Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 34 Issue 3

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Friday, March 1st, 2013

Volume 34 Issue 3

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March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

o t w o H oid... av

scrapping senior year danaHARRIS

homesickness rileyNARUM

staff writer

Moving out is inevitable; well, it should be anyway. Everybody puts on this act as if they are nothing but ecstatic to finally escape their parents and be free. But let us be honest, it is a scary step in our lives: no more home cooked meals every night, no more of your mom waiting on you while you are sick, and no more big comfy bed that you have been so used to for your entire life. Everything will change and at some point it will hit miss home. Most commonly the first time a person will be living on their own is when they go off to college. Living in those plain, jail cell-looking, dull squares they call dorm rooms can be quite the culture shock. Fortunately, you are not doomed. There are many options to take in making your living space feel a little more like home. Here are a few options:


PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES! Pictures are the best way to relive memories. Make collages and hang up pictures everywhere.


Talk to friends from back home frequently! The feeling that you are becoming distant from old friends can be really tough, so keep up with each others lives and when you come home for the holidays it will feel like nothings changed.


Decorate! Cover up those boring walls. Putting in your own style will help make it a real room, your real room.


Make home cooked meals! Eating in the cafeteria every night will make you miss your moms meals, so make them yourself ! You are more than capable!


Skype! Technology has come along way, take advantage! Being “face to face” with family and friends will make you feel right at home.


Take along items from home! Seeing familiar belongings everywhere can help a ton.

Living away from home for the first time can be overwhelming at times. Just remember there is plenty of steps you can take to make yourself feel more comfortable. Overall moving out should be an exciting experience and you do not want to ruin that by being homesick. Enjoy every moment while you are still at home and look forward to a new chapter! Reproduced by permission of


news editor

Senioritis is the “disease” among upperclassmen responsible for the loss of caring and respect towards school. Commonly, it hits seniors once second semester comes around. Although some are immune to the disease, most students end up with a minor case of Senioritis. Here are some tips provided to help senior fight senioritis:


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Designate an hour of each day to homework. Understand concepts before starting homework. Take classes that are challenging, but not too much work. Remember that a good education leads to a successful future. Make time for friends and family.


Have something to look forward to at the end of the week.

up with attendance and get good grades so 7 Keep you can exempt your grades. active with school activities and obligations 8 Stay outside of school. electives, especially with teachers that you 9 Take have already had. 10 Take classes that interest you. to get as much work as you can done during 11 Try school 12 Have goals and priorities set so you stay on task.

School is nearing an end for many students, and it will be difficult to stay prioritized. Just stay involved and keep your eye on the prize. Good luck!

an unwanted image angelaBOOTH

staff writer

Warmer weather is on its way and the time is coming for girls to start getting in shape for bikini season! Whether it is waist slimming workouts or the cutting out of carbs, thousands of girls are utilizing several different methods in order to look their very best in swimwear. Even though a nutritious diet and daily fitness is important to your health, it is also necessitous to looking good in a bikini. Many girls today do squats in order to tighten their abs and tone their legs. Though they can be very debilitating, they bring great results to problematic areas such as thighs and stomach. Another practice that can bring amazing outcomes is isometrics- the isolation of individual muscles in the body. A good area to isolate is the stomach, or “core”, muscles. Not only does it tighten the abs, but it also helps supports the rest of the body, improving posture and even helping prevent future back problems. Sometimes simple changes can even help get someone in better shape. One does not need to fast or go on a vegan diet to drop a significant amount of weight. Little things such as the cutting out of sweets and bread can make a difference. Choices such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking your car farther away from the entrance of an edifice is always good, too. For the people who are a little more on the pale side, it is not recommended to spend hours a day laying out in the sun. For fast results, tanning lotion is Sand dollar images reproduced by permission of

always a healthier solution. A person is recommended to only lay out in the sun for approximately 15 to 20 minutes a day. However, sunlight can also be good for you, so spending your spring or summer vacation indoors 24-7 is very unnecessary. Vitamin D is essential to everyone’s health, and one will get it from their skin’s exposure to sunlight, along with Vitamin K. Lastly, do not forget to shave! The most important aspect of getting ready for bikini season is by far being comfortable in your own skin. Many girls would agree that nothing is more annoying than a beautiful girl complaining about how hideous she thinks she is. Not only are those self-degrading statements somewhat absurd, but they are also very depressing. It is upsetting to think that so many teens believe in the ridiculous misconception that they need to be completely flawless in order to feel accepted among their peers. The average girl typically perceives herself as bigger or less attractive than what she really is. Even though it is important to take pride over your own appearance, it is very unhealthy to obsess over your own weight and looks. Teenage girls typically feel like they are constantly being judged by their peers and looked down upon because they feel as though their looks are inferior to others. In reality, their peers are often times more worried about their own appearance and on how you perceive them. Regardless of weight, height, skin tone, or body type, everyone is beautiful. Without a doubt, if one is confident, then ease will come when rocking that bikini!



March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

The circle of wardrobes rachelWAAG

page editor

Traveling back to the Neanderthal age, “clothes” were nothing but a combination of naturally born fibers made into a fabric; used only to cover the necessities. Now, fast forward back to the present. What you wear is not all about what is covered. In fact, that is the last thing that goes through one’s mind when choosing what to wear. The Renaissance era through to the 19th century followed strict guidelines. At a portion of this time, women faced suffrage and were looked down upon- used as an ornament to society. They were to wear tightly fitted corsets and gowns with richly-patterned designs that did not allow much skin to show. This style was very conservative, intended to preserve their modesty. Their saving grace was the late 20th century, intro- ducing free-flowing t-shirts, dresses and bell-bottom jeans. Spe-


cifically, the 1980s came to exaggerate the clothing: mini skirts, oversized t-shirts and hoodies made of synthetic fibers and sunlit colors. The more recent, 1990s, guided fashion on a slightly more sober path. They exhibited spaghetti strap camisoles and hoop earrings while the flare jeans remained in style. Today’s fashion reminisces on those late decades of the 1900s, gradually evolving back to the concept of minimalistic. The terms ‘urban’ and ‘hipster’ and ‘soft grunge’ have gained popularity as the cycles of fashion roll on. Especially influenced by celebrities, the guidelines on what not to wear are loosening as time carries on. Which means less fabric, more skin. Daisy dukes and crop tops definitely trend during the warmer weathered days and as for the colder climates, they account for pea coats




and infinity scarves. However, the majority of the year, the weather is moderately warm. This may not seem like an issue until you look around and see the crop tops shrinking and the short-shorts shortening. Dresses are also being designed to appear more revealing with holes in any imaginable place that seem to keep growing larger each new debut. “It’s hard to find clothing that actually covers you up,” said country singer, Carrie Underwood. It is time to establish a happy-medium between the conservative gowns and sexy-vibed tops. Soon enough, there will be hardly any clothing at all, as if revisiting the past in a more stylish manner. As a consequence, it could serve for some awkward impressions.



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Battle of the sexes: TV edition

Perscriptive learning: Teach this not that mollyCURLS

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news editor

Males and females vary in many ways; Appearance, personality, and athletic capability are just a few of the ways the genders differ. Over the years as many new television shows have come out some are appreciated by both genders, but opinions contrast. There are a plethora of television show genres available for everyone’s entertainment. Teens are usually interested in comedy, drama, action, crime, violence, sports, romances, science fiction, and game shows. With all of these options, it is sometimes difficult to decide on what show to watch with a group of friends. Typically, guys and gals both enjoy comedy, action and game shows. Popular shows amongst teenagers are The Big Bang Theory, Law and Order, and Survivor. These shows all have plots or entertainment points that all genders can appreciate. Although shows like Family Guy and Futurama are

considered comedies, males prefer them because they have an adult humor that can be sexist. The crude jokes are often considered inappropriate by the female gender. “I don’t like Futureama and all that because it’s not funny and it is not educational”, said Sophomore, Kelsey Orlando. Girls adore dramas and romances. Often, they like to compare their lives to the shows. Pretty Little Liars and Secret Life of the American Teenager are commonly watched by females. Males tend to avoid drama, so watching TV shows about that is torture. “I don’t like shows like Pretty Little Liars because they have too much drama and they are very predictable”, said Freshman, Rylin Fritz. Television is watched by everyone, males and females of all ages tend to enjoy sitting around and watching a show. Whether it is Sunday football or Saturday morning cartoons, people enjoy the quality time in front of the television.

entertainment editor

Willingly and eagerly going into the field of education, men and women of all ages assume the infinitely satisfying role of dedicating their time and effort into teaching today’s youth all they need to know to be successful individuals in society. While teaching is undoubtedly not the easiest career path to take on, some may argue that it is, in fact, the most rewarding. At least, it appears to used to be more so the case. Rules and regulations slewed with precise professional protocols and procedure are, (all dramatics aside), taking over the world. Teaching children of various economic, social, cultural, and racial backgrounds presents itself with a far from a “One Size Fits All” teaching opportunity. It is a basic concept; all kids are not the same, nor should they have the expectation to be. It is relatively obvious that a major priority in the big bad offices of administration and above is test scores, school grading, and all those things that count. Of course, the students (or should I say, “customers”) play a role in all of this; they attend these schools and are there by law and by voluntary readiness to receive a fitting education to prepare them and acquire necessary experience and knowledge to last them a lifetime. “At 10:24, be on page 287 of Workbook A and say; ‘.....’”. This is an example of something you would read on a scripted lesson given to teachers as a so-called “teaching tool”, so generously provided by some very personal and certainly knowledgeable loosely-termed “educators” in office buildings with personalized parking spots.


March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Sundance shines talent on big screen ashleyWILLIAMS

staff writer

The setting is Park City; a rather unassuming, sleepy little town in the middle of upstate Utah. The city is surrounded by mountains and ski resorts, hot springs and biking trails. By this time of year, the streets are slick with ice and snow, and the air is bitter cold. Park City is one of those places that feels relatively forgotten, a final testament to Small Town U.S.A. But from January 17th to 27th of this year, Park City shed its rustic overcoat and became home to one of the most famous and star-studded events of the year. Nearby, inside of several large theatres, some the world’s greats are getting together to share in an international institution--film. The Sundance Film Festival is arguably one of the most important of its kind in the United States, and maybe in the world. Out of the twelve thousand film pieces entered to the festival from across the globe each year, a mere two hundred actually make the final cut, and many of the festival’s well-received selections are immediately picked up by production studios for seven-figure deals. Though Sundance may not seem like a household name, it has brought many mainstream films into the limelight, including Little Miss Sunshine, (500) Days of Summer, Napoleon Dynamite, and Precious. Many of these films go on to receive Oscars and Golden Globes, or become part of the nation’s conscious. When it comes to Sundance 2013, nothing has changed. In the near future, many of this year’s most popular Sun-

dance films will become equally as famous as their predecessors. The films that won the Grand Jury Prize and Audience Award for Drama and Documentary were Fruitvale and Blood Brothers, respectively. Will these be the next films that enrapture the nation and swell at the box office? Judging by the fame of previous winners, they may very well be. For example, the 2012 Grand Jury Prize Winner for Drama, Beasts of the Southern Wild, has been nominated for four Academy

Awards. This year’s Sundance festival included a vast array of celebrities and their accompanying films. Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe attended Sundance in support of his newest film Kill Your Darlings, an edgy biopic about the poet Allen Ginsberg during the Beat era. Radcliffe’s fellow Potter star, Rupert Grint, also starred in the film The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman, alongside Shia LaBeouf. Comedies also made it big at the festival. The Way, Way Back starred Steve Carrell, Sam Rockwell, AnnaSophia Robb, and Toni Collette in a comedy about a fourteen-year-old boy’s vacation with his mother and her new boyfriend. However, many films at Sundance are not backed by the fame of its actors, and include lesser known or even first timers. It is

these independent films that make Sundance special. A good question to ask would be why Sundance is significant in the first place. In the end, it is not just the films that matter, but the idea of talented, independent artists coming together to celebrate one of the world’s most established and beloved mediums; a medium that, unlike many forms of modern entertainment, is showing no signs of bowing out. “It’s the only place in the world where an average person can speak directly to the top people in the film and entertainment business,” said Mr. Zimmermann, Countryside’s TV Production teacher, who attends Sundance each year. “There are no red carpets, no roped off areas. There’s just people that love film.” For the last twenty years, Countryside High School’s television production program has had the fortunate opportunity to attend the film festival. The festival gives them a first-hand look at not only new ideas, but at the film process, as well as the once-in-a-lifetime chance to speak with real filmmakers and actors. This year, however, due to various administrative conflicts, students were unable to accompany Mr. Zimmermann on the trip. With hope, Countryside students will be able to travel to Sundance next year. But in the meantime, all of us who were unable to attend can sit back and appreciate the beauty of the Sundance idea, where raw talent and creativity is the focus of an entire week of entertainment. Film critics can never guess how well these Sundance movies will do out in the box office, but they can be sure that these films will be coming to local theatres very soon!

Twelve top days of 2012 alexMILLER

design editor

As another year flies by, the challenge to stay up to date with every spotlight event taking place grows; it is nearly impossible to stay on track with the news around the clock. Some people choose to scrapbook the front pages of every newspaper they have ever bought, while others will turn to the internet to search for timelines as their way to reminisce. Here is a simple listing of some of 2012’s greatest headlining topics:

Whitney Houston dies February 11

Summer Olympics July 7

President Barack Obama is reelected November 6

Kony 2012 March 7

Colorado shooting July 20

Sandy Hook shooting December 14

Hunger Games premieres March 23

Dick Clark dies April 18

Neil Armstrong dies August 25

Hurricane Sandy hits U.S. October 28

Mayan calendar ends December 21

Gangnam Style becomes first video on YouTube to hit 1 billion views December 21

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March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Caffeine brews side effects Beauty is pain morganFULLER


staff writer

The ideal female body is virtually hairless- only consisting of eyelashes, eyebrows and hair on top of the head. Sure, in the winter girls can get away with not shaving their legs for weeks at a time. However, now that summer 2013 is creeping up, it may not be very socially acceptable or visually pleasing to go unshaven. ‘Tis the season for excess body hair to go extinct! The Quick Fix. Shaving with a razor blade seems so primitive these days. With alternatives such as waxing and laser hair removal, who would choose to shave? The answer is: the majority of teenage girls (and some boys!). Razors make shaving virtually painless, cheap and it only takes a few minutes. Razors can be found at any drugstore and most superstores such as Target, Walmart and others like it. Some products, such as Gillette’s Venus Breeze Razor, come with gel bars built in which eliminates the need for shaving cream. Never dry shave! It results in unsightly razor bumps and burning, itching skin. Razors (straight, disposable, or electric) get the job done in the comfort of your own home but only leaves skin feeling smooth for a day or two. Quality grade: C Getting Down to the Root. Waxing can be defined as semi-permanent hair removal where paper strips are pressed to the skin and ripped off in one quick movement. If skin is sensitive, hot waxing - which cools and is gently removed - is a less intense alternative. Almost all areas of the body can be waxed: eyebrows, face, arms, legs, back, feet and bikini area. Waxing removes large amounts at one time from the root and lasts 2-8 weeks. Appointments are made with licensed estheticians at local beauty salons. Average prices range from a $12 eyebrow wax to a $300 full body wax. Quality grade: B No Pain, No Gain. Laser hair removal was performed experimentally for 20 years before it was safe and available to the general public. This method of hair removal can be performed in clinics with professionals or at home with devices made specifically for consumer self-treatment. Like waxing, laser hair removal can be applied to most areas of the body. There is a minimum of seven treatments about three to eight weeks apart. Exposure to the sun is to be avoided during treatments. It is a long-lasting method (hairless for years!) so naturally, it costs a fortune. One area can cost up to a few hundred dollars. Quality grade: A reproduced by permission of

High School. The negative effects of drinking coffee are rebutted by Life is full of an overload of responsibilities and anxiety. a plethora of positive. Caffeine provides a lower risk for For some, the only way to cope is coffee. The majority of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, as well as certain types college students and young adults are entering a world of of cancer. In addition, it acts as a metabolism boost, adds caffeine dependency as they face the constant demands of to wakefulness, initiates faster and clearer flow of thought, increases focus, and better geneveryday life. As a stimulant, caffeine eral body coordination. There is can wake up the brain and power the no evidence that coffee stunts a body. It is widely considered a “mirchild's growth. acle drug” which leads to addiction. “Without it [coffee], I would In terms of health, it is necessary to metaphorically be dead. It is inquire: what are the pros and cons the fuel of America,” says Marof caffeine? ley Disalvo, caffeine addict and Overall, the ordinary consumpsenior at Countryside High tion of coffee has low health risks. School. Repetitive use can eventually lead to In North America, 90% of physical and mental dependence; the adults consume caffeine daily. intense desire for caffeine containCaffeine is not only limited to ing beverages. Like other drugs, the coffee, it also appears in tea, soft coffee drinker can suffer from withdrinks and energy drinks. The drawals. These withdrawals consist of body can only handle so much a wide range of complications such as reproduced by permission of caffeine. Before going out to nervousness, irritability, restlessness, insomnia, headaches, and heart palpitations. The excessive mindlessly purchase that Starbucks, Doubleshot Espresso & Cream on the way to school. Remember to weigh the intake of caffeine can also increase blood pressure. “Coffee gives people bad breath and I never know how pros and the cons for a safe health. to tell them,” says Elisa Wagner, senior at Countryside staff writer


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March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper



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jenna FENDER & frances GUARRACI

staff writer

Imagine being told that there is a gunman in the school shooting people, not knowing if one will ever see any loved ones again or even see another day of life. Nobody should ever experience that kind of terror and gut wrenching situation; unfortunately, many children under the age of nine have experienced this horror. The Newtown shooting is the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history; Virginia Tech, in 2007 with 32 individuals dead, being first. On December 14, 2012, dressed in black fatigues and a military vest, Adam Lanza, walked into Sandy Hook elementary school and opened fire. According to, Lanza was armed with a [high caliber Bushmaster .223] and two handguns. The shooter went classroom to classroom banging on the doors yelling “Let me in, Let me in.” Within minutes, twenty-six victims were shot and killed. Among the six adults that were killed were Sandy Hook’s principle, Dawn Hochsprung,and the school’s psychologist, Mary Sherlach. Lanza, was also killed, by his own hand. Police later stated that he killed his mother at the house that they were living in together located in Newtown before the Sandy Hook shooting. As life slowly begins moving forward, talk has turned into passionate arguments about whether their children should ever return to the site of this tragedy. A month after this horrid shooting occurred, parents have come together discussing and agreeing that the building should be demolished. Whereas others say that the location of where the shootings occurred should be removed and renovated. Spray painted on a building in Connecticut are four words, “Hug a teacher today.” It is said to be a testament for those teachers who jumped into action, hiding their students in closets, bathrooms and small places, throwing themselves into the line of fire, giving their lives in order for their first graders to be able to live one. Their sacrifices upon that day were heroic, selfless and courageous. The gratitude towards those teachers who gave their lives have been publicly viewed as nothing less than heros. “When you go to bed, it feels scary, and you keep having this dream in your head about it, Because if you lived it, it’s always stuck in your head.” Nicolas, Sandy Hook shooting victim, said. What was a sanctuary that was supposed to be a haley TROYER place of safety and learning has now been staff writer torn apart. When people first start doing drugs they see it as an innocent encounter, never dreaming of it becoming a full blown drug addiction. They never imagine the effect it can have on them or even the people around them. states that most drug addictions usually occur before a child is 18 years of

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age. People often start drugs for a multitude of reason; peer pressure, media appeal, accessibility or to temporarily escape from problems to name a few. Dawn Hochsprung, 47 Catherine Hubb Often cases of drug addiction start with prescription pills. According to the most comRachel D’Avino, 29 Chase Kowalsk monly used drugs are tobacco, alcohol and marijuana. Tobacco and alcohol are gateway drugs to higher,more addictive source. Anne Marie Murphy, 52 Jesse Lewis, In reference to, teens starts with marijuana. Lauren Rousseau, 30 James Mattiol According to, the active ingredient in marijuana is delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol Mary Sherlach, 56 Grace McDonn or THC which affects the cannabinoid receptors influencing and activation of those cells. Victoria Soto, 27 Emilie Parker Marijuana has effects on multiple organs in the body including the heart which slows the heartbeat to Charlotte Bacon, 6 Jack Pinto, 6 20 to 50 beats per minute. Drug dependency has many faces including the five main stages from experimentation to full blown Daniel Barden, 7 Noah Pozner, addiction. (See sidebar) Olivia Engel, 6 Caroline Previd In reference to, difference in behavior, mood swings, withdraws from friends and family, Josephine Gay, 7 Jessica Rekos carelessness about personal grooming, loss of interest in life, changing sleep patterns, red or glassy eyes and Ana Marquez-Greene, 6 Avielle Richma sniffly or runny nose can all be results of drug abuse. causing brain, the in Dylan Hockley, 6 Benjamin Whee According to, taking drugs can cause a rise in levels of dopamine feelings of pleasure leaving the body wanting more. Madeleine Hsu, 6 Allison Wyatt “My personality type it is adventurous, I like doing fun things. It is like you get bored with things easily. I feel that it is hereditary but that is not an excuse”, said Cindy Tilley, a former addict When becoming addicted, the drug will take on the same survival behaviors as drinking and eating. Further on to rationalize the intake. From what began as an “innocent encounter” has now turned into a constant compulsion. “I do not really remember anything happening I just let it take over I had no confidence. Everything kept happening jobs, had multiple surgeries and breast cancer, it was my escape”, said Cindy Tilley. It can be very hard for a person to accept someone telling them they are dependent on drugs. Contacting a specialist t At first they may become irrational, frustrated be in denial about the whole thing. That is what the specialist is there the help they need. funeral, wh “I went to Indiana when a good friend of mine died. I went with Dan Slhy. I was drinking a lot the night before the myself i put and home went then days few a for there was I hospital. the to me took they and concrete face first. Dan called the ambulance change. a make to deciding is recovery to step first According to the Change how they deal with stress, who they allow in their life, what to do in their free time and how they think about themselve It may be overwhelming at first to have to make all these changes in their life, but there are people to help them through. If the addiction is too strong and you do not feel that with all the help from your friends and family will help consider joining ering from your addiction. 4 Recovering from addiction is a long process which requires time, commitment, motivation, and support. There is not one treatment that works for everyone, find the treatment that works for that type of addiction. Things that could track of how much is obtained, to reveal how big of a role drugs play in their life. With a social life revolved around people with an addiction it becomes impossible to escape. The solution is to find new conne Beryllium 9.012182 Join a support group, and make time to attend every meeting. Being in a place with people who know and understand exactly pened and help you make a change. Find ways to cope with your stress as in a dance class or even a boxing class. When you feel like you may be falling back into “I was free for three years in the third year I would have a glass of wine. I was able to do that because I would just tell myself t fine. It no longer rules my decisions; if I want it because I need it then I do not have it. I am just more aware of my personality”, s When you finally are free from the addiction set meaningful goals, it gives something to look forward to- a reason to keep mo “When I think I need to have a glass of wine I have to decide do I want it or not. Like the time I went to the beach I drank t Do not let a relapse discourage you, it is common when trying to recover from an addiction. “Be extremely aware of your own personality. What things make you feel good and what things make you want to do drug. O like the whole world revolves around it, It is always out there. It is the person you are that will make that decision that you are go be strong and understand that you have an addictive personality”, said Cindy Tilley.


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March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

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sports editor

Gun control is a hot topic in America right now. Tragic events began with the 1970 Kent State University shooting, known as the “May 4 massacre.” College students were peacefully protesting the American invasion of Cambodia outside of Kent State University when they were hit with open fire by the Ohio National Guard used M1 Garand rifles and .45 caliber handguns. School shootings were unheard of until this event. The shooters in this case were sworn in National Guard members; therefore, strict gun control law changes could not make a difference. There are rogue police officers and military veterans suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The deadliest mass murder committed on an American high school campus brought up gun control laws on April 20, 1999, the Columbine massacre. Blatant clues were posted on the American Online website by Eric Harris. Speaking of his desire to cause mischief, instructions on how to make explosives, he intended to kill those who annoyed him, and evidence that he had made pipe bombs. Many reports were made to the Sheriff ’s Office about Harris and his comments which were lightly investigated then pushed aside. All of it is simply proof that this tragedy could have been avoided. Had this case been fully investigated with emphasis, gun control laws would not have been brought up and challenged. The most recent shooting in Newton, Connecticut, Sandy Hook elementary school. 20-year old Adam Lanza broke in and murdered fifteen victims including children between the ages of 5-10 years old. He was found with a Glock handgun, a Sig Sauer, and .223 Bushmaster rifle. High powered, automatic weapons should not be sold to the public to prevent events like this. Gun control laws should be altered to remove automatic weapons, hollow point bullets, and large caliber weapons. Yes, big guns are fun to shoot, but if the person is out to hunt truly, those items are unnecessary. In the case of hunting game an automatic weapon would destroy the animal and dinner would not be brought home that night, just slaughtered. Hollow point bullets are made to expand once they hit something which would annihilate any animal once it is hit. With the removal of large caliber, automatic weapons and hollow point bullets there would only be handguns. Any seller, buyer, or member of the National Rifle Association should receive a psychological exam before they obtain a weapon and every six months following just similar to any job that requires a gun to be carried. This would ensure the mental health of gun owners and reduce the chance of massacres. If the owner passes the psychological evaluations but has an incident such as a battery, domestic battery or an assault where they are the charged suspect the guns should be confiscated from the owner. Their weapons permit whether it be standard or concealed shall be removed as well. This would prevent at home shootings such as domestic homicides and potentially public shootings as well. Responsible hunters and gun owners should not have their weapons taken away because of irresponsible, unstable, reckless individuals. All trained marksmen know to treat a gun as if it were loaded and only aim it at a target they intend to destroy. Having this knowledge prevents accidental discharges and deaths. Guns should not be completely removed from our markets and society because it is not reasonable. What criminal follows the rules anyways? An easy medium would be to truly have gun control and regulate what is sold. As mentioned earlier, removal of automatic weapons, high caliber weapons and hollow point bullets would solve many problems. If a middle were to be met this would be the best case scenario to keep manufacturers, sellers, buyers and users happy. As the Pennsylvania Representative Tim Murphy said, “It’s not just what the mind finds ways is in a person’s hand that makes the act violent, it is what’s in his to me one thing after another. I lost my mind.”

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can be one of the many ways to help the one you love. to do, help them see that they really are dependent on drugs and give them

hile we were out to dinner. I hit rock bottom when I went out to the car fell onto the into rehab”, said Cindy Tilley


a sober living home. A sober living home is a safe supportive place to live while recovhelp with the process are making a list of pros and cons of the drug abuse. Keeping

ections. what you went through. They can help you open up and feel better about what hap-

the addiction get help, do not be afraid to tell people. that I was not going back there that is why I can have a glass of wine or two and be said Cindy Tilley oving forward in a positive direction. too much because I was having way too much fun”, said Cindy Tilley.

Only have one if you want it not if you need it and be careful, watch yourself. It seems oing to have to do it. The two or three years not drinking was really hard you have to

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March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Baltimore runs for the win


sports editor

Superbowl XLVII began with a tear-jerking performance by the Sandy Hook Elementary chorus. The students sang with Jennifer Hudson followed by Alicia Keys’s performance of the Star Spangled Banner. During the show broadcasters showed live footage from Camp Courage in Afghanistan where soldiers were standing attentively to the song of the land. Also, Jason Witten was awarded with the Walter Payton man of the year award for his talent on the field and community service outside of the NFL. Brothers, Jim and John Harbaugh coached the two teams to John gaining the victory with the Baltimore Ravens. The Ravens were in the lead during the first and second quarters of the game with a touchdown made by Anquan Boldin, recovered fumble in the second, another touchdown with 7:10 left in the second quarter followed by a field goal, interception by Ed Reed, and finally a 56 yard touchdown made by Jacoby Jones.

Halftime consisted of a pyrotechnic show with the temporarily reunited Destiny’s Child mixed with Beyonce’s music. The band consisted of all females unlike most which only have men. Lots of power was used to support her virtual backup dancers but superbowl officials said she was on a separate generator and did not cause the power outage in the third quarter. At the beginning of the third quarter Jacoby Jones ran a 109 yard touchdown from the 49ers kickoff return. Jones ran the yards in a shocking eleven seconds. He was considered the Most Valuable Player of this game. Half of the power at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome went out with 13:22 left in the third quarter. The outage lasted 34 minutes and left the players to stretch without knowing how long they would have to wait. Reporter Solomon Wilcox said the outage was “robbing them of their momentum.” Another reporter mentioned that it was “another longer half time ideally.” The management and NFL were not ready to make any statements but said the outage

was caused by “an outside power feed that went dead.” The teams were able to warm-up after the power came back on with no restrictions. The loss of power was on the San Francisco 49ers side of the stadium. After the game was resumed the 49ers made a touchdown with 7:20 left in the third. A few moments later the Ravens fumbled the football and the other team recovered it. The 49ers tried for a field goal and a flag was pulled for an interference by the Ravens which had kicked the 49ers kicker. After the second attempt was made the 49ers were given their points bringing the game to 23-28, Ravens in the lead. In the fourth quarter the Ravens made a field goal but the 49ers stayed on their heels with a touchdown with a score of 29-31, Ravens still in the lead. San Francisco challenged a first down given to the Ravens and after review it was changed to a third down. The game ended with a field goal for both teams but the Ravens winning the title with reprinted with permission by superbowla 34-31 game.

Ravens San Francisco 49ers Baltimore The San Francisco 49ers are a San Francisco Bay area based football team and currently The Baltimore Ravens are a professional American football franchise based in Bal-

play as the member of the Western Division of the National Football Conference. Un- timore, Maryland. They are a member of the American Football Conference's North like most other teams, the San Francisco 49ers do not play their home games and Division in the National Football League (NFL). The team's name is a have their headquarters at the same place. Home games a r e played reference to the poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, who in San Francisco, California whereby headquarters are located lived and worked in Baltimore at various points durin Santa Clara which is nearby. The San Francisco 49ers ing his life and was buried in the city. Its triumph over have the honor of being the first franchise o f the New York Giants in Super Bowl XXXV NFL that accomplished the record at the conclusion of the 2000 seaof winning five Super son remains its best season. The Ravens are Bowls. currently one of only four teams to win in their lone Super Bowl appearance.

reprinted with permission by

Serving into the new season


staff writer

Tennis season has begun! Starting on January 5th through their last dual meet on March 22nd the Countryside High School Tennis Team puts in hard work and hours of practice to get ready for each match. Everyday after school, from 2:00pm until 4:00pm, a few girls and boys consisting of freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors, practice at the tennis courts on campus. The team is coached by Mr. Kitchen and he has been coaching for 2 years. Mrs. Kitchen serves as the assistant coach. The main captains of the team this year are Alex Kitchen and Jordan Monosky. “Honestly the best part of being on the tennis team is the experience of team play, it brings a whole different aspect into tennis.” said Jordan Monosky(‘14), who is hoping to take his tennis career through the rest of high school

and hopefully into college. Alex Kitchen signed to the University of Southern Mississippi on a full tennis scholarship. She cannot wait to be a Golden Eagle and take her career in tennis to the next level. All home matches are held at Countryside High School so be sure to go and support your fellow cougars!


March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


February 1























No School for students





Teens Behind the Scenes - Undercover Paws

FCAT writing testing begins

SAT LATE Registration deadline


reprinted with permission from

March 4

3 10 17 24

















End of 4th marking period








Report cards distributed

Teens Behind the Scenes



Spring Holidays - No School 25th-29th Pinellas County Fair @ Tropicana Field 24th-30th

ACT Registration deadline

ACT LATE Registration deadline

SAT test



reprinted with permission from

1 7



8 Seventh day of 9 Eighth day of 10 Passover

FCAT Reading & Math retakes


4 11





SAT Registration deadline



















No School

Teens Behind the End of 5th markScenes - Most ing period Wanted! EOC assessments begin

SAT LATE Registration deadline Prom @ Safety Harbor Spa



March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


A family worth MTV reels in premiere show redneck-ognizing rachelWAAG

page editor

In August of 2012, TLC welcomed aboard the incredibly flawless, stunningly charming and classically hygienic family of photo credit Honey Boo Boo.“Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” is a series that justifies as a spin-off from the show “Toddlers and Tiaras”. Alana, also known as Honey Boo Boo and Smoochie, is a pure beauty queen and her family is quite the bunch. There is June “Mama”, the dad “Sugar Bear”, Lauryn “Pumpkin”, Jessica “Chubbs”, Anna “Chickadee” and Baby Kaitlyn- the baby with three thumbs. The television program is based on the life of the Thompsons, in and out of the pageant world. Living in Georgia, they are heavy-set rednecks; competing in the local Redneck Games and enjoying family games as well, such as Guess Who’s Breathe- a game of genuine skillwhere everyone sits in a chair one-by-one and blow in each other’s face to see who can guess their “fragrance” the best. A family opportunity you would not want to miss. TLC does, in fact, stand for “The Learning Channel”, so we must be learning something, right? First of all, health is obviously a big deal in the Thompson family.


“If a person farts 10-15 times a day then they’re healthy, so I guess my girls are healthy,”said the ohso confident mother of the pack, June.

The family also has very practical eating habits. They strive for protein. At a sit-down restaurant, Honey Boo Boo made her order clear, “I want the barbecue. And then I want the chicken. And then I want the ribs.” While protein is an important part of one’s diet, calcium is as well. That is why they eat the “breakfast of champions”, cheese puffs. Let us not forget Honey Boo Boo’s favorite drink, “Go Go Juice”. A mixture of red bull and Mt. Dew to get her amped up for pageants and other parts of her hectic schedule. For an extra boost, Honey Boo Boo also takes a shot of “pageant crack”, commonly referred to as Pixy-Stick. Also, Mama teaches us the importance of managing your budget through extreme couponing. With Sugar Bear being the only worker of the family, a contractor, extreme couponing must come into play in order for the pageants to be a success. June even takes it as a pleasurable hobby, “It’s even better than sex.” Lastly, the Honey Boo Boo clan instills their viewers with the prominence of moral hygiene. For the families with over-populated households, they suggest washing your hair in the kitchen sink. “It’s not like dirty-ness or nothin,’” claims June. Following that, at the Redneck Games, June allowed Pumpkin to bob for raw pig feet and permitted Chubbs and Honey Boo Boo to belly flop into a mud pool but refused to let them swim in a lake due to possible flesheating, bacterial diseases. Mama has her standards. “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo” resulted with mixed reactions from the critics. Some labeled the show as “ofensive” and “exploitative” due to the way TLC portrays the Thompson family. However others who are fans of the show, think the opposite. “I love any TV that makes me feel better about myself,” Jennifer Lawrence told Jay Leno on “The Tonight Show”. In whole, the Thompson family is the most beautimous, seximous, vajiggle-jaggling, flawless, biscuit-loving family known in the history of TLC television. No one knows why, but their clever ways of “etiquettly” being themselves, makes their viewers anxious to come back for more.


copy editor

cat·fish [kat-fish] verb To pretend to be someone you’re not online by posting false information, such as someone else’s pictures, on social media sites usually with the intention of getting someone to fall in love with you. The progression of a relationship in the digital age:

. to ! to :) to :P to ;P to ;) to <3 to :* Falling in love is... the warm feeling felt from a laptop left on for far too long, the thudding of fingers thundering across a keyboard, a wifi connection, and the racing heart rate resulting from a text induced run in with a taxicab; at least, for romantics dawning in the digital age. Coming home to someone genuinely invested in hearing the events of your day is alone a feeling unlike any other, no matter if they are confined to the 16” of a LCD monitor. Each passing day it is becoming less and less common to lock eyes with someone on a subway and spontaneously “fall in love”. Instead web pages are loaded with all the information relevant in a dating situation and the browsing begins. This, if you think about it, is a much safer way to go about meeting another attempt at “the one”. All of the

basic information a potential date is likely to make judgment upon is available with the click of a mouse and all the nonsense of a first date is skipped over. Given that they do not bend the truth so far that their entire existence becomes a façade. However dramatic this may sound, it happens more often than not. MTV even released a docudrama television series, Catfish, in November of 2012. The show is hosted by Nev Schulman who was once reeled in himself by someone named Megan (actually Angela Wesselman). Schulman and Wesselman’s encounter was documented by Schulman’s brother, Ariel, in a full length documentary, Catfish, released in 2010. Schulman and Wesselman are now friends forever changed by this odd cultural mishap. Since then Schulman has joined forces with friend, Max Joseph, to air investigations of possible Catfish circumstances sent to him personally. Watching Catfish puts in perspective the risks of internet-based romantic involvement and romantic involvement in general, which leaves the world to leave it up to chance. The next time someone special catches your eye, whether it is online or in the hallways, go for it. What’s the worst that can come of it, a television series?

What has to be one of the most visited sites in a day by students of all ages is none other than Facebook. Along with Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and multiple other social networks, Facebook wins the title with over 750 million monthly users according to The substantially popular website gains new users each day and multiple celebrities/bands have taken to the site to release information on their whereabouts rather than being released in magazines. Throughout all the madness though, there is a small obsession beginning for users between the years of middle and high school. Important items, such as homework and projects are forgotten while kids spend time chatting with friends rather than studying. “It’s very distracting; I answered this question during class on my phone.” said sophomore, Michael Osman. There is no denying the mass spread of teens using their mobile devices during class to text and check Facebook. Sometimes the urge to see a new notification could be overwhelming, but what happened to the days when kids actually listened to their teachers instead of ignoring them altogether? While Facebook is a great stressor to some students, it is also a great way to catch up with friends and family that live in different areas around the country or around the world.


staff writer

Chocolate quick bread recipe



design editor

� 1 cups all-purpose flour � cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® Baking Cocoa � teaspoon salt � teaspoon baking powder � teaspoon baking soda � cup (1 stick) butter (softened) � 1 cup granulated sugar � 2 large eggs � 1 cup buttermilk or sour milk � cup chopped pecans, divided (optional) � cup NESTLÉ® TOLL HOUSE® SemiSweet Chocolate Mini Morsels

Whether Valentine’s Day was a day of sorrow rather than romance or a casual get-together is on the calendar for next weekend, having delicious treats is a must! Chips, cookies, and popcorn are too cliche for times like these, however. Think about it this way: chocolate is in charge of satisfying those monthly cravings and bread always acts as a delightful relaxer. Here is where two of the most commonly-known comfort foods come together. Instructions: Preheat oven to 350° F. Grease 9 x 5-inch loaf pan. Combine flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder and baking soda in medium bowl. Beat butter and sugar in large mixer bowl until creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Gradually beat in flour mixture alternately with buttermilk. Fold in ¼ cup pecans. Pour into prepared pan. Bake for 20 minutes. Top with morsels and remaining pecans; continue baking for 30 to 35 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack for 8 minutes; remove to wire rack to cool completely. Serve with Chocolate Honey Butter (optional).


March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Evolving holiday meets past, present, and future


staff writer

Valentines day a day never to be forgotten or the worst Charles, Duke of Orleans wrote the first ever handwritare spent on flowers on Valentines( day on earth depending on how it is spent but before ten love letter to his wife while he was imprisoned this is but what if there is no one to spend the holiday with anyone can decide if they like it or not they should know one tradition that has lasted over many years . what are some options how it started and what it is about. In about 1920 young women would put their names Well when asked what her traditions are on ValenMyths say that this holliday started by a priest from in a box to be randomly chosen by men. The men would tine's day Miranda Frodella, freshman said rome named St.Valentine,valentine did not agree with then pay particular attention to that woman whose name “I normally spend valentines with my boyfriend but this rules stated by Emperor Claudius about arranged marthey chose( and in the 18th and 19th year I do not have one so I will just spend it with my cat.” riages he believed two people should marry if they were century,children would go door to door singing songs .From the perspective of a couple at Countryside High in love not because they were was then that and begging for treats. today statistics show 75% of School, Dustin Luke and Megan Whitstine dating all of Valentine went against the emperor and chocolate is purchased by women and nine months plans consist of watching movperformed marriages for young about one billion dollars ies from their movie collection and lovers in secret. Claudius holding each other tight. found out Valentine’s "Love means never having to say you’re sorry." – Ali secret and ordered It him be put to death. MacGraw is the time for rileyNARUM staff writer A few years later so make a decision heart shaped candy, over-sized that will change in about the year teddy bears, and flowers by the dozen. More often than not peoples viewyour life. 1400 a man point on the holiday depends majorly on their relationship status. First, we have the “young lovers” infatuated with the day of love, fulfilling all the expectations comparable to the sappy romance films. As relationships go on, that bright passionate flame of new love starts to dwindle and we get the “committed love birds”. Still celebrating with a nice dinner maybe even some red roses, but definitely more low key than their first round of Valentine’s Day festivities. No matter where a relationship is at, almost always the day is at least acknowledged. But even though people all over the world celebrate the holiday, most of us do not really know why there is a Valentine’s Day or where it originated from; also, why it is associated with chocolates and flowers? Still, without even caring why, people are continuously investing their time and money into the holiday. According to “”: Physicians of the 1800s commonly advised their patients to eat chocolate to calm their pining for lost love. 15 percent of U.S. women send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day. More than 35 million heart-shaped boxes of chocolate will be sold for Valentine's Day. Approximately 110 million roses, mostly red, will be sold and delivered within the three-day Valentine's Day time period. Over $1 billion worth of chocolate is purchased for Valentine's Day in the U.S Red roses are considered the flower of love because the color red stands for strong romantic feelings. 73 percent of people who buy flowers for Valentine's Day are men, while only 27 percent are women Approximately 145 million valentines are sent in the U.S. each year according to estimates by the U.S. Greeting Card Association In addition to the U.S., Valentine's Day is celebrated in Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Denmark and Italy. 220,000 is the average number of wedding proposals on Valentine's Day each year. In the U.S., 64 percent of men do not make plans in advance for a romantic Valentine's Day with their sweethearts.

High school relationships: Will they last the years?


staff writer

“High school sweethearts” is a term typically used to describe a couple who have been together for most of their high school career, but what happens after you make that final walk across the stage? Is the “forever and ever babe” over? For some, the answer would be yes. While others continue to stay committed to the relationship. Haley Tacey (‘13) and previous student of Countryside High School Brandon Tacey who graduated in 2012 and went into the navy, are an example of a high school relationship that have a happy ending. They were married January 3rd, 2013 when she flew to his military base in Norfolk Virginia over Holiday break. “He proposed to me when he got back from basic training, and we got married two months later. We’re just so in love and we didn’t want to wait.” Said Mrs. Tacey. On the other hand, most high school relationships do not

last for an extended period of time . “I think most high schoolers are too immature to even know what true love is let alone be in a serious relationship. A lot of relationships in high school are based on ‘Oh I think he’s cute’ and it doesn’t really go any deeper than that.” Said Carrie Ward (‘15) According to recent studies, only 2% of highschool couples get married, and even less than that do not get divorced. Other studies have discovered that over 16% of the high school sweethearts that break up after high school end up getting married later in life. It is thought to be uncommon in today’s time to see high school couples get married and stay together. Everyone has heard those stories about couples who have been together since they were teenagers and are now old and still in love.

“It’s hard to make a relationship last in high school, I think it’s because of all the drama there is. People are so nosy and rumors start so easy and things get blown out of proportion and it makes everything so difficult,” Joe Cagen (‘14) Most believe that teenagers can not emotionally handle a serious committed relationship, and that serious relationships are better suited for those who are out of school and are more mature. Nobody can pass judgement on any relationship that is not their own. No two relationships are the same, just like no two people are the same. If one high school relationship ends, that does not automatically mean every single one will. Everything depends on those who are in the relationship and how strong their love is for each other.


March 1st, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


CHS says goodbye to retiring staff victoriaULINE

staff writer

Mrs. Prendergast Teaching 22 years For 22 years Mrs. Prendergast has been an ESOL teacher at Countryside and has taught 35 years in Pinellas County. She will be retiring this June. She has taught a little of everything and most recently literature to 9th and 10th graders. After she retires she would love to join some book clubs and volunteer in her free time. Her favorite part of teaching at Countryside is relating to the students. “I really am going to miss helping students adjust to American schools and culture. ”

Mr. Newberry Teaching 25 years

Mr. Newberry having taught a total of 25 years, 18 of them being at Countryside. He currently teaches seven classes of Chemistry 1 Honors and Chemistry 1. Some of the other courses he has taught include Chemistry 1, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, Physics 1 Honors, Physics 1 , Physical Science, Biology 1, and Earth Science. Mr. Newberry coached JV football at Countryside for six years and JV Flag football for two years. During his retirement, he plans to travel, participate in volunteer work, and play with his six grandkids. “I will miss the interaction with students the most when I retire. I enjoy watching the students grow and develop academically. I will also miss having to be at work by 6:50 each morning, but I will enjoy missing that!”.

We will miss you! Mr. Stauderman Teaching 39 years

Mr. Stauderman is retiring in June with a teaching career that has spanned 39 years with the last 17 years at CHS. In his career he has taught almost every social studies course there is including government, geography, US history, World History, Economics, Sociology and Psychology. The last 12 years he has been teaching Psychology 1, 2. He has also taught remedial reading and college bound reading. Mr. Stauderman was an assistant principal at Gibbs and Osceola High School for a total of 8 eight years. He coached boys basketball, girls basketball, soccer, and baseball. His plans for retirement are very fluid, camping being a big part of the plan.He will continue to be a proctor for the AP Psychology test as well. He would also like to participate in Habitat for Humanity and Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA). “What I will miss the most about school are the students and relationships that have developed over the years and the camaraderie with the other teachers. ”

Thanks for everything!

Mrs. Whipple Teaching 36 years Mrs. Whipple has been teaching 12 years at Countryside High School and 36 years in Pinellas County. Her plans after retirement are to help out her mother in law and mother, who are both in nursing homes and travel around the United States with her husband. Currently she is teaching learning strategies to students with learning disabilities. “I love watching my students go from not knowing something to knowing it, if you ever ask a teacher what they will miss most it is always the teaching. It is the only time in my life that in a room everyone has to listen to me.”

Mr. Marn Teaching 44 years

Countryside High School began with Mr. Marn. He has been here from the start and has seen mostly everything there is to see ; from breaking up fights, to a student shooting another student, he has seen it all. Mr. Marn has been apart of the faculty for 34 years and has been teaching for a total of 44 years, which includes helping to monitor the halls. After this year he is looking forward to a trip to England, keeping up his extensive teaching career by volunteering at Dunedin Middle School and volunteering at Mease Countryside Hospital. “I want to drive the golf cart at the hospital to pick people up from their cars or whatever else I am needed for, I just want to be able to serve people. I’ve been a teacher for 44 years so sitting at home does not make me feel useful.”



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