortable living chains, BJ’s Restaurant and room. Brewhouse, and Grimaldi’s “I liked that they served Pizzeria, will also be open for frozen yogurt, but I didn’t business. think the chairs were comNow that the Countryside fortable. I think it will do Mall has the stores, the restauwell in the future because it rants, and a brand new movie is close and convenient,” said theater, the parking may beBrianna Kurzynowski. come an issue and not be able The change at the mall to withstand the higher velochas created smiling faces and ity of traffic and fewer amount frustrated drivers. It also has of parking space. To help solve been beneficial for our area obb Theater entrance on opening day in Westfield economically and local mall. this problem, the mall has reMall, where you can purchase your tickets before The theatre draws in new paved and decreased the size even entering the building. photo credit: Dana Harris of the parking spaces to allow movie-goers to spend money more opportunities for parking. in Clearwater, rather than Westfield mall is not welcoming just another typical Oldsmar, the previous movie destination. If all continues movie theater to compete with AMC 20. The new competi- to go well, Countryside Mall will be the place for people tion provides the standard popcorn and soda, but in addition of all ages to shop and watch. business editor


Thank you to our sponsor: Mary McWhorter



John Julian May 11, 1966 - January 11, 2012

You Will Live Within My Heart pennyJEZIOROWSKI

guest writer

Farewell my friend you’re leaving - it’s time for you to go Your friendship was a blessing - and I will miss you so We shared so many secrets - you brightened up my days You brought me so much happiness - with your kind and loving ways You lifted up my spirits - when I was feeling blue No matter what was happening - you knew just what to do Through all the ups and downs of life - the good times and the sad You always made me smile - the best friend I ever had God is here to take you home - now you and I must part I’ll love you now and forever - You will live within my heart

Logan Kushner October 17, 1992 - January 8, 2012





contract with all Pinellas County Schools and they deliver the cookie dough in bulk for a reduced price. Walter Stewart is known as “The Cookie Man” in and around the cafeteria. Walter is in charge of baking all the cookies made in one day Walter bakes one case of cookies each day. Each case contains enough cookie dough to bake two hundred and forty cookies. About ninety percent of these cookies are sold to students daily. If the cookies are not sold by Friday, they are

donated to Tampa Bay Harvest, a charity that feeds the homeless. The revenue earned from selling all of these cookies is used to pay for all of the food needed to feed students. With an average of two hundred and sixteen cookies sold every day at fifty cents each, the cafeteria makes about one hundred and eight dollars from cookies on a daily basis. When asked about the price of the cookies, students agreed that they are reasonable. Most snacks at the school are a dollar, so fifty cents for a cookie is a great deal. The only thing students are hesitant about is the variety. Freshman Brandon Ronacher thinks M&M cookies would be a good addition while Senior Chris Simpson said, “We should add peanut butter cookies”. Sophomore Natalie Schlereth said, “I like the regular Publix chocolate chip bakery cookies”. Many students wish for additional flavors of cookies, while others agree just the plain old chocolate chip cookies are the perfect choice. It is no surprise that with such a good price and the great taste the Countryside cookies are a big hit. “They are so good they will rock your chips off!” said Simpson about the quality of the cookies.With such sugary joy that make tastebuds tingle, the cookies bring a great deal of joy to the students of Countryside. Cookies continue to be the biggest sale point here at Countryside and there is no doubt that they are a delicious part of the Countryside vending line. Photo Credit facebo ok.


staff writers Standing in front of the vending machines, students have what seems like a huge decision to make. Two quarters enter the change slot, buttons are pressed, and there is a clunk as a freshly baked cookie hits the bottom of the vending machine. It is no secret that freshly baked Countryside High School cookies are the snack of choice. Despite their popularity, few students actually know how the cookies are made. Students are shocked to find out that the school cookies are made from P ublix bakery’s cookie dough. Publix has a

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Moldy juice plagues Countryside r oC hot



Photo Credit

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staff writer

For many students at Countryside High School, the vending machines lining the walls outside of N-Wing are a life line. About 22 students visit the vending machines each day in search of something to quench their mid-day thirst and for some, the only thing that allows them to get through first period AP Chemistry is an apple flavored Fizz Ed. Pinellas County has decided to replace all the sugar filled, sodium packed drinks throughout campus with a healthier alternative; but according to newly discovered occurrences this substitute may be even more harmful to the student body health than empty calories and caffeine. Junior, Rebecca Pezzino, frequently visits the Sensit vending machine to purchase Frubob juices, but after one appalling experience she is no longer interested in what the drink has to offer; taste or nutritional value.

December 5th, 2011 was unlike any other Monday for Rebecca, aside from it being the first day back after Thanksgiving break, but by no means an off day. When she went to take a sip of her apple frubob a brown mold filling the opening inside the bottle was completely unexpected. The frubob brand was not the only one to contain these unsettling spores. A total of 11 students acquired fizz eds made inedible by mold growing within the interior on the same day. None of the consumers affected were able to receive monetary reimbursement for the soiled juices as it was not a product of the providing companies carelessness, but that of the school. Every weekend, Countryside’s entire power source is turned off in order to conserve money and each Sunday it is supposed to be restored. As evident by molded drinks, the power failed to be turned back on in time, resulting in the potentially harmful, upon consumption, drinks. For now the incident has only made one occurrence and for the sake of consumers throughout Countryside it will stay that way.

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