Central Algarve Magazine 2022 Spring Edition. Issue No. 82

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Central Algarve Q u i n t a d o L a g o , Va l e d o L o b o , A l m a n c i l a n d Vi l a m o u r a

2022 Spring Issue No.82

2020 Summer Issue 80

LO V I N G LO U I S E G O L D I N G Local Photographer

CANINE AGILITY page12 CBQ TUBARÕES Champions of Algar ve W H AT ' S O N i n t h e A LG A R V E ? Pa g e 2 2

In Association With


E E 1


A re you happy wit h you r net re nt a l i nco me ret u r n? Villas & Vac ations of fe rs a si mple, c o s t - ef fect ive p ac kage w it h no h idden c h arges! Whethe r you're o nly i nte re s te d in rent i n g a few weeks o r w i sh to m aximis e you r rental inc o me. We c a n he l p. P rop erty Manage me nt Hou se Ke e ping a nd Laund ry Se rv ic e Garden & Po ol Ma i nte na nce R e nta l Villa Bo ok i ng s R e nta l L ice nce Ad m i ni s t rat io n ww w.vi l l a svac at ion s.com 2

+35 1 289 39 0 500

rental s@v i l l asvac atio ns.c om Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Some Of Our Favourite Summer Rentals

3 B e d roo m Villa n e a r Va le d o L o b o S et i n t h e h e a r t o f a n e x t r e m e l y p e a c e ful loc a t i o n , on t h e o u t s k i r t s o f Va l e d o L o b o in the Qua d ra d i n h os a r e a , t h i s 3 b e d r o o m d e t a c he d v illa wit h a p ri va t e p o o l h a s e ve r y t h i n g yo u n e e d! With t e n n i s f a c i l i t i e s , g o l f co u r s e s , b e a u t i fu l go lde n b ea c h e s a n d su p e r m a r k e t s n e a r b y, t h i s i s de finite ly t he pe rf ec t l oc a ti o n fo r yo u r n e x t s u m m e r ho liday! 1 1 8 3 4 5 /AL Pr ice f r o m € 2 5 0 p e r d a y

3 B e d room Vi l l a in th e h e a r t o f Du n a s Dour adas A f a n t a st i c 3 be d r o o m s i n g l e s t o r e y v i l l a w ith a pri va t e p ool a n d s t u n n i n g g a r d e n s . L o ca te d in t h e a t t ra c t i ve r e s o r t o f Du n a s D o u r a d a s , a fe w min u t es wa l k f rom b e a u t i fu l b e a ch e s a n d o c e ans ide rest a ura n t s o r if yo u fa n c y r e l a x i n g b y t h e p o o l, t h i s resort i s o n e o f t h e b e s t i n t h e Al g arve . 2 0 5 9 7 /A L Pr ice f r o m € 2 7 0 p e r d a y

4 Bedr oom Villa on r es or t with pool Stunning c o nte mp o rary 4 b e dro o m v illa, with a p rivate p o o l s e t in the p e ac e ful and exclusive de ve lo p me nt o f Vale da Quinta w ithin the G olden Triangle . If yo u are lo o king fo r a p e ac e f ul holiday, c lo s e e no ugh to e ve rything yo u ne e d but q uiet e no ugh to b e ab le to re lax day and nigh t, this is the re s o rt to c ho o s e ! 60020/ AL Pr ic e f r om €270 per day

4 Bedr oom Villa in Valver de Pe rfe c t s ingle s to re y family v illa w ith 4 bedr ooms, p rivate he atab le p o o l and b e autifully lan dscaped garde ns . Lo c ate d in the amazing Go lden Tr ian gle in the quie t de ve lo p me nt o f Valve rde, adjacen t to Quinta do Lago 's Bo ugainv ille a P laza, wher e e ve rything yo u c o uld p o s s ib ly ne e d is n ear by. 25380/ AL Pr ic e f r om €270 per day

C o n ta ct o u r r e n t als team today to f ind out availability. Villa s r a n g in g f r o m 2 b e d r o om s to 5 bedr oom s in and ar ound C entr al Algar ve. r e n ta ls@ v illas vac ations .c om + 351 289 390 500

R o l l I n S t y l e : C a r Hi r e Pri c es Prices are for period April to June . Fiat Panda 5 Seats Seat Ibiza 5 Seats Renault Captur 5 Seats Renault Clio ST 5 Seats Skoda Fabia Automatic 5 seats Fiat 500 Cabriolet 5 seats Ford Fiesta Automatic 5 seats Seat Alhambra Autom. 7 seats Opel Vivaro 9 seats

€140 €168 €217 €217 €287 €217 €217 €392 €392

Estimated prices per week, subject to change without prior notice . Prices include unlimited mileage , insurance , road tax and vat. Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


We lco m e t o C e n t r a l A l g a r ve

06 08 16 26 Editor a nd Publisher: Villas & Vacations Sociedade de Mediação Imobiliária Lda (Licença Nº 715 - AMI) Apt 3498, 8135-906 Almancil Algar ve , Por tugal Tel: +351 289 390 500 NIF 502688440 villasvacations.c om



It tur ns o ut that no t all s p o r ts are c re ate d e q ual, and r a cket s p o r ts o utp e rfo r m the re s t in te r ms o f ove r all he alth. They a r e p ar tic ular ly b e ne fic ial s inc e the y p ut b o th the he ar t and t he br a in


Many o f us are familiar with the 1755 Lis b o n e ar thq uake , a lso known as the Gre at Lis b o n e ar thq uake , whic h s tr uc k Por t ug a l, t he Ib e r ian Pe nins ula, and No r thwe s t A fr ic a at aro und 09:40 loca l t im e o n Nove mb e r 1, the Fe as t o f A ll Saints .


It' s no s e c re t that the b e auty o f the A lgar ve has p ulle d m a ny a p ho to gr ap hy e nthus ias t to its s ho re line s and hills id e s . S om et im es, a r are ge m find s the ir p as s io n and tale nt s p re ad ing like w ildfir e a s the y c ap ture the e s s e nc e o f familie s and the ir love . Me et Louise


The Algar ve is home to more than just great restaur ants and the best beaches, we also have basketball champions in our midst.

Advertising, Content & Design: Mikaila Tutt Menezes info@central-algar ve .com Tel: +351 910 594 393 Director: David Ottewill Printing: Litografis Ar tes Graficas Lda Litografis Park, Pavilhao A, Vale Paraiso, 8200-567 Albufeira

Print R un: 18,000 No. DL: 389208/15 The Central Algar ve Magazine is distributed free to local businesses, resor ts and restaurants in the Central Algar ve Area. Three editions per annum. central-algar ve .com Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

is s ue 82. Sp r i n g Ed i t i on DIVE BOMBERS

Wh e n yo u h ear w h a t s o u n d s l i ke a n Ap a ch e h e l i co p te r and a huge buzzin g n o is e div i n g ou t o f t h e s k y a n d re ve rb e r ating p as t yo ur ear, yo u h ave j u s t e n cou n t e re d t h e V i o l e t Car p e nte r Be e .


Nobo dy c an deny t h a t Yo g a h a s b e co m e ve r y p o p ular, we alre ad y kn ow th e ben e fi t s bu t w i l l e ve r yo n e b e a bl e to re ally ge t into Yo ga? We h ave s o m e t i p s for you t o e n j oy yo ur yo ga mo re .


It’s min ty, it’s bu bbly, i t ’s re f re s h i n g : m e e t t h e Gin Gin Mule ! Yo u migh t th in k it’s a j u s t l i q u or s w a p i n a mu l e , but this c o c ktail is m o re t han me e ts the e ye !


Villas & Vacations br ing you proper ties for sale from across Centr al Algar ve .

44 48 54 62

What ma kes Central Alg a rve Ma g azine dif ferent? 28 years in the local magazine business Vast network of over 100 distribution points in the Loule area 18,000 copies per edition 3,000 unique visits to our online version 3,000+ followers on social media Strategic par tnership with The Por tugal News Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



U n denia bl e B enefits of Tennis

It turn s o ut t hat no t all s por t s a re c re a t e d e q u a l , a n d rac ket spor ts o utperfo rm t he res t i n t e r m s of ov e ra l l h e a l t h . T hey a re p ar ticularly beneficial s i n c e t h e y p u t b ot h t h e h e a r t and t h e brain t o w o rk .

1. Great Exercise Tennis players run swiftly in short bursts throughout a match, as opposed to the long, sustained running observed in sports like soccer or track. At the end of the day, they've put in just as much (if not more) effort than players in any other sport. Tennis players develop lateral agility, change of direction ability, and other skills that can be applied to a variety of other sports. 2. Skills Learning One of the best aspects of enrolling your children and yourself in sports is that it allows the development of specialised talents. They learn how to play the sport in the short term. They and you, gain the ability to learn how to execute a task in the long run, which will be beneficial for the rest of their lives. On the tennis court, young and older people alike are taught a variety of abilities, including footwork, forehand, backhand, serve, volley, and more. 3. Build Confidence When it comes to singles tennis, the player is on the court by themselves against their opponent. This can be challenging for anybody at first, but it helps to develop self-reliance, which can be beneficial. On a tennis court, there is nowhere to hide, thus the player must rise to the occasion and give it their all. At the end of the day, it teaches someone to believe in their own ability as they step onto the court. 4. Open the door to great opportunities While a college scholarship should never be the primary motive for junior athletic participation, tennis players have a shorter road to such a prize than athletes in other sports. Many high school tennis players have the option of continuing their tennis careers at a small college level even if they do not receive a scholarship. Adults searching for a social activity to keep their calendars filled can do the same, and this can include coworkers and clients who like the sport as much as they do. 5. Start a lifelong affair with the sport Tennis, like golf, is a sport that can be enjoyed well into adulthood. Tennis courts can be found in a variety of public locations, and it is often a free pastime. Tennis is a terrific way to keep in shape, have some friendly competition, and spend time outdoors as you become older. Many young tennis players will fall in love with the sport and play it for many years to come.

levels can join in the game. Our offering doesn't stop at tennis though, as we have racquet courts too. With coaches on hand, lessons available, an on-site snack bar, and even an apparel and equipment store, we're completely equipped to handle your tennis dreams from start to finish. If you're thinking of getting into the sport and you have questions, simply pop in and find one of our onsite staff members who will happily answer your questions and show you the ropes. Happy serving!

The proof is in the pudding, here at ATF, we have regular players of all ages. We provide a safe, comfortable place where players of all ages and players of all skill 6

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022




S h a king of Portugal

Ma n y of u s are fam iliar w i t h t h e 1 7 5 5 Li s b on e a r t h q u a ke , als o kn ow n a s the G reat L is bo n e a r t h q u a ke , w h i c h s t r u c k Por tugal, t h e I b er ia n Penins ula, and N or t h w e s t A f r i c a a t a rou n d 0 9 : 40 lo c a l tim e o n N ov em ber 1 , t h e Fe a s t of A l l S a i n t s .

But did you know that the Algarve was struck by a major earthquake in 1722, 33 years before the 1755 quake? In fact, Portugal has been hit by 16 earthquakes dating back to 210 BC and as recently as 1969. Many more have struck the Azores since 1522, with the most recent being in 1998. On December 27, 1722, the Algarve earthquake struck. It was felt over the Portuguese Algarve region and wrecked a significant area in southern Portugal, triggering a minor tsunami that swamped Tavira's shallow regions. The majority of the material from the 1722 Algarve earthquake was sent to Lisbon for archiving, but it was lost in the 1755 earthquake fire. However, the limited recorded accounts of the 1722 earthquake depict a devastating chain of events that impacted multiple Algarvean towns, with earth tremors so severe that they caused the bells at Tavira, Faro, and Loulé to ring out. Before the tsunami came, a caravel moored on the river Gilo in Tavira was left high and dry, with the bewildered crew able to walk to land. The intensity was assessed to be 7.8 on the Richter scale, causing widespread panic and resulting in collapse, destruction, and major damage to numerous buildings, as well as general damage to foundations, ground fissures, and the development of springs and mudslides. Buildings in Albufeira, Faro, Lagoa, and Loulé were severely damaged or demolished in certain cases.

There's an app that you can put on your phone to watch and record earthquakes globally? If natural phenomenon are what interests you, it's pretty cool to see how many earthquakes happen daily that we are unaware of!

Lisbon was jolted by a 3-minute earthquake on March 31, 1761. The 1755 earthquake caused the ruins to fall. Madrid and Aranjuez, Spain, both felt the shocks. Bayonne, Bordeaux, and Roussillon in France, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, Cork in Ireland, and the Azores Islands are just a few of the European towns that have recorded earthquakes.

It not only tells you where the earthquake struck within minutes but also details how far the epicentre is from your current location and other interesting bits of information shown alongside a visual map. The app can be found on Android and IOS for free.

Waves of up to eight feet (2.4 m) were seen reaching the coast and destroying ships around an hour and a half after the earthquake was felt in Lisbon. Even 13 hours after the earthquake, the sea retreated and advanced continuously, lasting into the night. The 1761 earthquake caused tidal waves that were believed to have reached as far as Barbados. The tsunami snatched up boats and dashed them on the rocky coast of Terceira Island in the Azores. On April 23, 1909, at 17h30, the Benavente earthquake struck the Santarém District of Portugal's Central Region. The earthquake's magnitude was assessed to be 6.0. It virtually obliterated the town of Benavente, killing 60 people and injured 75 more.


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

D i d Y o u Know? From the South of Portugal to Gibraltar is a very active earthquake zone. The Gibraltar area has had over 130 earthquakes in the past year.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


T hriving

Th r ou ghou t the

Pandemic By He a ve n l i Roberts

T h e p an demic has p ro babl y b e e n t h e b i g ge s t d i s r u p t i v e event in m ost c h ildren’s liv es . I n d e e d w e h a v e a l l b e e n a f fe c t ed, if n o t in fected, and 2 0 2 2 w il l b e t h e t h i rd ye a r of ou r re s t r ic ted lifestyles . Clearly, it is a very challenging time for schools. At AIS we have had to focus on providing family liaison, support, care and a positive mindset in addition to new academic learning practices. Our school days became interspersed with hand sanitising, temperature taking, covid testing and counselling. Fortunately however, our warm Algarve climate has enabled us to create new outdoor learning and play areas and we believe the fresh air has helped to keep us all healthier and eased the burden of social-distancing. Throughout the difficulties of constantly changing Covid rules and lockdowns we have worked with families to introduce online learning and join us in managing the education process and stresses involved. It is hard to educate, encourage, mentor and supervise children, but we believe that by working together, our approach has led to a real success story. The school’s team of 30 teachers have also played a pivotal role and our growth in student numbers during the entire period has, in itself, been a challenge too. Our


ethos is centred on educating the whole child, personally as well as academically. In addition to traditional teaching practices, we encourage creative and critical thinking through discussion and debate, group activity, and project work. All of which are conducted in small class sizes. Judging by our applications from new students, this approach is clearly an attractive and popular combination. Who knows what this year and the future will bring? However, we do know that well-educated and confident children will always have the best chances of success in adulthood. We also believe that our Covid experiences have made us stronger and resilient enough to embrace whatever challenges we shall find ahead!

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



Agile as a Canine

“ D og a gility is a dog s p o r t i n w h i c h a h a n d l e r d i re c t s a d og thro ugh an o bs t ac le cou r s e i n a ra c e for b ot h t i m e and a c curac y. D ogs run o ff- lea s h w i t h n o food or t oy s a s i n c e ntives , a n d the h andler can t o uc h n e i t h e r t h e d og n or t h e ob s t ac les . T h e h an dle r's co nt ro ls are l i m i t e d t o v oi c e , m ov e m e n t , and va r io us b o dy s ignals , requ i r i n g e x c e p t i on a l a n i m a l t ra i n i ng and c o o rd ina tio n o f t he handle r." Text cited From the free Wikipedia

Dog agility started as entertainment in the 1970s at the Crufts dog show in the United Kingdom. Back then, obstacles were borrowed from horse jumps. Today it's one of the most well-known dog sports in the world. It's fun, and it's fast. It's a sport where one can see the teamwork between handler and dog. Who hasn't been impressed by a dog speeding over obstacles or twisting in the slalom between poles, darting through a tunnel before finally tipping the see-saw? But how to start? Do we need a border collie to have agility as a hobby? The answer is no. Any dog without knee, hip, or back issues can do agility on some level. Vera, a local trainer, says, "My first agility dog, Rosie-Pink asked for it when she was a puppy. She loved balancing on things and jumping on top of buckets and platforms. So I made a small agility track in my garden with planks, plant pots and bricks." Agility can be a top athlete sport for the handler and dog, big competitions or just a fun activity for any dog, small, medium or large, a puppy or adult dog. Your dog will have fun and grow in confidence. Not only that, but the time spent together and the training can really strengthen your bond.

end of the plank. Walk your dog in a straight line towards the plank (avoid allowing your dog to step up from the side). While your dog walks on the plank, place treats for them to pick up as they walk along the plank the first time. The last treat is in a bowl below the end, so your dog stops for a second to take the treat before they step off, preferably on your signal to get off. The more confident your dog is, the fewer treats they will need to walk on the plank. Unlike us humans, our dogs get less reward the better they become. Soon enough, simply doing the obstacle with their owner is reward enough! Now that you and your dog love the action, why not consider a private lesson or join a group session? Here in Algarve, it is a growing sport. If you want more information you can contact:

karin.pawsitivedogs@gmail.com or Agility Instructor Vera Neves Mobile +351 969 979 102

Here are a couple of exercises to try at home. 1: Place a broomstick or pole over two plant pots. Place a bowl with a treat or a toy on the other side of the obstacle, and if your dog hasn't done it before, you can ask someone to hold the bowl/toy and shake it a little to get the attention forward rather than on you. Sit or stand your dog behind the obstacle. Try to send the dog over to the bowl/toy. Reward them when they jumps over the obstacle. After practising, you can start to add more obstacles to create a course. 2: Tunnels are great for confidence. If you have a small dog or puppy, you can find a children's tunnel at IKEA, and it's actually a great start. For bigger dogs, watch out for when Aldi or Lidl sell dog products, or you can buy simple agility equipment online. Place the toy/bowl with a treat at one end of the tunnel and your dog at the other opening, If you can have someone assist you, one person can call the dog the first time at the end with the treat bowl to come through. If it runs at the side of the tunnel, move the reward and make the tunnel smaller, to begin with, and reward with a cheerful voice and toy or treat when your dog runs through the tunnel. A more confident dog can run through a bent tunnel. Make a track by adding the previous obstacles before or after the tunnel. 3: You can build a dog walk with two blocks and a plank. Put one brick under each


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



Discover, Define and Communicate your Brand Unique, flexible branding Responsive to the shifting needs and expectations of fast-moving times

Brands are like people Living, breathing social beings

An investment in meaning Define what people see and feel during their contact with your brand

The DNA and essence of your Brand

We are creative, we are passionate, who are you? 14


Today's fast-moving world demands responsive and progressive brands that understand their business, their aspirations and their customers. No longer defined by a logo or website, strong branding is not something that we 'make up', it is something that we must first discover. From the very beginning, a brand's personality, values and message must be defined and then sustained over whatever medium we use to convey them. Recognizing that clients are not looking for yet another creative agency, we offer a complete, integrated service to enrich their branding. Our experienced team of brand strategists and creative designers work closely with each client to discover, define and communicate an essence that will allow a brand to stay true to its philosophy and create a distinct market presence.


D O B RO C C.C O M 15

Here's We




It's n o secret t hat t he bea u t y of t h e A l g a r v e h a s p u l l e d many a photography ent hus ias t t o i t s s h ore l i n e s a n d h i l l s i d e s . So m etim es , a rare gem fin d s t h e i r p a s s i on a n d t a l e n t spread ing like w ildfire as t h e y c a p t u re t h e e s s e n c e of fa milies a n d th eir lov e . Meet L o uis e G ol d i n g . Louise hails from the UK, in a town where the sport of rugby was born and Louise's love of photography found. Moving to the Algarve was an easy decision, along with her husband James (you might remember him as the guy who refuses to die from previous editions of Central Algarve) and her two young children.

"I’ll never forget the feeling of receiving my first lot of developed film as a child. Seeing the moments that I had captured turn into little printed squares that I could keep forever - I was hooked. Fast forward 30 years, a background in fashion & 2 children later I’m still as hooked. I have a passion for capturing natural, authentic moments. I love attention to detail (I guess that’s the fashion background coming through) and turning those cherished moments into forever memories." facebook.com/louisegoldingphotography | instagram.com/louisegoldingphotography

Fully immersing themselves into Portuguese culture, the family is attempting to learn the language, navigating the Portuguese schooling system, starting a business, and showing true grit. We sat down with Louise to shoot a few quick questions her way! Q: So, where is your favourite place to shoot? A: The Algarve is full of incredible places to shoot. Obviously the beaches are amazing but I love the clifftops and beautiful red rock for backdrops. Not forgetting the beautiful wildflower fields. Q: What's one of your favourite shoots to date? A: Oooh that’s a tricky one. Can I say them all? - they all bring something different. Each shoot, wedding, elopement, studio session brings their own element of fun & special moments - I genuinely love them all. Q: Any significant plans for the future? A: I am opening my very own home studio this February which I’m super excited about. I adore adventuring & capturing families in the outdoors but my natural light photography studio will now be a great addition for mothers to be, newborn babies, children & families who want a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere for their photo session. 16

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022
































@yorkiesalgarve 19

Protect against

Y ours elf

Cyber Crime

By M alc ol m Tutt L et 's face it , t o day 's w o rld rev ol v e s a rou n d t h e i n t e r n e t , s o o ur per so na l info rm at io n is o ut t h e re , w h e t h e r w e wa n t t o b e lieve i t o r not. I f o ur info rm at io n i s m i s u s e d , i t c a n on l y re s u l t in po t en tially life- c hanging fin a n c i a l or p e r s on a l l os s e s . S o, here are so m e sugges t io ns t o he l p y ou a v oi d b e c om i n g a v i c t i m o f c yber-na sties . HOW CAN YOU KEEP YOUR DATA SAFE? Protect Your Devices The devices you use are the first line of defence in terms of digital security. These devices are where you interact and directly input your personal data, so it's critical to keep them secure. Here are some tips to consider: Don’t avoid or postpone updates. The majority of updates are pushed out to address security flaws. This procedure can be automated. Some say that updates consume a lot of data; if so, configure your updates to only run over wireless. Enable two-factor authentication, which requires you to enter a code or PIN each time you access the internet. Check your device's privacy settings on a regular basis to ensure that apps only have the rights they need. Take a few minutes and go into your Apps Settings on your phone. Take a look at the permissions, you will be very surprised how many have access to your phone (Sound and Contacts) and camera (Photos and Videos). If you're not using Bluetooth, turn it off on all of your devices. Bluetooth is very easily hacked. Anti-malware and antivirus software should be installed on all of your devices. Install a firewall if you truly want top-notch security.


Encrypt crucial files and emails to keep them safe. To encrypt important information on your devices, use third-party apps. Defend Yourself Passwords are your first line of defence – take them seriously! When it comes to passwords, avoid using any personally identifying information like birth dates, addresses, names, phone numbers, or social security numbers. Use passwords with at least 8 characters (including special characters like &% or $). Consider a password that is tough to crack because it is difficult to decipher. A password like 'Do a little tod@y' or 'I hate pa55words' would take a hacker using a supercomputer roughly 200 years to crack. Avoid patterns in your passwords – hackers know that many of us will use an @ in place of an a, or a 5 instead of an S. Use different passwords for separate accounts so that if one is compromised, the others aren't. For example, if a hacker discovers your Facebook password and also knows your Twitter and email passwords, they may gain access to all of your accounts. Use caution while disclosing personal information. Being mindful is the first step in understanding how to protect your data. If you are not sure don’t do it! Remove old data from computers and cellphones so that it cannot be used against you. Before giving away or selling your old devices do a factory reset – you will be able to find the instructions online. You can consult a local expert for help. If the device is too dated or broken, throw it in a dresser drawer and leave it there. In some cities there are registered drop-off sites for old electronic equipment.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Safeguard Your Online Information Here are some tips for protecting your data. At all times be vigilant, be cautious, sensitive, and aware of what you do online. Don’t allow strangers to use your device. If someone needs an emergency call to be made , offer to make the call on their behalf. It takes seconds to get information off your phone. Cyber thieves are slick and well practised.

Create separate email addresses for personal, social networking, account sign-ups, newsletters, and other functions. Use a trusted email service provider. There is no way to completely prevent identity theft, but by following these guidelines, you may help to keep your personal information a little more "personal" online—and in this digitally connected age, that is something to strive for.

Your credit card information is a prime target for thieves. They can use this information for a variety of things, including making purchases and stealing your identity. Set up SMS or email alerts for activity on your bank accounts. Monitor your bank statements on a regular basis for any unusual or harmful activity. Stick to well-known, reputable online retailers while shopping online. Make online purchases with a credit card with a low balance. Avoid sensitive transactions, such as online banking, when connected to a public Wi-Fi network because your data may be exposed during this time. Make use of the privacy options available on the websites you visit. Remember to sign out of online services after you're finished, to prevent others from viewing your profile. If you receive an email from someone you don't recognize, don't open it or any attachments it may include. When signing in from an unfamiliar device, most accounts now offer two-factor authentication, which sends an SMS code to your phone number. Activate this feature. Always use secure websites while conducting critical transactions. Look at the website address to see if this is true. "HTTPS" in the address bar, denotes a secure website. Be cautious with the items you download. Most ransomware is released by clicking on an image. Don't allow websites to track your online activity for advertising objectives.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



Fe i ra d o s E n c h i dos Mo n c h i q u e 1 s t we e k o f M a rc h Ever y year Monchi que ho st s its a nnual sausage fest , us ua lly taki ng pl ace i n th e firs t weeke nd of March . The festi val showcases a ll things sausage , from t ra d itio nal reci pes to mode rn t a kes o n cooki ng sausage s.

F IES A Interna tiona l S a n d S culpture Festiva l, Pêra M a rc h u n ti l Oc to b er FI E S A is o n e o f t h e Alg a r ve ’s ma in eve n t s. E ve r y ye a r, a ro u n d 6 0 a r t ist s f ro m a l l ove r t h e wo rld t rave l t o P ê r a t o b u ild g ia n t sa n d sc u lp t u re s o u t o f 3 5 ,0 0 0 t o n s o f s a n d . T h e sc u lp t u re s a re a ll b a s e d o n t h a t ye a r’s t h e me , l i ke mu sic , t h e a n ima l k in g d o m , H o lly wo o d mov ie s a n d c h a ra c t e rs, a n d my t h o l o g y.


Din o D'S a n tia go 20 March 2022

R unning until 30 March 2022 S evi l l i a n ce r a m i cs f ro m t h e 1 4 t h t o 1 7 t h ce n t u r i e s a i m s t o s h ow t h e co m m e rci a l re l a t i o n s b e t we e n t h e ci t y o f Tavi r a , b e t we e n t h e 1 4 t h a n d 1 7 t h ce n t u r i e s , w i t h t h e ci t y o f S evi l l e .

D i n o d 'S a n t i a go p resent s hi s a l b u m fo r t h e f i r s t t i me i n t h e C i n e T h e a t re , bri ngi ng A f ro E l e ct ro n i c r hyt hms w i t h h i s u n m i s t a ke a b l e voi ce and talent. L o u l e t a n o C i n e t heat re h t t p s : / / ci n e t e a t ro. cm- l oul e . pt

Tavi r a M u n i ci p a l M u s e u m .

fi es a. or g

W H AT ' S O N ? M AY

Qu eim a da s F itas (Ri bbon B ur nin g ) 9th – 15th May 2022

Pe re g ri n aç ão a F át i m a ( M aj or P i l g ri m a g e t o Fátima) 13th May 2022

The Quei ma das F i tas, o r Ribbon Burni ng, l ast fo r eight d ays and i s amongst t h e bigg es t stude nt cel e brat io n s in Europe . Always organ ise d by the students’ uni on, t h is pr a c tis e consi sts of bur n in g r ibbons that re pre se nt e a c h fac ulty i n the uni versi ty, a n d c elebrates the e nd of t h e ac a d emi c j ourney, me an in g o nly s tude nts w ho fi ni sh e d their d egre e can burn t h e ir ri bbons.


E ve r y ye a r in M ay t h o u s a n d s o f p e o p le se t o u t f ro m t h e ir h o me s t o wa lk t o t h e S a n c t u a r y o f Fa t ima, n o ma t t e r h ow ma ny k ilo m e t re s t h a t is. T h ey u su a lly s t ay i n a c c o mmo da t io n s se t o u t fo r t h e m du rin g t h is t ime p e r i o d , a n d a re h e lp e d by p o lice , w h o e n su re t h e ir sa fe t y by bl o ck i n g t ra f f ic , fo r in st a n c e , an d by p o p -u p f irst - a id c e n t re s , wh e re t h ey c a n g e t h e l p i f n e e de d.

R ally de Po rtu g al ( R ally o f Po rtu g al) 1 9 t h – 2 2 t h M ay 2 0 2 2 N ow b o a s t i n g 4 9 e d i t i o n s , yo u ’ l l b e a b l e t o s e e t h e b e s t d r i ve r s i n t h e wo r l d i n a ct i o n i f yo u a t t e n d t h i s eve n t . T h e R a l ly o f Po r t u g a l h a s b e e n aw a rd e d ‘ T h e Be s t R a l ly i n t h e Wo r l d ’ f i ve t i m e s , a n d a l l ca r a n d r a ce a f i ci o n a d o s ca n w a t ch f ro m t h e s i d e l i n e s a n d a t t e s t t o t h e d r i ve r s ’ s k i l l s fo r t h e m s e l ve s !

R o c k in Rio 19th – 20th a nd 27th – 29th May 2022 T h i s mu s i c fe s t i va l st ar t ed i n Br a z i l b u t h a s n ow conquered Po r t u g a l , S p a i n a n d t he U S A. Yo u ca n e x p e ct p l ent y of s i n g e r s a n d b a n d s i n each Rock i n R i o, b e ca u s e t h e ai m of t h i s eve n t i s t o b ri ng a l arge va r i e t y o f mu s i c s t yl es t o an a l s o va r i e d a u d i ence . I t a l s o p ro m o t e s s ust ai nabi l i t y a n d e nvi ro n ment al re s p o n s i b i li t y.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


L ibera tion Day (25th A pri l )

Fes tiv a l A l- B uh e ra A lbuf eira

F r i N ov 2 0 t h 2 0 20 Fes tiv al Al -Buhe ra take s p la c e in Al bufe i ra. T he fe st iv a l fea tures market stal l s se llin g loc a l produce such as fo o d prod u cts, crafts, and l o c a lly m a d e al cohol as we l l a s live musi c and food sta lls. A d m i ssi on i s fre e , and t h e fes tiv al usual ly takes p la c e in the eveni ngs tow ards t h e e n d of A pr i l . More i nformat io n c a n be found on face book. com/ festi val dal buhera

T h is p u b lic h o liday c e l e b r a t e s a ve r y sp e c ia l mo m e n t i n Po r t u g u e se h ist o r y, w h e n S a la za r’s E st a do N ovo dic t a t o rsh ip wa s ove r t h row n o n t h e 2 5 t h Ap ril 1 9 7 4 . I n Alb u fe ira , yo u c a n e x p e ct f irewo rk disp lay s a n d st re e t p e rfo rma n c e s , a n d i n L a go s, t h e day b e g in s w i t h c a n o n s a n d e n ds w i t h a f irewo rk s disp lay. T he b i g g e s t c e le b ra t io n s a re n or m a l ly t o b e fo u n d in Fa ro, w h e re t h e c e le b ra t io n s st a r t o n t h e 2 4 t h a n d c o n t inu e t h ro u g h t h e n e x t day.

R u gby C a mp wi th Bri a n O'Dri sc ol l at Th e C a m p u s 2 0 2 2 Mo n Apr 11th 2022 to Fri Apr 15th 2022 at 09: 30 unti l 11: 30 R u g by C a m p w i t h Br i a n O 'D r i s co l l a t T h e C a m p u s , Q u i n t a d o L a go. An amazing opportunity to t r a i n w i t h I r i s h r u g by l e g e n d a n d L i o n s C ap t a i n i n a f u n a n d a ct i o n - p a cke d t r a i n i n g ca m p i n A p r i l 2 0 2 2 . P l a ce s a re l i m i t e d s o e a r ly b o o k i n g i s e s s e n t i a l . S i b l i n g d i s co u n t ava i l a b l e . .

Ób i d os C h ocola te Fe st i va l 31st Ma rch – 2 5 t h A p r il T h e m e d i eva l t ow n’s narrow s t re e t s a re t r ansformed t o s h ow ca s e a n i mpressi ve a rr ay o f ca ke s and sweet s. T h e K i d s ’ C h o c ol at e House w i l l ke e p yo u n ger vi si t ors b u s y w h i l e t h e adul t s can a t t e n d s p e ci a l chocol at eb a s e d cu l i n a r y cl asses and w a t ch co m p e t i t i ons i nvol vi ng p ro fe s s i o n a l p a st r y- makers, s u ch a s ‘ C h o co l at i er of t he Ye a r ’ a n d t h e ‘ I nt ernat i onal C o m p e t i t i o n o f C hocol at e R e ci p es.’

T he re a re p l e nt y of aw es om e t hing s to do this S pr ing in and aro und the Algar ve . Cl e ar y o ur sc h e d u l e and vis it s om e of t hes e gre at fe sti vals and events to ge t yo ur fill o f f un. Please Note: Some of these events may c hange due to COVID restr ictions .


Dia de Portug al Ju n e 1 0 t h 2 0 22

Dia de Por tugal (Po r t u g a l Day ), Por tugal ’s nati o n a l day, takes pl ace on June 10 t h . T h e d ay is a publ i c hol i day, a n d c elebrati ons take pl ac e a ll over Por tugal . In the Alg a r ve , c elebrati ons take pla c e in A lbufei ra’s Largo dos Pa ç o s do Conc e l ho square w here a f re e o utd o or concer t usual ly t a ke s place from around 2 1 :3 0 .

Ca rvo e i ro B l a c k & W h i t e Ni gh t

Fe stival ME D Lo u lé

S ilve s B e er Fest

U s u a l ly a ro u n d 1 8 & 19 Ju n e

Us ually at the e nd of June

Some time s he ld in june / Ju ly

C a r vo e iro ’s B la c k & W h i t e N ig h t is o n e o f t h e m o s t p o p u la r su mme r eve n t s i n t h e Alg a r ve , wit h c rowds e x p e ct e d t h ro u g h o u t C a r vo re i ro Town C e n t re a n d a cro s s C a r vo re iro ’s b e a c h ( L a r go d a Pra ia ) . E x p e c t D J s a n d s u m m e r f u n f ro m a ro u n d 2 0 : 0 0 u n t i l t h e e a rly h o u r s .

Fe s t i va l M e d , o r g a n i z e d by L o u l é C i t y C o u n ci l , i s a Wo r l d M u s i c eve n t i n s p i re d by M e d i t e rr a n e a n cu l t u re , w h i ch t r a n s fo r m s t h e h i s t o r i c ce n t e r o f L o u l é i n t o a p a r a d e o f a r t i s t i c m a n i fe s t a t i o n s a n d f u s i o n o f cu l t u re s .

A re l a t i ve ly s m a l l beer fest i val , S i l ve s Be e r Fe s t n ormal ly t akes p l a ce a t P r a ça A l - Mut ami d i n S i l ve s.

Fo r mo re in fo rma t ion , d a t e s , a n d t ime s, v is i t f a c e b o o k .c o m/ c a r vo e i ro n o i t e

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

E x p e ct t o b e abl e t o t r y a ro u n d 5 0 d i f fe rent t ypes of b e e r f ro m a cro s s Por t ugal and wo r l d w i de . f a ce b o o k . co m / s il vesbeerfest


E aste r

T ra d iti on s



By C r i s ti n a da C o st a B ro o k e s In Por tu ga l, Eas t er is o ne of t h e m os t b e l ov e d d a t e s for the pop u lation due t o t he fact t h a t i t i s on e of t h e m os t re l igio us c o u ntr ies in Euro p e . There are countless traditions that we can still find from north to south of the country. Some of the traditional sweets include the famous Folar, which is a bread that symbolises abundance after the fasting period of Lent, but it is also a way of sharing and keeping alive the Portuguese tradition. Folares are varied and exist in salty and sweet variations, other sweets include Pão-de-ló, almonds and chocolate eggs. One specific Easter tradition is cleaning one’s home, a common habit across the country. In this period cleaning your house, especially in the Alentejo and the Algarve to receive the Easter visit, the “Compasso”, which symbolises the entry of Jesus Christ into the home, with the blessing of the priest who blesses the house and all who live there. To receive the “Compasso” one has to have at the table almonds and sweets, as well as liqueurs and Port wine. Easter Sunday is a day of celebration and lunch usually includes meat, especially goat or lamb and traditional desserts. It is also tradition in Portugal, to offer a gift to your godchildren on Easter, of almonds, chocolate eggs or money. Children


also usually offer their godparents an olive or violet branch on Palm Sunday. In many villages, Holy Week is also celebrated through processions and night vigils. In the Alentejo, in Castelo de Vide, in addition to the processions, the population accompanies the blessing of lambs and the faithful go out to the streets with rattles and bells. In many localities they also celebrate Holy Week with night processions lit by candles, or with theatrical representations of the condemnation of Christ. In São Brás de Alportel, in the Algarve, a colourful procession of flowers usually takes place (Procession of the Flowered Torches on Easter Sunday). The torches are composed of field flowers. The village of Óbidos is truly magical and takes us back to the beginnings of Portuguese history. At Easter time, this town is once again the stage for another Portuguese historical and religious event. Annually it grabs the interest of numerous visitors, who intend to attend one of the best programmes for Holy Week, through numerous activities, including religious processions, including the well-known procession of the Burial of the Lord, where the village is traversed only in the light of the torches that burn in the hands of the youngest, placed in strategic points of the route.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022 Alvará Nº: 171-A/171-C


C h amp io ns o f th e


The Laura Ayres Sports Pavilion in Quarteira is home to the O Clube Basket de Quarteira Tubarões, otherwise known as the Quarteira Sharks, CBQ Tubarões belongs to the municipality of Loulé, Algarve, with more than 200 players. The basketball teams range from Baby Basket through to Senior teams. The weekend of 6 February saw action brought to the pavilion like never seen before as the Under 16 Men's team fought for the title of Regional Champions, and they came out on top! Our Algarve SUB16 Championship Team is made up of: Guilherme Nuno Zia Martins Max Popyk Manuel Marquez Cordero Tiago Cravo Vilhena Pedro Gomes Coelho Duarte Pires dos Santos Dias Henrique Gonçalves Brito Correia Leandro Saraiva Moreira Afonso Fonseca Aleixo César Carneiro e Santos Rui Catarino Branco Abreu Teixeira David Torres Assude Tiago Baptista Cummings


Alexandre Costa Trigueiros Rafael Alexandre Garcia Campos Pedro Henrique Fernandes Almeida

Treinador: Raquel Inês Freixo de Carvalho Tr. Adjunto: Ivo Manuel Murta Adrião Seccionista: Miguel Cardoso Teixeira Well done to the team, coaches, and everyone involved at the club. We're proud to call ourselves Tubarões supporters. Finally, it seems, COVID is easing off and the local sports teams are slowly returning to normal tournament life. Coming this summer is a tournament aimed at changing the Algarve Basketball scene: BASKET YOUTH FESTIVAL - 7 to 10 July, 2022, in Quarteira/Loulé There will be young players from all across the Algarve participating for the opportunity to call themselves champions. Coach Nuno Martins hopes to promote cultural diversity, through a common denominator for all present - the sport of basketball. To get involved, volunteer or sponsor or to simply enquire about the event, you can visit basketyouthfestival.com or email byf@basketyouthfestival.com

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

O n S unday 6 Fe b r u a r y, t h e CBQ Tubarões go t the o ppo r tunity to s how their teeth fo r all to s ee and c o me out reigning c ha m p i on s for t h e S U B 1 6 M a l e R egio nal Champio ns hips . Yo u'd be hard p re s s e d t o fi n d a n ot h e r l oc al s po r ts pavilio n that full again.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


Discov er P o rt uga l

O n F oot , Wi th Walkbox

walkb oxa p p.com @ walkb oxa p p

Walkbox is an innovative mobile app offering self-guided walking tours that are aimed at changing the way we discover incredible places in cities and the outdoors, throughout Portugal. Walkbox allows anyone to be their own guide and autonomously and safely discover points of interest and their stories, while improving the travel experience and truly helping to create a connection with the essence of places and local communities. ”​ The information about places to visit was spread over dozens of web pages and Apps, they were superficial and focused only on the most popular sites. And when exploring, people used generalist maps or resorted to tourist guides. Walkbox changes this paradigm. Before you go, it works as a single portal in the palm of your hand for inspiration and planning. Once you pick your walking tour, Walkbox navigates you seamlessly to the beginning of the route by car, public transport or on foot, and then guides you interactively during your discovery, offering a rich and unforgettable experience", said Bernardo Henriques, co-founder and CEO of Travelbox, the company that owns Walkbox and is headquartered in Oeiras, near Lisbon. Walkbox was launched at the end of last year in Android and iOS, it is free, it works 100% offline and offers an immersive and unique 28

visiting experience through the combination of a fast and intuitive user interface, high-quality original content, audio guides, easy-to-use custom maps and practical information. The App includes recommendations for cafes, restaurants and traditional shops. Users can choose from 65 fully curated walking tours across 10 regions in Portugal, including cultural tours, thematic tours, photographic guides, nature walks, mountain hikes or walks by the sea. In total there are 350km of walking routes, over 1700 points of interest described in wonderful detail and 1100 original and inspiring photos. In the Algarve, Walkbox offers 9 walking tours in the regions of Sagres, Lagos, Lagoa and Faro. Tavira will be added soon and more outdoor walks will be released during this year. "We built this solution with Portuguese technology and content and hundreds of kilometers walked on streets, mountains and valleys by a specialized team focused on the user experience and passionate about the culture and the nature in our country. The idea is to share the knowledge and show our passion while inspiring people to walk more in cities, rediscovering what is often at their doorstep and enjoying contact with nature," concluded Bernardo Henriques.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Business Directory Business





Air Conditioning & Heating



Air conditioning, underfloor heating and heating specialists across the Algarve. Now offering great deals on pool heating. Premium solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.net


Corte Real


Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and 912 737 762 handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world.


Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages to suit you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of all onboard equipment engines, a/c, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, and polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com

289 369 241 / 912 324 600

Boat Maintenance

PowerCool Marine

Butchers, bakers, grocers etc

The Natural Meat Co.


Supplies 100% grass-fed natural beef sourced from their very own farms in Uruguay. Innovative selection of fine cuts, marinated 289 391 939 meats, homemade sausages, burgers, weekly specials. Mon-Weds 9am-6pm. Thurs/Fri 9am-7pm. Sat 10am-4pm.

Car repair



General vehicle maintenance and repair. Fast and friendly service. English and Portuguese spoken.

+351 965 130 295

Chimney Sweep

Limpeza Chamines


Professional chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the rotary power sweeping system. Very efficient. No mess. We work with clients all over Portugal. E: geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com

967 191 278

Cleaning & Laundry

Deep Cleaning Solutions


A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and mattresses, hard floor stripping and treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels and agency discounts available.

927 726 282

Cleaning & Laundry

Zacarias & Zunido


Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a broad and varied range of services we can cover all your cleaning requirements. We specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble treatments, woods and traditional "calcada".

289 395 911 / 917 812 896




Data Protection Specialists providing custom, bespoke data and cybersecurity solutions for your business.

910 302 039 910 302 039


All Star Building


Machine Hire, Digger, Dumper, Roller, Power Barrow, Groundworks, Dry Lining, All purpose building, Painting & Decorating, Insulating, General House and Garden Maintenance.

927 439 263




We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished

913 056 131


Paulo Gomes


Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? We do too! Our first priority is to meet your personal requirements for renovations, pools, bathrooms, shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com

965 576 251


Modernbuild / E2 DeckingDave

Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes.



TJ Projects


Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com

918 348 898

Drain Cleaning

Logan Services


Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections. Maintenance plans. 24 hour service. Buried boxes location.

927 452 982


Simon Brown -

Electrician. Rewiring of electrical circuits. Replace faulty equipment. Renew fuse boards. Fit extra lights and power points. Fault finding. 969 731 918 Serving the Central Algarve region. mrbrownelectrician@gmail.com


Alan Carter

Alan Carter. English electrician. Working in the Algarve since 2003. 24hr call-out, fault finding and problem solving. E: aceletrical2000@gmail.com




Family Golf Park Villas & Vacations


C e n t r a l Agent A l g a r v e . I s s u e 8 2 , S p r i n g 2 0 2 C3 2 Estate

917 866 373

16/03/2022, 21:47

934 646 270 Page 1 of 9

A super mini-golf course consisting of two separate 18-hole courses designed especially with families in mind: 10,000m2 of gardens and over 200 species of plants and bushes. Kids club, games room and restaurant. info@familygolfpark.pt

+351 289 300 800

Property Sales Property Rental Property Management All your property needs. sales@villasvacations.com

289 390 500


aceletrical2000@gmail.com Entertainment Business Estate Agent Air Conditioning & Heating

Family Golf Park Name

A super mini-golf course consisting of two separate 18-hole coursesBusiness designed especially with families in mind: 10,000m2 of Directory gardens and over 200 species of plants and bushes. Kids club, info@familygolfpark.pt Map games room and restaurant.Description

Villas & Vacations Eurocooling

C3 -

Finance & Air Conditioning & Investment Heating

Private Fund Penguin Air D3 Management E2 Conditioning

Furniture Art

Alquatro Corte Real

E2 -

Furniture Boat Maintenance

Curiosa PowerCool Marine

Garden / Outdoor Furniture Butchers, bakers, grocers etc

Grasshopper Greens The Natural E8 Meat Co.

Garden / Outdoor Furniture Car repair

BBQ's Algarve CarFix

Chimney Sweep Garden Centre

Limpeza Viplant Chamines


Cleaning & Laundry Golf

Deep Cleaning Golfers Solutions Paradise


Cleaning & Golf Laundry

Zacarias & Florida Zunido Golf

F3 D5

Computers Golf

Golf & DataWarrior Leisure Store All Star Building Universal Beauty Spa Algarvtennis

Construction Hair & Beauty Construction

E5 -

C2 B1

E2 E3 -

Hair & Beauty Construction

Ultimate Paulo Look Gomes

Horseriding Construction

Pinetrees Modernbuild Riding C3 / E2 Centre DeckingDave

E6 -

Real Hotels / Guest Construction Quinta Houses / Rooms to Construct Jacintina Rent

E3 B3



TJ Projects

Jim Player Logan

Property Sales Property Rental Property Management All your Air conditioning, underfloor heating and heating specialists across property needs. the Algarve. Nowsales@villasvacations.com offering great deals on pool heating. Premium solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.net Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, planning, financial structures bespoke PENGUIN inheritance are experts tax in air conditioning, solar heating, &pool investment portfolio management. Independent unbiased heating, under floor heating, and renewable energy. Openadvice, 9.30am regulated in Portugal and UK. 6pm Monday to Friday. E: the info@penguinalgarve.com

+351 289 300 800 Tel 289 390 369 500 241 / 912 324 600 289 392 092 484 595 or 910 700777

Alquatro is more than Design store, it ismix a reference of good Corte-Real Gallery; thea most fascinating of international art and 289 912 395 737 732 762 taste. handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world. Dutch price-busting specialist offers marine large stock of wholesale Professional, cost-effective, reliable engineering expertise. interior/exterior furnishings and accessories. Curtains, sofas to and Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages suit beds for immediate delivery. Turnkey design projects in you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of all onboard equipment contemporary and traditional styles. gel www.curiosaportugal.com engines, a/c, generators, electrics& repairs, painting, and polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com Specialists in the design and construction of superior quality synthetic puttinggrass-fed greens, lawns, and leisure We strive Supplies 100% naturalsports beef sourced fromareas. their very own for perfection and only deliverselection the best.of fine cuts, marinated farms in Uruguay. Innovative www.grassshoppergreens.com meats, homemade sausages, burgers, weekly specials. Mon-Weds 9am-6pm. Thurs/Fri 9am-7pm. Sat 10am-4pm. We make buying BBQs easy. Discover our expertly chosen range of gas and charcoal barbecuesand from trusted brands, built-inservice. or General vehicle maintenance repair. Fast and friendly mobile. English and Portuguese spoken. The Garden Centre where youWe getclean your your plantschimney from professionals, Professional chimney sweep. using the who advise and help you. Open 10 years, offering rotarycan power sweeping system. Very over efficient. No mess. We quality work plants, pots all and decor. Open E: Monday to Saturday from 9am till with clients over Portugal. geral@limpezachamines.com 6pm. Email: algarvegarden@viplant.pt. See Vilamoura map on www.limpezachamines.com inside back cover. A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, At Golfers Paradise you willfloor receive top service and a big beds and mattresses, hard stripping and treating. All selection Algarve of quality Hotels brandsand andagency products. Clubs, shoes, apparel, bags, covered. discounts available. trolleys, accessories - everything you need for your game. Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a The largest suppliers of of golf equipment andcover clothing in Iberia. broad and varied range services we can all your cleaning Leading brands. service backed up by professional requirements. WePersonal specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble knowledge. www.floridagolf.pt Facebook.com/floridagolfshops treatments, woods and traditional "calcada". Visit telephone us for great discounts on all bespoke Algarve green fees, Dataor Protection Specialists providing custom, data and hire of clubs, electric/pull PGA golf tuition, Aquashow cybersecurity solutions fortrolleys, your business. tickets, boat trips and more... E: info@golfleisurestore.com Machine Hire, Digger, Dumper, Roller, Power Barrow, www.golfleisurestore.com Groundworks, Dry Lining, All purpose building, Painting & Facial treatments, crystal microdermo individual eyelash Decorating, Insulating, General Housepeel, and Garden Maintenance. extensions, manicures, pedicures, gel nails Bio Sculpture, waxing, We are established court contractors with 15 years of laser permanent hairtennis removal. experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished Experience the art of hair design! Multi-lingual Alice and Donald Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish andthey Portuguese? specialise in trendy colours and haircuts. Together have We do too! Our first priority is to meet your personal created a unique atmosphere. Enjoy the experience requirements from Mon-Sat for appointment. renovations, pools, bathrooms, shops, electrical works, ceilings, by www.ultimatelook-almancil.com painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com Qualified English instructors, equipment supplied, other languages Modernbuild offersapproved. 20 years' Pop experience in Bev general spoken. A.B.R.S. in and let andbuilding her team& see renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight how they can help you achieve your goals. E: steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes. pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com Renovations and maintenance undertaken by with reputable We offer an exquisite blend of five-star luxury home company. from home Bricklaying, carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor a comfort. The perfect venue for a private retreat, a golfing holiday, repairs, gardens, pools Nothing is impossible! weekend break, or a special occasion.

289 391 373 917 866 373

289 093 387 / 910 365 071 289 391 939 289 +351356233 965 130 295 967 191 278 289300220

927 726 282 289 393 006 289 395 911 / 289 917 399522 812 896 910 302 039 289 358 491 / 915 322 655 927 439 263 289 355 766 / 914 616 143 913 056 131 289 395413 / 914 965 132 576 339 251

289 394 369 910771000

917 316 552 289 350090

www.facebook.com/quintajacintinahotel E: info@algarvehotel.co.uk Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 918 348 898 Almancil's longest established Insurance Agency. All staff speak 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com English. We provide a full range of insurance services to individuals Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections.


Page 2 of 9


Page 1 of 10


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

by appointment. www.ultimatelook-almancil.com Horseriding Business

Pinetrees Riding Centre Name

Qualified English instructors, equipment supplied, other languages spoken. A.B.R.S. approved. Pop in and let Bev and her team see C3 Business how they can help youDirectory achieve your goals. E: pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com Map Description

Weconditioning, offer an exquisite blend heating of five-star with home from home Air underfloor andluxury heating specialists across Hotels / Guest & Air Conditioning Quinta comfort. The perfect venue for a private retreat, a golfing holiday, a Houses / Rooms to Eurocooling -B3 the Algarve. Now offering great deals on pool heating. Premium Heating Jacintina weekend break, or a special occasion. solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.net Rent www.facebook.com/quintajacintinahotel E: info@algarvehotel.co.uk PENGUIN are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool Air Conditioning & Penguin Air Almancil's longest Insurance Agency. AllOpen staff speak E2 heating, under floorestablished heating, and renewable energy. 9.30am Heating Conditioning Jim Player English. We provide a full of insurance services to individuals 6pm Monday to Friday. E: range info@penguinalgarve.com Insurance Insurance E2 and companies.Protecting people from the risks of everyday life! Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and www.JimPlayer.pt Art Corte Real https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world. Our showroom has one of the largestmarine selections of fabrics in the Professional, cost-effective, reliable engineering expertise. Algarve, with a wide maintenance range of curtain, blind, outdoor and upholstery Bespoke motorboat & management packages to suit fabrics. Also available, complementary rugs. E: you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of allcarpets onboard& equipment thecurtaincentre@gmail.com www.curtaincentrealgarve.com engines, a/c, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, and polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com A stunning showroom displaying elegant and contemporary furniture and soft furnishings in beautifully presented roomvery settings. Supplies 100% grass-fed natural beef sourced from their own We have the largest soft furnishings fabric collection and a makingfarms in Uruguay. Innovative selection of fine cuts, marinated up service of the highest quality. www.equilibriointeriors.com meats, homemade sausages, burgers, weekly specials. Mon-Weds 9am-6pm. Thurs/Fri 9am-7pm. Sat 10am-4pm. Large studio & showroom (600m2). Inspirations and ideas for homes and hotels. The easiestand way to a complete General vehicle maintenance repair. Fast and interior. friendly Bespoke service. headboards, cushions, tables, curtains, blinds, sofas, chairs, and English and Portuguese spoken. much more. studioshop@quintastyle.com www.quintastyle.com Professional chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the Well established, qualitysystem. upholsterer curtain rotary power sweeping Very and efficient. Nomaker. mess. Complete We work interior design service. Located Almancil next to Restaurant A with clients all over Portugal. E: in geral@limpezachamines.com Quinta in Vale Formoso. www.limpezachamines.com

289 394 369 Tel 289 369 241 / 289 324 350090 912 600 16/03/2022, 289 092 59521:47 or 910 700777

289 395662 912 737Page 7622 of 9

Interior Decorating Boat Maintenance

The Curtain PowerCool Centre Marine

D2 -

Interior Decorating Butchers, bakers, grocers etc

Equilibrio The Natural Meat Co.

D2 E8

Interior Decorating Car repair

Quinta Style CarFix

E2 B1

Chimney Sweep Interior Decorating

Limpeza Luis Pires Chamines Decor


Cleaning & Karting Laundry

Deep Almancil Cleaning Karting Solutions


LLB Zacarias & Advogados Zunido Lawyers

F3 -

Lawyers Computers

Dra Elia DataWarrior Apolo


Data Protection Specialists providing custom, bespoke data and Dra Elia Apolo (Lawyer) cybersecurity solutions for your business.

289 302 395 039 570 910

Lawyers Construction

Vences, All Star Ryan & Building Associados


Machine Hire, Digger, Dumper, Roller, Power Barrow, Irish and English solicitors and Portuguese lawyers (Justin Ryan, Groundworks, Dry Lining, All purpose building, Painting & Dora Moleiro) Decorating, Insulating, General House and Garden Maintenance.

289 439 390 263 080 927

Cleaning & Lawyers Laundry

Painting & Decorating

Algarvtennis Massage-me -

Propaint Lda D2

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

289 397 059 289 391 939 289 358 +351 965007 130/ 912 571 912 295 967 191 278 919 328 203

The Algarve's only circuit. Karts rent individually or in A professional deepkarting cleaning service forfor carpets/rugs, upholstery, groups. total leisure hard and competition complex available all beds andA mattresses, floor stripping and treating. All to Algarve 927 726 282 289 399899 lovers of the racing E: discounts info@kartingalgarve.com covered. Hotels andsport. agency available. www.kartingalgarve.com Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a Real Estate Legalrange Matters. Luis Lapa Borges. broad and varied of services weecan coverluis.borges@llb.pt all your cleaning 289 395 911 / Urbanizacao Miraserra, Marroquia, Centro Commercial Africa, Loja 917 289 812 401 896 090 requirements. We specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble 32 - R/C 8100-684 Loule. treatments, woods and traditional "calcada".

Massage-me: Enjoytennis the benefits of a professional We are established court contractors with 15massage years of therapy service in thewith comfort and courts privacybuilt of your own home. All year experience, over 200 or refurbished round. Group discounts available. Qualified professional therapists. Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? Enquire Now! www.massage-me.eu Paulo We do too! Our first priority is to meet your personal requirements Construction Traditional Thai Massage is the ancient artelectrical for well being Gomes for renovations, pools, bathrooms, shops, works,and ceilings, Royal Thai Massage D3 painting, relaxation. Now also in E:polgome@gmail.com Almancil - Feel The Real Royal Thai plumbing etc. Massage Massage Modernbuild Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & Construction /FMC:Family E2 renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight Medical: Doctors, Family Medical Centres, Quinta do Lago and Vale do Lobo. 24-hour Medical L8 DeckingDave steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes. Dentists, Opticians service (out of hours Tlm: 91 721 4326) Centre Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Real Optometry iscarpentry, a science,exotic but prescribing or adjusting glasses is an Construction E3 Bricklaying, roofing, painting, stonework, minor Construct Optician Visao Plus art. Easygardens, parking.pools We have free, express and VIP services repairs, - Nothing is impossible! available. Booking by appointment. Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and Optica Joia If you want good vision, visit Optica Joia a friendly, efficient Construction TJ Projects F3 modernising the Algarve's properties. CallforTim Parker +351 918and Optician Unipessoal E2 348 professional service. Glasses, contact lenses and eye 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com Lda examinations. Also a shop in Montenegro. geral@opticajoia.pt Logan Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections. For professional painting & decorating, waterproofing of terraces & Algarve Painting & roofs and many other works. We have the best correlation between https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Quality Decorating price, quality materials and quality work - all for the satisfaction of Painters our clients. E: nick@nickcucalan.com www.nickcucalan.com Construction Massage

289 355 442 917 866 373

Professional painting and decorating, wallpapering and special paint effects. We also treat metalwork and woodwork and re-spray kitchen units. All work guaranteed. We have at your disposal all the necessary equipment for the

913 056 131 961 297 167 965 576 251 927 653 571 910771000 289 398411 or 289 398009 917 316 552 289301786 / 917822568 918 348 898 289 399 104

Page 916 962 7771 of 10

918 885 395 31


Quality Painters


Painting & Decorating Business

Professional painting and decorating, wallpapering and special Business Directory Propaint Lda D2 paint effects. We also treat metalwork and woodwork and re-spray Name Map kitchen units. All work guaranteed. Description

price, quality materials and quality work - all for the satisfaction of our clients. E: nick@nickcucalan.com www.nickcucalan.com

Weconditioning, have at your underfloor disposal allheating the necessary equipment for the Air and heating specialists across treatment and well-being yourdeals pet. We are quite advanced in the Algarve. Now offering of great on pool heating. Premium technology, and training. Veterinary Emergency Service 365 solar panels.space www.eurocoolingalgarve.net days a year. info@clinicaveterinaria.pt PENGUIN are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool Air Conditioning & Penguin Air E2 heating, under floor heating, Openand 9.30am Merrylegs is a family-run pet and hotelrenewable welcomingenergy. dogs, cats small https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Heating Conditioning Pet Hotel Monday E: info@penguinalgarve.com Pets E1 6pm animals. ShorttoorFriday. long stay. Daycare: rather than home alone, leave Merrylegs your pet with us! Come and visit our facilities. Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and Art Corte Real handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world. Aqualux offers professional pool construction, maintenance, Pools Aqualux technical assistance and commercial equipment for swimming Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. pools, gardens and spas. www.aqualux.com.pt Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages to suit PowerCool Boat Maintenance you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of all A onboard equipment ProQuinta - Algarve Property Services. personal and professional Marine Property engines, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, Proquinta service toa/c, property owners. We provide a bilingual serviceand for any Management polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com maintenance, management or admin requirements Air Conditioning & Heating Pets

Eurocooling Clinica Veterinaria


Property bakers, Butchers, Management grocers etc

VillasNatural & The Vacations Meat Co.

C3 E8

Car repairRentals Property

Four CarFix Seasons Fairways

B1 B5

Chimney Sweep Property Rentals

Limpeza Four Chamines Seasons B5 Country Club

Cleaning Removals&& Laundry Transport

Deep Algarve Cleaning Removals Solutions


Removals&& Cleaning Transport Laundry

DLS Zacarias Removals&& Zunido Storage

E5 F3

Resorts & Developments Computers

Valverde DataWarrior

I8 -

Construction Schools

TheStar Algarve All International Building School






IBC Security Paulo Gomes


Construction Sport Activities Construction Supermarkets Construction

Golf & Modernbuild Leisure /Store DeckingDave The Food Real Co. (Tesco) Construct

E2 E2 E3 E3

Swimming pools Construction

Good Life TJ Projects Spas

E6 F3


Logan Algar Taxis


Supplies 100% grass-fed beef sourced own Property management andnatural rentals. Holiday andfrom longtheir termvery rentals. farms in Uruguay. Innovative selection of fine cuts, marinated www.villas-vacations.com. sales@villasvacations.com. meats, homemade sausages,289 burgers, weekly specials. Mon-Weds rentals@villasvacations.com 390500 9am-6pm. Thurs/Fri 9am-7pm. Sat 10am-4pm. Luxury two and three bedroom villas in a secluded resort in Quinta General maintenance and repair. and friendly service. do Lago,vehicle enjoying golf, pool, gym, beautyFast salon, restaurant & bar English Portuguese and 24hand reception desk. spoken. Come for holidays and lifetime memberships.chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the Professional



Algarve Tennis & Fitness Club


918 885 395 Tel 289 369 24121:47 / 16/03/2022, 912 324 600 289 312 709 289 092 595 or Page 3 of 9 910 700777 927 296 332 912 737 762 289 422 336 / 965 741 484 917 866 373 916 287 054

289 391 390 939 500 289 +351 965 130 289 357 667 295

rotary sweeping system. Very efficient. No mess. Weon work Luxurypower accommodation set in mature, landscaped gardens the with clients all over Portugal. geral@limpezachamines.com Quinta do Lago estate. Wide E: range of sports and leisure activities. www.limpezachamines.com Rentals and club membership available

967 191 278 289 357 158

A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, Algarveremovals.com have weekly departures to and from the UK beds andAlgarve mattresses, hard strippingservice and treating. Allpart Algarve and the offering youfloor a personal for full or load covered. agency discounts removals.Hotels UK tel:and / 0044 1245 468888 available.

927 289 726 513 282 851

Floor treatments. Webased provide an expert cleaning service and with a DLS are an Algarve removal company, specialised in doorbroad varied including range of services weservice. can cover yourinsured cleaning to-doorand removals a packing Safealland requirements. WeNeed specialise in embellishments, storage facilities. moving? Give us a call! polishes, marble treatments, woods and traditional "calcada". Peaceful holiday resort with villas and apartments set amongst pine Data Specialists providing custom, bespoke data and trees.Protection reservas@vilaverde.com cybersecurity solutions for your business. International school offering the UK curriculum, high teaching Machine Dumper, PowertoBarrow, standardsHire, and Digger, small class sizes.Roller, Accredited offer GCSE and A Groundworks, Dry Lining, All Portuguese/ purpose building, Painting & level qualifications. Bilingual English primary. Decorating, Insulating, General House and Garden Maintenance. www.algarveinternationalschool.com admin@algarveinternationalschool.com We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, over 200 courts built or refurbished Fast Physicalwith Security Response to alarm/CCTV activations and personal emergency calls. When you are ready to your Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish andtake Portuguese? security as seriously as we do IBCpersonal Security.requirements We do too! Our first priority is to- contact meet your www.ibcsecurity.com for renovations, pools, bathrooms, shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbingus etc. Visit or telephone forE:polgome@gmail.com great discounts on all Algarve green fees, hire of clubs, electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, Aquashow Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & tickets, boat trips and more... E: info@golfleisurestore.com renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight www.golfleisurestore.com steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes.

Exclusive stockists of Tesco, ranging products both Tesco branded Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. and household favourites from the UK. Bricklaying, carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor repairs, gardens, -pools - Nothing impossible! Sales - servicing spares - for all is makes of jacuzzi hot tubs. New hot tub rental service available up and running in just and 12 hours. Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments When it's too cool for the pool, take a dip in your very own tub modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351hot 918 heaven! Now featuring i-touch control App and pulsating wave 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com motion. Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections. Luxury and normal taxi service. Estate and eight-seater cars available too.



916 962 777

289 395 399 911 946 // 289 919 812 873 896 075 917 289 359 350 910 302 039 927 912 439 005 263 003 913 056 131 289 093 344 965 576 251 289 358 491 / 915 322 655 910771000 289 013 523 917 316 552 289 358 415 or 918 348 898 912356287 289 399 000 / 289 394 238

Page 1 of 10


We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished


ATF offers expert coaching for all levels and ages, weekly tennis and fitness programmes and game arranging tailored to you. We 289 385 028 have Yoga, Spinning, Pilates, Boot Camp and plenty C e n t more r a l A l gfor a r vyou e. Issue 82, Spring 2022 to enjoy.

913 056 131

Luxury and normal taxi service. Estate and eight-seater cars available too.


Algar Taxis


Tennis Business

Algarvtennis Name

We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of built or refurbished Map experience, with over 200 courts Description

Business Directory

ATF offers expertunderfloor coaching heating for all levels and ages, weekly tennis Air conditioning, and heating specialists across and fitness programmes game arranging you. We the Algarve. Now offeringand great deals on pool tailored heating.to Premium have Pilates, Boot Camp and plenty more for you solar Yoga, panels.Spinning, www.eurocoolingalgarve.net to enjoy. PENGUIN are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool Air Conditioning & Pleasant Penguin Air E2 Luxury heating,transfers under floor heating, and at renewable 9.30am company locals Almancil.energy. Airport Open transfers, Heating Conditioning https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Tours 6pm Monday to Friday. E: & info@penguinalgarve.com Tours & Transfers C2 Private chauffers for tours events. Transfer for golf, shops & Unipessoal restaurants. Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and lda Art Corte Real handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world. Established 1984. All flights - short/long haul; Professional, cost-effective, marine engineering Solseta economy/business/first class,reliable car hire, hotels, packages,expertise. Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages to new suit Travel Travel C4 excursions, cruises. Check for latest offers/discounts. Visit our PowerCool Boat Maintenance Agency you. Pluswww.solseta.com sales, servicing &Seabourn repair of all equipment website: andonboard Silversea Cruises Main Marine engines, a/c, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, and Agent. polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com Event planners with expert knowledge of venues and services Supplies in 100% grass-fedThe natural beef sourced from their very own& Quinta available the Algarve. specialist one-stop-shop for Cocktail Weddings Butchers, bakers, Occasions The Natural farms inparties, Uruguay. Innovative selection fine cuts, marinated Dinner anniversaries, corporateofevents, weddings and E8 grocers etc Meat Co. meats, info@algarvehotel.co.uk homemade sausages, burgers, weekly specials. Mon-Weds BBQs. 9am-6pm. Thurs/Fri 9am-7pm. Sat 10am-4pm. Air Conditioning & Tennis Heating

Algarve Eurocooling Tennis & Fitness Club

Car repair


Chimney Sweep Restaurant

Limpeza Map Chamines

Gusto by Heinz Beck Cleaning & Laundry Willie's Restaurante Cleaning & Laundry



General vehicle maintenance and repair. Fast and friendly service. Restaurant English and PortugueseDirectory spoken.

ProfessionalMichelin chimney sweep. StarWe clean your chimney using the rotary power sweeping system. Very efficient. No mess. We work Description by restaurant owners) Closed with clients(provided all over Portugal. E: geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com Heinz Beck presents an innovative menu of classic Mediterranean Mon & C4 flair. Livelydeep opencleaning kitchen,service a Cuban menu andupholstery, Deep cuisine with modern A professional forcigar carpets/rugs, Tues an alfresco of the Infinity pool.stripping Inside Conrad Hotel. All Algarve Cleaning - terrace bedswith andviews mattresses, hard floor and treating. Solutions covered. Hotels and agency discounts available. Excellent international-influenced gourmet cuisine from Willie, recognised as one of the Algarve's top chefs.We Relaxed, atmosphere. One Floor treatments. providecosy an expert cleaning service andWed with a Michelin star. . www.willies-restaurante.com Zacarias & broad and varied range of services we can cover all your cleaning F3 Zunido requirements. We specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble Fineand Dining treatments, woods traditional "calcada".

Construction A Quinta

Hire, Digger, Dumper, Roller, Power Barrow, RESTAURANT Machine THE FIFTH Street Vale Formoso Almancil. Everything All Star - Monkfish Groundworks, DryLiver Lining, AllLamb purpose building,We Painting F3 from Fresh Loin to Calf and Wellington. are & Building ready to delight.Decorating, Insulating, General House and Garden Maintenance.

Amara Construction Amore Construction Aquarelle Construction As Velas


We are established court with 15 years of Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining tennis inside or outcontractors on the terrace. Algarvtennis experience,cuisine. with over 200 courts builtAir or conditioned. refurbished Portuguese / International Fish specialities. C3 Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? www.restaurantalambique.com Paulo We do too! Our first priority is to meet your personal requirements Gomes pools, bathrooms, shops,Fairways electricalserves works, ceilings, The new smart for andrenovations, elegant restaurant at Four Seasons painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com contemporary cuisine with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and inSun B5 house sommelier. Open for dinner only Tuesday to Saturday. Mon Modernbuild Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & www.amararestaurant.pt E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com / E2 renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight DeckingDave steel dishes frame (LSF) and quality homes. Enjoy pizza & pasta on a large outsidetimber terrace. Perfectly for A2 families to watch the nightly entertainment in the Praca, Vale do Lobo. Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Real www.amore-algarve.com E3 Bricklaying, carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor Construct gardens, pools -made Nothing is impossible! This quaint andrepairs, emblematic restaurant its mark almost 30 years E2 ago. We welcome you to experience a delightful authentic Mediterranean Sunday Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and meal in an exquisite and romantic environment. TJ Projects F3 modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898Four or Email: tim@tj-projects.com Though the renowned Seasons Country Club is membership-only, the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. B5 Logan Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections. There's an extensive choice of international cuisines; for menu see www.asvelas.com


Casa Pituxa


Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and international dishes. Al fresco dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian options and kids menu. Top 5 on Trip Advisor. Great value. Perfect for groups and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo.

C e n t r a l A l g a r v e . I s s u e 8 2 , S pAr ifamily-run ng 2022

Casa da Quinta

289 369 241 / 289 385 16/03/2022, 912 324 028 60021:47 289 092 595 or 910 700777 Page 4 of 9 965 579 991 912 737 762 289 396 677 917 866 373

289 350 090 289 391 939 +351 965 130 295 967 191 278 Tel 289 350 700 927 726 282 289 380849 289 395 911 / 917 812 896

Data Protection Specialists providing custom, bespoke data and 910 302 039 cybersecurity solutions your business. Description (provided byfor restaurant owners) Closed Tel

DataWarrior Map


913 056 131 Tel

Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience.

Computers Restaurant

Construction Alambique

289 399 000 / 289 394 238


restaurant offering excellent Portuguese/ International cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Cosy fireplace. Fabulous, newly

+351 925263 223 927 439 838 913 056 131 289 394 579 / 911 098 971 965 576 251 289 357 579 910771000 289 396 035 917 316 552 289 397 973 918 348 898 289 357 000 Page 1 of 10


289 396 238


289 394 097



lw Rai

EN 1

A Quinta




s pas

Almancil Station Malveiro




Loulé S


Natural Meat Co

Penguin/Modernbuild Golf Leisure Quinta Style

Tesco Vences, Ryan & Assoc Thai Massage Private Fund




Brasa Frango Golfers Paradise



Tapas e Vinho


Conrad Gusto

Parilla Natural

Melting Pot Cheeky Pup Tony’s Pizza CasaVerde

Café AIS School

Market (Wednesdays) Bamboo


Fonte Santa


Zen Sup

Bj’s Oceanside

A Bold Octopus






S Removals

Algarve Stadium




Railw ay Narrow Bridge

Laranjal Golf

Il Vero

NOA Café






Restaurant Directory Michelin Star Restaurant


Description (provided by restaurant owners)


Gusto by Heinz Beck


Heinz Beck presents an innovative menu of classic Mediterranean cuisine with modern flair. Lively open kitchen, a Cuban cigar menu and an alfresco terrace with views of the Infinity pool. Inside Conrad Hotel.

Willie's Restaurante


Excellent international-influenced gourmet cuisine from Willie, recognised as one of the Algarve's top chefs. Relaxed, cosy atmosphere. One Wed Michelin star. . www.willies-restaurante.com

Mon & Tues

Tel 289 350 700

289 380849

Fine Dining

Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience. Restaurant


Description (provided by restaurant owners)




RESTAURANT THE FIFTH Street Vale Formoso Almancil. Everything from Fresh Monkfish Loin to Calf Liver and Lamb Wellington. We are ready to delight.


+351 925 223 838


Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International cuisine. Fish specialities. Air conditioned. Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt www.restaurantalambique.com


289 394 579 / 911 098 971



The new smart and elegant restaurant at Four Seasons Fairways serves contemporary cuisine with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and inhouse sommelier. Open for dinner only Tuesday to Saturday. www.amararestaurant.pt E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com

Sun Mon

289 357 579



Enjoy pizza & pasta dishes on a large outside terrace. Perfectly for families to watch the nightly entertainment in the Praca, Vale do Lobo. www.amore-algarve.com


289 396 035



This quaint and emblematic restaurant made its mark almost 30 years ago. We welcome you to experience a delightful authentic Mediterranean Sunday 289 397 973 meal in an exquisite and romantic environment.


Though the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membership-only, the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. There's an extensive choice of international cuisines; for menu see www.asvelas.com


289 357 000


Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and international dishes. Al fresco dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian options and kids menu. Top 5 on Trip Advisor. Great value. Perfect for groups and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo.


289 396 238


A family-run restaurant offering excellent Portuguese/ International cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Cosy fireplace. Fabulous, newly renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: info@casadaquinta.net www.casadaquinta.net



Superb farmhouse restaurant serving excellent fresh fish, giant tiger prawns, oysters, steaks, all with homegrown veg from our own farm. Seasonal menus and many vegetarian and gluten-free options. Beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner only.


289 399 109 / 919 858 118



A family restaurant for over 30 years, renowned for the excellence of meat and fresh fish. Enjoy pre-dinner drinks in our friendly bar. Dinner only. Reservations recommended. www.facebook.com/RestauranteFigueiral


289 395 558 / 919 291 733



Probably one of the nicest culinary discoveries in the Algarve. International kitchen based on French cuisine. Hosted by Karin & chef Pieter from Holland. Large terrace. www.florianrestaurant.com


289 396674 or 96 182 8630

Green Valley Restaurant


Fine quality Portuguese cuisine with an International twist. Comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Enjoy and explore texture, colour and tastes with a selective menu at a reasonable price. Fish & meat specialities, Chef's suggestions and homemade desserts.


289 396638

Henrique Leis


French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the region. High standards in a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with ocean view.


289 393 438 / 913 254 322

A Quinta


As Velas

Casa Pituxa

Casa da Quinta

16/03/2022, 21:47


Casa do Campo

Enjoy a new concept with Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with

289 394 097 Page 5 of 9


Green Valley Restaurante Restaurant

as one of theatmosphere. Algarve's top chefs. Relaxed, atmosphere. and friendly Enjoy and explorecosy texture, colour andOne tastes Michelin star. . www.willies-restaurante.com with a selective menu at a reasonable price. Fish & meat specialities, Chef's suggestions and homemade desserts.

Fine Dining

French/International cuisine from onecuisine of most talented chefs in the Restaurants provide excellent in a special ambience.

Henrique Leis Restaurant

F3 region. High standards in a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with Map ocean view. Description (provided by restaurant owners)

A Quinta Mr Freddies

F3 D2

Alambique Paixa

C3 J2

Amara Natural Parrilla

B5 C3

Amore Mundo Pequeno Restaurant

A2 D2



Ristorante grissino


As Velas Sushi Yama

B5 -

RESTAURANT THE FIFTH Vale "Flambeau Formoso Almancil. Enjoy a new concept with MrStreet Freddie's cooking"Everything with from Freshfilet Monkfish Loin to Calf and welcome. Lamb Wellington. We are wonderful steak or fresh fish. Liver Children Opens 7pm. ready to delight. Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt or facebook.com/mrfreddies Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International cuisine. Fishlunches specialities. Air conditioned. A new concept of dining; enjoy simple at reasonable prices or Ample parking. WiFi.Choice E: paulodagua@sapo.pt tapas-style dinners. of 40 dishes & 200 mix 'n' match wines. www.restaurantalambique.com Open 11am-11pm. www.paixarestaurante.com

Wed Sun

289 393 438 / Sun Closed 913 254 Tel322 Sun Sun lunch

The new smart and elegant restaurant at Four Seasons Fairways serves STEAKHOUSE & GRILL FROM URUGUAY. Our Uruguayan inspired contemporary with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and restaurant hascuisine an abundance of personality. We pride ourselves on inusing Sun house Open for dinner onlyWe Tuesday to our Saturday. only thesommelier. very best natural ingredients. cook on authentic Parrilla, Mon www.amararestaurant.pt the traditional UruguayanE:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com way, which naturally intensifies flavour. Enjoyofpizza & pasta dishes on a large outside One the Algarve's finest restaurants offeringterrace. French Perfectly Cuisine infor a families setting. to watchDine the nightly entertainment in the Praca, ValeordoalLobo. tranquil in a wonderfully romantic environment fresco www.amore-algarve.com in our beautiful courtyard. Private parking. www.restaurantepequenomundo.com This quaint and emblematic restaurant made its mark almost 30 years ago. We is welcome you to of experience a delightful authentic Mediterranean Grissino awarded one the best Italian Restaurant in Portugal by the meal inAmbassed an exquisite and romantic environment. Italian in Lisbon. "Welcome to Italy"main objective of chef Andrea is traditional and evolution feel it for happy moments with family Though the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membership-only, and friends. Open only for Dinner 7 pm the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. There's an extensive choice international cuisines; for menuLunch see & Offering a great variety of theofmost popular Japanese dishes. www.asvelas.com dinner Mon-Fri, dinner only on Saturday. Take-away available.

CasaBistro Pituxa Thai

C3 C4

Family restaurant with cuisine superb in traditional Portuguese food and Thai & mediterranean a peaceful setting. Lunch served Moninternational dishes. Al fresco Extensive menu vegetarian Fri (2-courses: 12 euros), opendining. for Dinner 7 nights per with week. Takeaway options and kids menu. Kids Top 5menu. on Trip Advisor. The Great value. Perfect for & vegetarian available. Cocktails. tastes and flavours groups anddish birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo. from each will leave you wanting more!

Tucano's Casa da Quinta

A5 C3

A family-run restaurant offering Portuguese/ International Excellent Mediterranean cuisineexcellent in a charming environment overlooking cuisine in an inviting Cosy Fabulous, newly the resort pool. Openatmosphere. every day July andfireplace. August. E: renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: info@casadaquinta.net tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com www.casadaquinta.net

289 380849 289 396638


+351 925 223 289 838 393 651 / 914 267 359 289 394 579 / 911 098 971 289 394699

357 040 579 289 350

289 396 035 289 399 866

Sunday 289 397 973 Sun

289 356 562


289 357 000 289 351517 / 914 169 542

Sat & 289 Sun 289 391 396 347 238 / 960 072 502 lunches Sun Sat

289 289 359 394 665 097

Smart Casual

Superb farmhouse restaurant serving excellent fresh fish, giant tiger

Restaurants have good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices. Restaurant Map Description (provided by restaurant owners) https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed BJ's Oceanside


Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. Friendly, lively atmosphere. Regular live music, gorgeous backdrop. Always a top time to be had. Fresh seafood & daily specials. Open lunch daily to 6pm. E:bookings@bjsoceanside.com

A new Asian Fusion Restaurant and Bar in the golden triangle by the Bamboo Alambique Family. Visit us for Food, Fun, Drinks and Music. Lunch and B3 https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Restaurante Dinner and small plates all year round. Indoor /Outdoor dining and bar area & BamBoo kids area www.bambooalgarve.com Tel 289 394 521 (open everyday) Beach Bar, Praca, Vale do Lobo



Churrasqueira de Almancil Eduardo's Paradise


Tel Page 6 of 10


910 698 479 16/03/2022, 21:47


289 394Page 5216 of 9


The original beach bar in Vale do Lobo, located right on the beach. The perfect place for a snack, light lunch and cocktails. www.thebeachbaralgarve.com


289 398 429


BellaRosa Pizzeria is located in a warm and elegant space. Our concept is traditional Italian Cuisine and pizzas cooked in our wood oven. We also have a takeaway and pizza delivery service. For menu see www.bellarosa.pt


289 356 372


Casavostra, with its unique contemporary design and stunning terrace continues to be the essential venue for dining & shopping. Serving elegant pastas, pizzas and Italian food from 12 noon until late. Open daily, reservations recommended, takeaway available. pizzeriacasavostra.com


289 397 565


Family-run restaurant. Fresh fish, grilled meats, special chicken piri-piri and Argentinian meats. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, prawns and clams. Open kitchen and grill. Takeaway service. Open for lunch and dinner.


289 393 324 / 917 812 460

Relaxed atmosphere with seaside view where you can enjoy a meal the best fish and local seafood. Enjoy our sunset parties with Matt Moore and friends.


289 355 508

C e n t r a l A l g a r v e . I s s u e A3 8 2 , S pmade r i n g 2 0with 22




Excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a charming environment overlooking daily, reservations recommended, takeaway available. the resort pool. Open every day July and August. E: pizzeriacasavostra.com tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com


289 359 665

Family-run restaurant. Fresh fish, grilled meats, special chicken piri-piri Smart Casual Churrasqueira de and Argentinian meats. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, 289 393 324 / Restaurants have good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices. E3 Mon Almancil prawns and clams. Open kitchen and grill. Takeaway service. Open for 917 812 460 Restaurant Map lunch and dinner. Description (provided by restaurant owners) Closed Tel Eduardo's Paradise

Relaxed atmosphere with seaside view where you can enjoy a meal parties with Matt Moore and friends.


Flor de Sal


Visit Pedro for a superb dining experience. Lunch & dinner. Fresh fish, seafood, superb fillet steak tournedo, delicious roast duck with orange sauce, rack of lamb, local specialities... Facebook: Flor de Sal Restaurante/Pedro Arranca

Sat lunch & 289 355182 Sun



Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine. Serving all types of grilled or steamed seafood/meat/chicken/duck. Multi-choice sushi or sushi & teppanyaki specials available at lunch and dinner. A take-away service is available.


289 391 918 / 967 782 815



Located on the popular Praia do Garrao beach. Open for lunches throughout the winter period or maybe just a drink in our lounge area. Live music every Sunday lunch.


289 396 984


The most famous beachside restaurant and beach bar in the Algarve. Sublime views and excellent cuisine to match. Live music every Sunday afternoon through the year plus Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the season. Bookings are a necessity during the season. www.juliasalgarve.com


289 396 512


Authentic Italian cuisine at the Praca Vale do Lobo. A wonderful family dining experience overlooking the central entertainment area. Open for dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazza-algarve.com Email: laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt


289 356 019 / 289 353 435


Very popular beach restaurant open daily from 12.30pm onwards (booking advised). Large roof bar & lounge serving bites (no booking). Spectacular sea & sunset views from both. Comfortable, modern sunbeds & beach-shack available in front of restaurant. www.mariasbeachalgarve.com


289 358 675

Monty's Bar


Drink, dine and dance, all in one place! Start with a delicious dinner from our international menu at 18:30, have a drink and listen to music entertainment from 22:30, with live bands and DJs. Bookings: montysrestaurantbar@mail.telepac.pt montys-algarve.com


289 356 079 / 289 353 436

NOA Cafe


We offer healthy and truly delicious dishes every day for those looking for a meal in a relaxed area and attentive service. We love breakfast food, so our brunch is available every day. Explore our delicious dishes.

https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed A3 made with the best fish and local seafood. Enjoy our sunset


La Terrazza


A family restaurant. Experience our fresh prawn or chicken curry, Mozambique grilled prawns fish moqueca or halibut gratin. Portuguese O Malveiro 9M debit cards are accepted. Take-away service. "Closed 24th December 1st February". https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed

Page 7 of 10 289 355 508

289 352 274 16/03/2022, 21:47


91 7824131


Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood daily. Various cataplanas. Black pork. Suckling Pig. Salads and a vegetarian menu. Lunchtime dish of the day. Selection of national wines. Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays.


289 398 291 / 913 520 879

Retiro dos Indios


Family-run Portuguese restaurant. Specialities include fish cataplana & large sole. Grilled fish and meat. Children's menu. Open every day for dinner. A pleasant welcome awaits you. Newly renovated restaurant/outdoor eating area. .


289 394 306



Open for breakfast (9h30 to 11h15) and lunch (12h00 to 16h00) with an amazing ocean view. Specialising in fish and seafood. Make your reservations. sandbanksrestaurant@mail.telepac.pt


289 398 429 / 289 353 424

Tapas e Vinho Restaurant


Open 12 noon till late. Curry Club Wed night. Yours to book: "The Chef's Table" in our Adega. Great packages for groups. Seasonal lunch menu deal: Cover + 3 tapas + dessert 12.95. Chill with a glass of wine and a few tapas on our sunny terrace.


289 391 145

The Cheeky pup


Friendly Irish gastro-pub with great decor, in Quinta Shopping. Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music.


289 358 205

O Tanque


The Roof, Praca,

Page 7 of 9

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

The perfect place to enjoy a long summer's day. Or watch the sunset while enjoying one of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve. Open


O Malveiro


Excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a charming environment overlooking the resort pool. Open every day July and August. E: tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com


289 359 665 16/03/2022, 21:47

Smart Casual

9M debit cards are accepted. service. "Closed 24th December Sun 91 7824131 Restaurants have good informalTake-away ambience and table service at moderate prices.



1st February". Description (provided by restaurant owners)




Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood daily. Various menu. Lunchtime dish of the day. Selection of national wines. Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays.


Page 7 of 289 398 291 / 10 913 520 879

Retiro dos Indios


Family-run Portuguese restaurant. Specialities include fish cataplana & large sole. Grilled fish and meat. Children's menu. Open every day for dinner. A pleasant welcome awaits you. Newly renovated restaurant/outdoor eating area. .


289 394 306



Open for breakfast (9h30 to 11h15) and lunch (12h00 to 16h00) with an amazing ocean view. Specialising in fish and seafood. Make your reservations. sandbanksrestaurant@mail.telepac.pt


289 398 429 / 289 353 424

Tapas e Vinho Restaurant


Open 12 noon till late. Curry Club Wed night. Yours to book: "The Chef's Table" in our Adega. Great packages for groups. Seasonal lunch menu deal: Cover + 3 tapas + dessert 12.95. Chill with a glass of wine and a few tapas on our sunny terrace.


289 391 145

The Cheeky pup


Friendly Irish gastro-pub with great decor, in Quinta Shopping. Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music.


289 358 205


The perfect place to enjoy a long summer's day. Or watch the sunset while enjoying one of the most beautiful beaches in the Algarve. Open daily from 15h00. Offering a friendly drinks service with spectacular views. geral@shelsian.pt


289 398 429


With a creative menu designed by Chef, Jonnie Pratt, and complementary wines personally chosen by Sommelier, Justin Hanlon, Tribulum is the perfect pairing! Beautifully designed with a warm welcome guaranteed, you will quickly discover that it is a great place to be! tribulumalgarve.com


289 397 784


The house speciality is tasty piri-piri chicken, but there is so much more. Try also the steaks, fish and prawns all served with fresh and local Sun ingredients. Excellent service in smart surroundings, inside and out. With reception bar area.


A la carte Restaurant dining from 7.00pm. Sunday carvery lunch. Curry Night every Tuesday. Poolside TV & bar serving snacks & drinks daily from April. For details of menu, music nights & events : www.restaurantxenia.com

https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed cataplanas. Black pork. Suckling Pig. Salads and a vegetarian

O Tanque

The Roof, Praca, Vale do Lobo


Wild Chicken


289 394 832 / 965 232 669

Sun 289 396 347 / night till 918 700 064 Apr


These restaurants place emphasis on value for money. Families are welcome. Restaurant


Description (provided by restaurant owners)



Brasa Frango


Brasa Frango brings you awesome chicken, steak, and other meats barbecued to perfection. Chips, salads, and desserts available too. Take away ONLY. Opens at 11:45am.

Encantus Pizzeria


Authentic Italian Pizza made with passion and the freshest of ingredients. Come down to Quarteira and allow Encantus to delight you with our Sun authentic Italian flavours.

289 117 636


Open lunch and dinner. Lunchtime dish of the day. Fresh fish, prawns and meat daily. House specialities: Picanha, Lamb Chops, Uruguayan Rib Eye Steak. Lively ambience. Rui and his team look forward to welcoming you.


289 048 733

The unique selling point of Xafariz is the authentic taste of traditional Portuguese cuisine. Takeaway. Showing all major sporting events. Popular specials are Chilli Weds & Curry Thurs. Let us prepare your Summer BBQ. See "O Xafariz" on Facebook for Dish of Day. Takeaways also available.

Sat night & Sun

919 160 021


O Xafariz




289 393 285

Page 8 of 9


www.restaurantxenia.com authentic Italian flavours.

Open lunch and dinner. Lunchtime dish of the day. Fresh fish, prawns Economy and meat daily. House specialities: Picanha, Lamb Chops, Uruguayan These Gamboa E3 restaurants place emphasis on value for money. Families are welcome. Sun 289 048 733 Rib Eye Steak. Lively ambience. Rui and his team look forward to Restaurant Map welcoming you. Description (provided by restaurant owners) Closed Tel The unique selling point of Xafariz is the authentic taste of traditional A wonderfully traditional, Portuguese restaurant in Boliqueime, with plate Portuguese cuisine.every Takeaway. Showing all major events. of the day specials day. Open for Lunch andsporting Dinner. Meat, Popular specials are Chilli Weds & Curry Thurs. LetPortuguese us preparedesserts. your and chicken dishes available. Traditional O Xafariz D2 seafood, Summer BBQ. See "O Xafariz" on Facebook for Dish of Day. Takeaways Brasa Frango brings you awesome chicken, steak, and other meats also available. Brasa Frango D3 barbecued to perfection. Chips, salads, and desserts available too. Take away Opens 11:45am. Asian ONLY. food. Open foratdinner only from 6.30pm-10-30pm. Specialities Oriental D2 include Crispy Aromatic Duck, Delicious Dumplings and Cantonese https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Authentic Italiandelivery Pizza made with passion E: and the freshest of ingredients. Prawns. Home service available. cindy.oriental@gmail.com Encantus Pizzeria Come down to Quarteira and allow Encantus to delight you with our authentic Italian flavours. Piri Piri d'Almancil offers you the genuine and unique flavour of the famous charcoal grilled chicken piri piri. Fish & chips, burgers and other Piri Piri d'Almancil E3 Open lunch and dinner. Lunchtime dish of the day. Fresh fish, prawns specialities also available. Open for lunch and dinner. Nice terrace. Takeaway service. Adiafa Snack-Bar


https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=lightcoral%7Cwhite%7Clightpink%7CPaleVioletRed Pizza Pasta Fantasia Serving up the best thin crust pizzas,

Mon Sat night & Sun -

289 366 170

919 160 021 16/03/2022, 21:47

289 393 285


289 395 668/ 910 002Page 8288 of 9 289 117 636


914 420 004


Pizza Pasta e Fantasia


pasta, salads, meat, seafood and daily specials. Takeaway and free delivery. www.pizzapastafantasia.com Phone: 289 394 080


289 394080

Sr Frango


Established in 1992 with many thousands of satisfied clients. Modern and welcoming ambience. Awarded the "GOLDEN DIPLOMA" for the best chicken ever. Open for lunch and dinner.


289 393 756

Tenazinha Restaurante


Traditional Portuguese dishes cooked to exceptional standards. Fish, chicken, and meat available. Located in Vilamoura and Quarteira. (Vilamoura Map)


289 388 066

Tony's Pizza


Traditional, homemade pizza & pasta in the heart of Quinta Do Lago. Let us bring our family favourites to you! Delicious food, great drinks and a warm welcome. tonyspizza.pt


289 094 900

Page 9 of 10

Bars and Clubs Restaurant


Description (provided by restaurant owners)


Soul Cafe Friendly clubhouse with poolside bar and restaurant serving tasty meals and snacks at lunchtimes Mon to Sat. Open on Sunday, drinks only


Irish Bar Vilamoura -

The best Irish bar in Vilamoura for live sports events, live music every night from our resident band that will make you want to dance on the tables. Open every day from 17.00 until late. E: irishpub@mail.telepac.pt Facebook: www.facebook.com/irish.pubvilamoura.9


Melting Pot

Public House. European & International Beers (7 on draught), cocktails, breakfasts/lunches/snacks from 10 am daily. Occasional live music. Accept Villas & Vacations Bonus Card.


Algarve Tennis & Fitness Cafe



Tel 289 385 028

289 392424

T h e A l g a r ve : A F o o d i e ’ s F a n t a s y !

Friendly Irish gastro-pub with great decor, in Quinta Shopping. Delicious I n aCheeky ddition t o t h eC4 r e g ifood o n ’ sand waar m clim a t e , menu p e r f e-call t lday. o c a tIndoor i o n a ntables d t r aor n qausuperb il atmo s p h e r e ,- t h e c u i s289 i n e358 o f f205 ers The pup great drinks outdoor a n o t h e r i n c r e d i b l e r e aterrace. s o n t o Regular v i s i t . live music. Thanks to its amazing choice of seafood and wines, and the many national specialities, such as The all new Deck Bar in Vale do Lobo, a newly refurbished Cocktail cataplanas and the famous cod dishes, bacalhau, it’s no surprise that the region now boasts six of Lounge in the Praca on the Vale do Lobo Resort. The Deck Bar has The P o r Deck, t u g a l Praca, ’ s 1 4 r e s t a u r a n t s t h a t h a ve b e e n a wa r d e d M i c h e l i n s t a r s .

Vale do Lobo


undergone a complete transformation and is now a chilled, modern and


289 398 429

H o we ve r , t h e r e i s a g rstylish e a t c hcocktail o i c e i nbar, e veopen r y pevery r i c e bnight r a c kfrom e t . 18:30h. C h e c k www.deckbart h e s e l i s t i n g s , m a k e a r e s e r va t i o n , a n d see for yourself ! algarve.com/



Central Algarve Issue 80, Winter 2020/2021 Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022 Alvará Nº: 171-A/171-C


Opi n i o n P i e ce

Pre g n a n cy in t h e Por t u g u e s e P ubl i c H ea l t h Syste m By M ik a il a T ut t Me n e z e s

Le t' s be honest , i f y o u f i n d y o u rs e l f a mo n g a g roup of ex pat s o r f o re i g n e rs, a n d e ve n so me loca ls, a nd the c o n ve rs at i o n s t e e rs t owa rds th e P ublic Hea lth Sy s t e m , i t 's n o t al way s po sitive , p a rticula rly w h e n y o u t al k p re g n a n c y. I fe ll vi ctim to lis te n i n g t o t h e s e o p i n i o n s, bu t h e re 's wha t m y ex pe ri e n c e was re al l y l i ke .

Moving house can be scary, moving countries can be even scarier, moving your family to a new country tops the list of scary things to do. It can be extremely overwhelming though to start a family or extend your family in your new country.

Faro Hospital itself was run like a well-oiled machine, at least the Maternity ward, I cannot comment on the other departments. From the moment I had my first appointment, from scans to blood tests and genetic tests, I felt comfortable and I felt safe.

Finding out I was pregnant was a really happy moment, the tears flowed, the family got excruciatingly excited and the journey began. The first thing you do is book a doctor's appointment, you ask around for advice on good doctors and good hospitals, you ask for advice on how the public health system works, and really, you hope for some guidance for those who have done this before you.

The nurses were super attentive, the doctors were patient, the staff were friendly. My anaesthetist became a temporary therapist as I was wheeled in to become a mother for the second time.

As the first few weeks came and went, I found myself listening to the opinions and stories of those who came before me. To be transparent, I began to feel a sense of dread and fear at the thought of having to go through this in the public health system. Let's get one thing straight, the public health system here is incredible. Had I known then, what I know now, I would not have found myself having panic attacks and suffering with anxiety. For some or other reason, the Portuguese Public Health System seems to get a bad rep among expats, at least, those that I spoke to or connected with on social media. I wanted to share that I, without a doubt, would go through this pregnancy again and I would do it publicly, again. Yes, the journey did not come without some challenges and obstacles. Some doctors and nurses don't speak English, however, most of their English is better than my Portuguese. I did, however, make an effort to learn Portuguese pregnancy-related words so that I could attempt questions. For the most part, nurses and doctors were extremely patient with me as they learned that I was not fluent in Portuguese. The Portuguese Public Health System does not deserve these snide remarks and sideways glances.


Here's what you should know: First, don't listen to what others say. Firstly about their pregnancies and secondly about their experiences in the Portuguese Public Health System. Nobody will berate you for not knowing the language, nobody gives your child unapproved injections (as I read a post by one mother). Second, yes, sometimes the process can seem a little frustrating since you're in the system, you have to wait for appointments or you have to wait for results. Sometimes, you don't get appointments as fast as you would like. On that note, third, if you do go to emergency with any pregnancy-related concerns, you may feel almost like a celebrity by the end of your experience. Both times, I was seen within 30 minutes of arriving (not emergency obviously) and both times I left with my questions answered and without a worry. The hardest part was my husband not being allowed present for the birth, I believe that this was COVID related, but other mothers have noted that their husbands were able to join them. Lastly, the staff, the nurses, and the doctors are really good at what they do. Ask questions. Don't be afraid to lean on them. Be transparent with your concerns and your worries. And always be open with your mental state, they're open to hearing everything that's going on with you. To all expectant mothers in Algarve, your pregnancy journey and birth experience can be a positive one. Go forward without the opinions and stories of others clouding your judgement, you'll be thankful for it later.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


Ju s t who a r e t h e s e

“Dive Bombers” ? By Jake Cleaver

‘ Vi o let’, n o t ‘ vi o l en t ’ Be e -52’s Wh en yo u h ear w hat s o un d s l i ke a n A p a c h e h e l i c op t e r a nd a h u ge b uzzin g no is e div ing ou t of t h e s ky a n d rev e r b e ra t i ng past you r ear, y o u hav e jus t e n c ou n t e re d t h e V i ol e t C a r p e nter B ee .

These are what lots of people call ‘Dive Bombers’ (you can understand why). They are these huge, black, bee-like creatures that come out in the spring and join the busy honey bees, humming loudly as they go about their business of collecting pollen and tickling flowers. I’ll be honest, I’m always a little bit nervous about buzzy things, ever since that one time when I got a hornet stuck in my hair (my hair is good at collecting things like that) and damn, do those things pack a punch. I felt like I had been in a round with Mike Tyson. (I’m just saying that for emphasis. I don’t actually know, I’ve never gotten Mike Tyson stuck in my hair.) Mohammed Ali should have said “Float like a butterfly, sting like a - hornet”.

Because lots of people say that they aren’t a bee at all and just a harmless beetle? This turns out not to be true. I did some research, a.k.a, asked the ‘down to earth’ members of the ‘Gardening in Portugal’ Facebook group if they knew? Of course, they did, and I can now reveal that they are none other than the Violet Carpenter Bee, ‘Abelha Carpinteira’ in Portuguese, and ‘Xylocopa Violacea’ in Latin.

So, it’s hardly surprising that when I hear those Bee-52’s coming towards me I normally panic. I don’t think they are going to hurt me, and presumably they are just mistaking me for a flower. Which is very flattering…but it doesn’t make the experience any less terrifying. I normally become a sort of ‘grateful ninja’ - and wave my hands about wildly, while shouting “thank you!”. Such mixed messages, they must think I’m a flower playing hard to get.

They are called Carpenters, not because they are always humming, but it’s also because they like to burrow into wood or bamboo to lay their eggs. Also, they are not harmless (at least the females aren’t). They can sting. Which is good. It’s good to be a little dangerous. I mean, who would take them seriously otherwise? Well, I might do, they are massive and sound like fighter-bombers on an air raid. However, as their name suggests - they are ‘violet’, not ‘violent’ (they might look black, but if you look carefully they have a violet tinge) which means they are super mellow dudes who, unless you really provoke them (or get them stuck in your hair?) will just get on with their daily business of pollinating every bloomin’ thing around. Arguably the most important job on the planet. Actually no.

But who exactly do these Buzz Lightyears think they are?

No arguing. It is.


Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

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Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

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Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Springy Carrot Cake Ingredients 230ml vegetable oil, plus extra for the tin 100g natural yogurt 4 large eggs 1½ tsp vanilla extract ½ orange, zested 265g self-raising flour 335g light muscovado sugar 2½ tsp ground cinnamon ¼ fresh nutmeg, finely grated 265g carrots (about 3), grated´ 100g sultanas or raisins 100g walnuts or pecans, roughly chopped (optional)

“Wonderful food matched by wonderful service!“ Source: Trip Advisor

For the icing 100g slightly salted butter, softened 300g icing sugar 100g soft cheese Preparations STEP 1 Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Oil and line the base and sides of two 20cm cake tins with baking parchment. Whisk the oil, yogurt, eggs, vanilla and zest in a jug. Mix the flour, sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg with a good pinch of salt in a bowl. Squeeze any lumps of sugar through your fingers, shaking the bowl a few times to bring the lumps to the surface.´ STEP 2 Add the wet ingredients to the dry, along with the carrots, raisins and half the nuts, if using. Mix well to combine, then divide between the tins. STEP 3 Bake for 25-30 mins or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. If any wet mixture clings to the skewer, return to the oven for 5 mins, then check again. Leave to cool in the tins. STEP 4 To make the icing, beat the butter and sugar together until smooth. Add half the soft cheese and beat again, then add the rest (adding it bit by bit prevents the icing from splitting). Remove the cakes from the tins and sandwich together with half the icing. Top with the remaining icing and scatter with the remaining walnuts. Will keep in the fridge for up to five days. Best eaten at room temperature.

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Amara 5.0

www.amararestaurant.pt Reservas: T +351 289 357 579 @amarafairways Four Seasons Fairways | Avenida André Jordan 37 Quinta do Lago



Ti ps For B e tter Pra c t ice By Pa u l a Martins

No b o d y c a n de n y th at Yo g a h as be c o me ve ry p o p u l a r, we alre ady k n ow th e be n e fits bu t w ill e ve ry o n e b e a ble to re ally ge t in to Yo g a? We h ave s ome tips fo r yo u to e n joy yo u r yo g a m o re .

Janet Shook is a Yoga teacher who has been living in the Algarve for 11 years. When she first came to Portugal, she started to become interested in Yoga and meditation and realised that this practice could be very useful in daily life. Janet Shook has two different types of Yoga classes, a soft one for all levels and also kundalini Yoga. The first one is a gentle flow Yoga – just moving the body around, doing breathing exercises and feeling happy and peaceful – this yoga is to relax and can be done on all levels. Then there is kundalini Yoga, “it’s very spiritual and traditional, it is like we’re going to work hard, and clean our minds subconsciously while organising our energy. It’s not really difficult, everyone can do the Kundalini class - you can always stop and breathe”. I also asked Janet about the best time to do Yoga and if we should have a routine. “I think the best yoga is the yoga that you’re inspired to do. Schedules don’t work for everybody, people are different, some people have a really rigid discipline, they do the same thing every morning and this is amazing, but I believe we shouldn’t put things too much in blocks, we need to see first, what’s the condition of your body, how much energy do you have, what’s your lifestyle, what time do you have.”


Tips for being more present Breathing exercises can really help. “Be with your breath, because of the physiology behind it, with deep breathing, automatically your brain is going to calm down, because they are so connected”. Be connected with your physical body and the space around you, because when you over think, it is because you are thinking about things that have happened in the past or that might happen in the future. “So, look around you without judgment, listen to the sounds, which needs practice, looking around the kitchen without thinking “oh I have to clean it”, just being present”. How do we achieve this? Janet explains: “It’s my most important job every day, as another thing that you do daily, you exercise it and you start to be much better, yoga is a practice and meditation needs practice, it’s not a thing that most people achieve quickly. You really have to make it a priority in your life. You have to get to a point that you realise that it is really the most important thing in your life. You have to prioritise it, decide to be present!” For further information, please visit www.janetshook.com

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Casa da Quinta R E S TA U R A N T E

7 pm to 10:00 pm Sunday to Friday Casa da Quinta Restaurante casadaquinta_restaurant casadaquinta.net Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Book now | Reserve agora info@casadaquinta.net +351 964 264 081 | +351 289 394 097 R. Cristóvão Pires Norte, 8135-037 Almancil 49

Steam Cleaning Your Air Conditioning Who do esn 't love sit t in g a ro u n d i n a n i c e a n d c o o l room when the weat h er is scorc h i n g o u ts i d e ? We a l l k n ow that s ummer i n t h e A lgar ve ca n g e t ve r y h o t (a l m o s t u n b e arable o n some d ays) an d for t h o s e m o m e n ts th a t yo u ' re n o t at the beach or relax in g by th e p o o l , h av i n g a n i c e c o o l and co mfo r table sp ot t o b e is p re c i o u s ! However, th e re is m ore to h av i n g a i r c o n d i ti o n i n g th a n just instal li n g it ! T h e mos t i m p o r ta n t p a r t o f h av i n g a ir co nd itio ni n g u n it s is en su r i n g yo u r e q u i p m e n t i s re g ularly cle aned an d we ll main t ain e d a n d th a t m e a n s , yo u s h o u ld to tal ly steam cle an you r a i r c o n d i ti o n i n g , h e re ' s w hy : Exte n si on of y our a ir c o n d i t i o n i n g u n i t 's l i f espa n A d i r ty fi lter can st ar t m a k i n g i t d i f f i c u l t fo r yo u r a i r co nd itio ni n g u n it t o p rop e r ly h a n d l e a i r, w h i c h w i l l expo nenti ally in cre ase t h e we a r a n d te a r o f th e u n i t. Any techni cian will t e ll yo u th a t d i r t a n d l a c k o f re g u lar ma i ntenance on any air c o n d i ti o n i n g u n i t i s o n e o f the ma i n reaso n s for H VAC (h e a ti n g , ve n ti l a ti o n a n d a i r co nd itio ni n g) f ailu re . S a ve mo ney on y our e l e c t ri c i t y b i l l s An air co n dit ion in g u n it w i th a c l e a n f i l te r h a n d l e s the air in a much m ore e f f icie n t m a n n e r, re d u c i n g yo u r e l e c tr icity


bill at the e nd of the month. A d ir ty filte r caus es t he a ir cond itioning unit to ove rwork its e lf to tr y and pro duce the s ame re s ult, which will le ad to a much higher e le ctricity bill! Improve th e qu ality o f th e a ir in side your home A cle an and we ll maintaine d air cond itioning unit helps filte r a numbe r of airborne par ticle s , includ ing po llen, alle rge ns and d and e r, incre as ing the quality of the a ir ins id e your prope r ty. A n uncle an and unmaintai ned a ir cond itioning unit can prove to be quite harmful t o t he he alth of thos e ins id e , incre as ing the ris k s of ast hm a attack s , alle rgie s and othe r re s pirator y ailme nts. E f fe c tive c o o lin g. A cle an air cond itioning filte r me ans that the abilit y o f t he unit to prod uce cold air is much more e fficie nt . A dir t y air cond itioning filte r me ans that par ticle s have st a r t ed build ing up on the filte r, re s tricting the flow of co ld a ir. Us ually whe n a unit d oe s not prod uce e nough c o ld a ir, t his is e as ily s or te d out by ge tting the filte r cle ane d!

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Bill Payments with Total Transparency I ' m s u re m a ny o f yo u re ad ing this are prope r ty owne rs he re in the A l g a r ve a n d m ay we ll have a local company organis ing the payme nt o f yo u r u ti l i ty b i lls and ge ne ral running cos t. T his is a hand y s e r v i c e fo r th o s e o f you who may not want the inconve nie nce of a rr a n g i n g p ay m e n ts , filing invoice s and more impor tantly having to tr y a n d c a l l the utility companie s if the re is a proble m. T h e d ow n s i d e o f this s e r vice can be the proble m of the monthly s ta te m e n t, d e s c r i ptions are s ome time s vague , the amounts are o f te n d i f f i c u l t to und e rs tand and you're le ft fe e ling uninforme d . Wo u l d ' n t b e go o d if you re ce ive d an online s tate me nt with link s to a l l o f th e o r i g i n al invoice s and add itional information which wo u l d p rov i d e yo u with more information and und e rs tand ing o f w h a t yo u ' re a c tually paying for. Your invoice s s tore d on a p a s swo rd p r i v a te cloud which could be s hare d with your Fis cal R e p re s e n ta ti ve , c o owne rs and available to be viewe d at anytime . T h i s i s n o t s o m e f u t uris tic app this is all pos s ible now. Contact us tod ay for pe ace of mind ... ww w.villasvac atio n s.c o m re n tals@villasvac atio n s.c o m + 351 289 390 500

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


How To

Improve yo ur Heart Health E x perts s ay i t ’s ‘ n e ve r t o o l at e ’ t o sta rt exercis ing a n d re a p t h e h e al t h b e ne fits – bu t w ha t if y ou ’ re u n s u re w h e re t o s t a rt?


Think it’s too late to start exercising in your 70s? Experts want everyone to know it’s always a case of ‘better late than never’ – and even 20 minutes a day could have significant health benefits. It really is never too late “Let’s clear up one of the biggest misconceptions regarding fitness, you’re never ‘too old’ to pursue it,” says James Bickerstaff, a personal trainer with OriGym. “As we get older, it’s so important to stay active. Failure to do so could result in conditions such as general fatigue, muscle pains and decreased energy. This could, in turn, lead to you being unable to perform some of life’s simple joys, such as playing with your grandchildren or popping to the shops.” Keeping active can also be a great way to stay socially connected. Whether it’s convincing someone to workout with you, joining a dance class or taking up something completely new – it’s about enriching your whole life, as well as boosting your health. Check in with your doctor “Regardless of age, we’d always recommend consulting a doctor if you intend on pursuing fitness with a pre-existing medical condition, such as heart disease, type 1 and 2 diabetes or arthritis,” says Bickerstaff. “Doctors and medical professionals will be able to give advice that specifically relates to how you can safely perform exercise routines. 52

Mix it up There’s nothing wrong with sticking with golf and Zumba, or a park jog, if that’s what you love. However, there are so many ways to exercise these days. Trying new things can be fun, plus it can be beneficial to have a varied fitness regime. Make use of online programmes There are lots of online workouts available, including programmes aimed at older age groups. Diana Moran, ‘The Green Goddess’, has been championing fitness for the over-60s for years. Now in her 80s, Moran’s health and fitness website has over 60,000 members. “You get the best out of your life, the fitter you are,” says Moran. “It’s never too late to start – and I’m delighted this study agrees with our philosophy.” Don’t forget about strength training “Strength training is vital in later life. Studies have shown it can play a major role in offsetting the effects of ageing, by increasing skeletal muscle mass and bone density, improving balance, coordination and posture, and having positive effects on risk factors for cardiovascular disorders, cancer and diabetes,” says fitness coach and movement specialist, Tom Cuff-Burnett. “Feeling physically strong also promotes mental and emotional health, contributing to psychological wellness in later years.” The Portugal News

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Visit our showroom with 450m2 of room seengs giving inspiraaonal ideas

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


Gin Gin Mule I t ’s mi n ty, i t’s b u b b l y, i t’s refreshi n g: meet the G i n G i n M u l e! You mi ght thi n k i t’s a ju st l i qu o r swap i n a mu l e, b u t thi s c oc ktai l i s mo re than meets the eye! Co n si dered a mo dern c l a ssi c co cktai l , i t’s a mashu p o f the M o sco w mu l e an d mi n ty M oji to . Yo u ’ ve go t the b u b b l y gi n ger b eer an d l i me o f a mu l e, b a l an ced b y the mu ddl ed mi n t an d sweetn ess o f a mo ji to . The G i n G i n M u l e resu l ts i n a mu ch mo re b al an ced dri n k than i t’s c l a ssi c co u n terp art. Ing redients in a Gin Gin Mule a re: 4 mint sprigs 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice 1 tablespoon simple syrup ¼ cup gin ¼ cup ginger beer For the garnish: lime wedges, mint sprig Instructions: Gently muddle (mash) the mint sprigs in the bottom of the mug using a cocktail muddler or wooden spoon. Add the lime juice, simple syrup and gin. Stir to combine. A d d i c e a n d t h e g i n g e r b e e r a n d s t i r g e n t l y. G a r n i s h with lime and mint.

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Wond er fa l l


Even tho ug h I con side r my s e l f a tr u e ‘ L o u l e ta n o ’ , a n d I have been roamin g t h e co b b l e d s tre e ts o f L o u l é fo r my lifeti me , I’ m ash ame d t o s ay I o n ly fo u n d th i s h i dd e n g em ver y re ce n t ly. I had , o f co u rse , h eard ru m o u r s th a t th e re w a s a waterfall n e ar t h e G alp p e tro l s ta ti o n s o n th e ro a d co mi ng int o L ou lé f rom Go n c i n h a . I d r i ve p a s t th e m o ften eno u gh , an d yet , I n eve r s aw s o mu c h a s a tr i c kle o f w ater as I p asse d by. It’s not exa ct ly ob viou s eve n w h e n yo u s to p a t th e petro l stat ion s t h e m se lve s . I s u s p e c t th a t u n l e s s yo u walk by o n a re gu lar b asi s th e n th i s s n e a k y l i ttl e s tream s tead ily flows p ast , righ t u n d e r m o s t p e o p l e ’s w h e e l s a nd noses. I made a sl igh t deviat ion o f f my u s u a l c o u r s e , a n d I h ave to say, I w a s really q u it e a m a ze d w i th w h a t I fo u n d . N ow, d on’t ge t m e wron g , I ’ m n o t s ay i n g i t’s N i a g a r a F a lls, but i t ’s also n ot ‘N o th i n g f a l l s ’ e i th e r. It’s call ed th e ‘R ib eira do C a d o i ç o ’ a n d i t o r i g i n a te s fro m a sprin g in t h e C e rro d a C a b e ç a G o rd a n o r th o f Loul é and sn akes it s way s o u th , tu n n e l l i n g u n d e r n e a th the tow n, a n d com es ove r f l ow i n g o u t h e re a t th i s unlikely l oc at ion . I t t h en c o n ti nu e s w i n d i n g i ts w ay d own unti l it reach es Fra n q u e a d a , w h e re i t j o i n s th e Ca rcavai stre am an d t h ey c o n ti nu e a s o n e u n ti l th ey rea ch the A t lan t ic O ce an i n Va l e d o L o b o. N ow, i f you are walkin g by yo u c a n s e e i t f ro m th e ro ad , but I’m not goin g t o b e to o s p e c i f i c a n d te l l yo u e x a ctly how to get down t h ere , a s I d o n ’t w a n t to s p o i l th e f u n fo r any wo u ld- b e wee ke n d e x p l o re r s . T h e re a re n o s i g ns eit her - so ju st follow yo u r e a r s . O nce you f in d it t h ou gh , yo u re a l ly wo n ’t b e l i eve th a t s uch a thin g cou ld b e wh e re i t i s , a n d b e p re p a re d to feel a l ittl e like I n dian a Jo n e s a s yo u c ro s s th e s te p p i ng s to nes, tr y in g n ot t o b e c l a i m e d by th e w h i tew a te r rapid s, and clin g on t o t h e s i d e o f th e c l i f f a n d c l i m b up int o this lovely lit t le oasi s . The w ater con t inu ou sly c a s c a d i n g d ow n a n d c r a s h i n g int o the stre am b e low drow n s o u t a ny m e m o r y yo u might have of t h e h u st le a n d b u s tl e o f c i v i l i za ti o n go ing o n above , a n d you can sit a n d s e e k s a n c tu a r y a n d fe e l like yo u have t ru ly e scap e d i n to th e w i l d e r n e s s . Yo u pro bab ly won ’t sp en d th e d ay th e re (a l th o u g h d o n’t le t me stop you ) , b u t it ’s c e r ta i n ly wo r th a l i ttl e m i n i a d venture . Perh ap s n e x t ti m e yo u a re v i s i ti n g th e L o u lé ma rket o n S at u rday morn i n g , ta ke a l i ttl e d e to u r u p the ro a d tow ards t h e t raf f ic l i g h ts a n d b eyo n d , ke e p yo u r eyes and ears p e eled an d s e e i f yo u c a n d i s c ove r th i s wo nd erful wat e rf all for yo u r s e l f .

byJ a k e C l e ave r 56

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

ACR O SS 1. Thick cookie 4 . Brief d o c u m e n ta r y f i l m 8 . 1 9 8 6 A l ly Sh e e d y M ov i e 9 . A dd i ti o n a l 1 0 . C T ' s f avo u r i te s p i c e 13. Cheat 15. Not me, but ... 1 6 . G oldf i s h a re s a i d to h ave th i s 2 2 . Bond c re a to r F l e m i n g 23. Deficiency 2 4 . Ty p e o f e n e r g y 29. Imbibe 3 1 . A T- s h i r t, fo r e x a m p l e 3 2 . M yo p i c 3 3 . Play a t r i c k o n a ro o m m a te

© 2018 by Trusted Media Brand, Inc. No other duplication permitted and not for resale. All rights reserved.

D OW N 1 . B re a k f a s t m e a t 2 . L eg g y w a d i n g b i rd 3 . Two -s p o t 4 . L o c a ti o n 5 . " Se e y a ! " 6 . D evo u re d 7 . Sw ap 1 1 . U n iver s i ty o f N o r th Te x a s , fo r s h o r t 1 2 . B a n g e d S to o g e 1 3 . Sp e a k swe e tly 1 4 . A tti l a th e _ _ _ 1 5 . Ya n g p a r tn e r 1 6 . V id e o g a m e p a r l o r s 17. Filling in 1 8 . Au th o r A n a i s 19. Price place 20. _____ Paulo 2 1 . O n ass i s w h o we d J a c k i e 2 5 . E lm, ch e rr y, a n d m ap l e , fo r example 26. Flick 2 7 . M ilit a r y a c a d e my s tu d e n t 28. Secondhand 3 0 . C a b o o d l e Si d e k i c k ?

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

Pr i v a t e p ar k i n g an d Terra ce +3 5 1 9 25 2 2 3 8 3 8 Rua Vale Formoso 8 1 0 0 -2 6 7 N 3 7 0 6.0 5 0 / W 8 0 1.2 8 7 www. aq u i n t a r e s t . c om MA P re fe re nce : F3


“ T h e Ca rdbo ard Su itca s e ” by Pe t er G i ac o mi n i Cris ti n a da C ost a B ro o k e s L o cal a u t hor, Peter G i ac o m i n i ’s a u t o b i o g ra ph ic al novel “The C a rdboa rd Su i t c as e ” p ro m i s e s t o be a n i n sp i ring book . Peter has spent a lifetime travelling the world and is passionate about his experiences in the hotel industry, sharing a synopsis of “The Cardboard Suitcase”: “It is a story of my life from my birth in rural Northern Italy to my retirement in Praia da Luz in the Algarve. It tells the story of a poor boy born in the middle of WW2 in destroyed Italy, who was blessed to make a career in the world of luxury hotels in five continents and in excess of a dozen countries. It describes the ups and down of life from poverty to success, from working in a tap factory at age of nine to vice president and general manager of world-renowned hotel companies like Marriott and Disney.” Peter entered the luxury hotel profession as a trainee waiter at only 15 years old. He later became a senior executive with Marriott International with whom he worked for thirty-two years. Peter lives in Praia da Luz in the Algarve, buying a home there in 1986, only moving permanently in 2013, noting that, "Living here is quite easy, compared to what is happening in the world today, I am glad I am here.” His is a true story of courage, passion and perseverance – with a liberal sprinkling of sex and intrigue thrown in! In this novel, you will find adventure, travel and romance, with reviewers stating that it makes a great travelogue and 58

“this book will inspire you and teach you how to achieve more success than you ever imaged”. Peter hopes that his story will inspire others, adding that he felt “it was an important story to tell and that you can have all the experience in the world but if you keep it to yourself, it does not help others.” Peter is also a dedicated speaker and a wonderfully motivational one at that ,as well as a Hotel Management Consultant. Peter has dedicated a lot of time to helping others through his lived experiences and has done numerous speeches at various universities and hotels all over the world, including in Portugal. “The Cardboard Suitcase” is available on Amazon, similarly, Peter has told me he would be happy to deliver a signed copy of his book to anyone in the Algarve so if you would like to purchase a copy please reach out. For more information about Peter Giacomini please see www.petergiacomini.com, alternatively, you can contact Peter at peter@giacomini.us. Amazon kindle version: 8.60€ | Amazon Paperback Version: 19.96€ Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

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Casa Rupi, Alfontes Exclusive Hire Wedding Venue with incredible Views. Info@quintaoccasions.com Instagram QuintaOccasions #casarupi Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022




Put a Spring in Your Step

Spring means floral patterns and bright colours, here's some must-have items just for this season's wardrobe. We shopped at eur.shein.com




Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022


10 9 7

1 Ditsy Floral Graphic Bow Decor Slides


2 Crochet Lace Floral Print Self-Tie Romper




Crop Halter Top & O-ring Belted Flare Leg Pants Set


4 Solid Embroidery Mesh Kimono


5 Knot Front Bandeau Tie


Side Bikini Swimsuit


6 High Waist Straight Leg Leather Look Jeans


7 Colorblock Bubble Top Handle Bag


8 Flower & Cherry Painted Phone Case


9 Flower Print Crew Socks €1.25

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

10 20pcs Cartoon Graphic Fake Nail € 1.75


V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s List your property with a licensed sales agent. W hen i t co m es t o sellin g yo u r h o u s e , c h o o s i n g th e r i ght ag ent that will e n de avou r to s e l l yo u r h o m e i s o n e o f the m o st i mpo r t an t de cision s yo u ' l l m a ke . T h e r i g h t a g e n t will make t h e wh ole p roc e s s a s s m o o th a n d e a s y go i n g as pos si bl e , le avin g you t o e n j oy yo u r d ay s w i th o u t h av i n g to stress abou t viewin gs or n e go ti a ti o n s . Dr iving aro u n d A lm an cil, yo u c a n s e e fo r yo u r s e l f th a t t here are m any local est a te a g e n ts th a t p ro b a b ly s i n g the sa me song. A t V il las & Vacat ion s, we n o t o n ly o f fe r o u r 3 0 ye a r s o f e xperience in t h e marke t, b u t we a l s o u s e o u r o n s i te faci li ti es, S p or t s C lu b, I n te r n a ti o n a l S c h o o l a n d p ro p e r ty m a nagemen t & re n t al ser v i c e s . To p rov i d e a f i r s t-h a n d guide to anyon e t h in kin g o f i nve s ti n g o r l i v i n g h e re i n the A lgar ve . We are of t en aske d a b o u t th e s o c i a l s i d e o f l iving or regul arly visit in g t h e A l g a r ve . Wh a t b e tte r p l a c e to demonstrate wh at t h e A lg a r ve h a s to o f fe r i n th i s re spe ct t ha n our sp or t s clu b AT F ( A l g a r ve Te n n i s & F i tn e s s ). For 2022 i f you list you r p ro p e r ty w i th u s , n o t o n ly will we provid e a se am le ss se r v i c e . We ' l l i n c l u d e a P ro p e r ty ATF spo r ts m emb e rsh ip w h i c h w i l l b e tr a n s fe rre d f re e of charge t o you r p u rch a s e r s . P rov i d i n g yo u a n d th e new owners a win dow t o t h e l i fe s ty l e th i s c l i m a te h a s to offe r. The benefit s of AT F V illa M e m b e r s h i p w i l l e n c o u r a g e more rentals, a p lat form t o m e e t p e o p l e a n d o th e r d i s c o u n te d ser vi ces. Wh at b e t t er st a r t c o u l d th e re b e fo r a ny n ew fami ly.

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com 62

AT F has s eve ral te nnis and pad e l cour ts . W ith ro ll-ups and s ocial game s T he Soul Cafe provid e s lunche s and is ope n fro m 8 a m to 9 pm. Me mbe rs hip : * Fre e te nnis cour t us e – s ubje ct to book ing * Gre at d is counts on te nnis and pad e l le s s ons * Book ing of P re fe rre d Cour t T ime ( P CT ) – s ub ject t o availability * 15% d is count in the P ro- s hop * 20% d is count on group programme s and club tourname nts * Fre e us e of swimming pool, playground , ping- po ng table , e tc . * Fre e e ntr y to roll- ups * News le tte r pe r e - mail * Bringing a gue s t playe r for jus t €6 * R unning of a monthly tab * Be ing a me mbe r of an e xciting and growing cl ub! For more information re gard ing our V illa Me mb er ship pack age s or lis ting your prope r ty for s ale or rent . P le as e call in or e mail s ale s @ villas vacations .com

www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Vilamoura Marina

2 Beds, 2 Baths


This ap artme nt is p lac e d in a quality gate d p rivate c o ndo minium R E F : w ith re c e p tio n s e rv ic e . C e ramic flo o rs in lo unge , b athro o ms and kitc he n. Wo o de n flo o rs in the b e dro o ms . Ele c tric s hutte rs . Se c urity e ntry s ys te m. Jac uzzi. Sto rage and p arking in b as e me nt. P rivate garde n and large c o mmunal s w imming p o o l.

Va l e d a Q u i n t a One of th e l a st re ma in i n g p l o t s REF: wit hin th e e st a bl i sh e d r e s o r t o f Vale da Q u i n t a . S et i n p i n e fo r e s t wit h views o ve r t h e co u n t r y s i d e and coast . A pe rf ec t n a t u r a l s e t t i n g g iving th e op p ort un it y t o b u i l d your b ra n d n e w d re a m h o m e . T h e resort of f ers go od i n fr a s t r u ct u r e wit h wa l kwa ys a n d c y c l e l a n e s t o th e b each a n d surro u n d i n g a r e a .

6475 115m² - m² Not Furnished


Plot 345 530m² 946m² Not Furnished

Just a little showcase of how hard our team works for you.

! D L O S

T e l : ( + 3 5 1D) U 2 8N 9 A 3 9S0 D 5 0O 0 /U9R 1 1A1D 1 9A0S0 9T O W N H O U S E sales@villasvacations.com

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

! D L O S

www.villas-vacations.com Estate Agent: 715AMI

3 B E D R O O M V I L LGA o v. eA r nLmM e nA t N L iC c eInLs e d


V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Plots in Vilamoura

Starting from €575,000 P lo ts availab le w ithin the mo s t p re s tigio us are a o f Vilamo ura, ne a r by the Inte rnatio nal C o lle ge and the Vic to ria Go lf C o urs e that annually h osts the Po rtugal Mas te rs . The p lo t c o ns is ts o f an are a o f 2962 m2 w ith a b uilding are a o f 550 m2 and 3621 m2 w ith a b uilding are a o f 550m2. With the s e p artic ular p lo ts yo u ha ve the c o ns e nt fo r a c o mfo rtab le s ize de tached ho us e o r two s e mi-de tac he d v illas . G r eat p o s itio n p lo t w ithin the de ve lo p men t of luxury v illas .

Plots also available in the Vilasol area

Just a little showcase of how hard our team works for you.



C L U B E D O A N Ç ÃO 64

! D L O S

VILAMOURA Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Almancil North

3 Beds, 3 Baths


Se t in the luxury gate d de ve lo p me nt "Th e Cr est" w ith 24hrs s e c urity, in the de s irab le area of Vale Fo rmo s o , this s p ac io us 2+1 b e dro o m to wn house, b o as ts a fantas tic fe ature s lis t, c o mmunal pool and garde n w ith dis tant s e a v ie w s , gre at hig h q uality finis h. Ide al as a s ump tuo us ho liday home or p e rmane nt re s ide nc e alike . So me o f the fe ature s inc lude a p o o l te rr ace, j ac uzzi, lands c ap e d garde ns , do mo tic s ystem, airc o nditio ning, do ub le -glazing, unde rflo or- heatin g, e le c tric s hutte rs , inte grate d s urro und-sound, f eatur e lighting, e xtra b e dro o m, garage , p arking ar ea, e le c tric gate s , v ide o inte rc o m.

REF: 6511 95.8m²

Va l e d o L o b o

4 Beds, 4 Baths




Fo ur b e dro o m linke d v illa s ituate d o n the exclusive c lo s e d c o ndo minium o f Faze nda Santiago, close to Vale do Lo b o . At the s ame time , o nly a shor t drive to Vilas o l and Almanc il. Tas te fully f ur nished thro ugho ut w ith s p e c tac ular s e a v ie w s , access to o n-s ite te nnis c o urts and gymnas ium and within 20 minute s walk to the b e ac h. Gate d drive way w ith s e c urity at night at the main e ntranc e to the re s o rt. Large e ntranc e hall with gue s t c lo akro o m and ac c e s s to a b right L- shaped lo unge dining are a. Patio do o rs to a p artly cover ed te rrac e w ith p atio furniture - ide al fo r din ing al-fre s c o .

REF: 669 304m²

Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022




V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Loule

Approved project


His to ric al b uilding w ith a large garde n ar ea, located in the c e ntre o f the p ic ture s que to w n o f Loule, with a p ro je c t fo r a Bo utique Ho te l. Lo c ate d right in fro nt o f a ne w and re no vate d garde n in th e cen tr e of Lo ule . Ap p ro ve d p ro j e c t fo r 30 ac c o mmo datio n un its, mo s tly in large s uite s , a p ano ramic ro o ftop re s taurant, p rivate p arking, SPA, and all the ne c e s s ary re quire me nts . The us e ful c o ns truc tio n are a w itho ut the basemen t p arking and s o me te c hnic al are as w ill b e 3948m² . The p arking are a w ill b e ab o ut 720m² .

REF: 6495 813m²

A l m a n c i l We s t C o .

6 Beds, 6 Baths

Not Furnished



Imp re s s ive s ix-b e dro o m v illa w ith a larg e s w imming p o o l. This c las s ic ally s tyle d villa is set o n a vas t p lo t o f land that o ffe rs a large amount of p rivac y. In the magnific e nt garde ns s urroun din g the v illa, yo u w ill find an o rname ntal lake with a fo untain and a te nnis c o urt. Lo c ate d near the main e ntranc e to Vale do Lo b o , w ith its g or geous go lde n b e ac he s and many o the r ame nities! Walkin g dis tanc e to lo c al s ho p s , The e ntranc e hall w ith a gue s t c lo akro o m leads to a fully fitte d and e quip p e d kitc he n w ith a dinin g tab le , p atio do o rs to the garde n. A s e c o nd dinin g are a, e le gantly furnis he d and de c o rate d, conn ected to b o th lo unge s . One w ith p atio do o rs to the pool and the o the r le ading to the fro nt te rrac e. Ther e is a game s ro o m o n the firs t flo o r w ith a TV, bar ar ea, p o o l tab le and do o rs to the ro o fto p te rra ce.

REF: 3525 425m²

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com 66



www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve. Issue 82, Spring 2022



Falesia Beach

can al

Golf Pinhal



Tennis Club






Fishing Habour




Quarteira Encantus

Fish/Veg Market




Villas & Vacations




To Vale do Lobo Beach »

Cavalho Preto Beach

Fonte Santa


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527 EM


Aqua Show Waterslides

3 EN


Loulé Stati

Airport » To Faro &


1 EN

EN Hair & Beauty


Vila Sol

H Pestana


1 EN

Old Village


GNR Police Post Office



1 EN

Vale Judeu

Hilton H

Old Course



Browns Sports

Family Mini-Golf

Golf Garden




Copy with written permission only. Rights reserved by Villas & Vacations Lda 2021. Email: info@central-algarve.com

Golf Victoria

Encosta Oliveira

Golf Millennium Golf Laguna

Pinhal Velho Terraços Pinhal



International School


1 EN


Map of Vilamoura

Equestrian Centre

« To Olhos De Agua



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To p 1 0 T h i n g s To Do Wh e n S e l l i n g Yo u r H om e

#1 C A LL

VILLAS & VACATIONS We ' l l h andl e t h e o t h er 9.

Taking you from For Sale to Sold, for over 30 years. s ales @ villa svacati on s.com

+315 289 39 0 5 0 0

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