Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 37 Issue 3

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Countryside High School | February 11, 2016 | Issue 3





February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper 2 Features Melissa Dohme tells her story to raise awareness for domesetic abuse


staff writer

Almost, like every other high school student, Melissa Dohme spent her days happily hanging with friends and her boyfriend, Robert Burton, creating memories that she hoped would last a lifetime. However, this all changed suddenly for Dohme when it was time for her to start thinking about graduation and college. According to CBSNEWS, Robert became jealous of Melissa as she was slowly starting to begin preparation for her Clearwater High School graduation. He became controlling and shorttempered, resulting in verbal, emotional, and, later on, physical abuse. The abuse reached a point where Melissa had to run away from him for her safety; he started pulling her hair and punching Melissa. When she finally had the strength to call the police, Robert was arrested for domestic battery. In doing this, she was able to harmlessly end

the relationship with Robert - or so she thought. Three months later, Melissa awoke to repetitive, unexpected phone calls from Robert in the middle of the night. He called her crying, claiming he just wanted a hug for closure. She ignored her instincts and went to meet him outside her house that night. When Melissa went to meet Robert outside of her house, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her, neither of them saying a single word. While hugging him, she heard an unexplained click and the worst followed. Melissa was stabbed 19 times to her head, neck and face, and 13 times in her arms in effort to defend herself resulting in a total of 32 stabs, causing her to flatline 4 times. Thankfully, a teen nearby heard her screams, and, with quick action, called 911. After all of the terror that Melissa went through she has learned to forgive, forget, and move on. Robert is now in prison after being charged with

first degree attempted murder. She believes she was saved to tell her story and help inform teens of the risk on dating violence. Melissa now works at Hands Across the Bay, as the Outreach Coordinator and Violence Prevention Advocate. She tells her story to students every year at Countryside High School. “Dating should be a fun, exciting experience”, said Melissa, “it should never be scary, intimidating, or a struggle. I beg you to educate yourself on the danger of dating, you’re not alone and help is available.” Through all the ups and downs Melissa has experienced in her past, her future holds an exciting adventure. Eleven months later, Cameron Hill, one of the first responders that helped saved her life, reunited with Melissa. Two and a half years later, Cameron proposed to her at the Rays baseball game when she threw the first pitch, and now her story has gone full circle.

“Most teachofesers choose their pr ccess su e th sion to promote , one lly fu pe Ho of the students. edue at st e d th day, the county an the on be ll wi ts cation departmen tt co es . Pr same page.” - Mrs

“I’m tired of hearing profanity from these students in the halls!” Ms. Buffaloe

“I wish more people would step up and be leaders and join Relay For Life!” - Mrs. Springer

Six degrees of separation Mrs. Santiago knows Mrs. Hill because she is a guidance counselor for some of Mrs. Hill’s students.

kierstenMARICLE Mr. Zornes knows Mrs. Santiago because they work together as colleagues.

Mrs. Hill knows Mrs. Brunson because they are both teachers in the history department.

staff writer

Six degrees of separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected with approximately six acquaintances between them. Connecting the teachers around Countryside High School, we found the educators that educate our student body.

Ms. Guzell knows Mr. Zornes they attend the same church.

Mrs. Brunson knows Mrs. Schuster because they have connecting rooms and are very good friends.

Mrs. Schuster knows Ms. Guzell because recently went on the Epcot field trip together.


February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


d n a y p p a h e y b a o D t s ’ w e n i t Ho n e l Va n o e l sing

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February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Team Captain America vs Team Iron Man: who will win? Why choose? julesTRUONG

design editor

On May 6, 2016, Captain America: Civil War is due to be released in the U.S. for nerds of all ages and sizes to go and enjoy. Now, just like any other fan, I am super excited for the release. What is not to love? There is a bunch of superheroes getting together to kick some evil butt and save the day, right? However, this upcoming movie is most certainly not the case. Here is where spoilers may lie ahead as I am going to reference the comic universe and make different connections of that variety that may or may not spoil the actual movie. So, people who do not want to be spoiled should go away. Shoo. Last chance to get away, going once, twice, thrice. Alright, let us get down to business. As a general basis, the superheroes we have come to love and cherish are about to go to war. Not with any villains, no, but with each other. Yep, that is right, for the most part, it is Team Captain America versus Team Iron Man. The reason the two sides are going toe to toe is due to the introduction of the Superhero Registration Act that required people with superpowers to register, be unmasked before the government, and become subject to federally mandated standards. Within the comics, Iron Man sides with the introduction of the Act whereas Captain America does not, thus leading the resistance against it. However, there is so much more to this. Iron Man only sided with the Act in order to lessen its blow on the superhero community, and as such, I hope his reasoning will be explained in the movie so that he is not seen as the villain. Or at the very least, will garner some support from viewers who have no idea about the entire ocean of backstory that pushes the Civil War in other universes. But, according to what can be deduced from the trailers being released, this may not be the case. Iron Man is shown to be attacked or almost

photocredits: marvel

killed by Bucky Barnes numerous times. In the trailers, Captain America is very supportive of Bucky and is shown to go against the government in order to help save his friend. Due to the movie being under Captain America’s name, it will probably be automatically assumed that Iron Man is the villain in this movie. The movie is being told from Captain’s perspective, so, Iron Man is the antagonist. This does not mean, in any way, that Iron Man is the villain. All in all, I severely hope that Iron Man is not pegged as the villain in this movie. There are a list of other things that I am worried about, including Iron Man and Captain America’s relationship actually leading to the war, though it is not established well enough in the previous movies. A general consensus of this, is that the two are best friends, and more often than not, when they are in a major quarrell, Civil War ends up occurring. An example to back this up, is in the comics where the idea of multiple universes are introduced, and in one of those universes, Civil War is stopped by Iron Man (who is a woman) marrying Captain America. The movies have not been very successful in completely establish-

ing the two’s closeness, which makes one of the key lines in the trailers seem lackluster. Captain America apologizes and says that Bucky’s his friend, to which Iron Man replies, “So was I.” Though I am both excited and devastated for this movie to come out, (I can not bare to think of my favorites fighting), I am also very worried for the direction the movie may take.

art credit: alyssa dambeck


February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

Hovering into chaos


Hoverboards frequently catch on fire while riden victoriaCALDERA

staff writer

The hoverboard, a self-balancing segway, has become drastically popular. In fact, Ebay sold more than 5,000 units on Black Friday, but as their popularity spreads so does the main question: are they safe? In January, the US Consumer Product Safety Commision (CPSC), reported at least 40 hoverboard fires in 19 states. Hoverboards utilize lithium ion battery packs for their power, and the liquid inside the batteries is highly flammable; if the thin sheet of plastic in the battery separating the positive and negative sides is punctured, the liquid in the board will

heat up and and then will quickly explode. “Do not charge a hoverboard overnight. Make sure you’re awake and watching,” Patty Davis, deputy director of the CPSC, stated. Overcharging a hoverboard may lead to the overheating, catching fire, or exploding of the batteries. American, Southwest, United Airlines, and other notable passenger flights have banned hoverboards because of the dangers pertaining to the lithium-ion batteries. The US Postal Service has stopped shipping them by air, as well. The hoverboard is the “hottest” product on

the market, and consumers must remember the dangers involved with them.

Global temperature change continues to affect the world sarahPREBLE


It is not uncommon for Florida to experience some pretty warm winters compared to the rest of the country; however, record highs and an 85-degree Christmas leads some to believe there is great cause for concern. In 2015, the United States had its second warmest year on record. This was the 19th straight year when the annual average temperature across the country exceeded the 20th century average, according to the NaThe U.S. contributes 22% of the world’s carbon emission, while only haveing 5%of the world population.

tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and every month in 2015 apart from April and January was the hottest yet. There is overwhelming evidence that climate change is becoming a huge problem. According to National Geographic, 2015 was the hottest year yet recorded, smashing the previous record, which was set in 2014. However, many conservatives insist that such extreme jumps in weather are simply cyclical. Although El Nino did have a large part in these strange weather patterns, there is no denying Two thirds of the world’s ice loss is happening in Greenland.

Global warming has caused a drastic increase in rainfall throughout South America over the past ten years.

the fact that humans’ unsustainable nature is taking a toll on the atmosphere. “The combination of El Nino plus climate change clearly has brought the U.S. some weirdly memorable, highly unusual, and quite troubling weather,” said climate scientist Michael Oppenheimer of Princeton University. “As for the influence of climate change, it’s just the beginning.” So, when are we going to stop applying sunscreen in December and question what is really going on?

In 2003, around 70,000 deaths have occurred in Europe alone due to diseases caused by rising temperatures.

Africa has some of the lowest overall and per capita global warming emissions on the planet.

During the last 40 years, the average temperature in Russia has increased 0.4 degrees every ten years.



February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

What to know about Relay 2016 R be ela M yf ar or ch Li 11t fe h wi 20 ll 16




staff writer

u Relay For Life is

Friday, March 11th @ 6 P.M.-7 P.M. u There are 30 teams

and 256 Participants.

entertainment editor

Relay for Life, the experience relished by hundreds, is a greatly anticipated activity throughout the entire school year. Countryside High School’s Relay, being entirely student lead, is and previously has been spoken of with great pride. Alexa Cetta and Jeff Van Cleve have taken the rigorous title of Event Chairs this year. Working from early October until March 11, Alexa and Jeff, along with a student lead committee, work diligently to pull off this extraordinary event. Without a large amount of student participation, Relay would not be the prime event that is known and loved. In years prior, Relay has consisted of approximately 40 student-lead teams. The goal for this year is to have 35 teams for the 2016 Relay. The theme of this year’s Relay is Classics for a Cure, and while there are currently 30 teams, foresight for March 11 is at an all new high. As far as the actual night goes, it is filled with activities to take part in, food to eat, and fun to have for an entire 13 hours. If questions surface about what to sell, there is a simple answer; anything. Items ranging from sausage on a stick to live goldfish can be sold; shoot for the stars!

Countryside welcomes its new Relay for Life sponsor alexisGLASGOW

entertainment editor

u So far, Relay has

raised $9,449. u Countryside’s Relay is

strictly student ran!

Mrs. Diana Springer is Relay Chair this year, and, with extreme motivation to make this year the best one yet, she wants everyone on board. Personal experience or family ties are not a requirement, as everyone relays for their own reason. “I participate in Relay because there are a significant number of amazing students in this school, and I really enjoy guiding them through their Relay journey,” Springer said with glee. Every year an estimated $50,000 is raised for the American Cancer Society in effort to find a cure. Relay for Life is a highly prioritized event at Countryside High School, with uber amount of support from faculty and staff. There is a high demand for teams, but there is an even higher demand for active participation. Being world-renowned, Relay for Life is the happening that shows up to the party dressed to impress. The highly overused excuse for the lack of participation in the event each year is “having no time.” Starting or joining a team takes a behemoth amount of about 5 minutes to complete. Go online to, fill in the information, and you have officially taken your first step into the Relay world. Welcome, we have been expecting you.

Along with a new theme of the 2016 Relay for Life came a new Relay leader. Mrs. Diana Springer took on the dedicated role of Relay for Life Chair, taking the place of retired chair Mrs. Beth McGovern. Taking on such an extreme and meaningful role comes along with an assortment of questions, which Springer answered more than willingly!

Q: Why did you decide to take on Relay chair? A: “Relay is a big part of Countryside High School and I want it to live on! I appreciate the opportunity to do something outside of the classroom that molds students into leaders.” Q: Why do you Relay? A: “I relay because there are too many people

who suffer from the effects of cancer, whether it be someone who has fought cancer or someone who lost a loved one to cancer. I like working with the students while they do something bigger than themselves.” Q: What are you most looking forward to about March 11? A: “I look forward to watching the students spend time outside of school doing something to help the community. It’s really neat to see the number of students who are willing to do something so selfless.” Q: What is the hardest part about being chair? A: “Getting students to find the time in their very busy schedules to follow through on commitments.”


February 11 , 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper



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From then to now

The Enchanted Garden Countryside students are excited for this years new prom theme: Enchanted Garden

2014 d

staff writer

Prom is almost here, and juniors and seniors are officially invited to the event of the year. The official theme is Enchanted Gardens and will take place April 1, at the Safety Harbor Spa, 7 to 11 p.m. Prom is an important night for high schoolers and an expensive one, as well. It is not surprising to discover that girls spend much more than boys. According to, girls on average spend $530. This includes the dress, alterations, shoes, jewelry, nails, hair, and transportation. Boys, on the other hand, only have to worry about their tux and transportation, spending on average $250. A drastic change from last years theme “Black and Gold,” this years theme is “Enchanted Garden”. Students will enter a magical garden full of wonder. This magical night deserves a magical dress.

On, the most popular prom dresses were long and red or brightly colored. In a different perspective on, the dresses were long, open-back, and black. The ‘elegant’ look is the eye-catching style for prom of 2016. Prom tickets will be sold during lunch and after school; in order to purchase a ticket, students need to bring their Countryside I.D and cash only. On Wednesday, March 2, tickets will be sold at $55; the lowest price possible. They will only then be sold on Fridays beginning at $60.00, starting March 4. Every two Fridays the price increases by $10 so students better act fast. Monday, March 27 through Thursday, March 31 will be the last week to be able to buy tickets at $80.00.

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2013 M ht

2012 Ni g

With prom season right around the corner the fashion club gets ready for it’s annual prom fashion show. which gives students the opportunity to be a model on a runway stage. The Prom fashion show is put on as a fundraiser for the fashion club. The purpose of the Prom fashion show is to showcase this year’s male and female prom fashion trends. Nikki’s glitz and glam boutique sponsors the fashion show and lends all the dresses and tuxedos for the event. ” A lot of work goes into planning the event, about two months. Fashion club members make flyers to promote the event, they contact

our vendors.Our members also select the music, make the program, set up decorations and displays for the night of the event.” Says Ms.connors who is the teacher in charge of the event and the fashion club. All models are entered into a raffle for a chance to win anything from a free ticket to prom, nail appointments, and hair appointments for the big night, Pre-sale admission can be purchased through models, fashion club members or ms. Coners for $3. This year we are also doing a presale a vip option for $4 and this means preferred front row seating. Night of show admission will be $5. The 4th annual prom fashion show is Friday, february 19th 7pm in the auditorium.


staff writer

St ar


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Students strut their stuff at this years prom fashion show


u The west coast spends the most on prom annually, while the south spends the least.

uGirls spend an average of $250 to $400 on their dress, while guys only spend $80 to $180 on their tux. more likely to drink and drive on prom night than any other night of the year.

uWhile schools did nto start covering proms in their yearbooks until the 1940’s, historians believed proms were held as early as the 1800’s.

uAmericans spend 6.6 billion dollars on prom annually.

d te an t ch es En For

u90% of teens believe that their peers are



February 11, 2016| Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

Countryside’s student athletes recover from tough injuries patriciaMIGHION

staff writer

Photo credit: Patricia Mighion

Throughout the halls of Countryside High, students may notice at times their friends and fellow peers with sports related injuries. Overcoming injuries is a challenge many high school athletes have to face. Senior Jake Trimble was playing a game on the courts of Northeast High, when he attempted to block a shot. In doing so, his knee buckled, which tore his ACL. Unfortunately, Trimble was not able to recover before the season ends. His road to recovery will be 3 to 5 months, but he is keeping a positive outlook and thinking of it as a “good learning process.” Katie Ernst, another student athlete, injured her ACL as she was playing a double on the Countryside High School tennis courts. As she was playing, she planted her foot wrong and immediately fell to the ground.

As a result, she has been out of tennis for 4 months, with 5 months still ahead. “I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday,” said Ernst, when asked about her recovery. Armin Bajric, a junior, who was playing a soccer game at Disney’s Wide World of Sports for a soccer tournament. As Bajric was dribbling down the field, a reckless slide-tackle took him out. The tackle resulted in a sprained ankle, along with some swelling and discolouring. Bajric is disgruntled about his injury, but views it as a challenge of adversity. “I can’t stop it from happening, but it is a pain to be out due to an injury. But you gotta get through it and come back even better.” Though their injuries kept them out of the game, these great athletes continued to keep their spirits high. When they are healed they will come back stronger than ever.


ake Trimble (‘16) wields crutches and a smile after having surgery on his ACL following a basketball injury.

Gold Gang gives back this school year romanMUSSO

staff writer

Gold Gang Gives Back (GGGB) is another formidable effort to get Countryside High School students and faculty involved in school spirit, all while helping special needs students in Countryside’s Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program. “I wanted to support more people than just our Countryside athletes,” Gold Gang president Alison Beitzel stated. “I wanted to get them involved with school activities and make their wishes come true. By starting GGGB (not long after finally getting Countryside’s Gold Gang approved as an

official club), Beitzel proved once again how tireless and painstaking her efforts are when it comes to Gold Gang. Students and faculty at Countryside are often excited and touched when they hear exactly what Gold Gang is getting started. “Gold Gang Gives Back is something that I am really proud to be a part of and I am very inspired by all the effort that Alison is putting in to make this so special,” said Countryside sophomore and Gold Gang member Katie Fontana. Having such a large group of people who support the idea of Gold Gang Gives Back makes the movement such a special concept. Gold Gang started as a group of seniors from

Cougars get ready to run

the graduating class of 2015 who finally decided to band together and support our school, and since then has bloomed into so much more. “I think Gold Gang Gives Back is a great idea. I am glad Gold Gang is getting more and more involved and helping everyone enjoy high school as much as they can,” said Rodrigo Borlasca, a recent Countryside graduate (2015) who helped start Gold Gang and was one of the first members. Although Beitzel is unsure of who exactly will take over full responsibilities of Gold Gang during the 2016-17 school year, she hopes Gold Gang Gives Back will become a tradition for Gold Gang and a exponential part of what is Gold Gang. Photo credit: Sarah Preble

2016 Track and Field Schedule randiKISER

2/17- East Lake Invitational @ East Lake 2/23- Dual meet: Dunedin, Osceola @ Home 2/26- Calvary Invitational 3/1- Dual meet: Palm Harbor @ Home 3/4- Richard Allen Relays @ PPHS 3/8- Dual meet: Largo, Seminole @ Home 3/11- Ed Wells Invitational 3/30- Dual meet: Pinellas Park @ Home 4/7 Conference (PCAC) @ CLW 4/18-4/22- Districts 3A, 4A 4/25-4/29- Regionals 5/7- Sates IMG Bradenton

staff writer

“I really want our team to do well this year. We’re all really excited about a new start with a new coach so I think we’ll definitely be scoring more points than last year.” - Kelsey Ford


elsey Ford (‘17) aims to “keep making gains and [keep] a steady grind” in her junior track season.

Student Life

February 11, 2016| Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Students show off their favorite schools with college shirt day jeana FRASER

director of digital media

Due to the newly implemented dress code, as all of the students know, the only t-shirts that are allowed to be worn are Countryside approved. This prohibits anyone from showing off the college they either want to go to or recently have been admitted to. However, the new “College Shirt Day,” has changed the game. Students can now wear collegiate t-shirts of their choice on the last Friday of every month. Assistant Principal Kristen Clausen started the project to encourage students to attend a College or University. “Students will get to see where their friends want to go and where their teachers went,” Mrs. Clausen said. It’s also a way for seniors to show off and be proud of the colleges they’ve recently been accepted into. Also, seniors will have “College Week” as they did last year during May 23rd to the 27th.

“Students will get to see where their friends want to go...” -Mrs. Clausen.

College T-shirt days are as follows:

w Friday, February 26th w Friday, March 18th w Friday, April 29th w Friday, May 27th * If you do not wish to participate, regular Countryside High School Modified Dress Code must be followed.

What did Countryside do over the holiday break? lia DEALVEREZ

staff writer

It seemed to be that the trend this year for students was staying in town and relaxing during their days off this winter. Winter break kicked off with Christmas festivities. Considering numerous people stayed in town for our break, many went down to the Botanical Gardens in Largo to see the ‘Holiday Lights in the Gardens’; hoping to get into the spirit despite the 80 degree weather. In another attempt to ignore the humidity, ice skating became a popular theme this break. Whether it was at Tampa’s Downtown on Ice outdoors or Oldsmars’ indoor TBSA rink, it was a fast way to beat the heat. Between spending time with relatives and consuming large amounts of food, hoverboards were

a huge hit this holiday season. Hoverboards are self balancing scooters that hit the market and made higher profits in December than any other month previous. “It was nice to be able to relax and not think about the stress of school,” said sophomore Joey Licht. After Christmas was over, there was a break before the New Year’s festivities began. ”On New Year’s day I spent time with my family at the beach. We usually eat enchiladas and rice and beans on holidays,” said senior Cynthia Almaraz. It seems to be that students enjoyed relaxing during their break before getting back into the school routine. Hopefully it was not too hard of an adjustment.


February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Biebs is back with a purpose gabbyRODRIGUEZ

staff writer

Flashback to 2010: jean skirts were still a thing, the iPhone 4 was all the rage, and it seemed as if “Baby” by Justin Bieber was the only song ever played on the radio. Now, six years later, the Biebs has once again stolen the world’s hearts with his brand new album, Purpose. After almost two years of what seemed like a dry spell in his career, Bieber’s reemergence began mid-April 2015 when his EDM collab with Jack Ü, “Where Are Ü Now”, began being played on mainstream radio. The song quickly climbed the charts in over twenty countries. Peaking at number eight on the US Billboard Hot 100, it became Bieber’s first top 10 track since “Beauty and a Beat” in 2013. On August 28th, 2015, Bieber released, “What Do You Mean?” as the lead single from Purpose. The song’s release was highly anticipated, due


to promotion over social media by celebrities including Mariah Carey, Ed Sheeran, and Ariana Grande. As of October 2015, “What Do You Mean?” has sold over a million copies in the U.S., and has racked up over 400 million plays on Spotify. A remixed version of the song featuring Ariana Grande was available for anyone who preordered Purpose. The second single for Purpose, “Sorry”, was released on October 23rd, 2015. Debuting at number two on the Billboard Hot 100 in November, “Sorry” became Bieber’s second number-two single since “Boyfriend” in 2012, and eventually climbed to number one in January. Bieber took a break from the upbeat, danceable vibes of “What Do You Mean?” and “Sorry” in the release of Purpose’s third and final single, “Love Yourself”. In “Love Yourself”, Bieber displays a stripped




down, acoustic sound about reflecting and learning from girls and relationships in his past. Some have even speculated that the song is about his on-again, off-again ex, Selena Gomez. Purpose reached a million album sales in five weeks, becoming the fifth million-selling album of Bieber’s career, and the third million-selling album of 2015. In August 2015, Bieber performed at the MTV VMAs, his first major award show performance in two years. He later closed the 2015 AMAs in November. Bieber has always had a habit of getting the world’s attention--and this new album is no exception. With record-breaking sales and infectious new sounds, Purpose has become one of the much loved albums of today’s musical era. Anyone feeling the Bieber fever can catch him in concert on June 30th, 2016, at Amway Center in Orlando.




Reproduced by permission of :, Hollywood Reporter, Bieber Pictures,, ascap. com, and

NetFLICKS: Out With the Old and in With the New What Netflix films are coming to and leaving everyones living rooms



Corpse Bride

2 Fast 2 Furious

Fuller House

Zoolander Rocky Doctor Who American Psyco

New Girl

Sharknado 3 Parks and Recreation Season 3


February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


March 2016

Many mourn the loss of beloved entertainers Alan Rickman and David Bowie rachelWETHERINGTON staff writer

Zootopia March 4

“David was a great star and I treasure the moments we had together” - Paul McCartney David Bowie, well known for his role in Labyrinth and many well known albums and songs, had a secret battle for 18 months with liver cancer. Bowie died in a hospital in Manhattan, New York. He left behind his wife Iman and two children whom he left most of his estate to. “David was a great star and I treasure the moments we had together,” said Sir McCartney also known as Paul McCartney, who was a popular member in the Beatles. Both stars were extraordinary additions to Hollywood’s elite. They accomplished great theatrical achievements and also highly credited music.These two influential people both were unique and individual in their own way. They will both be missed.


avid Bowie and Alan Rickman, two beloved entertainers, passed away within four days of eachother last month both from cancer. Reproduced by the permission of and

The Jungle Book April 15

Anticipated Movies of 2016

Beloved actor Alan Rickman, also known as Severus Snape the bruting wizard in Harry Potter, and Labyrinth star and complex artist David Bowie both passed in the month of January within just four days of each other. Both born in the United Kingdom, they are in the spotlight for the tragedy of losing their battles with cancer, both at the age of 69. Alan Rickman, well known for his roles in Die Hard and Harry potter, battled cancer for a short period of time. He was diagnosed in August, after a stroke, with pancreatic cancer. Rickman died at a London hospital surrounded by close friends and family, including his wife Rima. Pancreatic cancer is the one of the most deadliest forms and is leaving Hollywood with a devastating loss of talent “There are no words to express how shocked and devastated I am to hear of Alan Rickman’s death. He was a magnificent actor and a wonderful man,” tweeted J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series.

Divergent: Allegiant March 18

Captain America: Civil War May 6

Finding Dory June 17

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Perculiars Dec 25 Dec. 2016


February 11, 2016 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Relay’s Top Teams

photocredits Sarah Preble

C “

aptain of the Relay Committee Jeffery Van Cleve, Has a goal of raising $1,000 himself. Iv’e been on the committee for two years now.” So far this team has made $1,957 in donations.


lexis Glasgow, captain of Team Beetlejuice has raised $1,724 in donations. “I started my Relay for Life team because i have always followed the Relay events dating back to elementry school.”


aptain of The GFWC Clearwater Juniorettes team, Megan Piippo said “Being a aprt of relay is new for our club” This team has raised $1,150 in donations “we have already met our goal” says megan.

Kee Whetzel: The Comeback Kid jeana FRASER director of digital media

Sports: an immense part of every student athlete’s life. From cross country to football, sports provide a way both to partake in what you love and an escape from reality. But for Senior Kevontre Whetzel, football was more than all of that, it was greater than any of that. Kevontre, otherwise known as Kee, didn’t even think about sports until eighth grade. Quarterback Trenton Chmelik was the one to influence Kee just about four years ago. “I’ve liked football since I was younger, but I saw Trent playing Countryside Jr. Cougars and it looked great,” Kee said. After Trent told him to join the team, Kee was hooked. He joined Jr. Cougars his freshman year, JV his sophomore year, then continued to play football at the Varsity level as an upperclassmen. Unlike a lot of teenagers, Kee’s upbringing was challenging. His childhood was rough and his mother put Kee and his brothers up for adoption at the young age of four. Kee and his siblings went from foster home

to foster home, until he was adopted at the age of five. Fortunately, none of these events hindered his dreams. At the high school level, Kee has played quarterback, wide receiver, running back and line backer. He also played at the All-Star game, where the North and South parts of Pinellas County pick their best high school seniors to play one final game. “The best part was when the 56 yard pass that I caught was thrown to me by Trent. It was a great way to end the season,” Kee said. But this wasn’t the end of Kee’s high school sport career. He attended the Blue-Grey Game at the Jacksonville Jaguars’ EverBank Field, where players are hand picked nationwide and separated by North and South. At this game, he scored a 66 yard touchdown for the Grey team on live television. “I got to do my first touchdown dance ever,” Kee said. Kee has received 26 offers from Universities all across the country. His top choices were between the University of Central Florida, Oregon State University and Maryland University. As of January 30th, he has verbally committed to Oregon State.

On February 3rd, Kee attended National Signing Day, where all of the athletes at school had committed to the colleges they plan to continue their sporting careers and symbolically wearing their collegiate visors. Kee has displayed both strength and an inspirational upbringing story throughout his life, and C o u n t r ys i d e cannot be more excited to see how far he goes in the future.

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