Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 30 Issue 5

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Countryside Track & Field page7 3000 S.R. 580




Music review: Hoobastank page 5



Get to know Ms. Pelletier page 3


di for New Me


Spring Break warning page 2



Friday, March 27th, 2009 - VOLUME 30, Issue 5

Clearwater, FL 33761

Famous Author Cranks Countr yside paulineMURPHY


The author of five New York Times best-sellers, Ellen Hopkins, offered neophyte and devoted readers of her books a laconic look into her life March 18, in the Countryside gymnasium. Her shockingly flagrant fiction novels, Crank, Burned, Impulse, Glass and Identical, incorporate issues such as drug addiction, suicide, sexual abuse and prostitution. “[My] books do not have happy endings. I do not sugarcoat [because] I feel like I need to write honestly,” said Hopkins. She was born on March 26, 1955 in Long Beach, California, yet adopted and raised in Palm Springs, California by Albert Wagner and Valeria Wagner, who at the time were 72 and 42. Mrs. Wagner instilled her love of reading and writing in Hopkins at an early age. “I was reading chapter books before kindergarten and published my first poem at nine years old,” said Hopkins. The writer met her biological mother, Toni Chandler, in 2000 and discovered her writing ability was also in her genes. Chandler had been writing poetry throughout her life, along with scripts for Walt Disney. Journalism was Hopkins’ choice of study in college. Her first husband introduced her to drugs in college though. “I was a 70s rebel. I experimented a little bit, but I stopped when I left college and had children,” said Hopkins. Her ex-husband did not stop. He favored drugs over Hopkins and their three children, Jason, Cristal, and Kelly. In 1984 however, Hopkins remarried a man she now refers to as her “forever love”, John Hopkins. They moved to Tahoe where she rekindled her writing ability at a local newspaper. She then turned to food writing and free-

lance writing. “[At the time] I was also writing poems and short stories and sticking them in a drawer somewhere,” said Hopkins. A trip to an aviation exhibit in Washington, D.C. sparked her interest to become a children’s author. She has since published 20 nonfiction books for middle-aged kids. Unfortunately, life for Hopkins has its low notes. When

Within weeks, the book became a huge success. Those that followed have done the same. Glass is the only current sequel to Crank. The rest of Hopkins narratives cover other serious problems teens face. All of the books are written in poetic verse. The major plot points in each book really happened, but the characters have been slightly changed. Hopkins currently lives in Washoe Valley, Nevada with her husband John and Cristal’s 12 year old son, Orion, whom they adopted. She enjoys reading books by authors Stephen King and Ken Kesey and logs onto Myspace for atleast two hours everyday. Don’t express a love for Twilight - Ellen Hopkins books around her because she despises her middle child, Cristhem. tal, was fifteen years “I hate those old, she met her first books,” said Hopboyfriend. He opened kins. her eyes to crystal Cristal, Hopkins’ meth. A beautiful girl daughter, is currently with straight A’s and a 30 years old and has 150 IQ became a grayfour other children. haired addict in and Hopkins sees her out of prison. once or twice a year, “I wrote [Crank] mainly on holidays, for me…to understand if she’s not in prison why [Cristal] did what for drug abuse. she did.” Tricks, Hopkins’ Crank is written in next book about five llen Hopkins autographs books for Countryside students Cristal’s point of view teen prostitutes will March 18. photo credit Rachel Lubitz as the character Krisbe available on Autina. It is a similar plot to Cristal’s real life discussing how gust 25, 2009. Her third and final book about Cristal, Fallshe became tangled in a web of crystal meth dependence. out, will be published in 2010. Fans of Hopkins also have “I’ve never gotten over it,” said Hopkins. “Your life be- something to look forward to in the near future because longs to everybody in it that loves you [too]. Those kinds she has a contract for three more books after Fallout. of things stay with you and sometimes I think we need to write them out.”

“My books do not have happy endings. I do not sugarcoat [because] I feel like I need to write honestly.”


OMG i crshd my car while txtn :( krystalCASEY


The signs are posted all around school, as well as in teacher’s classrooms. Teachers are constantly reminding students to keep their phones away, but that doesn’t stop them. Students often claim that, if caught with their cell phone, they are only checking the time. While that may be true, more often than not, the students are texting. Texting has become one of the major forms of communication and is the most widely used mobile data service. Studies show that text messaging has addictive tendencies. It was officially confirmed in 2004, as an addictive behavior by a study at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. Since then, a study at the University of Queensland, Australia has found that text messaging has become the most addictive digital service on a mobile device or internet provider, and is equivalent in addictiveness to cigarette

smoking. In January, a California teen set a record high of 14,528 text messages in a one month period. “That’s too much,” said sophomore Jordan Webb. “I know I text a lot, but seriously 14,528, that girl knows how to text.” According to Assistant Principal Lewis Curtwright, an estimated fifteen referrals are given out everyday due to student cell phone use. That means about sixty referrals a month. “The use of cell phone defiance has caused the school to have a high suspension rate,” said Mr. Curtwright. Because texting has been shown to have addictive tendencies, many students find themselves texting while driving. A bill is in the works to ban the use of cellular devices while driving. Only two states so far have successfully banned texting while driving- Washington and New Jer-

sey. The safety council in a Harvard study said the use of cellular devices while driving has resulted in approximately six percent of all accidents across the country. This works out to about 636,000 crashes, 330,000 injuries, 12,000 serious injuries and 2,600 deaths each year. “I’ll admit it. I have texted while on the road, but I am cutting back, especially when I see other people texting while driving, and I see how unfocused they are,” said junior Nicole Covey. The new bill will be reviewed by the Florida legislation next month, and the use of a mobile device while driving could possibly be banned by the beginning of summer. Many students often use their phones during school and in their cars. It might be wise to look at how it affects themselves and others and make a concious effort not to wreck their lives.

New teachers hop on board the C-side train kaleyNEMETH

staff writer

As each school year comes to an end there will be some goodbyes to teachers but hellos to others. In the past school years, Countryside said their goodbyes to Mr. Gary Jones, Ms. Irene Bachman, Mr. Paul Carter, Mr. Jared Tenbrink and a few others. A new school year means new teachers. This year Countryside welcomed Mrs. Jennifer Gray, Mr. Christian Mills, Ms. Sarita Stevens, Mr. Scott Hernon, who took the place of Mr. Gary Jones in drivers education, and welcomed back Mr. Chip Spencer and Mrs. Debbie Wilson. One of the returning teachers, Mrs. Wilson, taught here about two and half years ago for two years. She works in the English department teaching every level of English,

and has taught debate and speech. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a business degree and the University of South Florida with a degree in Professional Technical Writing and English Education. “Teenagers and their craziness are my favorite part about teaching,” said Mrs. Wilson. A new teacher here is Mr. Hernon. He is the new driving insturctor. In the past Mr. Hernon taught college swimming in Ohio for a national university, after the Marine Core. He has never taught at Countryside before but heard many good things about it and wanted to give it a try. “The atmosphere, staff, and kids here are [great],” said Mr. Hernon.

There were other schools Mr. Hernon looked into: Mitchell High School in Pasco County as well as Sickles and Alonzo High School in Hillsborough County. He has been in drivers education teaching for a year, and has also taught physical education and team sports in Hillsborough County. He attended Fairmont State university receiving a degree in industrial arts and physical education. He also went to Ashland University in Ohio, and receiving a degree in sports science. Countryside has been through many changes this year. Mrs.Wilson and Mr.Hernon will now be able to share these changes as they continue teaching.



Fu t u r e c o n g r e s s m e n a n d w o m e n t r e k t o Ta l l a h a s s e e meganMASON

staff writer

Thursday, February 19, 2009, not only was I happy to be able to sleep in another whole hour, but eager to set off on my parent-less, 3-day government vacation in Tallahassee. You see, I belong to the Youth in Government (Y.I.G.) club, an after school activity that began 2008. From the start, other members and I were familiar with the opportunity of visiting our own capitol to present our bills in the actual Capitol building. Truthfully, I’m not sure I anticipated the amount of fun it would be. From the moment I stepped on the Tallahassee-bound bus, I knew I was going to have a blast. After the six or some hours bus trip, in which I ate at least 15 muffins, nearly went deaf at the volume of my headphones, and gawked at Brad Pitt in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, I never thought I would ever be so happy to see the light of a Ramada Inn. I unpacked, dressed for the Opening Ceremony and, to my feet’s dismay, piled on to the bus again. It hadn’t been fifteen minutes of excited chatter among the group before we piled off the bus into a beautiful church downtown. After a good hour speech

from our Y.I.G. political party, we were later dismissed to our Committee, basically a group of people in the same branch of Congress. I belonged to Bowen House 1, a part of the House of Representatives. As nerve racking as it was, the co-writer of my bill and myself went up in front of our committee to present our bill. As hurriedly as possible, we answered the questions our fellow congressmen and women had, and sat down. I was exhausted from the day’s events. That night, I slept better than I had in a long time. Morning had come quickly, and my roommates and I hurried along to get ready, before strolling out in heels, pinstriped skirts, and blazers. First stop that day: the Capitol Building. Once inside, friends dismissed one another to their committees, where the quickest 5-hours of our lives would be passed. We debated our bills, most passing to the second committee, for a good hour per bill. Some should have actually become laws. Others, should have been killed the instant they were mentioned, but in the good old U.S. of A. majority rules. Our second round of debate reeled in absent-minded Congressman and women.

That Saturday morning rose, as did the students participating in the field trip. More committee meetings lengthened our itinerary, including popular bills from the Senate. Eventually, we headed off to the Closing Ceremonies. Bittersweet good-byes and memorable hugs distributed themselves throughout the main floor. Overwhelmed with the realization that this amazing trip had come to an end, I gathered with my friends into the House of Representatives chamber. The presiding officers handed out awards and gave us multiple farewell speeches. Then, without a second glance, we left the Capitol building. On the way back from Tallahassee I stared out the bus’ window, comparing my life to the long winding roads that ended far out of my eyes’ reach. Like the roads, I had limited view of my life. In no way did the trip to Tallahassee give me the exact coordinates in which I would live my life, nor did it piece together the picture of my future, but looking back I can say, “Hey. I did that, and I loved every minute of it.” Who knows, perhaps one of those lengthy turn-off roads could lead me into government. At least now I know what I’m getting myself into!

Heed the Spring Break warning kaylaYAMONICO & heatherEBERT

staff writers

Bring out the sun tan lotion, Spring Break 2009 is here! During Spring Break, many people go on vacation to places such as Miami, the Bahamas, and Panama City. The most dominant hot spot to visit, however, is Cancun, Mexico. The beautiful beaches, the Caribbean Sea, and the gorgeous scenery hide the deep dark secret that resides there. With over 100,000 visitors a year, the State Department has issued a warning to those who plan on visiting the north of Mexico. Shootouts in the north have caused many deaths of innocent bystanders. The reason for this whole epidemic is an on-going war between rival drug traffickers and their battle against the police. Crime in the U.S.- Mexican border cities such as Cuidad Juarez is of special concern. Authorities in Mexico have reported that more than 1,800 people in the city have been killed since January 2008. Car thefts and carjacking are also crimes of high rating in Cuidad Juarez, with about 17,000 car thefts and 1,650 carjackings since January 2008 as well. “I know I wouldn’t feel safe going there at all,” said junior Stephen O’Riley. There can be trouble in paradise anywhere though. Four years ago, an 18 year old girl from Mountain Brooke, Ala“I’m going to read for pleasure and bama, went to Aruba to celebrate her high school graduaI aspire to score below par in putt tion. Whilst hanging out on the beach with Jaron Van der putt golf ” Sloot, Natalee Holloway collapsed. Van der Sloot, believing - Harrison Cavanaugh, senior that Holloway had died, asked a friend to dispose of her body in the sea. Jaron Van der Sloot has been investigated many times but comes up with multiple variations of what really happened. Going to unfamiliar places for vacationing is a risky chance to take, especially when there is a lot of crime within a region. “I’m going to drive to the east Enjoy the time off from school, but just remeber to take great coast and spend my days at the precaution if you decide to go to Mexico or any unfamiliar beach” region. - Nicole Cooper, junior

“My cousin is coming to America from Switzerland and we’re just going to hang out” - Ardiana Xhokli, sophomore

“We’re going on a cruise to Mexico with my dad and I want to go zip-lining! We might even go sky diving!” - Jesse Donavon, freshman

“I’d love to rent a little house in Key West and bring my family out there and fish” - John Angelo, CHS staff member



Ve n d i n g m a c h i n e s g e t a m a k e o v e r


staff writer

When school begins at seven in the morning and ends at one twenty-four, there is an exorbitant amount of time to cure cravings. With salty and sweet smells lingering throughout the classroom and halls, students are led to the ten plus vending machines in the school. Even though it is a vital part of the Countryside day, several complaints have risen concerning the machines. A common complaint would be that of stolen money or being -Emily Taylor, junior fooled into getting something students didn’t choose. “It’s really frustrating when you’re craving a certain food and you choose it but it gives you another snack,” said junior Emily Taylor. Another complaint would be that of the same food held in every display. Although it can be positive when looking for a certain flavor of chip or when a particular craving has struck, the students are always looking for something different. With that opinion, the administration has tried to give a variety of snacks in each machine. No longer can

“It’s really frustrating when you’re craving a certain food and you choose it but it gives you another snack.”

a student predict what is held “We’ve been trying really in each machine. They are now hard to improve things and pleasantly surprised by the new move ahead technologically. and much healthier assortment. The finger image hasn’t been Vending now holds Chex-Mix smooth due to a lot of lack granola bars, Scooby-Doo of communication with the graham crackers along with distributors. We are trying specialty chips, like veggie and really hard to get that up baked products. and running. We have an “I think that it’s important iPod we want to give away for students to have the choice as well, but the ticket system of healthier foods. After all, we where everyone gets a ticket all get a little tired of the same after buying the product is snack everyday,” Taylor said. not working sufficiently. All ustodians like these have been restocking the machines I can say is that we are trying The staff and coordinators with new and healthy snacks. The cafeteria staff has tried to and will continue to do so, so have tried particularly hard improve the health and accessibility of popular snacks with new that everyone is happy,” said to improve on the healthy technology and contests. photo credit Rachel Lubitz assortment of snacks. Ferguson. “We try to find the healthiest foods we can find in the There is no doubt that the cafeteria staff will continue machines. There are certain criteria that we try to follow their efforts, but with all these setbacks it will take time. like fat index, calories, and sodium. All I can say is that The staff of Countryside is making obvious attempts to we are trying very hard to make the foods better for the peak the interests of students, and they have tried several students,” said Cafeteria Manager Debbie Ferguson. acceptable ideas. The iPod giveaway will hopefully start up The opinions of vending machines have improved after in the next few weeks and with the promising idea of finger those changes and now the school is striving to improve image identification for students, it will be very interesting the system technically. Contests have also popped up to see what our vending machines will end up being and like an iPod giveaway. Although these improvements are looking like in the next year. promising, technical difficulties have risen.


Debate argues their way to the top N o t heatherEBERT

staff writer

This school year, Countryside has expanded its already impressive list of extra-curricular activities with the addition of the Debate Club. Sophia Kugeares, Language Arts and Debate teacher at Countryside since 2006, is the adviser for the club. “The whole value of debate is it teaches how to argue positively and convincingly to win,” said Kugeares. “It also improves self confidence in speaking generally.” There are tournaments in which debate clubs from all different high schools compete in. Saturday, Feb. 14th, four students from Countryside’s Debate Team went to North Tampa to participate in one of these tournaments. The competition was a mock-election of congress which is


only students are freshmen staff writer

There is a new addition to the Countryside High School family. Recently, guidance counselor Joanne Bulthuis retired, so the school needed someone to take over the student body with last names L-R. That fresh face is Ms. Megan Pelletier. She may be a novice on the job, but is rising to the challenge and proving to be a qualified replacement. Pelletier is originally from Newburgh, New York and moved to Coral Springs, Florida in 1991. In Dec. 2008, she graduated from the University of Florida, with a masters degree in school counseling and guidance. “I wanted to work with kids, but didn’t want to test students or be a school psychologist,” said Pelletier. Pelletier met her boyfriend, Jared, while in college. They met on campus through Greek life. She was in the sorority Kappa Delta , and he was a member of the fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon. They have been together

for approximately two and a half years. The two of them enjoy running together and going to the gym. On Feb. 28, 2009 Pelletier and her boyfriend partook in the ESPN weekend 5k and 10k run throughout Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida. Pelletier stated that she looks forward to watching the cougar athletes jump high and stay left during the track season. Fresh out of college Pelletier was eager to find a school and begin guiding young students. “Due to it being the middle of the school year, I knew it would be rather difficult to find a school in the area in need of a counselor. Luckily there were two or three in the area with an opening,” said Pelletier. Pelletier also stated that she may not have many memories at Countryside thus far, but greatly enjoyed sophomore registration. She is looking forward to having countless memories with students, parents, faculty and staff at Countryside High School.

Drug and alcohol seminars come to Countryside laurenINCE


ary Schlereth, principal of Countryside High congratulates sophomore Stephanie Feola on her second place win at the Lincoln-Douglass debates on Saturday, Feb. 14th. photo credit Mrs.Kugeares

appropriately called student congress. The students created bills that they debated in front of a student audience. The bills are of topics that the students created because of their personal concerns. Sophomore, Stephanie Feola, was awarded a second place trophy at the tournament. “[It was] scary, intense and very intimidating,” said Feola. The addition of the Debate Club has provided a new direction for students to explore, and hopefully it will go on to be as successful as Countryside’s other extra-curricular activities and clubs in years to come. Some students in the Debate Club have taken Mrs. Kugeares’ debate class, but some have no experience in debate. The Debate Club is still looking for students interested and is open to students of all grades. Meetings are held every Friday in room M1B. At the St. Petersburg USF campus there are classes on debate every Tuesday night, which the debate club recommends and hopes students will attend. If you are interested in attending these classes at USF and need more information see Mrs. Kugeares in room .

staff writer

Have you, a loved one, or someone you know ever had a bad experience dealing with the issue of the abuse of either drugs or alcohol? This April 7th in the concourse at Countryside High, there will be a drug and alcohol seminar. The program will start at 6:30PM with a performance from one of our drama students. The program is set up with 20 minute segments with 12 different speakers who will address various topics.

This will give you the chance to choose what topic is of the most importance to you. Some of these speakers have had children killed by drunk drivers, hospice who help loved ones cope with the loss of a person to drugs/alcohol, and psychologists specializing in drugs/alcohol abuse. There will even be information on the effects of energy drinks and tobacco. Officer Cavailare will also be answering questions about what has happened in the school an community. (For more information see below)



Musical director breaks records a.j.QUENELL

staff writer

fill the shoes of musical director. He is now the youngest person to accomplish this in all of Pinellas County. Part of his job was to sit through all the auditions and decide who was best fit with each part, both in singing and act-

Back in the 1950’s, a famous pop idol named Conrad Birdie was going off to war. Before he left, his manager decided to set up a contest to find one girl that will get his last kiss in America before leaving. This is the plot line for the musical “Bye Bye Birdie”, which was performed at the Dunedin Community Theater featuring Countryside’s own Nathan Daugherty as the musical director. You may recognize Daugherty from his roles as Doody in “Grease”, Ugly in “Honk”, Marryin’ Sam in “Lil Abner”, and performing The National Anthem at the homecoming pep rally last October. Daugherty was recently hired to direct “Bye Bye Birdie” by a woman that saw his performance in “Honk”. After attending the play, she could tell that he knew a lot about music. “She wants to show that someone my age could pull off directing,” said Daugherty. Most people need a college degree to accomplish this task. Daugherty was in fact awarded a $93,000 ountryside’s own Nathan Daugherty, shown performing arts college scholarship at Districts in here, has been given a once in a lifetime chance February, giving him the accreditation he needed to to direct a rendition of “Bye Bye, Birdie”. photo credit by Matt Eberius


ing ability. “Nathan is an excellent director. He can hold his own and never looses his cool. He’s got no ego whatsoever. He’s doing it for the love of music and not to show off,” said junior Kat Carson, the sound engineer for the musical. With a cast ranging in age from 13 to 90, the musical featured a few Countryside Cougars also. Junior Elizabeth Dow acted in the musical along with Countryside graduates Culver Dow and Brandy Larios. In the instrumental section, senior Donte Dawson played the guitar. Because Daugherty has done such a good job, he has been promoted to director of music for the entire Showcase Art Foundation. On top of all of this, Daugherty is also writing a song that may be performed this year at the graduation ceremony.

“Nathan is an excellent director. He can hold his own and never looses his cool... He’s doing it for the love of music.” - Kat Carson, junior

troupe 900 going to states saraMINEO

staff writer

On Saturday, Jan. 31st, drama students scrambled into their seats to watch some of their fellow actors perform. All was silent save for the shuffling feet of high schoolers as they arranged themselves on stage. The stern looking judges bore their eyes into the performers, writing furiously on their clipboards. Drama districts were hosted at Countryside High School and lasted all day. Districts included all the high schools from our local area such as Dunedin, Largo and Eastlake. The schools were competing for the grand honor of qualifying for states. To qualify, the troupes had to be awarded superior on their performances. Superior is the highest achievement you can acquire and is based on the overall quality of the acting, singing or monologues. The actors had to follow a special set of strict guidelines and rules, which, if broken, would disqualify them. There was a time limit to all acts and no costumes could be worn. Harsh as these rules may be, they were set to enhance the true ability and talents of the young performers. A great deal of hard work and strive were put into each show, going over every script for hours at a time. It’s safe to say that Countryside’s Troupe 900 did a job well done, raking 11 superiors and six excellent’s.

F u t u re hits at the b ox office

that are going to be The 6 performances that Troupe busy. Multiple students 900 is taking to states are Claire are going to the State Gould’s monologue “How i got.../ Festival to support The Most Massive”, Erika Queen’s their friends and help monologue “Like Dreaming”, Tuna out with anything and Fish Eulogy, the group musical “Cat everything needed to Like Tread”, the small group musimake the performances cal, “But I Do” from the Broadgo by smoother. way musical “I Love You, You’re “I’m nervous for Perfect, Now Change”, and the one everybody to do well act “Working” . These outstanding but I’m excited to performances will hopefully do well hang back and watch at states, bringing home glory for everything, while Countryside. ith a “Cat Like Thread” from the musical The lending a helping hand States will be held on April Pirates of Penzance performed by Andrew Richey 22nd- 26th at the Tampa Bay Per- and Company (shown above) is one of the many pefor- when needed.” said sophomore,Carlin Informing Arts Center. Troupe 900 mances going to states. photo credit by A.J. Quenell gram. will be with other drama The State Festival not only provides the chance for troupes from all over the state, the best of aspiring thespians to perform the acts that they have been the best. “I’m looking forward to meeting working so hard on, but it also gives them a chance to learn more about the art of theater itself. other thespians and performing “I am most looking forward to the workshops that working.” said sophomore Shea they provide for us at States,” said sophomore Chris Forster. Vandemark. “You learn a lot of interesting ideas and The State Festival is a great techniques, most in which will help you become a better opportunity to meet new friends actor in the future.” with similar interests and talents. The State Festival is right around the corner and Junior, Erika Queen agrees. Troupe 900 is working diligently to be entirely ready to “I’m really excited to see my other friends from perform. Countryside High School will be standing by around the state that i met last year at States,” she said wishing our fellow Cougars to break a leg. excitedly. It’s not only the actors who are in the performances


Featuring the voices of Reese Witherspoon and Will Arnet Rated PG Sci-fi action Release date March 27th When Susan Murphy is hit by a meteor, she mysteriously grows to 49-feet-11-inches tall. Immediately the military jumps into action and Murphy is captured and secreted away to a covert government compound. There, she is renamed Ginormica and placed with a ragtag group of other monsters. When a mysterious alien robot lands on Earth and begins storming the country,The president is persuaded by General W.R. Monger to enlist the motley crew of Monsters to combat the Alien Robot and save the world from destruction.

Starring Vin Diesel and Paul Walker Rated PG-13 Release April 3rd In this fourth and final instalment of the Fast and Furious franchise, the stars head back to wear it all began to blast muscle, tuner and exotic cars across Los Angeles and floor through the Mexican desert in the new high-octane actionthriller.



Hoobastank is hoobastinky


Billboard Hot 100. Since then, I’m sure only avid listeners of the band could name you another one of their songs. With lyrics that I’m sure students at CounThe first track on the new Album, “My Turn”, is the only tryside could have done a better job writing and not completely terrible song out of all eleven. instrumentals that I’ve heard preformed However, the video makes any ounce of likwith more skill at local shows, the new ing for the track just disappear. With girls in Hoobastank album titled For(N)ever, skimpy bathing suits that turn into old men should have (N)ever been released. that turn into the band members all dressed Hitting stores Jan. 27th featuring songs up Foo Fighter-esq, the video lends nothing with cliche titles like “I Don’t Think I more to the song itself. Love You”, “Tears of Yesterday” and This album gives rock a bad name and hon“So Close, So Far” you can only imagine estly, made me cringe every time I listened to how great the CD must be. it for the sole purpose of writing a review. According to 35 year old lead vocalist It’s a shame that the band couldn’t produce Doug Robb the band “Set the bar very something of a little more quality, for they very high for this next CD,” and unforseem to be brimming with potential. Yet, tunately, failed to hit their mark comif this is their fourth album, (not including oobstank’s latest album lacks pletely. those unreleased and self-produced) and depth and originatility. Instead Hoobastank was first widely recogthey still haven’t been able to harness it, I of on the shelf, this album belongs in nized when their song ‘The Reason’ was think it’s safe to say they never will. the trash. photo credit Bethany Reed released in Dec. 2004 reaching #2 on the staff writer


Quick review: You Wouldn’t Feel Too Bad Listening To: “My Turn” You Might Feel Really Bad Listening To: “I Don’t Think I Love You” You Will Feel Terrible Listening To: The Entire Album Rating :

Fear you can’t forget - Resident Evil ryanDUCHANE editor In March 1996, the world of video games were forever changed with the release of Resident Evil for the Playstation. Director Shinji Mikami created his masterpiece after watching the films of George A. Romero and deciding that flesh-eating hordes of the undead were an ideal enemy for gamers to face. The game was the first to receive the genre of ‘survival horror’, and revolutionized the face of horror gaming. Resident Evil was met with instant success, and the game has sold 2,750,000 copies. Resident Evil was followed by 4 sequels, 1 prequel, 6 spin-offs, and a remake. Resident Evil 4 garnered an immense amount of critical acclaim, winning multiple ‘Game of the Year’ awards and selling over 6 million copies on 4 systems, making it the best selling Resident Evil game in the series. Now, at long last, the highly anticipated sequel is released, and Resident Evil 5 does not disappoint. The Resident Evil series has always been about viral experimentation. In the original games, the pharmaceutical corporation Umbrella Inc. was revealed to be a front for biological weapon development and research involving the deadly T-Virus, a viral agent that can turn the living into the living-dead. With Resident Evil 4, the series departed from the T-Virus zombies, and instead focused on a parasitic organism known as Las Plagas (Spanish for “The Plague”). This enemy returns in Resident Evil 5, albeit with a few alterations to the nature of the parasite. In Resident Evil 5, players take control of returning hero Chris Redfield. Redfield had served as one of two protagonists in two games in the series- Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Code Veronica. He is now a member of an anti-bioterrorism organization known as the B.S.A.A., and he is sent to the fictional Kijuju region of Africa in order to stop a black market deal involving viral weaponry. Upon his arrival, Chris is greeted by his new partner, Sheva Alomar, and an image of his supposedly dead friend, fellow Resident Evil protago-

Starring Justin Chatwin and James Marsters Rated PG Released April 8th Live-Action Rendition is bringing yet another hit T.V. show to the silver screen. A young boy named Goku seeks out upon his grandfather’s dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls (of which he has one) in order to prevent Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world.

nist Jill Valentine. The player controls Redfield as he tries to find out the truth about the mysterious region and stop his nemesis, Albert Wesker. Resident Evil 5 is a beautifully constructed game. The graphics are incredible, especially the faces and character models, which were all animated using motion capture, a previously unheard of practice in gaming. The story is the best so far, with a truly compelling mission and some great voice acting. Gameplay is flaw-


shot from the game, which is produced by Capcom. Players are pitted against enemies such as the Majini and the deadly executioner. photo credit by Liam Duchane. less, improving on the perfected Resident Evil 4 controls and adding a multitude of weapons to increase the action. In addition, a few elements return from previous games in the series, including a slot-styled inventory, a letterbased ranking system, and the deadly ‘Licker’ enemy. The cooperative gameplay, upon which the game hinges, is also excellent. All the problems that were present with the series’ previous forays in co-op gameplay (Resident Evil Outbreak) are gone, and the game’s AI is improved

Starring Miley Cyrus and Billy Ray Cyrus Rated PG Release April 10th As Hannah Montana’s popularity begins to take over her life, Miley Stewart takes a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners, Tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in life the most.

so that playing single player doesn’t subtract from the experience. This being said, there are a few problems with the game. The first and foremost is that it is not scary. One of the biggest appeals of the series is the terrifying feeling of suspense felt when enemies are everywhere and ammunition is scarce. Like Resident Evil 4, the fear is gone here, due both to the presence of a partner and the extreme surplus of weapons and ammunition. Unfortunately, many of the elements that made Resident Evil 4 fantastic are gone as well. The hilariously over-the-top weapon salesman known as ‘The Merchant’ is gone, and weapons are now bought and organized in a boring, nondescript inventory screen. The infamous “chainsaw beheading” has also undergone a ridiculous edit. While blood and gore may not be everyone’s cup of tea, the Resident Evil series has been well-known for a large amount of violence, most of which is cut out of the newest installment. ‘The Mercenaries’ mini-game, which was a huge success in Resident Evil 4 returns, though it features only four playable characters, as opposed to the five present in the former iteration. Overall, Resident Evil 5 turned out to be an amazing game. It’s graphics and gameplay are top of the line (though the stationary shooting has little appeal for fans of most action shooters like Gears of War), and the story is compelling and riveting, even for those who are not fully immersed in the series’ lore. The game suffers from a multitude of minor discrepancies, though most of these are just laziness on the developer’s part or details that only hardcore fans of the series would notice. In the end, Resident Evil 5 is an amazing buy for anyone hoping to play an incredible game, but the relatively short campaign and the lack of a versus mode mean that anyone who hasn’t been with the series since its height may be better checking it out as a rental.


Starring Zac Efron and Matthew Perry Rated PG-13 Release April 17th Popular high school senior Mike O’Donnell (Efron) seemingly has it all.,Until...he decides to give it up to settle down with his high school girlfriend. Twenty years later, an adult Mike (Perry) finds his life is not exactly what he expected. When he returns to his high school to reminisce over the life he could have had, he finds himself changing back into his 17 year-old self.



Takin’ out the trash evanMILLER

staff writer

the reader know to place their trash in the trash can. This Many students at Countryside High School use the 15 might help alert the students to what they are doing, and it minute break to go and get a snack, to help them go about may begin to cut the amount of trash left on the the floor. Another important detail in trash collecting is the the rest of the day. But what happens to the trash left over can itself. The few trash from all the food consumed cans we have placed around by our student body? All the school are dull looking the wrappers, cardboard gray bins. Not to suggest holders, ketchup and leftthat the school should paint over food? Sure, there are them bright rainbow colors, students who do the right but if the trash cans could thing and throw the trash catch the student’s eye, they into the few dull gray bins may be more inclined to placed around campus. place the trash in the acMany just drop the trash tual trash can instead of just at their feet. Most students throwing it on the floor. think nothing of this, but Although these ideas will if you see the halls after the help, it comes down to self late bell rings, trash is evdiscipline and laziness. erywhere. The majority of “Kids just need to walk the students in school nevto the trash can and put er see the mess they leave lthough many students do not use the trash cans, there [the trash] in there,” said behind or are too ignorant are few who do. This is a proper example of where your American History teacher, to care. They go to class trash belongs. photo credit Evan Miller Scott Sherwood Kitchen. and when they come back Principle Schlereth said out, the floor is as clean as “ I think we have some students who need to learn to use it was when they walked into school in the morning. Most students aren’t bothered at all by the amount of the trash can.” Now we all think that the trash affects only us, but what trash left on the ground. “If there wasn’t any trash on the floor, the janitor’s about the people who have to clean it up? Jerry Reynolds is the overseer of the school grounds. He is part of a dediwouldn’t have a job,” said junior Travis Warner. But one must think, is this a reflection of how the cated crew that works all day to make sure the school looks student deals with trash outside of school? Do they walk like it does when you get to school. “We have a crew here till 11,” said Reynolds. around their houses, dropping trash as they please? No, you He calls the amount of trash on the floor “frustrattake the trash the few extra steps and dump it in a trash can. Now granted, the trash problem isn’t overwhelming, ing.” He echos the thoughts of fellow teachers by wishing but there is a way to lighten the load of those who clean up that “people would take more pride in their school and not throw trash on the ground.” our mess in this school. We all need to do our part to help keep our school clean. One way to help get students attention would be signs placed around the building. These signs would draw the Throw your trash away. It just takes a second, and it helps students attention, and they could have messages letting a great deal.


Hand dryers: were they really worth the change? laurenINCE

staff writer

Ever since school has started many changes have been made throughout the building. One really noticeable change is the new hand dryers in the restrooms. Yes, this is a great way to save some money and trees, but was it really the best alternative? Between classes students race their way to the restrooms hoping that they can end up making it to their next class on time. With so many students and only two hand dryers per restroom, it is very difficult for students to have the patience and time to wait their turn for the hand dryers. One noticeably unsanitary alternative some students use is, they avoid washing their hands all together. This only spreads more illnesses throughout the school. Even if they do dry their hands, the warm air that comes out of the dryers literally has a hand full of germs in it. So what is the point of even washing your hands? Another issue includes the time it actually takes to dry hands and the fact that it never really completely dries them. This can be another unhygienic problem, because if your hands are wet they collect germs much easier than when dry. The point is that paper towels are much more convenient and healthy for the students because of the school schedule. Now, lets talk the environment. Yes, these new dryers can help save the waste of paper towels, but does it really do much more to help our environment? Not necessarily. These hand dryers are powered by electricity, and the waste of electricity is just as negative. Though we waste more trees with the paper towels, they are recyclable, which is always a great substitute to tossing them out. I believe the only reason why we did have the paper towels replaced is because of the money our school could save. Yes this is great, but very inconvenient. These dryers are all together a waste of time and unhealthy for Countryside students. We want to get in an out of the restrooms as fast as we can and not deal with these unhealthy dryers. The dryers on their own are an overall wrong choice. If I am talking for the students, it seems to me that paper towels should be the way to go.

Chicken lovers should scramble to Pico Rojo meganKOCH

You can purchase two sides with your meal for $5.50. Additional sides are $2.00 each. I chose fried bananas, fried Pico Rojo, Spanish yuca, tostones, and fried cheese, along for red beak, is a famwith the chicken. The fried banana was ily owned restaurant at one of my favorites. It had a great bal475 McMullen Booth ance of crispyness and sweetness. The Rd, Suite E Clearwater, fried yuca, also known as a cassava root, FL 33759. Their logo is was a little sweet, but had a unpleasa chicken inspired by the ant after taste. The tostones was like a owner’s daughter, Isabel. crispy banana patty with a soft center. Providing their customers The fried cheese was also one of my with a comfortable expefavorites. It was different than a mozrience through the use zarella stick in that it did not have any of eco-friendly food and breading. It had more taste than regular products, is the eatery’s cheese though. goal. ico Rojo’s seasoned quarter chicken is $3.50. The only meat Pico Rojo serves is When I first entered the They offer a variety of Spanish inspired side chicken. All entrees are accompanied by restuarant, I noticed the dishes too. Some examples from left to right are a spicy jalapeno and white sauce. atmosphere was amiable fried yuca, tostones, fried cheese and fried bananas. Pico Rojo is all natural and all flavorand calm- a great escape photo credit Megan Koch ful. My overall experience was delightto a stressful day. I placed ful. Not only was it well kept and cheerful, the food was my order at the register and sat down to wait for my food, tantalizing and delicious. I recommend to anyone who similar to the restaurant Crispers. The seasoned quarter loves to eat chicken, to eat at Pico Rojo. chicken I purchased, priced at $3.50, was amazing and had so much taste. The unique sides also accentuate the dish. staff writer


Quar Fried

Tost Fried

ter C


na & F






ried Y

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$2.00 $2.00








Tr a c k a n d F i e l d : h o p s , s k i p s , and jumps into the season B


A- Junior Thea Linkfield striding towards victory durring a relay. B- From right to left, juniors Zach Christenson, Costa Fotopoulos, senior Nick Ribble and junior Matt Worner. C- Senior Chris Primiani preparing for his race. All pictures taken on Wednesday March 11, 2009 at Palm Harbor University High School. Photo credit Bethany Reed.


Cougar Record as of March 18, 2009


Countryside / East Lake

119 to 22



Countryside / Richard Allen Relay



Countryside / Clearwater Central Catholic

89 to 88 Won

118 to 17


staff writer

As the season begins the Countryside High School Track and Field team celebrates their latest victory over Clearwater Central Catholic High School and prepares for a season sure to be full of winning spirit. Conditioning for track began in November, but many started in the summer, training for cross country and then transitioning to track later in the year. “Cross country is a great way to condition for any sport,” said Rebecca Roman. In addition to the more commonly known running events, there are also the field events. Some of the field events are the High Jump, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Pole Vault, Shot-put and Discus. These events require speed, strength and agility to master. “I really like the team and it gives me something to do when I’m not swimming. I believe I’m good at my events, I pole vault as well as run the 400m and the 200m,” said Emily Hall. “My goal is to break the school record of 9feet 7inches by the end of the season.” Their first meet was held on March 3, 2009. Winning over East Lake by a 97 point difference gave the team a successful victory. As of March 18, 2009 they have only had three meets and are currently undfeated. On Friday March 20, 2009 the guys team will travel to Jacksonville for a meet hoping to return home victorious. “There are many amazing athletes on this team ranging from freshmen to seniors. Each one adds magnificent skill and talent to the team, helping all of us reach our dreams,” said Coach Eileen Givens Through success and failures, this season is bound to be a challenge. “Not everyone can do it,” said Jake Harrman. “I hold the school record for the 4x8, and run the mile, 800m, 4x4 as well as high jump.” The team has many meets to defend its numerous titles. But try not to blink, because like this team, this season is going fast.

Spring training in Florida is a homerun kaleyNEMETH

staff writer

Strike out, home run, and safe! It’s back again -those words you will hear the umpires yell at baseball games. The 2008 season ended with the Phillies versus the Rays in the world series together. Bringing home the win was Philadelphia, returning home with the trophy and the wild fans cheering them on. The Rays played well, worked hard for the spot, and for the great effort, they received a warm welcome back home to St. Petersburg, Florida. It’s a new year now, which means all the major league baseball teams, battle it out again to see what teams will be taking the spots in the 2009 World Series. A few changes might have been made to some teams. Player’s from the minor league may have moved up to play as a professional and be part of the new starting line ups. Here in the local area we have some of the teams rather close, in their spring training stage of the season. The Tampa Bay Rays are at the Charlotte Sports Park in Port Charlotte. Along the side is the Philadelphia Phillies at the Bright House fields, located in Clearwater. Other teams close by are the New York Yankees at Steinbrenner Field in Tampa and the Toronto Blue Jays at Dunedin Stadium in Dunedin. Baseball is a sport that continues on, right after the big event is over. All the leagues never stop playing ball. For the 2009 season, teams may seem a bit different. The line ups have been changed around, there will veteran players and minors all shifting around to see who will get the spot. Rays right fielder Eric Hinske left the tank this year, but in addition Matt Joyce swiveled his way on the team. Joyce was traded over from the Detroit Tigers for starting pitcher from Tampa, Edwin Jackson. Another goodbye was to Rocco Baldelli who now plays for the Boston Red Sox. Gabe Kapler a former Red Sox player and free agent at one point, is now signed over to the Rays, and is in battle with many pitchers for their starting line up. Justin Ruggiano another right fielder for Tampa is now going to start off this year preferably in the minor leagues. Tickets to attend these games at Charlotte Sports Park are anywhere from $9.00-$23.00. A ways up on the west coast, we have the Phillies playing near by in Clearwater. There were nine new adds to the

spring training roster,which puts them at a total of 19 for this year. A new left handed pitcher is Antonio Bastardo. He has an ERA of 2.95 and won minor league pitcher of the month award in April. Another add was a center fielder Tuffy Gosewisch. He spent the 2008 season with single-A Clearwater, having a hitting record of .218, with three homeruns, and 34 RBI through 102 games. Philadelphia plays their games at Bright House Fields, and their tickets go anywhere from $11.00-$33.00. Playing right down the road from the Phillies, in Tampa are the New York Yankees. Alex Rodriguez just went through surgery, and Jorge Posada is going through some serious health problems which is a huge issue for the team.





March 22


1:05 p.m


March 25


7:05 p.m


March 28


1:05 p.m


April 1


1:05 p.m


April 4


1:05 p.m.

Citizens Bank Park

There are going to be rough battles, between multiple players for all the positions they would desire and work best at. Melky Cabrera and Brett Gardner are competing for center field, while Xavier Nady and Nick Swisher are aiming for the right. The tickets are sold anywhere from $17.00$31.00 and they play at Steinbrenner Field.

Date March 21 March 24 March 27 March 29 April 1 April 3

VS. Tigers Red Sox Reds Pirates Phillies Cubs

Time 1:15 p.m 7:15 p.m 7:15 p.m 1:15 p.m 1:15 p.m 7:05 p.m

Location Home Home Home Home Home New Yankee Stadium New Yankee Stadium

April 4


1:05 p.m





March 21


1:05 p.m.


March 22

Red Sox

1:05 p.m.


March 22


6:00 p.m.


March 23


1:05 p.m.


March 26


1:05 p.m.






March 21


1:05 p.m


March 24


1:05 p.m


March 29

Red Sox

1:05 p.m.


March 28


1:05 p.m


March 30


1:05 p.m.


March 30


1:05 p.m


March 31

Blue Jays

7:05 p.m.


April 3


1:05 p.m.

Citizens Bank Park

April 1


1:05 p.m




...Give Back bethanyREED

staff writer

Selflessness is hard to come by. It seems these days, teens only contribute when there's something in it for them, not for the 'warm and fuzzy' feeling it should create

inside. Yet, there are a few individuals left who are proud to say that they do all they can for others, simply because others have the need and they, the resources...

Through Music...

With Friends...

On March 6th at Neptunes Lounge in Tarpon Springs, Cease to Amaze, a pop punk band with a majoirty of it’s members enrolled at Countryside, put on a benefit show, along with other local bands. I spoke to sophomore and drummer, Daniel Rojas, about the event...

Q& A Q& A Q& A

Q& A Q& A

How much money did you make, and what did the proceeds go to? We made a total of $700.00. $200.00 went to Neptunes for expenses, and the other $500.00 we donated to the American Caner Society.

How did you decide to play a benefit show? A close friend of mine was trying to think of ways to raise money for a cause she supported and I volunteered to help her out. Plus, it's a way to be able to help out doing what we love. Have you thought about doing another benefit show? We've thought about the idea, and would like to in the future .

Q& A




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The Juniorettes is an all girls club that focuses on six different categories of community service. Specifically formed for High School girls, being a Juniorette is a great way to give back while having fun with your friends. I spoke to VP junior Sara Malinka about her participation in the club...


200,000 High School students have stayed at the Desert Inn


per student

Do you like being a Juniorette? I love it; it makes me happy to help others!

What's the most recent thing you've done to give back? On March 28th we're participating in Paint Your Heart Out (a non-profit organization that lends a hand to grateful and deserving homeowners) in Safety Harbor, and we're in the process of adopting an otter from The Clearwater Marine Aquarium. At our last meeting we decorated megaphones for cheerleaders at Paul B. Stephens a school for the disabled and included a $100 donation. What does being a Juniorette mean to you? It makes me [feel good] knowing that I’m helping people less fortunate than me.

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