Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 37 Issue 1

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Pawprint & UPC

Tuesday, October 20th, 2015 /// Volume 39 Issue 1



/// Countryside High School - Clearwater, FL


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In This



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October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Countryside Students show their spirit for the week jeanaFRASER

director of digital media

It is what most students look forward to all year. The craziness involving themed outfits, game and dance all are the components of homecoming week. One particular change mandated this year stuck out to most students-- the modified dress code and how it would affect the most exciting week of the year. Administration announced the themes for the days a couple weeks prior to spirit week. The days were: ‘Merica Monday, Toon Tuesday, Wacky

Tacky Wednesday, Twin Thursday and Spirit Day Friday. The announcement they sent out claimed that the dress code was the same as last year’s; it absolutely prohibits spandex, leggings, dresses and tank tops. In the grand scheme of things, it was not exactly last year’s dress code and more leeway was given than students anticipated. Student’s luckily were not deprived of the privilege of wearing an actual American Flag shirt instead of only being able to display school spirit by wearing a “Countryside approved t-shirt.”

Due to many students being upset about not having decades day this year - mostly upperclassmen -on Wacky Tacky Wednesday a lot of people decided to dress up in 80’s clothing. They claimed their outfits to be “wacky” and “tacky” to get away with their throwback outfits. Due to multiple rumors revolving all around school, the Friday pep rally to get pumped up for the game was cancelled. Pep rally has been announced to be held on Football’s Senior Night on October 23rd.


eniors Caleigh McCarthy and Taylor Logar wear 1980’s attire on Wacky Tacky Wednesday since Decades Day wasn’t a theme this year. “A lot of the seniors decided to wear 80’s stuff because it’s what makes the week the most fun,” Caleigh said.


triking a pose, Senior Zachary Ryan shows off his red, white and blue outfit on ‘Merica Monday during homecoming week. “I had a lot of fun being able to show my intense love for my country,” said Zak.


isplaying their school spirit, Seniors Emma Walford, Laura Perillo, Junior Kaitlyn Kerby and Sophomore Tyler Prescott dresses up as the Power Puff Girls for Toon Tuesday. “We all agreed on doing Powder Puff girls together because we had the perfect amount of people,” said Emma.


tanding tall with Mr. Schlereth, Senior Edgar Hernandez matches with his principal on Twin Day. “The night before, I had this sudden urge to dress like Mr. Schlereth and brought multiple dress shirts in my car to change into what he was wearing that day,” Edgar said.

W Photo credits Jeana Fraser Graphics credit Thomas Booth

earing their garnet and gold, Seniors Mackenzie Howe, Sheehan Ritz and Alison Beitzal support their Varisty Football team on Friday’s Spirit Day. “The best part of the day was when members of Gold Gang ran around the concourse with the Gold Gang flag in the morning,” Alison said.


October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Sigh Mike’s journey to become the next big thing Tips and tricks to sur-


me, signing and opening me up to a lot of events and he showed me the professional side of the social media inCountryside High School has a new member dustry,” said Mike. to the student population. He is simply a boy By making vines, Sighmike started named Michael Macari, but others such as getting a lot of attention, gaining a his 100k fanbase may call him Sighmike. fanbase. In 2013, Sighmike was an ordinary boy In January 2015, he signed to who was a fan of O2l, a popular youtube a tour called Pressplay, which is a channel, and did what he could to keep up meet and greet/concert event with with the group, and in 2014, Mike started other social media influencers. creating his own content. Through this experience, Mike has “I wanted to keep up with their videos been able to travel to many places. so I made a twitter, I was a fan, and I also He went to L.A with his friend Chriswanted to become a personality on sotian Leave, another personality on cial media,” said Mike. social media. As time went on, Sighmike kept on “One of my favorite memories is making more and more content. He when I went to a Pressplay event in even got his own manager. ichael Macari, #sigh- New Jersey and I met up with friends “Once you start creating more conmike, being his usual self tent you get more people’s attention. as shown through his funny who I met on the internet and we went to New York,” said Mike. My current manager reached out to vines. staff writers


Madison Avery knows Davis Hughes because they are family friends

Davis Hughs knows Nicole Tikriti because they went to Safety Harbor Middle School together

Six degrees of separation kierstenMARICLE

Peytone Xayasone

staff writer

Throughout a high school career, students meet many new and different people. They may create friendships that last a lifetime, or just a connection for a short period of time. During someone’s four years of high school, they may take about 28 different classes and may branch out and meet many new classmates. Students joining after school activities also allows them to meet new people. Six degrees of separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected with approximately six acquaintances between them. Below we linked together six student athletes from all different sports showing the ways that they are interconnected.

Lily Conte knows Peyton Xayasone because she has had past classes with him

Andrew Lugo knows Lily Conte because they have gone to school together since 3rd grade

All photo credits Sarah Preble Graphics credit Jules Truong

Nicole Tikriti knows Andrew Lugo because they have 7th period spanish together

vive Freshmen year julesTRUONG

design editor

As the new school year approaches, so do the worries and anxieties that may come with any new experience. For seniors, maybe the experience is dulled by familiarity. However, for freshmen, high school is probably an entirely different ordeal. Though the whole school thing may be a well known process now, it never hurts to have a little more advice. Consider it free tips and tricks that some upperclassmen wish someone would have told them when they were freshmen. Keep these mind as you peruse the halls of Countryside.

“Get involved in extracurriculars and become best friends with Angelo” -Edgar Hernandez Study: first and foremost, study. Write good notes, make flashcards, quiz yourself, anything and everything to be better prepared for tests coming around the corner. This is not middle school anymore; the tests are harder and they will only get harder as the years go by. It is better to develop the studying skills now so that the later years of high school will be a little easier. Get serious about school. Freshman year may be the first, but it is still very important to your high school career. Take the classes seriously, listen to the teachers, do the classwork and the homework. Read the textbook and do not go into each period with a lazy mindset. Act mature and do not destroy the school equipment. It will only come back to bite you in the butt. Messing up in freshman year will have a lasting effect, so make the year count. In the classroom, reach out and make a friend. One that is trustworthy and nice, one that is dependable enough where drama will stay far away. There will always be someone who cares in the school; find them. And do not be afraid to ask for help from the upperclassmen. They will more than likely be willing to assist in any way they can. Take any opportunities that may fly by. Join a club and become part of a close knit community where new and wonderful experiences will filter through. Joining a club early and sticking with it will look great on college applications. “Get involved in extracurriculars and become best friends with Angelo,” said senior Armoni Kendrick. Take on the extra work load but know your limits. Do not let it get in the way of sleep. Make sure every night, you get plenty of sleep to take on the next school day. It is absolutely draining to go to school with only an hour of shut eye. Freshmen year may get incredibly stressful, but it happens to the best of students. Take some time during breaks to breath and relax. If it allows, do things that are enjoyable such as playing video games, writing, playing music, whatever helps to clear a cluttered mind and lift a dampened spirit. Either way, whether these little bits of advice help or not, hopefully this school year will be absolutely wonderful. As an official statement from the Paw Print, welcome to Countryside High School, little freshmen. Keep your head up and a grand smile across your face!


October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


The constricting dresscode takes over


editor in chief

Looking around the hallways this year, it is likely that all you saw was a sea of garnet, gold, collared shirts, and khaki. This is a result of Countryside High School’s decision to introduce a new modified dress code from the 2015 to 2016 school year and on. This new dress code includes many changes from the Pinellas County Code Of Conduct dress code, such as the prohibition of hooded sweatshirts, non-school sponsored tee shirts, and skirts or dresses of any length. The new dress code only allows solid color or striped polo shirts, school or club sponsored crew neck tee shirts, plain colored hoodless sweatshirts, blue or black jeans, and khakis or knee-length khaki shorts. While this change seems to have solved many problems for administration pertaining to dress code violations, it presents some new problems as well. Firstly, the new modified dress code bans students from wearing skirts of any length. This presents an issue because many religions require their followers to wear skirts or other articles of clothing banned by the new dress code. Many state and county laws and policies require all students, faculty, and staff to have the

ability to exercise their religion freely and without conflict. According to the Pinellas County School Board policy 8800, “Federal and State law prohibit the School Board from adopting any policy or rule, or from entering into any agreement, prohibiting any student or staff from the free, individual, and voluntary exercise or expression of the individual’s religious beliefs.” If a school dress code’s rules restrict students from wearing certain clothes necessary to practice their religion, they are not able to freely practice it. This also brings up an issue of singling students out who choose to wear certain items of clothing to practice their religion despite the new dress code. By only allowing certain students to wear these items and prohibiting the rest, the school is isolating them and making them more susceptible to bullying and discrimination. Having to fill out paperwork or go through extra trouble just to practice what you believe in is not freely practicing it. Page 503 of the Pinellas County Code of Conduct states, “The primary goal of the district is to ensure that each student achieves at the highest possible level. Education is to be provided in

School lunches appall Countryside students patriciaMIGHION

staff writer

Reproduced by permission of

Photo credit Patricia Mighion ountryside High School students lunches contain an apple, a whole wheet cheeseburger, and pint of milk.


his is how the school lunch at Countryside Highschool should look. This contains a colorful variety, and a healthy looking sandwhich, and a water.


pawparrazi editor

Would you join a club just for the t-shirt? Since Countryside adopted the new dress code allowing only shirts with collars or countryside sponsored shirts, some students may be joining clubs simply for the t-shirts. Countryside sponsored shirts are preferred over the collared shirts and there are only so many countryside shirts you can buy without joining a club. Some students also join clubs because being member on a club looks good on a college application. Students should join clubs because they are interested in what the club is about not for a t-shirt or a college application. Joining a club for the wrong reason degrades the integrity of the club and is not fair to the other members that are there because they are truly interested in what the club is about. I feel that joining a club is a great opportunity to meet new people that are interested in the same things that you are interested in. Being apart of a like minded group can enrich your education and enhance your highschool experience. That is much more important than a t-shirt or a college application.

Illustrations by Alyssa Dambeck


Joining clubs or building a closet?

Photo credits Jenna Riveros

All students have experienced school lunches. By experienced, I mean tasted it and spit it out or smelled it and held their breath until they left the horrifying lunch room. The food is lacking a nice presentation altogether, and it is just scooped all over the plate waiting for one of the students to pick it up. The amount of money that you must pay is $2.50, which is quite a lot for what you receive with that amount of food; unless you have free lunch. For example, if you go to McDonald’s you can get a McChicken and Fries for $2.26 including tax, unlike the Chicken Sandwiches we have here for $2.00. However, it is not as enjoyable, does not have fries, and is not filling. Even though Mcdonald’s succeeds the Michelle Obama-approved school lunches where

each student should only have 750-850 calories; according to no matter what the lifestyle of that student is, each student will recieve the same amount of what the school calls “food.” “It is absolutely disgusting, there is no taste, it all tastes fake and processed.” “That is the reason why I do not do school lunches, I will bring my own food,” said sophomore Octavia Linaros. Another student has the same opinion when it comes to school lunch. Matt Monaghan, a junior at Countryside High School states, “School lunch taste like cardboard, dull in the flavor and looks, the food needs to have more nutrition and have more of a variety for students.” Yet those are only two people that say that school lunch is absolutely horrible, two is way more than enough for a change and for all to agree that what the students receive for lunch is poor and depressing and this must change.

a manner that does not discriminate or cause harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or social and family background.” By segregating people who follow a religion that does not coincide with the new modified dress code, Countryside is not providing an equal learning environment for every student at school and prevents the county’s goal of having Illustration by Alyssa Dambeck all students achieve at the highest possible level.


October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper




staff writer

With just a little over a year left of President Obama’s second term, the world is constantly watching and waiting to see who will be ready to lead the United States next. Since this summer, however, almost everyone’s eyes have been on Donald Trump. If you do not know who he is or why this is a big deal, here is the rundown: aside from being the former host of The Apprentice, the Miss USA and Miss America pageants, and the owner of the Trump Tower (the 57th tallest building in NYC), Donald Trump is a multi-billionaire who has now taken the world by storm with his announcement to run for president in 2016. Though Trump has attracted a large amount of support, he has been faced with just as much, if not more slander. This is mostly for his recurring--and almost always considered offensive-remarks towards immigrants who have entered the U.S. illegally. While some people claim it is just him “telling it how it is,” many people have found these statements to be ignorant or disrespectful. In his announcement speech at a campaign rally on July 16th, Trump stated: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

Trump’s immigration plan also has many people talking. The idea is essentially to deport all illegal immigrants in the U.S.--which is around 11 million. He also wants to build a wall on our southern border (yes, an actual wall) in an effort to stop immigration across the border from Mexico into the United States, which would also mean tripling the number of border officers.

Reproduced by permission of Getty Images


rump has founded his support on his business history stating “We owe $19 trillion, we need a businessman to bring us back.”

One journalist in particular has had a highly controversial public dispute with Trump. At a news conference in Iowa on August 25th, Univi-

sion anchor Jorge Ramos was thrown out by security because he was “out of order” and “stood up and started screaming,” as Trump said afterwards. However, Ramos claims that he was thrown out because Trump did not like his questions regarding immigration. Trump also intends to stop birthright citizenship, which would mean that children who are born in the U.S. (or “anchor babies,” as he has called them) to illegal immigrants would no longer be granted citizenship. However, this right is protected by the 14th amendment, so changing it would mean amending the Constitution. Aside from his views on immigration, Trump has also been under slander for numerous sexist remarks, one of the biggest being the comment he made about how he would date his daughter. “I don’t think Ivanka would do that [pose for Playboy], although she does have a very nice figure. I’ve said that if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.” Trump stated this in an interview in 2006 when asked about his daughter. Many people found this to be creepy or disturbing, though his PR rep later stated that it was a joke. Though Trump has been shown to be in the lead for the republican polls, we cannot know for sure until later next year if he could seriously become our next president. Trump once said, “Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.” Are you in or out?

Elephant and lion poaching causes national outrage patriciaMIGHION

staff writer

Animal poaching, the illegal slaughter of wild creatures, occurs when an animal’s traits are something worth value. After, they take the beast ideals, they leave them where they are. For example, elephants are poached for their ivory, tusks, and horns. At the Eastern Market, in Asia, these items are popular because they believe that the eyes,

hair, and internal organs of these animals have medicinal purposes and are part of their cultural and religious beliefs. According to National Geographic, 100,000 African Elephants have died due to animal poaching in just three years, making it the most frequently poached animal. A estimate of 100 elephants are killed every day due to this inhumane act. Currently, elephants are now in danger of ex-

tinction. Besides Elephant poaching, there has been a recent tragedy with Cecil the Lion. Cecil the Lion, a male at thirteen years of age, lived at Hwange National park in Matabeleland North, Zimbabwe but that all changed in early July. As reported by CNN, Cecil was induced out of the park with food, shot with a crossbow, then was tracked down for 40 hours. Cecil the lion had his Cubs left behind, and they are doing well.


October 20th , 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Spooky Halloween Recipe kierstenMARICLE

staff writer

Each year, recipes can be an easy way to get into the holiday spirit. Each Halloween leaves it’s mark on us with full bellies and mouths full of cavities, Halloween more so than other holidays. Hair-raising Halloween Mix is an enjoyable and tasty treat to make with family or friends. It is a cereal mixture covered in chocolate, peanut butter, and powdered sugar. Mixed in is everyone’s favorite Halloween


5 cups chocolate Chex cereal 4 cups rice Chex cereal 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips One half cup creamy peanut butter One halfcup butter or margarine 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 and one half cups powdered sugar 1 and one half cups (10 oz. bag) candy corn 1 cup Reese’s Pieces candy 2 cups of pretzels ( pick your preference of pretzel)

goody, candy corn, alongside Reese’s Pieces and pretzels. After having Junior Lauren Whitaker try this tasty treat, she described it as, “A very spooky and satisfying treat that I thoroughly enjoyed, and would enjoy again.” Below are the list of ingredients and instructions to this scrumptious snack. *WARNING CONTAINS PEANUT PRODUCTS*


In a bowl, mix together the peanut butter, chocolate chips, and butter. Then microwave on high for one minute. After the one minute has passed, take the bowl out and stir and place back in the microwave. Microwave on high for 30 second increments until melted and smooth. After it is completely melted, stir in the vanilla. Pour chocolate Chex cereal and Rice Chex cereal into a bowl. Pour chocolate-peanut butter sauce over the top of the cereal and mix together until it is completely coated. (Do this gently so you do not crush the cereal.) Pour mixture into a large ziplock bag and pour in powdered sugar. Close the ziplock bag and shake the bag well coating the mixture completely. After coating it completely, lay out wax paper and pour out mixture to cool. After the mixture is completely cooled place into a new clean bowl. Add in the candy corn, Reese’s Pieces, and pretzels.

Which is better: Howl-O-Scream or Halloween Horror Nights? Howl-O-Scream

Halloween Horror Nights



October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Something about Halloween history


staff writer

Halloween- an 8th century invention, now one of America’s most beloved holidays is not celebrated the way it was nearly 1,315 years ago. As October 31st creeps upon us, kids are getting excited to go trick-or-treating; but does anyone really wonder about all the traditions and where they are celebrated around the world? Halloween first started about 2,000 years ago in the United Kingdom and Northern France by a group of people called the Celtics. November 1st marked the end of summer and the beginning of a dark and cold winter that was usually associated with death. The night before, known as Halloween, the Celts believed the ghosts of the dead had returned. Druids, Celtic priests, would build huge bonfires and burn crops and animals. People would wear costumes, usually consisting

of animal heads and skins and tell each other’s fortunes. A common question from students around Countryside pertains to the origin of pumpkin carving on Halloween. “I think that people carve pumpkins to scare off spirits,” said Countryside Junior Ashley Davis. When asked, Davis guessed right on the spot. The tradition of pumpkins on Halloween originates from an old Irish folk tale. A bad old man named Jack had stumbled home drunk and met the devil along the way. The devil came to claim his soul, but Jack tricked him three times before he inevitably died. Following his death, the devil gave him a burning ember to light his way to Hell, and Jack placed it in a hollow turnip. People carve pumpkins called Jack O’ Lanterns with scary faces because that is how Jack reminded the devil to go away.

Turning away from death and moving towards the sweeter side of things, the tradition of giving out candy on Halloween originates from ancient Rome. The Roman People would give out sweets and pastries on the day to celebrate the dead. The Irish were the first to create what modern day society calls trick-or-treating. The adults would give out candy to the kids so that their house or property would not be vandalized. Everyone has a tradition they love most about Halloween. Countryside Sophomore, Taylor Shivers said, “My favorite Halloween tradition is getting a lot of candy.” Halloween is a holiday celebrated worldwide, including America, China, Canada, France, Ireland and many more countries with many different traditions, in which most people enjoy.

Little Cougars Halloween Costumes patriciaMIGNON

staff writer

As Halloween looms closer, Countryside High School’s Little Cougars will take to the streets as princesses, goblins, superheroes, and more, hoping to return home with a bucket full of candy and sweets.

Broo dres klyn Be rnitt sing will up a be s Els a

On October 31st, the Little Cougars will be trick or treating all around the Countryside area. They will be having fun creating memories and getting enthusiastic about the amount of candy they will be receiving. The little munchkins will be walking all around with tons of candy in their bags.

Emerson Clause n will be dressing up as Snow White

Cooper G dressin reco will be g up as Bumble bee


Getting in with Gold Gang maddiMILLER

Their cheers and chants can be heard from the other side of the football field and can even carry out into the The Gold Gang is parking lot. a group of students The person in from Countryside charge of the Gold High School who Gang this year is secheer on their sports nior Alison Beitzel. teams every year at She joined the Gold every game or meet. Gang last year by If you are looking sitting with a group for a way to get inof guys who started volved this may be the club. They graduthe place to start. ated last year and The main events passed the club over they get involved in to Alison. are the Varsity footAlison stated, “I ball games; howplan to make it a ever, this year the huge club and get Gold Gang is planphoto credit Sarah Preble everyone involved.” ning on attending old Gang proudly cheers on the varsity football team as they Many students other sporting events shutout the Boca Ciega Pirates 16-0 on September 11th. may be wondering as the seasons progress. They will not be able to make it to all of the how they can join. Alison said that, “Anyone can approach me events, but members are welcomed to go cheer or they can message us through our Instagram and support their teams. Every game they dress up and cheer on the (@csidegoldgang) or our Twitter (@therealgoldteam to express their school spirit and show their gang).” If students are looking to get involved by appreciation for their team. The Gold Gang is easy to spot at games, they showing school spirit, join the Gold Gang at the show their cougar pride by wearing face and next cougar sporting event and show your coubody paint as well as waving homemade flags gar pride! and banners. staff writer


Bump, set, spike! The Lady

Cougars are ready to fight! alexisGLASGOW

8 2015-2016 Fall Sport Schedule

October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

photo credit Sarah Preble

entertainment editor

The 2015 Varsity volleyball team approached the upcoming season ready to impress. With an adequate preseason, winning a match against Dunedin and losing against Tarpon Springs, the team appeared ready to jump in this season more than ever. The first home game against Tampa Catholic was all but graceful, losing in 3 games. With a whole new momentum to win, the Countryside Cougars aim to make the season the best yet! Beginning last year, both Varsity and JV teams began selling All Sports shirts for $15. With a new school wide dress code, sales skyrocketed. Selling them throughout the year, this will compensate for the cost of new equipment and resources. The volleyball team will battle their way to the top in the 7A-10 District Tournament starting October 19th, 2015.

photo credit Sarah Preble


ountryside Cougars special teams unit fights aggresively to block a Boca Ciega punt on Septemeber 11th’s victory over the Pirates.

Varsity Football Date




St. Pete High

Home 7:30



Away 7:30


Lake Mary

Away 7:00

Boys and Girls Swim and Dive Date




4A-6 District Diving

Sarasota, FL


4A-6 District Swim

Sarasota, FL


4A-Region 2 Diving

Long Center


4A-Region 2 Swim

Long Center

11-13-15 to 11-14-15

4A FHSAA State Meet

Stuart, FL

Boys and Girls Golf T

he varsity volleyball team gets fired up before playing Pinellas Park on September 1st.




10-19-15 to 10-22-15

7A-10 District Tournament

Seminole High School




10-19-15 to 10-20-15

3A Region 3 Tournament


10-26-15 to 10-28-15

FHSAA State Tournament (Boys)

Mission Inn

11-2-15 to 11-4-15

FHSAA State Tournament (Girls)

Mission Inn

Student Life

October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


Overflowing classrooms disrupt education in Countryside jennaRIVEROS

pawperazzi editor

This year students can say goodbye to their elbow space and hello to crowded seating, due to overflowing classrooms. Classrooms have been filled with 35 or more students which exceeds 25 student limit mandated by the state of Florida. Mrs. Hill said, “having a lot of students is frustrating but you just gotta suck it up and deal with it.” It is very important for a student to be comfortable in their learning environment because it affects their ability to learn. Having too many people around while trying to focus on learning can be distracting and can cause trouble for the teacher. With an overcrowded classroom, a teacher could spend the majority of a class period trying to settle everyone down or help a single student

understand the learning material better. With that many students a single teacher would be hard pressed to answer questions or give each student the attention they need. Students could be forced to share books and other resource materials and anyone needing special attention would definitely fall through the cracks. Grading papers for 35 students will stretch a teacher’s limited time restraints. This will stress teachers that are presently in the system and discourage potential teachers from taking on the insurmountable task of teaching an unrealistic amount of students per classroom. Any ratio more than 25:1 is creating an unrealistic expectation of success for Pinellas County students. Given the new and tougher common core standards, we should be striving for lower class sizes instead of cramming students into our classrooms and hoping for the best.

photo credit Randi Kiser


nglish teacher Mrs. Dimmers’ 7th period class has students using up all the desk space in the classroom due to overcrowding.

Messed up schedules cause problems among student population davidSOWINKSI

manager of digital media

As another year rolls around at Countryside, so does another year of schedule issues. At the start of every school year, there is always an influx of students waiting patiently for the corrections to their schedules, only to be turned away with no changes and problems to follow. When asked to comment on the schedule mishaps, 9th grade guidance counselor, Mrs. Ackerman said “a lot of our scheduling problems this year come with removal of some classes, such as AP chemistry and Woodshop. So we tried to place students in classes we thought best suited them based on their record. We also had a problem with schedules being available for students

to view on portal over summer , they were late due to a county update that delayed the school from updating the schedules .But the rumor of students being placed in AP classes due to an overcrowding of core classes is false. We (guidance team) will only place a student in AP if they have requested it even if we recommend they do not take the course.” Students are being stonewalled when trying to get their schedules corrected, such as 12th grader, Alex Nash who after two weeks into the school year had her whole schedule redone even after resolving the problems she had with her original schedule, then to throw out what was all done to balance out classes. “In my fourth period I don’t even have a desk,” said Alex about her AP Statistics class.

How to winterize the new dresscode maddiMILLER

staff writer

unior Savannah Roman models her Countryside approved long sleeve shirt while wearing a garnet necklace. “I accessorize to make myself feel more comfortable,” said Savannah.



enior Alishai Bryan expresses her individuality by wearing formal jackets and pearl jewelry over a pink polo. “I knew when we got this new dress code I’d still find a way to dress nice,” said Alishai.

director of digital media

The start of a new school year always means a variety of changes. Whether it is new lunches or a new testing schedule, this year’s modified dress code might have been the biggest change yet. Last year, when the word “uniform” was thrusted on the student body, many students thought they were getting ripped of their fashion individuality and would not be able to wear what they wanted to school. In essence, this is partly true since it is a version of a uniform, but there are ways around it. The opportunities are endless as to how a student could enhance their school outfits and still follow the modified dress code. Below are tips on how to not wear the basic polo and khaki outfit every day, but how to wear things that are already hanging in your closet to get that individual look.

photo credit Jeana Fraser

photo credit Jeana Fraser


Modifying the Modified Dress Code

photo credit Jeana Fraser

This year Countryside High School has modified their dress code to where students are not allowed to wear a hoodie in the hallway during school. Many students are worried about how to still stay warm and/or dress fashionable once winter arrives and still adhere to dress code. Most of the students at Countryside typically own only sweatshirts as their winter wardrobe. The problem with that is most of them have hoods attached to the back of the sweatshirts. For students who want to stay comfy and warm, they are allowed to wear any sweatshirt without a hood as long as they are wearing a polo or school sponsored t-shirt underneath. For those who like to stay warm and fashionable, some students are finding that sweaters with both simplistic and patterned designs are fun to wear over their polos. Their collars can peak over the neck of their sweatshirts for that extra pop. Another idea that falls within dress code would be sports jackets. These are the pull over jackets with the half zippers or the one with full zippers with what qualifies to be a collar on the

top of the jacket instead of a hood. Students can find these jackets at any sport store or if they play a sport for the school it may be available for them that way. Luckily, mostly students already wear jeans or long shorts to school so not many people need to worry about that. A little tip for girls would be to wear leggings underneath your jeans on the few very cold days to keep the freezing wind off of your legs as you walk outside for a class, or entering and leaving the school. The hallways themselves are always freezing cold. Many girls also like to stay fashionable with their shoes during winter. The biggest trend is wearing boots. Boots are comfy, cute and still follow the dress code. Some girls like to wear their fuzzy socks underneath for extra warmth but they can also get boot socks and wear them over their jeans so they peek over their boot and also give extra comfort. Even though Countryside high school now has a modified dress code there are still ways to dress for success, comfort and fashion. There is no reason to worry about not wearing hoodies because they can find new ways to dress warm and be more fashionable for winter.

52% of students in a poll done reported of having an issue with their schedule. Something is not right, when more than half of the students are having an issue with their schedules, mistakes like what has been happening for years is very alarming! If mistakes like what happened to Alex Nash continue, the school could be forcing students who should be graduating to not. As students we also have to keep in mind how small the guidance team is, we have four counselors who have to answer to angry parents, over two thousand students, and administrators. So for them to work as much as they do which as students we do underestimate is a little wrong on our part. They should have all the schedules fixed by second week of school.


unior Matthew Hecker goes against the norm by wearing a blue flannel over his Countryside approved t-shirt. “I like being able to wear flannels because it’s what I always wear,” said Matthew.

Student Life

October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Students lose connection to WIFI leaDEALEAREZ

staff writer

As all Countryside students know, there have been many changes this school year. Along with the dress code adjustment, students do not have Wi-Fi available to use during the school day due to the fact that students on the Wi-Fi takes away from what teachers and the rest of the school can do online. However, Countryside High School is not the only school making this change. Many students at schools including Palm Harbor University,,Tarpon High, and East Lake High School are facing the same situation with the connection during the school day. In Pinellas County, the reasoning for taking it away because the Wi-Fi band only stretches so far and with students on it, it can slow down and limit the connection. Students in the county have found a Wi-Fi that works at school with the password Back2School. The password responds to the username “guest” that you use at the login screen. At first, the connection seems to work but then moving around the school will make it go in and out. Also, if students try to use social media sites like Twitter and Snapchat it can kick them

off the connection. This loophole does not seem to be very effective and does not help with the Wi-Fi problem. “I do not like how we cannot use our phones as resources during class and during lunch, I do not want to use up my data,” said Senior Ella Gilbert. Data can be expensive and can be used up easily when not connected to wireless. Pinellas County is not the first to have made the restriction on accessibility. Many counties in Florida have made this very same decision including Pasco County, who sited they needed to in order to cut down on the ability of hackers to get into their new testing system. In fact, only 39% of schools nationwide have an accessible student Wi-Fi. In actuality, the United States limiting Wi-Fi accessibility in schools is comparable to what some other countries around the world are doing for example, most schools in Europe. The U.S. is even a little behind on this trend. Although students will increase their use of cellphone data, one thing is clear: Wi-Fi will not reappear on student’s servers. Like Mr. Zornes said, “We have to remember what we are here for!”

APPlying yourself hunterLEMMONS

Flava Essentially a digital journal with a timeline that allows you to upload text and audio, import from google music, and many other features to document your life. A 21st century journal for everyday use

Adobe Photoshop Express A great photo editing app for all photographers (and hardcore instagramers) both amateur and professional. This app gives users hundreds of features like cropping, filters, lighting options, among many others

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Circle of 6 This app allows users to quickly send pre-written text messages to as many as six contacts. One message sends a GPS location and a request to be picked up, while another ask friends to quickly get in touch with the user. The app also includes links to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) and Love is Respect hotlines

staff writer



Students may be wondering what clubs and sports to join for this 2015-2016 school year, others are thinking of what possible activities they may choose. There are multiple reasons why students decide to enter clubs and sports; they want to be more involved with school, are trying to find a new hobby, or want to interact with new people. School activities look great on college applications, as they show that students are active with Countryside. Clubs that have been a hit with students include the Students Against Destructive Decisions or SADD, Gold Gang, the Key club, the Interact club, and the Multicultural club. “We participate in a number of service projects every month around the area primarily through the Kiwanis club and some we create in hope to better our community and the hours you participate go towards Bright Futures,” stated Thomas Roman, vice president of the Key Club. This significant club is a nationally accredited club and looks outstanding on college applications; it is high-ranking and fun! Football, cheerleading, track, soccer, and wrestling are examples of sports that students are interested in, they keep students active. Young scholars should keep an open mind for what after school activities they should choose. They are stimulating, people interact with each other, ub Cl and it looks great on college applications. DD 0%



news editor

With an App Store full of thousands of apps for users to download, it’s sometimes hard to find the best ones. Here’s a breakdown of some of the better and most useful apps of 2015

Students all up in the clubs victoriaCaldera



This app gives you access to millions of songs from up and coming bands across the globe as well as some contemporary music.


This app helps keep track of the number of hours the user work and calculates what you should be getting paid each paycheck.


October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

What is more haunting, the past or present? kierstenMARICLE

staff writer

Classic horror movies can sometimes come across as cheesy and old fashion vs. the new high quality version of it. Consistently classic movies are remade into a more modern day films. Below are just a few of many that have been adapted to fit the new standards of horror.


1976 vs. 2013 In the original Carrie, a telekinetic teen with anger problems named Carrie goes on a homicidal rampage at her school’s Prom, and dies by the house crumbing and crushing her. In the remake, however, Sue, the only survivor, is told by Carrie that she is pregnant with a baby girl before she is crushed to death.The plot is generally uniform in both adaptations, but both will create a scare.

1984 vs 2010

1982 vs. 2015

In the movie, Freddy Krueger, a homicidal maniac topped off with blades for hands, taunts his victims in their dreams. Although the 2010 remake provides little change in the plot, new special effects and makeup bring the story to life. However, the death of our beloved killer takes away some major horror points. What’s

When comparing the old and new versions of Poltergeist, the remake has been created with a twist of new technology as well as a new generation of fears. The 2015 remake includes the children of the family more and creates more of a scare factor along with expert special effects makeup. However, nothing could compare to

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Mosh into the music scene this winter gabbyRODRIGUEZ

design editor

2015 has been one of Tampa’s biggest years for concerts, and it is not over yet. As the year is coming to an end, many fall and winter tours come with it. From twenty one pilots to The Weeknd, these upcoming shows are the ones not to miss. »» October 31st: Taylor Swift ft. Shawn Mendes and Vance Joy- Raymond James Stadium; tickets on sale starting at $82.10 »» November 13th: Zac Brown Band- Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheatre; GA tickets on sale starting at $44.00 »» November 23rd: The Front Bottoms ft. The Smith Street Band and Elvis Depressedly-

Orpheum, Ybor City; GA tickets on sale for $16.50-$21.00 »» December 5th: 97X Next Big Thing- Midflorida Credit Union Amphitheatre; Main Stagetwenty one pilots, Of Monsters and Men, Walk the Moon, The Neighbourhood, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Robert Delong, X Ambassadors. Second Stage- Saint Motel, Borns, BOOTS, Glass Animals, Pvris; remaining tickets are $30.00, lawn and level 300 access; second stage is GA for all, first come first serve »» December 1st: Mac Miller- The Ritz Ybor; GA tickets on sale for $32.50 »» December 17th: The Weeknd ft. Halsey and Travis Scott- Amalie Arena; tickets on sale starting at $53.20 photo credit Sarah Preble


anic! At The Disco preforming in front of their fans during the 97x Backyard Barbecue at Vinoy Park in St. Petersburg, Florida on May 23, 2015.

25 years of universal fright julesTRUONG

design editor

Celebrating its’ 25th anniversary, Universal Studios brings back all of the classical horrors of the past to this year’s Halloween Horror Nights. Iconic Jack the Clown makes his return to invite visitors to traverse the dangers of the park. He even has his own explicit show where he showcases some of his favorite techniques for dealing with special guests. His assistant, Chance, helps to provide twisted humor throughout the show. From the howling Wolfman of 2009 to the recent AMC’s Walking Dead house from last year, Halloween Horror Nights highlights a large assortment of popular houses from the past. Totaling at 9 houses, some of them include Freddy vs. Jason, Insidious, The Purge, and Asylum in Wonderland. Throughout the park, there are also special areas called Scare Zones that are not necessarily a house in itself, but a designated space where spooky characters roam the streets in search of their next victim. Some of these areas include escapees of a terrifying asylum, and a steampunk themed zone where bloodied fairy tales come to life. A few areas have thick fog or bright flashing lights, so those with sensory issues should be aware of these. As usual, blood, gore, and body horror is heavily implemented throughout the park. However, no character is allowed to touch visitors. The only thing that could come into contact with guests would be dangling ropes, torn fabric, and other such items. No one is safe from being scared, whether it be a character getting too close or the sudden screams of the killed, this year’s event will surely be a hit for those who have the guts to attend.


October 20th, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper


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