Medical Plants, Herbs and Fruits Mrs Kearing's Class

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Magical and Medical Fruits

By Elizabeth

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four

Table of Contents Fruits That Cure Sickness and Disease 2 Fruits That Are High On Nutrients 4 Fabulous Fruit Facts


Superfoods 8


​ Fruits That Cure Sickness Or Disease For many people, medicine is vital for life. Medicine is commonly thought of as herbs, but some medicine comes from the ​ fruit​ you eat every day. Actually, a large variety of fruits can cure and prevent awful sickness or ​ disease​ . A fruit called a Bilberry ​ is very helpful. Some​ ​ antioxidants ​ made from it can prevent heart disease, cancer, and eye disorder. All of those diseases are deadly. A Bilberry looks like a Blueberry, but a Bilberry is a bit more navy colored. Blueberries are a very common berry. The colors range from light blue to dark blue. They grow on large, prickly bushes. Blueberry juice is actually a very good cough medicine. Its leaves and roots can be ground up into a powder to treat a number of diseases. Lots of people really enjoy green olives. Green olives are small, oval shaped fruits. They have a muddy green color and a hole on the inside. In the hole, instead of blank air, an orange pipe shaped seed rests in the olive. Did you​ ​ know that olive 2

seeds, fruit, and leaves make medicine that prevents heart attack, strokes cancer and headaches? Tomatoes are large red fruits that are very round. Most people feel like tomatoes are vegetables. But no, tomatoes are fruits! In the middle of the steaming, blazing hot summer, these fruits are extremely useful. Tomatoes can prevent heat stroke and sunstroke. Kiwi has brown hair on the outside but a very bright green flesh. Kiwi, especially with children, can block Asthma, wheezing, coughing,and colon cancer. Some people enjoy kiwi as a snack, but I don’t think that they know that a fruit they ate could be used to improve somebody’s life! People think of limes as a sour green fruit. They might not like the taste of the lime, but a lime is very important. Limes are hybrid fruits that can cure scurvy, a sickness that is caused by too little or no Vitamin­C. Scurvy was actually a disease that was on the Mayflower!


Fruits That Are High In Nutrients Do you know when your mom or dad might say, “Have an orange. They’re good for you!”? If you knew how healthy some fruits can be, you might happily say yes! A very healthy fruit is a Loganberry. Loganberries are high in Vitamin­C, Manganese,Vitamin­K, Folate, copper, and dietary ​ fiber​ . Loganberries have a brown/yellow outside color. They have a whitish flesh and a black seed. Loganberries are ​ drupes​ . Drupes are fruits that have an outer shell and a very fleshy interior to protect a seed inside of it. Did you know that Loganberries are used as ingredients in jams and different types of wine? Don’t get any ideas, kids, but some adults may enjoy Loganberry wine. You have probably never heard of a Lychee. A Lychee is another drupe. It looks similar to a Loganberry but it is smaller. Lychees are low calorie wise, and it contains no saturated fats or cholesterol. Lychees are high in Dietary Fiber. If your area had Lychees growing in it, I bet that your mom or dad would ask you to have a few. Even though you have probably heard of a Clementine, you might not know how healthy it truly is. Clementines are like oranges, and if you live in The United States of America, you do know what an orange is! Clementines are orange­fleshed orange­skinned orange fruit. They are good sources of 4

Vitamin­C, potassium, thiamin, and niacin. Clementines have an energy boosting fiber in them. Pears are light green fruits with fat bottoms and skinny tops. They have gray specks on them and a sweet flavor. Pears hold a high content in Vitamin­C. They also have plenty of fibers inside of themselves. Kumquat is a very interesting fruit. It is like a very itty­bitty tall pumpkin. It is much much smaller than a pumpkin. After that, its interior is like an orange. So, as probably now seen, Kumquats do not share much traits with pumpkins. Health­wise, Kumquat are cholesterol, fat, and sodium free. They have high fiber, Vitamin­A, and Vitamin­C amounts in them. “Yum!” Is probably something you’d hear around a bag of Cashewnuts being eaten. Lots of people enjoy them as a fine snack. But I wonder if you knew that Cashewnuts actually look like a red ball with a brown claw hanging off of it? 5

​ Fabulous Fruit Facts Now that we have talked about all the fruits you want to hear, why not learn more about them? You know a little bit about kiwis, right? I bet you don’t know all about them, though. Here, kiwis are small fruits that protect DNA from mutations. Also, they contain as much potassium as bananas! That’s a lot, considering that bananas are slightly radioactive. The kiwi fruit is very exotic (rare) and I believe that is where they get they’re wild coloring and they’re short hair! You’ve heard the nutritional part of the kumquat, now how about the yummy part? You got it! Kumquat is usually cooked with sugar then used to top pound cake. Yum! Kumquats have a sweet outer skin and a tart inner flesh. You might even laugh if you saw one because they look like tiny but tall pumpkins. You could hold one in your hand (easily). Sorry, but tomatoes are not used to top pound cake or protect DNA from mutations. They have juice that is good in diets. The juice is considered vegetable juice. Celery, 6

parsley, beet, and carrot juice are also considered vegetable juices. It is slightly odd because tomatoes are fruits, but that is what the juice is classified as, so we'll just have to live with it. Here, you might already know this, but cashewnuts main use is a snack. People enjoy to eat cashew nuts a lot because of their small size and chip­like flavor. People really only enjoy dried cashew nuts and kids will love cracking open the shell to get the fruit. Cashew flour and pasteare are used in many asian sweets, gravies, and fancy Marzipans. Sometimes people have sliced pears as a snack. But others could use them for comfort! Pears are always good for your skin. They are also good in all diets. Pears are wonderful digestive aids and have plenty of fibers. Food and comfort!


Superfoods Have you heard of a superfood? Probably not. But you might have, and that’s great if you have! A superfood is a new modern idea for foods with lots of health boosters. Basically, an idea that ​ could ​ help the future! Here’s what some people think: “A superfood is a food that is considered to be very good for your health and may even help some medical conditions” is how the Macmillan Dictionary defines a superfood. The Oxford Dictionary definition states a superfood as “a nutrient rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well­being.”. Some people believe that superfoods are going to be very helpful to a new modern aura. But others do not think it is such a good idea for this. They also think that it is not right from scientists that we get this information. Here is what some people that do not like this idea think: 8

The ​ Group Cancer Research UK ​ says “the term “superfood” is really just a marketing tool, with little scientific basis to it.” Another source defines superfood as “a non­medical term popularized in the media to refer to foods that can have health­promoting properties such as reducing one’s risk of disease or improving any aspect of physical or emotional health. So called ‘superfoods” may have an unusually high content of antioxidants, vitamins, or other nutrients”. What do the superfoods have to do with fruit, you ask? Well, some fruits are superfoods. You probably don’t know which fruits ​ are​ superfoods, though. Here, I can tell you. ● Blueberries ● Cape Gooseberries ● Goji Berries ● Camu Camus ● Citruses ● Coconuts ● Lucumus All of those fruits are superfoods. They are the only superfood fruits at the moment, but the amount might expand in the future. 9

Well, fruit expert, I hope you have learned more about fruits in this book. You should be able to go back to your friends or family and tell them a bit about fruits, also. What does a kumquat look like?


Glossary Word



A disordered or incorrectly functioning system that resolves in illness or sickness.


Any fruit, such as a peach, cherry, plum, etc., consisting of an outer skin, a usually pulpy middle layer, and a hard and woody shell enclosing a seed.


A slender, tapered cell which, with like cells, serves to strengthen tissue.


An enzyme or other organic substance, as Vitamin­E or beta carotene, that is capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation in animal tissues. 11



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