Countryside High School Pawprint Newspaper Volume 36 Issue 3

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Friday, February 20th, 2015 /// Volume 38 Issue 3 /// Countryside High School - Clearwater, FL

On the Pathway for Semester Two Keep a watchful eye on your absences and grades if you plan on exempting your final exam.

Teachers want to see you succeed, but they’re not going to hold your hand the whole way; it is up to you to make sure you excel in your classes.

Helpful Tips for the Dreaded Tests jennaFENDER

Prioritize your grades not your friends, your future is more important than your social life!

copy editor

With the end of the 2014-2015 school year approaching quickly, students at Countryside High School are beginning to prepare for the truck load of tests that are about to be dumped upon them. Tests may come easy for some students, while for others it could be the most anxiety causing event that they encounter all school year.

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continued on page 7

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Readying for life beyond Countryside High School angelaBOOTH

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entertainment editor

I am a senior in high school who epitomizes the word “procrastination” has lived her whole life in a lastminute panic. I feel preparing for life after high school should not begin your final year of secondary education. If I could re-do my whole high school career, my time would have been managed more diligently to prioritize academics above most other areas of life.

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In this day and age, the standards for college admissions has risen immensely since previous years. When applying to major state schools, the majority of students admitted have GPA’s above a 4.0 and the SAT scores of do not even want to know. Below are descriptions of tasks and practices you could perform in each grade level to better prepare you for life beyond Countryside High School.

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continued on page 6


February 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Dreams vs. reality: what did you get this Christmas? What did you actually get?

What did you want during the holiday’s?




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What people want for Christmas and what they get for Christmas are two very contrasting images. This is the time of year where anyone can ask for anything in the world! At a time where imagination should come in all shapes and sizes, list making becomes crucial. Preparing a Christmas list is the prime example of over exaggerated gifts galore. Lists will contain a new Mercedes, a pony, even a million dollars! With the endless possibilities and options, what do you want for Christmas? Christmas morning is, and always will be the most exciting morning of the year. A million thoughts are streaming around the room when a glimpse of all of the presents under the tree is caught. What happened to that boyfriend or teacup pig that was wished for? Did the dream become a reality? Valentine’s Day is the day of utter love. Couples everywhere take infatuation to the next level on this holiday. Every female in the world expects to have a box of chocolate and bouquet of roses on her doorstep on this day. Along with Christmas, you can ask for an array of gifts and receive none of the above. Anti-Valentine’s day advocates include one group and one group only, the single people. February 14th is the dreaded day that the feeling of despair and loneliness overcomes the caste for single people everywhere. Classification under the evil “s” word is not always as bad as it seems. Everyone should get a gift, single or not. Whether it be from a friend or parent one should always feel the pure joy hidden behind the walls of feeling alone on this special day.


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staff writer

Claire Kemp

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Edwin Jimenez

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“A h ome m card from ade mom my ” Jenna



Illustrations by Jules Truong

Does bland help you understand? jennaRIVEROS

staff writer

The traditional setting for a classroom has always been desks, a chalkboard or white board, and a teacher’s desk. Over the years, some classrooms have become more modern, For example, chalkboards have been replaced with “Smartboards.” Are these changes improving our education?


A student spends up to six hours a day in classrooms, so a plain room can get boring to look at. A classroom is where a student will succeed and grow in education, so teachers try to make their classroom an “intellectually active” place. Keeping their classrooms clean and organized, teachers try not to make their students feel cramped. The coloring in a classroom has a big impact on a student’s mood, bright colors will make the student feel alert and motivated to

learn. Lighting also has effects on students, incorrect lighting can have a negative impact on learning. The furniture in a classroom can not only reduce fidgeting and increase attention span, but can also encourage a healthy posture. It is safe to say that regardless of the subject matter or the makeup of the students in a class, having a stimulating environment enhances a student’s education. “I choose to decorate my classroom with pictures of former students and cheerleaders in an effort to make my classroom welcoming,” says Mrs. Michael.

Photo credit Alexis Glasgow

rs. Michael supports students past and present by displaying them on the walls for all to see. The decorated environment helps set the tone for her classroom.


Febuary 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


On the fence about the fence rylanFRITZ

sports editor

In mid-November, the Pinellas County district implicated a large amount of fences and gates to enclose the entire campus of Countryside High School to ensure the safety and efficiency of students and visitors. Many students are curious as to why these fences and gates have suddenly sprung up around the school, and many questions remain around the subject.

“The purpose of the fences and gates put up around campus is to keep unauthorized people from entering our campus during the school day,” said Mr. Whitaker. The assistant principal also made it quite evident that the enclosure of the campus was not in administration’s control, rather the district took the initiative and the final say on the matter. When asked about whether or not other schools in the districts jurisdiction would receive similar applications,

Mr. Whitaker said,” All schools will have similar gates constructed. The idea is that there is one access point to the school for visitors.” Clearly safety and organization are a motive behind the acts taken by the district and eventually all schools in the district will end up with the same fences and gatesseen at Countryside High School.

Photo credit Fionn Pardue


ountryside high schoool’s newest addition to campus security that was added mid-November of 2014. This gate is placed where the old portables used to be outside of the auditorium and N-wing.

Course Spotlight: the Backbone of Movies julesTRUONG

staff writer

Countryside High School has many different courses to offer its students to take during their years in high school. From sports to the arts, there is a vast variety of classes for a student to choose from for the school year. Most electives students take pertain to their interests and career goals. The classes help provide an abundance of information and prepare them for their futures; some classes may teach students how to write while others teach different skills to use on the field for sports. A new class, which was started this year, assists students who have an interest in movie production or simply just want a new medium to express their stories and possibly make big bucks on. The class, officially called Cinema, Theatre, and Film Production in Focus, is better known as Screenplay writing. The course offers students a chance to have an environment for which they are supported and taught how to write their very own scripts. Instructed by Mr. Zimmermann, the course is very enlightening and perfect for those wanting to further develop their knowledge of writing scripts. The class teaches students how to format the script, create unique and realistic characters, as well as give students tips and tricks to developing their stories. With Mr. Zimmermann’s guidance, students will have written a fullfledged, 90 page script by the end of the school year. Zimmermann himself has written four full features, two shorts, and plans on starting another one sometime soon. With his experience, Zimmermann passes tips and encouraging words to his students constantly and hopes

they take them to heart as they participate in the class. He



Photo credit Rachel Wetherington

r.Zimmermann, Cinema teacher at Countryside high school pauses teaching to snap a photo with

hopes that the students will have confidence in being able to write something so big as well as having a sense of accomplishment. Since this is his first year teaching the course, Zimmermann hopes to get news coverage for it when there is a number of people that have completed, he said he was going to call different people to let them know. He even said he was going to mention it to The List that would be featuring UPC producer, Rebecca Knouff, senior at Countryside High School. “All depends on how good the scripts are,” Zimmermann said. “Great hope they will write something liked, recognized, and sells. But, even if nobody gets a nibble, students will all have won because they can write hundred page screenplays.” Whether or not the class will be taught next year is completely dependent on the amount of students who sign up for it. If it were up to Zimmermann, he would continue to teach until he retires. He also has been thinking of offering to teach it as a college course at the St. Petersburg college. For those still curious and undecided, Zimmermann said, “You don’t need to wait until you’ve grown up. You can accomplish great things right now.” “But, even if nobody gets a nibble, students will all have won because they can write hundred page screenplays.” - Mr. Zimmermann


Febuary 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


FSU Shooting: too close to home sarahBLOCK

staff writer

When going to college, family members of students expect many different things. Most expect their loved ones to learn, have fun, and to be safe. Sadly, too often people turn on the news to see there has been a school shooting somewhere in the U.S. Not only does this affect family members, it saddens millions of people around the country. Most people have heard of school shootings, such as the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, but no one imagined that it would have happened so close to home. On November 20, 2014 a shooting took place at the Strozier Library at Florida State University in Tallahassee. The shooter, Myron May, was a former student of the University who was believed to have a mental health disorder. May went into the library right before 12:30 a.m. on Thursday night, where hundreds of students were studying for exams and opened fire. One employee was shot in the leg and was released from

the hospital two days later, another student was grazed by a bullet, treated and released at the scene. A third was shot three times and was paralyzed from the waist down. reproduced by permission of


eople gather together for a prayer vigil at the FSU campus

This shooting brought the state of Florida together in ways it had never been before.

On November 21st, the University of Florida had a student rally to support their rival school. Students had a moment of silence, wore Florida State colors, and made signs that said “#FloridaStrong”. Many students at Countryside High School have friends and family members that attend FSU. “When I heard about the shooting, my mind immediately went to my friend Chris. Luckily he and his friends decided not to go to the library that day” said Jacob Babnik, a junior at Countryside. Not only do students know many people that attend the university, a lot of Countryside students plan to go to FSU when they graduate. Thanks to the Tallahassee Police Department and on campus police, the shooting ended within two minutes of the first 911 call. Family members, students at rival colleges, and the whole state of Florida are hoping that everybody affected by the shooting has a healthy, and quick recovery.

Verdict causes unrest in Ferguson fionnPARDUE

staff writer

On Monday November 14, 2014, a St. Louis County grand jury chose not to indict Missouri police officer Darren Wilson for the murder of 18 year old unarmed Michael Brown, which took place in August earlier this year. The following night of the grand jury’s decision the people of Ferguson, Missouri took to the streets and began looting, vandalizing police vehicles, and burning as many as 25 buildings in protest. “If we burn, you burn with us” a slogan from “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1” was spray-painted on to the Saint Louis Arc in south St. Louis. Feeling as the American system had failed them, protesters in Ferguson burned the American flag. The burning of the American flag upset and angered many people across the nation causing them to take to twitter and other social media to voice their opinions. Tuesday, November 15, St. Louis County released re-

Community takes a stand to prevent human trafficking angelaBOOTH

entertainment editor

The Tampa Bay area is known for its intricate historical landmarks, beautiful beaches, epic tourist attractions, and for being the number one hotspot for human trafficking in the state. Wait, what? Human trafficking, involving the abduction of children, teens, and adults of all varieties and utilizing or selling them as sex slaves, has been a problem for years in the bay area and is still becoming a growing issue. Several members of the community today are making an attempt to help prevent these high number of human trafficking occurrences from taking place. Movements such as the Abolish (child sexual slavery) Movement and the Community Against Human Trafficking of Tampa Bay are upholding events in Downtown Tampa to help make local residents aware of the catastrophes of human trafficking occurring and to provide them with the tools to prevent them from happening to them. The main goal of these events are to unite the community in helping supporting the cause. The number of the National Human Trafficking Resource Center is 1 (888) 373-7888 and is available for individuals who are inquiring or feel as though they or a loved one are at risk of being a victim of human trafficking.

cords to the public showing 61 people were arrested with charges including burglary and trespassing in Ferguson. “We have no loss of life, but I am disappointed the night turned out this way,” St. Louis Police Chief Jon Belmar said according to Fox News. Less violent protests took place all around the United States including Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Charlotte, North Carolina; Dallas, Texas; Portland, Oregon; and Washington D.C. Protests happened not just in the United States but worldwide including the U.S Embassy in London, England. Four months have passed but Americans still feel justice has not been served. People continue to voice their oponions in print as well as online. “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” -John F. Kennedy, 1962.

Reproduced by permission of


eople of Ferguson, Missouri gather together to riot against the verdict.


February 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

Sensational slip-ups in the news hunterLEMMONS

staff writer

All around the country, it seems as though there is no end to people being idiots. From California to New York, there will never cease to be a constant flow of stories about people being dense onto social media and the internet. Though few will see themselves in the bold print headlines, here are a few that did. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 19 year-old John Corcoran was working as a volunteer firefighter for the Goodwill Fire Company. When things were slow at the station, he and his 17 year-old friend drove out and found abandoned homes and lit them on fire. He then headed back to the station and returned to put out the fires. When police became suspicious of the nature of the fires, they investigated and ruled them as arson. Investigators eventually questioned Corcoran who admitted to starting the fires with his friend. In an interview, Corcoran told them his friend had said, “I won’t get caught, I’m a Ninja.” They say that everything is bigger in Texas, but maybe not the mentality of the Texan governor and future GOP presidential candidate, Rick Perry. When asked whether he thought homosexuality was a disorder, he stated: “Whether or not you feel compelled to follow a particular lifestyle or not, you have the ability to decide not to do that. I may have the genetic coding that I’m inclined to

be an alcoholic, but I have the desire not to do that, and I look at the homosexual issue the same way.” Comparing homosexuality to alcoholism? Maybe not the wisest move for someone seeking the most important position in America. Most people have heard stories about dumb criminals, but few stories will top this attempted bank robbery in Bryan, Texas. Johnnie Fletcher Gooden, Jr. walked into his local Chase bank and told the teller he was Michelle Obama’s adopted son and requested access to the funds in her bank account. Not long after, police arrived on scene to question him. He continued with his story saying that the First Lady messaged him on Facebook and wanted to adopt him. After a little searching from the police, they found the real culprit for this story, marijuana shoved into his pants. If you want your face on TV, this is definitely not the

Italian immigrants struggle in the wake of civil unrest

with atrocious health conditions, stories of sexual abuse, human trafficking running rampant, much to the ignoguest writer rance of Italian officials who are only just now beginning In the turmoil of 21st century Arabia, from Saddam to adopt a suitable immigration system. and the American occupation, to the Taliban and al-QaDespite this problem, it took until the beginning of eda, scores of innocent victims who have lost their homes October for the issue to garner international attention and often their family are forced to flee their ancestral necessary for a solution, when a boat carrying over 500 homeland, the result of religious and sectarian violence migrants crashed off the coast of Lampedusa, a common that has plagued the region. stop on the journey to the Italian peninsula, killing over These people are becoming one of the most divisive and 360. intensive issues Since the tragedy in the modern several other shipworld. They are wrecked boats have the migrants. been saved through a Refugees from renewed Italian Coast a country that Guard program by holds little opthe name of Mare portunities and Norstrum, which has little hope for a saved over 100,000 better life. refugees since OctoThe United ber. Nations High To add to the disCommission may, their problems for Refugees are not over once (UNHCR) they cross the borestimates that der. Intolerance and civil strife in nativism have led to boat full of immigrant refugees heads for the Italian coast Syria alone has cases of discriminaresulted in the tion. Work is nearly displacement non existent for ableof over 3 million refugees since the beginning of the con- bodied males, not to mention the sick and elderly. They flict, that number excluding migrants from countries such are often forced into horrendously overcrowded and unas Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Iraq, and Afghanistan. derfunded state-assisted living conditions. Asylum seekers The rise of nationalist and jihad movements in the re- find incredible delays and obstructions in obtaining legal gion has contributed heavily to the influx of North African papers necessary to survive in the western world. migrants willing to risk their lives to make the perilous and Tightened Italian borders, and a reluctance of wealthy often fatal journey across the Mediterranean, stopping on nations to accept these refugees have created a ghost popislands like Malta before ultimately heading to Italy. ulation unable to leave to their home, and unable to cross Often these journeys are made in overcrowded boats the bridge into a better life.




NASA Pushing the Boundaries of Space Travel hunterLEMMONS

staff writer

On the morning of December 5, NASA successfully completed the test flight of EFT-1 Orion, the first time since 1981 that a craft designed to carry astronauts has been launched. The flight was designed to test all of the crafts integral systems as it orbited the Earth twice. NASA’s plans for the Orion craft include eventually sending manned missions to an asteroid caught in orbit around the moon, as well as to Mars. These goals are hoped to be achieved by 2024. One of the biggest issues facing NASA is the funding for these programs and missions. Over $30 billion dollars is needed to fully fund the research and development of the Orion craft. Just the launch of the first test flight was near $1 billion, and future shuttle launches could reach up to $1.5 billion. Though these expenditures are astronomical, the annual funding for NASA comes from the federal budget. NASA gets around .561.0%, or $9.6-12.7 billion a year. After paying for the aptly dubbed “standing army” of workers and all the launch costs, allocating money for research and development can sometimes be stretched thin. NASA will continue developing this project as well as many others in the upcoming decade, in hopes of someday soon reaching distances we have never gone before.



February 20, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

Tips for tes

Start here: angelaBOOTH

entertainment editor

Coming from a senior in high school who epitomizes the word “procrastination” and has lived her whole life in a last-minute panic, preparing for life after high school should not begin your final year of secondary education. If I could re-do my whole high school career, my time would have been managed more diligently to prioritize academics above most other areas of life. In this current day and age, the standards for college admissions have risen immensely since previous years. When applying to major state schools, the majority of students admitted have GPA’s above a 4.0 and the SAT scores of do not even want to know. Below are descriptions of tasks and practices you could perform in each grade level to better prepare you for life beyond Countryside High School.

Your first year is definitely important but remember to enjoy Freshman year while you can, it only gets harder from here!


With the end of the 2014-2015 school year approa School are beginning to prepare for the truck load of te Tests may come easy for some students, while for event that they encounter all school year. Here are a few tips to help you survive the tests that •Do not cram the night before. Instead, study for 20 not over load on information and crash. •Eat a good breakfast that day. It is understandable t but a good healthy breakfast will go a long way. •Do not rush. Plenty of time is allotted for students early- go over your answers to insure you did your best •If you do not know an answer and you feel as if you skip it and go back when you are finished. Often times you were not understanding. •Stay calm. Everyone has had to take tests and it wi

Sophom As a Sophomore: The struggle of getting your bearings as a freshman is over, but the academic fun is not. If you have not already done so, partake in an A.P. class or two and get a feel as to the challenge that will await you in college. Join a club or an extracurricular activity to help you gain a sense of community/team building and also spread your horizons. Colleges admire individuals who

Freshman As a Freshman: College may seem as though it is eons away. You are so wrong, it is almost kind of adorable. Strive for creating good study habits - you will absolutely need them. Stand to achieve making the highest grades possible and challenge yourself with honors courses in subjects that you are strong in. It is more admirable to see that you challenged yourself and received a

B in an honors class than to take the easy road and receive an A in a standard level class. Think of community service projects, clubs, and extracurricular activities you would like to partake in throughout these next couple years. Not only is this helpful in gaining Bright Futures hours, but they are all also very humbling experiences that build character. That is a significant factor in what is sought out by colleges.

If you haven’t already, check with guidance to make sure you are on track to graduate, if needed enroll in classes to take on FLVS over the summer.

Junior As a Junior: Junior year is above all one of the most important years of your high school career. It is a vital year to sky-rocket your GPA because the following summer and fall will be that time to fill out applications. If it is an option for you, take a dualenrollment course which gives you a direct experience as to what the college classroom is like. Take the SAT no later than the spring. It is recommended that you take an exam or two a couple months prior to spring because generally each time one retakes an SAT, there is a surprisingly significant amount of improvement. You can also take free prac-

tice SAT exams on the CollegeBoard website. Obtain leadership positions in extracurricular activities and clubs you are involved in. It is a phenomenal experience and facilitates passion for taking a stand for something at an early age. Looking good on college applications is just a plus. If you are somehow able to find time to add a job to your plate - do it. Gaining people skills and a sense of professionalism is essential and something that should be learned at this age. Having money and being able to purchase your own things will also bring you a sense of pride and independence as an individual.

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Feburary 20, 2015 | Issue 1 | Paw Print Newspaper

st taking:


AP oppritunities presents themselves to new students

copy editor

aching quickly, students at Countryside High ests that are about to be dumped upon them. others it could be the most anxiety causing

t may or may not help determine your future: 0-30 minutes a night. That way your brain will

to have pre-test jitters and be a little nervous,

to finish their test. If you do happen to finish t. are spending too much time on one problem, when you go back to a problem you see what

ill be okay.



staff writer

AP Capstone, a two year course that is being newly offered in the 2015-2016 school year, is beginning to attract the eyes of brilliant students everywhere.This unprecedented diploma program is divided into two segments; AP Seminar and AP Research. AP Seminar is offered to juniors and “develops and strengthens your analytic and inquiry skills” as stated by the AP Capstone pamphlet. This half of the program prepares you for the other, more complex half. You must complete a team project, individual paper, and presentation during this Seminar, accompanied with a written end-of-course exam. AP Research is offered to seniors that have completed and passed AP Seminar. AP Research allows you to dig deeper and study a preferred area of interest. You are required to complete an individual research project, the topic being whatever you choose, and submit an academic thesis paper of about 5,000 words. Presenting and orally defending your work also follows up the paper. This class “focuses on making a line of reasoning for writings and evaluating sources” making it differ from a regular class says Mr. Yongue. In order to officially complete AP Capstone with a diploma, you must complete both of the Capstone courses and and other 4 AP exams. Are you an ideal candidate? “Candidates who are literal thinkers but still have the ability to do independent research and can derive their own research questions” are the perfect fit says Mr. Yongue. If interested, there will be a powerpoint presentation at [insert place+date]. Mrs Williams, Mrs. Ackerman, and Mr. Yongue are the people to contact if seeking more information. The main source of question about AP Capstone is why are we one of the few school that will begin offering this program? “It is a charter program that is exclusive to only 200 schools in America. Next year Pinellas county is adding 7 new schools to the program.” If you are interested in furthering your future in a colossal way, then AP Capstone is for you!

well-rounded and accomed at an early age. Take a PSAT (practice SAT) our own and plan to take ext year, Assess yourself and pare the results you received he score you need to obtain et into the college choice. also highly recommended you purchase an SAT study let and dedicate an hour or each week to doing practice lems.

Senior As a Senior: You are on the final home stretch and may possibly be in the panic phase. You have every right to panic because adulthood is right around the corner and you have no earthly idea of how you got to the current state you are in. Living independently may even be unfathomable to you. Apply for colleges in the prior summer as well as in the fall. The sooner you apply, the greater the chance will be in which you will get accepted into the college of your choice. Also, put your hands on any scholarship opportunity that presents itself. Any amount of money helps - do not limit yourself to just Bright Futures. Learn basic life skills. Seriously. The amount of teenagers who do not know

Take the SAT

how to budget money, pay bills, and figure out taxes is disturbingly high. If you already have a sense of the direction in which you would like to take for a career, before you choose a college - think about which one offers the best programs suited for your career choice. Each school has its own strong suits so it is encouraged to really take your time to decide what Junior College or University fits you as a person best. Enjoy your senior year! You have worked hard and earned the time to enjoy in your final months as a kid. Save money ahead of time for purchasing things such as yearbooks, cap and gowns, prom tickets and outfits. Trust me - you will need to. Nothing in this world is free when you are an adult.

Don’t count on guidance to get to you, you need to get to them first.

End here: Managing your time wisely will not only help you prepare for college and get you into the school of your choice, but it will also help develop positive habits that will help you improve your overall lifestyle as an adult. I of all people also know that improving time management skills is far more easier said than done. Overwriting your previous mental habits developed over an entire decade may be difficult to accomplish, so have patience with yourself. Taking all these steps early on will make your senior year even more enjoyable (to some degree) and will provide optimum results in what you want to achieve in life - both long-term and short-term. Live in a realm of endless possibility and know that you have the potential to achieve anything you want in life. Hang in there and set the bar high.


February 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


The scoop on Countryside basketball averyVELA

staff writer

Boys Basketball:

Countryside’s boys basketball team had a decent season with an overall record of 9-12, and a district record of 3-7. With a tough schedule, they have come up against some of the big school competitors, including Calvary Christian, Clearwater, Northeast and Palm Harbor University. Coach Powers, who has been coaching Countrysides team for two years has worked hard training his boy for the tough season that they had. Zachary James, a junior started on the team said “[This season] I think I grew as a player, I got better on and off the court. All the games they lost were pretty close in points, and the team hopes to have a better record next season. When asked how he thinks the team could improve, Zach said “I think the chemistry could be better.” Coach Powers and the team hope that next year their record will be more in their favor. I llus t rati on b y Jul es Tr uong

“Were a better overall team, and we’ve improved our record because of it. we have a young good team.” - Coach Klemmer

Girls Basketball:

Countryside’s girls basketball team has had an amazing season so far. Coached by Anthony Klemmer, the girls team has dominated their season with a record of 19-7, and a district record of 8-2. So far both Northeast and Calvary Christian seemed to be tough competitors for both girls and boys basketball until recently when the girls team won the district championship against Northeast 52-45. This years female team has been the first in over 20 years to make it to the district championship, let alone win it. Moving on to regionals, the team has had a lot of mental preparation. “We’re taking it game by game now, focusing on the round we’re at,” said Klemmer. When asked if their practices have changed at all, Klemmer said “They are different in this stage, but its mostly metal changes, and certain game plan changes. They’re in shape, the foundation was done in the beginning.” “Winning would be great. Every team is excellent.” said Klemmer. When asked what has changed from last year, Klemmer said “Were a better overall team, and we’ve improved our record because of it. we have a young good team.” On the team there is one freshman starter, and also a sophomore that starts. Coach Klemmer believes they will be able to be a strong team for the next couple of years. The girls lost in the regionals level in a close game. They made it further that any other countryside girls team in the past 20 some years.

Cougar wrestling seeks a victorious season averyVELA

staff writer

After warm ups, they spend about 45 minutes to an hour going over everything they have learned, then go over techniques and go through different moves, how to do them and they practice them at a slow pace, eventually getting faster. They usually go through two to five a day. After learning new moves the boys go live, or in other words simulate a match. Then they have conditioning after practice. The team has duals midweek, and a tournament every weekend.

A former wrestler at Countryside High School, Coach Frease, coming straight out of college, has now come to coach the Cougars wrestling team in hopes to further the team’s success in his second year of coaching. The team consists of all ages and sizes, and some new wrestlers have come out this season. The team wishes to have a large variety of boys in every weight class, hoping to do well in each and every one. Last year the team had a pretty good season, winning in some of their weekly duals with different schools in the county, and this year, winning even more. With some of the toughest training, the team was more than ready for this season. Because wrestling has different weight classes, many of the wrestlers must work hard to maintain their weight. Some are required to lose or he Countryside Cougar Wrestling Team spars during a typical practice. gain weight with only a few hours notice. Whether it is drinking three gallons of water or runWhen asked what he hopes for in finishing the seaning in sweats and a trash bag, wrestlers body withstain a son, Frease said he hopes the team is “going to win county lot of hardships, all before they even start the match. tournament and then districts, I want the whole team Daily training for the boys consists of a basic warm up, to qualify for regionals, five for state, and I want a state twenty minutes of jogging, stretches and calisthenics. champ.” Coach Frease says “Everything they do affects how Coach claims they are known as the underdog, but he they wrestle. They have to do stuff out of training like runhopes he and the team can show everyone differently. ning, lifting, strength training, endurance. They need an extra workout.”


ougar Wrestler James Totten does wrestling excercises with a partner.



oach Frease spars with a Countryside wrestler during practice. photo credits Avery Vela


February 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Ohio State defeats Oregon rylanFRITZ

sports editor

For the first time in NCAA college football history, the 2015 Championship final between Oregon and Ohio State on January 12, 2015, was decided in a four team playoff fashion at AT&T Stadium with a final score of 42-20. On Oregon’s path to the playoffs, the Ducks finished the regular season with a stellar 12-1 record, losing only to bitter Pac 12 Division rival Arizona with a score of 31-24. The Ducks, lead by QB Marcus Mariota, have shown great improvement under second year head coach Mark Helfrich. After a successful green and yellow season, Helfrich’s #3 Oregon Ducks played Winston’s #1 Florida State at the Rose Bowl. Big hype preceded the game, but the Ducks came out victorious with a 59-20 win. On the other side of the fence stands the Ohio State Buckeyes, a team plagued with quarterback injuries as both first string Braxton Miller and second string J.T. Barrett suffered season ending injuries. With all hopes in 3rd string quarterback Cardale Jones, the Buckeyes, also lead by Head Coach Urban Meyer, were looking for an 8th National Title; and they found just that. Oregon’s fast-paced offense was no match for the Buckeye’s solid defense as well as Cardale Jones’ and Ohio State running b ack Ezekiel Elliott’s stellar performances. When NFL 1st round projected draft pick Marcus Mariota and draft-hopeful Cardale Jones were asked whether or not greener pastures would be found playing in the NFL next year, Mariota and Jones had a few things to say according to ESPN: “I’m sure it will weigh in a little bit, but there’s a lot of

other things that have to play into that decision,” Mariota said. “There’s starting grad school, coming back for another year to improve, there’s a lot of other things that could bring me back. It’s just not specifically this loss.” “After three games, [the NFL] was out of the question,” Jones said. “A first-round draft pick means nothing

reproduced with permission of


hio state football players celebrate after their big win against Oregon.

to me without my education.” When all was said and done, Ohio State came out with an 8th National Championship this year with a sound 4220 win against the University of Oregon.




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Countryside 2014-2015 soccer summary averyVELA

staff writer

Girls Soccer:

The girls soccer team at Countryside High had a pretty strong 2014-2015 season. They came away from the season with five wins, six losses and two ties. Their biggest competitors were Plant, East Lake, and Palm Harbor University. Junior Varsity girls also had a very successful season only losing one game to Dunedin High School. The girls plan on training hard with Coach Chris Duffy, and JV Coach Zach to have an even better season in the 2015-2016 school year. Moving some of the JV players up to varsity, the coaches are already preparing their girls for next season, getting them used to playing with the older girls and tougher teams. They seem very well prepared and are all in high hopes for next year.

Boys Soccer:

Countryside’s boy soccer team had a decent season this 2014-2015 season with a record of 4-10 and a district record of 2-4. Coached by Sean Nolan, a math teacher at countryside high school, the boys had a hard schedule to come up against. They trained long and hard for this season, and hoped for more success but the team plans to come back much harder next year. Their toughest competitors this past season seemed to be Northeast High, Palm Harbor University and CCC. There are many successful seniors they will lose this year after graduation but also having a good variety of younger boys, the team is hopeful for next season.

Thank you SGA for your continuous support of PawPrint Pewspaper.


Febuary 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

Dress code: Haters gonna hate, Oligarchies gonna Oligarch Staff Editorial Being a high school administrator is a career accompanied by various decisions that can drastically change the quality of learning for all students. One of their current resolutions is creating a strict modified dress code that is limited to khaki’s, jeans, school colored polos, and school shirts if one is in a club. In previous years, administration has attempted to pass a modified dress code quite similar to the new one presented. They did, however, uphold a vote among both faculty and parents of Countryside High School students to determine whether or not this dress code is to be implemented. The vote did not pass. This year, the school has made the decision to enact this new policy for the 2015-2016 school year regardless of the thoughts and opinions of the individuals who regularly attend school and will be affected by it. A vote was conducted among teachers in which they were able to determine if the modified dress code were to pass. For students who are unable to afford to replace their entire wardrobe with polos and khaki pants, administration is currently collaborating with the cougar closet (located in A-wing) to implement a system to provide such clothing. Many also question how they will also be able to keep warm during the school days considering hoodies, too, are also banned. Sweaters may be worn as long as all other outer garments are proper to suit the new policy. According to administrator Mrs. Williams, “the goal of the new dress code is to reduce student’s time spent in

IC so that it may improve their quality of learning. With the dress code being more strict, it leaves what should and should not be worn less open to interpretation.” Many disagree and think that the new dress code will do the exact opposite and keep more students who do not wish to comply with the policy in IC. Sophomore Adrian Porrata had stated, “the new strict dress code is taking away our number one form of self-expression as individuals. We are transitioning into adulthood and administration should be focused on other things, like improving graduation rates, as opposed to worrying about the specific style of pants we are wearing or the fact that there is a hat on top of our heads.” Even though the principal does not technically need to take into consideration of the opinions and incentives of students, staff members, and parents on major decisions such as this in order for it to pass. According to the Policy Manual of the School Board of Pinellas County, however, section 1.09 on Decentralized Decision Making states that “...effective leadership is not the sole responsibility of the school principal. Under a system of decentralized decision-making others in the school community - including teachers, parents, students and the business community will participate in designing programs that will meet the school’s educational requirement.” What are your opinions on the matter? Do you think that the new modified dress code will improve the overall quality of learning among students? Or, taking into considerations other major school adjustments such as the gated state of the campus and the strict bathroom-pass policy, will this new implementation lead to an administrative oligarchy?

Breaking your back for success alyssaDAMBECK

staff writer/ illustrator

The hefty weight of a backpack can take a toll on ones back. This can cause problems for students that have to carry their heavy backpacks around all day. Heavy backpacks can cause stress on your spine, which inevitably causes pain. Long term stress on the back can cause minor, back, neck and shoulder pain. Lightening your backpack is a good way to expel the pain. Try to use folders for your classes; it will remove the weight of those heavy binders. Also, utilizing your locker will help ease the weight off your shoulders. Although

some people's lockers are not easily accessible; the cause, not enough time between classes and far, hidden lockers. So that may not be the best option for them. However, holding some of your books can help take the load off your back. And most definitely if the textbook is not needed at school bring it home! Make sure you use both straps of the backpack. This will help even the pressure. Doing some of these simple tricks to lighten your backpack will help protect you back from further harm, and back pain. Lay back and relax with a snack.



staff writer/illustrator


February 20th, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


The interview that was deemed controversial


staff writer

When it comes to movie premiers, the holiday season is the time of year that every movie maker looks forward to. This time is when most movie goers spend their days off at the movie theatre. People watch scary movies on Halloween and romantic movies on Valentine’s Day, but the day that every studio wants their biggest movie to premier on is Christmas Day. In 2014, The Interview, starring James Franco and Seth Rogan, was set to premier on Christmas Day. The comedy tells the story of two people running a celebrity tabloid TV show, who land an interview with one of their fans, the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-Un. When the CIA hears of their plan to meet with him, they ask them to assassinate him. Many North Koreans did not like the plot and a group who called themselves “Guardians of Peace” hacked into Sony Pictures. The hackers exposed embarrassing emails and confidential information from some of the companies top executives. The group also threatened they would attack movies theatres that showed the movie. This threat scared millions of American’s and the company decided to cancel the premier after the countries top theatre franchises said that they would not air it. “I think that all of the theaters that had planned to show the movie, should’ve shown it. I think that we should be able to go see whatever movie we want without being threatened by other countries” said Ella Gilbert, a junior at Countryside High School. Despite the threats, about 300 private theatres premiered the movie on Christmas Day. Sony also made a deal with Youtube to let people rent the movie online. The movie made $15 million its first four days on the internet.

Graphic illustration by Jules Troung

Jennifer Lawrence is the girl on fire veronicaSIMKO

staff writer

Repro d and w uced by pe rm w tion b w.etonlin ission of g y A ng e e ela Bo .com. Grap m oth. hic ill lustra -

Katniss Everdeen (played by Jennifer Lawrence) is back at it again in the first of the two part movie for Mockingjay from The Hunger Games series. As of January 2015, Mockingjay has brought in $701.1 million dollars. The movie continues following Katniss who previously survived two Hunger Games after being rescued from the annihilated arena of her most recent tribute in The Hunger Games, as she ultimately wakes up in a “different world” which she finds out to be is in District 13. After she sees the ruins of her home of District 12, Katniss becomes The Mockingjay - a symbol of rebellion and it is her mission to save and rescue love interest Peeta Mellark (played by Josh Hutcherson) along with victors held up in the wrath of the Capitol.

Taylor Swift has a blank space for new music jennaFENDER jenna

copy editor

On October 27, 2014 Taylor Swift’s first official Pop album 1989 was released and in the first 24 hours sold over 400,000 copies. Swift has certainly strayed from her country roots and her first self titled album, Taylor Swift’s country sound. Although some of the songs are over edited and have more of a techno sound,1989 is full of catchy tunes that you will be humming to for days after listening. It includes her wildly popular new beat Shake It Off which tells her fans that she is going to “shake off ” the haters’ comments. Over all, 1989 earns four out of five stars and is full of amazing tracks for everyone to enjoy.


Febuary 20, 2015 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Where are they now? meghan MOREY




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Photo credit Frances Guarrraci



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frances GUARRACI

“Teachers who don’t help the student with the borderline grades and the fcat get under my skin.” Ciarra Bremer, Junior.

page editor


A Exe dam L c The utive owitt : P Da ily S roduc how er

pawprazzi editor

“ Teachers w ho are way too excited a bout their job. Like it ’s 7 a.m. Relax. Or w hen it ’s your birthday and everyone is singing to yo u and you don’t know w hat to do.” Cynthia Alm araz, Junior


“I hate everything.” Sabrina Marshall, Senior

“The new bathroom passes are stupid.” Tim Truong, Senior


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