Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 37 Issue 4

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Countryside High School | April 11, 2016 | Issue 4

Countrysides’s students and teachers rescue

How can you help man’s best friend find their forever home this April 30th PAGE 6 & 7

RELAY RECAP Students raised over $40,000 for the American Cancer Society



Netflix vs. Hulu

When the two largest streaming platforms face off, who will win?



April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Relay For Life raises over $40,000 for cancer research randiKISER


osing in front of Team Beetlejuice’s tent, Relay For Life members help out with the jail at the event. To raise more money for the cause, members of Team Beetlejuice walked around the track to arrest random people, where they had to ask people to pay money to bail them out.

Reproduced by permission of Jeffrey Van Cleve

staff writer

Countryside High School’s annual Relay For Life on March 11, 2016 was yet another success. This student-run event helped raise money to save lives from cancer by celebrating, remembering, and fighting back. This year, Relay For Life had a total of 31 teams with 322 participants. Alltogether, Countryside High School raised over $40,000 which is less than last years total. Students who raised $100 or more had the opportunity to stay all throughout the night. Since cancer never sleeps, one or more people from each team was asked to walk or run around the track at all times throughout the night. Congratulations to the top team Relay for Life Committee who raised $5,714. Coming in second place was Team Beetlejuice for raising $5,624. In third place was Team Captain America raising a total of $3,655. The top student was Jeffrey Van Cleve who raised $2,189. Alexis Glasgow raised $1,319, and, not far behind, was Alexa Cetta raising $1,230. Overall, Relay For Life achieved many goals that were set. Each year, Countryside High School will continue to fight this horrible disease and try and make it come to an end.


n March 11, 2016, Seniors Amanda Wosoff and Alexa Cetta celebrate at the Relay finish line for raising over $40,000 that will go towards cancer research. As comittee members, these ladies worked hard to make sure that the event was exciting and successful.

Reproduced by permission of Diana Springer


his year at Relay for the first time ever, attendees were given a chance to learn how to play traditional style drums. With cheer, people learned how to play many different kinds of ryhthms and they were able to experiment with the drums.

Reproduced by permission of Diana Springer

Six degrees of Separation: Drama, Music, and Band Simone Schuster is a part of the drama department and was the stage manager for the most recent school play, “Once on This Island”. She knows Daniel Lennox because he was the lead in the play.

kierstenMARICLE Franklin Dickerson is a part of band. He knows Simone Schuster through their mutual friend Mitchell Broadwater.

Photo credit Sarah Preble

entertainment editor

Six degrees of separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected with approximately six acquaintances between them. Connecting the arts around Countryside High School, we found the students that bring the creativity to our beloved school.

Samantha Micallef is a part of band. She knows Franklin Dickerson because they are in band together.

Graphic credit Jules Truong

Daniel Lennox is a part of the Drama department and took part in the last school production. He knows Mitchell Broadwater because they are both apart of the Barbershop Quartet.

Mitchell Broadwater is a part of the marching band. He knows Hannah Jewell because they are in chorus together.

Hannah Jewell is a part of chorus. She knows Samantha Micallef from band.



April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Countryside seniors face off with teachers in a game of basketball jeannaFRASER

staff writer

Spring time is busy for students-spring break right around the corner, prom being so close you can almost taste it, and best of all, summer inching closer and closer day by day. On Wednesday, February 16, 2016, there was yet another exciting thing students at Countryside High School have been waiting for: The Senior VS. Faculty Basketball Game. Making its second debut, the highly anticipated game, where a group of on track seniors play the teachers in a full four quarter basketball game during sixth and seventh periods. Seniors like Andrew Murphy, Zachary James, Sheldon Reynolds, Thomas Roman, Donna Mae Natar, and many more, beat the teachers at a close game by 49 to 42.


etting focused for the game, teacher Margaret Trautwein prepares to play the Senior VS. Faculty Basketball Game. Before the game, Mrs. Trautwein was a little worried to play the students. “I was scared of Braxton because he’s six foot seven inches tall and I’m a midget,” Mrs. Trautwein said.


Senior Jake Trimble and team member of the Varsity Basketball Team, who recently tore his ACL and was incapable of playing, decided he still wanted to be a part of the game. “I would have loved to have played in the game, but unfortunately because of my injury I couldn’t. Coaching was the next best thing,” Jake Trimble said. While injuries get in the way with numerous student athletes, Jake refused to allow his knee brace to get in the way of his senior year. “We all wanted to make the experience as fun as it could be and I’m very thankful to have been given the opportunity,” said Trimble. Although the students won, both the teachers and seniors played a hard game and allowed a new senior tradition to remain a success.


ribbling the ball, Senior Sheldon Reynolds plays his hardest during the game. Sheldon was happy to be given the opportunity with not only some of his friends, but his teammates. “It felt good ending senior year with a win,” Sheldon said.

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ue to his torn ACL, Jake Trimble could not perform an active role in the faculty game. However, he does keep his head in the game by acting as a coach for the student team.

Clearwater beach is rated number one for 2016 maddiMILLER

Reproduced by permission of Shannon Keelin


uniors, Faith Canosa and Steven Cole, enjoy a fun filled day at the beach. The beach is enjoyed by many students at Countryside for its pretty, white sand and the warm waters.

staff writer

For the first time ever, Clearwater Beach has been ranked number one for the 2016 Best Beaches in America. Clearwater Beach is mainly known for its white sand, clear waters, and fun attractions; including Pier 60 and the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Other beaches in the area that made it on the ranking list include: Siesta Beach in Sarasota at number 3, Pensacola Beach at number 7, St. Augustine Beach at number 9, Panama Beach at number 10. Siesta was ranked number 1 last year in 2015, while Clearwater only ranked number 8; however, this year the tables have turned. Clearwater was the only beach in the U.S. to rank on the list for the 2016 25 Best Beaches in the World at number 20. “TripAdvisor is close to the highest award you can get. It really does validate what we already know — that our beaches are fabulous. To have them both recognized on this list is a huge feather in the cap for our destination” explained David Downing, the executive Director of Visit St. PeteClearwater, Pinellas County’s tourism agency. Luckily, Countryside High School students live so close to Clearwater Beach; so make an effort to visit this amazing beach and experience the beautiful views and fun activities to do there. With Clearwater being ranked number 1, it will not be a disappointment.

Photo credit Erin Brickfield


andy white beaches and a sun that almost always shines, Clearwater Beach also has gorgeous sunsets that appeal to all.


April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Give a home to shelter animals sarahPREBLE

staff writer

When it comes to adopting a new pet, many families choose their local puppy store to invite a new friend into their home. However, many animals are in need of rescue from dangerous environments. While animals at pet stores are often bred just to be sold (not to mention inbred), rescue animals such as greyhounds and horses from race tracks are in desperate need of a home that can rehabilitate them. Not only are there millions of animals in need of rescue worldwide, but shelters are also filled to the brim with animals who have been abandoned by owners who cannot afford them, do not want them, or are not in a position to own them. While these “shelters” might seem safe, they are anything but that. Shelter animals can be euthanized as early as three days after arriving, simply because they do not have anywhere to go.

Roughly 64% of animals that enter shelters are euthanized (nearly 3.7 million animals yearly). And, while no-kill shelters have been popping up nationwide in recent years, they are still few and far between. A common misconception is that all shelter and rescue animals are dangerous; however, this is very far from true. While some do have emotional and physical problems, this does not mean they are unworthy of life. If you were to adopt a child, would you turn them away simply because they were handicapped or were diagnosed with depression or anxiety? If you are looking into adoption, do your part by adopting from a shelter or rescuing an animal who truly needs someone to provide a home, or just a bit of love in general. Reproduced by permission of

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Rihanna releases her new album gabbyRODRIGUEZ

staff writer

The release of Rihanna’s eighth studio album, Anti, has sparked various reactions from music critics; and with good reason. While many of the Barbadian singer’s long-time fans have not responded positively to it, the album has a sound all in its own, and may be her best work yet. Anti opens with “Consideration” featuring SZA, a “glitchy” sounding track describing Rihanna’s current music career. She talks about wanting to be respected as an artist, and wanting to take control of her music and do things according to her vision. The album’s lead single, “Work”, is an upbeat and undeniably catchy narrative between Rihanna and Drake. Rihanna is calling for a meaningful relationship with mutual emotional investment, while Drake is only interested in something physical. “Work” is the duo’s first collab since “Take Care” in 2011. Anti comes to an end with “Close To You”, a mellow piano ballad that will tug at the heartstrings of anyone whose heart has been broken before. This is my favorite song on the album by far; lyrics like, “I love in your direction, hoping that the message goes somewhere close to you,”

make for a powerful, yet vulnerable track. While Rihanna may not have given us another danceable, Good Girl Gone Bad-esque pop album as per usual, Anti is nothing short of genius. It is honest, relatable, and provides solid evidence of Rihanna’s diversity as an artist.

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April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Flint water crisis floods the minds of American residents sarahPREBLE

have been exposed to drinking water with highlevels of lead, and they may experience a range of serious health problems. Michael Hood, a wilderness guide from the Ann Arbor area, said, “They’ve heard from word of mouth that the water is bad, so they’re just boiling the water thinking that’s going to be OK. There are also a lot of immigrants from South and Central America, and when the water is bad down there they know to boil the water because it’s usually a bacterial issue or something in the water.” This lack of safety and precaution is reminiscent of third world countries, who go through similar struggles daily. However, the United States’ biggest concerns are based around petty issues such as immigration. The U.S. Governement needs to worry about the health of the people inside the country, before worrying about other policies and issues.

staff writer

Recently, the issue of an unsafe water supply in Flint, Michigan has caused concern throughout the nation. However, it is not widely known that this issue is in no way new. Starting in April 2014, when the city’s water supply was switched from Lake Huron to the Flint River, the water crisis was immediately obvious to locals. “Right when the water switch happened, people complained about this water,” HannaAttisha (a Flint Pediatrician) said, “It smelled gross, it looked gross.” On the other hand, the condition of the water supply was ignored by the rest of the country. The corrosive Flint River water caused lead from aging pipes to leak into the water supply, leading to extremely elevated levels of lead. In Flint, between 6,000 and 12,000 children


s Flint, Michigan’s water reaches unsafe drinking levels, many residents implore higher officials to act.

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Water crisis at Countryside

Countryside’s water filter status proves dismal to students photo credit Maddi Miller


staff writer

For about two weeks, Countryside High School’s water fountains have had a filter status of a red light indicating that the filter is not clean, and needs to be changed out. The water filling stations have three filter statuses including: green, yellow and red: red being the worst. Students have been noticing a change in the quality of water while the filter is on green, and when on red. “I filled my water bottle up one day and when I went to put the cap back on the water was not

clear” said sophomore John Choo Chew. Students like, sophomore Rozafa Maqellari, have not been drinking from the water fountain because they are “afraid of drinking the unfiltered water.” For two weeks, the Pawprint staff has been monitoring the different filter statuses. They have discovered a change in the color of the red filtered water; it is not as clear as when the water filter light is on green. Hopefully the water will be completely safe to drink soon.


ne of Countryside’s water fountains displaying a hazardous red light, signifying unclean water.

2016 politicians present a challenge for American voters sarahPREBLE

staff writer

The Florida primary marks the first chance for many students to vote for the first time; the big issues that are pushing voters to candidates such as Marco Rubio, Bernie Sanders, Ted Cruz, Hillary Clinton, and last but not least, Donald Trump. The main issue that the anti-establishment candidates Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump address is that of the Campaign finances reform which all started from the Supreme Court decision of citizens united which allows companies and super PACS to unload unlimited amounts of money into the candidate that they choose. Donald Trump (Republican) has chosen to do a self-financed campaign, since being a CEO of The Trump Organization, he is estimated by Forbes to be worth anywhere between 4.5-10 billion dollars, while the democratic socialist Bernie Sanders (Democrat) has chosen to allow small contributions by his supporters, with an average donation of 27 dollars. Bernie Sanders has raised 96.3 million since starting his campaign. As always, the economy is one of the largest issues on American minds. It is always rated as

a top concern; candidates from Hillary Clinton to Ted Cruz have put dollars and cents at the center of their campaigns. The former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner of the democratic primaries, is marking her second time running for the democratic ticket, after losing to Obama in 2008. Hillary Clinton is controversial; the reason behind her constant “flip flops” on policies, for example, is her stance on gay marriage. Her stance constantly changes; she gave a speech in 2004 on the Senate floor. She announced her opposition to gay marriage by saying, “a sacred bond between a man and a woman,” is most important. Later, announcing in 2013, she was for it once public opinion changed. The Clinton campaign has vowed to offer solutions to many of the problems plaguing America. She offered a debt free college solution, also allowing a slow change to the Nation’s energy from coal to natural gas. She also has a lot of experience in foreign policy; being the former Secretary of State after all. Hillary opposes free trade agreements. The economy offers risks and opportunities for all the candidates; under the Obama Administration, the unemployment rate dropped from

7.8 percent to a 4.9 percent. However, the median household income has been on a steady decline since the 2000’s. When Obama took office in 2009, the median income was $57,211. Now, the median income is $53,657 more, hinting that Americans are getting to work, but at lower wages. The large debate of climate change is still going on, as most countries in the world acknowledge climate change and the effects that it will have on the economy as well, as a species. According to the NRC (National Research Council), the global average temperature has increased by more than 1.4 F over the last century. NASA also agrees that climate change is real and is very likely caused by human activities. Senior Bryant Howard has been active in politics: “I always talked politics with family but when I turned 18, I focused on the election.” Bryant, in his own words, is “a middle towards right libertarian .” Bryant is like the many Americans who is focused on the economy; when talking to him, he said that this is his main focus. Although the Florida primary voting session may be over, the rest of the country still has a chance to cast its vote for the next man in the White House.


April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

All About Puppies or All About Profit? Local puppy stores increase in popularity over the past few years

paigeRENNER editor in chief

Every year in the United States, 7.6 million animals enter shelters. Of that, only 2.7 million are adopted each year. Even with 7.6 million animals up for adoption each year, puppy stores such as All About Puppies have been increasing in popularity over the past few years. That little puppy in the window is not what it seems. Many puppy and pet stores receive their puppies from puppy mills. Puppy mills are commercial largescale dog breeding companies who place their income before the well being of the animals living there. These puppy mills are often severely overcrowded with over two million puppies bred in puppy mills each year. Due to this over crowding, the animals that live there are crammed inside of small, dirty crates or live their entire lives outside and completely exposed to the elements. Due to living in such extreme conditions, animals that are bred in puppy mills can experience a long list of major health problems; some of which include epilepsy, heat disease, musculoskeletal and endocrine disorders, deafness, and glaucoma. Even with this blatant animal cruelty, animal and puppy stores have been increasing in popularity and have been popping up in

almost every town in the United States. One way people can combat this animal cruelty and neglect is to adopt animals from a shelter and not purchase them from a company that makes profit off of innocent animals’ lives. It is a common misconception that animals that come from shelters are put there because they are “bad animals”. However, animals that come from shelters are not “bad” in any sense of the word. Most of the time an animal is placed into a shelter due to faults on their owner’s behalfnot the animals. Many of these shelter pets are sweet, kind, loving animals that are just in need of a good home and a kind owner. Senior Melissa Pasquali, who owns five rescue animals: two dogs, a cat, a rabbit, and a horse, states that “every life deserves a second chance and their second chance changed my life.” If a person is looking for a specific breed, adoption is still a valid option. There are hundreds of breed-specific shelters all throughout America. Just because an animal is in a shelter, it does not mean that they are all “mutts”. National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is April 30th, and there are plenty of animals in need of a warm, loving home. People can still help even if pet adoption is not a viable option at the moment. Every animal shelter is in need of volunteers and donations.

Local Animal Shelters: Pinellas County Services


(727) 582-2600

SPCA of Tampa Bay (727) 586-3591

Humane Society of Pinellas (727) 328-7738

Pet Pal Animal Shelter (727) 328-7738

Friends of Strays (727) 522-6566

“Every life deserves a second chance and their second chance changed my life.” -Melissa Pasquali


editor in chief

It is very likely that when a person sees a pet up for adoption, their first instinct is “I must have them.” However, there is a lot more to adopting a pet than first meets the eye. Owning a pet of any sort is a major commitment and takes a lot of time, money, and patience. So here are a few things to consider before taking that new furry friend home with you:

illustration by Thomas Booth

sBefore you think about buying a pet at a pet store or a breeder, think about the approximately 7.6 million animals that are put into animal shelters in the U.S. annually. sThe total cost of owning a puppy for one year is $1,070: they need a veterinarian, food, toys, medication, etc. sThe American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) reported that there is an increase in owner relinquishments of pets the month after the holidays, as people have been surprising their families with pets, only to return them a month later. sSome buildings and homes do not allow for pets- 29 percent of relinquished animals were because of issues with the owner’s residence.


April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper 7 cus Take a look at some of Countryside staff and student’s adopted animals


ella, Melissa Pasquali’s rescue dog, is very energetic and loves running around and swimming outside- rain or shine.


oelle’s bearded dragon Bengal shows off his cool toy car. Noelle likes to refer to her dragon as a small dog.





elissa’s kitten Mia found her way into Melissa’s backyard in March, 2016. Ever since, she has made a great pet.

eacher Mrs.Trautwein’s dog Darla is a kind and caring dog. She loves playing fetch and going for walks.


elissa’s second dog, Roxanne plays hide and seek behind the pool stairs. She is a very energetic pup!


aney Covington’s fluffy cat enjoys sunbathing outside and cuddling with her owners.


elissa works hard training her horse Blaze, a former race horse, to jump at True Sky Stables in Odessa, Fla.

andit, student Mia Agostini’s shepard mix enjoys his car ride home from the beach.

unior Laney Covington and freshman Morgan Covington’s dog Mila takes a moment to warm up to people, but when she does, she is a very sweet girl.

photo credit Paige Renner, Melissa Pasquali, Laney Covington, Noelle Lasher, Mia Agostini, Margret Trautwein

Local animals up for adoption reproduced by permission of The Humane Society of Pinellas

National adopt a shelter pet day is April 30th!

ALAN Alan is a two year old, medium sized retriever/hound mix. He is affectionate and loves working on his obedience training. He is located at the Humane Society of Pinellas and his adoption fee is $75.

AMBERLEE Amberlee is a small sized, two year old domestic shorthair mix. She is not declawed and is located at the Humane Society of Pinellas. Her adoption fee is $15.

LADDIE Laddie is a ten month old American lionhead rabbit who has a very happy disposition. He is located at the Humane Society of Pinellas and his adoption fee is $25.

April 11, 2016| Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper 8 Sports Witness greatness: Countryside High School’s athletes strive to thrive



Throughout the course of school history, Countryside has witnessed some amazing, stellar, and inspiring athletic talents. From Major League Soccer Goalie and former Countryside student Jeff Attinella to future Florida Tech Quarterback (2016) Trent Chmelik, these “Cougar hopefuls” have, (and still are) pursuing their dreams through their athletic talents. “One thing that makes me proud of being a Countryside Alum is that it gives me a chance to represent my home town. I grew up in Safety Harbor and where you graduate from high school can follow you everywhere. So for me, it is a chance to represent the people I went to school with and the teachers and staff that helped me along the way,” said MLS goalie, Jeff Attinella for Real Salt Lake FC. Certainly, since the mid 2000’s, Jeff Attinel-

la has shown his Cougar Pride through soccer, playing for Countryside, University of Southern Florida, the Tampa Bay Rowdies, and now, MLS Club: Real Salt Lake FC. Sharing such a dream of success is Countryside’s very own, Kee Whetzel. The superstar athlete for Countryside High School’s football team reflects on the good old days of playing backyard football, and commenting that he is so proud that he has “come so far with football and to actually achieve a goal that he’s wanted for so long, is just so overwhelming and sometimes brings tears to his eyes.” Current Countryside High School Studentathlete Trent Chmelik comments that his selfmade success and motivation is driven through himself, by being “the best at whatever it is that (he) is doing,” said Trent Chmelik. “I’ve learned many lessons throughout my life

and one of the biggest is to push yourself to the fullest potential possible. No matter what it is, if it’s school, football, or family, be the best person you can be so everyone else can be motivated and inspired as well,” Chmelik further commented. Transcending from the wise words of Trent Chmelik, Countryside Alumni Tyler Moore has found success through the Arena Football League, and with local team, the Tampa Bay Storm. Reportedly, Moore is on his way to the NFL with the Chicago Bears; the 2016-2017 team will mark his 2nd year in the League. Just as dreams through athletic talents have came true for Jeff Attinella, Kee Whetzel, Trent Chmelik, and Tyler Moore; so can the dreams of any other Countryside student.



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he Tampa Bay Storm’s ensignia, in which Countryside alumni Tyler Moore, strongly represents.

eal Salt Lake FC’s logo, which Countryside alumni Jeff Attinella now plays for.

Countryside High School baseball

How the season has gone so far and what is up next for the players patriciaMIGHION

Varsity Seniors :

staff writer

Baseball is a sport many men, women, and children love. To some, it is just a sport where they hit a ball and make plays. To others, it’s a sport that they love to be a part of. Baseball has been a big part of many players’ years. Through all the practices, games, and friendships they built throughout the seasons, they will leave with skills and memories that will last a lifetime. As baseball season rolls along, the team has made great improvements. Not just in how they play the game, but how they interact with one another. “We were a little rough around the edges, but we have gone through adversity and bonded together to succeed as a team” said senior Clemons, on the improvement of the team compared to last season. Clemons has been playing baseball for 3 years at Countryside. The Cougars are 12-6 for the 2016 spring season, with hopefully many more wins on the way. With six seniors remaining on the team, the class of 2017 will have big shoes to fill, but they are, without a doubt, qualified for the job. When asked what advice he had for the rising senior players, Clemons replied, “Gotta grind ‘till you shine.” To anyone who has not had a chance to cheer on the Cougars, head to the last game of the season on April 12th!

Kyle Kania Jack Clemons Steven Wilson Chase Rogalski Gabe Torres Jack Skantze

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S “There have been a lot of challenges this year, but the kids have done a great job at overcoming adversities.” -Coach O’Sullivan enior Jack Clemons poses for his last baseball picture of his high school career.

Student Life

April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


OG Billiam: Student Making Music Schoolwork by day, creating music by night


staff writer

As a student of Countryside High School, you may have heard the name OG Billiam. This SoundCloud rapper is more familiarly known as Junior, William Ferra.

Q. When did you start making music and rapping? A. “I started making music in the 7th grade which was about 4 years ago. Although I just started rapping last year, which was my sophomore year.”

Q. Where did you come up with your name? A. “I got the idea of OG from a song I really like. My friends call me Will or William, but Billiam sounds cooler.”

Q. How did you start? A. “It was around the time that people would say: ‘yo check out my mixtape’ and would never really have a mixtape. I had started making music for two years prior and I decided to make a mixtape.

Q. How do you come up with your songs? A. “Oh good question, so I think about a random word. For example, taco. Whatever word comes to mind I put into It will come up with words that rhyme and then I start rapping to go along with the words that are rhyming.”

Q. Why do you make music?

A. “I do it for my fans.” Q. Do you have any advice for potential SoundCloud rappers? A. “To all potential soundcloud rappers, follow your dreams and follow me on SoundCloud.”

Liste nt Billia o OG sound m @: com/ cloud. OGBI L LIAM -

Scholarships Awarded to Cougar Students fionn PARDUE

Photocredit Paige Renner


ara Dervishi, Isaac Wolfe, Hope DePaula, and their family and friends pose for a picture after recieving their awards at the ceremony for the scholarship.

Photocredit Fionn Pardue


saac Wolfe standing with his parents accepting his $1,000 grant scholarship at the ceremony.

Photocredit Fionn Pardue


he heads of The Cougar Career Center Advisory Commitee talking about the honor of the award for these students.

editor in cheif

The Cougar Career Center Scholarship is a $1,000 grant awarded to graduating students from Countryside High School with a minimum GPA of 3.0, who plan on obtaining a two or four year degree. Top 16 finalists were interviewed by The Cougar Career Center Advisory Committee, who then collectively decided which lucky students were chosen to receive the award. This year Countryside High School’s Cougar Career Center Scholarship was awarded to Sara Dervishi, Isaac Wolfe, and Hope DePaula. “A friend recommended I apply for the scholarship and told me the deadline was the night of, so I quickly answered the prompt that night and submitted it without thinking much of it until I was called the the office,” stated Sara Dervishi. “I was surprised because I am not the best writer, and the scholarship was chosen based on the essays that were submitted. I was not expecting it at all” Sara will be majoring in biochemistry at the University of Florida this fall. The awards ceremony was a joyous event full of bittersweet tears. Each recipient of the scholarship had to write about a person that influenced their life. During the ceremony, they recieved a letter from each of the people that they wrote about. Together at the ceremony, they ate cake, talked about their future, and reminisced on their past.


April 11, 2015 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Time to get in Formation: Beyonce’s “Formation World Tour” is coming to the Bay Area


staff writer

Beyonce has always been popular with the albums Dangerously In Love in 2003, I Am... Fierce Sasha in 2008, and her most popular album Beyonce in 2013. But now people are screaming over the announcement followed by her performance at the Super Bowl Halftime Show that her world tour, Formation, is set to begin April 27. The tour has 40 shows and they will be split evenly between North America, the U.K., and Europe all throughout the summer. Ninety thousand presale tickets sold out in the U.K. in less than 30 minutes. The millions who were waiting to buy presale tickets then had to wait until February 22 when the sales started. Beyonce’s world tour will be her first since the Mrs. Carter Show World Tour in 2013, which contained 132 shows. Now with her Formation Tour, only has 21 shows to start. Anyone interested in seeing the fierce Beyonce perform live should know that she will be visiting Tampa’s Raymond James Stadium on April 29 with front area seats ranging from $366.00- $3,324.00. Good luck on getting those seats before they sell out!

Wed. April 27 Fri. April 29 Sun. May 1 Tue. May 3 Thu. May 5 Sat. May 7 Mon. May 9 Thu. May 12 Sat. May 14 Mon. May 16 Wed. May 18 Fri. May 20 Mon. May 23 Wed. May 25 Fri. May 27 Sun. May 29 Tue. May 31 Fri. June 3 Sun. June 5 Tue. June 7 Fri. June 10 Sun. June 12

Miami, FL Tampa, FL Atlanta, GA Raleigh, NC Nashville, TN Houston, TX Dallas, TX San Diego, CA Los Angeles, CA Santa Clara, CA Seattle, WA Edmonton, AB Minneapolis, MN Toronto, ON Chicago, IL Detroit, MI Pittsburgh, PA Boston, MA Philedelphia, PA New York, NY Baltimore, MD Hershey, PA

Marlins Park Raymond James Stadium Georgia Dome Carter-Finley Stadium Nissan Stadium NRG Stadium AT&T Stadium Qualcomm Stadium Rose Bowl Levi’s Stadium CenturyLink Field Commonwealth Field TCF Bank Stadium Rogers Centre Soldier Field Ford Field Heinz Field Gillette Stadium Lincoln Financial Field Citi Field M&T Bnk Stadium Hershey Park Stadium

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Sit back and relax at Drama’s Coffee House


staff writer

Coffee House is a night to remember. It is a show that gives students the chance to perform in front of family and friends. It includes singing, acting, a variety of instruments, and poetry performances from Countryside students. The first show was in October with a fall theme and the following will be spring themed on April 15 at 7 pm. It takes place outside the A wing doors by the oak tree, and it costs $5 to enter.

The admission provides a large amount of delicious desserts that include donuts, cookies, cakes, coffee and more. The talented Simone Schuster (‘17) moved the audience with an impressive cover of ‘Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” at the last Coffee House and will return in the spring to perform a French poem. She said it was scary being on stage, “...but I couldn’t see anyone’s faces so it made it better.” Students may share a similar emotion but

they continue to show their talents to the crowd. Come on April 15 at 7 pm with family and friends to cheer them on!

Illustration by Thomas Booth

Hulu vs. Netflix The ulimate media streaming showdown: who will win? randiKISER

staff writer

Everyday all over the world people are using Netflix and Hulu, the two most popular online stream media sources in 2015 due to their low prices and wide variety of movies and television shows. Netflix, which was founded in 1997, is the most popular out of the three. It provides the widest selection of movies and thousands of older T.V. shows. At only $7.99 per month, with over 40 million members, Netflix has won 34 Emmy nominations. It offers a thirty day free trial and is commercial free. Hulu, founded in 2007, just turned to commercial free for $10.99 a month or $7.99 a month with commercials. It has about 1,650 shows and 2,500 movies, it has a one-week free trial. Hulu may not have as many movies and television shows but, unlike Netflix, they upload shows the day after they air. Hulu gets content much faster than Netflix does. If you’re the type of person who needs to keep up with shows faster then

Hulu is the one for you. Beau Fitzgerald says, “I like Netflix the best because it has a really good variety of shows and it’s pretty cheap.” This is a big debate all over the world today, as people are trying to figure out which one of these online streaming media sources is the best fit for them.

Illustration by Jules Truong

“I have had Netflix for a long time and it has a great variety of movies and T.V. shows for everyone to enjoy.” -Senior, Cameron Galloway


April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


#Keshafreed from Dr.Luke

Pop-artist and singer of hit single “Tik Tok” battles music producer to earn musical freedom liaDEALVAREZ

On Friday February 19th, 28 year old singer and songwriter, Kesha Sebert, better known as “Ke$ha”, lost a court case against Dr. Luke, her music producer. Kesha accused Dr. Luke of drugging and sexually harassing her. A judge denied a preliminary request that would have let her record her own music without Dr. Luke or Sony’s involvement. This decision was made due to the lack of evidence in the case and the tight contract that binds her to Sony. Shortly after the trial, @TheDoctorLuke tweeted that he never abused Kesha in any way,

and that they were strictly friends. Fans and celebrities have rallied behind Kesha using the “#FreeKesha” hashtag (on social media). Fiona Apple, Ariana Grande, Lady GaGa, Miley Cyrus and Kelly Clarkson all publicly stood up for her. Taylor Swift even donated $250,000 “in a show of support” to Kesha’s case. There was even a GoFundMe account for Kesha that fans were actively donating to, in hopes that their efforts would raise enough to buy Kesha’s contract from Sony. After several days of silence, Kesha instagrammed a picture to thank everyone who has supported her in this ordeal; she also revealed

that she would be making a huge statement that could not be shared on social media, and insisted on being done publicly. Kesha is contractually obligated to record her next six albums with Sony. Sony has made it possible for Kesha to record her music with no involvement from Luke himself, so in this way, they have “freed” her as much as possible. Just because Kesha’s request was denied, this does not mean that the case is dead. This does, however, mean that she will have a long road ahead of her with this case if she tries to get rid of Sony all together.

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Kourt K, named after sister Kourtney Kardashian, and what Jenner refers to as the “boldest” shade in the collection. Setting itself aside from other run-of-themill lipsticks, Kylie’s Lip Kit has a unique scent for each shade. “I truly feel as though Kylie Lip Kit has one of the best liquid lipstick formulas, they layer nicely on top of a lip primer or moisturizer and are not as dry compared to other liquid lipsticks,” stated amateur beauty blogger Andrea Delfino. Kylie Lip Kits are extremely hard to get ahold of, usually selling out within minutes. March 28, 2016 Jenner restocked her Lip Kit causing Google Analytics to crash when over 200,000 people were trying to buy the lip kits at once. Following in big sister Kim Kardashian’s footsteps, Jenner ‘broke the internet’. “I am so sorry if this caused any inconvenience

for anybody trying to get my kit! There was so many people the whole back end of the website crashed.” Kylie stated on both her instagram and snapchat in attempt to console fans. Although they are currently out of stock, get out your credit card and watch kylie cosm e t ics . com closely , as Jenner plans on restocking her Kylie Lip Kit weekly.

staff writer

e$ha and DJ Doctor Luke at a music awards ceremony.

e$ha and close friend Lady Gaga embracing in front of the press.

oyal Ke$ha fans march the streets in protest to free Ke$ha from her music producer, DJ Doctor Luke.

‘Krazy’ for Kylie Jenner’s Lip Kit rachelWETHERINGTON

staff writer

Kylie Cosmetics, launched by none other than Kylie Jenner herself, is giving fans an opportunity to finally fulfil their dreams of being a Kardashian-Jenner by introducing a new line of liquid lipstick and lip liner named Kylie Lip Kit. Launched in late November 2015, Kylie Lip Kit originally only featured 3 shades of lipstick which were so successful that 5 new shades were later released. The original 3 included Dolce K, a nude inspired shade; Candy K, a shade similar to Dolce K, but slightly more pink; and True Brown K, which has a rich brown shade similar to chocolate. Later released were Koko K, named after older sister Khloe Kardashian; 22; Mary Jo K, named after Jenner’s maternal grandmother; Posie K, which Jenner let a fan name; and most recently


ylie Jenner’s new Lip Kit includes 7 different liquid matte shades, from a purple pigmented Kourt K to a orange hue named 22.

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April 11, 2016 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Goodbye, Ms.Williams!

Countryside students are sad to wish Assistant Principal Ms.Wiliams farewell jeanaFRASER director of digital media

For all that were curious, she will be attending the seniors’ graduation on June 2nd at 7:30 AM. “I will be coming back to see you all. Even if I have to take a day off,” Mrs. William said. All of the students are going to miss Mrs. Williams: not only at Countryside High, where teachers make an impact on students’ education, and also their lives. Most students’ careers at Countryside end in a span of four years, however, this is not the case for 12th Grade Assistant Principal, Mary-Beth Williams. Mrs. Williams went to Countryside during her own high school career. After her years as a cougar, she decided to pursue her education at the University of Florida, earning a degree in Business, then headed to the University of South Florida, where she received a Masters degree in Educational Leadership. Mrs. Williams then made her way back to

Countryside as a math teacher, teaching subjects like Algebra, Geometry and Intermediate Algebra. After this, Mrs. Williams transitioned to Safety Harbor Middle School, where she spent two years being an Assistant Principal. Subsequently, various students in the senior class had the privilege of having her not only all throughout their high school careers, but also in middle school. “It’s sad to see a friendly face leave,” Senior Alexandra Nash says. After her brief time at Safety Harbor, Mrs. Williams decided to move back to Countryside to take on the job as an Assistant Principal. “Countryside is like home,” Mrs. Williams said. Just this year, Mrs. Williams was given the amazing opportunity to take on a new job, where she will be a Senior Director of various leadership programs at The Tampa Bay Chamber of Commerce. “This job allows me to use both my leadership and business degrees,” Mrs. Williams said.

Which Girl Scout will take the lead?

Numerous students, especially seniors who have been with her for five years, were saddened by the news. “It’s a shame that she had to leave. She grew with us from our preteen years to our early adulthood,” Senior Jeffrey Van Cleve said. Although Countryside will truly be missing an asset to the school, students and faculty ultimately understand that this is an amazing opportunity, and she would be crazy to it pass up. Mrs. Williams, who has been at Countryside for a large portion of her life, is going to immensely miss the faculty and students. “I’ll miss watching the kids go from scared ninth graders into independent young adults moving out into the real world,” Mrs. Williams said. Not only was she a respected math teacher, but also an Assistant Principal who deeply cared about her job and any student who needed a lending hand during high school.

do-si-dos: 9% rah-rah raisins: 2% toffee-tastic: 1% trefiols: 3% savannah smiles: 2% Thin Mints: 35%


samoas: 22%

staff writer

Every year, Girl Scout cookie season is widely anticipated by many. A hot topic during the season is typically what everyone’s favorite cookie is. What are the favorite cookies of Countryside students? Let’s find out!

tagalongs: 28%

Countryside’s Barbershop Quartet sings their way into students’ hearts julesTRUONG

design editor

On February the 11 and 12, #DressedMen (pronounced Sharp Dressed Men) performed paid “sing-a-grams” for students around the school. The group consists of Mitchell Broadwater, Brandon Wright, Daniel Lennox, and Jared Freed; all of whom are juniors that are a part of the chorus at Countryside High School. The group began raising money the week before they performed for their chorus, all the way up until February 9. For the most part, during 4 and 5 period, Countryside students could hear their dulcet tones down the hall as they sang for blushing passerby. However, they had so much fun that they performed at other times such as before school, during 7 period, and pretty much whenever possible. The acapella group performed songs such as: “Anything Goes,” “God Only Knows,” and “Lullaby,” for just three dollars a song. Mitchell Broadwater said that, “Girl from Ip-

anema” was his favorite, but he did agree along with the other members that “Hello Mary Lou” sounded the best. However, it is undisputed that “How Deep is your Love” and “Every Little Thing She Does is Magic” were crowd favorites. Although most were embarrassed and as red as a tomato, their songs and wonderful tones were welcomed all throughout the school, as many people were smiling and recording their songs in order to save them forever. “When I heard Lullaby I actually cried,” an anonymous listener commented. Although this is a first for them, #DressedMen have commented that if they were all attending Countryside next year, they would not mind performing again. All around, this was a wonderful experience enjoyed by both listeners and the performers. The feedback for their singing was overwhelmingly positive. “I would hear people say that they never heard anything like it before, and I think it’s a cool edition to the music at Countryside,” Freed said.

photo credit Sarah Preble


his Valentines Day, Countryside barbershop quartet performed singing valentines and warmed the hearts of every student in the school.

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