Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 33 Issue 4

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Kony 2012 video captivates the nation


copy editor

In early March, the non-profit organization, Invisible Children Inc., released the propaganda video “Kony 2012” that received instant viral success. This documentary broke the record for most views within the first week online and has reached over 100 million view. The video’s focus is to bring the world’s number one warlord, Joseph Kony, into the undesired limelight to raise awareness and hopefully put an end to his crimes by the end of the year. However, with such a large audience, naturally the video has received mixed reviews and “Kony 2012” has become increasingly controversial. Some of the criticisms circulating are that the issues discussed in the film are portrayed too simplistically, that the public’s concern is only a passing fad, there isn’t enough of an African influence, and even as far as to say that this is old news and therefore irrelevant. Kony and his Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) have been active for over 20 years and the Invisible Children Inc. has also been attempting to convey their atrocities for many years as well, but to no real avail. Simply because the world did not take an interest in this issue before does not make it any less prevalent and the fact that concern is rapidly growing is actually a good thing. What the real crime is is that we have ignored this issue for so long. Instead people want to denounce Invisible Children Inc. for trying to make this an issue now. With an outlook like that, will change ever occur; if not now then when? Part of the propaganda angle of “Kony 2012” is that we must “make Kony famous” so that he can be brought to justice. In order to do so, Invisible Children Inc. suggests buying their t-shirts, pins and posters with his name plastered across it. While advocating the organization does not truly help find Kony, it will help in raising the awareness. What is hard to understand is why this is a criticism when it is not a

new concept? Just think of politicians running in an election, with their excess of commercials, t-shirts, bumper stickers, lawn signs, etc. Having these resources does not guarantee votes but it does help their campaign and do we turn around and blame them for that? This is the same philosophy that is applied for the “Kony 2012” merchandise. Furthermore, the video is not suggesting that people stop after they buy the action kits. The biggest goal is to create this issue as legitimate policy agenda. In order for change to occur, the masses must reach out to the people in power, such as celebrities and policy makers. Invisible Children Inc. makes this easy by posting links to several empowered Americans on the front of their webpage. While, of course, some are falling victim to the bandwagon effect, there are others who have truly been inspired

by the video and the African’s plight. They have taken the initiative, they a r e out there contacting their senators a n d their efforts are already paying off. On March 21, a mere 17 days after the release of “Kony 2012”, a group of bipartisan senators sponsored a resolution to condemn Kony’s war crimes and are discussing the possibility of a bounty. Also, immediately following the senator’s actions, the African Union announced that they are sending 5,000 soldiers to actively search for Kony. With such immediate positive results, the negative critiques that this video will not make a difference have been proven wrong. It already has.

kony causes controversy Invisible children inc. attempts to stop war crimes with posters haleyPETERS

features editor

Perhaps you’ve heard of teenage America’s new arch enemy--Joseph Kony. This ruthless killer and leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army has terrorized central Africa for nearly 26 years, working his way to the top of World’s Worst Criminal List. It has become the mission of kids and adults worldwide to “make Kony famous” in hopes that doing so will ultimately result in his capture.

The emotionally manipulative yet poignant “Kony 2012” Youtube video that sparked the United States’ sudden fascination with Kony went viral 72 hours after it was posted in early March. It has since gained nearly 100 million views. An explosion of Facebook posts, Tweets, and Tumblr reblogs followed shortly after, as well as an array of false claims that every “Like” on Facebook brings us one step closer to defeating Kony. Mislead comments like these serve as a shining example of American ignorance.

Social media has been a vital tool in communicating Invisible Children Inc.’s heart wrenching message to the world. However, in actuality, social networking sites have only done just that-- communicate. While raising awareness plays a part in the overall address of a global issue, making Kony as famous as George Clooney does nothing to stop him. The eminent challenge Invisible Children Inc. has yet to solve lies in converting Youtube views to political action, Tweets to peaceful progress. Purchasing a Kony 2012 Action Kit, according to Invisible Children Inc., is way to show your support while becoming “an ambassador of awesome.” Akin to reblogs and tweets, plastering stickers and posters across town is another seemingly useless way of thwarting a ruthless killer of African children and families. Regardless of that fact, due to popular demand, action kits quickly sold out. In a week, 500,000 were purchased at $30.00 each, generating a whopping 15 million dollars. 15 million dollars directly to the children and families in Uganda, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Southern Sudan affected by the LRA, right? Wrong. As Jedidiah Jenkins, Invisible Children’s Director of Ideology, put it “Thirty-seven percent of our budget goes directly to central African-related programs, about 20 percent goes to salaries, and the remaining 43 percent goes to our awareness programs.” Therefore, of the 15 million dollars produced from action kits alone, only 5.5 million dollars goes directly to benefiting African children and capturing Kony.

When people purchase Kony t-shirts, Kony posters and Kony bracelets, more of their graciously donated money goes toward producing Youtube videos and posters than the actual cause they intended to support. The Invisible Children Inc. stated that they are not an aid organization, nor do they intend to be. Their finances reflect that they are primarily an awareness organization. Had more Americans researched the cause before donating rather than jumping on the Kony 2012 bandwagon, they could have made a choice to donate to a charity that takes action more often than simply discussing it. In addition to favoring awareness over action, Invisible Children Inc. co-founder and CEO, Jason Russell, stated that “the problem is 99% of people on earth have no idea who Kony is.” Contrary to this belief, many politicians and school children alike have known of the manipulative warlord for some time now. In November, 2008, President George Bush personally signed the directive to the United States Africa Command that provided assistance financially and logistically to the Ugandan government. This tremendously disproves the video’s claim that “there’s no way the United States would ever get involved” to end the mindless killing and abduction occurring in central Africa. Long before the Kony 2012 video ever went viral, the United States government had already begun to take action. While the events occurring in Uganda, The Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Southern Sudan are tremendously distressing,Americans’use of social media to “make Kony a household name” do little to augment the already minimal physical efforts of the Invisible Children Inc. Instead, “Kony 2012” has become a disproportionate, misguided fad with no clear progress, leaving Americans with a false sense of hope and heaps of posters.



how to jump start a car battery staff writer

step 1

Being given the keys to a vehicle always puts a huge responsibility on a new driver’s shoulders. Even the best drivers are going to encounter some sort of problem while driving.One of the most prevalent problems drivers face is that of the engine not starting. There are a variety of causes for a dead engine; however, one of the most common encounters is battery failure. Before trying to fix anything, you need to determine that the

battery is indeed the cause for the engine failure. If a dead battery is the cause of your engine failure then nothing will happen when you turn the key in the ignition. If you hear the engine trying to start, then you know it has nothing to do with the battery, and jump starting the battery will not do a thing. Once you determine that the battery failure is the cause of the engine not starting, then you can begin to prepare to jump start the battery, however In order to do this you are going to need to have someone assist you. In this How-To tutorial you will learn how to jump-start a dead car battery and get your engine running like normal again.

photo credit Dana Harris

Connect the Red clamp to the positive end of the person who is assisting you, and the other red clamp to the positive end of your dead battery.

step 3

Start the engine of the car with the properly functioning battery and wait one minute before starting the dead battery car’s engine. Let both engines run for 10 minutes.

First, before even remotely attempting to do anything, be sure to be aware of the important safety guidelines pertaining to jump-starting a vehicle. Make sure you have all the materials need to be successful in jumping your vehicle; jumper cables, gloves, and another vehicle with a battery that is properly functioning. It is also suggested that you wear eye goggles, although you may not have these available. Make sure both cars are shut off before even beginning to hook cables up. Now you are ready to begin, follow these simple steps below and you will have your car running in no time.

step 2


Take one of the black clamps and connect it to the negative end of the good battery and then attach the other black clamp to a metal part of the engine of the dead car battery.

step 4

Turn both cars off. Begin removing the black clamps, by first removing the clamp on the dead battery car’s metal part, followed by the black clamp from the negative end of the functioning battery. Then proceed to remove the red clamp from the positive end of the dead battery, followed by the red clamp from the positive end of the functioning battery.

step 5

Lastly, start the engine and drive your car normally again.



Stricter driving laws means safer drivers abbyMILLS

bussiness editor

The average smoker will die prematurely around 69. Infants under four die of sudden infant death syndrome and birth defects. Elderly pass away from cancer and “old age”. 5,000 teenagers,however,die nationwide unnecessarily in car crashes each year,the leading cause of American teenage death. Driving laws in our country are set up to create safe roads and driving conditions, as long as motorists f o l ing low them. Startwith driving school, young drivers are taught how to drive and the rules the of road. From that point f o r w a r d

drivers of all ages are supposed to know and obey the rules and regulations set in place. Everyone knows the laws, but so many Americans think it is their prerogative to break them when they see fit. The fact that Police cannot be everywhere to catch the violators means that most motorists take full advantage of the situation to speed, and blow through stop signs. Teenagers learning how to drive pick up habits, and because they are not enforced the behavior becomes acceptable and then the norm. American driving laws are not strict, and enforcement even worse across the country, leading America down a road of tragedy and pain from the loss of lives involved in avoidable car crashes. More indications of the relaxed driving laws are when drivers make a turn, there will not be a turn signal, and at night motorists driving with their bright lights on. Even if Police were to see the crime in action, the effort of catching them and ticketing would be too much, so the action continues. Efforts to stop students drinking and driving in our school are sponsored by the S.A.D.D. club and of-

ficer Cavalieri.By bringing awareness to the laws students can help create better drivers among our school and community. ROLF, senate bill 416 might actually pass. This bill will prohibit texting and driving in the state of Florida, and is not a laughing matter. In 2011, there was about 2,220 automobile crashes that directly involved electronic devices. Germany, one of the safest countries to drive in, has stricter driving laws that promote a safer honor system. Not only do they have cameras at most major intersection but they have police stationed around to catch speeders. The chances of being caught in the wrong are much high than in the United States. The system in not based on “who is watching me now, and what can I do without getting caught?” Germany has a true honor system due to the fact that the law is reinforced, and safer driving is a result. America is not the worst country for fatal auto crashes, b u t because of the flexible laws and easy opportunities to avoid punishment, there is much room for improvement. Stricter laws would mean more motorists on their best behavior and less accidental and avoidable collisions.

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Countryside awards its first Cougar Career Scholarship abbyMILLS

business editor

On March 7, the first ever Cougar Career Center scholarship was awarded in Principal Schlereth’s office. The recipient was Jordan Rodnizki, who was thought by many to be a very deserving contender. His aspirations and dreams are on the tips of his fingers. Jordan has been accepted into University of Pennsylvania, Washington University St. Louis and also applied to Harvard and Columbia University. The Cougar Career Center has existed since 1999, and this year is the first year it has awarded a scholarship. The center is run completely by volunteers. The director is Kathleen Lamb and the committee consists of Julie Yaeger, J.D. Hopkins, and Denice Piller. Together they evaluated the contenders decided the recipient. Jordan was called to the Principal’s office unexpectedly. He said, “I had no idea why I was being called to his office”. Once they announced the news Jordan began to jump with elation and said, “I am so shocked and excited.His excitement was shared throughout the room as everyone there took pictures and shared the joy that Jordan was the right selection. “It was clear Jordan shinned in academics, community service and extracurricular activities. He has proven his performance and was a top candidate”, said Mrs. Lamb and Mrs. Yaeger. Each person who submitted an application also had to complete an essay on “what difference I will make in the photo credit Hali Kudler world”. Unlike traditional scholarships, applicants also had to conduct an inter-

view to be considered. A total of 47 countryside students applied for the scholarship. “His essay was endearing, touching and humorous and chosen for all those qualities”, said Mrs. Lamb, committee member. The student they had in mind to be chosen was a leader who excelled in school. Jordan was described by the Career Center as “having winning qualities, approachable, and a leader both throughout school and the community”. Schlereth said, “He was a great section due to his involvement in school and Jordan exemplifies the attitude to do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. He is a stand out academically for the school”. Jordan has also received the National Merit Honors Scholarship and won the Walkers Rising Star Award. In addition, he was the Countryside student of the month in December presented by the Palm Harbor Rotary Club. Within Countryside, Jordan is the president of Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), treasurer of the Spanish Honors Society, a member of National Honor Society (NHS), and a peer connector. He is an inducted member of the International Thespian Society, and serves as the District Youth Chair of Broadway Cares: Equity Fights Aids. Outside the walls of Countryside, Jordan is the Programming Vice President (PVP) of the North American of Temple Youth’s Southern Tropical Region (NFTY-STR).

“I write programming for reform Jewish teens south of Gainesvillle,” said Jordan. In addition he was elected as NFTY’s North American PVP. In other words he will be programming for the United States, Canada, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. “A few years down the road, I see myself working as an artistic director for a theatre company, a writer, a theatre historian, or an arts critic,” Said Jordan. Jordan is one of the most involved students on campus and in the community who, displays high levels of leadership and dedication. His passion for what he loves and his drive to succeed are some of the key ingredients that helped get him to where he is today. “This award is the start of a snowball to better thing for Jordan. This is the first of many awards he will be receiving through his high school career,” said Schlereth.



Beaten Into Love


sports editor

The prevalence of teen dating violence over the years has caused alarm for both police and high schools. A Teen Dating 101 club is held every Monday in the library to help support the victims of abusive relationships and prevent future dating violence. A survey conducted at Countryside High School showed that students define an abusive relationship as physically and or verbally harming someone. A former domestic violence detective says it is “any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping or false imprisonment that occurs within a relationship and the relationship has been ongoing for the past 6 months.” According to the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in every three teenagers has been through a violent relationship due to a craving for power and control. Men who are abusers in relationships believe that they have the right to control their female partners; respect may be lost if they are attentive and supportive towards their girlfriends said the ACADV. Women, on the other hand, have unrealistic expectations and make unrealistic demands of men mostly because of fictional movies and books. Although, “women as the abuser is not frequently heard of, society believes the idea that men could be victims of domestic abuse and violence is so unthinkable to most people that many men will not even attempt to report the situation,” said an Oregon state handout covering domestic violence. A former detective from the Pinellas County Sheriff ’s Office said he believes this happens because “People do not know what a healthy relationship looks like – they learned it from their parents. Or the person has low self-esteem and is desperate for affection and attention.” Ms. McGlamery, an English teacher at Countryside,

said to “Get out [of the relationship] now” as did 100% of 25 surveyed students. Local police and teachers are always open to “breaking the cycle” of abusive relationships and over time, abuse usually gets worse. According to the Florida State Statute section 741.28, the abuser in a relationship would receive a minimum of 5 days in jail. On average, the Florida Domestic Violence h o t line responds to 132,629 calls per year. 12,468 of those calls came from people under 24. 6 8 % of reported abuse victims knew their attacker either as a boyfriend, friend, or a fellow peer. A current St. Petersburg College student, Melissa D o hme, was photo credit: a t tacked and stabbed by Robert Lee Burton Jr., her ex-boyfriend, 18 times in late January. She had broken up with him in October of last year because he had abused her and then was arrested for domestic battery. “He had been abusive the months before that, but threatened to kill me and himself if I was to get out or tell anyone. I was always scared he would do something like he did to me. I didn’t see him [from October through January] until he came and found me on [ January 24th] and that’s when he attacked and stabbed me” said Melissa. She was saved by a young couple who fought off Burton Jr. and called for help. Melissa was flown to the hospital where she received 12 pints of blood. Melissa had 2

intensive surgeries that first day and the next. “I spent 6 days in [the Intensive Care Unit], another 5 in a trauma room and a week in rehab. I also suffered a stroke. I have a broken nose, skull and upper mandible. I lost a tooth and of course stabs all over. I flat lined and died 4 different times. It’s a miracle I’m still here but I owe it to the two that called for me, the paramedics and trauma doctors.” Recalled Melissa. Her family and friends started a Support Melissa page on Facebook where updates about her status are made. There is a petition link on there as well to stop the spread of domestic violence. 14,664 more signatures are needed to reach their goal of 20,000 people who want to stop domestic violence. The state attorneys are trying to put him away for life because he committed such a heinous crime. Dating Violence lowers test scores according to Mark L. Hoekstra from the University of Pittsburgh. “We have found that students in violent relationships lowers their reading and math test scores and increases misbehavior in the classroom.” Some other common warning signs of an abuse victim are lack of concentration, jumpiness, depression, and many others. The leading cause of an abusive partner has been domestic violence in their family life. “Abusive parents are the leading cause of adolescence violence,” said Hoekstra. “Most forms of abuse are not a crime,” said the Deputy, “For example verbal abuse and or mental abuse. [it is] very detrimental to the person but it is not a crime. The only crime that a person could be charged with is Battery but that only covers a very small portion of abuse.” Looking for the given signs early in a relationship is key to protecting one’s self and others. “You can break the cycle [of abuse],” said Ms. McGlamery. Friends, teachers, and law enforcement officers are there to help with problems like this. First call 911, if that is not an option due to potential harm then the 24-hour abuse hot line is always open at 1-800-962-2873. Ms. McGlamery and Ms. Tait’s Teen Dating 101 club is willing to help as well. Help is the best option for everyone. Talk to someone about it as soon as possible because time is the biggest factor. Be strong and stand up for the unspoken.

Safe Haven Discovered In Safety Harbor haleyPETERS

features editor

Nestled alongside residential homes in Safety Harbor lies a series of cottages surrounded by shallow green hills, adorned with a prominent “Florida Sheriff ’s Youth Ranch” sign. When asked what lies beyond the fence surrounding the property, many people would reply they are uncertain of its inhabitants or ongoings. One Safety Harbor resident stated, “I always thought it was some sort of cross between a juvenile delinquency center and summer c amp. ” This misconception is one of many misguided views people regard towards the Youth Ranch, simply because of a lack of publicity surrounding this mysterious establishment. In actuality, the Florida Sheriff ’s Youth Ranch is a safe haven for approximately 30 kids ranging from ages 3 to 18.These children and teenagers arise from a variety of familial situations that resulted in their decision to reside at the Ranch. As Director Reed Rue of Pinellas County Sheriff ’s Office put it, “These are kids who have been through foster care, or suffered the loss of both their parents and have no other relatives to care for them, or were referred to the care of the Ranch by the Department of Children and Families.” Prior to their entrance into the program, kids are screened to ensure they are not serious juvenile offenders.

Additionally, they must be willing to perform daily chores and possess average or above-average intelligence. Children who meet the criteria are selectively chosen to reside at the Ranch, gaining a new family as well as a safe, happy environment in which to live, regardless of their tumultuous past. Director Reed Rue said, “They’re all good kids, they’re there because they want to be. They enjoy it.” Caity Sensenig, a Countryside Sophomore who has resided at the Ranch for the past 6 months, agreed, “It is most definitely a safe and healthy environment. Although there will always be dramatic moments living with 9 other girls!” Youth Ranch residents live in cottages that house 10 people each, generally separated by gender. Each cottage is complete with “cottage parents,” a married couple available to the kids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Chores are a part of the daily routine at the Ranch. “Everyone is assigned a chore. They range from sweeping and mopping to wiping down the fridges and dusting the furniture,” said Caity. The assignment of these chores coincides with the vision of the Florida Sheriff ’s Youth Ranch-- that through hard work and discipline, kids generate a good work ethic and develop a positive attitude. The Ranch also emphasizes

academic strength, aiming to help every child reach their full potential in school. Director Reed Rue said, “Many of them make excellent grades, and some go on to attend college.” Due to previous traumas in their lives, many kids arrive at the Ranch lacking the ability to trust others. The program acknowledges children’s love of play, and encourages learning to trust others and oneself through group activities. A nurturing environment as well as weekly church service provides otherwise underprivileged kids with all the positive aspects of childhood they deserve. As a result, Youth Ranch residents become respectful, hard-working citizens, often with a passionate drive to create a profitable life for themselves. “I plan on attending Johnson and Wales University for the Culinary Arts, I want to succeed in life as a Pastry Chef,” said Caity of her aspirations. With beneficial assistance from the Youth Ranch, young children and teens alike are given the opportunity to move forward in their lives, regardless of difficulties in their past.

Visitorsviewveterinariansatwork:BuschGardens’newat raction




staff writer

As if taking care of more than 2,000 animals from over 300 species was not enough, Busch Gardens has added a new “behind-the-scenes” point of view for visitors with its Animal Care Center. The new state of the art facility conducts the necessary nutrition and medical care crucial to the animals’ survival in their zoo habitat. Along with providing the ordinary and routine check-ups performed at the new center, it also constitutes a vital part of the animals’ health and safety. X-rays, treatments, and surgeries are performed by a dedicated staff of various health specialists, veterinarians, and zoologists. This facility lets guests of the park experience opportunities unique to the center. While in the center, visitors get the unusual chance to interact and talk with the staff; asking questions and getting a first hand look at what goes on in the day to day care of exotic animals. Education specialists are also present to give tours and lead demonstrations about planning and preparing the animals diets several times a day. In addition, guests can assist in prepar-

photo credit:

ing and administering everything from crickets to fruits and vegetables for the critters of the park. Animal lovers have never had a better chance to take

part in the animal care experience. The glass walls and audio capabilities permit an insider’s view to what was formerly hidden from the public. Visitors are granted the privilege of watching surgeries and procedures as cameras are placed over operating tables to give an interesting and rare vantage point. Watching on the monitors have made this possible, with zoo educators nearby to answer any questions and give a play by play to what is taking place behind the glass. Hands-on participation starts as soon as guests walk through the door of the center, where they are able to scan an interactive activity card at several stations throughout the tour and follow an animal from diagnosis, to treatment, to blood and lab work and eventually a final outcome. The Animal Care Center at Busch Gardens is in its first month, and can be found in the Nairobi area of the park. The zoological facility is the only one of its kind and has a promising future as a special and unique asset to a popular and local attraction.

Show Cougar Pride... Choose a SAFE Ride! background poster artist: Stephanie Rocco


: Eryn artist


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Artwork, courtesy 2011-2012 Anthony Telesca Foundation Safe Driving Poster Contest, Countryside HS

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staff writer

In 2005, the social network Facebook sparked in popularity. Facebook allows its members to connect with friends, family, and coworkers around the world. It provides everyone the ability to share pictures, update statuses, instant message, video chat, and play games. During 2011, the blogging site known as Tumblr claimed its fame.Tumblr is a place for mainly teens and young adults to express themselves with pictures, quotes, videos, and Graphics Interchange Format (referred to as GIFs). Nowadays teenagers spend approximately fifty-five hours on media, such as cell phones and the internet, a week. According to a new survey of the social networking habits of teenagers, relatively 93 percent of these teens have a Facebook account and 67 percent of them have a Tumblr; of course some people choose to have an account on both sites. “I prefer Tumblr because there is way too much drama on Facebook. On Tumblr, it’s easier to be yourself because you know that no one will judge you. Plus, there’s always plenty of people on Tumblr that have the same weird personality as you do. You can’t change Facebook because it’s mostly personal status and personal picture. In order to change Facebook, you have to change humanity,” said Mary Margaret Mason, sophomore at Countryside High School. “Tumblr is confusing and you’re surrounded by strangers. You don’t know who you’re following, but on Facebook you can keep in touch with all of your friends. That makes more sense,” said Kathryn Gaspie, sophomore at CHS. Tumblr is a site for anybody to blog their feelings without the fear of judgment, or as users would say, “to express, not impress”. On the other hand, Facebook is a place for people to share their life with friends and family. Both websites have their faults, though. Cyber bullying is a growing issue on Facebook. People are discriminated against, made fun of, and gossiped about. Fights on a post happen frequently, too. Some kids even friend request strangers and get into trouble in the long-run. Relationships have been ruined and teens have been killed after meeting up with these strangers or giving out too much information. Many believe this website gives kids too much freedom. Tumblr used to be a drama-free zone, but as more people joined, that factor vanished. On this website you can send anyone a message anonymously. Homosexuals, different races, and people who are not afraid to be themselves constantly receiving hateful messages from “anons”. Although Tumblr is filled with breathtaking photography and heartfelt quotes, self-esteems are at risk. Pictures of super models make a teen girl more self-conscious. Sex videos make others feel uncomfortable. Filmstrips of couples make single viewers feel alone. Depending on how someone interprets something can change the way that person is affected by it on Tumblr. Cons of both websites may drive away their users, but more people join each site every day. With time these trends will continue to escalate, making Tumblr and Facebook the capital of the virtual community of our generation.






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Bucs head in new direction haliKUDLER

sports editor On January 2, 2012, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers fired head coach Raheem Morris. Morris had been the head coach for the last three seasons, and after starting his stint in 2009 with a 3-13 record, had bounced back with a 10-6 record. However, Morris could not keep the momentum going in 2011, finishing with a disappointing 4-12 record. The 2011 season ended on a ten game losing streak, this after the Bucs had started the season 4-2. The season came to the surprise of many, as the Bucs had been so close to going to the playoffs the year before, and many NFL insiders had even picked them as a favorite to win the NFC South in the preseason. Morris had made so much progress the year before with such young talent, the future had looked so bright for the upcoming season. However, the 2011 season ended in disgrace, and with a lackluster record of 17-31, keeping Morris as head coach was no longer an option. Upon the firing of Morris, many photo credit n a m e s began to be tossed around as possible candidates for the job. Mike Sherman, Tom Clements, and Rob Chudzinski were just a few of the names mentioned. The Bucs had their eyes on Chip Kelly though, head coach at the University of Oregon. Kelly had led the Oregon Ducks to the 2010 BCS National Championship game, where they would lose to Auburn University, but had followed that with a 2011 Rose Bowl victory over the University of Wisconsin. This success led the Bucs owners to offer Kelly the head coaching position on January 23, 2012. Although it appeared the deal was close to completion, late that night it fell through, when Kelly stated he wished to stay at Oregon to compete for that National Championship that had eluded him. The Bucs moved on quickly, and on January 26, 2012, found their new head coach, Greg Schiano. The move to hire Schiano came has a massive surprise, for a few reasons. Schiano had barely even been mentioned as a candidate for the job, and appeared to take the job out of nowhere. Also, fans were left to speculate how Schiano could succeed on the professional level, when he was hired away from Rutgers University with a 68-67 record, and only finishing in the AP poll one time, never even winning his conference championship. With the offer to Kelly, it is obvious that Schiano was not the first choice for the Bucs. The Bucs appeared to settle for an extremely green coach with very little experience in the NFL, other than a short run as an assistant for the Chicago Bears. With no winning credentials, hiring Schiano is obviously a risky move for the Bucs, and Schiano will definitely have his work cut out for him in the 2012 season.


NFL blasted by bounty scandal zachSTEELE

Saints players who participated in the bounty scandal may also be at risk, not only of fines and suspenAs the NFL off-season takes off, the spotlight was ex- sions, but possibly of criminal charges. The NFL Players pected to be on the departure of Peyton Manning from the Association has encouraged players to seek protection Indianapolis Colts, the return of legendary wide receiver against the possibility of criminal charges for their inRandy Moss, and the top incoming prospects of Andrew volvement, although police have yet to get involved. These actions show how strongly the NFL, and speLuck or Robert Griffin III. Instead the focus of the pro cifi cally Roger Goodell, feel about breaking football world is on a much darker story: the bounty systhe rules. Th ese punishments tem, or the rewards program for headhunting players. appear to be an example On March 2, 2012, the NFL announced that they had to the entire NFL, to uncovered that defensive coordinator, Gregg Williams, show what had operated a system in which he paid players a bonus for h a p hard hits and deliberately injuring opposing players while p e n s when coaching the New Orleans Saints from 2009 to 2011. This ph ot oc tenure includes the Saints only Super Bowl Championship. you try red to be above it The punishments for this scandal are unprecedented. nj. co the league, and Saints head coach Sean Payton has been suspended for m the severe eff ects of the entire season without pay, a move that has shocked the entire league. Payton is the first head coach to ever attempting to do so. The discovery has be suspended by the NFL for any reason. The league felt lead to further investistrongly that Payton knowingly disobeyed NFL rules, gations into the suband had to be disciplined for undermining the league. ject of the bounties, Payton plans to appeal his season long suspension, but particularly into teams in the meantime is already in the works of finding a suitthat Williams has been able replacement in case he is gone for the entire season. involved with in the past. Payton has been in talks with former mentor Bill Parcells, Multiple sources and forand appears to be Payton’s number one choice to step in mer players of Williams for the season. Parcells, a two-time Super Bowl Champion, coached with Payton during his tenure as the Cow- have reported that this sysboys head coach, before Payton departed for the Saints. tem has been used by other The league didn’t stop teams that Williams has i n g t o n there however, they have coached, such as the WashWilliams has Redskins and Buff alo Bills. decided to suspend Wiland takes full admitted to the accusations, liams indefinitely, at least for this entire responsibility for his actions. loads of The topic has created season, and then debate amongst players and NFL commiss i o n e r analysts. Many former players feel like the bounty sysRoger tem isn’t that big of a deal, and most admit that it has been going on for some time, and is just part of the game of football. However, those outside of football have different opinions, and are disturbed and shocked by the brutality and barbaric nature of the game. The realization that in today’s society, people are paid to hurt other people is very hard for some to swallow. Regardless of opinion, this announcement deeply tarnishes the NFL photo credit image. NFL players are often looked up to as role but is someone who purposely goes out Goodell will come to terms m o d e l s , of his way to hurt others a role model? With the current with his fate after the season. Also, Saints general manmovement to make sports safer and less violent, it may be ager Mickey Loomis has been suspended for eight games, time for the NFL to accept that the days of old fashioned and assistant coach Joe Vitt for six, along with the football are over, and join the modern, safer world of sports. Saints losing two draft picks and being fined $500,000. opinion editor

NBA stars shine at All-Star Game


opinion editor

The 2011-2012 NBA season, once on the brink of not even happening, is now halfway through, and potentially more popular than ever. With rising stars such as Blake Griffin, Kevin Durant, and Derrick Rose, and superstars like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, the future seems bright for the NBA. There could not be a better way to display all this talent, then, with the 2012 NBA All-Star Game, hosted in Orlando, Florida this year. For only the second time, the All-Star Game headed to Orlando. However, this time it was played in the Orlando Magic’s new venue, the Amway Center. The Amway Center is much larger than the previous home to the Magic, the Amway Arena, and not to mention much more state of the art, featuring all the latest technology and amazing suites. The All-Star weekend kicked off on Friday, February 24, with the celebrity game and Rising Stars Challenge. The celebrity game featured the likes of comedian Kevin Hart, Vinny from Jersey Shore, and pop singer Ne-Yo. The game photo credit

had its competitive moments, but was mostly just a fun game, featuring many hilarious moments with Kevin Hart. The Rising Stars Challenge displayed some of the NBA’s finest young talent, including the brand new phenom, Jeremy Lin. Lin has risen to fame all around the world for his amazing success story, although he had only two points in the game. The real star of the game was Cleveland Cavaliers rookie Kyrie Irving, who put on a clinic, scoring 34, and leading team Barkley to a 145-133 victory over team Shaq. The day after displayed the particular talents of players, as Saturday featured the Three-Point Shootout and the Slam Dunk Contest. The Three-Point Shootout came down to Kevin Love of the Minnesota Timberwolves, and Kevin Durant, of the Oklahoma City Thunder, with Kevin Love prevailing in a playoff. The dunk contest followed, but in disappointing fashion. With a lack of star power and recognizable names, the dunk contest didn’t live up to the hype, and the crowd never really seemed into it. The e ve n t u a l l y winner was Jeremy Evans of the Utah Jazz, but fans seemed photo credit

very disappointed that the likes of LeBron James and hometown hero, Dwight Howard, weren’t participating. Finally, Sunday arrived, and the NBA-All Star Game took center stage. The game was high scoring as anticipated, and featured many flashy dunks and amazing passes. During the game Kobe Bryant passed NBA legend Michael Jordan, as the all-time leading scorer in All-Star game history. The game eventually came down to a last possession by the East All-Stars, down by two, with LeBron James staring down Kobe Bryant. However, in a surprising turn of events, LeBron decided to pass the ball off, and ended up turning the ball o v e r, and costing the Eastern AllStars the game. LeBron was heavily criticized for his failure to take on the challenge of Kobe, and for not giving the fans the match-up they wanted to see so badly. The weekend was a huge success though, as the NBA stars really put on a show for the fans, and the sold out All-Star game was exciting from beginning to end. With the first half of the NBA season over, the push to the playoffs should be even more exciting, as players step up their game, and pretenders are separated from contenders. photo credit



therumors wrestling:Looking behind the mats Defeating one race at a time katelynWABNUM

news editor

How far is the average athlete willing to go to be successful in his or her sport? It is safe to say that a change in mind, eating, and sleeping patterns is simply out of the question; and never thinking I can not, saying I will not, and refusing to help out your team in every way possible is considered absurd. If you could say that all of the above are part of your sports demands then you are most likely a wrestler. If not, welcome to the world of wrestling where twenty-four hour dedication is crucial. “It makes every physical obstacle I’ve faced in life seem easy.”-Cain Martin 106 lb weight class 14’. Starting in the realm of training, no matter the number of pounds benched and no matter how fast a mile time, no one ever walks into the gym on their first day of wrestling practice prepared. Most high school students do not realize that wrestling is not just sweaty mats and grappling; it is a sport that requires mental toughness and the use of muscles one never even knew existed. Blake Car, 170 lb weight class '14, unfortunately had to drop out during this years season due to a scholarly commitment. Though, the first day of practice he recalls walking in confident in his athletic ability since he previously played football for Countryside, but the exercises were intense. Ranging from supporting yourself entirely by the tips of your toes and your neck in a muscle building stance called a bridge to the standard sit ups- times one hundred. The thing on many players mind throughout the season and during practices is weight; losing it and gaining it, healthy or not. Feet pounding the track for hours at a time may suit certain athletes and having an optimistic state of mind may aid in perseverance;but the true strength lies within the boundaries of recognizing that what is happening is good for one's body, good for one's mentality, good for the team, and most importantly good for one's love of wrestling. Most of the teams members are lucky and stick to only losing/ gaining an average of 3-5 pounds in between matches and most agree that is the healthy way to go about staying in the preferred weight class. Wrestling is an one-on-one sport where members are matched with their opponents through a system of weight classing that pairs them theoretically with someone of similar size based on weight. Then within that wins and losses are taken into account. There is always the discrepancy of height and body build interfering with the sports level of fairness and that is why it is best to stay on the heavy side of the weight limits per class to ensure an upper

hand on the strength scale. This also prevents injury. Fortunately at Countryside the problem of injured/ill wrestlers has remained as minimal, as the risks of wrestling allow. Andy Mashburn, 120 lb weight class 13’, Suffered a minor ear injury this year- though still painful and not his first. The cartilage became broken within the top of the ears curve and if not treated would have turned into a condition commonly known as cauliflower ear officially, traumatic auricular hematoma. More devastating was an injured knee on the behalf of Zach Larsen, 195 lb weight class 12', that required surgery placing him out for the rest of his senior season. Common in most cases of 'newby' wrestlers motivation begins to set in and class time becomes wrestling’s helping hand. If one can fit in eighty percent of an assignment then distraction during practice lowers and recalling the information hours after practice and after leaving work seems less impossible. Noted before a wrestler did infact have to push aside wrestling for school work, yet that was pretty unusual. Though feeling beat after practice and needing to shower and sometimes eat along with other necessities, most agreed that though putting restraints on study time, wrestling practice also gave an incentive to keep a high GPA. Afterall C-side requires a minimum 2.0 GPA of students to participate in extracurriculars. “This team is not as large as say the football team, so the guys are pretty close knit- like brothers.” - Matt Collora 106 lb weight class '13 Individual wrestlers wins count for individual victory, but in the case of titles and tournaments the points are added together per school. This brings forth the occasional sacrifice implemented for the teams success. Weight can be a issue- needing to be lost to fit into a certain bracket that would equate to an obvious win. If the closest to the weight range is unwilling then like brothers, indeed, the next closest will step in, needing to try even harder than the first may have. In the end what matters most is not whether or not the intended weight loss was reached, just that the effort was put forth at personal expense for the greater good of the team. Sharing a passion for wrestling Coach Reynolds, describes the sport as one of varying technique. The hours upon hours spent at each week's three day practices are necessary to prepare each athlete for the moment when they are one-on-one with their opponent with no outside help. Each move is crucial and must be implemented automatically as time spent on the mat is kept down to the fraction of a second. Though, looking back on their high school career the team will remember what pushed them past their goals; For some it is the love of the sport for others the bond of the team, but for all it is truly oneself.


staff writer

With sweat trickling down their pulsating cheeks, the Countryside track team watched with dismay as the title of ‘undefeated’ crumbled before their eyes. This was the first district loss to occur within the past six years. An interference between football and other sports have impacted Countryside history. Many athletes claimed that the football coach of Countryside High School, Jared Davis, demanded them to not play any other sport besides football, or they may not have the privilege to participate in the season. These allegations are false. “Our coach has never straight out said that we couldn’t do other sports. Just that it isn’t recommended,” said Sophomore, Frank Peterson. After interviewing many football players, it seems as though Coach Davis did not directly tell the players they could not participate in any other sport, it was just highly cast down. “It’s not that our coach told us we weren’t allowed to play, it was just discouraged,” said Junior, Joe Ganci.“Although football had an influence on the fact that I’m not running track this year, it wasn’t an outside force that made me choose, that was something I did for myself.” The Cougars are lacking in sprinters and jumpers, usual contributors to Countryside wins. “This has taken a toll on our team, we would still be undefeated,” said Junior, Andrew Amstutz. Players that were interviewed were primarily concerned with the risk of receiving an injury. Therefore, chancing having to sit out or be cut from the team. After all, who desires a battered athlete? “It is very difficult for a student to play two sports during the season of those sports,” said Coach Jared Davis. “That said, we have had students who have participated in off-season programs with other sports during the fall football season without a problem at all. It is up to that student to manage their time between those sports and their academics.” With countless track meets still awaiting the Countryside High team, they hope to redeem themselves with astounding new records. They will put in twice the effort and will become unyielding. The runners will continue to scurry to the finish line and the defense will still pummel their opponents. Rumors may loiter between breaths about false accusations, but all Countryside sports will link together to prove that we can, and will, overcome any obstacle.

spring girls tackle the past


staff writer

photo credit the g n W ith r fadu fall e Mr.Yo his weath setting s. The r. years. ch.This is e u ed n v e o n t o cold r n g p a e o n coach quit. f u o k i l r c a y s t o l p i l s d o e a a v h n n e d c a i o e h s n ing a otball sea ring girls h side High S s the new hen he orig 07 when h oo old,” o p 0 i y f s w tt e n g il 2 ntr re I go in, fla one and th een at Cou , Mr.Bruso coach f rom lasted unt o f e b all sb re g ever eam back cess,” boys a football ha year; How e flag footb untr yside t d to come or suc f e g d e h o t t a t u s l t F n atti ach la ive year as ching the C then I wan ll he co a elop a d ut o v n c c e a e d footba s e g n was t o n g m o t i i a t t c s fl k n t i r i s s ar. he as fir wo fourth 2005. His year t gher this ye n. some ot of l t d s i a a d g L i in and . doin seaso high. t the bar h “I left id Brunson ar we are r the r are e a o s f e lms y o e t s y sa s n s i th tio ar He s ope a r t e “ This on. h o c y f e n s p s o i x Helm ve th tation runs Bruns igh e said B son’s expec good, but lso has h will impro last year.” re of a y d n mo m s Brun s not ver Helm ks the tea oofing arou d be much a h w a n record nior Han if she thin a lot of g team coul e Se ey hav rt the sked , there was Th a o . ff d n e n e e r s the ou Wh ed,“ Ye ittle bit mo ing ar c schedule, d k o n j o t p l i res ha are no rsity a hect ts wit ior va field at tainly h and had n r e u j c expec s. o s l t r 10 es ll gir . with n on the le a succ flag footba nce Octobe weekdays team, seven girls emino oxn i s e S o y l g Th m n n t e i o p a th on o6 s appr 12th onditi irls on 2:20 t d last n arch a been c last f rom as twenty g e are y M t r thi h ces her practi arsity team n mind, t as w s i v r The playe g this at six eepin arsity me starts K V . r m fo ga tea game chool. The hour. . e S a time t n s o fir The g h H i tely ima

“Seasons have changed and now the girls are coming out onto the fields” it fs4sp

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12 Seniors graduate to NFL players juke out the judicial system OPINION

community college mollyCURLS

staff writer

Graduation is an exciting time for Seniors. They have been waiting to wear the iconic cap and gown and receive that well deserved diploma their entire lives. For the majority of students, college is definitely a goal. Preferably to break free from their hometown and into a true college experience. Financial situations often lead students to community college. As the economy suffers, the convenience and affordability of a local college offers the best option to these kids. They are able to save money by staying at home under their parents’ roof, and maintain a job locally, to net some extra money. A community college is half as expensive than four years in a state university, and Photo Credit: (SPC logo) one tenth of the (SPC Campus) expense of a private school. The cost of a community college student who earned the same bachelor’s degree as a peer from a fouryear university is significantly less for the first option. For students who did less than outstanding in high school, community college allows a chance to redeem themselves. It is made possible to attend a community college for two years and make the smooth transfer to the individual’s school of choice, such as a four year university. After have completing a couple years at community college, the chance of a larger college or university glancing at SAT scores or high school transcripts is very slim. This is good news for the kids who might not be accepted to their preferred college right out of high school.


entertainment editor

ty more candidates for the position with a clean record. As a prime example of this, Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ Corner-back, Aqib Talib, has been arrested several times since being drafted in 2008 and he will be making an estimated salary of over $2,000,000 in 2012 alone. He was charged on two separate occasions, one time for battery and resisting arrest, the other for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Needless to say, he is still the starting corner-back. In most other professions, Mr. Talib would have been fired. Criminals exist in our society and they always will. Background checks are run for every profession and consequences are paid by those who have anything but a clean record, but in the entertainment

Crime is, and always will be a huge part of society. It is something that coexists alongside laws; laws that, if broken, the perpetrator must pay for with some type of consequence. An issue that most people do not think about is what happens to a criminal after he or she is done serving their time. Most of the time, if an offense is serious enough, then the ex-convict can have a very difficult time finding an employer that will hire them due to their crime(s). So the real question is: why is it relatively easy for a criminal to make millions of dollars a year as an athlete? Being a professional athlete is a job unlike any other, but it is a job nonetheless. The athlete is employed like any other employee, has to go through a screening and photo credit background check like any other employee, and has to work like any ictured above, Buccaneers cornerback Aqib other employee. So why are so many Talib after turning himself in for aggravated athletes ex-convicts? According to assault with a deadly weapon., 507 arrests were .wikipe redit en c made in 2010 alone for the NFL. to o h p In addition to this, “Since 2000, the drunkendriving arrest rate of NFL players is 1 in 144, compared to a national rate of 1 in 135.” With such a very select few people able to have these highly sought after business. jobs due to fame and fortune, why are so Th ose who are wealthy somehow many of these people able to be criminals manage to sidestep the judicial system and and still have their jobs? Is their skill the remain employed as long as they can peronly thing that matters to the team ownform at the high standard that is set for them. ers? Even if this was the case, there are plen-



sports editor Vans, an extremely popular skate shoe that is also fashionable, have been challenged for anti-Semitic message on the soles of their shoe since the 1960’s. On the bottom of the shoe a repeating pattern of the Star of David can be seen. It has been said that the founder was anti-Jewish or a Neo-Nazi and is “stepping on the Jews.” The Anti-Defamation League decided to investigate the potential threat. The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 to stop the false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all. They spoke with the Corporate Executive Officer of Vans and he said,,“That it was not done with any awareness that it was the Star of David.” Another Vans spokesperson said there was a problem with the shoe cracking where the foot bends while walking and therefore decided to add another set of vertical lines.This unintentionally created the Star of David. Junior, Harry Finkelstein said he would be offended if the company’s intentions were to “step on Jews” but since that is not the intention, it is just another footprint to him. The rumor that has been passed around since their creation has been proven a legitimate rumor and not a fact. The company is willing to explain how they came about the mishap in their shoes if contacted and said it is all a ler ud misunderstanding. K i al H it d e cr oto ph

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Vans: Fact or Fiction?



: e d c e d s n Tee k?

rin d o t t o n r rink o

To d


er b o S g n i Stay


ment edit


photo credits Hali Kudler

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staff writer

Personality Quiz

... e, you say c n a d o t ks you ` r crush as u o y d n a nce ur nerves a o d y a e t s a u a re c You a nk you” be 1. “No tha y. take over. r it anywa fo o g d y. n h...” a night awa e h t e 2. ”Oh gos c n a to” and d 3. “I’d love

It’s about a n hour or s o into the d make-up is ance and y wearing off ou notice th , s o y o u .. . at your 1. Ignore it and procee d with the 2. Attempt dance. to fix it wit h your fing 3. Freak ou e rs and a m t, grab you ini mirror. room and r m a k e -up bag an edit your a d run to th ppearance e bath .

k, you... for the next wee ed d n u ro g n n. ee ithout permissio ays and you’ve b w d e o av tw le in to is an ce th r ette The dan t ause you know b st that one nigh ju e av h u 1. Stay home bec yo t le u go to the your parents to ts will not let yo en ar p 2. Try to convince r u yo w o ause you kn 3. Sneak out bec dance.


C a r a m e l Cups

You are at the d ance and you se e your boyfriend ing with someo /girlfriend dancne else, you... 1. Don’t have a d ate... 2. Go vent to yo ur best friend fo r support 3. Stand up to h im/her and say “w e are done”

.. the dance, you are. It’s an hour before ching TV 1. Chilling and wat t ready 2. Preparing to ge king you’ll never be 3. Going crazy, thin ready in time

A risk taker. When opportunities and chances come your way, you take Your them. You do not always follow ego and reputathe rules, but you stand up for what tion does not matter all you believe in, no matter what others that much to you. Parties aren’t say. You are a party animal. You are really your thing and you enjoy time always busy at parties or doing things alone. You are afraid of love, in fear with friends and your appearance of having your heart broken. You stay matters so much to you. Everyback and let others solve problems, thing must be perfect. Also, when really you know what the right you are desperate for thing to do is, but you don’t have You love. the voice to say what you are obviously tryneed to say. ing to leave your mark at school. You know what is wrong and what is right and you have supportive, trust-worthy friends that will always be there for you. Appearance somewhat matters to you, but you know that there is more to life than just looks. As for your love life, you do not go around and play with all the guys/girls, but you do not stand back either; you are simply waiting for the perfect guy or girl and follow your heart.


Add up 2 how many of each number you chose, If you selected mostly...


news editor

~1 pouch (1 lb 1.5 oz) Betty Crocker® chocolate chip cookie mix ~½ cup butter or margarine, softened ~1 egg ~36 round chewy caramels in milk chocolate, unwrapped (Rolos) ~108 mini marshmallows (1 cup) ~½ cup semisweet chocolate chips

Heat oven to 375°F. Spray 36 mini muffin cups with cooking spray. Make cookie dough as directed on package, using butter and egg. Shape dough into 36 (1-inch) balls. Place 1 ball into each muffin cup. Bake 8 to 9 minutes or until edges begin to brown. Remove from oven; firmly press 1 candy into center of each cookie until flush with cookie top. Top each with 3 marshmallows. Bake 2 to 4 minutes longer or until marshmallows are puffed. Cool 30 minutes. Loosen edges of cookie with small metal spatula and remove to cooling racks. Cool completely. Place chocolate chips in small resealable freezer plastic bag. Microwave on High about 1 minute or until softened. Gently squeeze bag until chocolate is smooth; cut off tiny corner of bag. Squeeze bag to drizzle chocolate over marshmallows. Let stand until hardened, about 10 minutes.






news editor

around with purple light up necklaces. Countryside follows traditional relay events too, with the Look Good, Feel Better, Miss Relay contest. A handful of other activities also happen throughout the night. Senior, Ray Torres said, “My favorite part of relay was that there was a different activity every hour. The marshmallow contest and and the Miss Relay Pageant were fun. Although I didn’t feel prepared for the Miss Relay contest because I didn’t have a talent. A survivor’s dinner is held at the relay, and all preregistered survivors get a free catered dinner from Bonefish Grill. It is held in the end zone. One caregiver and each survivor get a full meal and a t-shirt. Countryside has many goals for this upcoming relay. Thirty active teams are hoped to be registered by relay and $1000 should be raised by each team; however, teams should strive for $2500 or more. C-Side is also striving to raise $55,000, but so far we are only one fifth of the way there. For the most part, high participation and a lot of fun is expected this year. Mr. Marn has raised the most money, individually, with $1000 this year. He gets his students to donate a large majority of the money. Ms. McGovern’s APES team has raised the most as team. Participants of relay raise money by donations and selling items such as t-shirts, baked goods, and bracelets. Mr. Marn said, “I just like helping people. I like the feeling. I wish I could inspire the kids, but you can only do the best you can. I think it is my responsibility to help people. Doing this makes me feel like I am earning my place on earth. Relay for Life changes many people’s lives. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are raised each year to help with cancer research. This event motivates people in the Countryside High School community and all over the world become motivated, to make a difference, and try to find a cure. photo credit Dana Harris

Relay for Life is a charitable event that raises money for cancer research. Since the first relay, founded by Dr. Gordy Klatt, in May, 1985, thousands more have been held throughout the country. Over three billion dollars have been raised for cancer research through all the events. This year, is Countryside High Schools second annual Relay for Life. Relay for Life is being held on April 20th, 2012, at the track of Countryside High School. The theme of the relay is Movies for the Cougars Ultimate Relay Experience (CURE). Each team is required to pick a movie and decorate their tents according to the movie of their choosing. This event is completely done by volunteer work. A committee, made up of thirty faculty members, staff, and students, work together to make it happen. There is also an American Cancer Society chair, who has a budget to pay for the event. This group organizes the event and is in charge of all aspects of the relay. There are currently 29 teams registered for relay. For the most part, teams are made up of ten students with one adult captain; however, teams vary from having one person to 15 participants. If more than 15 people sign up for the same team, it is divided into two different groups, so there is more space for the team members to sleep at the relay. Anyone part of the Countryside High School community is able to participate in Relay for Life. To register a team, a group of students, with one captain, must go to with a $100 fee. The fee is a head start for the fundraising. There are plenty of tactics to get everyone excited for relay. For example, every Friday is “wear purple day”. This “purple day” helps people become aware of the fight against cancer. Each student that is wearing purple gets spirit stubs, these give teams points to win prizes on the day of Relay. In addition, there are incentives for raising the most money. The team and individual that gets the most money wins a prize. Finally, there are two meetings every month

to keep students involved. There are many traditions held at Relay for Life. Not only is it an overnight styled event, where a member of each team is always walking, it is also fun and sentimental. There are a variety of games and activities held throughout the night to keep relay participants awake all night and entertained. In addition to the fun, there is also a time to remember those lost to cancer, and those who fought it and survived. Relay for Life’s slogan is “Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back”. A traditional relay holds three symbolic ceremonies in order to do just that. The three rituals are the “survivors lap”, “luminaria ceremony” and “fight back ceremony”. The “survivors lap” starts off the relay by celebrating those who fought the disease and endured through the difficult time. It also commemorates the caregivers, who dedicate their time, love and support, to those who suffered from the disease. After dark, the “luminaria ceremony” occurs. Decorated white paper bags, with a candle placed inside, are lit to remember those who have passed away from cancer. Written on each bag is the name of someone who has passed away from cancer. Finally, the “fight back ceremony” is held. Everyone makes a small, personal pledge to fight cancer, in their own way. This commitment, to take a stand against this disease that takes so many lives and effects the lives of even more, is one of the first steps in taking action. This is Countryside’s first year having the “fight back ceremony”. To keep all the relay participates awake all night, there is a large variety of fun activities. One thing that is specifically unique to Countryside’s relay is a flash mob, every hour, on the hour. A dance was constructed to various songs, and by the end of the night, everyone knew it. In addition, during the “luminaria ceremony”, students walk

Relay for Life April 20th, 2012 Countryside High School 6:00pm

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