Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 35 Issue 3

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Volume 35 Issue 3

3000 S.R. 580 Clearwater, FL 33761


February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Cougar spot light: Connor Mackin jessicaHALL

staff writer

Often times in school when announcements are made about scholarships and grants, not many students jump at the opportunity because they do not realize what a huge help they can be. Senior Connor Mackin did the opposite. When the chance to put his ideas into action arose, he went for it. So far, his decision has proven to be rewarding. Fairwarning is the global leader in patient privacy monitoring and is the company providing the grant through the Pinellas Education Foundation. This contest consists of applicants coming up with an idea that they would like to see put into action and the winner receives a ten thousand dollar grant to do just that. Now what was Connors’ idea that landed himself among the group of finalists? It all started with his dog who had been taken to the vet to have a dental treat re-

moved from her esophagus because of the difficulty in digesting that some of these sweet treats provide. The problem, Mackin explained, is that some treats are too hard to chew for the dogs which does not allow them to digest properly and have led to a small number of deaths. Connor’s idea was to make a doggy dental treat that not only accomplishes its purpose of keeping up a clean mouth, but is also made up of natural ingredients that are soft enough for the dogs to chew and swallow without any complications. This opportunity is not one that many people will receive, especially at such a young age. Mackin was initially up against 68 other high school students in Pinellas county and is excited to find out the results in March. No matter the outcome, the students and teachers of Countryside High School are rooting for you, Connor! Photo credit Alex Miller

College decisions are “major” annGUARRACI

asst. news editor

What subject to major in? That is the question that hits home for most prospective college students. Although most do not choose their major right away, many that do decide their major, may change their minds more than once before they graduate. This topic is something that should be thought about, it is what will decide one’s future. • Discuss options with an academic advisor. • Read the Undergraduate Bulletin. • Try introductory courses in areas pertaining to major. • Learn as much about the career being considered. • Talk to knowledgeable people.

• Visit the Career Centers. • Aptitude tests are always available. College freshman student Lauren Cohen has already decided not only on her major, but her career as well. “I chose public health because I want to work for a non profit or join the peace corps and travel with them when I graduate,” said Cohen. When you first arrived at college your freshman year, how did you decide on your major? College graduate Deb Laboy answered that she “did not have a choice in having to take sociology because [she] needed to take it for the career field [she] chose”. When considering a major, thinking about the school soon-to-be attended is important, as well.

Some of the most popular Florida colleges include: • Eckerd College • Flagler College • Florida Institute of Technology • Florida International University • Florida State University • University Of Central Florida • University of Florida • University of South Florida Do not wait until it is too late. Set goals and stick with them. Find out what the future holds.

Round one: Countryside teachers battle to be named the best shelbyTAVARES

staff writer

As most students at Countryside High School would know, there are teachers that are liked and there are teachers that which the students are not as fond, but there are also rivalries between teachers. Whether it is who is the better English teacher or competition between teachers who went to the University of Florida versus Florida State University, there are many ways they could counterbalance each other. All playful relationships cause students to notice and start a strife of their own. Our first showdown is between Mr. Rossow and Mr. Kitchen. These guys have been friends for 24 years according to Mr. Rossow. Both teaching history, they are a constant argument for the aspect of who beats who on the better teacher scale. B e i n g friends,

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it is quite the humorous situation. Students who have Mr. Rossow might know others who have Mr. Kitchen, and their feud begins on who is a better teacher. Junior, James Rutherford has both teachers. He said “Mr. Kitchen is a good teacher and he knows what he’s teaching.” While sophomore Jessica Fugate says, “Mr. Rossow is a good teacher, and he is smart about what he is teaching.” Our second showdown is between best friends Mrs. Shackton and Mrs. Greco. They both teach math and it seems that they have a friendly teacher rivalry. Many students find math to be a hard subject to understand; however, Mrs. Greco provides a fun academic environment, encouraging her students to do their best. Mrs. Shackton’s funny personalitity and creative lessons make her another one of Countryside’s favorites. Lastly, Coach Saltz and Coach Lieb. They have been buddies ever since they started teaching. Being physical education teachers, they have students testing their ability to be a better gym

coach. As both teachers are also coaches, they additionally have a rivalry between the sports team that they follow. Saltz follows Florida State University and Lieb follows Ohio State University. These two are in a constant competition of which team will go to the playoffs and win and which team will do the walk of shame off the field. Although there were only three teacher rivalries talked about, there are many more between teachers who teach the same subject and teachers whom are friends. There have always been and there will always be teacher rivalries that are amusing to watch evolve, and it is quite entertaining to see what students have to say about which teachers they favor more and whose team will beat who. In the end there is never a true winner. So might there be a round two? Photo credis Rylan Fritz, Shelby Tavares, & Laura Pettit


February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


The cyber bullying epidemic advances further staff writer

Over 160,000 teenagers do not go to school everyday because they are afraid of being bullied. However, it is often overlooked just how prominent bullying is nowadays. Various types i hate u. of bullying are verbal, physical, and cyber. Cyber bullying is the most recent form in which children and even parents act rude or hurtful to another person through social media. ur ugly!! Some common words and phrases that cyber bullies use would be “whore”, “slut”, “pathetic”, and “you’re worthless”. Those responsible for sending these traumatic remarks do not understand the extremity of such comments. “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is one of the most commonly used quotes to defend against bullying. Keep in mind that words can hurt worse than anything, which is a fact bullies often overlook, along with the consequences of their actions.

Cyber bullying can be done via Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even through E-mail. Sometimes the smallest remarks have the greatest impact. In another instance, Tumblr is a blogging website that allows anyone to post anything they desire on their own page. One feature even permits users to send anonymous messages to another blogger, friendly or not. This is increasingly becoming one of the most common forms of cyber bullying today. This epidemic is getting to a point where even parents are doing it. If they do not like someone they work with or do not care for one of their children’s friends, the parents are not afraid to speak their minds. Organizations, such as STOP Cyberbullying, currently work to teach parents and children about the dangers and precautions to take when facing these situations. “Stop, stop. i’ll block u. block, and tell!” is one practice they most often address: stop what you are doing, block the cyber bully on all communication modes, and tell a trusted adult. Taking small steps as such will force cyber bullies to gradually dwindle in numbers.

Outer shells can be deceiving angelaBOOTH

and act professionally. This does not always necessarily mean that they are professional individuals. Most people People in today’s day and age have a tendency to de- spend their whole lives putting on facades and humanity cide what they think about another within five seconds has become masters at being someone they truly are not. of glancing at them for the first time. What individuals People are geared towards survival and making a good imwere taught by their family members, peers, and past ex- pression on the world. periences influence the thoughts and feelings one has over Again, this is not such a terrible thing. Judging othanother person. er people is a way human beings can protect themselves People have a vivid, set image of another person based and make good choices. The only incident when “looking on their attire, speech, body language, and overall physical good” is a negative attribute is when it keeps people from appearance. Not one individual can help this because it is being their true authentic selves. It can also hold one back a learned and strictly automatic asset to the typical hu- from feeling connected to others. man mind. Society, however, can change the way in which A reserved and introverted woman may not talk to an they treat and communicate to one another by recognizing out-going, boisterous man because she perceives him as these mental habits and becoming more self-aware. dangerous and obnoxious. The man would probably not When going to a job interview, for talk to the woman either because he may view her as example, one has to dress stuck-up, snooty, or judgemental. Truth is, they both have the same sense of powerlessness in the situation. They could be having a profound friendship, partnership, or • Dress to impress. Wearing sweatpants to a dineven companionship if they ner party will showcase were to possibly have similar laziness; and decorating views, values, and interests yourself in gaudy accesodespite their personality difries may portray arroferences. gance. Many people think that • Keep conscious of body they are incompatible with shoullanguage. Slumped a person who has the exact ders and a low head often signifies little self-esopposite personality as they teem and even carelessdo. These usually happen ness. Make eye contact to be the most meaningful with those who confront and educational types of reyou and always offer a lationships and friendships friendly smile. because one has the oppor• If today is a bad day, tunity to balance the other stay home! If that is not out and vice versa. Accordto way a plausible, find ing to Ross A. Rosenberg, a distract yourself and blow off some steam. Introducpsychotherapist, “We tend to ing yourself as a Debbie choose people who appear to Downer will not play in give us the very qualities we your favor later on. think we are lacking.” Being • Be interesting and act unbalanced and on one exinterested towards new treme is never healthy and acquaintances. balanced individuals are rare • Be yourself! Seeming anxto find. make will ious or uneasy Each individual is differthose around you uncomfortable. Serenity and ent, and in a sense, each indiconfidence are key. vidual is the same due to the fact that people are always scrambling to make it in life. entertainment editor

Fellow cougars offer a helping paw paigeRENNER

staff writer

Choosing which high school to go to can be a difficult decision. Incoming freshmen often find themselves asking what classes they should take, what programs they should go to, or what they should expect when entering high school for the first time. Helping to answer many of these questions are Countryside High School’s Peer Connectors. Peer Connectors are select students who serve as role models and advisors for underclassmen. They volunteer at freshman orientation and are assigned, usually, a freshman or sophomore to mentor. To become a peer connector you must sign up at the front office, maintain a 3.0 GPA, and present a teacher recommendation. Eighth grade students can come “shadow” a Peer Connector for a day. With this program, they are permitted to follow their assigned Peer Connector from class to class for a day, allowing them to get a feel of what a regular day in high school is like. Thanks to the help of CHS’s faculty, this program is expanding and improving each year. They are constantly looking for more students to join, so for more information, see Assistant Principal Fred Whitaker in the guidance office.

I love being around my new friends that I have made through Peer Connectors, and it has helped me get to know the school better.


-Danielle Kokoris (Freshman)


February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


UF adopts new method of Be aware of inputting high school transcripts what you wear lauraPETTIT

sports editor

One new process that college undergraduate applicants are struggling with is the Self-reported Academic Record, or SAR, that was presented by the University of Florida this year. The Universities new self-reported transcript is an online form that asks each student enter their own high school courses taken and grades received from 9th to 12th grade. This new way of viewing student transcripts does not mean that students can fabricate impressive grades in the hopes that UF will not check each student’s official transcript once admitted. Official transcripts will be used to validate the information inputted into the SAR, and if there are any discrepancies, then the student will be contacted, and their admission to UF may be rescinded. With that in mind UF has some helpful advice to consider when filling out their SAR: Have your high school transcript with you when filling out the SAR. All information must be entered exactly as it appears on your transcripts.

All semester grades, trimester grades or quarter grades must be listed exactly on the SAR as they would appear on your transcript. Meaning, do not average grades or add additional weight. Make sure to indicate the level of the course. For example, if a course is listed as “Honors” on your transcript, make sure you indicate that it is an “Honors” course on the SAR. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the SAR, for accuracy is extremely important. An inaccurate SAR could lead to not being accepted to the University. In the past, when the school accepted high school transcripts, this was not a problem. This year, thousands of applicants are acting almost as guineapigs with this new method of inputting classes and grades. The SAR does not have to be submitted at the same time as the undergraduate application. For example, students who apply for the prior November first rolling decision deadline must submit their SAR by March first. The SAR offers a faster and easier way for application viewers to contemplate our pleas for admittance. Logo reproduced by permission of

Is Snowden a criminal or a whistle-blower? jackWALKER

staff writer

After what had been possibly the largest national information leak in American history, the mastermind behind the government exposure, Edward Snowden, is still at large. Born a native North Carolinian and later a high school dropout, Snowden was reported to be shy and unsociable throughout his youth. An experienced hacker and computer specialist, Snowden was formerly both an NSA contractor and previously an employee for the CIA before his massive discharge of an estimated 50 - 200,000 classified U.S. documents. Ranging from U.S. mass surveillance systems, to details about the Israeli Special Forces. With a wanted rap sheet of several charges including theft of government property, unauthorized communication of national defence information, and willful communication of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person, if detained by U.S officials Snowden could be facing life.

Shortly after the leak, however, Snowden departed alone from his home in Hawaii on May 20th, 2013, to Hong Kong in search of political asylum, shortly after his public announcement claiming responsibility for the incident. Only a month after Snowdens departure to Hong Kong, Snowden arrived in Moscow on June 23rd, after temporary asylum for the next year was granted by the Russian government, which can be extended annually. With Russia permitting Snowdens stay for the next year, and public refusal to hand him to the U.S. government, it appears that the worlds most feared international hacker is going to be living easy for the Reproduced by permission of upload. foreseeable future.


opinion editor

The following is the Countryside High School dress code according to the Student Code of Conduct. All shirts must cover midriff, back, sides, and all undergarments including bra straps at all times, and have sleeves that cover the shoulders. Shorts, skirts, divided skirts, and dresses are allowed, but they must be mid-thigh length or longer. All pants or shorts must totally cover undergarments, including boxer shorts. All clothing, jewelry, or tattoos shall be free of the following: profanity, violent images, wording or suggestion, sexually suggestive phrases or images, gang related symbols, alcohol, tobacco, drugs or advertisements for such products. Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn. Inappropriate footwear includes, but is not limited to, roller skates, skate shoes, and bedroom slippers. The additional dress code requirements are as follows. Form fitting leotard/spandex type clothing is not allowed unless proper outer garments cover it. See-through or mesh fabric clothing may only be worn over clothing meeting requirements. Clothing must be appropriate size, with the waist of the garment worn at the student’s waist. Clothing not properly buttoned, zipped, fastened, or with inappropriate holes or tears shall not be worn. Clothing and footwear traditionally designed as undergarments or sleepwear shall not be worn as outer garments. Sunglasses may not be worn inside unless a parent provides a doctor’s note to the school. Bandanas or sweatbands are not allowed to be visible on school grounds during regular school hours. Hats or other head coverings may be worn during outside physical education. Activities and may not be worn during any portion of the regular school day without the expressed permission of the principal. If the school has a mandatory school uniform policy, the student must adhere to those requirements.

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February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

Are schools sending student rights down the drain? The Philipines are No county-wide policy says that a teacher must let grieving over disaster emmaMOSCARDINI

news editor

Every student at Countryside High School is familiar with policies in terms of whether or not one can use the restroom. All teachers are supposed to obey the “15 minute rule.” This rule entails that students are not allowed to use the restroom 15 minutes after the start of the class or 15 minutes before the class ends, leaving about an 18 minute period where students go to the bathroom. Another rule states that hallpasses in general cannot be given during classes that overlap first and second lunch, although these rules are specific to different teachers. Some teachers do not allow students to go the restroom at all. Other teachers go so far as to reward students for not going to the bathroom. In cases like these, a set number of “hallpasses” are issued each grading period or semester. At the end of the grading period, any of these passes that the student has left over can be turned in as extra credit points. Although this is a practice that many students love, grade inflation is something that Principal Gerald Schlereth would “not recommend.” Rules like these make students wonder whether or not a teacher can actually deny a student access to the restroom or offer rewards for not using the bathroom.

every child go to the bathroom that asks. In fact, the school board tries not to interfere with such specific classroom policy. Still, that does not mean each school does not have its own rules. Principals often establish school wide rules that are to be obeyed by teachers and students. When asked, Schlereth said that Countryside is probably one of the few schools that has the fifteenminute rule, but he admitted that “If a student needs to use the restroom, I don’t have a problem with that.” It seems that many teachers do in fact have a problem with allowing their students to go to the bathroom. Even with the 15 minute rule enforced, many teachers employ their own bathroom policies, angering many students who have been denied bathroom privileges. According to Schlereth, the bathroom rules are enforced because students abuse their bathroom rights. Some kids go out in the hallway to talk to their friends instead of being in class and being productive. Also, cheating is sometimes a problem if a student goes out of the classroom during a test or quiz. Despite the bathroom policies, Schlereth says that he “would never refuse a child the right to go the restroom.” Not all teachers seem to follow this same guideline leading students to wonder, what really is the bathroom rule?

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Relay for Life begins at Countryside jessicaHALL

staff writer

According to the National Cancer Institute, approximately 40.8 percent of people will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their life. It is a recurring problem with a number of victims increasing annually. Luckily for those who are affected by this most unfortunate disease, trained doctors and researches around the world continue to persevere in the fight to find the cure. Cancer does not stop nor does it sleep and for the fourth consecutive year, neither will the students and community of Countryside High School. The American Cancer Society hosts the annual “Relay For Life” in more than 20 different countries each year to raise money in hopes of someday ending this terrible sickness. For 28 years, Relay For Life has provided inspiration and hope for millions of cancer survivors and caregivers. “I relay for my moms best friend who recently had cancer and because it

• APES • Beta Delta Epsilon

is a lot of fun!” said junior Abbey Pate. Relay for Life is an organized, overnight community fundraiser where both individuals and a number of different teams walk/run around the schools track and participate in different activities to celebrate, remember and raise money for all who are affected by cancer. Thanks to this event, nearly 14 million people of all races, ages, and genders have been given the opportunity to celebrate yet another birthday. While this year’s event is not until April 4, 2014 the window of opportunity to get involved is now open. If anyone is looking to get involved here at Countryside, contact Mrs. Mcgovern in room E6 for more information or log on to and find an event near you. Senior and Captain Relay, Tommy Kelly, said “this years relay is going to be super great” and he encourages all to sign up.

Teams: • Countryside Surf & Skate Club

• CHS Swim Team

• Captain America

• FCA 2014

• CHS Band

• GSA Batman

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• Gryffindor

• Key Club

• International Justice League of Super Acquaintance

• Legion

• Ironman

• Multicultural


staff writer

Located 750 miles to the south of Taiwan lies the Philippines, an archipelagic country of 98 million people, and an epicenter of natural disaster. Nestled in the heart of the Pacific Ring, the Philippines have had a devastating history of typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions since its colonization by the Spanish in 1565. Although the Philippines are no stranger to the destructive power of their seasonal typhoons, Haiyan proved to be even more deadly than predicted. Typhoon Haiyan, (or known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda) is the second most lethal documented typhoon Reproduced by permission of in the Philippines, with a confirmed death toll of over 4000 and U.N reports claiming the storm has affected nearly 11 million nationwide. Making first landfall November 7th on the Filipino island of Guiuan, Eastern Samar, Haiyan was reported having unflinching wind speeds of over 195 mph. In the heart of the disaster, the Filipino city of Tacloban is facing the dark aftermath of the storm in the shape of widespread looting, starvation, and homelessness. Filipino president, Benigno Aquino III, has declared a state of emergency in a city whose population previously exceeded 220,000. Storm surge, of a shocking 13 ft, has completely destroyed Tacloban’s Daniel Z. Romualdez airport, further complicating relief efforts by the U.N. As the worlds nations flush out billions in relief effort for a country already riddled with economic adversities, it becomes obvious that only time can heal the detrimental wake left by Hurricane Yolanda.

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he house above was destroyed by Typhoon Yolanda just south of Manila, Philippines. Israeli aid delegation is still in the process of treating over thousands of citizens affected.

• Ninja Turtles for the Cure

• Team Avid

• Powderpuff Girls

• Team Incredible

• Psych for the Cure

• Team Walker

• Sky High Drama


• Varsity Cheer Squad • Wolverine • Wonder Woman



February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

The year’s most memorable moments haleyTROYER

guest writer

• January 20: President Barack Obama was re-elected. • February 3: Beyonce Knowles performed during the halftime show of Super Bowl XLVII. • February 17: Thirty-seven year old country singer Mindy McCready committed suicide. • March 22: After 12 years together, My Chemical Romance announced their breakup. • April 15: Two pressure cooker bombs went off during the Boston Marathon. • May 7: Delaware was the eleventh state to legalize same-sex marriage. • May 16: The winner of American idol (season 12) was Candice Glover. • June 15: Kim Kardashian gave birth to her daughter, North West. • July 13: “Glee’s” Cory Monteith died of an overdose of heroin and alcohol at the age of 31. • July 13: George Zimmerman was acquitted of the fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin after using the “Stand Your Ground” Law • July 22: The prince George of Cambridge was born. • August 2: Raven Symone, star of “That’s So Raven”, announced she was gay. • November 22: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire was released in theaters. • November 30: Actor Paul Walker from The Fast and the Furious died at age 40 in fatal car accident. • December 5: Nelson Mandela died at age 95.

Here is to a around th briannaBROWN

staff writer

Worldwide, there are many different ways that ethnic religions celebrate the new year. In the United States, this holiday is called “New Years”, but in different religions, such as Muslim, their anniversary of the new year is called “Al Hijra.” Various countries have different names, dates, and events to celebrate. In the United States, they celebrate New Years on January first. The way that they honor New Years is having parties, being with family, watching the ball drop, or going to Rockefeller Center in New York City to see it drop in person. Celebrations in America stand for the happiness that the new year brings. Also, a famous tradition is to make New Year’s resolutions, these resolutions are things that you would like to do or get done by the end of the beginning year. In China, they celebrate New Years, also known as the Spring Festival

A journey of 365 days begins wit a single resolution. “Fiv “Make people happy.” -Austin Myers (‘14)

“Surf a 10-foot wave!” -Chandi Atherholt (‘15)


copy editor

It all started in the Big Apple in 1907--sparking the tradition of the world renowned, 216-light ball dropping 70 feet as the clock strikes midnight of the new year. Over the years, the ritual of watching the ball drop has grown into parties and festivities. Fireworks are blasted, confetti is thrown and cheers are given. Along with these modes of celebration, the new year is a chance for self-renewal. In attempt to break any negative habits, New Year’s resolutions are initiated. It is often found difficult to stay true to the resolution. According to a study at the University of Washington in 1997, 47 percent out of 100 million adults surrendered to their goals only two months into the new year. In a more recent study done by the University of Minnesota, that 47 percent increased to 80 percent in the past decade. Others, however, stay headstrong and fulfill their resolutions. In fact, students from Countryside High School were willing to share their resolutions made for 2014.




February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

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a new year he world on different days every year. In 2014, the date is January 31. Some customs that they have to honor the new year are lion dances, parades, fireworks, and giving red envelopes. These red envelopes are meant to symbolize good luck and ward off evil spirits. Decorating with duilian, also known as Couplet, which is a pair of lines of poetry. They also have family gathering as a different way to celebrate the coming year. In Islam, the new year is called the Hijri New Year, also known as the Islamic New Year. The first day of the new year is observed as Muharram. This particular religion is celebrated by having night parties, family gathering, and festival food. Different cultures acquire various ways to honor and celebrate the New Year. There might be different dates for each one, but it all still means a new year with new responsibilities.


ve random acts of kindness a day.” -Brittani Schiller (‘15)

ind the end of the rainbow!” -Stephanie Sharf (‘14)

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February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

All others a“nole”d shelbyTAVARES

staff writer

Florida State University (FSU) has always been a school to watch for college sports, especially football. Last season, FSU finished tenth in the football standings, under some of the best collegiate teams in the nation. In 2012, FSU had a record of 12-2 only losing against the University of Florida and North Carolina State. Being an outstanding team, this year their luck has shown a lot more due to their undefeated record. This football season, FSU has excelled above the other teams in the division. With a winning record of 12-0 by week 15, FSU has been taking over college football. The Seminoles have been beating all of the college teams this year.

Being closely followed by Ohio State, who has the same 12-0 record and are behind FSU by 80 points. In the rankings, FSU looks to be better than all of the other teams but points wise, they have close competitors that could take their title of number one. Schools like Ohio State, Alabama, and Auburn are closely behind and after these next few weeks, FSU could easily be knocked off the throne. This year, the Seminoles have recruited many skilled players to their team. FSU has solid passing, receiving, rushing, and kicking skills with 21 seniors and 50 freshman on the roster. With an astounding number of players, and a solid panel of coaches, FSU is ready to take down the other teams to come out with the championship number one title.

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Getting tangled with the boys lauraPETTIT

sports editor

The Cougar wrestling season started on Thursday, November 7th, with the annual Falcon Preseason Classic in Dunedin. They performed mediocre in their preseason matches this year; nevertheless, fans are still excited for the new season. Alexi Santiago, the senior captain at Countryside High School this year, has been on the wrestling team since he was a freshman. Santiago does not plan on pursuing wrestling later in life, but the friends he has made are worth all the practices and sore muscles. I can’t imagine my life without it, but there’s always room for improvement” said Santiago when questioned about his sport. The teams first official game started on Friday, November 15, and ended the following day. Those Weeki Wachee Duels left the players wanting a chance to redeem themselves. In order to see if they do you can witness their next championship match, the PCAC, a Boca Ciega on January 24 and 25. Before each match the wrestlers weigh in to make sure no pairs are unreasonably assigned. There are 24 weight classes that range from 106 to 285, and wrestlers are

strongly encouraged to stay in their weight class, and must keep track of their daily food consumption. Wrestling matches consist of three six-minute periods that are each two minutes long. School meets include two periods for each wrestler, while tournaments include eight. Senior wrestler Marcus Atherholt, who has also been wrestling since he was a freshman, claims that “it is one of the hardest sports in the world, and there is no better feeling than seeing the hard work pay off by winning a close match.” These wrestlers practice six days a week, not including Sunday, in the Countryside High School gym. During practices, the cougars perform several exercises while doing their warm up laps, namely inside and outside karaokes and shuffles. Some specific drills the boys partake in at practice include shot defense and alternating top and bottom takedowns. These exercises allow them to be prepared for whatever maneuver an opponent makes in a match. These countryside cougars relish in each others company. They are a very tight knit group of guys who work hard and enjoy their sport, but they do what it takes to tackle their opponent to the floor.


Softball players condition for their upcoming season lauraPETTIT

sports editor

The softball players at Countryside High School are ready to step up to the plate and start their season. The girls were District Champions last year, and their fellow cougars cannot wait to see what they have in store for the new season. Conditioning started the week returning from Thanksgiving break, and their regular practices occur Monday through Friday at the Countryside Recreational Center, namely on Misty Springs Field. During practices, the girls do a variety of drills that involve running, catching, hitting, and throwing the ball. One exercise the girls practice regularly is the ‘short hop’ which involves improving field mechanics by fabricating the possibility of catching a ball off of a bounce. This is different from catching a free flying ball out of the air because in this instance the ball has slowed down considerably. In order to improve on hitting mechanics, ‘tee drills’ are performed. This is another common exercise involving an attempt to hit the ball off of a tee and into a net. Along with these drills, the team plays scrimmages-practice games--once a week. They split the team into two teams of nine allowing each individual to practice, yet with a real game feel. While conditioning is challenging, it is worth the reward of making the team, and while practices may be tiresome and strenuous, they are worth the victories. Alyssa Queen, senior pitcher and captain of the softball team this season, has been playing softball for ten years. “I really like to see how a bunch of talented individuals can come be a team and win together,” said Queen. Kayla Sanchez, a sophomore and previous volleyball player at Countryside High School, has been playing softball for eight years. Sanchez cannot wait for the new season to start, for she loves her teammates and her position of center fielder. Last season the softball team was recognized by the Tampa Bay Times as the leading team in Pinellas County in regards to the ‘Softball Super Seven’. They concluded the season 12 to 1, their only loss was to Seminole High School. This season the team seems to be very excited and very confident. “I think we will make it farther than regionals this year,” said Erin Jankiewicz, a senior player who has been playing softball for seven years. This team of girls does not let the stresses of in and out of school events get in the way of what they enjoy.

Out with the old, in with the new emmaMOSCARDINI

news editor

On September 8, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lost to the Jets, 17 to 18. On September 15, they lost to the Saints. A week later, they were destroyed by the Patriots by 23 to 3. Then they lost to the Cardinals, and then the Eagles, and then the Falcons, and then the Panthers, and then the Seahawks. The collective Bucs fans mantra was “fire Schiano.” In January of 2012, Greg Schiano became the head

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coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He led the team to a 7-9 season record for 2012. By early November, the team was leaving something to be desired and the season was far beyond saving. The finger of blame was pointed at the coach. It seemed that Schiano had created a team that could not play defense and had no idea how to successfully complete an offensive play. Bucs supporters everywhere wanted Schiano’s head on a silver platter. The question was, fire him now, or at the end of the season? Then, on November 11, the tables turned. The Buccaneers won their first game of the season against the Dolphins. They then proceeded to kill the Falcons as well as the Lions. Bandwagoners everywhere miraculously supported Schiano again. But what caused the sudden winning spree? Some speculate it was the decision to bench Josh Freeman and play rookie quarterback Mike Glennon instead. The rookie has in fact held his own so far, improving the offense and basically pulling out every strategic play in the playbook. Or perhaps it was rookie running back Bobby Rainey who made an impressive debut this season, scoring touchdown after touchdown. Maybe it is Defensive Tackle Gerald McCoy who had three sacks on the Falcons quarterback and continued this trend throughout the next few games. The team, even though they lost to the Panthers on

December 1, has definitely hit a fork in the road. What path will the Buccaneers take? And will it be Schiano at the helm? The decision was made early in January that Greg Schiano was fired from being head coach of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He was promptly replaced by Lovie Reproduced by permission of Smith, former Bear’s coach. Few were surprised that Schiano’s reign was so short, but many are hopeful that the coming season will be a winning one. One thing is certain, Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans everywhere will be cheering for the new coach and for their team to make it to the Super Bowl this coming foorball season. Schiano could not do it but maybe Smith can.


February 13h, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


New head coach aims to restore the roar of high school football shelbyTAVARES

staff writer

With a new year comes a new coach. Jared Davis has been the Countryside Cougars football coach for four seasons. On Monday, January 13, Davis announced his retirement from coaching Countryside football. This news took all the players by surprise. “I was actually kind of excited because Coach Schmitz is my position coach. It was weird at first, but now, not really,” said the 2014-2015 starting quarterback Trent Chmelik (‘16). “My jaw kind of like dropped, I was that surprised!” Sophomore Kee Whetzel said. “I was upset! Coach Davis

is a really good coach.” Even though this was hard on the boys, good news was soon to come; the offensive coordinator, Mr. Eric Schmitz, will be taking the title of Head Coach. Schmitz has been coaching football for approximately 15 years and has been coaching at Countryside for four years. Football is Schmitz’s blood, mind, and soul. He is entirely dedicated to the football team, always trying to improve their plays and skills to make our Cougars a better team every day. Being a teacher at Countryside High School for two years, he has found a way to balance out his teaching and coaching evenly. Schmitz said the main things he wants to improve on

Countryside’s Cougars are back on the court rylanFRITZ

staff writer

As the 2013-2014 basketball season kicks off, both the varsity boys and girls teams plan to have great seasons by scoring buckets, blocking shots, and keeping possession. Both teams have obvious intentions of bringing back state championship glory to Countryside High School. Both teams are developing as individuals, and as a team in the eyes of the head coaches as well as in the eyes of the players themselves. As the teams approach midseason, both the boys and girls teams are showing great development and great ball play.

Girls Varsity Basketball Currently, the girl’s basketball team’s record is 3-1 and are lead by Head Coach Anthony Klemmer. So far, Coach Klemmer’s Lady Cougars have scored a total of 201 points with a field goals made percentage of 67. Leading the pack in scoring is senior, Andrea Petrovic with 64 total points who surely must keep this effort up for a title shot. The Lady Cougars are also supported by the Gaston sisters as they hold a combined point total of 76 points under their belts. Overall, the team plays fast-paced and full of passing while trying to maintain possession.

within the players is their “positive attitude and commitment to their sport.” Knowing the cougars as once a winning team, the new head coach plans on returning that title to our school. He takes great gratification in coaching here. When asked about his new position, he stated “it is a tremendous opportunity at a truly special school.” Hoping for the best coaching at Countryside, Schmitz said that “everyone involved with the school takes a lot of pride in Countryside. Hopefully we can work really hard and live up to that expectation.” We have high hopes for next years football team, hoping to come out with a victorious season.

Are Cougar athletes recreationally deprived?

Boys Varsity Basketball


The boy’s basketball team’s record is 0-2 under new head coach, Jeff Powers. Last year, the team scored a total of 1003 points and finished the 2012 season with a 12-10 record. Can the boys team live up to last years record and perform just as well or even better with their new head coach? Only time will tell. Along with this, the team must also recover from losing eight seniors last year, and is more likely going to develop the young guys on the team. Leading this years team in scoring is a Sophomore, Luis Almenara-Smith with 27 points. The team’s field goal percentage currently sits at 12 percent with a total of 44 points. The boys team will want to recover Reproduced by permission of from its’ senior losses and develop under Jeff Powers if they are looking for a state championship title shot.

America's favorite pastimes are football and baseball, but there are many more school clubs and sports not recognized by our school, such as East Lake High School's disk golf and wrestlettes clubs or Palm Harbor University High School's fishing and Latin dancing clubs. Another sport not recognized by Pinellas County schools is girls’ lacrosse. There are many nonschool related boys’ and girls’ lacrosse teams around the county, such as the Dragons and the Green Devils located in St. Petersburg. There are six boys high Reproduced by permission of blog.sideschool lacrosse club-teams in Pinellas County: Clearwater, Palm Harbor University, East Lake, St.Petersburg, Osceola, and here at Countryside High School--even though none of these clubs are recognized on their school websites. Recently, two students went to Countryside’s club lacrosse coach and asked about starting a team. They were shot down due to the sport's violence. This is clearly against Title IX, stating that boys and girls should have equal athletic opportunities and equal coaching and support.

staff writer

Steven Stamkos may play again this season lauraPETTIT

sports editor

The Tampa Bay Lightning had an emotional season this year ever since Steven Stamkos, number 91, broke his right tibia on November 11, 2013 at a game in Boston, Massachusetts. The break occurred when Stamkos crashed into the right post of the Tampa Bay net during the second period of a 3-0 loss against the Bruins. He was then sent to Massachusetts General Hospital where he underwent a surgery to repair the displaced fracture.The total recovery time was estimated from three to six months. “He’s a pretty thick guy and works out hard,” said Chris Stamkos, his father. “If I was a betting man, I’d say he will be back playing this year.” On December 2, the public received an update regarding Stamkos’s medical treatment. His doctors had to place a metal rod in his leg to stabilize the bones. Luckily, in a matter of weeks, Stamkos was already able to walk without crutches or a boot. “It’s amazing how much you take for granted doing the little things in life: getting up, going to the fridge, getting up to go to the washroom or just sitting up. I couldn’t do

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any of that and that really puts things in perspective,” said Stamkos to Lonnie Herman of the NHL. On January 16, 2014, Stamkos rejoined his teammates on the ice to prepare for a Thursday night game against the New York Islanders. He is not yet participating in exhaustive workouts, but rather joining in at the end to get back into routine and keep up with the drills. “It’s not a full practice, but to be able to get out and not have to go off early or not have to wait until the end to go on, I wanted to go and try it,” said Stamkos after he took part in his first morning skate with the team. Prior to his injury, Stamkos led the National Hockey League with 16 home points. This season however, he has already missed 38 games. This Canadian Olympian, now plans to play in a few Lightning games before the Sochi Olympic Games begin in February, for his physical therapy has progressed efficiently. “I feel good considering what’s happened and the timeframe it’s been. It’ encouraging...,but I don’t feel I’m where I need to be in order to play in a game yet but it’s getting there,” said Stamkos. Although Stamkos is anxious to get back on the ice, Coach Jon Cooper is a bit more hesitant. “Everyday he’s

getting better,” said Cooper. “There’s still lots of things that have to go on still. He hasn’t been cleared, and he’s still a ways away from being cleared.” Stamkos and his teammates are remaining positive, hoping to maintain his optimistic goal of a 12-week recovery. As long as he continues his aggressive rehab workouts, it is very likely Stamkos will be on the ice again this season.

Stamkos’s Stastistics Pre-Injury: • • • • •

NHL-best for a six-game goal scoring streak from October 27 to November 9 eight-game point streak from October 24 to November 9 with nine goals and four assists Named the NHL's First Star of the Week for period ending October 27, recording three goals and four assists Ranked first (tie with Crosby) in the NHL with 23 points and first (tie with Steen) for goals with 14 prior to his injury Scored a PPG, SHG and even-strength goal all in one game for the first time in his NHL career on October 10 versus FLA


Countryside’s hygiene has been flushed jennaFENDER

opinion editor

Just take a moment to think about the bathroom passes. Okay bare with me, where do you usually put the pass when you are using the bathroom? The floor right? Allegedly if only one person per period uses the pass, then that pass has been on the bathroom floor at least six times. I cannot speak for everyone, but personally, I would never have the desire to touch something that has been sitting on the floor of a school bathroom all day. The bathroom stalls have become their own message board, with rumors and gossip about Countryside High School students. Why some feel the need to write on the stalls while they are using the bathroom is beyond me. Even though the bathrooms are cleaned multiple times throughout the day, they always seem to be in shambles. It is never certain what may be encountered when the bathroom stalls are opened, and not to mention the infamous game of “Will this sink spray me with water or not?” every time you go to wash your hands. That is assuming the faucet even works. Some students refuse to use the restroom at school because they feel it is too unsanitary to venture into. When asked if he uses the school bathrooms, junior Emilio Santiago stated “Yes I use them, but I do not like to. They never seem clean.” Being at school a total of seven hours a day, you are bound to feel the need to relieve yourself at least once. The question is though, is it worth using our bathrooms?

Photo credit Jenna Fender

February 13th, 2013 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


All inked up franGUARRACI

pawparazzi editor

Tattoos are everywhere these days, with no body part off limits. Countryside High School is no exception. Teens are getting tattoos, some consisting of meaning and others, just because they can. Some people find them unattractive, even repulsive. They think that tattoos degrade society against society. This mind set is why should we hide who we truly are? People may also believe that just because someone has a tattoo, they are uneducated or criminals. On the contrary, others consider tattoos as a form of art and see complete beauty.

Some opinions could be completely true, but then again, they could also be wrong. The thought that most tattoos are obtained on a drunken whim is utterly ridiculous. Some people get tattoos for personal reasons. “Tattoos are honestly the hottest thing on a body in my opinion.” Brandon Eley, Senior. Some people just cannot see beyond the ink on the surface to see the meaning behind the art. Tattoos can symbolize a lot: honoring a lost loved one, a life-changing event, religious purposes or simply for the love of art. From common civilians to everyday heroes, no one should ever judge. The tattooed “delinquent” could be the one save your life.

Photo credit Jenna Fender

Is young love worth it? franGUARRACI

pawparazzi editor

The minds of young adults are not completely developed; therefore, one cannot be completely sure if a high school relationship is detrimental or successful. So a question stands: is a high school relationship actually worth the time? Granted, there are perks of having a relationship while still being in high school. For example, this is an opportunity to get to know someone, support and companionship. Dating during teenage years could help determine what a person do in a future relationship. Despite all the arguments about high school relationships, there are also negatives that should be

stressed. Too many long term relationships could ruin the chances of meeting other people, while too many short term relationships could cause a loss in faith and idea of long term relationships. Coming into high school as a female freshman, there is a preconcievied idea that Prince Charming is going to sweep them off their feet romantically, and they will live happily ever after. However, this is not completely rational. The person who one could spend the rest of their life with could be sitting right beside them in their math class, or not. Love can be found at any age, any place and anytime. Keep your mind and heart open.



February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper

Upcoming indie artists introduced to Tampa Bay British rock band alexMILLER

page editor

Touring together along the coasts of Florida, from Tampa to West Palm, rising indietronica and alternative rock artists enlivened fans through adorning vibes and rhythms November 9 and 10, 2013. The Coastline Music Festival presented Passion Pit, Two Door Cinema Club, Matt & Kim, Fitz and the Tantrums, The Joy Formidable, The Neighbourhood, The Mowgli’s, Blondfire, Surfer Blood, and St. Lucia to Tampanians; West Palm hosted likewise, with the exception of the indie pop group Capital Cities taking the place of Blondfire. Coastline offered many aspects of art for everyone to enjoy: From noon to 11pm, eager attendees were able to amble between stages and among lines of food trucks, including a Taco Truck and BubbaQue’s. Artists were also showcased, such as Loose Lucy’s and Michael Kulick, in kiosks with purchasable paintings, sculptures, and clothing. Autograph tables were set up, allowing fans a chance to meet their favorite bands and collect signatures. Evidently, many band members reciprocated the energy and enthusiasm radiated from the masses of people during the meet and greets. “My favorite part of the event was a tie between seeing The Neighbourhood and dancing with strangers during Two Door [Cinema Club]’s performance,” said senior, Haley Hannon. “The weather was perfect and I got to spend [the day] with groovy people.” Within the forthcoming months, these aspiring bands

plan to further expand their names in the music industry, Passion Pit and The Neighbourhood being two of the most ambitious. Passion Pit released their most recent--and now most popular--single “Talk a Walk” off their second studio album, “Gossamer”, in 2012. Although the indietronica group has no set plan to release any new material soon, they plan to tour and radiocast their current music until the public craves more. The Neighbourhood released their debut album, “I Love You.”, in April of 2013. Their latest singles, “Sweater Weather” and “Afraid”, are climbing their way up the charts while the alternative rock band continue touring in Europe until February, 2014. The Mowgli’s are another thriving group, bring an uplifting combination of “folk-tinged rock n’ roll” and “pop punk” to the industry, according to their website. The eight youthful friends passionately dedicate their time to preach about love and unity. Their current single, “Say It, Just Say It”, has already been played on SiriusXM Hits 1 and reached the station’s Top 40 Countdown several times. Since their touring days have halted for now, the group will spend a majority of their time producing new music while simultaneously popularizing their presently-released. Thanks to Live Nation, the Coastline Music Festival sold thousands of tickets online and at the door, making Tampa Bay’s third new festival this year a clear hit. Concert planners are already taking suggestions and noting how to make the experience next year even better. For more information, visit their Facebook page or website,

debuts in the States annGUARRACI

asst. news editor

Bastille is an English pop band that formed in 2010, starting as a solo act by Dan Smith. Smith then broadened his act into a band, adding three other members Chris “Woody” Wood, Kyle J Simmons, and William Farquarson. They have been coasting up the scale of musical talent, releasing singles, going on tour, and releasing their debut album, “Bad Blood” (now available). The album includes 12 singles. The three most popular songs on iTunes are “Pompeii”, “Things We Lost in the Fire”, and “Bad Blood”. On the album, there are three bonus tracks: “The Silence”, “Weight of Living”, and “Laughter Lines”. Not only do the songs have rippling melodies but the lyrics are honest and filled with meaning. For example, their hit single, “Pompeii”, is sung acoustically and acapella for a feel-good sound. Smith told The Daily Telegraph that he was imagining what the dead inhabitants might have to say to one another. “It is essentially about fear of stasis and boredom,” he said. “Being quite a shy, self-conscious person, I was afraid my life might get stuck.” It is apparent that his life is not stuck and things have changed; coming from nowhere and now being one of the most talked about bands in the music industry. As long as they keep making jamming beats and having the fans there for support, Bastille’s future together as a band will continue.

Thank you to our donors!

• Rylan Fritz & Family • Anonymous

Thank you to our sponsers! • Mr. Settle (L8) & Countryside’s Student Government • Herff Jones


February 13th, 2014 | Issue 3 | Paw Print Newspaper


Countryside’s Family and Community Liaison’s dedication never fails angelaBOOTH

entertainment editor

Being the Community & Family Liaison at Countryside High School since 1996, Jane Hussar has been a dedicated faculty member, making a difference in the lives of many students as well as other individuals in the community. Mrs. Hussar is involved with the Cougar Closet and the new A-Wing Boutique, aiding students with their attire. Both facilities share the purpose of providing clothing for students whose families are in need of financial assistance. “The purpose behind the Cougar Closet is so that it provides students with everyday clothing so that they may come to school and feel good about themselves,” said Mrs. Hussar. The A-Wing Boutique was started in 1999 by volunteers Lisa Kessel and Karyn Powell and is located

near the end of A-Wing in an alcove on the left-hand side. It provides prom, homecoming, and professional apparel for students going on job interviews or other special occasions. She also was involved in the creation of the Cougar Career Center in G-7A, where students can attend to learn about part time jobs. This asset to the school Photo credit Margaret Trautwein was also started by a group of volunteers and is now run by volunteer, Kathleen Lamb. Students may attend during both lunches to learn about jobs available in the area. Held on October 15, 2013 was CHS’s seventh annual

Teen Dating 101 presentation, organized by Jane Hussar to help educate students across the county about healthy and unhealthy dating relationships.The Annual Teen Dating 101 presentations were started in 2006 with the North Pinellas Women’s Club and because of this presentation, ABC Action News hosted a special on Domestic Violence on campus. The school has gotten nationwide recognition for all the work they have done on this topic and has spread so much knowledge as to what makes a relationship unhealthy or abusive. Mrs. Hussar is dedicated to high school students thriving at their young age. “The most rewarding part about my job is seeing students succeed,” said Mrs. Hussar, a vital and devoted member of the school’s faculty and member of the community.

Following the yellow sand coast alexMILLER

page editor

Homeless, yet determined, Justin Riney--Founder and Executive Director of Mother Ocean--is currently circumnavigating the coast of Florida for one year, leading Expedition Florida 500 to promote oceanic protection awareness. Riney was born in rural East Texas and raised in Vero Beach, FL. Tasting both the country and coastline, his interest in preserving these parts of nature sparked at a young age. Riney’s family is of a science background, so naturally he began his career following in their footsteps. He graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) in Finance, focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship. In the following years, though, Riney worked and lived on the Andros Barrier Reef, Tongue of the Ocean in the Bahamas, and along the Southern California coastline. His ultimate goal was popularizing stewardship and aiding in the actions of ocean science and innovation. Florida’s 500th anniversary of Ponce de Leon’s arrival on the coast of the state was marked in 2013. To celebrate, Expedition Florida 500 united earlier in the year to embark on a 365 day quest to explore Florida’s extraordinary marine

Photos reproduced by permission of Justin Riney

wildlife and test their survival skills in a waterman’s lifestyle. On November 21,Riney visited Countryside High School for its annual Great American TeachIn, thanks to Caribbean Studies teacher and Surf Club advisor Dave Sica. He shared his courageous stories of facing wildlife and his aspirations for nature preservation. “I’ve never paddleboarded before this project,” said Riney. One training for the yearlong project was held in Tate’s Hell State Forest, located in Carrabelle, FL. Here, rookie members of the paddleboard caravan navigated along the park’s river and camped for six months before trekking to similar sites in preparation for the extensive expedition. Mother Ocean’s crew commenced their travels January 1, 2014. They fought against whipping 45 mile per hour winds in the Atlantic, slayed Evergladian rats, and sailed through the shallow channels of the gulf. In the midst of their adventure, the team stopped by community beaches and hosted up to 70 cleanups. Riney hopes that these cleanups will encourage people everywhere to paddle with the expedition, gaining even more support and

strengthening the cause. “I paddle, regardless of the weather,” said Riney. “I will get on my knees, though, when there are headwinds, so my knees end up coming out all bloody and blistered.” Before tackling these journeys, the pioneer sold almost all of his belongings, only harnessing bare necessities such as nonperishable foods, fresh drinking water, an 11-inch bowie knife, and a solarpowered iPhone on his 14-foot paddleboard. Riney and his team are currently filming a documentary, titled Riney Ranch: The Story of Florida, which captures his life as a valiant explorer, passionately pursuing his dreams. This postproduction will be filmed throughout 2014 and has yet to set a release date. To further track Expedition Florida 500, follow their Facebook page and Mother Ocean’s website for weekly, if not daily, updates linked with brilliant photos of wild encounters and thrilling stories.

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