Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 38 Issue 1

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Countryside High School September 22, 2016 Issue 1 Volume 38

Let the Circus begin at Countryside’s Homecoming and in this year’s Election

IN THIS ISSUE Pokemon Go Gary Johnson Who is the Independent Candidate running for President? Page 5

What’s all the craze about the interactive mobile app? Page 10


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


2016-2017 dress code improves from last year phoebeSTARK

staff writer

The dress code may seem pretty dumb, but are there really any negatives to it? According to, “A dress code promotes a more serious school atmosphere which emphasizes academics and promotes good behavior.” On one hand, dress code can promote a negative atmosphere because most students have a negative attitude towards it, but the thing is, it can make students look more professional. “We believe in dressing for success,” Mr. Zornes explained. The dress code also helps students ready themselves for the next day. They do not have to go through loads of shirts in order to figure out what what they will be wearing. Though, they can pick their outfits the day before, they also have a tendency to change their mind in the morning. With a stricter dress code, bullying can be reduced. Many people judge one another’s appearances on based what they decided to wear. It helps throw students all in the same road. The school also offers a wide variety of shirts to pur-

photo credit Ryan Griffin

“I believe the dress code this year is ten times better than last year. I usually just wear a plain colored T-shirt with a necklace,” said senior Madison Avery

chase, so students don’t all look like walking robots. It could be worse. There still are schools who control what kids wear to every little detail. People have to wear button ups and ties every day, looking exactly the same. Some people have to keep their hair a certain length and keep all unnatural colors out of there their hair. Considering our students can still color their hair, and have their own diversity and originality, our school is pretty lucky. CHS students also get to wear plain crew necks this year, which helps parents save money on thirty dollar polos, so instead parents can buy their kids two dollar tees at walmart down the street. “Shirts, plus pants, plus shoes, adds up quickly, so I was not surprised to find that the average cost of school uniforms for parents is $249,” according to Lisa Runge on Wal-Mart tees can range anywhere from 2-7 dollars a shirt. With all that being, our dress code does not seem so bad.

Give a warm welcome to Countryside’s NEW staff elisseAMSTUTZ

ms. amiot-priso: librarian

ms. benoit: english language arts

copy editor

ms. enicks: math

mr. griffin: math

ms. king-van riper: math

ms. rice: guidance


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Welcome Class of 2020! Tips For A Successful Freshman Year:



staff writers


‘’Have you a routine for studying and getting ready,” said sophomore Emily Fratus.

“Do not miss school,” said Mrs. Michael. “Do not try to be like upperclassmen,” said senior Steven Cole.

“Be organized,” said Mrs. Michael. “Enjoy the time you have in high school and make memories,’’ said senior Megan Jankiewicz.

“Do not get involved with too many social issues,” said Chloe Smith. “Don’t be clueless,’’ said senior Spencer Wade.

‘’This year will make or break you,” said Mrs.Benoit. “Try your best not to procrastinate,” said senior Cameron Kroeger.


eachers want YOU to succeed!

Countryside takes on the work force madisonANDERSON

pawparazzi editor

The Executive Internship Program (EIP) is a program for high school seniors to experience the work force early. It gives students a learning opportunity in a friendly environment, while providing experience in their desired career field. Students may apply at SPC during their junior year and attend orientation to really get a feel of what the program is like. Seniors who are interested in the program have to submit their application by the designated date. Then they will begin interviewing with the coordinator and talking about the career field in which their interest lies. Students then give their potential sponsor a resume to prove that they are ready for the internship. Lastly, students will have another interview with their sponsor to seal the deal. “I began my internship over the summer and worked at the State Attorney’s office. Part of my job was reading over case files that were pending for the court,” said senior Jackie Sandoval said. Sandoval now leaves school early to take two classes at SPC, and when the internship begins for the fall semester she will go to her assigned position after the college classes each day. “I love EIP because it gives young adults a perspective on what their career field will be like. It gives us an extra push to gain real life experience at such a young age for free. Even though we aren’t getting paid, it’s something that can prepare us for a career so it’s definitely worth it,” said Sandoval. Banshari Patel is another student who is part of the Executive Internship Program. “I decided to apply for the program because I wanted hands-on experience in the medical field,” said Patel. When the fall semester begins, Patel will begin interning at a hospital where she will complete rounds. Students can choose if they would like to participate in the program for one semester or continue it for the full year. “I think EIP is great because you get to experience a career and see if it really is something you would like to pursue in the future,” said Patel. Students can choose where they want to intern based on their career field interest. If a two period schedule is picked, the student must complete ten internship hours per week. If a three period schedule is picked, the student must complete fifteen internship hours per week. Students are welcome to intern for more hours if they would like. EIP can provide seniors with interview skills, hands-on experience, and more connections in the workforce.

“Don’t be rude,” said senior Kara St.Croix.


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


If you want to have a say, all Are you a you have to do is vote watcher or rights, one of the most important being the right to vote, and our generation is simply throwing it With the United States presidential elections away for the sake of a spiteful political gesture. quickly approaching, many people may be thinkStill not convinced? Think of it like this. Your ing about their limited options as to who is going teacher asks the class when they want to take to run the country for the next four years. Most a test. She gives you an option between havare not pleased with the unpopular candidates ing it next Monday or on the Wednesday of that being presented: Trump and Clinton. same week. You are probably thinking While a small few are actually you would like to take the test voting for these two, others still on the Wednesday because may think about the intests on Mondays are usudependent runners Gary ally the worst, and having Johnson and Jill Stein. a test on a WednesHowever, there is day gives you an exone small probtra couple of days lem: most of the to study. Hooray! population does Your teacher not even vote. then goes on to Consider this: say that she will the country is leave it up to an home to nearly anonymous vote. 324 million peoShe tells you to ple, but 103 milput your heads lion are children, down, and your noncitizens, and class does. She ineligible felons. calls for Monday, Still, that leaves but you decide not over 200 million to raise your hand. people who had the You are thinking that option to vote, yet deeveryone is going to vote cided not to. Only 9% of for a Wednesday test and the country ended up voting because of that, your vote does in this year’s primaries, which not matter. So instead of simis roughly 60 million people. ply raising your hand and votGraphics produced by Jules Truong Many have resorted to blaming ing, you wait. Your teacher calls the government and media for for Wednesday. After a minute, being biased, and, even if that is true, the bulk she tells the class to put their hands down and of the United States voting populace has not raise their heads. The final results shock you. even made an attempt to implement change. There are 20 kids in the class, and only 6 have A majority of the vote lies in the hands of voted for Wednesday whereas 8 have voted for young voters; this includes all of you who just Monday. That is only 14 of the 20 kids in your class. turned 18. Change cannot occur without effort, Or, that is only 70% of the students in your class. and as such, people must make a genuine effort The teacher says that that is the day the and attend these elections so that their voices test is going to be on. You are now upset, and may be heard. Often the people who complain you say, “Well hey! That is not fair! It should be the most cannot say a thing, since they did on Wednesday because that is what I want!” not make that effort. They also, on top of com- 3 of the other kids who did not vote agree plaining about government choices, may have a with you. The other 2 literally do not care thought process along the lines of, “I do not have and are ready for anything. Your teacher only to vote, surely my vote does not even count.” shrugs and says that you should have voted. This, however, could not be further from the truth. Had those 3 kids - including yourself Voting is our one chance for a small voice to be had voted, you would have gotten what you heard among millions. If enough people are vocal wanted. But you did not. Now you are sadand vote for what they believe in, real change can dled with a Monday test and crippling anxioccur and allow for that to happen. If enough of ety to deal with over the weekend. Great job! these people who say their voices do not matter So, long analogy aside, it shows that a couple were to actually vote, then they could bring about of votes could make a difference. This same the change they want to occur in government. concept applies to voting on a national level. On top of this, our forefathers did not not enWe as young people have more power than dure their lack of say in government for modern- you might think. We have a voice. You may day citizens to completely disregard that privilege. think nothing we can do will make a differFor example, African Americans spent decades ence because the odds are stacked against and even longer working towards getting the right us, but it can. If enough people vote, including to vote. How would they feel knowing that their young people, you can bring about change. We work was all for nothing? People in this country can bring change. It only depends on you and have always worked their hardest to get their whether or not you are going to make that effort.


editor-n-chief/guest writer

a player? rachelWETHERINGTON

opinion editor

The new hit movie Nerve is exciting teens everywhere. The movie premiered in New York City at the School Of Visual Arts (SVA) theatre on July 12th at 8 p.m and the movie’s official release date for theaters was on July 27th. Nerve earned a total of $29,751,531 in the box office, and got a rating of 5.6 out of 10 on Rotten Tomatoes. Nerve is about a senior in high school, Vee Delmonico (Emma Roberts), who is struggling to tell her mom she wants to go to an art school since they do not have enough money. She is peer pressured to join an online dare game called “Nerve.”Once she teams up with a fellow player,

Reproduced by permission of

cue Ian (Dave Franco),she reaches a level she never imagined. Vee raises the stakes and pushes her limits a little too far. Okay, so, from this point on, there are going to be spoilers! So feel free to pause your reading if you still want to be surprised by the movie. Emma Roberts and Dave Franco make the perfect duo in this film. Their romantic and daring love affair make you root for the pair. Vee was originally the girl l known to play it safe. She was always in the background and never on top, but once she starts playing Nerve, she becomes one of the top competitors and shows a more daring and fun side of her. I think Nerve is a 6.5 out of 10 thriller and would definitely recommend giving this blockbuster a shot!


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

illustration by Thomas Booth, and Adrian Porrata

Take all your fears away by finding these useful items today. (can be forward, backward or corrupt.)




PLATFORM PRESIDENT PRIMARY REPUBLICAN TRUMPET VOTE Graphics by Alyssa Dambeck, Thomas Booth, Adrian Porrata




September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Gary Johnson is third-party Libe thomas BOOTH

Among the two power houses of the derdog. Libertarian nominee, Gary John For those who are unaware of the ty ideals, it values fiscalism that is mo (government that is unengaged in econ and social idealism that is more liberal rights provided by law). With the root wo from the ideal of “liberation,” the main ertarianism is to decrease the power o government. In terms of Gary Johnson’s politica persona, he was the governor of New Me to 2003 and vetoed more laws than any state’s history. Under the Libertarian pa many minarchist ideals, which involves v ernment or state interference in one’s ev Johnson announced his candidacy 2016, alongside his running mate, Wil rently with a 9% support nationwide, h candidate for many US citizens looking alternative to vote for in the upcoming 2

Personal and political achi Graduating from Univers Serving as the 29th gov 1995 to 2003. He is a member of the W tion. He is also a member of Association. He is an accomplished a He climbed Mount Evere Between Trump and Clin Active in many Libertari galization of marijuana.


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

s running as a ertarian director of digital media

2016 presidential election, lies an unnson. e Libertarian parore conservative nomic matters) (more human ord stemming focus on libof centralized

al history and exico from 1995 y governor in the arty, he supports very limited govveryday life. y on January 6, lliam Weld. Curhe has become a g for a reasonable 2016 election.

ievements include: sity of New Mexico. vernor of New Mexico from

Western Governors’ Associathe Republican Governors’

athlete. est in 2003. nton, he polls at about 10%. ian causes such as the le-



September 22, 2016| Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Bump, Set, Spike!


Lady Cougars are Ready to Fight

U.S. Olympic Highlights Former Cougar Melanie 2016 liaDEALVAREZ business manager Margalis takes on Rio!



staff writer Dedicated to training, they traded their time at the beach to floor burns and bruises. Our Lady Cougars volleyball team has been practicing hard since May and is ready to show it off at their next home game against Bayshore on September 20th. Games start at 6:30 and only varsity will be playing. Come support your Lady Cougars and hope we can cheer them on to states! Tickets will be four dollars but, be sure to bring some extra for snack and drinks. JV games start at about 6:30 and varsity will follow directly after.

business manager Countryside High School alumni, Melanie Margalis, participated in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in the swimming event. Melanie Margalis grew up in Clearwater and went to Countryside High School, then on to college at the University of Georgia. She graduated from Countryside in 2010 and was an essential member of the cougar swim team, winning states in 2009. “It was thrilling to see somebody that was sitting in my classroom at the Olympics and on the blocks with the best swimmers in the world.” said former teacher and coach Susan Curnutte. In Rio, Margalis and fellow teammates took the gold in the 4X200 freestyle relay! Countryside is proud of you!

Gold Medals

photo credit Ryan Griffin


ady Cougars take on PHU on September 13, 2016. Sadly our ladies lost this game, but put up a good fight!


elanie Margalis, former student at Countryside High School, is racing for the gold during the 2016 Rio Olym-


Reproduced by permission of PSDgraphics

Reproduced by permission of News Channel 8

Silver Medals

Bronze Medals

Swimming - 16 Track and Field - 13 Gymnastics - 4 Wrestling - 2 Basketball - 2 Boxing - 1 Tennis - 1 Cycling - 1 Shooting - 1

Swimming - 8 Track and Field - 10 Gymnastics - 6 Wrestling - 0 Basketball - 0 Boxing - 1 Tennis - 1 Cycling - 1 Shooting - 0

Swimming - 9 Track and Field - 9 Gymnastics - 2 Wrestling - 1 Basketball - 0 Boxing - 1 Tennis - 1 Cycling - 0 Shooting - 2

2016 Countryside Fall Sports Schedules


Boys/Girls Golf Schedule Varsity Football Schedule

business manager

Volleyball Schedule

Date Opponent



Date Opponent



Date Opponent



Sep 15

Mustang Invite (Boys)

Seminole Lake


Sep 15

Palm Harbor





Sep 22




Sep 20

Sep 20 Bogie, Dunedin, Osceola (Girls)



Sep 29 East Lake



Sep 21 Lakewood










Oct 6

Sep 22 Seminole

Sep 21 Northeast, Bogie, Pin. Park (Boys)

Oct 13




Sep 26 Keswick(V)



Sep 27 Mitchell(V)



Sep 28 PHU, Tarp, Dun, EL (Boys)



Sep 28 PCAC Pool Play(V)



Sep 28 Osceola, Tarpon, Bogie (Girls)



Sep 29 Tampa Catholic



Oct 3

St. Pete Catholic



Oct 4

St. Petersburg



Oct 5

JV Quad



Oct 6

Boca Ciega(V)



Oct 11

Sep 29 Vinoy Classic Vinoy (Boys and Girls)


Oct 3-7

Osceola Invite Bardmoor (Boys and Girls)


Oct 8

Clearwater Central Invite (Boys)

Belleair CC


Oct 10-11

3A District Tourn (Boys)



Oct 10-11

3A Districts Tourn (Girls)


Oct 17

3A Region 3 Tourn (Boys)

Oct 17-18 Nov 1-2

Swimming and Diving Schedule Date




Sep 21



6:15 PM


Sep 23

PCAC Diving


4:00 PM




Sep 24

PCAC Swimming


6:15 PM

Oct 12 PCAC Pool Play(V)



Sep 28 Northeast


6:15 PM





Oct 1

FSPA Invite

Stuart, FL




Oct 5



6:15 PM

3A Region 3 Tourn (Girls)



Oct 7

Eagle Invite

Palm Harbor


FHSAA State Tourn (Boys/ and Girls)

Mission Inn


Oct 21

4A-6 District Diving



Oct 22

4A-6 District Swimming



Oct 28

4A Region 2 Diving


Oct 29

4A Region 2 Swimming


Nov 4-5

4A FHSAA State Stuart, meet FL

District Tournament

Cross Country Schedule Date Opponent



Sep 16 Seminole (D)



Sep 23 Gibbs



Sep 30 Pinellas Park (D)



Oct 7





Oct 21

St. Petersburg (D)




Oct 28 East Lake (D)



Nov 4

Lake Mary



Nov 11





Student Life

September 22 ,2016| Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Join the fun with our cougar clubs elisseAMSTUTZ

copy editor

Many students, whether they be the wideeyed freshman or tired senior, are involved in at least one of the vast array of clubs offered after school or during lunch. Some freshmen believe these clubs are cut off to outsiders and require some fee. However, the truth is they have open doors and most are completely free, if not with a small cost. Some clubs even prepare their members for the future. One club offered here at Countryside is C-Side Sutures: CHS Medical club. According to Mrs. Robinson, the club is for “people interested in pursuing medicine” as a career. This club prepares those who may want to be doctors, nurses, or surgeons for their dream jobs. Other clubs, such as the Academic Team and Mu Alpha Theta, compete and have the opportunity to win awards among other prizes. “We’re just getting started,” says Mrs. Schuster, advisor for the Academic Team. The Team is, as explained by Schuster, like a quiz bowl, a place where students who excel in at least one area can compete and demonstrate their knowledge. Clubs such as Youth in Government and Juniorettes create tangible change in their com-

munities and even the country. “Change the world,” says Mrs. Tait when asked to summarize Youth in Government. “If you want to make a difference, come on over.” Youth and Government, for example, has opportunities to take a journey to the state capital and introduce bills that may have the chance to become laws. Another group of clubs like Key Club and Interact help kids become active in their communities and help with volunteer hours toward scholarships. “We help members to access scholarships for college costs,” says Dhruvil Gadani from Key Club. “We help out the community.” Similarly, Interact Club helps out in the community and helps their members with scholarships. “It’s a program in the school sponsored by the Rotary International of Safety Harbor designed to help OUR community be a better place to live in,” says Brandon Wright. “We provide scholarships and we skip classes.” However, known by much of the student body, some need a safe place to catch their breaths and get advice. There are clubs specifically for this, such as Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) and their sister-club, Anti-Bullying Club.

“We’re here to listen,” Mrs. McGlamery explained to Pawprint. She is the advisor for both the GSA and Anti-bullying club. Another such club is the Best Buddies, a club where students have the opportunity to work closely with special ed students. As explained by Tala Ivory, “Basically, kids can partner with special ed kids.” Hannah Abrams adds that their goal is to “create friendships and to get rid of the stigma against special ed kids.” For some current freshmen who may feel lost in the hustle and bustle with little to no place to go and make friends in their new school, clubs are open doors to everyone. “You meet others with the same passions,” says Schuster. Clubs are an excellent way to meet others with similar interests and career goals. Abrams also told Paw Print, “I wouldn’t worry too much. Join as many clubs as you think you can handle.” Clubs and groups are also a great way to give back to the community. They offer ways to get volunteer hours and make friends while doing it. In all, as said by Robinson, “Find something you enjoy and have a good time.”

Upcoming shows for the drama department

Six degrees of separation: introduction to freshman


staff writer Angelina Tarsitano Angelia Tarsitano has known Katie Sinz since kindergarten.

The shows that will be performed throughout the school year:

Katie Sinz Katie Sinz knows Brooke Micallef from math class in middle school.

25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee (Senior Show) Will be performed on October 21st. This show will have audience interaction. Coffee House, October 27th. The Crucible will be performed November 17th through November 19th.


Devyn Bulger Devyn Bulger knows Angelina Tarsitano because they went to middle school together and have the same 7th period.

The well acclaimed theory of six degrees of separation is being welcomed back for the second year to Countryside High Schools Pawprint Newspaper. Six degrees of separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected with approximately six acquaintances between them. For this issue, Pawprint writers linked together students from the freshman class.

Megan Scoop Megan Scoop knows Devyn Bulger becuase they had a class together in 6th grade and now they are. best friends.

Broadway to go (all of her theatre classes put on a show) December 9th.


The King and I (musical) Will be performed on April 19th through April 22nd. Brooke Micallef Brooke Micallef knows Christian Shaneyfelt because Brooke has been friends with Christian since 6th grade.

Christian Shaneyfelt Christian Shaneyfelt knows Megan Scoop because they went to Middle School together.

Evening of Dance, May 11th. Students can get involved in the drama program by joining Drama Club this starts September 12th and continues throughout the year on every second Monday. There is a $10.00 fee in order to join drama club. If you would like to audition for school shows, download the paperwork on the Countryside website. Here are the dates for when you can audition: •September 1st- One acts •September 14th – The Crucible •September 26th-27th -Competition •October 17th – Coffee House •November 14th-16th- The King and I To show your support for the drama program you can go to the school plays and pay $7.00 to get in if you are a student.


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Vans Warped Tour 2016 meghanMOREY

guest writer

New albums make a splash in 2016 kylieBUSCHE

staff writer

New albums including “Dig Your Roots” by Florida Georgia line and “Illuminate” by Sean Mendes have recently been making headlines for their catchy lyrics and memorable tempos. Amongst artists making their first big steps, Greenday, are celebrating their 30th anniversary this year. Many artists are also touring along with their upcoming albums. Pop artist, Sean Mendes, sold out his 2016 concert at Madison Square Garden. All of these albums and more are available on Google Play and Itunes.

dit daniPhoto cre ato elle branc

Every summer for the last 22 years Van’s Warped Tour has traveled all over America (and other countries) bringing punk rock lovers together in unity.During this years 41 city venture throughout the states, Vinoy Park in St. Petersburg welcomed back the musical tradition on July 1, 2016. While Warped Tour is known for bringing newer and rising artists into the spotlight, this year well known names such as Sum 41 and New Found Glory brought in their own seasoned crowd. For many music aficionados, there is something special about seeing a band preform in their home town. At 7:00 PM, many crowded around to see Tampa Bay natives Set It Off preform on the main stage. Other Floridian bands were also welcomed home, including Less Than Jake, Sleeping With Sirens, We the Kings,Yellowcard, and Mayday Parade. However, music is not the onlyattraction.There is a variety of tents lining the pathways to each stage. Many tents sell merchandise for specific bands preforming at the event, but there are

also independent clothing brands making a name for themselves. by permisOne specific example Reproduced arpedTour W ns a V was a tent for a store called sion of The Strange and Unusual Oddities Parlor. While they create and sell their own clothing line, they also have quite the selection of antiques and taxidermy. The owners of The Strange and Unusual, Joshua Balz and Ryan Ashley Malarkey, are no strangers to life in the public eye. Balz is the keyboard player of the popular metalcore band Motionless In White and his fiance, Malarkey is currently competing on the eighth season of Spikes Ink Master. As with any hot summer day in Florida, the heat was intense and the sun clearly left it’s mark on everyones skin; however, there was overwhelming excitment and joy spread across the crowd.

Mark your calendars for melodic tones patriciaMIGHION

staff writer

Concerts are a popular venue for high school students and families. There are many different genres that anyone can choose.There is something available for everyone from country, pop, rock, all the way down to accoustic. So, grab some friends and head out to the local venue for a good time!

September 23, 2016: Toby Keith @ Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheatre October 9, 2016: Pierce the Veil @ Jannus Live in St. Pete

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by

October 27, 2016: Alessia Cara @ Ruth Eckered Hall November 1, 2016: Lindsey Stirling @ Ruth Eckerd Hall November 16, 2016: Carrie Underwood: The Storyteller Tour @ Amalie Arena

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by

November 26, 2016: Dolly Parton @ Amalie Arena December 13, 2016: The Beach Boys @ Ruth Eckerd Hall February 28, 2017: Twenty One Pilots @ Amalie Arena

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by

reproduced with permission by


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Will the real AP please stand up? alexisGLASGOW entertainment & news editor

Huge Congratulations on the well-deserved award of Assistant Principal of the Year to our coveted Kristen Clausen! Mrs. Clausen started her journey in education as an English and Reading Teacher ranging from Clearwater Intermediate Middle School, Clearwater High School, and Dunedin High school. In 2013 she became the 6th grade Assistant Principal at Safety Harbor Middle School. Moving to Countryside High School in 2014, she quickly became the head of the ISTEM program, and Head of the English and Reading Department. After four years of hard work as an Assistant Principal, she finally got the honorable title she deserved as Assistant Principal of the Year.

The ever so humble Mrs. Clausen stated, “It wasn’t something I thought I would ever win!” Not only does she support students and faculty, but she is a supporter of our Relay for Life event each year. Her active participation and dedication in all that is Countryside High School has earned her this award that is displayed on a plaque in the administration office. “I try doing as much as I can for this school to make it a better place, so to be recognized for that was very nice,” Clausen claims. The students of Countryside High School would like to send our most sincere appreciation towards our wonderful Mrs. Clausen and all of her tough work. Without her commitment to our Cougar community we would not be the same school we know and love.

Couple attacked by FSU teen on the drug “Flakka” alexHENRY staff writer

On August 15th, Michelle Mishcon and John Stevens III were stabbed in their garage after Austin Harrouff, a sophomore at Florida State University, walked over three miles from a sports bar where he was having a meal with his father. Jeff Fisher, a neighbor, went to aid the couple and was attacked also . Before the attack, Austin walked out once and was brought back to the sports bar. He went to his mother’s house where she had to stop him from consuming cooking oil. He claims to had left the establishment both times due to slow service. After being brought back by his mother, Wade Harrouff, his father, had become upset with his son and grabbed him

by the collar of his shirt; Austin had left the restaurant, yet again. When the Authorities arrived, they found Austin hugging John Stevens III, the husband, attempting to bite off his face. Deputies went through many methods trying to get him off the victim; they even went to the extent of shooting him with a taser and sending a dog trying to get him off. Police are thinking that Austin was on the man-made synthetic drug Flakka, also known as the “zombie drug”. Flakka has side effects of paranoia and psychosis, and has a high that is quite similar to that of cocaine. They have found the drug connection to the homeless eating face event in Miami from four years ago.

ISIS recruitment spreads like wildfire is that both groups also had plans for global elisseAMSTUTZ staff writer domination. Once they have gained control over ISIS, the radical Islamic group, has been in the the middle east, they have plans to convert other news lately and has spread recruitment videos countries by using the weapon for fear. like wildfire, calling out to all ages from todAccording to ISIS, the children are their asdlers to parents. Surprisingly, ISIS recruits twenty sets to be used as soldiers as young as three members each day. Many wonder: How can this years old. Even the teachers of these children happen? What is the appeal to ISIS? Whatever are pleased with the thought of toddlers dying their means, it continues to pull more and more in battle. Just a few weeks ago, a twelve year old young people to their child, who could have cause. been in school learning Their recruitment vidpre-algebra, acted as eos surprisingly appeal a suicide bomber and to much of what modern killed at least fifty five day teens and young people at a Turkish adults desire: a sense of wedding in the name belonging, abolishment of ISIS. of oppressive governWhile ISIS’s numbers ment, and a promise of are growing, so are freedom. It especially the efforts of other appeals to those excited Muslims and fellow by violence. With various Americans to quell languages and quotes their efforts. The unfrom the Koran, ISIS has Reproduced by permission of Islamic State Social Media derstanding of the Kotargeted all ages from all ran in today’s society is he fuming hatred amoungst Shi’ites and walks of life. crucial to keep Muslims Sunnis is stopping serious Arab action In the eyes of many ISIS from joining the Jihadfighters, if a group is against ISIS. ists and social networks not with them, they are have been fighting against them and are therefore killed. ISIS can the use of ISIS advertisements on their servers. be compared considerably to the Nazis of the Slowly, ISIS is being forced back by both military nineteen-forties. Both have the same mindset and social means and will one day become noththat being different is reason enough to kill oth- ing more than a dark spot on modern history. . ers and die themselves. What is more unsettling



Let the games begin alexisGLASGOW

entertainment & news editor

Rolling in on the new 2016-17 school year, Countryside High School welcomes some unfamiliar faces to our Event Leadership Team. Relay for life is an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society, raising funds every year for cancer research. Countryside High School’s Relay is the anomaly of all Relays; being entirely student lead. The theme of this year’s Relay is “Cancer is not a game,” taking place on March 24th. Meet your Core Four!



Bring in all teams, committee members, outside volunteers, and potential Relayers to our event. Keep track of each team, and make sure they are on track.



Lead and manage the people lead, experience lead, and the fund the cure lead. Serve as face and voice of American Cancer Society



Keeps track of fundraising opportunities for teams Discuss Relay to companies interested in sponsoring



Sets up the field, organizes activities and creates event schedule for night of.


September 22, 2016 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Meet the Circus Entertainers of the Pawprint staff!

Patricia Migh ion

iser Randi K

lvarez Lia Dea

Maddi M


Photographer: Dylan Stevens Rachel Weth erington


Alexis G

Alex Henry

cott Tyler Pres

Megan Jones

Madison Anderson

Copy Editor : Elisse Amstu tz Adrian Porrata Thomas Boo th


Fionn Pard

Kiersten Mari cle

Alyssa Da

mbeck ng ruo T les Ju

Chloe Yates

Gabby Hernandez

Phoebe Stark

Margaret Trautwein- Staff Adviser Zoe Cooper

Liam Walsh

Kylie Busche

Ryan Griffin

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