Countryside High School Paw Print Newspaper Volume 30 Issue 7

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Check out where your friends are going to college pg. 12 3000 S.R. 580



Farewell to our fearless leader pg. 8



A look at the past four years pg. 6 and 7



Friday, May 22st, 2009 - VOLUME 30, Issue 7

Clearwater, FL 33761

As the tides carry out the class of 2009, the class of 2010 rolls in


s this year comes to an end, we say goodbye to the class of 2009. This issue is a tribute to them and all their accomplishments. They will go on to have success in the future. edited photo credit

Margaret Trautwein and Sandra Nguyen

This years prom goes off without a hitch kaylaYAMONICO & heatherEBERT

staff writers

Walking into the Harborview Center brought smiles to the junior’s and senior’s faces who attended the Prom of 2009. The setting was perfect. Strolling through Central Park to get on the dance floor made it seem like Clearwater got a real taste of The Big Apple. Everyone was dressed to impress. Girls with long elegant dresses and guys suited up in freshly pressed tuxedos conversed with each other and complemented the different dress styles. Students opened the grand doors to the Harborview Center to glide up the escalators and walk past the statue of liberty to enter the gorgeous set up that awaited them. “The set up was amazing,” said junior Lindsay Zallis. Once all the students entered the room the real fun began. The DJ cranked the music up, the base shook the walls, then shoes flew under the tables as the students took to

the dance floor. There was a huge screen mounted near DJ Matos that displayed the music videos. As the DJ transitioned from hip-hop to rock songs, students one by one left the dance floor to sit down, relax and devour some delicious pizza, wings and chocolate covered strawberries. To keep everyone dancing the DJ played mostly upbeat

music. “The chocolate fountain was tasty,” said junior Jeremy Brown. The dancing, laughing and constant pictures that were taken will always be cherished. But the one

memory that Melanie Rosenthal and Bryce Foushee will never forget is being crowned king and queen of the 2009 prom. Unlike last year’s prom, the problems with drinking, drugs and fighting subsided in this year’s prom which was a successful night to remember. Walking out of the prom, teachers from left and right were telling students to be safe as students were grabbing their black gift bags. The gift bags contained a memorable picture frame with a New York skyline background and a jelly-filled wine glass candle. “I’m glad that my senior prom went really well,” said senior Francesca Negrillo. With the Harborview Center being torn down later this year, junior class advisor, Mrs. Karen Mallory is already looking into places such as, The Kapok Tree or The Coliseum, for next year’s prom. So get out your sharpies and mark your calendars for Friday, May 14th 2010.


n the photographs above left to right, Ciara Kuntz, Stevie Eversole and Justin Gooden dancing the night away at prom. Also, Bryce Foushee and Melanie Rosenthal posing after being crowned this years king and queen. photo credit Bryn-Alan



Dimension to your imagination sandraNGUYEN

staff writer

Have you been to the Media Center and looked inside the children’s library recently? Did you know a work of art is currently being created while you’re hanging about in school? A mural that gives one access to the world beyond the real-life, a gateway to a make-believe dimension! This mural was started in May of 2008, near the end of the last school year, for the purpose to boost the young minds of the students that enters into the children’s library area. It was worked on throughout the summer and currently completed to a point. All it is missing is one last touch to make every single color on that wall to...pop! It has been worked on by multiple artists in many ways to get where it stands now (credit listed in the “Lake of Dedication”). This mural was based upon the theme “Fantasy” containing medieval objects like castles and dragons; mythological creatures such as unicorns, mermaids and shadowing of centaurs; along with a pathway that extends to the carpet looking like one can enter into the mural giving depth of realism! This mural is very colorful giving both light and dark, gloom contrasting with hope. The mural also includes miniature objects hidden within the painting! It’s a work of art that had extensive thought put into it, a true masterpiece incorporated by

many of the creative artists in our school. Putting time brary and feast your eyes on this wall that gives one and effort to produce something that cannot be put to- entrance to “The Dream Land”, “World of Fantasy”, ingether in a single day. spiration, a dimension to your imagination! All may see It was painted in the children’s area for the purpose the same mural, the same very painting on the wall but to keep the “Little Cougar’s”, who visit the library ev- it’s also different to every eye that lays upon it. Go see ery week, minds staying creative and to, “Stimulate their what portal it opens for you! imagination!”. “It’s like entering into fantasy land!” said Ms. Rothfeld, Library Media Specialist. “It’s there to look pretty and inspire their imagination It took forever!” commented Sandy Nguyen, the main artist and designer. “When I stand and look at the mural it makes me want “Lake of Dedication” to read, to grab a book an dive into the wall, the dream wall...” said Mr. Peterson, Library Media Specialist. This visual representation adds to the fostering of literacy at a young age. he mural is an addition to the childrens library room located in the CHS student Come visit the lilibrary. Come check it out during your free time. photo credit: Sandra Nguyen


A new option other than GED heatherEBERT

staff writer

The General Education Development (GED) testing has a history dated all the way back to the end of World War II. It was created to offer veterans a chance to adjust back into civilian life, and offer them the chance to attend a college or university. More than 65 years later, students drop out of high school for many different reasons with the goal of getting their GED. There is a local program now however, that gives students considering leaving high school the opportunity

to get an actual high school diploma instead of a GED. Many students from Countryside High and other Pinellas County high schools have been admitted into this new program known as Life Skills. The center offers classes five days a week for a length of three to five hours for free. The unique benefit is that Life Skills graduates are able to get a high school diploma. “[Life Skills] doesn’t meet the needs of everybody but it meets the needs of some,” said Assistant Principal Cindy Saginario.

Life Skills Center classes begin at 8:30 a.m. or later, which is one advantage that draws struggling students to the program. The center’s student population is about 300 students. Classes are on computers and students work in their own cubical. The Life Skills Center of North Pinellas is located in Clearwater on 2471 N McMullen Booth Road. For more information on Life Skills request a visit with your guidance counselor.



So what is swine flu, really? bethanyREED

staff writer

First detected in March of this year, the current Swine Flu outbreak has made its way from Mexico, where it originated, to the US and Canada; sending more than just sniffles throughout the Country.

been infected make a full recovery without medical attention or medication.

HOW do you protect yourself? To stay as healthy as possible amidst current conditions, one should take the same necessary precautions they would to prevent colds during the normal flu season. Wash hands frequently and use an alcohol based hand sanitizer after being out in public. Avoid contact with your eyes, nose, and mouth, for transmission is more likely through these areas. Cough into tissues in-

WHAT is Swine Flu? Swine influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of the flu in pigs. The flu itself is a new strain of influenza (the common cold), that the population has yet to find a vaccine for. It is spread through human to human contact, and you can in no way be infected by eating pork. In March and April, over 1000 cases were suspected in Mexico and the Southern United States, yet this new strain is most lethal in Mexico. Symptoms are similar to those of influenza, including fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, severe headache, weakness, coughing and general discomfort. The 2009 outbreak stead of your arm m has shown an increased percentage or hand, and immediately discard of o c . bio the tissue and wash your hands. It’s a nuiof patients reporting diarrhea and m i z of vomiting. Keep in mind that sance, but these are minor things that could presy e t these are broad symptoms that vent a major problem. Also, practice good health habits our c oto a number of people acquire including adequate sleep, eating nutritious foods, and ph regularly, and are no reason keeping physically active. to suspect swine flu. The World Health Organization WHY is Swine Flu different? recently stated that the majority of people that have When it comes to the current situation, it seems

that people are either terrified or couldn’t care in the least. After all, it’s just the flu right? Thousands of people die from it every year, so why is this such a big deal? Perhaps because seasonal epidemics occur every year and are treated with vaccines. The Swine Flu, however, is a pandemic. A pandemic is a worldwide epidemic. It is a new virus which the population has no immunity for, and while there are treatments, it’s just the fact that this is something new that leaves America worried. FLORIDA and the Swine Flu Governor Crist announced the first two confirmed cases of Swine Flu in Florida on May 1. Then, on May 3, the Hillsborough County Health Department announced 5 possible cases. Three public schools have been closed for cleaning and sanitizing. The first confirmed case of Swine Flu in Pinellas was announced on May 4, found in a 24 year old man. WHERE is Swine Flu? There is 5 confirmed cases of swine flu in Florida and 22 probable cases which still have to be tested. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Hotline (1-800-CDC-INFO) The state’s toll free hotline is open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at (800)342-3557 to answer questions about the Swine Flu.

A change you can believe in rachelLUBITZ

staff writer Whether it was poster made by friends or themselves, “For the students running, it is really a different experiall candidates embraced the competitive experience. ence than those just voting. Some students take it very Countryside High School takes pride in itself for seriously and really want to win,” Settle said. becoming up to date, and revels in the experience There is no doubt that for those who won, all of of giving students the opportunity to prep for real their hard work was supported but for those who life situations. None of that is doubted in Student fell just short enough, they got to experience the Government’s latest election for next year’s ofcampaign heartache that all people must obtain at ficers. Students on May 11th had the opportunity least once in their life. to vote for their friends on real voting equipment in the library. The new senior class officers are: president Administration likes to promote real life expeCatie Munns, vice-president Lindsay Zallis, rience, like voting, to encourage young adults to secretary Megan Hays, and treasurer Marvin Masi. perform those real acts in their promising lives. The Executive Board for Student Government “It’s really all about exposure. We like to presis now Daniel Mineo as president, vice-presient the students and particularly the eighteen-year dent Lauren Cohen, secretary Kristen Cuevas, olds with the experience and exposure of voting and treasurer Zack Christenson. The junior class on real equipment,” Student Government Faculty officers are now president Andrew Richey, viceAdviser, Chris Settle, said. president Claire Gould, secretary Stephanie Feola, Countryside knows the real opportunity they and treasurer Jeff rey Marsar. The sophomore class have with their captive audience to promote officers are president Rebecca Roman, vice-presivoting and even more important, registering. dent Molly Gould, secretary Jon-Tai Holmes, and Students sixteen and over were presented with tudents eagerly line up to vote for their favaorite canatreasurer Emily Hendricks. The Student Governthe opportunity to register during the student dates. ment Senators are Matt Mineo for sophomores, elections, and many took it. photo credit: Rachel Lubitz Dani Ostrow for juniors and Carlos Acevedo for Those running for the officer positions also became exposed to the campaigning experience.




Features - Spot The Difference? Read from right to left Directions :




There are differences between the images



How long will it take you to find them ?

Answers : To find the answers , Just cut out both images then over lap them on top of each other .



© Kevin Stone []

123761387410735018973 Directions: 518907351083518375109 Difficulty Level: Medium 837510875108937510893 741623017204712065120 651827512897501982740 712098471092874109275 10651908256017251275 512 12376138741073501 5 897351890735108 183751098375108

Using the given numbers, numbers fi fill ll in the grid so that every row, column and ever (3x3) framed box contains the numbers (1-9) exactly once once.


Submissions Acceptance & Suggestions/Comments Hello, fellow Countryside High schoolmates! If you didn’t know, The PawPrint is in search of talented students with special skills of all varieties from literature to technology expertise and art. - Submission Acceptance: We accept art works, like comedy and editorial comic. If you would like for it to be published come by A3.

- Suggestions/Comments:

We also accept suggestions amd comments from our viewers. That means you! If you have anything you would like to say then write a letter to us. Drop it in out red mail box. Bring on your thoughts.




More athletic dreams come true


staff writer games helps keep a player’s spirit and motivation up. Grant Tomossone plays mainly third base, but can also play Earlier this year two students dreams of playing col- states that his mother and father are his biggest fans. first base, catcher, and outfielder. She has played for sevlege sports came true. Senior Brittany Dattilo signed to the “They never miss a game,” said Edick. eral other teams outside of high school such as Team FLA, University of Tampa to play softball and junior Kendall In addition to playing soccer he enjoys playing basket- the Wildcats and the Bullets. Since on the high school Narum signed to Louisiana State University to play soccer. ball and poker, but his love for soccer triumphs. His most team, Tomossone has been a part of numerous team acWith the school year coming to an end, two other student memorable moment playing soccer was getting yellow complishments such as Class 6A Region Champions & athletic accomplishments are being highlighted. carded in a game because another player made him angry. State Final Four Contestants in 2007, PCAC Champions On Friday May 1, 2009, senior Grant Edick celebrated He plans on studying computer science and digital de- Class 6A District Champions & Region Semi-Finalist in with cake, laughter and friends as he signed to Eckerd Col- sign at Eckerd, in addition to playing soccer. He plans to 2008 and 2009 as well. lege to play soccer. “I can’t name all of the titles we’ve won, but lets just move in August 7, but in the mean time the team has sent “I’ve been playing for twelve years,” said Edick. say we have won a lot,” said Tomossone, “going to states him a rigorous workout plan to follow over the summer. Edick plays both center midfielder and left defender Another cougar athlete has worked hard to receive a sophomore year was by far the most memorable.” for the Countryside High School soccer team. He has also softball scholarship. Senior Gia Tomossone signed the paThe softball team practices two to three days a week, played for the Countryside Lightning, Clearwater Rebel- pers for her scholarship on Tuesday May 5, 2009, while and their practices consist of batting practice, as well as lion, and Dunedin Stirling. The teams he has been on have surrounded by coaches, teammates, friends and family. fielding and running. won various titles such as Jefferson Cup Champions, Sun- Tomossone plans on attending Santa Fe for a year then Other then playing softball Tomossone also enjoys bowl Champions for two consecutive years, and have been transferring to Florida State University. playing volleyball, as well as playing the piano, singing, ranked third in the state. Edick himself has been named “I’ve been playing softball for fourteen years,” said shopping, and hanging out with family and friends. She defensive MVP as well as beach soccer MVP. Tomossone. names Crystal Bustos as her idol and hopes to hit as many Practice is a mandahome-runs as she did. tory thing for dedicated She plans on moving players. Practices are difto Santa Fe in August and ferent for every team, but wants to study medicine the goal is the same- to and become a pediatrician. improve in order to do the She loves working with best each player can in a kids and helping them. game. “Anyone who plays a “We practice four times sport, play for yourself, not a week for two hours a anyone else, you will have a night. Each practice conlot more fun that way! Yes, sists of grueling fitness it may be hard at first but for the first portion and don’t give up, try your best ball work for the second,” and stick through it. I did said Edick. and look where I am now,” Friends and family atsaid Tomossone. tend games to cheer on Here is a quote that Totheir loved ones during mossone loves and one that the good, the bad, and others can gain inspiration even the ugliest of games. omossone, sitting with her sister Johanna, after signfrom: ‘Never let the fear of bove is Grant posing for a picture, wearing his EckHaving your own personing to Santa Fe on Tuesday May 5, 2009 in the media striking out, keep you from erd College t-shirt, after signing on May 1, 2009. photo al cheering section during credit Bethany Reed. center. photo credit Nicole Bolton. playing the game.’



Wr a p p i n g i t a l l u p


staff writer

The school is coming to a close, and here is an update on how far some of our sports teams, came along this year. The girl’s basketball team, is coached by Mr. Andrew Lieb. They placed second in districts and also had the best record this year. The team was second best in north county, and received second place at Ridge Wood, during the Ashley Morison tournament. Madison Truluck was first team all county, Jasmine Walker was second team, and Cory Barriolt was third team. The over all record was 18-7. Next to the girls, come the boys. The boy’s basketball team, is coached by Mr. Myron Huey. This year, they played one of the tougher schedules of the state. They attended the Christmas Tournament, at Fort Walton beach, playing a nationally ranked team. During their District Tournament, they won the first game but lost in semi finals, in over time. “Their dedication and effort was unmatched. Officials often say after games, they have never seen a team play as hard as we do,” said Mr. Myron Huey. Craig Tobe, was the counties leading rebounder. On senior night, Alex Huey had a single game record, with 11 steels against East Lake High School. The score was 73-51

photo credit Sandra Nguyen

photo credit Nicole Bolton

good old cougar win. The two leading scorers were, senior Tucker Pollard, and junior Dino Tabakovic, with 17 points per game (ppg). Another team player junior Jared Low, averaged 19 points a game, the last five games of the season. The boys over all record was 15-11. Moving along court we have the volleyball team. The head coach is Ms. Kaylyn Bayly and the assistant coach is Mrs. Sharon Berry. This sesaon the team only had one tournament they played in which was, the Bishop Moore Tournament. Volleyball this year, was Conference, District, and Region Champions. They had one lose that was from the State Final Four. The over all record was 29-1. “What i really enjoyed about coaching the volleyball team this season was their desire to succeed,” said Ms. Kaylyn Bayly. In the water, we have the cougar swim team. Some of the competitions include duel meets, seven of them, an all relay meet, Orlando Invitational, districts, regions, and state. Both boy’s and girl’s lost only once, which was during a duel meet against Palm Harbor. “They out number us but they don’t out swim us,” said Ms. Susan Curnutte. Senior swimmers, who have been accepted to swim in college next year are; Rachel Burns going to the University of Denver, Kelly Grace attending Florida International University, and finally Paige Schmidt going to Wingate. Melanie Margalis, a junior is a state champion in the 200 IM. Also both boy’s and girl’s 200 medley relay were second at state. The girls team placed third last year. On the side lines of our football game’s, we have the Countryside High School Cheerleaders. The Varsity is coached by Mrs. Tracy Michael, who is also part of the mathematics department. They won first place in the Pinellas County competition and third at the State Fair competition. The Varsity team cheers for all the football games but also compete in two cheerleading competitions per year. “I will be coaching the Varsity football/competition squad in 2009-2010 for the 13th consecutive year,” said Mrs. Tracy Michael. So for now these new victories are with us, lets hope that for the new school year, we have great sports moments that are even better then that last time. Through everything all these teams have been through they have showed they will never back down from a dream.

Athletic Department Skyrockets Expectations laurenINCE

staff writer

This year we have had a great success with our girls volleyball team, our girls softball team, and our boys and girls track team. These teams were lead by couch Bayly, volleyball and softball, coach Givens, boys track, and girls track led by coach Stephens. We had our girls volleyball team bove Ms. Kaylyn Bayly poses win districts, regionfor a picture durring her third als, and finishing 3rd block volleyball class on Thursday in the state, our girls May 14, 2009. photo credit Nicole Bolton softball team winning districts and regional quarter finals, and our girls and boys track winning districts. These are huge accomplishments made by our athletics department. Here is what a couple of our coaches and principal had to say about this successful year. “ Never did I think we had the potential going undefeated,” said Ms. Bayly, coach of the girls volleyball team. “They really exceeded my expectations.” “ I am overwhelmed and excited for them,” said Ms. Givens, coach of the boys track. “ There was a lot of doubt because we had 18 seniors leave. It was a lot to lose, but once they put in the hard work and gained the confidence, they became victorious.” “ I think all of our coaches do an excellent job,” said Principle, Mr. Schlereth. “ For the amount of time they put into it the rewards are great. They are really out there for the students.” If you happen to pass one of these coaches or any one of our students involved in one of these athletic clubs, please give them the credit they deserve and give them a big congratulations for working so hard and giving it their all to having the best year possible.







School starts August

XX Winter Olympics in Torino, Italy Feb. 10-26

Anna Nicole Smith died Feb. 8

Hurricane Katrina Aug. 29

Steve Irwin died Sept. 4

Bob Barker leaves The Price is Righ

Rosa Parks died Oct. 24

President Gerald Ford died Dec. 6

Opening of Cougar U beginning w

Saddam Hussein hanged Dec. 30

Writer’s Guild of America goes on Evel Knievel died Nov. 30 CHS Bomb threat Dec. 6

The Tides are Changing Four years ago we were freshmen, yet many things have changed since then. No longer are we the little fish in the sea; however, next year again we will be. Some will face the world head on, or continue to party ‘till dawn. Others will go on to a university. The rest may be found touring the country. Different ways we all plan to drift, but never forgetting those that gave us the gift of knowledge from our education, and encouraged us with motivation. So now is the time to face our fears, use what we’ve learned to help us shift gears. The senior class is rearranging. For the Class of 2009, the tides are changing. Pauline Murphy Editor-in-chief





ht television game show. June 15

Actor Heath Ledger died Jan. 22 Fidel Castro retires as the president of Cuba after nearly fifty years Feb .24

with the class of ‘11

n strike Nov. 5

Schoolwide construction lasting all summer carring into the fall The world’s first pregnant man, Thomas Beatie, gives birth to a daughter June 29 Actor Bernie Mac died Aug. 9 Sophomore and JV cheerleader Chelsea Greco passes away September 22, 208

2009 Barack Obama inaugurated as the forty-forth president of the United States Jan. 20 Swine Flu first detected in April quickly becomes a global pandemic May 22nd Senior Breakfast Assistant principal Ms. Collins retires June 3 Graduation- June 4th

Gas Leak at CHS Oct. Philadelphia Phillies defeat the Tampa Bay Rays in the World Series Oct. 29 Barack Obama is elected the first African American president of the United States Nov. 4

Senior Advice to Juniors “Don’t get lazy. Senior year isn’t a time to relax academically. Don’t restrict yourself to specific goals [either]. Keep your mind open to many possibilities, especially regarding college,” said senior Michael Flament. “Apply to colleges early. Take hard classes, but remember your hard work will pay off. Try to get involved, because it’s the last chance you have [in high school],” said senior Molly McGovern. “Schedule economics first semester. Save your money senior year. It’s expensive. Do your work, but don’t take everything so seriously,” said senior Hannah Giuffre. “Enjoy your last year in high school. Take fun classes after you get your credits out of the way,” said senior Keven Krajewski.



Saying goodbye to our editor-in-chief krystalCASEY

editor in chief

Every year we bid our farewell to the senior class. This year the Paw Print Staff will say our goodbye to one of our most talented and devoted writers, the lovely Pauline Murphy. This summer Pauline will excel her studies at the University of Florida, majoring in Elementary Education. Leaving behind in her footsteps are rising seniors Krystal Casey and Ryan Duchane. Over the course of the last quarter, both Krystal and Ryan have been interning with Pauline, learning the ropes to publishing the best paper they can. As many people may not know, publishing a school paper takes a lot of time and devotion. Both of which Pauline has done, spending countless days before and after school. Pauline has been an integral member of the Paw Print staff for the past two years. Her natural talents landed her the editor-in-chief position her senior year. Not only has Pauline taken on the most stressful position on the newspaper staff, she has seized many more responsibilities such as planning the senior breakfast, becoming president of the Clearwater Juniorettes, and implicating herself in volunteer work. As one door closes another one opens, we all know Pauline will do great things with her future. She will be a wonderful asset to the University of Florida. It will be hard to see one of our most gifted writers leave, but it is also an opportunity to welcome some new faces. Both Krystal and Ryan, along with the rest of the Paw Print staff wish Pauline the best of luck on all her future endeavors. We know she will ensure many prosperpous adventures.

Do not believe the flu hype SHOUT-OUTS! evanMILLER

staff writer

Over the past month, the globe was put into a panic by a virus that became known as the “Swine Flu”. Many countries began to prepare for what they thought could be the next black plague. Schools shut down, travel to countries that reported cases of the swine flu was limited, and thousands of people went to the hospital at the slightest sign of getting ill. But did the H1N1 virus really warrant the massive panic that it received? Through out the years, many events have happened that have caused the country to panic. One such recent scare was the Y2K scare. Right before the turn of the century, many computer analysts feared that after December 31st, 1999, the computers would not be able to recognize the date 2000. This was because the computers only put in the last two digits of the year. So a computer would write 1999 as 99. People believed that once the year changed, the date would be 00 and that the computers would believe it was 1900. Some extremists believed that once the date changed, the computers worldwide would completely shut down, and that all the Stock Market information, and all bank accounts would be erased and everyone in the world would lose their money. Some people took this threat to the extreme, and believed that once this happened, the world would turn back into caveman times, with no running water or electricity. When the reports of the swine flu came across the wire, the nation snapped into a state of panic. Everyone began cautionary procedures to ensure they didn’t get sick. Although this is a good thing, people believed the swine flu to be more potent than it actually was. The media was busy

talking about the deaths of the few hundred Mexicans in a city of millions to describe the similarities of the swine flu to the normal flu that 36,000 people in our country die from a year. This caused a panic in our country, with people fearing the next Bubonic Plague. But what why are people so easily subjected to mass panic? It is the amount of news media that Americans watch every day. The news corporations capitalize on the mass panic of the country, with the more hype built around the situation causing more views for the shows, therefore bringing in higher ratings. That’s why even though the rest of the world’s swine flu cases are dwindling, America’s cases have begun to rise. The only 3 death attributed to the swine flu were talked about constantly, while many people did not mention the fact that the people who died were either infants or in frail health. The media saw something that caused worry in the heart of Americans, and they monopolized on the situation. The country was struck by a mass panic, and it has begun to disappear. But now that is has, the news corporations have begun to report more cases of the swine flu. But do you and your friends a favor, and don’t believe everything that you see in the news. Look things up for yourself, and don’t fall victim to mass panic.

From: Romina Buna To: Adela Ago Good luck in college. I am going to miss you next year. You are fun to be around. Te kam shpirt. Love ya lots! -Romina Buna From: Natalie Dailey To: Brittany Smith I’ve had so many fun times with you these past 2 years. I can’t believe you’re leaving! Love you! From: Valerie Ayala-Otero, Alex Cracolici, Lia Howard To: Blake Spencer We are going to miss you next year! Thanks for all the great laughs, but you really need to shut your mouth. J/K! From: Ben Bravo To: Long Center Group Russian L Band to Long Center Group. From: Casey Malone To: Color Guard Seniors To all the seniors on Color Guard, I will miss you all. Good luck in college. From: Alex Guzman Paid for 50 letters, all I wanted to say was Gwalla. From: Carlos Acevedo To: Francesca A shout-out from the crew. We’re gonna miss you, Mocha-Bear, Bones, Little-Williw, Kayy, Krys, Stephen, Val, Paa-J :) Love You! From: Melinda Yeung Thank you for everything JTKCBSKNTDS :)!


Moving kellyMCDONALD

staff writer

Walking across that long stage, trying to contain every bit of excitement held inside, that high school diploma just out of grasp, and all of a sudden the past four years seem worth every second. Goodbye senior class of 2009, welcome class of 2010! Sure, the senior class is ecstatic to be out and on their way but there is still so much for the junior class to look forward to next year. There’s those enjoyable little senior privileges like getting out of class five minutes early on Fridays which seems minute compared to the convenience of senior parking. Then there are the more major events to anticipate when entering senior year. “I can’t wait until it’s our turn to go to senior breakfast and finally graduate,” said junior, Lauren Mangine. Senior breakfast is definitely one of the most anticipated ceremonies among the bunch. Nearing the end of senior year, there is usually a senior celebration, also known as ‘Grad Night’ which may be held at an amusement park,


Juniors to Seniors

such as Disney World. Throughout their senior year, much of the senior class develops a serious disorder called ‘senioritis’, which seems to be a common ‘illness’ among many seniors and even underclassmen. Senioritis, as most students know it as, is the immense want to get out of high school and go onto college or just graduate, plain and simple. “Even though I’m only a sophomore, even I have senioritis,” said sophomore, Jeffery Miller. By talking to many present seniors, it can easily be inferred that there is one thing taking up the majority of their brain activity: graduation. Nearing the final days of their high school career, one can only imagine how difficult it might be to stay on track. Coming to school is half the battle. “I haven’t wanted to come to school all year,” said senior Joe Davis. One thing is for sure though, when graduation rolls around, those who stayed focused now and their entire se-

nior year will reap in the benefits. “I have come though, because I want to go onto bigger and better things after high school,” added Davis. Some other students have a little different outlook. “Senioritis? Very contagious-I have a severe case. I was even hospitalized for six days because of it,” said senior, Richard Serra. The best gift of all though, is the high self worth and pride one will achieve. So smile big for the camera and hold up that ‘hard-earned’ diploma, knowing a big drive for success will bring amazing opportunity. Just remember upcoming seniors, one more year of high school and then the book, that we call life, moves onto its next chapter. Try and make it good!

No longer will we have to be overlooked and unseen. We won’t be the ones with the terrible lockers in unused hallways and we won’t be know as underclassmen... technically. “Sophomore year was better than freshman year, and I’m really excited to be a junior so i can go to prom,” said sophomore Savanna Albright. Junior year is known as one of the most elite and most important years of your high school experience. It’s the year where your grades define your future, while balancing that with your social life. It might turn out to be a little more difficult then we would have expected, but hopefully our past two years in high school will have greatly prepared us for the demanding road ahead. “Sophomore year was boring, but it’s good not to be a freshman anymore. I think junior year will be better because I’ll be an upperclassman and it’ll be easier to get a

better job,” said Willin Rice, sophomore. Moving into junior year, you won’t be taunted by pretentious and pontifical upperclassmen, you will be the pretentious and pontifical upperclassmen. When you’re an underclassmen you’re still a prototypical high school student, trying out different ways to live out the next four years: being an attention seeking socialite or a quiet bystander, quickly passing through the middle. By the time you get into 11th grade, you most likely know your place in the school. The early excitement and eagerness has faded and high school has lost all of its cliche glamor. You pass through school, vaguely interested in any of the going-ons in the day-to-day teenage feeding ground. You aggrandize yourself for making it this far. Two more years and you’re out of there. With the new year, a feeling of superiority comes with it. A feeling and a movement that hopefully all sophomores are proud to be part of.

more years. Back in 8th grade, where we all laughed about each others haircuts, and brimmed over one another’s g as a 15-year y first kiss, I bet freshman never thought old we would go th through so much. No one ever told us high b this much fun, but they also didn’t tell school would be us we’d have too deal with cut-throat, petty girls and boys. u a bunch of us are hoping for next year is All that I’m sure b some fun. Maybe meet a new group of a release, maybe d students who don’t just decide one day that they’re going ol bunch of drama for no apparent reason. to start a whole Maybe get into to a serious relationship. There are so many possibilities with the new year, and after a summer full of hanging out with all our best friends and relaxing in the sun we’ll be ready for it. All of it. But for now, as fresh-

man year comes to a close, we’ll look back at all the great memories that I doubt we’ll ever forget, and think of all p p - who may not be our best friends now, but the people know we can always count on - who we’ve made stories with that we can tell others in future years to come. There’s no way I would ever go back and relive it, but for the one time I did go through it, I loved (nearly) every moment of it. As sophomore Brooke Henriques put it simply, “Here I come sophomore year!”


Sophomores to Juniors saraMINEO staff writer Being a sophomore, you go unnoticed. You aren’t part of the fresh crop of students and you aren’t part of the upperclassman’s golden reign over the entire student body. You get last pick for lockers and no special privileges. Because of Cougar University, niversity, freshmen have gotten special treatment. Seniors are a graduating, so of course it is only natural for them to be put above the rest of us. Juniors are preoccupied with getting et into college and clearing the path for their future so their h academics are targeted more than any other grade. Sophomores p are just... there. We don’t really do anything forr the school. We’re at a standstill. But as the schooll year is coming to an end, sophomores are coming closer and n closer to becoming studious juniors.





Freshmen to Sophomores

staff writer

Unlike high school, there are no classes in middle school to prepare eighth-graders for the next grade. There’s no book to tell them what they’re supposed to do when times are rough, there’s no genuine older friend to help them navigate the dangerous waters that they’ve already tread. If you think I’m talking about life in general; wake-up, because I’m speaking straight up high school. The beginning of high school, actually. The freshman this year have probably experienced more fun than they even knew about in K-8. Generally, they’ve made closer friends than they thought they ever could, and they’ve woken up too early too many mornings just to get to school and realize they have to deal with all these drama-filled teenagers for three


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Walk this way to summer music tours


staff writer

Summer is coming which only means the never ending spiral of heat, humidity, and the usual beach drag filled with anxious families stressing out about Disney World plans and the best spot on the beach. When the heat finally gets to you, one offers to just pay their way out of this world and go into an environment that is the epicenter of everything right in that moment. Whether it is a haven for rap, rock, country, or alternative music groupies, it is always worth the twenty bucks to escape this world for a while. There are several great and new bands that are coming to the area during the summer. Some standouts are No Doubt, Aerosmith, U2, and Coldplay. Most of these concerts have been selling tickets for months so it is always a good plan to buy as soon as possible. No one wants to be racing to their mailbox the day of, only to find a few envelopes but no ticket. The soonest concert in the lineup is No Doubt, who will be playing at the Ford Amphitheatre in Tampa on June 2. The lawn tickets are still only ten dollars and since the band hasn’t played in quite a while, it could really be worth the money. “It’s going to be sweet seeing Gwen Stefani since I’ve never seen her and even better, she’ll be with No Doubt,” senior Janet Mara said. Aerosmith is coming with ZZ Top to the Ford Amphitheatre as well, on July 11 for those clas-

sic rock aficionados. Lawn tickets are twenty-five dollars and the stadium seating goes up to one hundred and seventy-five. U2 tickets for their Oct. 9 show at Raymond James Stadium have just opened up. It will likely be a hot ticket item, so it may be wise to buy quickly, the prices range from thirty dollars to two hundred and fifty. Their shows have been known to be big productions with jumbotrons, lasers, and much more. The highly anticipated Coldplay is coming out to Tampa as well with their Viva la Vida tour at the Ford Amphitheatre on August 9. Their tickets are running from twenty-five to ninety-five dollars and will continue to climb. The most talked about tour coming to the area is the Van’s Warped Tour. It has been coming into St. Petersburg’s Vinoy Park for fifteen years now, and they have collected thousands of dedicated followers. “I’m just really excited about all the different bands. It’ll be awesome listening to my favorite bands all day,” sophomore Alexis Williams said. The show begins on July 26 with headliners like, A Day to Remember, Bad Religion, Chiodos, Flogging Molly, Flipper, Less than Jake, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Devil Wears Prada,and many more hardhitting punk bands. The entire day is running

for thirty-five dollars, making it the most music for your money. For a more cost and gas efficient selection, there is always the forever changing State Theatre and Jannus Landing schedule for this coming summer. Both of these venues offer a great view of your most beloved performers and at a very reasonable price. Jannus Landing has Matisyahu, The Wailers, and Better than Ezra coming up in early June. The State Theatre has Bon Iver and The New York Dolls coming up in their schedule for June. Both of these venues add shows almost everyday so to be sure you don’t miss a golden opportunity. Keep in touch with their website or which offers reminders for your favorite venues or artists when they are coming to a city near you. For all beach bums and sun tanners, it is worth the more or less twenty dollar price tag to escape from the heat and the balmy burnt skin we have all come accustomed to and go escape the trite Floridian day life. Nothing can feel more exhilarating or inspiring than watching an idol you’ve grown up listening to, throw themselves out there and sing their heart out. “I love all concerts but summer ones make not having to worry about getting up for school the next day all the better,” Mara said. It is worth the money, the transportation headache, and the anxiety about tickets to experience something to really talk about.

Hit or Miss: Television shows come and go meganKOCH

staff writer

There have been many changes to the entertainment world, as well as not so new ones. Some are able to brush it off and still reign on top while others succumb to the effects and cancel. So, what shows have continued to do well, and which have failed to make the grade?

The Audition heats things up saraMINEO

staff writer

Chicago band, The Audition, perform songs that are filled with catchy hooks, hype-friendly lyrics and a happygo-lucky attitude. They’re an alternative rock band whose music is a breath of fresh air compared to the overly dramatic emotions of most bands in their genre. On April 28th they released their new CD ‘Self-Titled Album’ which was released on a Victory Record’s label, along with their first two full length albums. The new record is an interesting blend of spirited beats and eye-widening choruses. Their lyrics, like most band’s lyrics, are dedicated to a nameless phantom that stole the heart of the musician. Instead of focusing on their internal grief, The Audition write songs more directed towards the pleasant and energetic feelings that we have. ‘Self-Titled Album’ is more focused then the other two albums which hide the true meaning of the songs behind detailed metaphors and vague inside jokes. The record is a little more low key compared to their last record ‘Champion’ which is more lyrically provocative. ‘Champion’ was their second fulllength album, which was an anticipated follow up to their debut album ‘Controversy Loves Company’ which was a more metaphorical album compared to the he Audition’s latest CD, last two, which are more ‘Self-Titled Album’, is an straight-forward. addictive listen.


Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


TV Show American Idol One Tree Hill House Supernatural Grey’s Anatomy Dancing with the Stars America’s Next Top Model 90210 Gossip Girl CSI:


# Of Seasons 1 3 Episodes 1 2 5 Episodes 1 1 8 Episodes 1 2

TV Show Life On Mars Opportunity Knocks Momma’s Boys Jail Sophie The Chopping Block Kings Homeland Security USA Trust Me Dirty Sexy Money




Get your game on for less cash ryanDUCHANE

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Virtual Console Download) [Wii]


In today’s apparently suffering economy, the price of video games has shown no sign of dropping. With new games for the XBOX360 and PS3 priced at $60 and games for the Wii priced at $50, gaming has become a money-draining hobby. In addition, too many games today are short lived, while others may be longer but lack any entertainment value. Fortunately, there are tons of games that came out a few years ago that can still provide hours and hours of fun and exciting gameplay. And here’s the best part- you can get them cheap. Below are some suggestions for games to play this summer while you’re strapped for cash.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (Substance) [PS2/XBOX] One of the best games ever created in terms of story, Metal Gear Solid 2 features a single player mode that spans at least 10 hours of gameplay. The extended version of the game, Substance, also features enough bonus features to keep you entertained for months, including over 300 VR missions, an expansion to the story, and extra gameplay modes. The PS2 version is reasonably priced at $12.99, while the XBOX version (much harder to find) is only $4.99. If you’d rather skip all the extras and just play the original Sons of Liberty, the game can be found for only $4.99 for the PS2.

Many gamers have agreed that Ocarina of Time is the best game in the Legend of Zelda series. It is a massive adventure that will consume copious amounts of your time as you battle through hordes of enemies and bosses toward the final showdown, and one of the greatest in video game history. If you have a Wii, you can download a remastered version of the game for 1000 Wii points. (The price of these points varies based on where you buy them, but it roughly translates out to $8.99) If you have the system, there is no better buy than this game.

Resident Evil 4 [Gamecube/PS2/PC/Wii]

Hitman: Blood Money [PS2/XBOX/PC/XBOX360]

Arguably one of the greatest horror action games ever, Resident Evil 4 has had massive success on all four of the platforms it has been featured on. While the Wii version is the most intuitave (the point and shoot controls are extremely easy to master) the PS2 version is only $9.99 for a brand new purchase. The other versions feature a slightly higher price, with $14.99 for the Gamecube, $17.99 for the Wii, and $19.99 for the PC, but any amount of money is worth it for such an amazing game.

Priced at $9.99 for the PS2, $14.99 for the Xbox, $19.99 for the PC and $24.99 for the 360, Hitman: Blood Money is the most expensive game on this list. However, it is worth every penny. The story doesn’t matter, the graphics are mediocre, and the game is filled with glitches. But Hitman’sHitman: Blood Money can make playing 11 levels repeatedly a month long endeavor, with an experience that is far from boring. gameplay is so addictive that any flaw you find is soon forgotten. While the stealth based action may not appeal to everyone, this is balanced due to the ability to “Go Rambo” with an arsenal of upgradeable and deadly weapons. The ability to get away with the perfect assassination is where the game excels. Making deaths look like an accident, poisoning drinks of party guests, and pulling off well-timed headshots are all satisfying and make playing the game fun every time. With a little bit of humor thrown into the mix.

Devil May Cry [PS2] Devil May Cry’s Dante is often found on many ‘Coolest Characters’ lists, due in part to his extreme skill with a sword and gun. In the game, players hack and slash their way through an immense campaign as Dante searches for the person who killed his mother and brother. Jampacked with an upgradeable arsenal, gravity-defying sword moves, and blazing guns throughout, Devil May Cry is a great action game with just a bit of horror mixed in. For only $5.99, it’s a deal that’s hard to pass up.

Summer Silver Screen Scores? all photos from


all photos from

staff writer

Starring: Will Ferrel, Anna Friel Starring: Shia LaBeouf, Megan Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rup- Starring:Adam Sandler, Seth Ro- Starring: and Danny Mcbride Release: June 5 Rated: PG Plot: Based on the hit T.V. series of the same name, this film is about Dr. Rich Marschall (Ferrel), a has-been scientist sucked into a warp hole with two others. The crew is sent through time and space into an alternate universe filled with dinosaurs and spectacular creatures from beyond our world. The trio have no weapons and must survive on there questionable smarts alone, along with their only ally, a primate named Chaka.

Fox, and Josh Duhamel Release: June 24 Rated: PG-13 Plot:Sequel to the 2007 film Transformers. This film is about Sam Witwicky (Labeouf ) and his discovery of accent symbols that may reveal the origins of the Transformers and their possible history on Earth. While on this quest The Decepticons return to earth and revive there leader Megatron in order to begin a new war so machines may rule the earth.

pert Grint and Emma Watson Release:July 15 Rated:PG Plot: In this sixth insallment to the Harry Potter Film Series, Hogwarts is no longer the safe haven it once was. Harry suspects that dangers may even lie within the castle, but Dumbledore is more intent upon preparing him for the final battle that he knows is fast approaching. Meanwhile, the students are under attack from a very different adversary as teenage hormones rage across the ramparts. Hogwarts may never be the same again.

gen and Leslie Mann Release: July 31 Rated: R Plot: George Simmons (Sandler) and Ira Wright (Rogen) are a coupleof stand-up comedians who form a close bond as George teaches Ira how to win the crowd. In return he helps the dying George find closure in his legacy. However, when George learns that his disease has gone into remission and an old flame reenters his life, his recent near death experience inspires him to reevaluate what is important to him and what truly gives meaning to his life.

Channing Tatum, Dennis Quaid and Rachel Nichols Release: August 7th Rated:PG-13 Plot: Set in the year 2019 this film is an original story explaining the origin of the orginization Cobra from the hit T.V. show G.I. Joe. The Film focuses around Duke (Tatum) induction into the G.I. Joe team under the command of General Hawk (Quaid) as they face of against the feared cobra team.




ho to An Pail dy ine Ta nn Mur ahi ph y& ll

Monica Herida-SPC and Coast Guard Nate Ogborn-Universtiy of West Florida Nick Mighion-Michigan State University Nick Ribble-Florida State University Olga Guffey-SPC Omar Treja-Martinez-SPC Paige Schmidt-Wingate University Paul Polgar – University of Florida Pauline Murphy-University of Florida Pete Kontodiakos-Colorado State University Peter Cheng-University of Central Florida Priscilla Bozich-University of South Florida Rachael Drake-SPC Rachel Granata-Florida State University Rachel Grzegorzewski-Florida State University Rachel Maloney-University of North Florida Rachel Sims-University of South Florida Rebecca Shane-Valencia Community College Richard Serra-Navy Robert Detogatis-SPC Roger Brenes- SPC Rudi Grüb – SPC Ryan Harrington-Florida State University Sally Hwu-University of South Florida Shane Laracuente-SPC Shatema Washington-UMA Shelby ODonnell-Santa Fe Community College Sheldon Lewis – SPC Shelley Rush-United States Air Force Shellie Harris- University of Florida Sheneé Thomas-SPC Spencer Wilson-SPC Stefany Joustra- University of South Florida Stephanie Mears-Florida State University Stephanie Miksza-Purdue Pharmaceutical School Stephen Bell-Florida Southern Tanya Chadwick-SPC Taylor Greasey-Valencia Thomas Beaver-University of Central Florida Thomas Pipkins-University of South Florida Tiffany Roberson-SPC Tim McDonald-Marines Tommy Sills-PTEC Tommy Yong-SPC Tracey Davis-SPC Travis Webster-SPC Troy Erickson-SPC Tucker Kilpatrick-Armed Services Veronica Floyd-Ringling School of Arts Victoria Short-Florida State University Wiley Debs-SPC Yaditza Rivera-Florida Southern Yulonda Hawkins-PTEC Zach Dailey – SPC Zach Runnells – SPC ff p

Eric Allgeier- Florida State University Erika Edwards-SPC Ethan DeWeerd-University of North Florida Florentina Qorri-SPC Frederick Selkey-University of South Florida Garrett Dudley-Tallahassee Community College George Morrison-University of South Florida Gia Tomossone-Santa Fe Community College Gina Bernardi-AI Institute Gina Tartelglia-SPC Grant Edick-Eckerd College Haley Merker-University of South Florida Hamza Abdel-Latif-Wright State University Ian Baker-University of Florida James Haskin – SPC James Lindsey-University of Central Florida Jamie Bednark – SPC Janett Silva-Florida A&M University Jared Coles-Brevard Community College Jashelle Ojeda-University of Tampa Jeremy Blackburn – SPC Jessica Sanchez – SPC Joe Davis-United States Marine Corps John Ortman-University of South Florida Johnathon Kuntz-SPC Jon Trinh-University of Central Florida Jordan Frease-Boston University Jordan Krug-Florida Atlantic University Juliane Nylund – University of South FL St. Pete Justin Brooks-University of South Florida Justin Rice-University of Central Florida Katherine Maraicas-SPC Kathryn McArdle- University of Central Florida Katie Humberstone-University of Florida Kaylie Gibbons-SPC Kelleanna Arcese – SPC Kelly Grace-Florida International University Kerry Anderson-SPC Kevin Seidel-Louisiana State University Leah Hickman-Hillsborough Community College Lesley Scheuermann- Florida State University Lilian Merhi-SPC Marcela Mati-SPC Mariah Wood-University of South Florida Mary Kate Clennan- University of Florida Matt McGowan-University of North Florida Matthew Sammel – Florida Gulf Coast University Melanie Rosenthal-SPC Melissa Brochak-University of South Florida Michael Stagg-University of Florida Michelle Peterson-Florida State University Michelle Toro-SPC Mike Gardner-ITT Tech Miraj Patel-Embry-Riddle Molly McGovern-University of Florida


Aaron Tam-Southeast Missouri State Alana Berger-Florida State University Alberto Chavez-University of Florida Alejandro Salamanca – 4 year university Alex Zorilla-Embry Riddle Alexia Davis-SPC Allison Conkle-Florida State University Amanda Jones-Valencia Community College Amanda Pyles-Florida Atlantic University Amber Myers-PTEC Angelique Grainer-SPC Anna Bruneau-SPC Anthony Medina-United States Air Force Anthony Sogluizzo- Florida State University Ashleieh Mann-SPC Ashley Gibson-Florida Atlantic University Beccah Clark-University of Florida Ben Pirkey-University of Central Florida Blake Quackenbush – 4 year university Branden Scholet-University of South Florida Brittany Smith-SPC Caitlin Swenson-Hillsborough Community College Caitlin Wright-SPC Carly Bartlett- University of South Florida Cathy Koclanes-University of Central Florida Ceri Borde – 4 year university Chase House-SPC Chelsea Jiracek-SPC Chris Fischer-SPC Chris Primiani- University of Florida Christa Kovanis – University of Central Florida Christopher Toney – University of Central Florida Cody Unangst-SPC Colin Menz-SPC Corey Darlak-Wassamatta University Cory Barriault- Undecided Courtney Holtzman- Univeristy of Central Florida Courtney Kelly-Valencia Community College Courtney McGeechan-Valencia Comm. College Craig Tobe – 2 Year University Damone Czarnecki-Marine Corps Daniel Lynch-University of North Florida Danielle Rodnizki-Washington University Danny Lee – Florida Gulf Coast University David Crocker-SPC Denae Brown- Tallahassee Community College Derek Wolfinbarger-Brevard University Destiny Milton-Lynn University Devin Kilianck-PTEC Devon Lehman-University of Florida Dimitar Goranon-SPC Dylan Kastner-SPC Ebony Gomez-SPC Elizabeth Marquez-SPC Emily Adams – 4 year university

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