Central Algarve Magazine 2021 / 2022 Spring Edition. Issue No. 81

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C entr al A l garv e Quinta do Lago, Vale do Lobo, Almancil and Vilamoura

Family Photog raphy in Algarve

2021 / 2022 Spring Edition. Issue No. 81

2020 Summer Issue 80

Yoga Kids Algarve p a ge 14

page 16

5 Minutes with PGA Master Coach Scott Cranfield pag e 4 8




Are you happy with your net rental income return? Villas & Vac ations offers a simple, cos t- effective package with no hidden charges! Whether you're only interes ted in renting a few weeks or wish to maximise your rental income. We c an he lp.

Prop erty Management House Keeping and laundry service Garden & Po ol Maintenance Rental Villa Bo okings Rental Licence Adminis tration ww w.vi l l a svac at ion s.com 2

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rental s@v i l l asvac atio ns.c om

In This Edition... Issue 81. Summer 2021.







Engaging routines that enrich the magic of childhood through mindfulness, relaxation and self-confidence with Sonia and Susana.

Taking the time out to get to know the woman behind the lens at Stories and Rita. How she creates and captures special moments for families. A little drive no rthwards from the Algarve brings you to a place of natural beauty, good food, impressive monuments, and fun activities.











A charity that holds glitzy annual events in London and Monaco has confirmed plans to expand its fundraising efforts with an exclusive event in the Algarve this summer.

Nestled in the quiet hills above Alfontes , Boliqueime is a snack bar that transports you from 'touristy' Algarve to calm, country living.

Set in the hills between Saõ Bras and Loule, this villa is a real gem! With peaceful surroundings, and gorgeous views over th e countryside.

Scott Cranfield has enjoyed a career coaching beginners through to European Tour winners, being a pundit on Sky Sports TV, writing books for both golf & to help children manage their mind and emotions.

Cen tral Alg arv e M a ga z ine

Content Listing

E d ito r and Publisher : Villas & Va ca tion s S ociedade d e Me dia çã o I mobiliár ia Ld a (Licença Nº 71 5 - AMI) A pt 3498, 8 13 5-9 06 Alm anc il A lgarve, Po rtug al Tel: + 351 2 89 39 0 5 00 NIF 50268 84 40 ww w.villa s-vacatio ns.co m

Pr i nt i ng: Lit ogr af is Ar t es G r afi c a s Lda Lit ogr af is Par k , Pav i l h a o A, Vale Par ais o, 8200- 567 Albuf eir a

Ad verti sing & Des ign: i nf o@ce ntra l-alg arve.com Tel: + 351 9 16 13 4 2 15

The Cent r al Algar v e M agaz ine is dis t r ibut e d f r ee t o loc al bus iness e s , r es or t s and r es t aur an t s i n t he Cent r al Algar v e A r e a .

Ho us e ke e p ing & laundry C OV ID Trave lling C ho o s ing a Pade l Rac ke t Bilingualis m at AIS So c ial Me dia Adve rtis e rs Stro go naff o r Stro ganaff Yo ga K ids Algarve Parte e Family Park Sto rie s and Rita C ro s s wo rd Ho rs e Riding The Ale nte jo Sp ic y C hic ke n Mo e las Butte rflie s o n the Lake Do nke y's Bar Bus ine s s Lis tings C e ntre Map

Directo r: David O ttewill T hree editio ns pe r an nu m .

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Pr i nt Run: 18, 000 No. DL: 389208/ 15

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 34

Re s taurant Listin gs Lo c kdo w n Fr ien dship Olive Valle y Fe ature d P roper ty Sc o tt C ranfield Lo c al N e w s C OV ID Te s tin g P ro p e rty Sales

36 42 44 46 48 50 52 54


Travelling, Covid, and the way to 2022


ince the last issue of Central Algarve, we have learned about the traffic light travel syst em, State of Calamity, PCR testing and double jabbing. Whether you understand all the jargon or not, what has been very confusing is the uncertainty in planning family holidays and travel in general. It may be years until we finally count the cost of this whole sad situation on the Algarve economy. One thing that's not confusing is the vast popularity the Algarve and, more particularly, this immediate area known as the Golden Triangle has on holidaymakers and increasingly on young families making the Algarve their new home. Don't take our word for it; just ask the headmasters of the two or three international schools that have sprung up locally over the last couple of years. All this popularity h as put an increasing demand on the availability of property. Property owners that have switched from short holiday lets to medium to long term lettings have experienced good occupancy and encouraging demand. However, our experience is that owners haven't necessarily made a conscious decision to entertain more longer lets, it's come about, mainly due to disappointing short term rental lets that have been cancelled and the fact that owners themselves have been unable to visit. This void in occupancy has been quickly filled by a market of peopl e who wish to live here or sta y for several months and are not necessarily affected by travel restrictions. Even if we don't know when travel restrictions will be eased, and th e norm will resume, this will put a great demand on accommodation, and short ter m availability may well be squeezed. As we approach 2022, a year that won't come soon enough for some people, the predictions are that demand for rental accommodation will be higher than in the years leading up to the pandemic. 4

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Villas & Vacations Long Te r m R e nt a l s Look i n g f o r t h e p e r fe ct e s ca p e fr o m t h e co l d , dark and s o me time s mis e rab le we athe r o f N o rthe rn Eur ope? W h y n ot c om e to the Algar ve? H e r e , i n t h e w i n t e r, the s un re mains warm and inv iting. Out door sp ort s, suc h a s t e n n i s a n d g o l f, ca n b e p laye d thro ugho ut the w inte r mo nths . Als o , yo u are vir tually g u a r ante e d e mp ty b e ac he s . S t ill not c onvinc ed? For as l i t t l e a s € 1 0 0 0 p e r m o n t h , yo u co u l d r e n t a p ro p e rty fo r o ne to thre e mo nths and live like a local. G r eat fo o d and wo nde rful we athe r: A p e r fe c t re c ip e fo r e njo ying life !!

2 B ed ro o m s Duna s Grou n d Fl o o r Ap a r t m e n t Ref: 557 Fro m € 1 2 0 0 p e r m o n t h

4 Be dro o ms Dunas Do uradas Villa Re f: 2088 F ro m €3000 p e r mo nth

4 Be dro o ms N e ar Quinta do Lago Re f: 3330 Fro m €3000 p e r mon th

C o n ta c t o u r r e n ta ls team today to f ind out availability. Vi l la s r a n g in g f r o m 2 b e d r o o ms to 5 bedr oom s in and ar ound C entr al Algar ve. r e n ta ls@ v illa svac ations .c om |+ 351 289 390 500

(+351) 289 358 007 (+351) 912 571 912 studioshop@quintastyle.com Estrada de Vale de Éguas 30 8135-033, Almancil (Last roundabout direction Albufeira)

Looking to create your dream space? Close your eyes and imagine your dream space... Looks good, doesn’t it? We’re here to walk you through this process and assist from start to finish. We’ll accommodate you throughout the entire Interior Decorating process as well as any Interior Architectural changes you wish to make.

www.quintastyle.com We’re eager and excited to assist! Quinta Style works closely with you to create the best results, creating a refined, fresh and unique style to last a lifetime. As suppliers of boutique tailored furniture & designs, we create interiors, which are completed on time, within budget & better than imagined. We’re unique! We're proud to indentify ourselves as a Boutique Interior Design company, where our service is customised to each property, and the products we offer are not mass-produced. Proudly produced in Portugal! We pride ourselves in partnering with local craftsmen to create furnishings that are bespoke and of a superior quality. This also ensures each property we work on has some of the soul of Portugal and supports the local economy.

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Perhaps you’re just looking for a few pieces to complement your space? Not to worry! The scope of our work is highly adaptable and flexible. We are pleased to offer services as small as a re-upholstery of a chair to a complete Interior Design project. From the smallest residential interior update to the largest commercial design project, we give the same amount of care and focus. Come and visit us at our large studio & showroom and get inspired! In our unique space you will find everything you need to decorate your home or commercial space. You will find a vast range of unique & bespoke products such as beds, headboards, curtains, sofas, coffee tables, rugs, dining tables, chairs, cabinets & lots more! Feel free to contact us to make an appointment or send an email to discuss your ideas and needs.

Consider it done 5

Choosing a Padel Racket!


P ad el is o n e o f th e fas te s t g ro w in g s p o rts a n d as th e re are lo ts o f p e o p le s tarting to p la y, o n e o f th e firs t ta s ks is ch o o s in g a p a d el rac k et.

t is great to see such a wide range of rackets available, but there are so many shapes and features, how do you choose the right one?

All racket shapes can be broadly categorised into: Diamond, Teardrop and Round. As you will see from the images, the 'sweetspot' ball-striking area of the racket differs. Diamond Shape: The diamond shape is weighted more towards the end. When struck well, the racket will generate more power and therefore tends to be chosen by more expert players. Teardrop Shape: This racket still has a decent sized sweetspot and would be a good choice for intermediate to advanced players. Round Shape: This is the most forgiving shape and is a great choice for everyone, althoug h the lighter head will not generate as much power. There is one more major consideration which is whether to choose hard or soft. Hard: with a more rigid core (E.V.A.) and a hard fibre impact surface, this will provide greater control but less power. Soft: bouncier foam and a softer impact surface will give some extra power, but a little less control.



M a n o e u vr a b ility

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021



You Speak How Many Languages? Why Being Bilingual Means Something To These Kids In this article, three of our pupils explain why bilingualism is impor tant to t hem.


t A I S we pr o vi d e a bilingu al ed uc ation in bo t h En g l i sh a nd Portugu es e for p u p ils in o u r pr i ma r y sc h ool. A t s ec ond ary s c h ool we p r o v i d e as m a n y h o u rs for th e s tu d y of Portuguese as we d o f o r En g l i sh u p to age 14. Portugu es e is com p u l s o r y f o r a l l o u r s tud ents u p to th e age of 16. Th e r e a r e se ve r a l reas on s for th is , bu t c h ief am o n g th e m i s o u r f e elin g that it is im p ortant for our p u p i l s t o wo r k t o ward s fluenc y in th e lang uag e of t h e co u n t r y i n w h i ch th ey live. H owever, lot s of stu d i e s h a ve sh o w n that bilingu alis m is an adva n t a g e i n a n d o f i ts elf. A b b y Cl a r ke , a g e 1 4 The a d va n t a g e s o f a bi l i n gu a l e du c a t i o n are n u m e r o u s. F i r st l y, i t p r o v i d es a we l l r ou n d e d e du c a t i o n f or yo u n g c h i l dr e n . Ha v i n g m u l t i pl e l an g u a g e s c a n o pe n chi l d r e n u p t o n e w p e r s p e c ti ve s o n t h e wor l d a n d c a n a l so d e ve l o p t h e i r so c i a l s ki l l s . Ch i l dr e n a r e tau g h t to mu l t i - t a sk : a l o t o f s t r e n g t h i s n e ed ed to s witc h from one l an g u a g e t o a n o t h e r an d to s tay foc u s ed and having a bi l i n g u a l e du c a t i o n help s train th e brain . Studies s ho w th a t c h i l dr e n w ho are bilin gu al have a bet t er und e r s ta n di n g o f l a n gu age in gen eral whic h c an i mpr o ve t h e i r m o t h e r tongu e; it h as als o been s ho wn th a t t h o se w h o s tu d ied bilin gu ally were alm o s t a ye a r a h e a d o f m onolingu al p eers in their E ngl i s h r e a di n g . N o t on ly d id they ac h ieve h ig her s co r e s o n t e st s, b u t t hey als o were d eem ed h appier at sch o o l a n d mo r e c om fortable in th e s tu d ent role, wi t h f e we r b e h a vi o u r a l p roblem s an d m ore p arent al i nte r a ct i o n w i t h t h e i r s c hool life. T hes e fac ts s how tha t th e se n se o f b e l o nging is en hanc ed . H aving a p l a c e i n t h e c o mm u n i ty is an i mpo r t a n t f a c t o r o f a c hild 's up bringin g an d that is trul y p r ovi de d i n b i l i ngu al s c hools .


Oceane Guillo u, ag e 16 The difference b et ween learning a lang uag e in lessons and learning it t hroug h t he environment around you as you do in a b iling ual school, is t hat st udent s are more deeply lock ed int o t he lang uag e and it s every day use rat her t han learning vocab ulary or verb pat t erns in isolat ion. This allows t hem t o d evel op t heir sk ills more org anically and doesn’t f eel a s forced.There are many advant ag es t o b ilin gua l educat ion. Speak ing mult iple lang uag es a l l ow s f or a b et t er performance in t ask s t hat call for c rea t i ve t hink ing , pat t ern recog nit ion and prob lem so l v i n g. This b roadens t he capacit y of a b et t er acad emi c achievement and could lead t o a wider ra n ge of opport unit ies in t he fut ure. Having a wide rang e of lang uag es allows you t o communicat e wit h ot hers, whet her in a dif f eren t count ry or a different environment . This communicat ion helps relat ionships t o form a n d t h e g eneral connect ion b et ween human b eing s t o gro w. I sabel C alado , ag e 15 As a t riling ual person, I can say t hat speak ing t hree lang uag es has b roug ht me many advant ag es t hroug hout t he years. My first lang uag es are Norweg ian and Port ug uese. When I st art ed g oing t o int ernat ional school, Eng lish b ecame t he lang uag e I was most comfort ab le wit h at t he t ime, and t he one I'm most comfort ab le wit h t oday. I t hink when you are young , li ke I wa s, it b ecomes easier t o learn a new lang uag e. Ki d s learn t hing s wit hout even realising . Wit h o n l i n e t echnolog ies availab le t oday, access t o lea rn i n g new lang uag es has b ecome very st raig ht fo rwa rd . However, you do not g et t he same out come f rom i t as you would if you act ually pract ised t he l a n gua ge and used it in real life sit uat ions. That 's w h ere a b iling ual educat ion comes in handy. When you h ea r a different lang uag e every day, your b rain st a rt s g et t ing accust omed t o t he words you hear a n d t he t ones t hey are said in. Place your chil d ren i n b iling ual schools if you can and you see th a t you will mak e t heir lives so much easier in t he f ut ure. Being in a b iling ual school raised my confi d en c e even as it present ed me wit h new sk ills. I a l so kn ow t hat t he reward for achieving t his g oal wi l l ben ef i t my life in all aspect s and will present oppo rt un i t i es t hat may not have b een availab le b efore.

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Because Education Matters PRE-SCHOOL - PRIMARY - SECONDARY

Website: www.algarveinternationalschool.com www.facebook.com/algarveinternationalschool.com Instagram: algarve_international_school Central Algarve E I s sm u e a8 1i ,l S: u a md m em r 2i0 n 2 1@ a l g a r v e i n t e r n a t i o n a l s c h o o l . c o m


Social Media has some kind of Magic... especially in the Algarve! Sometim es, we f in d b e a u t y in what other s p os t. Sometimes , it makes us wan t t o be s o m e w h e r e e ls e . S ometimes it mak es us want to be doi ng somethi n g e l s e. H e r e a r e s o m e o f our f avour ite s ocial med ia p ictu res f r om o u r a dver t is e r s o ve r t h e p a s t f ew months ... The N atural Me at C o Gro c e ry Sto re WE ARE OP EN Fre s h me at c uts Wine s & Sp irits Fre s h ve ge tab le s Almanc il / Algarve Mo n - Fri fro m 10:00 - 16:00 Saturday 09:00 - 13:00 w w w.the naturalme atc o .c o m

@ bjsocean si d e ‘ Te am work ma ke s t h e d r e a m wo r k !’ - t h r i l l e d t o share wit h you th e FA B B J ’s t e a m ! Al wa y s r e a d y w i t h a s m ile and some f ri en d l y b a n t e r i n t h e s e t r i c k y t i m e s . #b jsoceans i d e #a l ga rve # g o l d e n t r i a n g l e # p o r t u g a l #s um mer2 0 2 1 # f un # sun # l i ve m u s i c # fr e s h fi s h # w ine #g o odt ime s #yummyf oo d # i l o ve m y j o b # d r e a m t e a m #ilovebjs

@ s andb anks _v dl The BEST b re akfas t in Vale do Lo b o are b ac k ! ! Jo in us to mo rro w and s tart yo ur day w ith a gr eat meal b y the o c e an! . @ vale .do .lo b o @ v is it_algarve # vale do lo b o # algarve # b e ac h # re s taurant # s eaview # o c e an # fo o dp o rn # v is itp o rtugal # v is italgarve # yo urde s tinatio n # p ic o fthe day # fre s h # s e a #sun # s unnydays # b re akfas t 10

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

@ b amb o o _algarve Pe rfe c tio n lo ve s atte ntio n to the de tails , th at’s th e re as o n we always do the b e s t w ith the b e st pr oducts # s us hi # s us hilo ve rs # thay # as ianre s taurant # quintado lago # vale do lo b o # go lde ntriangle # o uts ide garde ns # algarve # p o rtugal •b ar fun & mus ic •o p e n fo r lunc h and dinne r •289 394 521

@marias_ a l ga rve M aria’s w i t h t h e c ol o u r s o f Po r t u g a l o n yo u r p l a te . #freshfi sh # squi d # a l g a r ve r e s t a u r a n t # h o l i d a y mo o d #Viajare v i ver #a l ga rve l i fe # v i s i t a l g a r ve # a l g a r ve lo ve rs #algarvet o u ri sm # sun s e t l o ve r s # a l g a r ve s u n s e t #beachr est a u ra n t s #v i s i t p o r t u g a l # m a r i a s a l g a r ve #dunasdou ra d a sbe a c h cl u b #quint adol a go #va l edo l o b o # l i fe s a b e a ch #discove ra l ga rve # re s t a u r a n t b y t h e s e a # s u n d a y funday #port ug a l l ove rs #i l o ve p o r t u g a l # i l o ve a l g a r ve

Ju l i a 's R e s t a u r a n t & b e ac h bar Restaurant T h e o r i g i n a l b e a c h fro nt r e s t a u r a n t a n d b a r in # va l e d o l o b o o p e n e ve ryday fo r L u n ch & D i n n e r, # co ck t a i l s a n d # l i ve mus ic + 3 5 1 2 8 9 3 9 6 5 1 2 # a l i fe s tyle w w w. j u l i a s -a l g a r ve . c o m

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Strogonoff or Stroganoff? Whilst we can’t decide which term is the correct one, we can affirm that Casa Pituxa Restaurant delivers an amazing version of the dish. If you don’t know Casa Pituxa yet, it is a traditional Portuguese restaurant, serving delicious comfort food. An interesting fact is that the family running is Eastern European. Chef Stefan Bambu and his wife have tasted plenty of Strogonoff dishes around Moldova & Russia and decided this is their favorite version (we asked kindly and got them to share the recipe).

Chef Stefan Bambu



For great Stroganoff you need great beef, and we have the best in town

Chef’s Recipe (serves 4) INGREDIENTS:


600g beef

In a cast iron skillet over medium heat, add the butter followed by a pinch of salt and the beef, cut in thin slices and fry until golden brown

salt & pepper 1 medium sized onion 100g mushrooms 50g bacon 100g cream 20g mustard 50ml tomato juice 50ml demi glacé 50gr butter 30ml white wine

Add the onion and bacon cut in small cubes followed by the mushrooms, fry for 3 minutes Add the wine and let the alcohol evaporate Add mustard, demi glacé, tomato juice and cream Taste and adjust salt and pepper as desired. Let it simmer for a few minutes, until sauce thickens. Serve over rice, or mashed potatoes, with a salad or green vegetable. Garnish with parsley, coriander, or basil.

Showcase your location directly to your customer anytime, anywhere, with a 360° Virtual Tour. Right now, improving visibility at the local level is essential for both in-person dining and carry-out options. There are a lot of options like paid ads, partnerships, influencer programs, etc. But here's a quick secret we want to share with you, that will improve your online presence. Google's 360º Inside View! Your customers can now fully experience your business through Google's Street View & 360º

Who can benefit from a 360° Virtual Tour? Real Estate, Hotels, Restaurants, Automotive Dealerships, Art Galleries, Country Clubs, Retreat Facilities, Retail Stores, Travel and Tourism Industry, and many more.

Angel Bambu

+351 916 517 789



Yoga Kids Algarve Launch E n g a gin g routine s that e nrich th e magic of childho o d th r ou gh mindfulness , re l a x at ion and s e lf-co nfide nc e .


hat we do with the time we have is what defines who we are, or what we can become. For us, the time came where we were forced to stop, to realise our dream. The silence and lack of freedom brought us the luminosity of ideas and willpower, to give body and soul to YogaKidsAlgarve. Let's join hands and join our energies, to make a dream come true: giving children and their families tools to live more consciously, harmoniously and have more fun. All of us are beings who are part of a greater good that is Nature. It is now, with the current climate of our world,that we and our children, may develop issues re lated to processing emotions and sensations. Meditation and yoga helps us to open the doors of ourselves and the tidying up of every piece of our being. In doing so, we can develop these skills from a young age and help create happier and more balanced people. These ancient practices are neither abstract nor unattainable, they are not tied to religion and are free from prejudice, in that, at their core, they are the compass to find ourselves free from all layers. What can be more rewarding than seeing a child free, discovering and to be exactly who they are, without covers or filters!?

Started by founders Sonia and Susana, YKA has already found success in fully booked yoga and meditation classes for children in the Vilamoura area. If you want to know more visit their website, and definitely follow them on social media! Their Facebook and Instagram pages are jampacked with fun content, pop-up classes, and much more. YKA is bound to be not only a fun outlet for your child but also a place where they can feel comfortable in their own skin while discovering who they are. www.yogakidsalgarve.com yogakidsalgarve@gmail.com IG: @yogakidsalgarve FB: @yogakidsalgarve

With the help of our footsteps, the creativity and inexhaustible energy of the children will be channeled to showcase their best qualities, just through physical exercise and accompanied fun. We believe that through meditation and yoga, families can develop stronger connections and our children can explore areas of themselves that they still don't know about, but that can be elevated. And we, we want to guide them in this adventure! C o p y r i g h t © Cáti a Gu e rre i ro


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

J am - p a c k e d activ ities and da y s f i l l e d with fun fo r the w ho l e f a m i l y in Vale do L obo Partee Fa m ily Park in the he a r t o f Va le do Lo bo is r e a d y t o welco m e yo u back f o r a no the r s um m e r s e a s o n.


tart the day with a coffee or juice of the day with a local pastry. Our newly revamped 18 hole mini golf course is a great way to spend some quality family time, or try out or Robokeeper…the fastest goalie in the world. See if you can beat him! Later in the day have dinner and a signature cocktail in our Partee Bar or under our teepee. Our Kids Club is now open 7 days a week and our staff are looking forward to taking great care of your little ones. We have a full schedule of activities to fill their days with fun and learning to create the most memorable experiences. They will be able to do 18 holes on our mini golf course and on hot days cool down in our bespoke splash pad. Children will do a variety of arts and crafts, learn the local language and enjoy more fun and games to ensure they have the best time. We are located just by the Praça in Vale do Lobo. It’s the perfect place to relax and enjoy your time in the Algarve and the Partee team can’t wait to see you this summer! ADDRESS​ Avenida do Mar, 23 8135-864 Vale do Lobo CALL (+351) 913 811 227 / (+351) 289 354 095

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Stories and Rita

We took some time out to get to know the woman behind the lens at Stor ies and Rita. The images themselves speak volumes by simply showing how love ca n be captured with just one click (and a lot more hour s of work after that!) What goes into planning a photo shoot ? How do you conceptualise each theme? Is it difficult to work with children? Sometimes, once in a lifetim e, we find exactly what we're meant to be doing...


hy choose to be a photographer? I studied a course in design, then I worked about 14 years in a design company, at that point, I had my children and I had always had a passion for taking photos of my children.I had a friend that was a wedding photographer, and she kept telling me that I should do it professionally because I had talent. So I just went for it, and I started doing free photoshoots with friends and family. And it grew from there. Now I m really blessed to be able to do what I love. Among your photoshoots, name one that was your favourite and why?

scene where everything compliments each other in the most amazing way. What type of photoshoots do you cover? I specialize in family events and photoshoots, things like maternity photoshoots, weddings, and baptisms are really ‘my thing’. I also do boudoir photoshoots for my female clients. I enjoy most the photoshoots where people are the subjects because I can capture the emotion and the connection. And that's really why I do what I do!

My favourite photoshoots are definitely the ones with my own children, but it’s super hard to choose between my clients. I love to capture my son and daughter because I believe that I am documenting their visual journey, and one day, they will be able to look back at all the memories and see their life in images. What goes into planning a photoshoot? Most of the time, my clients will see photoshoots that I have already done, and they ask me if we can re-create those images. Other times, my clients will challenge me by choosing a location that I am not familiar with, and I get to be challenged creatively by making the most of my light and surroundings. Sometimes I help with choosing the outfits to complete the story that we are trying to tell for them and their family, it makes for creating a beautiful 16

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Name: _________________________________________________

Can you find allWord the land animals from Word Search Search Word Search around the world? MM VV M V JJ CC J C HH EE H E JJ XX J X W HH W H W ZZ I I Z I LL EE L E W EE W W E OO ZZ O Z GG NN G N NN AA N A I I PP I P MM MM M M AA I I A I LL HH L H FF CC F C









Findthe thefollowing followingwords wordsininthe thepuzzle. puzzle. Find Find the following words in the puzzle. Wordsare arehidden hidden and Words and Words are hidden and BEAR BEAR BEAR BEAVER BEAVER BEAVER BUFFALO BUFFALO BUFFALO CAMEL CAMEL CAMEL CHEETAH CHEETAH CHEETAH CHIMPANZEE CHIMPANZEE CHIMPANZEE CROCODILE CROCODILE CROCODILE DONKEY DONKEY DONKEY














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Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

The Classic



ne of the most iconic summer cocktails is the mojito ! This iconic Cuban cocktail is refreshing and perfectly balanced with lime, rum and fresh mint. Perfect for when summer herbs are in abundance. The Ingredients for Making a Mojito Fresh mint Sugar White rum Fresh lime juice Soda water

The Best Rum for Mojitos Go for white rum in a mojito. This has a cleaner, fresher taste than golden rums, which are aged. Paired with the min t, it makes a light and refreshing cocktail. Mount Gay or Bacardi Silver are both smooth and affordable options. Mojitos for a Crowd Using a mortar and pestle is the way to go for one simply perfect cocktail, but that's not going to fly at a party. To make mojitos for a crowd, scale up the ingredients as much as you'd like and puree them in a b lender or food processor. Let steep for about 5 minutes, then str ain through a fine-mesh strainer (line it with a coffee filter if you'd like to catch every particle of mint). This infused rum mixture can be made a few hours ahead of your party and kept refrigerate. Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Social distancing and horse r iding! I n hors e r i di n g t h is is n o r m a l. You wou l d a l wa y s k e e p a s uit a b le d istanc e bet we e n h o r s e s . H o r s e ri din g i s a n i de a l wa y t o g e t s o me f r esh ai r, ta ke e x e r c is e a n d b e a t the C o v i d bl u es wi t h yo u r f o ur l e gg ed c om pa n io n .


e a r e so l u c k y to be in th e c ountrys id e, so c l o se t o t h e sea, with th e s outh wes terly b r e e z e s b l o w ing in fres h unp ollu ted a ir.

Mo s t o f u s c r a ve a f r eed om th es e d ays from the thi n gs we do n ´ t l i k e i n the world ; an d freed om fr om wh a t ? W h e n yo u es c ap e in to the gian t p ine for e s t th e o n l y c r e a t u res s ilently watc hing an d list e n i n g a r e t h e n a t u ral on es . L izard s , rabbits , fox e s a n d a we a l t h o f bird life c an be fou nd in t his pr o t e ct e d a r e a o f t h e Ria Form os a N ature Res erve. Rega r d i n g t h e b i r ds, t he hoop oes an d azul-wing ed ma gp i e s t e n d t o pr e dom inate an d flouris h. Sp ring ti m e i s p o ssi b l y t h e b es t tim e of th e year as the woo d s d i spl a y a va r i ety of c olou rful wild flowers, mi m o s a t r e e s a r e a do rned with yellow bobbles and t h e f r a g r a n c e s o f wild herbs s u c h as th ym e, rose m a r y a n d t h e c u r ry p lant waft u p . Wh en you r i d e yo u r h o r se you c an feel an inner p eac e. Pe r h a p s ju st w h a t we n eed . T he hors e is a grea t the r a p i s t f o r o u r so u l and a good lis tener. Ther e a r e ma n y st a b l es to c h oos e from in th e Al ga r ve , a l l w i t h a di fferen t atm os p h ere and from the p o i n t o f r i di n g o u t, d ifferent s c en ery. You could act u a l l y t r y a r i de f o r every d ay of the week at diff e r e n t st a b l e s a n d ex p erienc e s uc h a variety of lan d s ca p e s. Ma n y o f t h e r i di n g st ables an d eq u es trian s c hools in th e A l g a r ve h a ve e xp erien c ed an inc reas e in hors e r i d i n g o ve r t h e las t year, ex c ep t, of c ou rse, in ti m e s o f lo c k do w n . C ertainly in all m y tim e living in th e A l g a r ve I do n ot th ink there has been s uch a pe a k. A cc o r di n g t o El is a, of ou r loc al tac k s hop Equ i l o u l é , sa l e s o f r i d ing gear has als o inc reas ed. Life i s f u l l o f c h a n g e s – an d d on´t we kn ow it! I can n o t r e me mb e r e ve r s u c h an influx of p eop le com i n g to l i ve h e r e , es p ec ially fam ilies . T he inte r n a t i o n a l sc h o o l s m u s t be brim fu ll with ki ds fr om a var i e t y o f c o u ntries . The A l ga rve h a s a l wa ys been a great p lac e to b ring up c h i l d re n . My pa r e nts m oved h ere in 1972, wit h 5 chi l d r e n a n d a pa r r ot (but the p arrot is another sto r y ) . 20

At Pinet rees we have many k een young st e rs w h o enjoy b eing wit h t heir pony and learning t o ri d e. Our approach is very holist ic and incorpo ra t es n o t only equest rian k nowledg e b ut also, for e xa mpl e wit h very young ones, recog nising t he let t ers around t he arena and k nowing left and rig h t , or learning how t o cross a road on a ride out. I t i s a l so quit e a t hrill earning t he special roset t es for mast ering rising t rot , or t he t wo-t one b lue on e f or st op,st art and st eering ! Horses t each decisi on mak ing and responsib ilit y – so import ant i n a child´s development . There are also opport un i t i es for all ag es t o achieve cert ificat es from t a ki n g pa rt in proficiency t est s, whet her t hroug h t he A B R S or F EI org anisat ions. Every rider and every horse is an individua l a n d different approaches are necessary. So, wha t ever your ob ject ives in riding , or b eing wit h ho rses, t el l us what you would lik e and we can help you a t t a i n your g oals. Bev Gibbo ns +351 919 363 190 +351 289 394 369 www.pinetr ees.pt Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

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The Alentejo Sitting just a short drive North from the Algarve lies a place of natural beauty, good food, impressive monuments, and full days packed with fun activities. Here are the things you should absolutely do or visit when in the Alentejo.


. Find The Food Tr a vel l i n g i s sy n onym ou s with tas ting loc al f o o d . Al e n t e j o was on c e one of th e p oores t r e g i o n s i n Po r t u g a l . S o, th e im agin ation of th e A l e n t e j a n o s h a d t o c r eate inc red ible flavours wit h wh a t th e y h a d o n h a n d . On th e A len tejo Coas t, the s p e ci al t i e s a r e t h e “c atap lanas ” (a c as s erole us e d to pr e pa r e Po r t ugues e s eafood d is hes ) and “ca l d e i r ada s” ( f i sh st ews ) p rep ared with th e very f r e s h i n gre di e n t s t h a t th e A tlantic oc ean p rovides. Thr o u g h o u t t h e r e g i o n, for d es s ert, there are s weet s s uc h a s “q u e i j a da s” ( t rad itional c hees e c ake), “pa s t é i s d e t o u c i n h o ” (lard p as try), “p ão d e rala”, “se r i ca i a ” ( si m i l a r t o s p onge c ake) and m any more. Fi n d a l o c a l r e st a u r a nt and get tas ting!


A l e nt e j o i s a h u g e region with a low p o p u l a t i o n de n sity. N atu re takes a key role i n th e t e r r i t o r y. Con s eq u ently, on its own , it be c o me s a mu st o n you r lis t of ac tivities . With a gua r a n te e d we l l - de se rved res t by the end of the d ay a t th e a c c o m mo dation of you r c hoic e, go off and e x p l o r e pe de st r i an and bike trails . L oo k i n t o si e r r a s, h i l ls , valleys and s tream s . Visit Par q u e N a t u r a l da S e rra d e São M am ed e, Parq ue Natu r a l do S u do e st e Alen tejan o e Cos ta Vic ent ina, Par q u e N a t u r a l do Va le d o Gu ad iana, Res erva Natu r a l do Est u á r i o d o Sad o an d Res erva N atural d as L a g o a s de S a n t o A nd ré e d a Sanc ha for your fill of t r a n q u i l i t y !


Yo u r n e x t a c t i vi t y in A len tejo s h ould be a v i s i t t o o n e o f t h e m any beautifu l d am s and l a k e s a l o n g t h e m any win d ing road s . T h ey s to r e wa t e r f o r h o u se hold c ons um p tion and farm l an d s . A pa r t f r o m t h i s p u rp os e, the lakes are i ncr e a s i n g l y i r r e si st i ble for vis itors wh o look for tran q u i l i t y o r wa t e r sp orts .Som e of the ac tivities you ca n d o i n c l u de waters kiin g, rowin g, s ailin g , cano e i n g , st a n d- u p pad d le and m ore. B eing the l arge s t l a k e i n Eu r o pe, L ake A lq u eva is the m ost we l l - k n o w n i n Al e n t ejo. For its s ize but als o for it s be a u t y, up c l o se o r f r om a van tage viewp oin t such as Mo n s a r a z . Vi si t o r s leep in one of th e A lq ueva’s “al d e i a s ri b e i r i n h a s” (waters id e villages ): L uz, E s tr e l a , Al q u e va , Am ieira, Jurom enha, M ons araz. The r e wo n ’t b e a n y shortage of ac tivities around he r e . Tr y f i sh i n g . R e nt a boat or go on a s m all cr u i s e s t a r t i n g f r o m C ais d a B arragem , M arina da A m i e i r a o r C e n t r o N á utic o d e M on s araz.


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Th e r e a r e 4 7 munic ip alities in A len tejo. Each o ne va l u e s c u l tu re and has , at leas t, one m u se u m w h e r e you will kn ow th e his tory of t h e mu n i c i pa l i t y more c los ely. H owever, th ere are s o ma n y m u se u ms th at it wou ld be ex haus ting t o e n u m e r a t e t h e m i n d etail. S o , h e re i s a sh o r t l is t of th em es : s ac red art, horses, t a p e s tr y, e m b r o i de ry, terrac otta, olive oil, c arpet s, s o a p , ru r a l i t y, a r c h eology, m ilitary, p h otography, m a r bl e, wa t c h e s, f r es c oes , wine, c offee, arbut us, f l o u r, r i c e , e t h n o g r ap hy, m iners , firem en, c o n tr a b a n d, c o n t e m p orary art and m ore. S t i l l wit h r e g a r d t o m us eum s , we h ave to m ent ion o n e f o r i t s u n i qu e n es s in Portu gal. We are talk ing a bo u t C a pe l a do s Os s os (B on es Chap el), on e of t he e x- l i br is o f Evo r a . Don’t forget that s om e A lent ejo l i br a r i e s a r e a l so i nteres ting p lac es at h is toric, a r c h i te c t u r a l a n d ( obviou s ly) c u ltu ral levels .


To pu t a l o n g lis t s h ort, A lentejo c as tles are an a b so l u t e mu st on th e vis it lis t, s o here it g oes:

N o r te Al e n t e j a n o – A legrete, A lter d o Chão, A mi e i r a do Te j o , Arron c hes , Avis , B elver, Cab eço d e Vi d e, C a mpo M aior, Cas telo d e Vid e, E lvas, M a r vã o, N i sa , O u g uela, Portalegre A l e n te j o C e n t r a l – A lan d roal, A rraiolos , B orba, E s t r e mo z , Evo r a , Evoram onte, Ju rom enha, M o n s a ra z , Mo u r ã o , M ontem or-o-N ovo, Portel, R e d o n d o , Te r e n a , Veiros , Viana d o A len tejo, Vila Vi ço s a B a i x o Al e n t e j o – Al vito, B eja, M értola, M oura, N o u d a r, S e r pa A l e n te j o Li t o r a l – A lc ác er d o Sal, Pes s egu eiro, S a n t i a g o do C a c é m , Sines , Vila N ova d e M ilfont es


T h e R o t a Vi c e n tin a is th e p erfec t way to fall i n l o ve w i t h t he Portu gu es e South wes t. Tak ing th e se su g g e st e d p aths in th e A len tejo c oast ( a t o ta l o f 4 5 0 k m) allows you to get in tou c h wit h n a t u r e . I n a ddi t i o n , it als o lets you ex p lore t he h i s to r i c a n d c u l t u r al h eritage in th is p artic ular r e gi o n . H e a d t o t h e trac ks on foot or on a m ount ain bi k e . T h e y h a ve b e en followed by the loc als for a l o n g t i m e a n d g o f r om Santiago d o Cac ém , in t he A l e n te j o c o a st , t o C abo d e São Vic en te, in A lg arve. Hi s to r i c a l Wa y ( 1 2 ) – origin ally followed by p i l g r i ms, i t g o e s t h rou gh th e m ain town s and v i l l a g e s i n a r u r a l i t in erary. Fi s h e r me n ’s Tr a i l ( 9) – c an only be walked , lik e t he l o c a l s h a ve a l wa y s d on e to go to fis h ing s p ot s and be a ch e s . Ci r cu l ar R o u t e s ( 7 ) – thes e s tart and finis h in t he s a me l o c a t i o n , a l l o wing for s h orter trekkings wit h l e s s l o g i st i c s i n vo l ved . This article was adapted and written from https://www.visitevora.net/en/what-to-do-alentejo-portugal where we found the inspiration to visit the Alentejo.

H ave y o u been to a bea u tif u l, le sse r -k n o wn p a r t o f P o r tu g a l? Write to us a n d we m a y f e a tu r e y o u ! Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Cooking the Portuguese Way!


( Saucy Chicken Gizzards) Ingredients Gizzards 600 g Red wine 500 ml Garlic cloves 4 Salt 2 tablespoons Bay leaves two Cloves 1 Oil 5 tablespoons Ch opped onions two Tomato paste 150 g Parsley 20 g Preparation Step 1 Wash the gizzards very well. Step 2


In a bowl, season the gizzards with wine, the chopped garlic cloves, salt, bay leaf and cloves. Step 3 In a saucepan, heat the oil, add the onion and let it cook until the onion wilts. Step 4 Add the gizzards, add a little water and the tomato pulp. Let it stew for about 20 minutes with the pan covered and over a low heat. Step 5 When the gizzards are tender, add the chopped parsley and remove from heat. Step 6 Serve the gizzards warm and serve wit h traditional Portuguese bread.

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Casa Rupi, Alfontes Exclusive Hire Wedding Venue with incredible Views. Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

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charity that holds glitzy annual events in London and Monaco has confirmed plans to expand its fundraising efforts with an exclusive event in the Algarve this summer. Caudwell Children raises hundreds of thousands every year at star-studded events to support disabled children – and the cha rity has announced that it will launch a plush event hosted by Peter Andre at the Casa do Lago, Quinta Do Lago in the Algarve on Saturday 21 August 2021. Table and event sponsorship packages are already on sale for the inaugural 'Butterflies on the Lake' event, which will take place on the venue’s stunning lakeside terrace, offering exclusive guests an evening of great food, fine wine and fantastic entertainment.

to over 58,000 children with 652 different medical conditions.The charity was founded by philanthropist, John Caudwell who covers the charity’s administrative costs – offering transparency and peace of mind that 100% of all donations are used to change children’s lives. Chad Teixeira, Founder of Inspire to Ins pire Network , “It is an honor for me to support the phenomenal work of Caudwell Children an d for Inspire to Inspire Network to be appointed as the chosen partners in Portugal to create this event.”

Dozens of high-profile guests are expected to descend on the Algarve for the event – with many of Caudwell Children’s events attracting names over the years such as Rod Stewart CBE, Robbie Williams, Kylie Monogue, Sir Elton John, Tina Turner and Lionel Ritchie (and th at's just a name-drop in the ocean!). The evening begins with a VIP drinks reception followed by a four-course dinner, a charity auction to raise money for Caudwell Children and an evening of entertainment. Host, Peter Andre, is a long-standing Caudwell Children ambassador and has helped the charity raise millions of pounds to support disabled children and their families. Since its inception in 2000, Caudwell Children has provided services worth over £85million

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021



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Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Three Generations and their Donkeys N est led in th e q u i e t h i l l s a b ove Alfonte s, B o l i q u e i m e is a snack ba r t h a t t r a n sp o r ts y ou f rom ' tou r i st y ' Al g a r v e to c al m , countr y l i v i n g .


hen you walk through the door of the delightfully quaint Donkey's bar, you're welcomed with open arms and delicious smells that pull you in and seemingly embrace you. The lady who sits inside is the first generation behind what Donkey's Bar is now. Her grandsons have now taken over the family business, and boy, what dishes of awesomeness they are serving up! From crispy croquettes to wonderfully juicy homemade burgers, you can't go wrong with anything off the menu! This includes the boozy cocktails that have you slowly getting swallowed into the countryside view and distant ocean one too! If you're in the area, definitely try out the bifana which is a local twist on a pork meat sandwich, you won't regret it. Go all out with the Donkey's bifana for a pork steak, egg and cheese extravaganza! These guys know their local dishes! Bring the kids along, there's a baby donkey who arrived not too long ago, and if you ask nicely, you may just be able to share some of your carrots with the extended four-legged family! www.facebook.com/ donkeyssnackbar


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

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Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

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Business Directory Business





Air Conditioning & Heating



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Boat Maintenance

PowerCool Marine

Butchers, bakers, grocers etc

The Natural Meat Co.


We specialize in grass-fed beef from Uruguay and we also have a wide range of other meats. Fresh natural products: fruits and vegetables, GMO free breads, local cheeses and a large selection of wines and beers. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm, and Saturdays 9am to 1pm.

Car repair



General vehicle maintenance and repair. Fast and friendly service. English and Portuguese spoken.

Chimney Sweep

Limpeza Chamines


Professional chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the rotary power sweeping system. Very efficient. No mess. We work 967 191 278 with clients all over Portugal. E: geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com

Cleaning & Laundry

Deep Cleaning Solutions


A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and mattresses, hard floor stripping and treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels and agency discounts available.

Cleaning & Laundry

Zacarias & Zunido


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Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes.



TJ Projects


Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com

918 348 898

Drain Cleaning

Logan Services


Unblocking of domestic / rain water drains. CCTV inspections. Maintenance plans. 24 hour service. Buried boxes location.

927 452 982

927 726 282

913 056 131


Simon Brown -

Electrician. Rewiring of electrical circuits. Replace faulty equipment. Renew fuse boards. Fit extra lights and power points. 969 731 918 Fault finding. Serving the Central Algarve region. mrbrownelectrician@gmail.com


Family Golf Park


A super mini-golf course consisting of two separate 18-hole courses designed especially with families in mind: 10,000m2 of gardens and over 200 species of plants and bushes. Kids club, games room and restaurant. info@familygolfpark.pt

+351 289 300 800

Estate Agent

Villas & Vacations


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289 390 500

Finance & Investment

Private Fund D3 Management

Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio management. Independent unbiased advice, regulated in Portugal and the UK.

289 392 484



Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021




Business Directory Business Furniture




Dutch price-busting specialist offers large stock of wholesale interior/exterior furnishings and accessories. Curtains, sofas and Curiosa E5 beds for immediate delivery. Turnkey design projects in https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue contemporary and traditional styles. www.curiosaportugal.com

Business Directory Specialists in the design and construction of superior quality

synthetic putting greens, lawns, sports and leisure areas.Tel / Outdoor Map Grasshopper We iness Garden Name Description Furniture Greens strive for perfection and only deliver the best. Dutch price-busting specialist offers large stock of wholesale www.grassshoppergreens.com interior/exterior furnishings and accessories. Curtains, sofas and 289 391 373 Curiosa E5 At Golfers Paradise will receive beds for immediate delivery. Turnkeyyou design projectstop in service and a big Golfers D3 selection of quality brands and products. Clubs, shoes, apparel, Golf contemporary and traditional styles. www.curiosaportugal.com Paradise bags, trolleys, accessories - everything you need for your game. Specialists in the design and construction of superior quality or telephone us forand great discounts all Algarve synthetic puttingVisit Outdoor Grasshopper greens, lawns, sports leisure areas.on We 289 green 093 387 / - Golf & fees, hire of clubs, electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, strive for perfection and only deliver the best. 910 365 071 E2 GolfGreens Leisure Store Aquashow tickets, boat trips and more... E: www.grassshoppergreens.com info@golfleisurestore.com www.golfleisurestore.com At Golfers Paradise you will receive top service and a big Golfers Facial treatments, crystalClubs, microdermo individual D3 selection of quality brands and products. shoes,peel, apparel, 289eyelash 393 006 Universal E3 extensions, manicures, pedicures, gel nails Bio Sculpture, HairParadise & Beauty bags, Beauty Spatrolleys, accessories - everything you need for your game. waxing, laser permanent hair removal. Visit or telephone us for great discounts on all Algarve green Qualified English instructors, equipment Golf & fees, hire of clubs, electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, supplied, other 289 358 491 / Pinetrees E2 languages spoken. A.B.R.S. approved. Pop in and915 let Bev Leisure Store Riding AquashowC3 tickets, boat trips and more... E: 322and 655 Horseriding her team see how they can help you achieve your goals. E: info@golfleisurestore.com www.golfleisurestore.com Centre pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com Facial treatments, crystal microdermo peel, individual eyelash 289 355 766 / Universal We offerpedicures, an exquisite of five-star luxury with home from E3 extensions, manicures, gel blend nails Bio Sculpture, eauty 914a616 143 Beauty Spa home comfort. The perfect venue for a private retreat, golfing Hotels / Guest waxing, laser permanent hair removal. Quinta B3 holiday, a weekend break, or a special occasion. Houses / Rooms Jacintina Qualified Englishwww.facebook.com/quintajacintinahotel instructors, equipment supplied, other E: to Rent Pinetrees languages spoken. A.B.R.S. approved. Pop in and let Bev and info@algarvehotel.co.uk ng Riding C3 289 394 369 her team see how they can help you achieve your goals. E: Centre Our showroom has one of the largest selections of fabrics in the pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com Algarve, with a wide range of curtain, blind, outdoor and The Curtain We offer an blendfabrics. of five-star with home from D2exquisite upholstery Alsoluxury available, complementary carpets & Interior Decorating Centre home comfort. The perfect venue for a private retreat, a golfing Guest rugs. E: thecurtaincentre@gmail.com Quinta B3 holiday, a weekend break, or a special occasion. Rooms 289 350090 www.curtaincentrealgarve.com Jacintina www.facebook.com/quintajacintinahotel E: A stunning showroom displaying elegant and contemporary info@algarvehotel.co.uk furniture and soft furnishings in beautifully presented room Our showroom one ofWe thehave largest offurnishings fabrics in the Interior Decorating Equilibrio D2 has settings. theselections largest soft fabric collection Algarve, with a wide range of curtain, blind, outdoor andquality. and a making-up service of the highest The Curtain D2 upholstery fabrics. Also available, complementary carpets & 289 355 442 Decorating www.equilibriointeriors.com Centre rugs. E: thecurtaincentre@gmail.com Large studio & showroom (600m2). Inspirations and ideas for www.curtaincentrealgarve.com homes and hotels. The easiest way to a complete interior. A stunning showroom displaying elegant and contemporary Interior Decorating Quinta Style E2 Bespoke headboards, cushions, tables, curtains, blinds, sofas, furniture and softchairs, furnishings in beautifully presented room and much more. studioshop@quintastyle.com Decorating Equilibrio D2 settings. We have the largest soft furnishings fabric collection 289 397 059 www.quintastyle.com and a making-up service of the highest quality. With over 30 years experience in the Algarve, Alquatro is a www.equilibriointeriors.com reference of good taste. With a wide range of integrated interior Large studio (600m2). Inspirations and ideas for to your level of Interior Decorating Alquatro E2 & showroom design services for the home, you can adjust homes and hotels. The easiest way to ayour complete interior. preferred intervention, available budget, your 289 taste358 and007 the / Decorating Quinta Style E2 Bespoke headboards, tables, curtains, blinds, sofas, needs cushions, for the space. alquatro.pt 912 571 912 chairs, and much more. studioshop@quintastyle.com Well established, quality upholsterer and curtain maker. www.quintastyle.com Luis Pires F3 Interior Decorating Complete interior design service. Located in Almancil next to DecorWith over 30 years experience in the Algarve, Alquatro is a Restaurant A Quinta in Vale Formoso. reference of good taste. With a wide range of integrated interior LLB design services for Real Matters. Luis Lapalevel e Borges. Decorating Alquatro E2 theEstate home,Legal you can adjust to your of 289 395 732 Lawyers Advogados luis.borges@llb.pt Urbanizacao Miraserra, Centro preferred intervention, your available budget, your taste andMarroquia, the Lawyers Commercial Africa, Loja 32 R/C 8100-684 Loule. needs for the space. alquatro.pt Dra Elia Well established, quality and curtain maker. D3 Dra Elia upholsterer Apolo (Lawyer) Lawyers Luis Pires ApoloComplete interior design service. Located in Almancil next to F3 919 328 203 Decorating Decor Restaurant A Quinta in Vale Formoso. Vences, Irish and English solicitors and Portuguese lawyers (Justin Ryan, Lawyers RyanReal & Estate E3Legal Matters. Luis Lapa e Borges. LLB Dora Moleiro) - Associados luis.borges@llb.pt Urbanizacao Miraserra, Marroquia, Centro 289 401 090 C e n t Advogados ral Algarve I s s u eLawyers 81, Summer 2021 Commercial Africa, Loja 32 - R/C 8100-684 Loule. Dra Elia

Tel 289 391 373

289 093 387 / 910 365 071 289 393 006 289 358 491 / 915 322 655 289 355 766 / 914 616 143 289 394 369

289 350090

289 355 442

289 397 059

289 358 007 / 912 571 912

289 395 732

919 328 203 289 401 090 289 395 570 289 390 080 31



Business Directory Business






Massage-me -

Massage-me: Enjoy the benefits of a professional massage therapy service in the comfort and privacy of your own home. All year round. Group discounts available. Qualified professional therapists. Enquire Now! www.massage-me.eu


Royal Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage is the ancient art for well being and relaxation. Now also in Almancil - Feel The Real Royal Thai Massage

927 653 571

Musicians & Live Music

The Originals -

The Originals are a well-established cover band in the Algarve.

912 344 141


Optica Joia Unipessoal Lda


If you want good vision, visit Optica Joia for a friendly, efficient and professional service. Glasses, contact lenses and eye examinations. Also a shop in Montenegro. geral@opticajoia.pt

289 399 104

Painting & Decorating

Propaint Lda D2

Professional painting and decorating, wallpapering and special paint effects. We also treat metalwork and woodwork and respray kitchen units. All work guaranteed.

918 885 395


Clinica Veterinaria


We have at your disposal all the necessary equipment for the treatment and well-being of your pet. We are quite advanced in technology, space and training. Veterinary Emergency Service 365 days a year. info@clinicaveterinaria.pt

289 312 709




Aqualux offers professional pool construction, maintenance, technical assistance and commercial equipment for swimming pools, gardens and spas. www.aqualux.com.pt

289 422 336 / 965 741 484 916 287 054


961 297 167

Property Management



ProQuinta - Algarve Property Services. A personal and professional service to property owners. We provide a bilingual service for any maintenance, management or admin requirements

Property Management

Villas & Vacations


Property management and rentals. Holiday and long term rentals. www.villas-vacations.com. sales@villasvacations.com. rentals@villasvacations.com 289 390500

289 390 500

Property Rentals

Four Seasons Fairways


Luxury two and three bedroom villas in a secluded resort in Quinta do Lago, enjoying golf, pool, gym, beauty salon, restaurant & bar and 24h reception desk. Come for holidays and lifetime memberships.

289 357 667

Property Rentals

Four Seasons B5 Country Club

Luxury accommodation set in mature, landscaped gardens on the Quinta do Lago estate. Wide range of sports and leisure activities. Rentals and club membership available

289 357 158

Removals & Transport

Algarve Removals


Algarveremovals.com have weekly departures to and from the UK and the Algarve offering you a personal service for full or part 289 513 851 load removals. UK tel: / 0044 1245 468888

Removals & Transport

DLS Removals & Storage


DLS are an Algarve based removals company, specialised in door-to-door removals to and from the UK. Safe and insured storage facilities. Need moving? Give us a call!

289 399 946 / 919 873 075

Renewable Energy

Casa Verde Renewable Energy


"In an ever challenging world, helping our customers become more energy efficient, while reducing their carbon footprint, aiming for excellency in service, providing the best solutions and equipment, and working with the highest standard ethics has become our life mission for the past 20 years".

289 012 373 / 967 946 216


A space entirely focused on children from early childhood Daycare (from 4 months to 3 years old and Pre-school (from 3 to 289 302 934 6 years old). The building has large interior spaces and a garden area (playground). info@babymoura.com


International school offering the UK curriculum, high teaching standards and small class sizes. Accredited to offer GCSE and A level qualifications. Bilingual Portuguese/ English primary. 912 005 003 www.algarveinternationalschool.com admin@algarveinternationalschool.com




The Algarve International School


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021



Business Directory Business






IBC Security


Fast Physical Security Response to alarm/CCTV activations and personal emergency calls. When you are ready to take your security as seriously as we do - contact IBC Security. www.ibcsecurity.com

Sport Activities



Experience the power of Paddle Boarding. Group or individual classes for beginners and experienced paddlers.

936 735 778

Sport Activities

Golf & E2 Leisure Store

Visit or telephone us for great discounts on all Algarve green fees, hire of clubs, electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, Aquashow tickets, boat trips and more... E: info@golfleisurestore.com www.golfleisurestore.com

289 358 491 / 915 322 655


The Food Co. (Tesco)


Exclusive stockists of Tesco, ranging products both Tesco branded and household favourites from the UK.

289 013 523


Algar Taxis


Luxury and normal taxi service. Estate and eight-seater cars available too.

289 399 000 / 289 394 238




We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished

913 056 131


Algarve Tennis & Fitness Club


ATF offers expert coaching for all levels and ages, weekly tennis and fitness programmes and game arranging tailored to you. We 289 385 028 have Yoga, Spinning, Pilates, Boot Camp and plenty more for you to enjoy.

Tours & Transfers

Pleasant Tours Unipessoal lda


Luxury transfers company locals at Almancil. Airport transfers, Private chauffers for tours & events. Transfer for golf, shops & restaurants.

965 579 991


Solseta Travel Agency


Established 1984. All flights - short/long haul; economy/business/first class, car hire, hotels, packages, excursions, cruises. Check for latest offers/discounts. Visit our new website: www.solseta.com Seabourn and Silversea Cruises Main Agent.

289 396 677

Water Sports



Experience the power of Paddle Boarding. Group or individual classes for beginners and experienced paddlers.

936 735 778


Quinta Occasions


Event planners with expert knowledge of venues and services available in the Algarve. The specialist one-stop-shop for Cocktail & Dinner parties, anniversaries, corporate events, weddings and BBQs. info@algarvehotel.co.uk

289 350 090

289 093 344

Restaurant Directory Michelin Star Restaurant Gusto by Heinz Beck Vila Joya


Description (provided by restaurant owners)




Heinz Beck presents an innovative menu of classic Mediterranean Mon & cuisine with modern flair. Lively open kitchen, a Cuban cigar menu and Tues an alfresco terrace with views of the Infinity pool. Inside Conrad Hotel.

289 350 700


Koschina creates a new six-course menu with his executive chef, Stefan Langmann each and every day. The Atlantic Ocean on the doorstep of the villa is a great source of inspiration for the chef. He predominantly uses fresh and light products from Portugal.

289 591 795


Fine Dining

Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience. Restaurant Alambique

Map C3

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Description (provided by restaurant owners) Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International cuisine. Fish specialities. Air conditioned. Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt www.restaurantalambique.com

Closed -

Tel 289 394 579 / 911 098 971 33



EN 1

lw Rai



s pas

Almancil Station



Merrylegs Pet Hotel tation

Loulé S


Natural Meat Co

Penguin/Modernbuild Golf Leisure Quinta Style

Tesco Vences, Ryan & Assoc Thai Massage Private Fund




Brasa Frango Golfers Paradise



Tapas e Vinho


Conrad Gusto

Parilla Natural

Melting Pot Cheeky Pup Tony’s Pizza CasaVerde

Café AIS School

Market (Wednesdays) Bamboo


Fonte Santa


Zen Sup

Bj’s Oceanside







S Removals

Algarve Stadium




Railw ay Narrow Bridge

Laranjal Golf

Il Vero

NOA Café






weddings and BBQs. info@algarvehotel.co.uk

Restaurant Directory Michelin Star Restaurant Gusto by Heinz Beck Vila Joya


Description (provided by restaurant owners)




Heinz Beck presents an innovative menu of classic Mediterranean Mon & cuisine with modern flair. Lively open kitchen, a Cuban cigar menu and Tues an alfresco terrace with views of the Infinity pool. Inside Conrad Hotel.

289 350 700


Koschina creates a new six-course menu with his executive chef, Stefan Langmann each and every day. The Atlantic Ocean on the doorstep of the villa is a great source of inspiration for the chef. He predominantly uses fresh and light products from Portugal.

289 591 795


Fine Dining

Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience. Restaurant 20/07/2021 Alambique



Description (provided by restaurant owners)




Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International cuisine. Fish specialities. Air conditioned. https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt www.restaurantalambique.com Restaurant Directory

289 394 579 / 911 098 971


The new smart and elegant restaurant at Four Seasons Fairways serves contemporary cuisine with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and in-house sommelier. Open for dinner only Tuesday to Saturday. www.amararestaurant.pt E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com

Sun Mon

289 357 579


289 396 035





Enjoy pizza & pasta dishes on a large outside terrace. Perfectly for families to watch the nightly entertainment in the Praca, Vale do Lobo. www.amore-algarve.com



This quaint and emblematic restaurant made its mark almost 30 years ago. We welcome you to experience a delightful authentic Mediterranean meal in an exquisite and romantic environment.


289 397 973


Though the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membershiponly, the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. There's an extensive choice of international cuisines; for menu see www.asvelas.com


289 357 000


Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and international dishes. Al fresco dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian options and kids menu. Top 5 on Trip Advisor. Great value. Perfect for groups and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo.


289 396 238


A family-run restaurant offering excellent Portuguese/ International cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Cosy fireplace. Fabulous, newly renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: info@casadaquinta.net www.casadaquinta.net


289 394 097


Superb farmhouse restaurant serving excellent fresh fish, giant tiger prawns, oysters, steaks, all with homegrown veg from our own farm. Seasonal menus and many vegetarian and gluten-free options. Beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner only.


289 399 109 / 919 858 118



A family restaurant for over 30 years, renowned for the excellence of meat and fresh fish. Enjoy pre-dinner drinks in our friendly bar. Dinner only. Reservations recommended. www.facebook.com/RestauranteFigueiral


289 395 558 / 919 291 733



Probably one of the nicest culinary discoveries in the Algarve. International kitchen based on French cuisine. Hosted by Karin & chef Pieter from Holland. Large terrace. www.florianrestaurant.com


289 396674 or 96 182 8630

Green Valley Restaurant


Fine quality Portuguese cuisine with an International twist. Enjoy and explore texture, colour & the ultimate tastes with a carefully selected menu at reasonable prices. Fish & meat specialities, homemade desserts. Family-run restaurant. Available for business and groups on request. Dinner only.


289 396 638

Henrique Leis


French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the region. High standards in a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with ocean view.


289 393 438 / 913 254 322


Il Vero offers a selection of dishes with unique flavors, such as pasta and wood oven pizza so you can have an unforgettable experience. Table reservation is highly recommended. www.ilvero.pt

As Velas

Casa Pituxa

Casa da Quinta

Casa do Campo


Il Vero Italian Kitchen & Bar


Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

289 352 270

request. Dinner only. 23/06/2021

Henrique Leis


Il Vero Italian Kitchen & Bar Amara

B5 B5

Mr Freddies Amore

D2 A2

French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue region. High standards in a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with Sun ocean view. Restaurant Directory

Il Vero offers a selection of dishes with at unique flavors, such as pasta The new smart and elegant restaurant Four Seasons Fairways and wood oven pizza cuisine so you can an unforgettable experience. serves contemporary with have a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar Table reservation is highlyOpen recommended. www.ilvero.pt and in-house sommelier. for dinner only Tuesday to Saturday. www.amararestaurant.pt E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com Enjoy a new concept with Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with

wonderful steak dishes or freshonfish. Children welcome. 7pm. Enjoy pizzafilet & pasta a large outside terrace.Opens Perfectly for Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt or families to watch the nightly entertainment in the Praca, Vale do Lobo. facebook.com/mrfreddies www.amore-algarve.com

Sun Mon

289 352 270 289 357 579

Sun -

289 393 651 / 914 396 267 035 359 289

STEAKHOUSE & GRILL FROM URUGUAY. Uruguayan This quaint and emblematic restaurant made Our its mark almost inspired 30 years restaurant has an abundance of personality. We authentic pride ourselves on ago. We welcome you to experience a delightful using only the very ingredients. We cook on our authentic Mediterranean mealbest in annatural exquisite and romantic environment. Parrilla, the traditional Uruguayan way, which naturally intensifies Though flavour. the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membershiponly, the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior As Velas B5 One of the Algarve's finest restaurants offering French Cuisine in afor reservation. There's an extensive choice of international cuisines; tranquil setting. Dine in a wonderfully romantic environment or al Pequeno Mundo Sun D2 menu see www.asvelas.com fresco in our beautiful courtyard. Private parking. Restaurant Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and www.restaurantepequenomundo.com international dishes. Al fresco dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian Sun Casa Pituxa C3 Thai & mediterranean in aTrip peaceful setting. options and kids menu.cuisine Top 5 on Advisor. GreatLunch value.served PerfectMonfor Sat & Fri (2-courses: 12 euros), open for Dinner 7 nights per week. and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo. Thai Bistro C4 groups Sun 20/07/2021 https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue Takeaway & vegetarian available. Kids menu. Cocktails. The tastes lunches A family-run International and flavours restaurant from each offering dish willexcellent leave youPortuguese/ wanting more! Restaurant Directory cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Cosy fireplace. Fabulous, newly Casa da Quinta C3 Sat renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: info@casadaquinta.net https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue The Bold Octopus is a beach restaurant and bar with unrivalled views www.casadaquinta.net of Quinta do Lago, the Ria Formosa and the Atlantic Ocean. Daily Superb farmhouse restaurant fresh fish,chosen giant tiger freshly sourced seafood to be serving enjoyedexcellent with our carefully wine The Bold Octopus prawns, oysters, steaks,and all with homegrown veg from our own farm. list. Speciality cocktails nibbles in our rooftop bar with live music. Sunday Casa do Campo D2 Seasonal menus and many vegetarian and gluten-free options. theboldoctopus.pt Beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner only. Excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a charming environment family restaurant for pool. over 30 years, renowned the excellence Tucano's A5 A overlooking the resort Open every day Julyfor and August. E: of Sun meat and fresh fish. Enjoy pre-dinner drinks in our friendly bar. Dinner tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com Figueiral D3 Sun only. Reservations recommended. www.facebook.com/RestauranteFigueiral Smart Casual Aquarelle Parrilla Natural

Florian Restaurant

289 393 438 / 913 254 322

E2 C3

289 397 973 289 350 040 289 357 000 289 399 866 289 396 238 289 391 347 / 960 072 502 289 394 097


289 143 218 289 399 109 / 919 858 118 289 359 665 289 395 558 / 919 291 733

Restaurants haveone good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices. Probably of the nicest culinary discoveries in the Algarve.

C4 kitchen based on French Hosted by Karin & chef Map InternationalDescription (provided by cuisine. restaurant owners) Pieter from Holland. Large terrace. www.florianrestaurant.com Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. Friendly, lively Fine quality Portuguese an International Enjoy and atmosphere. Regular livecuisine music,with gorgeous backdrop.twist. Always a top BJ's Oceanside A1 explore texture, colour & the ultimate tastes with a carefully selected time to be had. Fresh seafood & daily specials. Open lunch daily to Green Valley C4 menu at reasonable prices. Fish & meat specialities, homemade 6pm. E:bookings@bjsoceanside.com Restaurant desserts. Family-run restaurant. Available for business and groups on request. Dinner only.Restaurant and Bar in the golden triangle by the A new Asian Fusion Alambique Family. Visit us for Food, Fun, Drinks and Music. Lunch French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the Bamboo B3 region. and Dinner and small plates all year round. Indoor /Outdoor dining and Henrique Leis F3 High standards in a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with Restaurante bar area & BamBoo kids area www.bambooalgarve.com Tel 289 394 ocean view. 521 (open everyday) Il Vero offers a selection of dishes with unique flavors, such as pasta Il Vero Italian The wood original beach barsoinyou Valecan do have Lobo,an located right on experience. the beach. B5 and oven pizza unforgettable Beach Bar, Praca, Kitchen & Bar A2 Table The perfect place for a snack, light lunch and cocktails. reservation is highly recommended. www.ilvero.pt Vale do Lobo www.thebeachbar-algarve.com Enjoy a new concept with Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with BellaRosafilet Pizzeria in a Children warm and elegant space. wonderful steakisorlocated fresh fish. welcome. Opens Our 7pm. Mr Freddies D2 concept is traditional Italian Cuisine and pizzas cooked in our wood BellaRosa C2 Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt or oven. We also have a takeaway and pizza delivery service. For menu facebook.com/mrfreddies see www.bellarosa.pt STEAKHOUSE & GRILL FROM URUGUAY. Our Uruguayan inspired Casavostra, with unique contemporary design and stunning restaurant has anits abundance of personality. We pride ourselves on esplanada continues to be the essential venue for dining & shopping. Parrilla Natural C3 using only the very best natural ingredients. We cook on our authentic Casavostra E2 Parrilla, Serving the salads, delicious pastas and pizzas from 12 noon until late. traditional Uruguayan way, which naturally intensifies Pizzeria Open daily, reservations recommended, takeaway available. flavour. www.pizzeriacasavostra.com One of the Algarve's finest restaurants offering French Cuisine in a Family-run restaurant. fish, grilled meats,environment special chicken tranquil setting. Dine inFresh a wonderfully romantic or alpiri-piri Pequeno Mundo D2 and Argentinian meats.courtyard. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, Churrasqueira de fresco in our beautiful Private parking. Restaurant E3 www.restaurantepequenomundo.com prawns and clams. Open kitchen and grill. Takeaway service. Open for Almancil lunch and dinner. Thai & mediterranean cuisine in a peaceful setting. Lunch served MonFri (2-courses: 12 euros), for view Dinner 7 nights per week. Relaxed atmosphere with open seaside where you can enjoy a meal Thai Bistro C4 Eduardo's vegetarian available. Kids menu. Cocktails. Theparties tastes A3 Takeaway made with &the best fish and local seafood. Enjoy our sunset Paradise and fromand each dish will leave you wanting more! with flavours Matt Moore friends.

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

289 396674 or Thu Closed 96 182Tel 8630


910 698 479 289 396 638


393 521 438 / 289 394 913 254 322


289 352 270 289 398 429

Sun -

289 393 651 / 914 356 267 372 359 289


289 350 040 289 397 565

Sun Mon

289 399 866 289 393 324 / 917 812 460

Sat & 289 391 347 / Sun 960 355 072 508 502 -lunches 289

Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine. Serving all types https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue of grilled or steamed seafood/meat/chicken/duck. Multi-choice sushi or Ichiban D2


289 391 918 / 5/8

Churrasqueira de Tucano's Almancil

A5 E3

Excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a charming environment and Argentinian meats.pool. Superb cataplanas fish and overlooking the resort Open every day- July and black-pork August. E: meat, Sun Mon prawns and clams. Open kitchen and grill. Takeaway service. Open for tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com lunch and dinner.

289 359 393 665 324 / 289 917 812 460

Smart Casual

Relaxed atmosphere with seaside view where you can enjoy a meal Eduardo's Restaurants have informal andEnjoy tableour service moderate- prices.289 355 508 A3 made withgood the best fish andambience local seafood. sunsetat parties Paradise and friends. Restaurant Map with Matt Moore Description (provided by restaurant owners) Closed Tel Ichiban BJ's Oceanside

D2 A1

Izzy's Bamboo Restaurante

A3 B3

Julia's A3 Beach Bar, Praca, A2 Vale do Lobo La Terrazza BellaRosa

Casavostra Pizzeria

Maria's 20/07/2021

A2 C2

A3 E2

Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine.Friendly, Servinglively all types Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. of grilled or steamed Multi-choice atmosphere. Regularseafood/meat/chicken/duck. live music, gorgeous backdrop. Always asushi top or sushi & teppanyaki specials available at lunch and dinner. A take-away time to be had. Fresh seafood & daily specials. Open lunch daily to service is available. 6pm. E:bookings@bjsoceanside.com

289 391 918 / 910 967 698 782 479 815

Located on the popular Praia do and Garrao Open for lunches A new Asian Fusion Restaurant Bar beach. in the golden triangle by the throughout the winter period or maybe just a drink in our lounge area. Alambique Family. Visit us for Food, Fun, Drinks and Music. Lunch Live Dinner music every Sunday lunch. and and small plates all year round. Indoor /Outdoor dining and bar BamBoo kids arearestaurant www.bambooalgarve.com 394 Thearea most&famous beachside and beach bar in Tel the289 Algarve. 521 (open everyday) Sublime views and excellent cuisine to match. Live music every Sunday afternoon the do year plus located Tuesdayright andon Thursday The original beachthrough bar in Vale Lobo, the beach. evenings during areand a necessity The perfect placethe forseason. a snack,Bookings light lunch cocktails.during the season. www.julias-algarve.com www.thebeachbar-algarve.com

289 396 984 289 394 521


289 396 512 289 398 429

Authentic Italian cuisine at theinPraca Vale doelegant Lobo. Aspace. wonderful BellaRosa Pizzeria is located a warm and Our family dining experience overlooking the central entertainment Open for concept is traditional Italian Cuisine and pizzas cooked inarea. our wood -dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazza-algarve.com Email: oven. We also have a takeaway and pizza delivery service. For menu laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt see www.bellarosa.pt

289 356 019 / 289 289 356 353 372 435

Very popularwith beach open daily from 12.30pm onwards Casavostra, its restaurant unique contemporary design and stunning (booking advised). Large roof bar & lounge serving bites booking). esplanada continues to be the essential venue for dining (no & shopping. Spectacular seadelicious & sunsetpastas views from both. Comfortable, https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue Serving salads, and pizzas from 12 noonmodern until late. -sunbeds & beach-shack in fronttakeaway of restaurant. Open daily, reservations available recommended, available. www.mariasbeachalgarve.com Restaurant Directory www.pizzeriacasavostra.com

Drink, dine restaurant. and dance,Fresh all in one with a delicious dinner Family-run fish,place! grilledStart meats, special chicken piri-piri

from our international menu at 18:30, have -afish drink and listen to music and Argentinian meats. Superb cataplanas and black-pork meat, Churrasqueira de https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue Monty's Bar A2 E3

entertainment from Open 22:30,kitchen with live bands DJs. Bookings: prawns and clams. and grill. and Takeaway service. Open for montysrestaurantbar@mail.telepac.pt montys-algarve.com lunch and dinner.


Don Camillo NOA Cafe

C3 B5

Eduardo's Paradise O Tanque

A3 C3

Ichiban Retiro dos Indios

D2 C2

Izzy's Sandbanks

A3 A2

Julia's e Vinho Tapas Restaurant

A3 C2

Lunch & dinner. Great day terrace. New looking on the We offer healthyPortuguese/Italian and truly deliciouscuisine. dishes every for those menu - Picanha. Homemade chicken pies service. & veal pies; to eat in or take for a meal in a relaxed area and attentive We love breakfast Sun away.so Economy lunches. (Comeevery and enjoy a game our of lawn bowls or food, our brunch is available day. Explore delicious petanque.) dishes. Relaxed atmosphere with seaside viewfish where can enjoy meal Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh and you seafood daily. aVarious made with the bestpork. fish and local Pig. seafood. Enjoy sunset parties cataplanas. Black Suckling Salads andour a vegetarian menu. with Matt Moore Lunchtime dish ofand thefriends. day. Selection of national wines. Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays. Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine. Serving all types of grilled or Portuguese steamed seafood/meat/chicken/duck. Multi-choice sushi or Family-run restaurant. Specialities include fish cataplana sushi & sole. teppanyaki at lunch menu. and dinner. take-away & large Grilledspecials fish andavailable meat. Children's OpenAevery day service is available. for dinner. A pleasant welcome awaits you. Newly renovated restaurant/outdoor eating area. . Located on the popular Praia do Garrao beach. Open for lunches throughout the winter period or maybe a drink in our Open for breakfast (9h30 to 11h15) andjust lunch (12h00 to lounge 16h00) area. with Liveamazing music every lunch. an oceanSunday view. Specialising in fish and seafood. Make your reservations. sandbanksrestaurant@mail.telepac.pt The most famous beachside restaurant and beach bar in the Algarve. Sublime andlate. excellent cuisine to match. Live music every Open 12 views noon till Curry Club Wed night. Yours to book: "The SundayTable" afternoon yearpackages plus Tuesday and Thursday Chef's in ourthrough Adega.the Great for groups. Seasonal evenings during season. Bookings are a necessity during lunch menu deal:the Cover + 3 tapas + dessert 12.95. Chill with athe glass of season. wine andwww.julias-algarve.com a few tapas on our sunny terrace.

AuthenticIrish Italian cuisine at thegreat Pracadecor, Vale do Lobo. AShopping. wonderful family Friendly gastro-pub with in Quinta dining experience overlooking the central entertainment area. Open for The Cheeky pup C4 La Terrazza A2 Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazza-algarve.com Email: superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music. laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt The perfect place to enjoy a long summer's day. Or watch the sunset Very popular dailybeaches from 12.30pm onwardsOpen while enjoyingbeach one ofrestaurant the most open beautiful in the Algarve. The Roof, Praca, A2 (booking Large roof bar & lounge serving with bitesspectacular (no booking). daily fromadvised). 15h00. Offering a friendly drinks service Vale do Lobo Maria's A3 views. Spectacular sea & sunset views from both. Comfortable, modern geral@shelsian.pt sunbeds & beach-shack available in front of restaurant. With a creative menu designed by Chef, Jonnie Pratt, and www.mariasbeachalgarve.com complementary wines personally chosen by Sommelier, Justin Tribulum C3 Oâ  Hanlon, Tribulum is the perfect pairing! Beautifully designed with a warm welcome guaranteed, you will quickly discover that it is a https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue great place to be! tribulumalgarve.com


Wildfire Smokehouse & Grill



289 397 358 565 675 289

289 393 356 324 079 //6/8 289 289 812 353 460 436 917 289 397 784 / 289 352 274 967 732 340


289 289 355 398 508 291 / 913 520 879


289 391 918 / 967 782 815 289 394 306


289 396 984 289 398 429 / 289 353 424


289 396 512 289 391 145


289 289 356 358 019 205 / 289 353 435


289 398 429 289 358 675


289 397 784

Traditional Flavours & Signature Cocktails. Located in the Vila Sol Resort near Vilamoura, offering an Authentic Smokehouse experience. At Wild Fire we create subtle flavours using our in-house smokers, unique to the traditional smoked flavours created in the Mid West

6/8 Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

289 095 813




complementary wines personally chosen by Sommelier, Justin Oâ  Hanlon, Tribulum is the perfect pairing! Beautifully designed https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue with a warm welcome guaranteed, you will quickly discover that it is a great place to be! tribulumalgarve.com Restaurant Directory

Traditional Flavours & Signature Cocktails. Located in the Vila Sol Drink, dine and dance, all in one place! Start with a delicious dinner Resort near Vilamoura, offering an Authentic Smokehouse experience. from our international menu at 18:30, have a drink and listen to music -A2 At Wild Fire we create subtle flavours using our in-house smokers, entertainment from 22:30, with live bands and DJs. Bookings: unique to the traditional smoked flavours created in the Mid West montysrestaurantbar@mail.telepac.pt montys-algarve.com USA. We offer healthy and truly delicious dishes every day for those looking A la carte Restaurant dining from 7.00pm. Sunday carvery lunch. for a meal in a relaxed area and attentive service. We love breakfast Sun NOA Cafe B5 Curry Night every Tuesday. Poolside TV & bar serving snacks & drinks night till Xenia A3 food, so our brunch is available every day. Explore our delicious daily from April. For details of menu, music nights & events : dishes. Apr www.restaurantxenia.com Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood daily. Various Economy cataplanas. Black pork. Suckling Pig. Salads and a vegetarian menu. Sun O Tanque C3 restaurants place emphasis on value for money. Families are welcome. These Lunchtime dish of the day. Selection of national wines. Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays. Restaurant Map Description (provided by restaurant owners) Closed Family-run Portuguese restaurant. Specialities include fish cataplana A traditional, Portuguese restaurant in Boliqueime, with & wonderfully large sole. Grilled fish and meat. Children's menu. Open every day Retiro dos Indios C2 plate of the day specials every day. Open for Lunch and Dinner. Meat, for dinner. A pleasant welcome awaits you. Newly renovated Mon Adiafa Snack-Bar seafood, and chicken dishes available. Traditional Portuguese restaurant/outdoor eating area. . desserts. Open for breakfast (9h30 to 11h15) and lunch (12h00 to 16h00) with Frango brings youSpecialising awesome chicken, steak, and other meats Sandbanks A2 Brasa an amazing ocean view. in fish and seafood. Make your Brasa Frango D3 barbecued to perfection. Chips, salads, and desserts available too. reservations. sandbanksrestaurant@mail.telepac.pt Take away ONLY. Opens at 11:45am. Open 12 noon till late. Curry Club Wed night. Yours to book: "The Authentic Italian Pizza madeGreat with passion and freshest of 20/07/2021 Tapas e Vinho Chef'shttps://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue Table" in our Adega. packages forthe groups. Seasonal C2 ingredients. Come down to Quarteira and allow Encantus to delight Encantus Pizzeria Restaurant lunch menu deal: Cover + 3 tapas + dessert 12.95. Chill with a glass of Sun you with our authentic Italian flavours. Restaurant Directory wine and a few tapas on our sunny terrace. Open lunch dinner. Lunchtime of in theQuinta day. Fresh fish, prawns Friendly Irishand gastro-pub with great dish decor, Shopping. and meat daily. House specialities: Picanha, Lamb Chops, Uruguayan The Cheeky pup C4 Sun Gamboa E3 Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a Rib Eyeoutdoor Steak. Lively ambience. Rui music. and his team look forward to superb terrace. Regular live welcoming you. The perfect place to enjoy a long summer's day. Or watch the sunset https://www.central-algarve.com/listing?colours=aqua%7Cwhite%7Cdodgerblue%7Cdodgerblue The unique selling Xafariz is the beaches authenticintaste of traditional while enjoying one point of theofmost beautiful the Algarve. Open The Roof, Praca, -Sat A2 Portuguese cuisine. Takeaway. Showing all major sporting events. daily from 15h00. Offering a friendly drinks service with spectacular Vale do Lobo O Xafariz D2 views. Populargeral@shelsian.pt specials are Chilli Weds & Curry Thurs. Let us prepare your night & Summer BBQ. See "O Xafariz" on Facebook for Dish of Day. Sun Traditional & Signature Cocktails. Located in the Vila Sol TakeawaysFlavours also available. Wildfire Resort near Vilamoura, offering an Authentic Smokehouse experience. Asian for dinner from using 6.30pm-10-30pm. Smokehouse & At Wildfood. Fire Open we create subtleonly flavours our in-house Specialities smokers, Oriental D2 include Crispy Aromatic Duck, Delicious Dumplings andMid Cantonese Grill unique to the traditional smoked flavours created in the West Prawns. Home delivery service available. E: cindy.oriental@gmail.com USA. Piri d'Almancil offers youfrom the genuine unique flavour of the A laPiri carte Restaurant dining 7.00pm.and Sunday carvery lunch. Sun famous charcoal grilled chicken piri piri. Fish & chips, burgers and Piri Piri d'Almancil A3 E3 Curry Night every Tuesday. Poolside TV & bar serving snacks & drinks night till Xenia other from specialities also available. Open for lunch and dinner. :Nice daily April. For details of menu, music nights & events Apr terrace. Takeaway service. www.restaurantxenia.com Established in 1992 with many thousands of satisfied clients. Modern Economy Sr Frango D2 and welcoming ambience. Awarded the "GOLDEN DIPLOMA" for the These restaurants place emphasis on and value for money. Families are welcome. best chicken ever. Open for lunch dinner. Wildfire Monty's Bar & Smokehouse Grill

Restaurant Tenazinha Restaurante Adiafa Snack-Bar Tony's Pizza

Map Traditional Portuguese Descriptiondishes (provided by to restaurant owners) cooked exceptional standards. Fish, chicken, and meat available. Located in Vilamoura and Quarteira. A wonderfully traditional, Portuguese restaurant with plate of the day (Vilamoura Map) specials every day. Open for Lunch and Dinner. Meat, seafood, and C4

chicken dishes available. Traditional Traditional, homemade pizza & pastaPortuguese in the heartdesserts. of Quinta Do Lago. Let us bring our family favourites to you! Delicious great meats drinks Brasa Frango brings you awesome chicken, steak,food, and other and a warmtowelcome. tonyspizza.pt barbecued perfection. Chips, salads, and desserts available too.

Brasa Frango


Restaurant Encantus Pizzeria Algarve Tennis & Fitness Cafe

Authentic Italian Pizza made with passion and the freshest of byand restaurant owners) -Map ingredients.Description Come down (provided to Quarteira allow Encantus to delight you with our authentic Italian flavours. Friendly clubhouse with poolside bar and restaurant serving tasty C3 meals lunch and snacks at lunchtimes Mon to of Sat. Open and dinner. Lunchtime dish the day. Fresh fish, prawns

Gamboa Irish Bar Vilamoura


O Xafariz


The Bold Octopus



Take away ONLY. Opens at 11:45am.

Bars and Clubs

and daily.bar House specialities: Picanha, Chops, Uruguayan The meat best Irish in Vilamoura for live sportsLamb events, live music every Rib Eye Steak. Lively ambience. Rui and his team look forward tothe night from our resident band that will make you want to dance on welcoming you. tables. Open every day from 17.00 until late. E: irishpub@mail.telepac.pt The unique selling point ofFacebook: Xafariz is the authentic taste of traditional www.facebook.com/irish.pubvilamoura.9 Portuguese cuisine. Takeaway. Showing all major sporting events. Popular Chilli Weds & Curryand Thurs. prepare your The Boldspecials Octopusare is a beach restaurant bar Let withusunrivalled views Summer Seethe "O Ria Xafariz" on Facebook for DishOcean. of Day. Daily of QuintaBBQ. do Lago, Formosa and the Atlantic Takeaways alsoseafood available. freshly sourced to be enjoyed with our carefully chosen wine list. Speciality cocktails and nibbles in our rooftop bar with live music.

289 397 784

289 356 079 / 289 095 813 289 353 436

352 347 274 / 289 396 918 700 064 289 398 291 / 913 520 879 Tel 289 394 306 289 366 170 289 398 429 / 353 285 424 289 393 391 636 145 289 117

289 358 048 205 733 7/8

289 398 429 919 160 021

289 095 395 813 668/ 910 002 828 289 914 396 420 347 004 / 918 700 064 289 393 756

Closed Tel 289 388 066

Mon -


289 366 170

289 094 900

289 393 285

Closed 289 117 Tel636 Sun Sun

289 385 028


289 048 733

Sat night & Sun -

919 160 021 289 143 218

Tony's Pizza


Let us bring our family favourites to you! Delicious food, great drinks and a warm welcome. tonyspizza.pt


289 094 900

Bars and Clubs Restaurant


Description (provided by restaurant owners)




Friendly clubhouse with poolside bar and restaurant serving tasty meals and snacks at lunchtimes Mon to Sat.



The best Irish bar in Vilamoura for live sports events, live music every night from our resident band that will make you want to dance on the tables. Open every day from 17.00 until late. E: irishpub@mail.telepac.pt Facebook: www.facebook.com/irish.pubvilamoura.9


The Bold Octopus


The Bold Octopus is a beach restaurant and bar with unrivalled views of Quinta do Lago, the Ria Formosa and the Atlantic Ocean. Daily freshly sourced seafood to be enjoyed with our carefully chosen wine list. Speciality cocktails and nibbles in our rooftop bar with live music. theboldoctopus.pt


289 143 218

The Cheeky pup


Friendly Irish gastro-pub with great decor, in Quinta Shopping. Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music.


289 358 205


The all new Deck Bar in Vale do Lobo, a newly refurbished Cocktail Lounge in the Praca on the Vale do Lobo Resort. The Deck Bar has undergone a complete transformation and is now a chilled, modern and stylish cocktail bar, open every night from 18:30h. www.deckbaralgarve.com/


289 398 429

Algarve Tennis & Fitness Cafe Irish Bar Vilamoura

The Deck, Praca, Vale do Lobo


289 385 028


Fi ne qu a lit y Por tugues e c u isine w it h an Inter nat iona l t w ist . C hang i ng d ai ly sp e ci a ls of fer a go o d s el e c t ion of f ish and me at d ishe s . g re env a l le y rest aurant.c om ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 6 6 3 8 Monday to Saturday : 7PM to Midnight Closed on Sundays 40

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

“Wonderful food matched by wonderful service!“ Sue l | Stourport on Severn, United Kingdom

Amara 5.0

www.amararestaurant.pt Reservations: T +351 289 357 579 @amarafairways Four Seasons Fairways Avenida André Jordan 37 Quinta do Lago Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Nurture Your PostPandemic Friendscape As we all get vaccinated and free to fully resume our lives again, we are suddenly reminded that we've fallen out of touch with so many of our friends and acquaintances.


n picking up the loose strands of our previous social lives, it's going to feel awkward reconnecting with people that you may not have spoken to for over a year. Let's face it, you could have phoned or even zoomed. That initial conversation might be tricky, and exactly how should it be approached? But first, there's an even more difficult dilemma, maybe you haven't missed them enough to want to bother! Should we feel bad about not caring more for these lapsed relationships? Well, maybe, but exactly how do you feel about that? It may feel sad, but you don't actually go through life rekindli ng every relationship you ever had. While people have known for years that friendships are very good for your health, experts say it’s only natural for acquaintances and even friends to fall by the wayside as time goes on – and it’s nothing to feel guilty about. If you really do miss someone, you can always reach out. But if you feel obliged, or like doing so is emotional labour, take that as a sign you can continue to take a break. Friendships are important and we invest a lot of time in them, so it's worth more than a passing thought. Suzanne Degges-White, a professor in counselling and author of many books on relationships should be able to shine some light on the topic. Degges-White likes to refer to one's array of friends as a friendscape. It is your garden of friends which will include trusty perennials, lovely annuals, and definitely a few weeds too! And just like a garden, most of those friendships need a little nurturing. Furthermore, as Degges-White reminds us, our friends usually serve some purpose in our lives. We cultivate our friendscape according to our needs at the time. When we have children, we seek out other parents. At work we often make


friends with those who can help us. When we find a partner, we find other couples for fun socialising. That's just how it usually works, through common interest. Post-pandemic is just another time to think about these things. Usually, what feels right is right. If there were relationships that sustained you through the last year and a half, co ntinue to nurture them. If there were friendships that lost their urgency or their appeal over the last year, be intentional in how you choose to engage, or even disengage. Now is a great time to think about the relationships that you'd like to take root in your friendscape and maybe a little weeding now and then would not be amiss. “If there’s a friend who you didn’t speak to at all during the pandemic, and things just totally fizzled out – I mean, they got the message,” says Degges-White. “And they were possibly sending you a message, too.” If when you start opening up your social life again you find you miss someone, you should reach out. Simply say something like: "Oh my goodness, I feel like my head is finally above water. I am so sorry that we lost touch and you have been missed! Perhaps we could get together sometime .....". Just do it. We are healthier, physically and mentally, when we feel rooted in a healthy friendscape that we nurture and are nourished by. And, perhaps even more importantly, it's proven that we will live longer too! Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

E gypt i s a ls o w h e r e you ’ l l fi n d t h e f ir s t dep i c t i on s o f s w im m in g . T h e y a p p e a r in h i er ogl yph ic s d a t in g fr om 2 50 0 B C .

T he p ool us ed f or the L o nd on 2012 Oly mp ic G a mes had a movable f loor. Why ? B ecaus e t h e d ep th of the water c a n af f ect comp etitor s ’ f inis hing times .

C o ve r in g 30 acr es , the p o o l a t t he C ity s tar s S h a r m E l Sheik r es or t in E g y p t i s the big g es t in t h e wo r ld . It took 21 d a y s t o f i ll and is the G uin n e s s Wor ld R ecor d h old er.

T h e L ib r a r y R e s or t in K o h S a m ui, T h a iland , m a y we ll h a ve the r e d d e s t p o o l i n the wo r ld ! T h e c o lo r ation is c a u s e d b y t h e b lend of r e d , ye llo w a n d or ang e t ile s u s e d in t h e p ool’s structure.

The f ir s t cr uis e shi p t o boas t a s w immi ng pool was the tr ansat l ant i c liner, the Ad r iati c, b ui l t i n 1907. The ill- f ated Ti t ani c ( 1912) had o ne t oo.

At 137 f eet ( 42m) , “Y40 The Deep J oy ” i s the d eep es t p ool i n the wor ld . You’ll f i nd it at the Hotel Ter me Millep ini, near Padua, Italy.

S c a r e d o f h e ig h t s ? Lo o k a wa y n o w. O n t h e r o o f t o p ( 5 7 t h f lo or ) o f t h e M a r in a B a y S a n d s R e s o r t H o t e l in S i n g a p o r e , yo u’ ll f in d a stu n n in g in f in it y p o ol: t h e h ig h e s t in t h e wo r ld .

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Olives and Agility in the Countryside We chatted wi t h Ma r i e H öck erman, wh o o wn s Ol i v e Val l ey w ith h e r h u sb a n d i n S ao B rás , an d b o y, wh a t a c oncept it is !


Three years ago, my husband and I, together with our d ogs, moved from Sweden to the Algarve to start a new home and business, and we found our paradise in a small village called Bengado just outside Sao Brás de Alportel. An old Quinta with 2 hectares of land, it was perfect for our home and business idea. With the almond trees in full bloom, it was love at first sight. No sooner than the deeds were signed, we moved in and started renovating the farmhouse and studio apartment. Once the farmhouse and apartment were completed, the next step was to establish our vegetable garden, complemented with local herbs and fruit trees. We were so impressed by how quickly everything grows in this subtropical climate. In just one year, we had a garden that would ta ke years to grow back home in Sweden. Not only can our guests enjoy the fruits of our labour they can also wander among our many olive trees in the valley below. Like many traditions here in the Algarve, we have even taken to making our very own olive oil." It doesn't stop there! Marie's other passion and the latest project to be introduced to Olive Valley: The Dog Agility Training Field, complete with jumps, tunnels and slalom. It was initially built for her two dogs—Milou, an adorable Papillon and Chilli, a Border Collie puppy from Spain. Marie loves dog agility along with Milou and Chilli they train every week at an agility facility in the Algarve. Her dream, h owever, was to have her very own agility field and encourage other people interested in dog agility to train as well.


Encouragingly dog agility and general K9 activities and their welfare are becoming more and more mainstream here in the Algarve. Marie has established a small step in making the sport more accessible, and I'm sure you agree we wish her success. Olive Valley doesn't currently offer training in dog sports. However, if you wish to practice or try for yourself, please contact Marie.There is a small charge for the use of the agility course. www.olivevalley.eu +351 935 486 240 facebook.com/olivdalen Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021



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Estrada de Vale do Lobo | 8135-107 Almancil | t.+351 289 397 059 | f.+351 289 397 092 info@equilibriointeriors.com | www.equilibriointeriors.com


Vale do Lobo


Quinta do Lago

GPS: 37º 04’ 48.77’’N 8º 02’ 44.65’’W



e t i n th e h il l s b e twe e n Saõ B ras an d L ou l e , th i s vi l l a i s a re al g e m! S aõ B r a s , w ith i ts co mb i nati o n of ind i g e n ou s a n d ex-p at p o p u l ati o n, ha s eve ry t h in g a n d m o re o ne wo u l d e xp ec t fr o m a q u a in t in l and Al g arve to wn. Tr adi t i o n a l m a r k e t e ve ry Satu rd ay wit h lo cal t r a d er s s el l i ng fre s hl y cau g ht fish , lo cal fru i t a n d veg . L o cal s co me fro m far a nd w id e to m e e t and gathe r i n the sm a l l ca f e s s ur r ound i ng the marke t. As a res u l t , th e w h ol e p l ace has a re al b u z z of ac t i vi t y a n d f r ie nd l i ne s s . Be yo nd th e m a r k e t s qu are , the re are many l i ttl e s tr e e ts to e xp l o re , wi th stre e t b a r s a n d s mal l l o cal s ho p s .A s for res t au ra n ts , th e c ho i ce i s i mp re s s i ve f or a s mal l tow n , S a õ B ras has i t al l . F amily-


run c af es sellin g h omemade c ake s , t radit ion al Port uguese an d in t erna ti ona l rest auran t s. I n c ludin g I n dian , I t a l i a n a l l are of f erin g basic t o f in e din in g. I t even h as a small c in ema w h ic h f irst opened in t h e sixt ies an d a public open - a i r sw immin g pool. I f t h at is n ot of an y in t erest . Ch e c k ou t t h e museum.

ABOUT THE PROPERTY Prepare yourself t o en joy amazing d a ys in t h e st un n in gly lan dsc aped gar d ens . Wit h peac ef ul surroun din gs, an d gorgeous v iews over t h e c oun t rys i d e, t h is Sout h Fac in g propert y h as it a l l ! Wit h a n umber of c overed t errac es , perf ec t f or relaxin g wh ile en joying the

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com

www.villas-vacations.com Central Algarve Government Licensed Estate Issue 81, Summer 2021 Agent: 715AMI

PROPERTY bea uti f u l s u ns e ts the Al g arve has t o o f f e r, or e n j o yi ng a s u nny s u mm er day by th e pool . It b o as ts a l arge ki t c h en w i th pa tio d o o rs l e ad i ng o u t to a c overed t e r r a c e , overl o o ki ng the s wi mmin g pool, p e r f ec t f or o u td o o r d i ni ng.


•Air condi t i on i n g; •Pre- instal l ed c ent r a l h ea t i n g s y s t e m ; •Double g l a z ed; •Plot is ful l y fenc ed off; •Automati c ent r a nc e ga t e s •46 square m et r e ga r a ge; •Lovely wa l ki n g t r a i l s n ea r t h e property ; •Local ame n i t i es w i t h i n wa l k i n g d istance •3k m f rom t h e c ent r e of S a o B r a s . Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


Re f . C o d e : 6 4 6 6 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 F u r n i s h e d : Ye s Plot Area: 4850m² C o ve r e d A r e a : 3 5 0 m ² Price: €995,000

DISTANCES FROM Beac h : 20km Golf : 25km Ten n is: 25km Sh oppin g M all: 19km Wat er Park: 11km H ospit al: 15km Faro Airport : 27km

www.villasvacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI


5 Minutes with Scott: PGA Master Coach and new Algarve Resident


cot t C r a n f i e ld is a P G A Master Co a c h , h e h as en joyed a career coa c h i n g b e ginn ers throu gh to Europ ea n To u r Win n ers, b eing a p u n d it on S k y S p o r t s T V, w ritin g b ook s for BO TH g o l f & t o h elp child ren manage t hei r m i n d a n d e m otions. S cott has re cen tl y m o v e d h is family to th e A lgar ve . Scott you are known as a golf coach, but you have a different approach to traditional ways, can you tell us about that? Yes, I call it Intuitive Golf. There are many definitions of Intuitive, but my favourite is “easy to use or learn without any special knowledge” I focus on helping golfers learn a few essential fundamentals about how their mind and body work, that are not only relatively easy to apply, but they can also make a huge difference to their golf performance, and quickly. Most people are aware of the importance of the golfing basics such as grip set up etc but few ever get to learn these mind and body principles, AND without knowing thes e you will never be able to a ccess your true potential. How did you get into this type of coaching? It was really through my own struggles with the game. As a young golf er I played to a good standard and performed quite well in my early professional events, but I soon begin to struggle with my game. Lookin g back the way I tried to get better actually caused me a lot of problems, of course I didn’t understand that at the time but with the benefit of what I know now I would have advised my younger self much differently, but that said if I hadn’t had these stru ggles, I may never have got into coaching and without doubt this is my mission to share and help others, so I am thankful for those struggles! 48

This sounds like a lonely journey? Well certainly at the time there wasn’t many people inside of Golf talking about this Intuitive or holistic approach. I gave a presentation to over 1000 golf coaches in 2003, at the time my ideas were considered quite radical which caused a huge amount of interest and questions afterwards.I have found the most valuable lessons I have learnt is from my research outside of golf in particular human behaviour, psychology and anatomy. I love learning about these subjects and then thinking about how that would help a golfer play a more natural ga me of golf, that ultimately allows them to perform better and have more fun on the golf course, and actually this approach can even help reduce injury because you are working with the body in the way it is intended. And this diverse approach has led you to other interesting projects? Yes, it certainly has! The work and coaching I have done on human behaviour has allowed me to help many people in a variety of challenging situations. I’ve been fortunate to learn some vital principles that literally can be life changing in how we manage our mind and our emotions, and yet few people are fortunate enough to ever get to learn these things. Once I became a parent, I really wanted my children to be able to learn these principles and I found the best way of doing this was through bedtime stories. I would take the experiences my children ha d that day and convert them into a bedtime story, but in the story, I would imbed principles to help them look at these challenges from a whole new perspective. So you might say they were learning these pri nciples in a subliminal way. For many years these stories were only ever kept for our own family and close friends, but after lots of encouragement I decided to publish The Wise Bear Stories. Last year I created a training course for both parents and children to complement Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

T he Intuitive Golf Experience The Se c re t s To F e e l i n g Co n f i d en t A b o ut Yo ur G o l f i n Les s T h a n 3 D a y s w i t h PGA M as t er Coach S co t t C ran f i el d Lear n A Natural Approach That Req uires No Sp ec ial Talen t… It Works Eve r y Tim e and I Will Help You Mas ter It! O n t hi s 3 Da y Exp erience you'll d is cover how to t ake c harg e of your ow n g ol f b y lea rning th e truth about how your m ind & bod y w ork. I f y ou wo u l d love to reduce th e stres s in your g olf and play w it h m ore conf id ence , ‘ T h e I ntuitive Golf Exp erience’ is everyt hing you' ve been looking for. For m o re informa tion a nd to w at c h a 3 - m inut e int rod uc t ion v id eo pleas e v i s i t www . s co t t c ra nfi e l d . co m the stories. Pre Covid, I have taken these principles into schools in the UK and even had the BBC come and film a session and air it on the news.

with Your Golf Travel to bring golfers from the UK, Ireland and other destinations to join me at Quinta do Lago at different times throughout the year.

And I understand the mental approach is so key to play ing good golf? Is it something that even amateur golfers should work on? For sure, the importance of the mental game cannot be underestimated. From my experience the problem is most amateur golfers don't know where to start. In fact, some of the most fun I have had is delivering seminars on the mental game of golf, because just a simple change of focus or awareness for some golfers can give them an instant benefit and help them unlock some of the problems they have been having for years. I took the opportunity during the re cent lockdown to take a programme I created called Mind Of A Champion, which is normally a one day seminar and turn it into a 10 module online program. It gives golfers a step-by-step guide on how to develop the optimal mindset for golf.

What type of golfer is ‘The Intuitive Golf Experience’ for? Because it is based on fundamentals of how the mind and body work, it really does apply and work for all standards, however I think it's most likely going to suit the golfer who is frustrated and feels like they have tried so many things but nothing seems to help them long term. Maybe they are tied up in swing thoughts and can't seem to ever play with a quiet mind. This type of golfer would benefit hugely from learning these fundamentals.

You have recently moved your family to the Algarve, what are your plans here? Yes, with how the world has changed over the last 18 months, it became a good opportunity for us to try living somewhere different, something we have discussed many times, and if you’re a golf coach where better than the Algarve! Some of my consultation and coaching work has now gone online through platforms like Zoom, so of course I can do that from anywhere in the world, but my major focus is to develop a three day golf school called ‘The Intuitive Golf Experience’ where I will work with a limited number of golfers to share with them what I believe are the key principles to help them get the most out of themselves and be able to play a consistent and natural game of golf. I am partnering Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

How can somebody find out more about this program? If they go to my website www.scottcranfield.com and look under the tab Work With Me’ where they will find more information and a video from me explaining more.


Local News... Loulé Council to plant thousands of trees in Serra do Caldeirão The announcement came last week after the local town hall signed two protocols with Associação Natureza Portugal/WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) and the Portuguese Institute for Nature and Forest Conservation (ICNF). Cork trees, evergreen oak trees, strawberry trees, carob trees and olive trees are “just some of the native species” that will be planted, said the counc il in a communiqué to the press. “We commit to planting, in an orderly manner, several thousands of trees along Serra do Caldeirão,” said Loulé Mayor Vítor Aleixo at the ceremony. Algarve short film wins two international awards A short film launched last year by the Algarve Tourism Board (RTA) to promote the region as a tourism destination has won two further international awards. The film is the centrepiece of a campaign using the same name which aims to show potential visitors that the Algarve is a safe destination. It features couple Raquel and Miguel, known on Instagram as ‘Explorerssaurus’, one of the most successful influencers in the business, as they enjoy a trip to the Algarve. Algarve surfer Yolanda Hopkins Sequeira qualifies for Tokyo Olympics Yolanda Hopkins Sequeira, a 23-year-old sur fer from the Algarve, has secured a spot in this summer ’s Olympic G ames in Tokyo. She finished second in the ISA World Surfing Games held in El Salvador last weekend, grabbing one of the final seven women’s berths in what will be the first-ever Olympic surfing competition. Another Portuguese surfer, Teresa Bonvalot, has also secured a spot in the planned Olympics. Frederico Morais had already qualified. Born in Faro, Yolanda Hopkins Sequeira is the daughter of a British mother and Portuguese father. She trains mostly in Sines because the waves in the Algarve are “not constant and the variety is minimal.” She says she is in the sea every day. “It does n ot matter if there are waves of 10 metres or 20 centimetres. I always find a place to surf. Besides, a professional surfer ’s training is not just in the water. We also have physical and psychological training, which, of course, is out of the water,” she explains. 50

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Let's have a look at the top stories from Algarve Resident over the past few weeks... Faro students prepare time capsule to be opened in 2071 11th year students at Faro’s Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa are burying a time capsule on June 7 to be opened in 2071. The idea is to show upcoming generations ‘how far their world has moved’ since the dark days of the Covid-19 pandemic. Included in the capsule will be texts and drawings, as well as a ‘profound study’ on the evolution of the pandemic since Portugal registered its first case of the virus. Accidentally almost a millionaire! An unemployed Portuguese man has had a terrible time since Social Security mistakenly credited his bank account with €788,000. The amount saw PJ pol ice contacted by the bank (on suspicions that money-laundering was underway) – and the man has been forced to hire a lawyer to represent him in the ensuing ‘criminal i nvestigation’. As the matter is “covered by secrecy of justice”, the sum cannot be returned to Social Security – and the man has been left without the funds he was hoping for to pay his rent… Motorhomers are not happy about ban on parking outside ‘authorised locations’ Portugal’s motorhomers – people who purchased motorhomes with the idea of exploring the open road in their leisure time – at the time of going to print, were planning a mass demo in Lisbon following the ban on parking or overnight stays in anything but ‘authorised locations’. The issue is all about freedom. Who wants to be herded into a ‘caravan park’ when the whole idea of having a motorhome is about the freedom of the open road?

Zoomarine welcomed baby dolphin Neo at the beginning of June Zoomarine's latest addition is to their muchloved family of bo ttle-nosed dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) which have characterised the complex for the last 30 years. In fact , 2021 is the year in which Zoomarine celebrates its 30th birthday (on August 3 to be precise) and, to th is end, the team hopes Neo’s birth, on the very last day of 2020, signifies “a shining beacon of hope” that 2021 will be “happier, safer and more confident” than its predecessor. Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


COVID-19 Te sts in the Almancil area The popular local centre is in the Villas & Vacations carpark.


o assist travellers and anyone else requiring rapid Covid-19 tests, a collaboration between Unilabs and the HPA Group has opened a number of high capacity testing stations. A Drive-Thru centre has also been opened in the Villas & Vacations carpark (see centrefold map C3). This will be very useful for any tourists planning to fly home as the tests are acceptable for allowing travel to the UK and other countries. You can also book the tests in advance via the website: www.unilabs.pt/en If you are passing by, you may park in the car park, obtain further information or even stop for refreshments at the on-site café before or after the drive-thru test.

The standard prices are: PCR Test:


Lateral Flow Test: €25 (currently required for the UK) Inaugu ra t i on a t F a r o f a c ilit y attend ed by r ep r es entatives f r om t he Ci t y Counci l and Touri sm Board 52

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

Interested in advertising in Central Algarve Magazine? Simply send an email to our team at info@central-algarve.com and we'll come back to you!

Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Vilamoura Ownership Changes...


he resort o f Vi l a m o u r a h a s c h a n g e d h a n d s recen t l y f ro m ' L on e S t a r ' t o t h e E n g l i s h Inve st me n t f un d ' Ar r o w C a p i t a l ' i n a d e a l s a id to be wort h a rou n d € 1 0 0 M. The new o w n ers, l e d by C E O Jo ã o B r i o n S a n ch e , have many plan s f or t h e f ut u r e . I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e m a r ina, there are 2 1 l a rge bui l di n g p l o t s a n d t h e h u g e p r o j e c t ' Cidade Lu c ust re ' ( L a ke s i d e C i t y ). D e s p i t e s u ffe ring a s et b ack w i t h a n en v i r o n m e n t a l i m p a ct r e v i e w l a s t year, wit h a p p ro p ri a t e ch a n g e s , t h i s p r o j e ct s t i l l has great deve l op me n t p ro s p e ct s a n d h a s b e e n co n s i de re d as a Projec t of Po t en t i al Na t i o n a l I n t e r e s t .


Eve n unde r the e xis ting mas te rp lan fo r de velopmen t, it is tho ught the re is the p o s s ib ility o f at le ast a furthe r 3,500 ho us ing units , s o the Vilamo ur a re s o rt has the lo ng te rm p o te ntial o f e xp ans ion and imp ro ve me nt fo r de c ade s to c o me . A s e ns e o f s te wards hip in the future o f Vilamour a is b e s t s umme d up b y C EO Jo ão Brio n Sanc hes, ' No o ne truly o w ns Vilamo ura. Our gro up o f investor s inte nds to b e the s afe ke e p e r o f its he ritage , guide it and c are fo r it o n b e half o f future ge ne ration s' .


2 Beds, 2 Baths A ve ry re c e ntly re no vate d two b e dro o m s ingle -s to re y to w nho us e w ith many mo de rn fe ature s . Ide ally lo c ate d in Vilamo ura at Alde ia do Go lf re s o rt. Fe aturing c o mmunal garde ns , a re s o rt re s taurant w ith a p rivate p o o l, s up e rmarke t and c afe . C lo s e to the go lf c o urs e , Fale s ia b e ac h and the p o p ular Vilamo ura marina.

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com 54


6478 118m² 128m² Furnished

www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Va l e d o L o b o

2 Beds, 2 Baths


This end o f t e rra c e a p a r t m e n t REF: 2408 wit h a s o u t h - f a c i n g te r r a c e wa s fully re n ova t e d i n 2 0 1 6 . S t u n n i n g 85m² g round f l o or a pa rt me n t l o c a t e d i n t he popul a r re so rt o f Va l e d o L o b o . One plu s 1 be d ro om a p a r t m e n t - m² has m any mod ern f e a t u r e s : Do u b l e g lazing , e l ec t ri c sh utt e r s a n d Furnished underfloor h e a t i n g. A p e r fe ct l o c k up and l e a ve p ro p ert y.

Vilamoura Marina

2 Beds, 2 Baths


This ap artme nt is p lac e d in a quality gate d p rivate c o ndo minium R E F : w ith re c e p tio n s e rv ic e . C e ramic flo o rs in lo unge , b athro o ms and kitc he n. Wo o de n flo o rs in the b e dro o ms . Ele c tric s hutte rs . Se c urity e ntry s ys te m. Jac uzzi. Sto rage and p arking in b as e me nt. P rivate garde n and large c o mmunal s w imming p o o l.

Va l e d a Q u i n t a One of t h e l a st rema i n i n g p l o t s REF: wit hin th e e st a bl i sh e d r e s o r t o f Vale da Q u i n t a . S et i n p i n e fo r e s t wit h views o ve r t h e c o u n t r y s i d e an d coas t . A p erf e c t n a t u r a l s e t t i n g giving t he op p ort un i ty t o b u i l d your b ra n d n e w d re a m h o m e . T h e r esort of f e rs good i n fr a s t r u c t u r e wit h wal kwa ys a n d c y cl e l a n e s t o the b each a n d surro u n d i n g a r e a .

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021


6475 115m² - m² Not Furnished


345 530m² 946m² Not Furnished

www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 55

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Quinta das Salinas

3 Beds, 3 Baths


Re furb is he d to w nho us e w hic h has REF: 1135 b e e n finis he d to a go o d s tandard, c o mmunal p o o l s hare d w ith o nly 220m² fo ur o the rs , s e a & lago o n v ie w s fro m the te rrac e . Do ub le -glazing, s o lar p ane l, p re -ins tallatio n fo r - m² airc o n and a c e ntral fire p lac e . Sp ac io us w ith go o d s ize b e dro o ms . Furnished Fantas tic lo c atio n fo r the b e ac h and we ll wo rth a v ie w ing!

Just a little showcase of how hard our team works for you.


ver t h e l a st t wo d e c a d e s , C e n t r a l Al g a r ve has be en a n e xc e l l e n t m e d i u m fo r s e l l e r s and b uyers a l i ke .

E ven duri n g t h e pa n d e m i c , m a n y o f o u r l o ya l r e a de rs and regula r v i si t o rs h a ve t u r n e d t o r e a d i n g t h e m ag azine o n l i n e t o kee p a b r e a s t o f t h e p r o p e r t y m ark et an d ge n era l i t em s o f l o ca l i n t e r e s t .




T here are ma n y t h i n gs we co u l d w r i t e a b o u t t h e propert y m a rket . W h a t i s ve r y a p p a r e n t i s t h e s h o rtage of properti es on t h e ma r k e t . I f yo u 'r e t h i n k i n g o f s elling or c urre n t l y t ry i n g t o s e l l yo u r p r o p e r t y, we would be d e l i gh t ed t o d i s cu s s w i t h yo u fe a t u r i n g yo ur propert y in t h i s p op u l a r m a g a z i n e . Here are a f ew exa mpl e s o f p r o p e r t i e s we h a ve s old recent ly, a n d i n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s e t r a d i t i o n a l h o l iday hom es t ha t t h i s a re a i s fa m o u s fo r, we a l s o h a ve , in recent m o n t h s, sol d se ve r a l p l o t s a n d s h o p s . If y ou're i n t e re s t e d i n se llin g , co n ta ct u s to d a y !





! D

DUNAS BEACH CLUB Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s The Crest in Almancil S e t in t h e l u xury ga t e d REF: d e velopm en t o f " T h e C r e s t " w i t h 24 hrs sec u ri t y. Pool t e r r a ce , ja cuzzi, l a n d sc a p ed g a r d e n s , a i rcon, dou bl e - gl a z i n g, u n d e r fl o o rh eat ing, el e c t ri c sh u t t e r s , i nt egrat e d surro u n d - s o u n d , fe a t u r e l ight ing , h ome c i n e ma r o o m , garage, st o ra ge ro om, p a r k i n g a r e a , e lect ric g a t es, v i d e o i n t e r co m .

Santa Barbara de Nexe Set on a h i l l si d e c l o s e t o t h e villag e o f S a n t a B a rb a r a , t h i s semi de t a c h ed v i l l a b e n e fi t s fr o m g reat se a v i ews, a h i g h s t a n d a r d of constru c t i o n . A i r- c o n , d o u b l e g lazing , f l y- sc ree n s, o ff-r o a d parking, el e c t ri c ga t e s , a l a r m , excellen t se a v i e w s, p l u n g e p o o l ), feat ure st on e d o or a nd w i n d o w surroun d s.

A l m a n c i l We s t C o


3 Beds, 3 Baths 6476 230m² 330m² Not Furnished


4 Beds, 4 Baths

REF: 5386 198m² 361m² Not Furnished

4 Beds, 3 Baths


De tac he d v illa w ith a p o o l c an REF: 4722 b e fo und w ithin a 5-minute drive o f the go rge o us s andy b e ac he s and 428m² the to w n o f Almanc il. The large law ne d garde n o ffe rs p le nty o f s p ac e to e njo y and re lax in the 5412m² Algarve we athe r. The p ro p e rty is ide al as a p e rmane nt o r Furnished ho liday ho me o r re ntal inve s tme nt. Pl ease not e t he pri ce quot ed i s for t he company onl y.

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 57

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Vilamoura Four Seasons


4 Beds, 2 Baths

T his spaci ou s v i l l a i s l o ca t e d i n a t r a n q u i l r e s o r t o f F o u r Seaso n s Vi l a mo u r a . A t r a d i t i o n a l -s t y l e v i l l a b enefit s fr om a n a mp l e l i v i n g a r e a w i t h a fi r e p l a c e , a large k itc h en f ea t uri n g a b r e a k fa s t b a r, t wo s t o r age rooms, t wo c o mpl e t e ba t h r o o m s , a n d fo u r b e d r o o ms , one wit h a n en - sui t e ba t h r o o m , p r i va t e b a l c o n i e s , and b uilt -in wa rd ro be s. T h e o t h e r t h r e e b e d r o o m s a r e o n th e ground f l oor, wi t h p a t i o a cc e s s t o t h e t e r r a c e and g ar den. Th e ga rd en c om p r i s e s o f a p r i va t e s w i m m ing pool, out d oor d i n i n g a r e a a n d B B Q p o r c h — C a l ça da d riveway f or pri va t e p a r k i n g . Wi t h i t s fa b u l o u s bars and rest au ra n t s, t h e reno w n e d Vi l a m o u r a Ma r i n a is just a fi f t ee n - mi n u t e wa l k o r a s h o r t r i d e b y r o a d tr ain. Wit h brea t h t a ki ng B l u e F l a g b e a ch e s , wa t e r park s, cha mpi o n sh i p go l f co u r s e s a n d t e n n i s , t o name jus t a few, t h e resort i s a p o p u l a r h o l i d a y r e s o r t !


6382 Main F eatur es : • So uth Fac ing • Gre at re ntal lo atio n • P rivate p o o l • Sp ac io us garde n • C lo s e to go lf c o urs e • Walking dis tanc e to facilities


Vila Sol, Vilamoura

4 Beds, 6 Baths

Not Furnished



It is s ituate d in a quie t c ul-de -s ac c lo s e to Vila So l Re s o rt w ith a 27 ho le go lf c o urs e , firs t- class re s taurant, b ars , and ne arb y s ho p p ing. It is only minute s away fro m Vilamo ura Marina w ith many s ho p s and a lo ve ly go lde n s andy b e ac h. This p ro p e rty is ve ry re as o nab ly p ric e d an d of f er s go o d value fo r mo ne y. It c o mp ris e s a large open- plan liv ing-dining are a, a s e p arate fully fitte d kitch en p lus laundry ro o m, a gue s t WC and two e n suite b e dro o ms o n the gro und flo o r. On the firs t f loor, a s p ac io us mas te r b e dro o m e n s uite and furth er ensuite b e dro o m. Fully airc o nditio ne d. The garde n h as low mainte nanc e and a large s w imming p o o l, with BBQ and al fre s c o dining s p ac e . The p lo t is c o mpletely fe nc e d.C o uto -Re al is a p rivate re s ide ntial estate w ithin the b o undarie s o f Vila So l.



Main Feat u re s : • Sout h fa c i n g. • Close t o gol f c ou rse. • G ood re n t a l s.


• P r i va t e p o o l . • R e s o r t fa c i l i t i e s . • Pe a c e fu l s e t t i n g .

Not furnished

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com 58

671m² www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Almancil North

4 Beds, 5 Baths


Se t in the luxury gate d de ve lo p me nt o f "Th e Cr est" in the de s irab le are a o f Vale Fo rmo s o , this villa b o as ts a fantas tic fe ature s lis t, s e a v ie ws, and a high-quality finis h. Ide al as a luxurio us h oliday ho me o r p e rmane nt re s ide nc e alike . Electr ic gates to c alç ada drive way w ith s p ac e fo r up to four car s plus a garage . Op e n p lan lo unge dine r w ith log- bur ner fire p lac e w ith fe ature s to ne s urro und, g lazed sliding do o rs to a c o ve re d s e ating are a w ith ac cess to the p o o l te rrac e : fully-fitte d mo de rn kitc hen , spacious b e dro o ms . Garage , game s ro o m c an b e tur ned into a c ine ma ro o m, s to rage ro o m, utility r oom, o ne additio nal ro o m c urre ntly us e d as a bedr oom, s ho we r ro o m.



Main Fe a t u re s : • G at ed d e ve l op me n t . • Unde rf l oor h e a t i n g . • G ood re n t a l s.


• P r i va t e p o o l . • Garage. • 2 4 h o u r s e c u r i ty. Not Furnished




3 Beds, 3 Baths

Well-pr e se n t ed l uxu r y s i n g l e -s t o r y v i l l a w h i ch has recent ly be en upgra d e d t o a h i g h s t a n d a r d . Wi th excellen t f i n i sh es t h r o u g h o u t , i n c l u d i n g b e a u t iful m at ure ga rd en s a n d a l a r g e s a l t wa t e r h e a t e d p oo l is an ide a l h ome . For s o m e o n e l o o k i n g fo r a q u ie t prime lo c a t i on w i t h i n Vi l a m o u r a , t h i s v i l l a i s o f except ion a l va l ue . I m p r e s s i ve h a l l wa y w i t h m o de rn feat ures , o p en sp a c e t o t h e d i n i n g r o o m , co r r i do r to b edrooms a n d f u rt h e r a cc e s s t o a k i t ch e n . S t o r age laundry a re a . S p a c i o u s l o u n g e w i t h l a r g e d o u b le g lazed d oors l ea d i n g t o p o o l t e r r a ce w i t h e x t e ns ive deck ing a n d ext eri or s e a t i n g a r e a s . D i n i n g Ar e a , a lig ht ar ea wi t h l a rge d o u b l e g l a z e d d o o r s l e a d i ng o ut t o ext er i o r d i n i n g/ w i t h p r e -i n s t a l l a t i o n B B Q a r e a. F ully-fi t t e d ki t c h e n , h i g h -q u a l i t y k i t c h e n w i t h c e ntre island, si l t st o n e work s u r fa c e s . Ma s t e r B e d r o o m o n the g round f l o or, wa l k- i n wa r d r o b e , o ve r l o o k i n g t he p o o l t errace a n d e n sui t e b a t h r o o m .



Main F eatur es : • So lar p ane ls . • C e ntral s hutte rs . • Single s to ry.

205m² Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com sales@villasvacations.com Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

• He ate d p o o l. • P re -c e ntral he ating. • Go o d lo c atio n.



wwwwww. .vviillllaass--vvaaccaattiioonnss. .ccoom m GGoovveerrnnm meenntt LLiicceennsseedd EEssttaattee AAggeenntt: : 771155AAM MII 59

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s A l m a n c i l We s t

5 Beds, 5 Baths


Sizab le plo t w i t h a n exi s t i n g t h r e e -b e d r o o m v i l l a and a project fo r a bra n d n ew l u x u r i o u s fi ve -b e d r o o m villa! Loca t e d j u st 2 5 0 m fr o m t h e m a i n e n t r a n ce t o Vale do Lobo , w h ere e ve r y t h i n g i s i n a fe w m i n u t e s reach, t his i s t h e pe rf ec t i n ve s t m e n t fo r yo u r d r e a m holiday home or pe rma n e n t r e s i d e n c e ! T his int rig u i n g n ew p ro j e c t h a s n o t ye t b e e n s u b m itte d to the Loul e C o u n c i l , wh i ch a l l o w s yo u t o p e r s o n alis e or alt ering t h e p ro j ec t t o yo u r o w n p r e fe r e n ce . T he exist in g v i l l a wa s u s e d a s a fo u n d a t i o n fo r t h e project , incorpo ra t i n g i t w i t h i n t h e n e w d e s i g n a n d ad d ing a la rge e xt e n si o n t o i n c l u d e a b a s e m e n t . B y us ing t he e xi st i n g v i l l a , yo u ca n r e d u c e t h e co s t o f const ruct ion si gn i f i c a n tl y, d e p e n d i n g o n yo u r ch o ic e of finishing s. T h e n ew v i l l a i s c a l l e d Vi l l a Oa s i s a nd consist s of a ba semen t , a g r o u n d fl o o r a n d fi r s t fl oo r.


6450 Main F eatur es : • Size ab le p lo t. • Bo re ho le . • Bas e me nt.



• P rivate p o o l. • Pe ac e ful s e tting. • Go o d v ie w s . Not furnished

4 Beds, 4 Baths



Recent ly compl e t ed , we l l -p r e s e n t e d c o n t e m p o r a r y luxury fou r- bed room v i l l a . Po s i t i o n e d o n a g e n e r o us plot in Vi l a mou ra a n d h a s b e e n c u s t o m b u i l t t o perfect ion , u si n g t h e f in e s t m a t e r i a l s i n a m a s t e r f ul b lend of in d o or- ou t d oo r a n d s e a m l e s s l i v i n g s p a ce s overlook ing t h e gol f c o u r s e . I m p r e s s i ve h a l l wa y wit h modern f e a t u re s, o p e n s p a ce t o t h e d i n i n g room, corri d or t o t h e b e d r o o m a n d fu r t h e r a c c e s s to a b eaut iful d e si gn e r ki tch e n . S p a ci o u s l o u n g e w ith large doubl e gl a z e d d o o r s l e a d i n g o u t t o p o o l a r e a wit h ext en si ve a l f resc o t e r r a c e w i t h a b a r b e cu e a nd ex terior re l a xi n g a re a s. B e d r o o m s a l l w i t h b u i l t -i n wardrobes a n d e n sui t e b a t h r o o m s . T h e p o o l i s l a id out in a u n i qu e wa y su r r o u n d i n g t h e p r o p e r t y o n two sides. O n t h e t op t e r r a ce , a g e n e r o u s s p a ce with b reat ht aki n g 3 6 0 - d e gre e g o l f v i e w s . T h i s p r o p e r t y als o offers a g en e ro u s sp a c e g a r a g e i n t h e b a s e m e n t , with s pace for t wo c a rs i n a dd i t i o n t o t h e p a r k i n g o u t s ide .


6403 Main F eatur es : • Large ro o ms . • Quie t lo c atio n. • Go lf v ie w s .


Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com 60

• P rivate p o o l. • Mo de rn de s ign. • Bas e me nt.



www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s F e a t u r e d P r o p e r t i e s Va l e d o L o b o


5 Beds, 4 Baths

Impressive si x- bed roo m v i l l a w i t h a l a r g e s w i m ming p ool. Thi s c l a ssi c a l l y s t y l e d v i l l a i s s e t o n a va st p lot of l a n d t h a t of f er s a l a r g e a m o u n t o f p r i va cy. In the m ag n i f i c e n t ga rd e n s s u r r o u n d i n g t h e v i l l a , yo u will find a n orn a men ta l l a k e w i t h a fo u n t a i n a nd a tennis co u rt . L o c a t e d n e a r t h e m a i n e n t r a n ce t o Vale do Lobo , w i t h i t s go rg e o u s g o l d e n b e a ch e s a n d many o ther am en i t i e s! Wa l k i n g d i s t a n ce t o l o c a l s h o p s, The ent ra n c e h a l l wi t h a g u e s t c l o a k r o o m l e a d s to a f ully fit te d a n d equi p p e d k i t ch e n w i t h a d i n i n g tab le , p at io do ors t o t h e ga r d e n . A s e c o n d d i n i n g a r e a, e leg ant l y f u rn i sh ed an d d e c o r a t e d , c o n n e ct e d to b o th l oung es. O n e w i t h p a t i o d o o r s t o t h e p o o l a n d t he o ther lea d i n g t o t h e f r o n t t e r r a c e . T h e r e i s a g a me s r oom on t h e f i rst f l oo r w i t h a T V, b a r a r e a , p o o l tab le an d doo rs t o t h e rooft o p t e r r a c e .


2344 Main F eatur es : • Do ub le p lo t. • Gate d. • Go lf v ie w s .


A l m a n c i l We s t

• P rivate p o o l. • Do ub le garage . • Walking dis tanc e to beach.


6 Beds, 6 Baths



Impressive si x- bed roo m v i l l a w i t h a l a r g e s w i m ming p ool. Thi s c l a ssi c a l l y s t y l e d v i l l a i s s e t o n a va s t p lo t o f land th a t of f ers a la r g e a m o u n t o f p r i va c y. I n the mag nific e n t ga rd e n s s u r r o u n d i n g t h e v i l l a , yo u w ill f ind an o rn a men t a l l a k e w i t h a fo u n t a i n a n d a t e nnis court . Lo c a t e d n ea r t h e m a i n e n t r a n c e t o Va l e d o Lo b o , wit h it s gorge ou s go l d e n b e a c h e s a n d m a n y o t h er amenit ies! Wa l ki n g d i s t a n c e t o l o c a l s h o p s , The ent ra n c e h a l l wi t h a g u e s t c l o a k r o o m l e a d s to a f ully fit te d a n d equi p p e d k i t ch e n w i t h a d i n i n g tab le , p at io do ors t o t h e ga r d e n . A s e c o n d d i n i n g a r e a, e leg ant ly f u rn i sh ed an d d e co r a t e d , c o n n e ct e d to b o th l oung es. O n e w i t h p a t i o d o o r s t o t h e p o o l a n d t he o ther lea d i n g t o t h e f r o n t t e r r a c e . T h e r e i s a g a me s r oom on t h e f i rst f l oo r w i t h a T V, b a r a r e a , p o o l tab le an d doo rs t o t h e roof to p t e r r a c e .


3525 Main F eatur es : • Large p lo t. • Te nnis c o urt. • Bo re ho le .


Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 / 9 1 1 1 1 9 0 0 9 sales@villasvacations.com Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021

• He ate d p o o l. • Garage . • Go o d re ntals .



www.villas-vacations.com Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 61

L a rgo d o C i n e m a L o t e B 6 - Vi l a m o u r a Qu a r t e i r a 966 217 510 /913 809 604

M o b ile B eaut y t reat m ent s- Fac ials M assages- M ani cu re Pedic ures- G el na ils with t he Led lam p and G el nai l p o li sh wi t hou t the Led L am p - Eye La s h Tints - Eye B row Shape & Tidy - & R ef lexo lo gy. Online f it ness c lasses.

Leanne 966 059 756 facebook .com/fitnessandbeaut y4U

Rua dos Marmeleiros, 8125-497 Vilamoura – Algarve Tel: +351 289 300 800 · Fax: +351 289 380 716 Email: info@familygolfpark.pt

Av, Eng João Meireles 8125 Vilamoura Tel: (+351) 289 312 709 Emergencies: (+351) 91 900 40 50 info@clinicaveterinaria.pt

General Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs Barros da Fonte Santa, Quarteira Tel: +351 965 130 295 www.facebook.com/pg/carfixauto

Vi l a m o u r a and Qu a r t e i ra

Nursery School and Kindergarten

A s p a c e e n t i r e l y fo cus e d o n ch i l d r e n fr o m e arly ch i l d h o o d D a y ca r e ( fro m 4 m o n t h s t o 3 ye a r s o ld a n d P r e -s c h o o l (fr o m 3 to 6 ye a r s o l d ).

Rua das Estrelas - Clube Vilamar , Vilamoura Tel:+351 289 302 934 info@babymoura.com Open every working day from 8 am to 8 pm


Advertise with Central Algarve Magazine and be sure you're talking to an engaged audience. info@central-algarve.com Central Algarve Issue 81, Summer 2021



Falesia Beach

can al

Golf Pinhal



Tennis Club






Fishing Habour




Quarteira Encantus

Fish/Veg Market




Villas & Vacations




To Vale do Lobo Beach »

Cavalho Preto Beach

Fonte Santa


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527 EM


Aqua Show Waterslides

3 EN


Loulé Stati

Airport » To Faro &


1 EN

EN Hair & Beauty


Vila Sol

H Pestana


1 EN

Old Village


GNR Police Post Office



1 EN

Vale Judeu

Hilton H

Old Course



Browns Sports

Family Mini-Golf

Golf Garden




Copy with written permission only. Rights reserved by Villas & Vacations Lda 2021. Email: info@central-algarve.com

Golf Victoria

Encosta Oliveira

Golf Millennium Golf Laguna

Pinhal Velho Terraços Pinhal



International School


1 EN


Map of Vilamoura

Equestrian Centre

« To Olhos De Agua



lb « P ufeir a ort ima o




Central Algarve C I sesnuter a8l1 A , Sl guamr v mee r 2 0 2 1 Issue 79, Spring 2020

63 63

V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s Featured Homes

3 bed top floor refurbishead - Distant Sea View An attractive 3 bedroom top floor apartment, modernized to a high standard in an exclusive condominium called Pinhal da Marina in Vilamoura. Set in extremely peaceful surroundings, with all m a j o r a m e n i t i e s n e a r b y, i n c l u d i n g f a m o u s golf courses, gorgeous beaches and the renowned Marina full of restaurants, bars & shops to! Book your viewing today before it gets snapped away!

Vilamoura South East 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms €355,000


6398 128m²

- m²



At t r a c t i v e 3 b e d r o o m t o w n h o u s e with basement and pool This lovely townhouse with 3 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms and a large basement, benefits from having ample divisions, a completely enclosed front terrace, offstreet parking and a rear terrace with a private plunge pool. This property is a great opportunity for your very own holiday home or even to live all year round!

Va l e d a Q u i n t a 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms €635,000

Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 (+351) 911 119 009 sales@villasvacations.com






Not Furnished

www.villasvacations.com G o v e r n m e n tC eLn tirca el Anlsg ea rdv e 2 0 I2 0 E s t a t e AI sgseu en 7t 9: , 7S p1r5i nAg M

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