Countryside High School Pawprint Newspaper Volume 36 Issue 1

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Friday, October 3, 2014 /// Volume 36 Issue 1 /// Countryside High School - Clearwater, FL


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Changing for success rylanFRITZ

Searching for jobs 101 franGUARRACI

pawparazzi editor

not even an Being a teenager can get expensive and allowance will not cut it. but it is not Getting a job at a young age can be hard r and looking for impossible. Although, being a teenage to businesses not a job can be very overwhelming due it becomes semi wanting to hire inexperienced people, down. Here are ken manageable when the process is bro ten easy steps to get started!

Malls are a Go around and see who is hiring. the holind arou ly great place to start, especial day time. Employers are desperate! ts to go blind • Research the company, no one wan folded into something! not just include • Start a resume. A resume does t school work experiences, it can consist of wha are from, you are currently attending, where you what could activities participated in, hobbies or never lie! be offered to the business. Remember, ut twoabo • Turn in the job application, give up on it. three business days and call to check set up, make a • Once and interview has been in learnlist of things that might interest you know ady alre ing from the business or what you gy, nolo tech about the business. Include: social, ls. interpersonal, and logical thinking skil re you ensu to y earl • Arrive about ten minutes If the y. earl too will not be late and will not be feel will arrival time is too soon the interviewer Arrush. pressured to drop ever ything and feel ager that man ng hiri riving on time shows the you are able to be depended on. appropriately; • Time to ace that interview! Dress r is going this is the first thing the hiring manage ng in the see and first impressions are ever ythi questions g erin business world. Practice answ smile! and you think they might ask. Stay calm is completed, • Follow up. When the interview e your inthank them for their time and reiterat terest in the position. impression on • Make a long lasting, confident eye conthe interviewer. How? A smile. Direct nds like a tact for trust and the words, “It sou to hearard forw great opportunity ” or “I’ll look a firm with ing from you.” Close the interview but gentle handshake.

will get back “The phone call.” Normally businesses aware they are into you within five days to make you e and to see if you terested in getting to know you mor checking up on are still interested but calling them and how bad you and the interview proves how interested want it.

sports editor

New and old students alike have most likely noticed the TV’s displayed outside the lunch room and the flashy marquee outside, located on the intersection of SR580 and McMullen Booth Rd. Having written on this topic last year, it was apparent the staff and administration were fairly amatuer when it came to using the equipment since, at the time, it was newly installed. The marquee, having 1000’s of capabilities, is now being used at full potential. Flashing dozens of informational and news updates, the marquee is showing great use for Countryside High School. The tardy booth is now reinstalled at Countryside. Located in front of M-Wing, the block shaped building is now used for students that did not beat the bell to class. When late to class, a student must report to the tardy booth, and receive a pass back to class. It is apparent the administration is

cracking down on those running late to class, mainly to avoid clutter, disorganization, and hallway stragglers. The lunch room TV’s are being used for nutritional facts, just as they were last year. However, last year many students wondered what the screens would be used for. The screens are only to be used for displaying nutritional facts and what is for lunch. Florida’s health department concluded that displaying nutritional facts and what’s for lunch will increase revenue and will allow students to be aware of what they are consuming. Also, the school has received a “healthy” makeover by ridding sugary, fatty, and unhealthy foods. Replacing these are diet, whole grain, and healthier versions of their preceders. Many changes have and will be made to Countryside’s school and hopefully, other schools as well, for the success of the country.

Workin’ six to nine, what a way to get an education jennaRIVEROS

staff writer

Like most years,the beginning of the 2014-15 school year has brought many changes for Pinellas county students. The school board voted to change the grading period from six weeks to nine weeks. Students will have fewer report cards and a shorter first semester. In recent years, students would take exams after returning from the two week winter break. The new schedule will allow students to take their exams and complete the first semester before winter break. Sophomore, Isabella Hill said “I think my grades will improve because I will have more time” . The school district feels that the extended grading period would give students more time to learn new material, or recover from a failing grade. This change will also help students who

are enrolled in college-level, or dual-enrollment courses because the calendar matches more closely with other school districts and colleges. The grading period change would also allow teachers more planning time. The school began for teachers on August eighth, giving them six planning days before school began. Also, each nine week grading period will begin with a teacher planning day. The extended grading period will allow teachers more time to present the material required for their subject. English Teacher Mrs. Barthel told us “I don’t think the nine will affect it too much, I think i’ll be able to have more long term projects Thanksgiving break will be November 24-28, winter break from December. 22 to January 6, and spring break is March 30 to April 3. The school year will end June 2.


October 3rd, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Welcoming the new teachers on the block

Are we safe or Pinellas County are we sorry? End Of Course



staff writer

There have been a lot of new additions and changes to Countryside High School this 2014-2015 school year, including 14 new teachers. Deanna Barthel, Nagia Bogdani-Xheni, Tyler Campanella, Angela Clifford, Meghan Frye, Terry Hektoen, Mike Lube, Mary Magee, Klarinda Osmani, Patricia Parker, Pamela Reed, Amber Scarallo, and Christopher Wolford are among these new additions. Most of the new teachers here at Countryside have previously taught at other schools. Not all of the new teachers are here for the same reason. Countryside’s new Language Arts teacher, Deanna Barthel, who previously taught at Safety Harbor Middle School, said “I have a young daughter and because high school is dismissed so much earlier than middle school I get to spend more time with her”. Some new teachers are effortlessly switching into the Countryside agenda while others may be having a bit of a struggle. “This has been a fairly easy transition to high school. The staff here is great, and I already knew so many students who went to Safety Harbor Middle School. Both made this an easy adjustment for me.” said Mr. Campanella. Countryside students and faculty are delighted to embrace these new additions to the cougar family.

staff writer

The new 2014-2015 school year has brought many changes. Even with all the new alterations to Countryside High School policies, there is one thing no one can ignore: the increased police presence on school campus. Anyone who drives up to the school is likely to see two law enforcement officers perched atop their motorcycles right outside the student parking lot, yet there is some debate as to why they are here. Many Countryside staff members claim it is to protect the students; while many students believe it is simply to prevent them from leaving campus. Whether they are here for protection or punishment, there is no doubt that they have sparked some controversy among both students and teachers. There are additional claims that criticize the school for not doing anything about the issue of skipping school and leaving campus in the past. Kathryn Gaspie, a former student of Countryside, said “First of all, I never skipped. If I ever left campus it was because I did not have a seventh period. They never stopped me. However, now that I volunteer here, I have been stopped twice leaving this year.” When asked about their presence at the school, the officers made no comment.

scores are on the rise jennaRIVEROS

staff writer

As part of Florida’s “next generation strategic plan”, students will be evaluated using EOC assessments. The transition to EOC testing began in 2011 with the Algebra 1 EOC assessment. Biology 1 and Geometry EOC assessments followed in 2012 and the US History EOC was first given in 2013. The Civics EOC will be given for the first time in 2014. EOC test scores will be one of the few consistent ways left to measure a student’s success, since the FCAT is being replaced with a new standardized test. The EOC tests are designed to measure a student’s conceptual understanding of the subject, rather than memorization of facts that are easily forgotten. According to the Florida department of education, Pinellas county students scored as follows:

Ganging up on school spirit sarahBLOCK

Reproduced by permission of Danielle Eisfelder

staff writer and the group was shut down after only a short time. When thinking of high school sports, people often This year students tried to start another group called think of large masses of students cheering on their school’s the Gold Gang. “We’re trying to go to all games. I would teams. It is something like to see more students get many students look forinvolved so that Countryside ward to when they are can have the biggest, best going into high school group in the county” said and are surprised at just Burk Luca, a member of the how little school spirit Gold Gang. there really is. The Gold Gang is trying Schools around Pito encourage school spirit nellas County are startand get students together to ing their own spirit cheer on their classmates, but groups to cheer on their because of the actions that school’s teams. Palm took place last year with the Harbor University has Cougar Crazies, the school the Rowdies, Dunedin has disapproved of the Gold has the Red Zone, and Gang. East Lake’s Blue Crue The group is trying to is back after another add to boost the morale of successful year. Countryside High School, Last year, students but if similar events were to at Countryside High happen, any teacher or adSchool tried to start a ministrater associated with student fan club called the group could be held rethe Cougar Crazies. sponsible for their actions. Sadly, it did not work The Gold Gang is trying old Gang cheering on Countryside High School at out too well. Students to find a way to stay together the Septemeber 5th home game against Bradenton’s showed up to games as a group, but only time will South East High School. under the influence tell if the group survives.


Pinellas County students improved their scores in three out of four subjects from the previous year. However, their test scores are lower in three out of the four subjects than the rest of the state. The only subject in which Pinellas students exceeded the state average was History. The scores are more important this year. For the first time, they will partially determine whether students pass courses and graduate with the new “scholar” designation on their diploma. More importantly, the Florida department of education hopes the EOC assessments will help increase student achievement and improve college and career readiness.

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October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Isis makes forScottish votes deny Seccession ward advances jackWALKER

news editor

Illustration by Jules Truong

Almost 313 years to the day has Scotland has been under the rule of the Kingdom of Great Britain. Not since the early 18th century has Scotland been an independent nation. That is until earlier this year when the Scottish National Party, a majority party in the Scottish government, began spearheading an intense media campaign promoting a complete separation from their parent country. lded mixed results. Regardless of divided general opinion on the subject, (predominantly a 50% 50% split) an official referendum will be held on Thursday Sept. 18th. Additionally, if all goes well on voting day, Scotlands expects a full separation by March of 2016. As for the status of the country, Scotland as it exists now is an EU member as part of Great Britain. But if requirements are met in a timely manner experts believe there should be little to no problem in Scotland re-joining as an independent nation. “Any future independent Scotland’s EU member-


news editor

For as long as Islam has thrived, so has a certain set of ideals that have become synonymous with the religion itself. None of these more prominent than the world-wide caliphate. Since the very beginnings of Islam, the Quran (the holy book of Islam) tells of a direct descendant to the prophet Mohammed ruling the world as a religious theocracy, and representing the entirety of the Muslim world. Under such a state the law of Sharia would reign supreme. Sharia being a moral and religious standard, the interpretation of which is set forth by the Quran and the Islamic community as a whole. Not since the abolition of the Ottoman Islamic Ca-


Gay Marriage ban is lifted in Florida rielleBIHUN

staff writer

In some eyes of the public, homosexuality is seen as a sin against God’s will. The state of Florida legalized same-sex marriage on August 21, 2014. “The Florida provisions that prohibit the recognition of same-sex marriages lawfully entered elsewhere, like the federal provision, are unconstitutional,” CNN quotes U.S District Judge Robert Hinkle, “So is the Florida ban on entering same-sex marriages.” This will not be put into effect immediately, seeing as higher courts can later reverse Hinkle’s decision. This would leave some couples in a potential legal limbo. Everyone has a different opinion on this matter, even the state top elected Governor Rick Scott has an opinion as well. Along with an estimated 49% of the rest of the U.S, Scott believes in the traditional mar- riage of one man and one woman. Florida is not the only state under court review on same-sex marriage. Other states include: Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Ken- Illustration by Lennon Waterson tucky, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. While other states already legalized same-sex marriage, such as California, Connecticut, Del-

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ship should be assured, and its transition from EU membership qua part of the UK, to EU membership qua independent Scotland relatively smooth and straightforward” stated Professor Sionaidh DouglasScott, Professor of European and Human Rights Law at Oxford University. As far as the future for England itself, the water is murky. If Scotland separates from England, it is a likely possibility places with similar nationalistic feelings like Wales and northern Ireland will soon follow in secession. And with the resurgence of the “Real Irish Republican Army”, a pseudo vigilante group who advocates using violent campaign tactics to gain independence for northern Ireland (their name is an allusion to the Provisional IRA, an Irish terrorist group whose fought English occupation in the 90’s) there is fear of such a group once again terrorizing Ireland. These are all dangerous prospects for the island country, as their international influence could seriously diminish. Whatever happens on referendum day, the people of Scotland, and the international community as a whole, will anxiously await the birth of a new nation

liphate has a substantial Caliph rose to power. That is until this past summer where, still in the midst of a brutal civil war, a certain militant group was able to secure large swaths of land in both Iraq and Syria taking both militaries by surprise and sweeping through the countryside taking victory after victory. In their early days they went by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) but after making significant land grabs have adopted the name IS (The Islamic State). Since their growing presence throughout Iraq and Syria, they have adopted a ruthless practice of indoctrination to children as young as four and five, teaching them extremist ideals and jihad. Violent militants they may be, a large part of their lightning success can be attributed to their impeccable skills for administration, and advance weaponry they were able to obtain from the sorely defeated Iraqi army. Tools of war which, were provided and given by the United States. But it wasn’t until the 29th of June that the quasi-state was able to truly shock the world with the declaration of a new Islamic Caliphate, led by the mysterious and influential Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (now Amīr al-Mu’minīn/ Caliph Ibrahim) who holds the claim to indeed be a descendent of the prophet Muhammad. With increased U.S support against ISIS (largely in response to the executions of American journalists, and accusations of war crimes) only time can tell if this threat, to muslims and non-muslims alike, can ever be resolved.

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aware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont. Florida has been in a long fight for gay rights especially after past President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, banning federal recognition of same-sex marriage. The definition of love is profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, this does not specify of the opposite sex or not. So, this brings up the question of, is same-sex marriage really wrong? For by definition, it does not forbid us to date or marry the same sex, only that one feels a passionate affection for another human being.


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Cave Paintings Found in Gibraltar lennonWATERSON

staff writer

Ferguson police and citizens cause chaos

This event was seen by at least 5 eye witnesses, all of whom have the same story to tell. It is the FerguThe days are somewhat peaceful. The shouts and son police whose story keeps changing. At first, the reason for killing Brown was because heavy crunch of tires on asphalt feeling only like a the police officer thought that he was reaching for a distant nightmare, but as soon as night falls, the horconcealed weapon. Then, the story changed yet again ror returns in full force with some new surprise waitbecause Brown had supposedly robbed a convenience ing under the shroud of night. store moments before. In Ferguson, Missouri, it is chaos due to what was The situation continues to spiral out of control perceived by many as a racial crime against 18-yearwhen peaceful protesters over Brown’s death are arold Michael Brown who was shot and killed on Aurested and shot at with rubber bullets. The police have gust 9, 2014. been weaponized with guns and tools that even war According to eyewitnesses, one of which was veterans have not seen before. Peaceful protestors as Dorian Johnson, a friend that Brown was walking well as media personnel are being tear gassed for simwith, a police car pulled up next to them. The officer ply being near the police. in the car told them to get back on the sidewalk. What is happening in Johnson told Ferguson just continues the officer that they to worsen as the days go were only minutes by and it is all based on a from their destinaracial crime as well as an tion when the cop unneeded weaponization car backed up. From of local police against other eye witnesses, peaceful protestors. the story is the same The atmosphere and from then on. Brown situation in Ferguson is was pulled by the heavy with dread and neck into the winhorror, those who are citdow of the car before izens, are not safe. They a shot is fired off. have to fear the people Brown and Johnwho are supposed to son both st+arted to serve and protect them. run away from the reproduced by permission of “The pre-existing racop car when the cial segregation of Ferguson and the disproportionate officer-later identified as Darren Wilson-got out ratio of white to black officers on the Ferguson police and pursued them on foot; all the while, the officer department all led up to the explosive conflict,”says shot at the two teens. Brown turned around and put Lauren Whitaker, sophomore, “There’s such little rehis hands up, showing that he was stopping and unpercussions on police misconduct and I think somearmed. thing definitely needs to be done about that.” However, it did not seem to faze the officer for julesTRUONG

For decades, archaeologists around the world have thought that Neanderthals were simply ancestors of humans that were incapable of higher level thinking. However, with recent evidence found in Gibraltar, that theory has been challenged. In July of 2012, odd markings were spotted in a cave in Gibraltar. The final excavation of the site revealed 40,000 year old designs that shed a new light on the development of man. This groundbreaking find supports a brand new theory: Neanderthals were creatures capable of abstract thought and expression.

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Though these etchings are just abstract lines engraved in stone, it is a revolutionary discovery. These lines would have taken hours upon hours of concentrated work with no clear, practical purpose. This aimless exertion of labor is what we would consider today to be art. Art is a trait that, for many years, was thought to be unique to human beings, as it is a sign of advanced thinking and the ability to produce abstract thoughts. Since new information about Neanderthals (a close ancestor of Homo sapiens sapiens) has come about, it may change what we know about the development of mankind as a whole. Different theories about the development of man are now making their way into the work of archaeologists and anthropologists all around the world.


staff writer

he would continue to walk towards them, shooting until Brown’s body hit the floor.

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October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

From skinned knees to broken hearts meghanMOREY

angelaBOOTH page editor

Innocence is a state of being, it is a word formed by nine fragile letters that shatter to pieces at the sharp knife of a once beloved lover. You walk in with optimistic dreams of love and a feeling of completeness, but you are eventually pushed out to your own lonely solitude with a splintered heart and a confused, incomprehensible mind. Somehow after all the aftermath of a heartbreak, that person still manages to be beloved to you without even attempting. They take over every nook and cranny of your head and are in the spotlight of every thought your brain still manages to produce. It is truly unbelievable how some people can affect your life like they can; it is amazing how just one song can take you back to that Tuesday morning at 6:15 am where you breathed in the scent of his daily coffee and cigarettes in the moonlight, or how driving by a vary spot can fill your head with memories of holding hands with the girl you once plotted spending the rest of your life with. How are you supposed to get away from something that refuses to escape you internally? If you manage to live a full life without experiencing a broken heart at least once, you are either a liar or one of the lucky ones. Although, maybe not. Maybe the lucky ones are the ones who have been hurt the most, the ones who spent uncountable nights crying themselves to sleep over the loss of someone who promised them more than they ever gave. Possibly the lucky ones are the people who overcame turning to some sort of substance or inflicted themselves with physical pain to numb the inner battle they were facing because they just could not take it anymore. They might be the lucky ones because they are the ones who were pushed into the darkest of places and yet still managed to grow the most. I have a short, little message to all of those out there who are going through a hard time: Be strong. Always know that no matter what heartbreak or loss you go through, you are not alone. The rain always stops eventually, leaving behind a rainbow. You just have to get past this and be strong because something greater is waiting for you just behind the corner. You will never know what the future has in store until it happens, so take control of your happiness and take on the world. I have yet to decide whether or not I believe in “time heals everything,” but regardless I have come to the conclusion that no matter what happens now, at some point things will be better. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, maybe next year, but it will be. Remember that you are only on Earth for a short period of time, do not waste it. Go to that dinner with your parents, play that dumb game with your siblings, and help your friends out when you can. Live your life and spend time with those you love, because in the end, they are the ones who will have been there through thick in thin. Through love and despair, happiness and sadness, beginnings and ends, they will still be there My father always told me that the older you get, the faster time passes. I never quite believed his theory until I, myself, started to watch the years pass with an accelerating pace. Some days feel like they drag on while you are living through it, but upon looking back the year seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Sometimes 24 hours may feel like a lifetime, but 365 days feels like only a moment.

“Sometimes 24 hours may feel like a lifetime, but 365 days feels like only a moment”

Trapped in a social cocoon entertainment editor

Social anxiety can easily be defined from a medical standpoint; however, the emotional toll it takes on countless numbers of children, teens, and adults is almost inexplicable. The average individual experiences some form of social anxiety, whether mild or extreme, at least once in their life time. This heavy burden of social anxiety placed on the mind puts an impediment on people’s everyday life. Social anxiety makes one question whether or not they want to compliment their neighbor on their adorable new shoes. It would cause one to facepalm on their own behalf for making a weird comment or to shrivel up in shame and embarrassment over their minor, undesirable tendencies. Social anxiety can be overcome. This may seem easier said than done, but like many other mild mental instabilities and insecurities, to overcome social anxiety, the first step is for one to alter their perceptions of reality. The anxious mind typically perceives the world and the people surrounding them as malicious and menacing. Though there are harsh realities in today’s society, the true nature and essence of human beings does not encompass cruelty just for the sake of cruelty. To get past this thought process, one could start becoming present to the beauty and awesomeness in people. As tacky as it sounds, this method is effective. Instead of worrying about the self constantly, placing one’s attention elsewhere can be calming and allow one to feel more comfortable in social scenarios. People who have social anxiety also typically think that there is something wrong with themselves and that there are not others like them. This is an obvious misconception. Whether or not people like to admit it, everyone cares to a degree about being socially accepted. The final step in diminishing this barrier of the mind is to practice being courageous. It is irrelevant if one does not identify themselves as being brave. Think of being courageous as not being

“the suppression of self-expression can cause depression” fearless, but rather acting in the face of fear. In a TED talk regarding social anxiety, speaker Chad Littlefield uses the term “positive social risks” for these noble, courageous acts. In order to advance one’s social skills, Littlefield had insightfully stated, “stretch your personal comfort zone, disrupt your pattern of social interaction, and make genuine connections with those around you through these positive social risks.” Individuals with Social Anxiety Disorder typically have other mood disorders accompanied with them. The suppression of selfexpression can cause depression and the characteristics of anxiety involving paranoia and phobias can go hand-in-hand with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or Schizophrenia. Talking to a close friend about these feelings is also helpful to make more sense of the chaos that occurs in the mind. Easing social anxiety does not occur overnight. Changing thought processes takes months, even years for some. It requires a high degree of patience with the self and acceptance of all insecurities before major personal development occurs. Though everyone seems to roll their eyes at them, these cliché typical psychologist phrase are undeniably true. Everyone deserves the opportunity to express their greatness to the world and to not be stopped by the critical little voices in their heads that keeps their true, inner beauty from being revealed.


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Dealing with the monsters that live within you franGUARRACI

pawparazzi editor

“Stress is good for you,” said no one ever. This pressure or tension exerted on a material objects is something that never seems to end, especially as a teenager. Between juggling school, jobs, family issues, sleepless night... the list goes on and on, the weight on your shoulders gets heavier. As stress builds, symptoms become worse. Next thing you know, motivation is lost in just about everything. Focusing is harder than ever and signs of depression is beginning to show. Stress goes hand in hand with depression. Emptiness, numbness, helplessness and despair has taken hold of your life and will not go away. As the depression grows you feel more and more alone. Depression normally stirs up from a past experience, or a million pounds of stress. As the days go on it soon becomes a priority to get through the day without falling apart. People take depression and make it into attention, so those who are crying out in a silent help are being ignored. Depression is one of the most painful things to deal with. It changes everything: the way you act, the way you live, the amount of friends you have, and how one views themselves as well as others. Being diagnosed with depression is not something to call “beautiful,” or to be happy about. When I was diagnosed with depression, at age nine, I felt crazy, lost, and angry, like I was not normal. The pain lives within me and I can not escape it. Soon, it got to that point where I could not take it anymore, I took it upon myself to get help. In the process, I found a movie/book that I related to - The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. I now live by a quote that Charlie said in his last letter; “There are people who forget what it’s like to be 16 when they turn 17. I know these will all be stories someday. And our pictures will become old photographs. We’ll all become somebody’s mom or dad. But right now these moments are not stories... This one moment when you know you’re not a sad story. You are alive, and you stand up and see the lights on the buildings and everything that makes you wonder. And you’re listening to that song and that drive with the people you love most in this world. And in this moment I swear, we are infinite.” Anyone can get help. You can do anything. Depression is nothing to be ashamed of, millions struggle with this day in and day out. It is truly sad how a person has to experience such terrible things and feelings that they have to live with everyday, dealing with thoughts day after day, week after week. “Remember, tomorrow is a new beginning. Embrace the light of a new day, for you have a fresh chance to begin again, to make your life beautiful.” -Unknown. The biggest foundation of managing any mental disability is when realization sets in that you are the one in control. Grab life by the horns and hog tie it.

Living a life full of secrets rachelWAAG

guest writer

It is unpredictable, often times incomprehensible. It is a monstrous disorder that ironically feeds on its victim physically and mentally. Mistakenly so, eating disorders do not discriminate against age, gender or social class. They commonly configure a demonic conscience in the mind, overwhelming the individual with emotions of emptiness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. Voices in the diseased mind are so assertively demanded, that the individual begins to believe them and go to any extreme to prove them otherwise - even if the consequence is death. Along with a variety of causes, eating disorders can be based on psychological issues and genetics. More often than not, they coexist with other mental illnesses such as anxiety, OCD and suicide.

Depression consumes approximately 50% of eating disordered individuals. With that being said, eating disorders are one of the most difficult mental disorders to cure and have the highest mortality rate. Unfortunately, “thinspiration” is overly romanticized through magazines, internet sites and television. The media surrounds teenagers with celebrity figures that introduce them to the “perfect appearance”. Weight loss programs, diet pills and products like Special K’s “what will you gain when you lose?” ultimately gives their audience a reason to belittle themselves. An illness with meager awareness. A disorder that is vastly misunderstood. A sickness that produces an intangible parasite dispensing powerlessness among its feast. An eating disorder is a disease that gradually diminishes its prey while it pursues the strive for perfection in this imperfect world.

“the strive for perfection in this imperfect world”


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

New coaches spring up at Countryside alexisGLASGOW

staff writer


Photo Credit Rylan Fritz

Photo Credit Alexis Glasow

A significant part of the average high school athlete is their sports. Being part of a team, especially one that represents an entire school, makes each member part of a big family. An essential aspect of a team is the coach, who molds the team into exactly what they should be: hardworking, feasible, and can unite together in harmony. Tracy Michael, the former Varsity Cheerleading coach of 14 years, says that forming a bond is “the key to having a successful season because once we have formed that bond everything else falls into place.” Sports begin as early rs. Michael was previas the first day of school, ously the cheerleading and Countryside High coach and offers advice to new coaches.

School is taking in a number of new coaches. New coaches can bring with them, many concerns. “A concern I had is that a new coach would not continue the traditions that I had built, although, in my case the new cheerleading coach has done a wonderful job.” Ms. Michael states. Having seven new faces coaching the JV Basketball, Volleyball, Wrestling, Girl’s Soccer, and Football teams, it is crucial that they take their new responsibility seriously and mold their teams into a masterpiece. Kimber Busche, the current Varsity Cheerleading coach says, “team bonding is the rs. Busche is the curbackbone of the squad. rent cheerleading It is very important, and coach and while she has big we do a lot of it.” shoes to fill, she does it with

M ease.

Football donations feed the flame briannaBROWN

staff writer

Countryside High School‘s football team this year has new coaches and new ways of doing things. For example, the football donations this year are going towards new clothes with the school‘s mascot, new planners for all of the football players, backpacks and that is just the beginning. The budgets and donations are being handled by Coach Kerby. He is the one that takes in donations and manages where the money goes and what it is used for. Football donations have been going on for years but they were never used

Illustrations by Jules Truong

for the right reasons. Donations were used for things that the football players did not need. This year, the donations are being used for the pads and new clothes. All of the football players have a brand new planner with a playbook. Every player has to have their planner signed on Friday’s or they cannot play in the game. The football coaches do not just want good players, they want good students that have great grades. Anyone can get these shirts and support the cougars. The donations are not only for the football players but also for the school and students. All freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors can buy shirts, shorts, backpacks and anything


Varsity boy’s soccer kicks off with optimism sarahBLOCK

staff writer

Soccer season is right around the corner at Countryside High School. Tryouts begin October 13th with the pre-season starting the last week of October. The Cougars finished the season last year with a record of 4-7-2, and have high hopes that this year they will have a winning season. Sean Nolan returns this year to coach the team. “I hope to have a winning season and be above 500, but we are in a pretty hard district” said Nolan. Seven seniors graduated last year, making fans curious about how this will affect the team. “We lost three seniors who had a lot of field time, so it’ll be interesting without them” said Nolan. Many players are hoping to return this season, “I’m really looking forward to a new season at Countryside, it would be awesome if we could make it to regionals this year.” said David Sanford, a junior at Countryside. The 2014 FIFA World Cup took place over summer, reigniting America’s love for soccer. The team is hopeful that they will have new, loyal supporters for the upcoming season. Come out and support the team! The season starts the last week of October with a tournament at Countryside.

Golf is a go at Countryside hunterLEMMONS

staff writer

It is the start of another school year, and that also means the start of a brand new season for the Countryside High School golf team. Tryouts for this year’s team were held the second week of school, and the past members of the team had already been back into practice the week prior. With a significant number of students trying out for this year’s team, and only a limited number of spots on the team, the tryouts were more selective than in past years. With the new additions to the team, the hopes are performance improves even higher than it already is. The team practices at Countryside Country Club, just down the street from the school. “We practice Monday through Thursday every week,” says Kyle Murphy, a junior and 2 year golf team member. Headed by Coach Blumer, the team has 18 members in the lineup this season. Many of the returning team members feel they have improved and changed drastically from when they first started, anywhere from one to three years ago. Several who have played all their life have said that being on the team still has significantly improved their performance

Sports Varsity football calendar paigeRENNER

October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


sports editor

CCC.............................8/22 Home Lakewood.....................8/29 Away Bradenton SE...............9/5 Home Palmetto.......................9/12 Away Northeast.....................9/19 Away No game......................9/26 Clearwater....................10/2 Away Tarpon Springs............10/10 Homecoming Game East Lake.....................10/17 Away Seminole.......................10/24 Home Pinellas Park.................10/31 Home- Senior night Largo............................11/7 Away

photocredit Avery Vela

Meet C-side’s varsity football coaches averyVELA

staff writer

School is back in session at Countryside High School, and with it, the 2014 fall football season. The team has been working hard all summer for the tough year ahead of them, playing some of the top powerhouse teams in the county. The players are often praised for their hard work, on and off the field; there are those that work just as hard and go without much recognition. Working seven days a week, mostly in their own free time, the coaches of the Countryside Cougars are the reason why the football program is so successful. Head coach, Eric Schmitz, has been coaching for 17 years, five of them spent here at Countryside, also teaching history. Four of those years were spent as QB coach and Offensive Coordinator, this being his first year as head coach. He attended an all boys college prep school in Cleveland, Ohio, with Coach Rodney Bailey as his teamreproduced by permission mate. He then went on to be an Ofof Raymond Schroeder fensive Center for Mercyhurst College, starting four years out of his five. He had many different coaching jobs before moving down to Florida, previously coaching at East Lake and Tarpon Springs High. His advice to the players: “If you don’t invest very much, then defeat doesn’t hurt very much and winning is not very exciting.”-Dick Vermeil Coach Patrick St.Louis, defensive coordinator of the cougars, attended The University of South Florida, playing as a 3 year starting Linebacker. Graduating in 2007, St.Louis worked for USF as a Graduate Assistant for 3 years, then came to Countryside where he has been ever since. His goal as a coach for the 2014 season is “to be better than I was the photocredit Avery Vela year before,” he said. His advice to the players: “Character is defined as what you are doing when no one is watching.” Coach Mike Lube graduated from Palm Harbor University High School, playing previously as an Offensive Lineman and Defensive End. He continued his playing career at USF as a walk-on, becoming a key player, until a knee injury ended his playing career. He then became a coach at USF, then went on to coach three years at Clearwater High. Joining the cougars coaching staff just last season, he will be coaching the tight ends and special teams this fall. photocredit Avery Vela He previously coached Wide Receivers. This season he wants to “provide my student-athletes with the knowledge from my preparation so that they can be Champions.” His advice to the players: “Embrace each moment as they race by. Enjoy the journey... Apply the tough lessons that you learn on the football field to your school work, college, career, etc. and you will have the opportunity to be successful!” Coach Raymond Schroeder attended Countryside High school, and played as an Offensive Lineman and De-

fensive end, then going on to graduate from The University of South Florida. He has been at Countryside High school for eight years now, previously coaching JV for his first two years, then coaching varsity’s offensive line, as he has been for the past six. He will also take on the responsibility of the Offensive coordinator this season. He says his goal as a coach this photocredit Avery Vela year is to “provide an environment at Countryside High School that encourages success on and off the field. Teaching kids to be accountable, hard-working, and dedicated.” He hopes to win a lot of games and “get the players to be equally successful in the classroom.” His advice to the players: “Be ready for new experiences and to work harder than you have in the past. To not be intimidated by the ‘newness’ of it all and embrace the opportunity no matter how different of hard it feels like at first.” Coach Rick Rose attended The University of Miami and the US Naval Academy. In 1996 he retired, after his naval service, as the CEO of a publicly traded company. His company dealt with the integration of computers. Coaching for 15 years, Coach Rose is going into his 5th season at Countryside High as the running back coach. photocredit Avery Vela His goal as a coach this season is to “help out student athletes develop mentally, morally and physically and, to be the best they can be.” His advice to the players: “Have a good attitude and try your hardest all the time... look back at your accomplishments with pride. Whatever endeavors you pursue, approach them in the same manner.” Coach Thomas Keane, the wide receivers coach, is from Shadyside, a town in Ohio. There he played on both offense and defense as a three year starter in high school, while also doing some punting. Coach Keane attended Washington & Jefferson College, playing there as a wide receiver. This is Keane’s first year as a football coach and he said “I am trying to learn as much as I can in all aspects of reproduced by permiscoaching.” As for the team, he said “I sion of Raymond want my players to be in the best shape Schroeder possible for the start of each practice, to get better everyday, and to play their full potential every time they step on the field.” His advice to the players: “Do what makes you happy in life. Don’t become a lawyer or doctor just because someone else told you to do that. Follow your passion and eventually the money will follow.” Coach Rodney Bailey was an early teammate of Head Coach Eric Schmitz at St. Edward High in Cleveland, Ohio. There he played as a defensive end, earning himself High School All-American honors. reproduced by permission After accepting a scholarship to of Raymond Schroeder Ohio State University, Coach Rod-

ney Bailey became a key player and started all 4 years. He earned All-Big Ten honors and also Ohio State Defensive Player of the Year. In 2001 he was drafted to the Pittsburgh Steelers. He played seven years in the NFL, with the Steelers, Seattle Seahawks, Arizona Cardinals and the New England Patriots. In 2004, Bailey went on with the New England Patriots to win the superbowl. He has experience coaching the defensive line, previously coaching a Division II college in Ohio. His goal for the upcoming season is “for our Defensive Line to become a confident group of playmakers that are a winning ingredient through the 2014 season.” His advice to the players: “Your time in high school is something you will never forget... The lessons learned out on the field will last you a lifetime.” Coach Lawrence Coleman, often referred to by the players as LC, is from Ohio, graduating from Warren G. Harding High School. He then attended Erie Community College, where he was named Offensive Player of the Year in 2009 and was a Two-Time Junior College All-American there. He went on to play at Gannon University, setting records there. Coleman was PSAC Conference Player of the Year in 2011, and a First Team DII photocredit Avery Vela All-American. He will be the Defensive Back coach and this season will mark his second year of coaching at Countryside. This year he said his goal as a coach is to “always win, and teach these young men the game of football and also the game of life. Be a mentor to them in whatever way possible.” His advice to the players: “Don’t be afraid to stand out and be yourself, don’t let anyone influence you to do something you don’t want to do or you know that’s not right... Be great and exceed at whatever you do in life. BE YOUR OWN PERSON.” Coach John Kay will be the kicker and punting coach for this 2014 season. A former kicker for Brandon High School, Kay earned All-State Honors. After high school, Coach Kay went on to be the kicker as Florida State University, a year later transferring to Auburn and finishing his college there. Having experience with kicking photocredit Avery Vela Arena Football League 1 and Arena Football League 2, he kicked professionally. He coached at Feely Kicking School after being an instructor for a long time there. His goal as a coach this season it to “teach our kids not only to be better on the field but in the classroom as well” he said, then going on to say Coach Schmitz does a good job helping players do both. His advice to the players: “Life is not all about what you accomplish on the field. Today academics are just as important as on field performance...Working hard on the field and in the classroom gives you a better shot at success.” All background information on coaches credited to


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

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Where do you place your bathroom pass? angelaBOOTH

entertainment editor

Since apparently the re-use of tardy booths was not an efficient enough form of making the lives of lazy students miserable, Countryside High School’s administrative staff has now released this new bathroom pass policy. The purpose behind the new bathroom passes is to prevent sluggish teenagers, in the eyes of Countryside High School faculty, from circling the concourse and sabotaging their academic career during class periods. Administration’s method behind this was to provide garnet passes for bathrooms located on the East side of the building and gold passes for bathrooms located on the west side. If one is to be found by the authorities at the wrong side of the

building with the wrong pass, they are to receive a referral. There has been a consistency in viewpoints among students about this new policy. According to senior Lauren Wilder, “the reasons behind the new rules are understandable and should be respected; however, all these new changes are making school feel like jail.” Does anyone even care to mention the unsanitary component behind these bathroom passes? An anonymous student said, “I have had yet to find a not-so-gross location to situate these passes in the stalls. Eek!” From being around the necks of 2,000 different students, behind the unkept bathroom sinks, and placed who-knows-where

Photo credit Fionn Pardue

in the stalls, it would be understandable for one to feel uneasy using these. Incoming new students may know no different, however, students who have been at the school previously that are used to the relaxed atmosphere are having a difficult time adjusting to these new standards of discipline.

Are we next to get uniforms? Dress code rylanFRITZ

sports editor

Dress-code; the phrase of many mysteries for an everyday student. Many bicker and fuss, and some may even go to “daredevil” limits to drive administrators and teachers crazy. Of course, many dress-code personalities shine bright in the halls: goodie goodies, rebels, and of course, slackers. These dress-code personalities are in all students; however, one question is always ringing through-out a student’s mind, “is Countryside next on the list for a uniform?” “Personally, I don’t like the current dress-code because I’m not aloud to express myself in even appropriate ways; however, I would not be happy with a uniform.” says sophomore, Jonelle Lewis.

According to Countryside’s past history, the school has been given a go or no-go call for a uniform. The question is, “how come students are not showing up in a uniform to school everyday? The answer is simply a name: Mr. Schlereth. Mr. Schlereth has previous called attention to having a uniform policy, but has since waved off this idea and has instead tried to enforce consistent dress-code restrictions. Parents also backed Schlereth by voting for no uniforms for various reasons; ultimately, Principal Schlereth is Countryside’s “no uniform” hero. So the next time a Countryside student expresses their dress-code personality, remind them it could always be worse; if it were not for Principle Schlereth.

Freshmen can easily find help at C-side jennaFENDER

copy editor

Welcome class of 2018! Freshman year may seem scary, but there are some things you should keep in mind for your own sanity. First thing’s first: Countryside High School is a bully free zone; no one is going to beat you up for your lunch money or stuff you into a locker, that is just on TV we promise. If you ever feel threatened or unsafe in any way, we have an amazing Resource Officer, Officer Long, who will be more than happy to help you. Secondly, do not procrastinate on your homework or classwork. All your work will build up while you are busy Photo credit Avery Vela

ignoring it, and before you know it, you will be lost in a sea of “zeros” and late assignments. Freshman year is probably the easiest when it comes to homework you will have, it only gets harder from here. Enjoy it while it lasts. High school can be either the best or worst years of your life, it all depends on one thing, you. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed with everything freshman year is going to throw at you, slow down, and take a look at how you can fix things. Grades are slipping? Spend an extra 30 minutes a night on homework or studying. It takes awhile to get into the swing of things but once you do, it will be like second nature. So buckle up, because the wild rollercoaster that is high school is about to take you for a ride. Enjoy!

sweeps through the mornings jennaFENDER

copy editor

We all hear the Dress Code sweep announcement every morning by Principal Schlereth advising teachers to check their students for dress code violations and to send them to the office if they find anyone to be out of dress code. The Student Code of Conduct has not changed much over the years, the basic ‘shirts must cover midriff ’, ‘no bra straps showing’, ‘no hats’, and the other repetitive rules remain the same. However, Countryside High School’s administration has taken it upon themselves to tweak these guidelines as they wish. Now, in the 2014-2015 Student Code of Conduct it states that “Shorts, skirts, divided skirts, dresses and culottes are allowed. They must be mid-thigh length or longer.” It is also written that clothing with “inappropriate holes or tears shall not be worn”. Thinking logi- Photo credit Jenna Riveros cally, you would interpret that as no holes or tears above mid-thigh correct? Well that is not how administration took it. Can someone please explain to Countryside students why we can wear shorts that come to down to mid thigh, but wearing jeans with holes anywhere above the knee gets us a referral? How, if someone has any holes in their jeans above the knee (even an inch) those quarter sized tears in fabric land them in the office with a referral, while others can walk around in skirts or shorts that show more skin, and technically remain ‘in dress code’? Sounds like a double standard.


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


The annual tour that never ceases to amaze meghanMOREY

page editor

On July 25, 2014, thousands of music lovers conquered Florida’s famous bipolar weather while waiting for the gates of Vinoy Park in St. Petersburg to open up. Although the thunderstorms and heat waves seemed discouraging, the attendees had waited all year for the festival they were about to partake in-Warped Tour. Vans Warped Tour is an outdoor touring music festival that has taken place every year since 1995 and has become an established tradition for many. Originally, the tour featured primarily ska and punk rock bands, such as Deftones and No Doubt, but over the years the band diversity has increased. The 2014 lineup featured over 130 bands, such as, Mayday Parade, Breathe

Carolina, and Cute Is What We Aim For. However, not every band is able to make it to every date, and sometimes a few select dates get a special performance. This year, Sleeping With Sirens, a post-hardcore band from Orlando, Florida, that has risen to fame over the last few years, announced that they would be appearing at five select Warped Tour dates between July 23rd and July 27th: Virginia Beach, VA; Atlanta, Georgia; St. Petersburg, Florida; West Palm Beach, Florida; Orlando, Florida. After spending 10 hours outside in the excitement, it is common to see people covered in dirt and sweat, rosey red from the sun, and noticeably shoeless. And every year as 9 o’clock rolls around, the sun goes down, and the adventure comes to an end, there is one question heard throughout the city: “Is it time for Warped Tour yet?”

Reproduced by permision of,,

Homecoming 2014 embraces a luminous theme angelaBOOTH

entertainment editor

Time to get out pocket books and dress catalogues because homecoming is right around the corner! Like always, homecoming is accompanied by a theme to prepare for a glorious night and to promote school comradery. This year, the theme for homecoming will be neon lights and the dance will be taken place on October 11, from 7 to 11 p.m., following spirit week. This will take place here at Countryside High School in the concourse. On Tuesday, September 30, Homecoming court elections took place and nominees have already been an announced. Voting occurred in the lobby of the auditorium from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.. All students are encouraged to vote. Homecoming king and queen of each class will be announced on Homecoming night. Ticket sales will end on Friday, October 10. The cost of tickets is $25 and students may purchase no more than two. One can purchase a ticket during first and second lunch as well as after school at the Tardy Booth. Spirit week will begin on Monday, October 6th and students must be fully aware that dresscode will be enforced each day.


October 3, 2014 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Meet the staff! Jenna Fender “You are only given one little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.” -Robin Williams

Frances Guarraci “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” -Albus Dumbledore

Angela Booth “Giraffes are like cheese puffs. If you tickle a wallaby, im scared of microwaves. -Angela Booth

Meghan Morey “Life is like photograpghy. You use the negative to develop.” -Unknown

Paige Renner “Beginnings are scary, endings are sad but it’s what is in the middle that counts.” -Steven Rogers

Mrs. Trautwein “If mama ain’t happy, aint nobody happy” -Unknown

Rylan Fritz “Work hard, Don’t hardly work.” -Rylan Fritz

Brianna Brown “Do everything, Regret nothing.” -Unknown

Alyssa Dambeck “Trust is like an eraser, it gets smaller with every mistake.” -Advice Quote

Sarah Block “Practice makes perfect.” -Unknown

Hunter Lemmons “Remember you are absolutely unique, just like everyone else.” -Margaret Mead

Jack Walker “When is the deadline for this.” -Jalk Walker

Lennon Waterson “Living in a city of sleepless people who won’t go to far outside the lines, they are out of their minds.” -Paramore

Avery Vela “Normal people are the worst kind.” -Avery Vela

Fionn Pardue “All my life i wasn’t trying to get a highway, i was wondering which way to go” -HAIM

Jules Truong “Sometimes quiet is violent.” -Twnety One Pilots Gabrielle Bihun “Because madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push!” -The Joker

Jenna Riveros “I don’t know.” -Jenna Riveros

Alexis Glasgow “I’m not always rude and sarcastic. sometimes im asleep.” -Unknown

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