Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 38 Issue 4

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Countryside High School April 11, 2017 Issue 4 Volume 38

Countryside’s Tale as Old as Time

In This Issue: Relay Recap Page 12

Baseball is Back Page 8


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


National Minimum Drinking Act of 1984 liamWALSH

staff writer

The National Minimum Drinking Age Act of 1984 requires all states to raise their minimum purchase and public possession of alcohol age to 21 years old. However, a few rumors say that stores that sell or serve alcohol may not be following that law. To see if these speculations are true, Officer Cathy Long from the Clearwater Police Department and a select few of Countryside High School students head to the streets to test these theories. The plan would be that students (between the ages of 18 and 21) will attempt to buy alcohol from the stores they have mapped out. It is the store’s employee’s job to ask for their driver’s license or a form of identification to see if the students are of age. If they do not ask for identification, and the student continues to buy the

“The Clearwater Police Department is dedicated to lowering underage alcohol sales and this is a tool we use to make sure vendors are complying.” - Officer Long

alcohol, then consequences will begin for the employee. It might include a fine, probation, their liquor license revoked, or even jail time. “Basically it is a joint effort between Clearwater Police Department as well as different agencies in Clearwater Florida,” said Officer Long.“ They are doing an undercover detail to basically try to curb the underage sell of alcohol to minors. It is a big problem in tourist towns, but specifically in Clearwater Florida.” Hopefully, if this project works, alcohol vendors and sellers will pass the word on not to distribute alcohol without asking for identification. This project will continue into next month with new students, if you are interested contact Officer Long!


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Countryside cougars on a path for success chloeYATES

staff writer

On March 29 at 10:00am, the Countryside Career Advisory Board gave out two different scholarships. One of which being the $1000 Cougar Career Center scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to graduating student from Countryside High School with a minimum GPA of 3.0, who plan on obtaining a 2 or 4 year degree. The top sixteen finalists were interviewed by The Cougar Career Center Advisory Commitee, who then collectively decided which lucky students were chosen to recieve the award. Over the past 7 years, there has only been one winner of said scholarship but this year they gave out three.


he Cougar Career Center Advisory Commitee along with Principal Schlereth celebrating the awarded students for their achievements.

The three students who won the $1000 scholarship are Leslie Mariano-Escamilla, Kaila Bullard, and Alaina Butler. The second award given was in memoriam of Coutryside Advisory Board’s colleague Gillian Koch who passed away this past year. Megan Piippo won this $500 scholarship this year as well. These four students beat 50 applicants and even “wowed” the Countryside Advisory Board. The way the board picks the winners is they pick the top 15 applicants and interview them. The Board was so happy that they were able to give three students the scholarship this year and they hope they can continue to do that in the years to come.


egan Piippo and Kaila Bullard with Principal Schlereth at the ceremony celebrating their scholarship awards.

High school scholars pinned for achievements elisseAMSTUTZ

“It’s recognizing the above and beyond,” says Doctor Jean Hitchcock, the AVID teacher at Countryside High School. “It’s more than what’s necessary.” At the ceremony last year, Dr. Micheal A. Grego, Pinellas Superintendent, gave a speech commemorating the students’ achievements and awarded the students with their AVID pins. Congratulations, students!

staff writer

AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) has long been a source of outstanding high school scholars. Among those are Amanda Hamilton, Megan Jankiewicz, and Jada Walwyn, three Countryside students who will honorably be awarded AVID pins on Thursday, May 4 at Northeast High School at six o’clock that evening. Achieving this honor is by no means easy. Seniors must be in the AVID program for at least two years, have taken three AP classes and four weighted classes during their time in high school, have a 3.0 unweighted GPA or better, have participated in extracurricular activities, and have twenty-five hours of community service. These students must also have been accepted to either a four-year university or into the military or military academy.


enior Megan Jankiewicz says “AVID has helped me prepare for my future and I am leaving it knowing I have learned something valuable.”


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

The double edged sword of relationships adrian PORRATA

staff writer

Relationships are a double edged sword. One edge can defend you from loneliness, while at the same time it can be the very cause of pain. A relationship, in essence, is a connection between two people, two minds, and even two souls. Both parties must constantly give each other the necessary attention, respect, and admiration that comes with committing to a relationship. If either stops, the entire bond is broken, doomed to that very loneliness that they sought solace from. Now what makes a true relationship last is the two who have formed it. Those two people have to work hard to change, inspire growth, and have the ability to tolerate the changes their significant other goes through. There must be an unnatural amount of open communication in order to make sure neither side is encumbered by the stresses a relationship can cause. There also must be a permanent attraction. Something has to keep both people trying as hard as they can for the other. There is a never ending battle to be fought for someone else and those are the demons the other party fights themselves. There must be strength in a relationship, not for just oneself but for the significant other.

For the good perks of being in a relationship, to be with someone can be perfect bliss. Waking up every day, looking forward to the very thought of your significant other can put pep in your step. To see someone as into you as you are into them is also such a beautiful thing. You as a relationship become one entity that performs perfectly together in unison, creating not two people, but a perfect experience. Sadly there is a dark presence within each relationship. There is an overwhelming figure trying to rip it to shreds, destroying what the two people have crea ted . And this presence can be anything, whether a friend of one of the lovers or even one of the lovers themselves. They can be self-abtta sorbed, inconsidora P erate, and even less an dri enthused to have you A by as their partner, even a lover ics h ap r can self-destruct a relationship. G In conclusion, please take into account that every action counts in a relationship. From the tiniest lie to the biggest gift, it all counts. If you are not getting what you are giving, please do yourself a favor and find someone better. Relationships are only permanent if they truly care about you and you truly care about them.


If you ain’t got a monogram I don’t wanna talk to you megan JONES

student life

Monograms have been popping up all over Countryside, from backpacks, to water bottles, and even to necklaces. Personally, I have seen with all of these. I fell in love with monograms in 8th grade. Monograms have become so popular because students around Countryside, including myself, have found that they are a preppy way to personalize their items. Monograms are a different way to display your initials. They read, in order, your first initial, last initial, and finally your middle initial. It is so frustrating to see monograms out of order. Monograms originated from the Greeks and Romans, but they have become so popular after weddings, putting emphasis on the last name that the bride is taking on. I began my monogram collection with a simple phone case because I liked the way monograms looked with the initials intertwining and from there, my collection has taken off. I have monograms on everything from running shorts, to jackets, and even a large wooden monogram that hangs on my bedroom wall. There are so many different types of monograms, from a vine, to a circle and so much more. Monograms can be embroidered into clothing, engraved into jewelry, and can be made into stickers to place onto folders and phone cases. They are a classy and fun way to personalize simple objects since any ordinary item can become stylish and cute with the addition of your initials. If you are not willing to join the fold and add style to your wardrobe then talk to the hand because the face ain’t listenin’.

The controversial stance on Donald Trump

elisse AMSTUTZ

copy editor

President Donald J. Trump. Some would argue he is unfit and under qualified. Others would argue that he is going to bring about change. Both may be right. One side considers him to be a self-righteous halfwit who has no qualifications and no business running a country. Others consider his executive orders to be a no-nonsense approach to fulfilling promises he made during the campaign. However, evidence shows that Trump is indeed an ignorant imbecile when it comes to how he handles denial, interviews and, most of all, Twitter. From the time he started on the campaign trail to today, Trump has insisted that instead of facing his opponents honorably, he chooses to backstab them through social media. In essence, the Commander in Chief, had he been in school, would have a mountain of referrals for cyberbullying. One of his most targeted victims has been Megyn Kelly, a Fox News reporter who repeatedly disagreed with Trump’s views and political standing. He goes so far as to resort to name-calling, one of the most juvenile defense mechanisms, incessantly calling her “Crazy Megyn Kelly.” “If crazy @megynkelly didn’t cover me so much on her terrible show, her rating would totally tank. She is so average in so many ways,” tweets

Trump. “Crazy @megynkelly says I don’t (won’t) go on her show and she still gets good ratings. But almost all of her shows are negative hits on me!” Jumping farther into the future, at the 2017 Golden Globes, Meryl Streep, a notable actress, addressed Trump in her speech. “But there was one performance this year that stunned me,” says Streep. “It, it sank its hooks in my heart. Not because it was good. It was -- there was nothing good about it. But it was effective, and it did its job. It made its intended audience laugh and show their teeth. It was that moment when the person asking to sit in the most respected seat in our country imitated a disabled reporter, someone he outranked in privilege, power, and the capacity to fight back. It -- it kind of broke my heart when I saw it. And I still can not get it out of my head because it was not in a movie. It was real life.” Trump refuted this by, again, tweeting in three separate tweets, “Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn’t know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never “mocked” a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him “groveling” when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media!”

Notice how he says “would never do that” when news outlets have the full video of the speech showing otherwise. He did flail his arms about uncontrollably as he imitated this disabled reporter. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than tweets. While Trump has dominated social media, he has also wreaked havoc during interviews, like his first one as president with David Muir. With the full-blown expression of his juvenile mannerisms, Trump insists on interrupting Muir. One of the subjects covered was the supposed voting scandal that had taken place during the 2016 presidential election. Trump insists that what he presents in a Pew Research report warrants investigation. Muir informs him that there was no such report. To add insult to injury, Trump’s picks for cabinet reflect his very being: nonsensical. The education chair, Betsy DeVos, has no experience whatsoever in education and therefore has no business being in her position. In fact, she, like Trump, has made grave errors during Black History Month. Just as Trump believed Frederick Douglass was alive in saying, “Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice,” DeVos and the education department repeatedly misspelled WEB DuBois. In short, well done, America. Well done in handing your government to a crying whelp.


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Word Search



Figure out the words from the descriptions below. Then search for the hidden words inside the dress. Hint: All words are prom themed.

The object of the game is to get 3 in a row. The first player is know as X and the second is O. Players alternate placing X’s and O’s on the game board until either opponent has 3 in a row, or all nine squares are filled.

Challenge: Instead of using the basic X and O; try drawing prom accessories.


1. Feminine fragrance 2. Famous song from the theme of our prom 3. Feminine attachment worn anywhere on the body 4. School mascot 5. Typical vehical rented to drive to prom 6. Masculine attachment usually worn around the neck when wearing a suit

Spot the Difference Reproduce by

Can you spot the 8 differences betwen the two pictures?

Word Search Answers: 1.Perfume 2.Be our guest 3.Corsage 4.Cougar 5.Limo 6.Tie

All Graphics by Alyssa Dambeck

a m r? e

ha t make s n ig ht to re



April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

pr em o b



staff writer

When students walk into the magical palace that they call prom, has anyone ever wondered exactly how it was created? Well, students of Countryside high school put a lot of effort toward prom with the help of the school. When students go to take pictures at prom, think about how much it costs. It costs at least $625 to get a photo booth, let alone an actual photographer and props. There is the cost for food, drinks, and not to mention finding and hiring a DJ. Thousands of dollars go into creating prom. A lot happens behind the scenes too. Many students come together to create a beautiful night for fellow schoolmates. Building the set takes a lot of time and effort. Much thought goes into planning and building the set. Even before that, students have to work together to figure out what the theme is going to be and look like before they even build a game plan. After deciding the theme and an idea of what it will look like, It takes experienced students to help make the set look more creative, original, and realistic to give it a more magical look. Remember to thank any fellow friends and students who contribute, and have an amazing time.


A Tale as Old


d as Time

April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Prom fashion show recap alexHENRY

staff writer

On March 3, the auditorium hosted to the Prom Fashion Show. The dresses and suits were sponsored by David’s Bridal and, Nikki’s Glitz and Glam Boutique. Over 30 students signed up to participate. The entrance cost was $3 for students and $5 for non-students. Meetings were held every Wednesday in Kimberly Coner’s classroom, where they discussed the decorations and outfits. The rehearsals took place Thursday, February 23 and Wednesday, March 1. The rehearsals did not include the participants to be dressed out. The students that took place in the fashion show had to make their own fitting reservations. Walking down the runway, girls could be seen wearing mermaid style dresses in dark colors while the guys wore suits in all different colors and styles. There were a few two piece dresses worn by junior Eleanor Matthews and senior Meriem Bentarghi. There was also a splash of gold and silver on some of the dresses but, senior Opi Christopolous was wearing a halter dress that was completely silver and junior Christel Belemenio wore a dress the was completely gold. If the prom fashion is a sign of what’s to come for prom, then it’s sure to be filled with glitz and glam!

Become a beauty on prom night dylanSTEVENS


Thinking of going to prom but have absolutely no idea what dress would look perfect on you? Here are some trends and guidelines to help you find that one perfect dress for your special night. For those with warmer skin tones, it would be in your best interest to wear fall shades to bring out your skin tone and eyes. Such colors include shades of caramel, burgundy, amber, and cream. For cooler skin tones, you should consider more wintery tones. Like blues, deep blues, and teals. Other colors for consideration include pinks and reds with a blue base. The prom trend this year is minimalist and neutral. Two piece and princess dresses have also been trending throughout prom magazines and fashion shows. Floral prints and lacy illusions are the prints of 2017. Besides having a beautiful prom dress, another important factor to finish the royal image is the hairstyle. Whether you’re going for a edgy vibe or a classy elegant look, there’s always something for you to make your fashion statement.



April 11, 2017| Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


staff writer

Track is a very unique sport because of the variety of events. Everyone has different strenghts in track. Our school is lucky to go to the invitation meets. Countrysides’ Boys and Girls Track first meet was February 15 against local schools including East Lake which is their biggest rival. The events in track are Short Distance, Long Distance, Shot put, Pole Vault. The track team has 10 meets this season, some meets are against our biggest rival like East Lake, Pinellas Park and Seminole. The girls’ practices begin with a run around a local neighborhood, then they move on to the bleachers at Countryside high school, and end with cooling stretches on the football field.

The meets are crazy, long and stressful. The way Sarah Walker trains is extended practices for three hours on Tuesday and Thursdays, plus she swims in the morning to become the best she can be. “The meets are stressful because I have three events at similar times” said Walker. Reece Metheny who does shot put, discus, plus 100 and 200 meters does track to become a better football player. Metheny’s thoughts on the team are “they are committed because we work everyday and everyone goes to practice everyday”. Good luck to the Boys and Girls Track team on the rest of their seaon!

Boy’s basketball ballin’ gabbyHERNANDEZ

staff writer

On February 10, Countryside High School’s very own boys varsity basketball team played a game that was a part of the 2017 FHSAA Boys Basketball State Championships - Class 8A. Although they lost this playoff game against Tampa Bay Tech with a score of 60-64; they had an amazing season with nineteen wins and eight losses! Plus, none of those losses were at their home court. Countryside’s starters are usually: Carlos Williams #11, Tyler Witz #41, Troy Reeves #4, Christian Shaneyfelt #30, and Nathan Tettenborn #20 “If I had to choose one thing our team could improve on, it would be communication,” says Christian. All around this team has had great success this season and will hopefully continue with their achievements for the coming season. photo credit Carlos Williams

Track taking off for spring season!



he cougar basketball team finished out their season strong making it to the playoffs.

Shine bright like a diamond maddiMILLER

out a doubt, qualified for the job. Senior Cameron Kroeger is an outfielder for Baseball is a favored sport by a variety of the team and is excited for this season. people whether they enjoy playing the game or His favorite part about being on the team is just supporting their favorite teams. “getting to play my faThe Countryside vorite sport everyday Cougars baseball with my teammates.” team’s season of Kroeger believes 2017 started Februthat this season, “We ary 21 and they are are winning States.” already off to a good Sophomore Chris start. They began this Cooper also claims season with a win that the team will do against Dixie Hollins “Good... great!” this and hopes to keep season and is excited this streak going this to “play baseball with year. Cameron.” Last year the ountryside cougars baseball team of 2017 To anyone who baseball team had a posed for the annual spring season photo! wants the chance to record of 19-8 and cheer on the Cougars, made it to the district championship, but lost to tickets are four dollars so head to the next game Lakewood Ranch in the regional quarterfinal. The before the season ends! team lost six seniors last season so the class of 2017 will have big shoes to fill, but they are, with-


enior Cameron Kroeger gets ready for his last high school baseball season.

photo credit Cameron Kroeger

sports editor



hris cooper is a sophomore and loves being on the team with all of his teammates.

Student life

April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Hang with the cool kids this summer!


What did Countryside students do over spring break?



staff writers

staff writer

Teens like to hangout in many different places over the summer whether it’s the beach, the mall or a theme park in orlando. You can always find something that you and your friends would love to do at these places. The Dunedin Causeway, Honeymoon Island, and Clearwater beach are perfect for just hanging out and getting some sun with friends. The Dunedin Causeway is the entrance to Honeymoon Island and is also free whereas the Honeymoon Island tickets for parking cost $8. Clearwater beach can get pretty crowded but it is always a nice place to go. The average price for the day parking is $20. Starbucks, Countryside Mall, and outlet malls are great for wanting to hang out in a more close environment. The malls are also really good for trying on fun clothes and just goofing around. Some popular outlet malls are Orlando Vineland Premium Outlets and Tampa Premium Outlets. Busch Gardens, Weeki Wachee, Adventure Island, and the Orlando Theme parks are really great for a day of fun and excitement. Theme parks always get your adrenaline pumping! Plus, who doesn’t love screaming and laughing with friends? Tickets can be pretty pricy, the normal day pass at Universal is $165, Busch Gardens is $90, Disney is $66. On the other hand, the cheaper places would be Weeki Wachee with tickets at $13 and Adventure Island at $42. Downtown Tampa and St. Pete are great for watching the sunset and going out to eat with your friends. When downtown, try places like The Hyppo. The Hyppo is a popsicle place that serves organic, gourmet popsicles everyone loves.

12% Worked

13% Traveled

10% Watched Netflix

27% Beach

24% 14% Slept

6 Degrees of Separation: teachers with tattoos M

rs. Clauson has a tattoo on her foot representing the mascot of the college she went to.


s. Buffaloe has a tattoo in honor of the third year passing of her father’ death.



Six Degrees of Separation is a theory that everyone in the world is connected with approximately six acquaintances between them. For this issue, Paw Print connected six teachers at Countryside High School who have expressed their individuality through tattoos.


rs. Parker has a happy sun on her inner forearm because she is a happy person.


rs. Shackton has her and her husband’s initials intertwined in the infinity symbol.


s. Stoneburner has a tattoo of Belle, because she always felt like the Belle of her family, and was always found with a book in her hands.


rs. McGlamery-Reynolds’ has a dragonfly on her back to represent her spirit body. Dragonflies are born viscous, but grow up to be beautiful creatures.


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper


Disney introduces new magical worlds madisonANDERSON

pawparazzi editor

World. Frequent Disney visitors have patiently waited for years and are excited to see these new features come to life. photo reproduced by permission of Jennifer Gray

As most people know, Disney is constantly making new changes to their parks and attractions to make the experience enjoyable for all. Tourists and fanatics have anticipated the opening dates for two new land expansions on Disney property. On May 27, “Pandora - The World of Avatar” will be opening at Animal Kingdom. This new land can be reached with a big beautiful entry bridge and will feature several attractions, including a magnificent night time jungle. Although it is not an all out fandom, Avatar’s land will attract viewers of the film from all around the world. People will be able to admire the amazing atmosphere and scenery that this new extension will feature. The floating mountains, already in place, give a small hint of the magical place soon to be opened to the public. While Disney is making millions of dollars off of the Star Wars franchise, they are planning on adding to that amount by offering on Earth land

expansions in Disney World’s Hollywood Studios and Disneyland. The new Star Wars areas will completely transport guests to the Star Wars Universe. Star Wars land will feature your typical dining, shopping, and attractions that fans and non-fans of all ages will enjoy. These experiences will transport guests to new locations, including Naboo and Tatooine, while immersing visitors into the entire spectrum of the Star Wars Universe. Some familiar characters from the franchise are already participating in meet and greets and in shows, but there is no doubt a new collaboration

“[...] they did an excellent job with their marketing, as my boys were begging to come back.” - Jennifer Gray will be making appearances during the launch, anticipated to occur sometime in 2019. These two projects will be the largest single land expansions ever at Disneyland and Disney


ennifer Gray, a frequent Disney visitor and teacher at Countryside High said “this new Stars Wars area will lure in huge crowds to these already packed theme parks.”

A tale truly as old as time


staff writer

Noted as the Tale as Old as Time, Beauty and the Beast was a fantastic rendition of the 1991 original animated film. This time, however, more thought was put into the making of the movie. Combining aspects of pre-revolutionary France at the time Beauty and the Beast was originally written, iconic pieces from the original animation, as well as new, modern day aspects such as the Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) and Emma Watson, Belle, with her use of autotune. The palace is decorated in gold with lavish furniture and beautiful pieces filled with thoughtful details. Its prince puts heavy taxes on his people to pay for these beautiful things as well as throws party. Given this description, the Beauty and the Beast is a close reflection of pre-revolutionary France where the Prince portrays King Louis XVI living in Versailles. This is the setting in which Beauty and the Beast was originally written by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in 1740. “1740,” says Stephen Straub, teacher of art history, “was during the age of enlightenment.” The Age of Enlightenment was an enormous surge of new sciences and politics, which later led to the French Revolution forty years later. The CGI of the movie was phenomenal to the point of giving an average audience difficulty in

I loved the “Be Our Guest” song, that was my favorite part. 5 roses out of 5. -Claire Kemp

determining which was machine, which was actual setting, and which was greenscreen. “He’s emoting through a CGI veil that never quite feels real,” applauds Sara Stewart, writer for the New York Post, about the Beast’s CGI character. The plotline of the new movie also follows a more tense and heartfelt journey with more depths as to the characters’ development. In the beginning, there is added backstory to how the curse was placed. The Enchantress, disguised as an old hag from the original movie, asked for shelter from the storm, offering nothing more than a rose. In the new movie, instead of being entertained by glimpses and stained glass windows, we see the Prince laugh at the woman, take her rose and throw it aside. We also see the woman unveil herself and curse the people, not only turning the Prince into a beast and his staff into objects, but also wiping the memory of the village so that no one would ever remember the prince or his kingdom. Later in the story, when Belle has become the Beast’s prisoner, she asks the staff how he could have become so cruel. Mrs. Potts assures her that it was not his fault, but that his father, the king, turned him from an innocent child to an arrogant man. This backstory is where Beast has his own song and shows a tragic portrayal of his mother’s death when he was a young boy and his father’s

I liked any part that had the Beast in it. 4.5 roses out of 5. -George Nasr

haunting influence. For many people across the world, this may be a fair assessment of what they had gone through in their own lives; after a caring parent-figure dies a more cutthroat guardian takes it upon themselves to raise their child their way without the influence of the deceased. However, amidst the seriousness and the morbidity of the movie, there were also priceless pieces of humor thrown in, such as the recreation of the snowball fight. In the 1991 movie, Belle throws a snowball at the Beast and succeeds in a hit, as well as hitting the Beast as he was readying to throw a much larger snowball (this hit caused this large snowball to fall on top of him). In the new movie, however, the Beast succeeds in decking Belle right in the face with a snowball the size of a beachball, claiming his twenty-six year long revenge. At the end of the movie, when the staff has returned back to human appearance, Clocksworth is regrettably rejoined with his wife, portrayed as a very judgemental woman who strongly disapproves of Belle’s intellect. As she rushes to embrace her long lost husband, Clocksworth weeps as he begs the universe, “Turn back the clock!” Surely an adventure filled with joy, heartache, and adventure, Beauty and the Beast is not only a rendition of a timeless classic, but has achieved the status A Tale as Old as Time.

I loved the Gaston song! 5 roses out of 5. -Haley Yavorsky


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper

Twenty-One Pilots came to Tampa Kendall Jenner alexHENRY

staff writer

Judah and the Lion and John Bellion opened for Twenty One Pilots on February 28, 2017 at the Amalie Arena; the concert began at 7 p.m. with Judah and the Lion, who are known for their song “Take it All Back.” Then after a small intermission, the singer of the song “All Time Low”, John Bellion made his appearance. Each opening act sang four songs. Waiting for Twenty-One pilots had to be one of the highlights. Throughout the hour, somehow the whole crowd participated in a wave for that lasted for 30 minutes as it kept going in circles, finally slowly fading out. People began creating light patterns with phones, which was separated throughout stadium. Around 9p.m., the show finally began; Twenty One Pilots opened with “Heavydirtysoul.” The


Photo reproduced with permisson by Laila Charid

onfetti cannons erupt as fans of TwentyOne Pilots dance to a high energy hit.

concert was filled with awesome music, cool lights, and fun little games. In the middle of the concert, Tyler Joseph and a fan played Mario Race; Tyler won. Then Josh proceeded to have a drum battle with himself. Instagram videos and photos showed Josh and Tyler had gotten into a red gerbil ball and ran on top of the floor seats. Josh’s drum line was coordinated and flawless. “This was my second time going to see them,” junior Laila Charid shared her opinion of the concert, “they are such a great band to see; I love their music so much, it was definitely worth waiting five hours in line for, I went with my bestfriend who loves the band as much as me, the finale was my favorite part, tons of confetti poured over the crowd it was amazing.” Overall, the concert definitely did not disappoint and kept the crowd engaged at all times.


Photo reproduced with permisson by Laila Charid

yler Joseph, singer in Twenty-One Pilots, sings with fans.

Two is better than one alexisGLASGOW

entertainment editor

Beyonce has been rocking the socks off of the world for the past year with her shocking announcements. Coming out with the Lemonade album nine months ago, Beyonce earned her sixth consecutive number-one album in the country. While the world has been preoccupied with the Formation tour and all around “Queen Bee” activity, she announced gigantic news on the first day of Black History Month. Beyonce Knowles and Jay-Z are having twins! After Jay-Z’s alleged infidelity, this news shocked fans everywhere. People are raving over the fact that along with the iconic pregnancy photoshoot, she posed under a veil and in front of a background of flowers. It is uncertain as to when Knowles due date is, but it assumed to be

mid June. Shortly after Beyonce announced her pregnancy, she cancelled her headline show at Coachella. Carrying twins is a lot harder on the body, so fans have come to terms with her sudden cancellation. One thing is certain, the world cannot wait to welcome the baby B’s!

Photo reproduced with permisson by



ends protest in new Pepsi commercial


staff writer

Pepsi recently released a controversial commercial starring the highly famous supermodel and reality TV star Kendall Jenner. The commercial features her in a photoshoot and becomes taken away by a mass protest, that she then decides to join. Eventually she hands an officer a Pepsi and smiles emerge ending the protest. Bernice King, daughter of MLK Jr., had a few words to say about the commercial...

Others also took to twitter to comment “Lm*o Pepsi’s new ad Kendall Jenner ‘ends racism’ by handing police men a Pepsi - way to degrade 50 yrs of black/minority struggle” said @hanorahhardy. Pepsi soon pulled the aid since they failed to realize how rude and untasteful the aid is until after it was released. “Pepsi was trying to project a global message of unity, peace and understanding. Clearly we missed the mark, and we apologize,” announced pepsi. If pepsi truly wanted to hit their mark maybe they should use a person who’d actually be targeted, also they could just do another Beyonce commercial.

Photo reproduced with permisson by


endall Jenner hands police officer a can of Pepsi at a protest in Pepsi’s latest commeri cal.

‘Cash Me’ being a millionare at age 14 rachelWETHERINGTON

“Catch me outside how bout dat”. The young teen’s episode of Dr. Phil aired in September 2016 so it took a few months before the viral fire spread. Once Bregoli became viral, she gained 3.5 million followers on Instagram, a number that continues to grow. Famous viners such as Josh Peck and Lele Pons have collaborated with the teen by making short videos having to do with her bad attitude and famous catch phrase. In February 2017, Danielle returned back to Dr. Phil and showed that she really has not changed since her last attendance. The rising popular teen has been in fights on airplanes and even outside in public. It is likely to believe that all of this fame may not be a good thing for the impressionable teen.

opinion editor

Over the past few years, Twitter has been home to numerous comical memes targeting all different audiences. In January of 2017, a particular meme caught the eyes of people all over the U.S. Whether someone takes the role as a concerned mother who could never imagine their child to act like that or an interested teen who can not stop laughing, this meme has caught their attention. The “Catch me outside” girl has become an internet sensation. The young Danielle Bregoli is a fiery thirteen year old with a mouth bigger than her ego. She first came to the public’s attention on Dr. Phil by disrespecting her mother, stealing cars, insulting the audience, and her most famous phrase, Photo reproduced with permission by Dr.Phill


April 11, 2017 | Issue 4 | Paw Print Newspaper



business manager

Countryside High School’s annual Relay For Life on March 24th was yet another success. This student-run event helped raise money to save lives from cancer by celebrating, remembering and fighting back. This year, Relay For Life had a total of 22 teams and all together raised $32,053. Students who raised $100 or more had the opportunity to stay all throughout the night. Because cancer never sleeps, one or more people from each team was asked to walk or run around the track at all times. The Relayers also got to participate in a drum circle, dunk tank, volleyball, football and many more activities. Congratulations to Team Monopoly for raising $4,230. They raised the most money out of all the teams who participated. Not far behind was the CHS Swim Team who raised $4,107. Relay For Life was overall a success. Each year, Countryside High School will continue to fight this horrible disease and help find a cure!

Core Four: Alexis Glasgow: People Lead Jenna Shepard: Event Lead Kiersten Miracle: Funding Lead Gabby Bellamy: Experience Lead

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