Central Algarve Winter Issue 2020

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Central Algarve Wi n t e r 2 0 2 0 , I s s u e 7 8

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Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

feature highlights... Issue 78 Winter 2019/2020

c or te r ea l gall er y 26

th e a r t of s e d uc tion 68

f ive t h ings that dam a ge c ar p a i nt 62

ten n i s 6

a v oi d in g b ook i n g s c a ms 52

dro nes i n por tu ga l 70

ban an as on t h e brin k 8

h or os c op es 66

a c or k in g h ou s e 19

Centr al A lgarve Ma g a zin e E d i to r a nd Publisher : Villas & Vacatio ns S ocieda de de Med iaรง รฃo Imobiliรก ria L da (Licenรงa Nยบ 71 5 - AM I ) A pt 349 8, 8 13 5-9 06 A lm anc il A lgarve, Po rtug al Tel: + 3 51 28 9 3 90 50 0 N I F 50 26 88 44 0 w ww. v illas-va ca tion s.c om A d vertis ing: Mikaila Me ne ze s info@ ce ntra l-alg arve.c om Tel: + 3 51 91 6 1 34 21 5 D i rector : D avid Ottewill T hree e ditio ns pe r an num .

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Content Listing

P ro p e rty Ro und-Up Te nnis Tip s Bananas o n the Brink Be s t K e p t Se c re ts Fo re ign Exc hange Safe rDriv ing Pr i nt Run: 18, 000 Be at The Winte r Flu C limate C hange No. DL: 389208/ 15 A C o rking Ho us e He alth To uris m Ho rs e Riding The rap y The Cent r al Algar v e Save The Date M agaz ine is dis t r ibute d f r e e C o rte Re al Galle ry t o loc al bus ines s es , r e s o r t s and r es t aur ant s in t he C e n t r a l Braai v s BBQ Algar v e Ar ea. Go lf Tip C ro s s w o rd Fake N e w s Bus ine s s Lis tings Map o f Almanc il Pr i nt i ng: Lit ogr af is Ar t es G r af i c a s L d a Lit ogr af is Par k , Pav il h a o A , Vale Par ais o, 8200- 567 Albuf eir a

4 6 8 10 12 15 16 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 31 32 34 35 40

Wo rd Se arc h So up Re c ip es Bus ine s s Ro und- U p Pas te is de Nata Amazing Facts Banana Bre a d Online Sc am s Z amb ujie ira Be e Hap p y Wac ky Winter Winte r P o o l U se DIY Ide as C ar Paint Da mage Go ldra Do gs Calendar Ho ro s c o p e s Art o f Se duction Dro ne s in Algar ve Re tire me nt P ro p e rty Sales

46 47 48 49 50 51 52 55 56 58 59 60 62 64 66 68 70 71 72 3

Tim e t o T h i n k ab o u t y o u r B r e x it B a r g a in ? The Pr oper t y Round Up by Davi d Har ri s o n a t Vi l l a s & Va c a t i o n s

Was 2019 a year of despair, excitement or opportunity? It probably depends on what you were doing. Anyone avidly fol lowing the Brexit news will probably have had a pace-maker fitted by now, while those waiting in the wings for a Brexit property bargain will have had an uneventful time. Property prices in Portugal have gone up by around 10% during the year, so buyers may have missed out a little. But, more importantly, what will happen in 2020? We shall endeavour to point the way! With t he Brexit problem tortuously coming to a head, we can see two economic levers are likely to move the market. An increase in certainty will increase buyer-confidence, and a corresponding increase in GBP should also increase the British spending power. Of course we do appreciate there are lots of other nationalities buying in the Algarve too, but it is the Brits that move prices the most around here.

So the fundamentals are still looking good, and it is worth bearing in mind there are still relatively few reasonably-priced properties available. Now should be the time to make the leap! For those who still feel unconvinced and doubtful, we have two further pieces of advice: first consult your 2020 Horoscope on page 66, and then hopefully reassured, take a look at the properties on page 72. Both properties are only a stroll from the beach, and the one at Dunas Douradas is brilliant value for money and is likely to sell quickly! We believe that either of these would qualify as your Brexit Bargain. Good property hunting! V i l l a s & Va c a t i o n s sales@villasvacations.com Te l : 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 www.villasvacations.com

Properties for Long Term Rent L o o k i ng to e s c ape t h e c old, dark an d of t en mi s e rab l e weat h er of N ort h ern Europe? C o me t o t he Al garve! H e re th er e a r e 300 s u ns hi ne d ay s per year an d, even in w in t er, t h e sun is wa r m a nd i nv iti n g . O utd o o r s p o rts , s u ch as t en n is an d golf , c an be played t h rough ou t the year. And y o u have guaran t eed, empt y, beaut if ul beac h es. S til l not c onvi nc ed? F o r a s l i ttl e a s €850 p e r mo nth you c ould ren t a propert y f or on e t o t h ree m onths and l i ve l i k e a l o cal . Great f ood an d w on derf ul weat h er, the p e rfe ct re ci pe f or en joyin g a great lif e- st yle!!

2 Bedr ooms Val e do L obo Ref : VL841D F r om €1000 per mon th

3 B e d rooms N e a r Va le d o L obo Re f : S A 2 7 F rom € 1 2 0 0 p e r mo n th

4 B e d ro o m s Va lve rd e Re f : VE 0 5 F rom € 1 8 0 0 p e r m o nt h

Rental Reservation Enquiries (+351) 289 390501 rentals@villasvacations.com 4

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



he above might be a familiar expression, but note the extra perfect at the front. It is vital to keep this in mind because, if you are practising the wrong things, you'll only reinforce bad habits - holding back your progress! So, if I may anticipate your next question, here are a few of the right things that you can include in your practice sessions. To professional players, they will seem natural, but we almost always have to repeat things consciously before they become automatic.

• Defensive: you're running hard in any direction, or out of position. Strategy: give your opponent an awkward, high top-spin ball or lob, so you can get back into the point. • Offensive: you receive an easier ball inside the baseline. Strategy: attack and, ideally, pressurize your opponent by getting into the net. The mentioned strategies are just examples but it's crucial to make the best of your position. It might look good, but no one usually wins a match by hitting offensive balls from defensive areas, or vice versa. Where is your opponent? Listen and glance to check where your opponent is. Remember to keep them moving (yes, tire them out!), and hit to their weaknesses. Yo u c a n d o t h a t b e s t b y t r y i n g t o anticipate their movements.

Wa t c h t h e b a l l ! S o m a n y o f u s c a n make an improvement here. Do you hit lots of shots with your frame rather than the strings when playing in low-light conditions? Thought so. The pros all have something in common – a still head and steady stare at the ball as it hits the strings. Do what they do and focus on the ball! Are you in an offensive, defensive or neutral zone? This might be something new, but it's important to learn how to play a high percentage game.

Shot selection is hugely important: As already mentioned, play high percentage tennis and choose your shots accordingly. This will depend on your strengths, but always remember that the net is 6 inches lower at the middle, so for the majority of your shots play cross-court and keep a good margin of safety above the net (say a metre). When you are next practising, concentrate on thinking about these basics. When these become automatic you'll become more confident and a better player!

• Neutral: is in a standard rallying position, behind the baseline attack.


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Bananas on the Brink! S

p a re a t h o u g h t fo r th e p oo r b anana. D e s p i t e i t s p h allic ap p earan ce, i t ha sn 't h a d s e x sin ce th e ice age! A nd, as its fru i t i s s e ed less, we h ave to grow ne w pl a n t s fro m cu ttin g s.

We already kn ow about t h e f unga l Pan ama disease bec ause it w ipe d ou t the ban an a plan t at ion s over 50 year s a go. I n t h ose days we on ly c ult ivat ed t h e G r os M ic h el ban an a ( yes, t h at ' s t h e B ig M ik e!) .

The r e a r e m a n y vari e ti e s o f b ananas in the w il d w h i c h may b e co ns u me d l o c ally, h o we ver , th e b a na na i n d us tr y has c ho se n on e va r ie ty f o r t he w or ld ' s ex p o rt m a r k e t ' t he Cave n d i sh ' .

An d, w h en Big M ik e bit t h e f unga l dust , t h e Caven dish was brought i n a nd lit erally sa ved the in dust ry.

Thi s i s th e b a n ana so l d i n a ll th e su p e rm a r k ets . I n Po rt u ga l, we a l s o oft e n s e e th e li ttl e Ma de i r a b a n a n a s , b u t t ho s e a r e ju s t a smal l e r va r i e ty o f the C a ven d is h . W hil s t we love o u r i nfe rti l e b anan as, mo s t of us a r e unaware that the C a ve n d i s h i s c urre ntl y i n a b attl e for its su r v iva l . T h e o l d arch-e ne my o f c o mm e r c ia l b a n a nas i s b ack – Panama D i s e as e!

H owever , we a r e n ow at a c r os s roads on c e m or e. Pan ama dis ea s e ha s mut at ed and ou r dear Caven d i s h i s un der existenti a l t h reat .

armory, gene edit ing .

Th ese da ys h owever, t her e i s a n ew weapon i n ou r

Bligh t - resist an t gen es are bein g iden t if ied in ot h er n on - c ommerci a l ban an as wh ic h c an t h en be in t rod u c ed in t o t h e C aven dish in a last dit c h at t empt t o save it . Playin g aroun d w it h t h e ban a na gen ome is c on t roversial, but h ey , wi th ban an a c ake at st ake, h uman it y m a y j u s t h ave t o look t h e ot h er way on t hi s one!

See our amazing banana bread recipe on page 51!


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

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Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Four Seasons Fairways Avenida André Jordan 37 Quinta do Lago


Best Kept Secrets: Where to take the children Q

uarteira promenade boasts restaurant after restaurant, as well as curio stores and many other small stores of interest. But what parents don't know is how Quarteira promenade is such a great place to have a day out with the children. There are numerous public playgrounds that can b e s p o t t e d b y j u s t wa l k i n g a l o n g t h e b e a c h . The promenade is a great place for the kids to pack up their bicycles, rollerskates and skateboards and get to practice without the worry of vehicles and traffic safety. There are only pedestrians allowed t o wa l k h e r e , s o t h e o n l y s a f e t y t o w o r r y about are helments and knee guards.


arque Municipal de Loule, just up the road from the main bus station in t h e c e n t r e o f L o u l e i s a h i d d e n g e m . Wi t h plenty of parking and easy to find, you can't miss out on taking the children out for a day at the park. Long tree-lined paths perfect for riding bikes, or taking a family stroll can take you to one of many playgrounds situated throughout the park. There are playgrounds for the young toddler as well as the pre-teen. The park has a lovely little coffee shop right in the centre, serving an array of cereals from all around the world, if you're looking for something a little different for breakfast. Because the park is municipal, the effort to keep the place clean, tidy and in tiptop shape is incredible with not a shred of litter in sight. The park is also home to a skate park, a miniature golf course and the municipal pool. It's open all-year round. Let's face it, you can't beat a sunny, wa r m w i n t e r ' s m o r n i n g s u r r o u n d e d b y the happy faces of your children and the b e a u t i f u l g r e e n e r y o f Pa r q u e M u n i c i p a l d e Loule.

O f c o u r s e t h e b e a c h f r o n t i s a l wa y s j u s t a few steps in front of you. So when it's that time of the day to take a break and have a snack, you can grab your picnic basket, lay out a blanket and soak up some winter sun. The children can pack their sand gear as well and get the best of both worlds. Otherwise, you can pick one of the many restaurants along the promenade for your lunchtime snack from pizza, to traditional a n d m o r e . T h i s wa y t h e k i d s c a n k e e p whizzing by while you sip on your coffee. 10

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING IN CENTRAL ALGARVE MAGAZINE? Contact Mikaila Menezes info@central-algarve.com (+351) 916 134 215

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



t’ s an exci t i ng time within Foreig n Ex c hange m ar k ets. D id I really jus t sa y t h a t? You m ay be thinking I' m mad? ! We ’ ve b een seei ng Brex it un c ertain ty w ith a d i v i d ed U K par liamen t an d EU n egotia tin g p o s i t i on u nwi l l i n g an d in flex ible to ac t. We ’r e seei ng t he s tart of a n ew Cold Wa r em e r g ing bet ween th e US an d Ch in a ba s e d on t r a de i neq u al i ty an d c orp orate es p io n a g e , co n fl i c t s i n t he M iddle Eas t an d in tellectu a l p r o p e rt y t hef t on an un p rec eden ted s c a l e a s wel l as cy ber-h ac k in g an d crim e co n t r i b u t i ng t o l os s es of £1.2trn - an d ris in g eac h year .

le a d in g ra te s . We a re p ro u d to o ffe r ou r 3 0 ye a r s ' e x p e rie n ce w ith in F ore ig n E x ch a n g e a nd F in a n cia l ma rk e ts a t th e h ig h e s t leve l , ta ilo rin g on e ’ s n e e d s ba s e d on y o ur t i m e h o riz o n u s in g h e d g in g to o ls to p ro t e c t ca p ita l a n d mitig a te a g a in s t ma rk e t v o la tility . We o ffe r ou r S e rv ice to fa cilita te tra n s a ction s for a n y th in g from mon t hl y p e n s ion tra n s fe rs , Prop e rty p u rch as e s a nd re p a tria tion o f fu n d s to B oa t, C a r a nd o t he r mis ce lla n e o u s tra n s fe rs . T h a n k y o u fo r ta k in g th e time to r e a d o ur firs t a rticle a n d we ve ry mu ch lo o k f o r wa r d to h e a rin g fro m y o u s oon , if y o u thi nk we ca n a s s is t.

H o wever , t her e is lig h t at th e en d of t h e tu nne l . Wi t hi n t he Fo reign Exc hange sp a ce , we a r e now w or kin g with efficien t an d cu t t i n g- edge t ech n ology, remittin g fun d s w i t hi n hou r s and, more imp ortan tly, s afe ly and s e cu r el y. Fu nds are s ec urely h eld i n s e g r e g at ed accou n ts wh ere n eith er we no r ou r F i nt ech providers h ave acc es s , en s u rin g f ul l p r ot ect i on.

Ple a s e fin d ou r co n ta ct d e ta ils on t he f ul l p a g e a d ve rtis e me n t o p p o s ite . M. D . Ad a m s o n & C o .

O u r Company provides our Private an d C o r p o r at e Cl i ent s with th e ultimate Pri va te Ba n k ing Servi ce with direct acc es s to y ou r B r o k e r anyt i me, above an d beyon d n orm a l offi c e hou rs as we ll as rec eivin g market 12

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


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entertainment 14

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

SAFER DRIVING With new technology on the horizon, we are becoming safer than ever!


ost news about cars these days seems to concentrate on Electric and Self-driving vehicles. However, the really big story is how road safety in general has been improving. In Portugal, you may have read that the number of fatalities rose last year (by about 1%), but don't let this conceal the underlying trend since 2010 fatalities have dropped by a whopping 35%. Even so, this is still twice as dangerous as the UK (see table). T h e r e ' s m o r e g o o d n e w s o n t h e wa y . F r o m 2 0 2 2 , the EU are planning to legislate to make 15 new technologies as standard on all new cars. This is expected to have a huge improvement on road safety, saving thousands of more lives, and helping significantly to reduce insurance premiums. Five of the new technologies which have been tested include: I N T E L L I G E N T S P E E D A S S I S TA N C E : T o assist drivers to adhere to speed limits, (can be overridden in an emergency). ALCOHOL MONITORING: Samples driver's breath and stops a vehicle starting if the alcohol level is too high. Alcohol contributes to a quarter of road deaths. The new system is thought to be 95 percent more effective at preventing repeat drinkdriving than fines. DROWSINESS DETECTION: Uses eye-tracking to m o n i t o r t h e t i m e t h a t t h e e y e s a r e c l o s e d a n d wa r n the driver to take a break. One in five European drivers say they have fallen asleep at the wheel in the past two years, and 7 percent of these cases led to an accident. L A N E - K E E P I N G A S S I S TA N C E : U s e s a c a m e r a to track road markings. In accidents resulting from drivers straying out of their lane, this feature reduced fatalities by 87%! BLACK BOX RECORDERS: Controversial due to i n va s i o n - o f - p r i va c y f e a r s . H o w e v e r , t h e E U s a y s t h e system will only be used in the event of a crash.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020




e' ve di scovered a book p ublis h ed by a n d g row s in ou r g a rd e n s a n d a lon g t he one of ou r local Algarvean res id e n ts wa y s id e s . B ora g e is u s e d for fe ve r s a nd w h i c h i s a f asci natin g read for an ybody co n ta in s p o ta s s iu m, ca lciu m, min e r a l a c i d s in t e r e st ed i n t he loc al p lan t an d a n d y ie ld s n itre a n d co mm o n s a l t . f l o we r l i f e. “ I wanted T he book i s t i t l e d, Herb a l Hin ts Fr o m T he A lgar ve C ountryside an d is w r i t t en by Mar ian n e Guerreiro, a r e s i d ent of a small town jus t ou t s i d e of Bol i q u eime.

t he mag ical a nd my s tical r e med ies of t he old er ” g ener ation to li ve on...”

T he book' s pu r p os e as s aid by M a r i a n ne i s, "I wan ted th e magic al and m y st i cal r em e dies of th e older ge ne r a t i on t o l i ve on , to kn ow th at th e o l d ways of healin g an d h erbal rem e d ie s co ul d be t au ght t o my g ran dch ildren and gr e a t grandchi l dren . I th oug h t th is boo k w o u l d be t he b est way ." H e r e ar e some of th e bes t F lu-bus tin g tip s ou t o f Mar i anne' s book .

Allium Roseum, Rose Garlic, Alho Rosa

Ol d A lgarveans still us e garlic to h elp w ith d i g e s t ion ( swal l ow a s liver before eatin g eve r y morni ng) again s t colds , flu an d hig h bl o o d p r essu re ( 3 drop s of a tin cture in a gl a s s of wat er, or in a s y rup made of h o n e y ).

Anthemus Cotula,Camomile, Macela

T h e h e r b i s di u r etic , carmin ative, (gets rid of g a s ) t oni c, analg es ic , an d an tis p as mod ic. He r e i n t he A l gar ve it is us ed main ly as an i n fusi on b u t als o as a decoc tion , ex tra ct or o i l . T oday i t i s us ed as a medicin al t e a f o r t h e nerves, t ooth ach e, earac h e an d ha ir co n di t ioner.

Borago Officianalis, Borage, Borragem

B o r a g e appears at th e en d of th e win ter


Calendula Arvensis, Field Marigold, Lentugas .

T h is is u s e d a s a n a n o d y n e (p a in k ille r ) w ith s imila r m e d i c i na l a ctio n . T h e le a ve s a n d flowe r s a r e u s e d in a s tro n g d e co ction f o r p a i n a n d in fe ctio n s of th e mo u t h, g um s a n d th roa t a s a g a rg le .

Malva Silvestre, Mallow (Wild or Common) Malva .

T h e w h o le h e rb, in clu d in g le a ve s , f l o we r s , s te ms a n d ro o ts a re a ve ry e ffe ctive me d icin a l a n d cu lin a ry p la n t. Ma ll o w is p riz e d for its s o o th in g a ction o n t he a lime n ta ry ca n a l, ta k e n a s a te a o r e ve n a th ick d e co ction . T h e la tte r is ve ry g o o d fo r cu rin g w o u n d s a n d re lie v in g m us c ul a r p a in , s p ra in s a n d bru is e s . I t is s til l va l ue d a s a te a , firs t th in g in th e mo rn in g , t o wa r d a wa y a ll d is e a s e , in clu d in g cou g h s a nd co n s tip a tion .

The book is put together with 50 herbs and wildflowers, each accompanied by beautifully handpainted images of each herb done by the author herself. You can find the book on Amazon or sending an email to info@ central-algarve.com

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Climate Change "In our last issue we wrote about the impact of rising sea levels. Now we consider the other effects of climate change during the 21st century and how this will affect the Algarve."


n 2 019, t he wildfires mig h t n ot s ee m a s bad as t hos e two years ago an d th e h eat has not been too op p res s ive ei th e r. St i l l , few of u s do ubt th ere will be trouble ahe a d . Here' s ou r as s es s men t... R is ing Tem per atures Por t u g al has a major advan tage over m o s t s ou t hern Eu rop ean c oun tries , it is s u r r o u n ded by a cool ocean . Th is h as a pro fo und af f ect on temp erature ris es wi th co a s t a l t emper at u res n ot ex p ec ted to ris e m o r e t h an 3C , w hils t in lan d, n earer to th e Sp a n i s h border t h is c ould in creas e to 7C ! H u mi di t y L evel s Whe n h i gh t em peratures combin e with h ig h h u m i d it y i t can bec ome life-th reaten in g . I t wa s s h ocki ng whe n th is killed aroun d 5 0 , 0 0 0 pe o p l e i n France in 2003, an d th e ris k of th i s t y p e of weat h er will in c reas e. Luckily , in t he A l gar ve we h ave very dry s umme rs w h i c h tends t o ke ep th e h umidity at bea ra ble le ve l s . Wa te r Resour ces D r o ug h t condi t i on s will bec ome more li k e l y b u t we have two major advan tage s in t he A l gar ve. We h ave a p ip elin e wh ich in t e r c o nnect s t he Alg arve's water res ource s in c l udi ng t he Ri ve r Guadian a. Als o th e w h o l e of t he Al garve h as a relatively low pop u l a t i on ( 440K) with n o c ities bey on d eve n 5 0K resi dents . Th is mean s we h ave a re l a t i ve l y sparse pop ulation with a very re s i l i e nt wat er i nfras truc ture. Wild fi r es T h e A l garve has always been a dry reg io n and t he habi t at has evolved s omewh at t o co p e w i t h t hi s. However, th ere are s till ar e a s of vu l nerability , es p ecially in more 18

Wa t e r R e s o u r c e s M a p - t h e p i p e l i n e s a r e s h o w n in blue, which passes directly under the road b e t w e e n Q u i n t a d o L a g o a n d Va l e d o L o b o .

e le va te d a n d in a cce s s ible te rra in , s uc h a s th e Mo n ch iqu e mou n ta in s . T h e g o ve r nm e nt h a s a lre a d y in trod u ce d s ome n e w r ul e s t o p rote ct a g a in s t fire a n d th e s e ris k s w i l l h a ve to be con tro lle d mo re th a n e ve r b e f o r e . E ve n s o, it is s till th e n orth e rn re gi o ns o f P o rtu g a l a n d th e ce n tre of I be ria w hi c h ha ve th e big g e s t ris k s . S to r m s T h e s e a te mp e ra tu re a rou n d P o rtug a l s e l d o m re a ch e s 2 3 C a n d , e ve n if th is ris e s b y 2 C , it w ill s till n o t a tta in th e 2 7 C re qui r e d t o trig g e r h u rrica n e s . We w ill s till be s o m e w ha t v u ln e ra ble to th e a fte rma th s o f h ug e h u rrica n e s e ma n a tin g from th e othe r s i d e o f th e Atla n tic. I n g e n e ra l th e bu i l d i ng s o f th e A lg a rve a re ve ry s olid ly bu ilt a nd t he s e e ve n ts s h ou ld n o t re s u lt in d is a s te r s . I n co n tra s t, th e Me d ite rra n e a n S e a w i l l cre a te ' Me d i c an e s', w h ich w ill p ro d uc e d a n g e ro u s w in d s a n d e x te n s ive flo o d i ng – a t le a s t P o rtu g a l s h ou ld a v o id mos t o f t ho s e p roble ms . contd/.. Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

F lo ods A n i n cr ease i n storms will als o caus e lo ca lis e d fl o o d i ng. T hi s will bec ome more frequ e n t bu t, a g a in , t h e r e ar e no excep tion al ris ks as s oc ia te d w ith th e A l g a r ve. C o n cl usi on I n g eneral , we believe th at th is area o f th e A lg a rve i s m u ch more res ilien t to c limate ch an g e th a n ma n y o t he r areas i n E urop e. We mus t of c ou rs e co n tin u e w i t h wat er cons ervation an d en erg y -sa v in g e fforts a n d im prove t he s torm drain s . In oth e r re s p e cts , P o r t ugal great l y ben efits from th e c oo lin g e ffe cts of i t s b i ggest nei ghbour – th e Atlan tic O ce a n . H e at ma p showing the effects from l as t s u m m e r . . .



ort u gal i s th e bigges t cork p rod u ce r in t he w or l d an d p roduces more th a n 5 0 % o f t he w or l d’s cork s up p ly . Tradition a lly , m o s t cork was us ed as win e bottle s top p e rs b ut , t hese days, it is in creas in gly bei n g s old t o t he const ru ction an d fas h ion in dus trie s . Cor k i s wel l kn own for its qualitie s for s o u n d and heat in s ulation , an d th is h a s n o t g o ne u nnot i ced by arch itec ts . Thi s year t he Bartlett Sch ool of A r c hi t ect u re ( UK ) h as g on e 'all-in ' on th e na t u r al , l ow- carbon material an d ma d e a n e nt i r el y cor k c on s truc tion , with s o lid s t r uct u ral cork walls an d roof, with a little e xt r a su pport f rom timber beams . The w hol e hous e is ‘des ig n ed for di s a ssembl y’ and can even be c on s tructe d b y h and and u ltimately c omp letely re cy cle d . I t i s an envi r on men talis t's dream! The archi t ect s h ave ac h ieved an in c re d ibly in n o va tive bu ild in g th a t s its in h a r m o ny a mon g s t its n a tu ra l s u rrou n d in gs . A s th e firs t o f its ty p e , it is tru l y e xc i t i ng to th in k w h a t th is p ro je ct cou ld i ns p i r e w ith in th e a rch ite ctu ra l w o rld . T h e h ou s e is n o w s h ortlis te d f o r a m a j o r a wa rd from th e Roya l I n s titu te o f B r i t i s h A rch ite cts , a n d P o rtu g a l's cork i nd us t r y w i l l be ch e e rin g it o n !

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020




i t h m any of us con tin uin g to p la y act i ve sports well bey on d retirem e n t ag e , i t i s not su rp ris in g th at our bodies ma y n e e d m or e car e an d main ten an c e. In dee d , s o m e of ou r par t s may n eed clean in g, ad j u s t ment or eve n rep lacemen t! H o wever , i t seldom oc curs to p eop le th a t a t r i p to Por t u gal may be an ideal time to h a ve t h i s medi cal work don e. In deed th e re ar e qu it e a f ew advan tages . F i r s t l y, t he pr ice of p rivate treatment for co ns ul t at i ons and diag n os tic tes ts c an be li t e r a l ly hal f w hat y ou migh t ex p ec t to p a y in n o r t hern Eu r op e. Th is mak es it attra ctive e ve n for t hose wh o would n ormally us e th e ir f r e e nat i onal health s ervices . Diag n os ti c te s t re s ul t s are al ways available to th e p atie n t an d c an t heref ore be tak en bac k to your h o m e c ou nt ry f or furth er treatmen t. S e c ondl y, i t cuts out th e waitin g tim e . Yo u c a n of t en make ap p oin tmen ts with co ns ul t ant s, di agnos tic tes ts an d even h a ve s mal l oper ation s with in a coup le of we e ks. Wi t h nation al h ealth s ervices typ i c a l l y havi ng lon g waitin g times for n on e m e r g e ncy t r eat men t, th is is a refes h in g ch a n g e . A l s o, becomi ng in creas in gly p op ular th e s e days, cosmetic s urg ery is als o wid e ly ava i l a bl e. For examp le, th e " Mommy Ma k e over " at t he Hos p ital de Loule ad ve r t i ses a w hole p ackag e of p rocedur e s whi c h you can co mbin e an d h ave don e a ll a t th e s a me t i me - t h at's rig h t - a n ew y ou in on e s t e p! Fi nal l y, y ou are p robably s p e n d in g yo u r d ays here relax in g an yway , So you ma y a s wel l be sortin g out your h ealth a n d co nva lesci ng at t he s ame time. N a t ur al l y, man y p art-time res iden ts al r e a d y sl ot t hei r treatmen t ap p oin tmen ts wi t h i n t hei r A l garve vis its an d y ou c ou ld e a s i l y do t he same!


P a i n fu l Kn e e s ? K e y h o le s u rg e ry is h e lp in g t h o u s a n d s re t u rn t o t h e ir s p o rt s ! I f y o u s u ff er f r o m p a in f u l k n e e s , t h e re ’s n o e x c u s e t h e s e d a y s f o r s u ff e rin g in s ile n c e t h a t ’s s i l e n c e wit h a f e w e x t ra c lic k s , o f c o u rs e. A n MRI s c a n a n d a c o n s u lt a t io n c o s t i n g a ro u n d E UR 3 0 0 c a n h e lp y o u d iag n o s e e x a c t ly wh a t t h e p ro b le m is , a n d t h e n h o w t o p ro c e e d a f t e rwa rd s . T h e s c a n t a k e s a ro u n d h a lf a n h o u r wit h y o u r le g i n s i d e a g ia n t d o u g h n u t -s h a p e d ima g in g m a c h i n e . I n a b o u t h a lf o f in ju rie s , n o n -inv a s i v e t re a t me n t f o llo we d b y p h y s io t h e rap y w i l l re s o lv e t h e p ro b le m. Ho we v e r, in o t h e r c a s e s ‘k e y h o le ’ ( a rt h ro s c o p ic ) s ur g e r y c a n c le a r a n y d e b ris f ro m t h e jo in t , t r i m a n d s t it c h a n y lo o s e me n ic u s t is su e (t h e p a d s b e t we e n y o u r k n e e jo int ) , o r re p a ir d a ma g e d lig a me n t s . S u rg e o n s a r e e s p e c ia lly c a re f u l t o a v o id d a ma gi n g a n y o f t h e p ro t e c t iv e c a rt ila g e lin in g s a n d t o s t i t c h ra t h e r t h a n re mo v e a n y o f t h e men i c u s . Mo s t p e o p le a g e d 5 0 y e a rs a nd o v e r h a v e s o me o s t e o a rt h rit is in t h e joi n t a n d ro u g h ly o n e -q u a rt e r will h a v e s o m e w e a r a n d t e a r in t h e me n is c i. Ho we v e r, i n t h e c a s e o f d e g e n e ra t iv e c o n d it io n s , s u r g e r y mig h t n o t b e re c o mme n d e d a t a ll a n d o t h e r t re a t me n t s p ro p o s e d . Wh e re i t i s re c o mme n d e d , re c o v e ry f ro m a rt h r o s c o p i c p ro c e d u re s c a n v a ry wid e ly f ro m a f e w we e k s , o r, in t h e c a s e o f t o rn lig am e n t s , c a n b e o v e r 6 mo n t h s . I n a lmo s t e v e r y c a s e , a c o u rs e o f p h y s io t h e ra p y w i l l b e re c o mme n d e d . T h e g o o d n e ws is t h a t a lmo s t 9 5 % o f p a t ie n t s will b e a b le t o re t u rn t o t h e i r p re v io u s a c t iv it ie s a n d it is t h e re f o r e w e l l wo rt h wh ile t o h a v e a n y p ro b le ms p r o p e r l y d ia g n o s e d , t re a t e d , a n d f in a lly c el e b r a t e d wit h a k n e e s -u p , o f c o u rs e !

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


H-Learning at Pinetrees Learning through horses: they are great teachers and can help us in so many ways, if we are receptive and open to what they can impart


in et r ees Ri ding is o ne of the mo st e s t abl i shed riding s cho o ls in the A lg a r ve, havi ng s tarted in 1985.

school is situated within the Ria Formosa Nature Reserve and has direct access into the large pine forest.

There are a variety of horse activities for all, whether it is riding out in the Ria Formosa Nature Reserve, training is available for riders of all levels. Or, they offer therapeutic ridi ng and also hippotherapy for people with physical or motor impairment. An important part of the centre´s work is in nurturing young riders to d evelop in a holistic way, helping the client as an individual and finding the best way to coach them along towards their goals.

Horse riding focuses on, promotes and develops control and posture, enhancing motor ability, balance, muscular tone, coordination and cognitive abilities. These are all skills paramount to the development of children and their moving

Bev and Pedro are two very experienced and qualified riding teachers, who can teach in half a d ozen languages. One possibility at Pinetrees is to train for proficiency exams to monitor your progress. Riders can also take part in small competitions at the centre, perhaps even winning a Villas & Vacat ions rosette or, as they become more proficient, or perhaps acquire their own horse, move on to higher level competitions in the Algarve. Kitting out children for an activity is always a cost but at Pinetrees all the riding gear is supplied so you can hang on until you are sure that the child will continue. In most riding centres in Portugal, for insurance the rider has to take a medical exam and pay for their own insurance. At Pinetrees, the insurance is covered by a blanket policy at no extra cost to the rider. Riding is great way to get children out of the town, away from technology, and into the countryside and learning about nature. The

forward in life. The recreational part of the activity itself often allows children to foster and create friendships that are maintained for life. Riding and caring for the same horses allows children to truly connect with other children and people, in ways they may not be able to in their normal day-today lives. Pinetrees Riding Centre is open all-year round for children in and around Central Algarve. With a perfect mix of local and expat children, the opportunity for your children to create and maintain friendships through mutual love of our large four-legged friends is endless. When we spoke to Beverley, the owner of Pinetrees Riding Centre, she mentioned that she is now welcoming the third generation returning from the first of the families who joined her almost 40 years ago! If that doesn't prove that horse riding is a viable and positive extra-mural activity for your children, then we don't know what it is!

Contact: Bev Gibbons, Pinetrees Riding Centre. TeL: 289 394 369 See m a p ( c e n t r e p a g e s ) M a p R e f C 3


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


T H E AV E R A G E B O LT O F L I G H T N I N G C O N TA I N S E N O U G H E N E R G Y T O T O A S T 100,000 P I E C E S O F B R E A D .

Alvarรก Nยบ171-A / 171-C


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

+351 289 093 344




R U N Q U I N T A 2 019 a t T he C a m pus Fri 8 Nov 2019 to Sun 10 Nov 2019

CENTURY OF THE SEAS AT L A G O S T o: Sat 28 Dec 2019

OPERATI ON GREEN MOUNTAI N Sun Nov 10t h 2019 t o Mon Nov 11t h 2019

CHRISTMAS M A R K E T FA I R at ATF Sat Nov 30th 2 0 1 9

Run a n d t ra i n w i t h l ik e-m ind e d p eo p l e, m a king t he mo st o f t h e e l i t e f acilit ie s o f t h e C a mp u s a t Q ui n t a d o L a go Sat : H a l f M a ra t h o n 10:30am

T h e e x h i b i t i o n fe ature s a c o l l e ct i o n o f h andmolded s t o n e wa r e c l a y s c ulpt u r e s . T h e w o r k s e xp r e s s m a n ’s r e l a t i o ns hip with the sea.

He lp to p lant 42,000 ne w tre e s ac ro s s the Algarve . Organis e d b y Z o o marine ! N o v 10th: fo r familie s , N o v 11th: fo r s c ho o l gro up s and o rganis e rs .

Sun: 1 0 K & 5 K T ra il – Dunes / B ea c h f ron t 11:30am

Ve n u e : F o r t a l e z a e n t r a n c e , c o u r t ya r d and inner rooms.

Sign up: www. mo n t a n h a ve rd e . z o o ma ri n e . p t / co p i a - l o ca i s or Ca l l ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 5 6 0 3 1 5 , E : we p ro t e ct @ z o o ma ri n e . p t

A v ib rant market h osted at the Algar ve Fi t ness and Tennis Cl ub. Marke t is full of stan ds to b uy C hris tm as gif ts. Fo o d & Drinks. Visit b y Santa C laus and e nte rtainm en t. A MER RY good t i me i s guar anteed! E: info @ c e ntral- algar ve. com

Live mu si c a f t e r e a c h r a ce


S O L R I R F E S T I VA L OF HUMOUR i n Al b u f e i r a We d 1 st J a n t o Sat 4th Jan 2020


Claime d t o be t h e b ig ge st f est i va l o f hum ou r i n t h e w or l d . Pro mi se s l o t s o f laug hter w i t h t h e b e s t nat io n a l c o me d i a n s .

Or g a n i s e d b y t h e S ilve s Mu n i c i p a l i t y . Wi t h jazz s i n g e r B e a t r i z C r u z and her band.

Even t A d d re ss: Palacio d e C o n gre ss o s d o A l ga rve A l bu f e i ra E: sol ri r a lb u f e ir a @g m a il. com


i n S i l ve s F r i Ja n 1 7 t h 2 0 2 0 to Sat Ma y 2 3 r d 2 0 2 0

1 2 € p e r t i ck e t (i n c lude s t h e co n c e r t , w i n e t a s ting , t a p a s , v o u c h e r to v i s i t S i l ve s C a s t l e and Mu s e u m o f Ar ch e olo gy a n d a b o t t l e o f w ine ! E : t u r i s m o @ cm -s i l ve s .p t

A M AT E U R G O L F WEEK at Vale do Lob o


in Lisbon

Sun Jan 19th 2020 to Sat Jan 25th 2020

Sat 11t h Jan 2 0 2 0 t o Sun 12t h Jan 2 0 2 0

Amate ur We e k is o ne o f the highlights o n the go lfing c ale ndar. The c o mp e titio n we e k b e gins a we lc o me c o c ktail p arty. Vario us ro unds and s ub c o mp e titio ns w ill b e taking p lac e thro ugho ut the we e k, c ulminating in an e nte rtaining p rize giv ing dinne r and c e re mo ny fo r go lfe rs and p artne rs .

Inte rnatio nal wedding s ho w is a mus t f or coup le s w ho want to get marrie d. The e xhib itio n is r oun d e d o ff b y an e xtensive p ro gram w ith var ious fas hio n s hows. Tic ke ts s tart at 9 Eur os. C e ntro de C o ngr essos de Lis b o a, Lis bon , Portugal. Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Charity Christmas Market

Living Statues at Christmas

Walk and Concert by Algarviana

Paderne Medieval Festival

The Vale do Lo b o C ha r i ty Chris tmas Mark e t i s a f a nt a stic day o ut fo r the w ho le the family. Indo o r Ve nue . D isco ver luxur i o us gi f t ideas , s ample d e l ic i o us go urmet cuis ine a nd e njo y live entertain m e nt. Vale do Lo bo Pa r q ue do Go lfe Co m p l e x

A r tis ti c e xp r e s s i o n s a n d the m e s f r o m re l i g i o n , c ine m a , lite r a tu re , h i s t o ry , m us i c , c a r to o ns a n d n a t u re .

Wa l k s o n t h e Vi a A l g a rv i a n a , d i s co ve ri n g t h e cu l t u ra l a n d n a t u ra l A l g a rve ' s h e ri t a g e .

F o r f o u r d ay s, Pader n e we l co me s ar ou n d 12,000 v i s i t o rs , w h o h ave t h e o p p o rt u n it y t o wal k t h e s t re e t s o f th e v i l l ag e i n a u n i qu e en v i r on m en t . T h e o l d nu cl eu s of t h e v i l l a g e t u rn s i n t o a m edi eval v i l l a g e , wi t h i t s t r adi t i on al ma rk e t , i t s own dan ces o f t h e t i me, h i st or i cal re cre a t i o n s , dem on st r at i on s o f a rt s a n d cr af t s, m edi eval d e l i ca ci e s an d a l ot of e n t e rtai n m en t .

a t Va l e d o L o b o S a t 7 D ec 2 0 1 9

at Lagoa 1 3 -1 4 De c 2019

La go a Munic i p a l Co u n ci l R ua da 2 5 A b ri l e La r go 5 de Outob ro , L a g o a .

at Sp o rt C lub e Be nafim Sun 8 De c 2019

Wa l k 1 0 a m Meeting point: S p o rt Cl u b e B e n a f i m Co n ce rt : 1 5 : 0 0 p m A l t e , M o t h e r Ch u rch L o u l e . 5 € ( wa l k + co n ce rt ) | 1 5 € ( wa l k + l u n ch + co n ce rt ) E ma i l : o s s o n o b a @ co ra l o s s o n o b a . co m

at Pader n e Tue s 31 Dec 2019

T h ere a re p len ty of awesome things t o do t his wint er in a nd a ro und t he Algar ve . Cle a r y o u r sc h ed ule and visit some of these grea t fest iva ls a nd event s t o get yo ur fill o f fun.



IN LISBON Fri 3 1 J a n t o 2 F e b 2 0 2 0

C H O C O L AT E F E S T I VA L W E E K IN LOULE F e b 2 0 20

E xh i bi t i on a n d s h o w E ve r y ye a r , Lo ulé ho s ts co mpe t i t i on of t h e m a n y i t s a n n u a l Fe ira do spe c i e s a n d b r e e d s o f C h o co l a t e (cho c o late p et s F e s t i va l ). E x p e c t p le nty Se e a n d i n t era ct w i t h t h e o f s t a l l s s e l l i ng go urme t a n i ma l s, w h i c h i n cl u d e ch o c o l a t e s , as we ll as everyt h i n g d ogs a n d c a t s , ch o c o l a t e fountains , t o c h i n c h i l l a s.a n d fa r m b o n b o n s a n d t r uffle s , and a n i ma l s . j u s t a b o u t e ve rything e ls e c h o c o l a t e r e late d. Tic ke t s st a rt a t 6 , 0 0 € p e r F o r m o r e i n f o rmatio n, p erso n . ch e ck t h e e ve nts s e c tio n F o r more i n f o r m a t i o n : o f Me r ca d o de Lo ulé ’s ht t p s: / / pe t f e st iva l . fi l . p t / F a ce b o o k p age .

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Algarve C yc le To ur We d 19 Fe b to Sun 23 Fe b 2020 The V o lta ao Algarve is a to p le ve l c yc ling e ve nt c o ve ring mo re than 690 km aro und the Algarve . Famo us inte rnatio nal c yc lis ts e nte r and many fans c ro w d the c o urs e to s e e the m in ac tio n.

C A R N I VA L L O U L E PA R A D E & FA I R in Loulé Tue s 25 Feb 2020

C e le b rated as Sh r ove Tue s day in th e U K, C arnival par ades ar e c e le b rate d in man y cities o f P o rtugal and ar e a huge e vent in R io de Jan eir o. Exp e c t dan cing, str eet fo o d, and of cour se a big p arade w ith f loats an d live music. Se e Fac e b ook page. f or furthe r in f or mation. 25




e st l ed w i t h in th e beautiful h ills o f Pader ne coun try s ide is th e h idde n g e m , Côrt e- R eal Gallery. N o t onl y i s t he drive to th e g allery b r e a t ht aki ngl y b eautiful, th e s cen ic rou te a l wa y s of f er s an op p ortun ity to relax , ta k e i n t he beau t y, t al k away an d dis cover w h a t e l s e l i es b eyond th e Golden Trian g le. O w n ed and operated by Pedro CôrteR e a l a nd hi s part n er, Mic h ael Roberts , on ce y o u s t ep i nsi de you're wh is k ed away to a di ffe r e nt r eal m. S u r r o u nded by beautiful p iec es of art , m a d e of al l medi ums , ex p ertis e an d s tyle s . T he g al l er y si ncerely h as an in teres tin g c o l l e c ti on of pi ec es for every tas te, be i t e c l e c t ic or m or e res erved. T he r e i s r oom up on room of lin ed walls c o ve r e d i n i nt er es tin g p iec es from artis ts a ll o ve r E u r ope.

A s Mich a e l e x p la in s , “ We w ou ld no t p l a c e a n y th in g in th e g a lle ry th a t we w o ul d no t wa n t in o u r o w n h o me . ” P re v iou s ly a n A r t Dire cto r, M ich a e l w o rk e d fo r ma n y ye a r s i n Pa ris . E s ca p in g from th e co rp ora te w o r l d , he a n d Pe d ro h a ve cre a te d a jo y o u s a m b i e nc e in s id e th e bu ild in g , on th e te rra ce a nd i n t he g a rd e n . T h e g a lle ry is tru ly a ma g ica l e s c a p e from th e h u s tle a n d bu s tle of T h e G o l d e n T ria n g le . C ô rte -Re a l g a lle ry n ot o n ly boa s ts in cre d ibly be a u tifu l p ie ce s of wa ll a rt, bu t th e ir co lle ction of h a n d cra fte d , d e co ra tive h o me wa re is a mu s t-s e e . You s h ou ld d e fin ite ly p a y Pe d ro a n d Mich a e l a v is it, s e e th e ir be a u tifu l p re mis e s a n d re la x o n th e co ve re d te rra ce w ith a cu p o f h o t co ffe e ! T h e Gal l e r y i s op e n T h u r s d ay to S u n d a y , 1 1 am to 5 p m . Te l : 9 1 2 7 3 7 7 6 2 or e m a i l o n al g ar ve g al l e r y @ g m ai l . c om .

P H O T O C R E D I T: S A R A A LV E S - O P E N M E D I A G RO U P


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

1986 2011

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



r a a i i s n o t s i mp ly th e A fri k a a ns w o r d fo r B a rb e q u e, o h no ! So u t h A fri c an s are t a ug ht t o b ra a i a lmo st be f o r e t h e y ' re t au g h t t o walk . S o we t h ou gh t we'd s e t t h e re c ord straigh t! H e r e's h o w y o u ' d k n o w yo u ' re at a bra a i , a n d not a b arb ecu e.


b r a a i is a c c e p ta b l e fo r any oc c a s i on . That’s ri g ht, b i r th d a y braa i, C h r i s tm as braa i, f a r ewel l braa i, wel c ome ho me b r a a i , a Tu e sd a y n ig h t j u s t t o g e t a f ew pe o p l e t o g e th er b r a a i , ho u s ewa r m i n g braa i, th e s e a r e al l p e rfe c tl y a c c ep tab l e t i m e s to h a ve a braa i.



he re i s n ever an e xcuse fo r cance l l in g a b raai . A braai wi l l b e had c ome rai n, s hi ne , sn ow, hu rri cane or vo l cano . A t rue b raaimaste r will ne ve r ab andon h is p o s t at the grill. T he me at will be co o ke d , the braai wi l l go o n!

h eth e r it’ s b re akfas t, l u nch, d in n er, or m i d n ig h t, the re ’s a b raai ta kin g p l ace s om e w h e re i n the wo rl d . A B BQ t y p i ca l l y ta k e s p l ace d u ri ng the d ayt ime, a S o u th A f r i c a n b raai has no ti me co ns t r a i n ts . A b raai can b e u s e d to m a k e c of f ee a n d b re akfas t. A bs o l u te l y a n y thi ng can be mad e on a b raai . Ve g e t a b le s ? M e at ? S e a fo o d ? B re ad? E g g s? Yes!



braai is a l l about t h e m ea t. You won ' t f ind f a tty sausage or pa p er - thi n st eaks on a br a a i . A t rue braai mast er wi l l f in d some boere wor s no mat t er wh ic h c on ti nent he' s on . Th ere w ill be t h i c k, j u i c y st eaks, lamb c h ops, c h icken a nd c orn on t h e c ob ( AKA M ieli es ) . And t h is is t h e c ase wh et h er it ' s a b r a a i f or 10 people or 2 people.


h ere are rules. You c an ' t c ommen t on an ot h er per s on' s braai. Th ere are rules as t o who get s t o h old t h e t on gs w h e n you t ake a bat h room break. Wh o' s i n c h arge of ligh t in g t h e f ire? W ho i s sec on d in c omman d? Un der n o c irc umst an c es, e ver , i s i t okay t o t ouc h an ot h er man ' s b r a a i . I t ' s sac rilege. An ot h er poin t t o make, if you ' r e grillin g on gas, it is by n o m ea ns a braai, n ever. A braai c an onl y be don e by c reat in g a f ire f r om t h e groun d up wit h your own two h an ds. A gas grill c an n eve r b e a braai. M an h as c oal, man m a ke f i r e, we h ave braai! I t ' s t h at sim p l e.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

T H E S E C R E T S E RV I C E I S N 'T A L L O W E D T O Y E L L "G E T D O W N !" A N Y M O R E W H E N T H E U .S P R E S I D E N T I S A B O U T T O B E AT TA C K E D . N O W T H E Y H AV E T O Y E L L "D O N A L D , D U C K !"

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020




Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



The Power of Visualisation How playing an imaginary ball might help!


a n y p l a yers alread y k n o w a b o u t t he tremen d o u s p owe r of v isu a l i s i n g s h ots b efore th ey p lay t hem, h o we ve r, i t s e ems th at so me may not be takin g t h i s t e ch n iq u e far en ou gh . .. We s e e s o many ti me s that p l aye r s quit o n t h ei r s h ots qu i ckl y afte r i mp act an d s na t c h th e i r c l u b away to o e arl y . On e ef f e c tive re me d y i s to ap p l y t h e fo l l ow in g v is ual i s ati o n as the y d i spat c h t he b a l l . I n y our m i n d 's e ye , p l ace a s e co n d i mag in a r y b a ll , ab o u t hal f a me tre in fro nt of th e f irs t, i n l i ne wi th the target . The n , a s y ou m ake yo u r s wi ng, visualise hi t t i n g th r ough the s e co nd b al l after you have h it th e f irs t o ne .

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

On t h e driv in g ran ge, you c o u l d of c ourse use a real sec on d ball to hel p you f ix it in your min d. As you build t h e musc le mem or y f or t h is, you w ill improve your ex tens i on af t er impac t . An d, probably im p r ove your dist an c e t oo! On e t h in g t o remember is t o tr y to hi t t h rough bot h balls solidly, ma i nta i ni ng your rh yt h m f or bot h balls, im a gi na r y or n ot . Always bear in min d t h at power i s n ot t h e on ly t h in g f or ac h iev ing a good dist an c e. Rh yt h m an d ac c urac y a r e a l s o required, an d t h is w ill h elp yo u r s c or e even more. But remember, yo u wi l l onl y t ruly opt imise your game wh e n you c a n v isualise it f irst !







the experience of a spirit finding a new body after death 4 marriage ceremony 6 Portuguese 'farm' or 'farmhouse' 12 smartphone brand 13 a device that increases the pressure of the fuel–air mixture in an internal combustion engine 14 played with two rackets and yellow ball 16 golden river in Portugal 19 type of nut 20 south of Portugal 24 birth place o f Candido Guerreiro, famous Portuguese poet 25 home of Forte do Rato 26 f eeling of great joy 27 f ully grown human 29 cobra's nemesis 30 solo

1 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 15 17 18 21 22 23 28 29

'Walk the Line' star Portuguese egg tart pastry female superhero starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John technique of growing plants in water without soil in the middle cash withdrawal machine in Portugal Portuguese supermarket franchise committed to capital of Sweden type of exit Portuguese for beach famous Portuguese football striker sing-along entertainment famous tower in France white bear famous music channel

A n s w e r s c a n b e f o u n d o n w w w. c e n t r a l - a l g a r v e . c o m 32

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



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FairwaysDirect.com Official Resale & Rental Representatives

Four Seasons Fairways Information Centre | Avenida André Jordan 37 | Quinta do Lago | Tel: +351 289 357 667 | info@fairwaysdirect.com www.fairwaysdirect.com | www.fourseasonsfairways.com | @fourseasonsfairways

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


by Quinta Styles



uinta Style’s interior design Studio Shop have moved into new premises which are literally ten times bigger! The new store was previously occupied by Florida Golf at the last roundabout in Almancil (heading west). The spacious floor space of 600m² is on three floors and has been remodelled into a ‘project house’, living rooms, bedrooms and a studio with a wide selection of samples of fabrics, rugs, wallpapers etc. All of the sofas, armchairs, headboards, beds and furniture are produced in Portugal and can be altered to the requirements of clients by changing fabrics, size and colours. Tw o d e s i g n t a b l e s c a n b e b o o k e d by clients who choose pieces to be personalised to their taste and, aided by the interior designers, create the style and ambience of their choice. The designer would visit the property to finalise the measurements and place orders, then a professional installation team can complete the project. A great range of decorative cushions and accessory items are also available to f i n i s h t h e l o o k . C o n t e m p o r a r y, m o d e r n a n d classic styles can be mixed in a tasteful w a y. Bring your design questions and we can help you create your perfect home!

A s w immin g cos tu me a rrive s in L i s b o n co n ta in e d in s id e a d ip loma tic ba g . Ye s , th is re a lly h a p p e n e d w h e n th e D uc he s s of Win d s or – be tte r k n o w n a s Wal l i s S imp s o n – d is cove re d s h e h a d le f t he r co s tu me be h in d a t a ch â te a u in F r a nc e . T h e Du ch e s s h a d n o qu a lms in i ns i s t i ng th a t th e A me rica n A mba s s a d or s ho ul d a rra n g e to h a ve it s e n t to P o rtu ga l w he r e s h e wa s s ta y in g . E ve n th ou g h Wo r l d Wa r 2 h a d s ta rte d ! T h is is th e op e n in g s ce n e o f a n e w p la y ‘ T h e Win d s ors in P o rtu g a l’ t o b e p e rforme d in E n g lis h a t S ã o B rá s M us e um . I n L is bon in 1 9 4 0 , a n y th in g co ul d h a p p e n ! T h e re wa s e ve n a Na z i pl o t t o k id n a p th e Win d s ors . F a r from b e i ng f a k e n e ws th e e x te n t of th is d a rin g p l a n ha s on ly re ce n tly be e n re ve a le d . Ma n y oth e r ch a ra cte rs in th e p l a y ha d mis s ion s to a ccomp lis h . T h e Je wi s h a r t co lle cto r Pe g g y G u g g e n h e im is se e n a tte mp tin g to book a p a s s a g e to c r o s s th e Atla n tic. T h e bla ck ca ba re t d a nc e r Jo s e p h in e B a k e r is u n d e rta k in g a s e c r e t op e ra tio n fo r th e F re n ch Re s is tanc e . A ls o in clu d e d in th e p la y ’ s fa s t m o v i ng s to ry a re s e ve ra l ro ya l fa milie s . C o m i ng from a cros s E u rop e th e y s e ttle d i n ne ut r a l Po rtu g a l for th e d u ra tio n of W o r l d Wa r I I . M a n y of th e s e la rg e r th a n life cha r a c t e r s a d d co mic e le me n ts to a fa s cin a t i ng p l a y w h ich is ba s e d o n a fa ctu a l s toryl i ne . ‘The Windsors in Portugal’ is a black comedy written partly in rhyme and directed by Carolyn Kain.Evening performance - Fri Dec 13th at 7-30pm.Matinees - Sat 14th & Sun 15th at 4pm. Tickets Tel 966 329 073 Email admin@amigos-museu-sbras-pt


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Business Directory Business


Map Description


Air Conditioning & Heating



Air conditioning, underfloor heating and heating specialists across the Algarve. Now offering great deals on pool heating. Premium solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.com

289 369241 or 912 324 600

Air Conditioning & Heating

Penguin Air Conditioning


PENGUIN are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool heating, under floor heating, and renewable energy. Open 9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday. E: info@penguinalgarve.com

289 092 595 or 910 700777


Corte Real


Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and handcrafted Objects d'Art collected from around the world.

912 737 762

Boat Maintenance

PowerCool Marine


Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages to suit you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of all onboard equipment - engines, a/c, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, and polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com

(+351) 917866373

Car Wash

Top Wash


Car Wash and Valet Service in Almancil. Car washes from 3 euro upward. High definition polishes and full valet options available. Pick up service on request. High attention to detail.

915 723 660

Chimney Sweep

Limpeza Chamines


Professional chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the rotary power sweeping 967 191 278 system. Very efficient. No mess. We work with clients all over Portugal. E: geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com

Cleaning & Laundry

Zacarias & Zunido


Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a broad and varied range of services we can cover all your cleaning requirements. We specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble treatments, woods and traditional "calcada".

289 395911 / 917 812896

Cleaning & Laundry

Almancil Laundry


All your laundry needs. Maid service also available


Cleaning & Laundry

Deep Cleaning Solutions


A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and mattresses, hard floor stripping and treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels and agency discounts available.

927 726 282


Real Construct


917 316 552 Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Bricklaying, carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor repairs, gardens, pools - Nothing is impossible!


Modernbuild / DeckingDave


Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & renovation work, also 289 149 476 with specialist teams expert in lightweight steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes.




We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished

913 056 131


Paulo Gomes


Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? We do too! Our first priority is to meet your personal requirements for renovations, pools, bathrooms, shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com

965 576 251


TJ Projects


Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com

918 348 898

Drain Cleaning

MerryLegs Drain E1 Cleaning

Do you have blocked or problem drains? Call the experts Merrylegs drain services. With years of local experience, CCTV cameras, and high pressure jets. No job is too small. Annual maintenance contracts available.

927 282 937


Alan Carter


Alan Carter. English electrician. Working in the Algarve since 2003. 24hr call-out, fault finding and problem solving. E: aceletrical2000@gmail.com

934 646 270

Estate Agent

Villas & Vacations


Property Sales Property Rental Property Management All your property needs.

289 390500

Finance & Investment

MD Adamson


We have over 50 years experience within the FX space. Our main objective is to continue providing our Clients with this experience in an advisory capacity as well as providing tailored solutions to suit every need.

289 247 298

Finance & Investment

Private Fund Management


Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio management. Independent unbiased advice, regulated in Portugal and the UK.

289 392 484


Central Algarve 35 I s s u e 7 8Y,o W e r o2b0 t2a0i n d i s c o u n t b y u s i n g y o u r b o n u s c a r d a t a l l e s t a b l i s h m e n t s h i g h l i g h t e d w i t h t h e y e l l o w s q u a r e . u icnat n Food & Takeaways Mannie's Sauces Homemade chilli and peri peri products made to order. For your home or your 939821879

restaurant. Mozambican and African inspired flavours with a kick!

Vacations Finance & Investment

MD Adamson


Finance & Investment

Private Fund Management




We have over 50 years experience within the FX space. Our main objective is to continue providing our Clients with this experience in an advisory capacity as well as providing tailored solutions to suit every need.

Business Directory

Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio management. Map Description Independent unbiased advice, regulated in Portugal and the UK.

Food & Takeaways Mannie's Sauces Air Conditioning & Eurocooling Heating

Homemade chilli underfloor and peri peri products to specialists order. For across your home or your Now Air conditioning, heating and made heating the Algarve. restaurant. Mozambican andheating. African inspired with a kick! offering great deals on pool Premiumflavours solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.com Dutch price-busting specialist offers large stock of wholesale interior/exterior

289 247 298

289 392 484 Tel 939821879 289 369241 or 912 324 600 289 391 373




Air Conditioning & Heating

Penguin Air Conditioning


Garden / Outdoor Furniture Art

Grasshopper GreensReal Corte


Garden Centre Boat Maintenance

Viplant PowerCool Marine


289300220 The Garden Centre where you get your plants from professionals, can advise and (+351) Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. who Bespoke motorboat help you. Open over 10 years,packages offering quality plants, pots andservicing decor. Open Monday maintenance & management to suit you. Plus sales, & repair of all 917866373 to Saturday from 9am till 6pm.a/c, Email: algarvegarden@viplant.pt. See painting, Vilamouraand map onboard equipment - engines, generators, electrics& gel repairs, on inside back cover. polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com

Golf Wash Car

Golf Wash & Leisure Top Store

E2 E4

VisitWash or telephone usService for great on all Algarve green fees,upward. hire of High clubs, Car and Valet in discounts Almancil. Car washes from 3 euro electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, Aquashow tickets, boat trips and more... E: definition polishes and full valet options available. Pick up service on request. High info@golfleisurestore.com www.golfleisurestore.com attention to detail.

Golf Chimney Sweep

Golfers Paradise -D3 Limpeza Chamines

289393006 At Golfers Paradise you will receive top your service and a using big selection of quality 191 278 Professional chimney sweep. We clean chimney the rotary power brands sweeping 967 and products. Clubs, shoes, apparel, bags,with trolleys, accessories - everything system. Very efficient. No mess. We work clients all over Portugal. E: you need for your game. geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com

Hair & Beauty Cleaning & Laundry

Universal& Zacarias Beauty Spa Zunido

E3 F3

Health and fitness



Facialtreatments. treatments,We crystal microdermo individual eyelash extensions, Floor provide an expertpeel, cleaning service and with a broad manicures, and varied pedicures, gel nails laser permanent hairWe removal. range of services weBio canSculpture, cover all waxing, your cleaning requirements. specialise in embellishments, polishes, marbleoftreatments, woods and traditional "calcada". Massage-me: Enjoy the benefits a professional massage therapy service in the

Cleaning & Laundry

Almancil Laundry


comfort and privacy of your home. year round. Group discounts available. All your laundry needs. Maidown service alsoAll available Qualified professional therapists. Enquire Now! www.massage-me.eu

Health and Cleaning & fitness Laundry

Ria Siertsema Deep Cleaning Solutions


933 726 887 282 980 Sport injuries, chronic musculoskeletal pre and post operative rehabilitation, 927 A professional deep cleaning service forproblems, carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and personal training, massage, house Treatments from 30 euros. E: and agency mattresses, hard floor stripping andvisits. treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels riasiertsema@gmail.com www.physioalgarve.com discounts available.

Health and fitness Construction

Ekilibrius Centro E3 Real Construct Terapeutico

289324089 Musculo-skeletal osteopathy, acupuncture, sports, deep tissue, thai, ayurvedic, 917 316 552 Renovations and issues, maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Bricklaying, relaxing massage, lymphatic drainage, hypnotherapy, yoga. www.ekilibrius.pt carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor repairs, gardens, pools - Nothing 289324089 968783075 is impossible!

Horseriding Construction

Pinetrees Riding C3 Modernbuild / E2 Centre DeckingDave

Qualified English instructors, equipment supplied, languages spoken. A.B.R.S. Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in generalother building & renovation work, also approved. Pop teams in andexpert let Bevinand her teamsteel see how canand help you achieve your with specialist lightweight framethey (LSF) quality timber homes. goals. E: pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over Largecourts studiobuilt & showroom (600m2). Inspirations and ideas for homes and hotels. The 200 or refurbished easiest way to a complete interior. Bespoke headboards, cushions, tables, curtains, Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? We do too! Our first blinds, sofas, chairs, and much more. studioshop@quintastyle.com priority is to meet your personal requirements for renovations, pools, bathrooms, www.quintastyle.com shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com Well established, quality upholsterer and curtain maker. Complete interior design Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's service. Located in Almancil next to Restaurant A Quinta in Vale Formoso. properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com Our showroom has one of the largest selection of fabrics in the Algarve, with a wide Do you have blocked or problem drains? Call the experts Merrylegs drain services. range of curtain, blind, outdoor and upholstery fabrics. Also available, complementary With years of local experience, CCTV cameras, and high pressure jets. No job is too carpets & rugs. E: thecurtaincentre@gmail.com www.curtaincentrealgarve.com small. Annual maintenance contracts available. Dutch price-busting specialist offers large stock of wholesale interior/exterior Alan Carter. English electrician. Working in the Algarve since 2003. 24hr call-out, fault furnishings and accessories. Curtains, sofas and beds for immediate delivery. Turnkey finding and problem solving. E: aceletrical2000@gmail.com design projects in contemporary and traditional styles. www.curiosaportugal.com

394369 289 149 476

Property Sales Property Rental Property Management All your property needs. A stunning showroom displaying elegant and contemporary furniture and soft furnishings in beautifully presented room settings. We have the largest soft furnishings fabric collection and a making-up of the quality. is to We have over 50 years experience within the service FX space. Ourhighest main objective www.equilibriointeriors.com continue providing our Clients with this experience in an advisory capacity as well as

289 390500 289 397059


Construction Algarvtennis Interior Decorating Quinta Style




Paulo Gomes

Interior Decorating Luís Pires Construction TJ Projects

F3 F3

Interior Decorating The Curtain D2 Drain Cleaning MerryLegs Drain E1 Centre Cleaning Interior Decorating Curiosa Electrical Alan Carter

E5 -

Estate Agent Villas & Interior Decorating Equilibrio Vacations

C3 D2

Finance & Investment

MD Adamson



Dra Elia Apolo


Finance & Lawyers Investment

Private Fund Vences, Ryan & Management Associad

D3 E3

3 Massage 6

Royal Thai D3 Food & Takeaways Mannie's Sauces Massage

furnishingsare and accessories. Curtains, sofas andheating, beds forpool immediate Turnkey PENGUIN experts in air conditioning, solar heating,delivery. under floor design projects in contemporary and traditional styles. www.curiosaportugal.com heating, and renewable energy. Open 9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday. E:

info@penguinalgarve.com Specialists in the design and construction of superior quality synthetic putting greens, lawns, sports and leisure areas. We strivemix forofperfection and art onlyand deliver the best. Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating international handcrafted www.grassshoppergreens.com Objects d'Art collected from around the world.

providing tailored solutions to suit every need. Drª Élia Apolo (Lawyer)

289 092 595 or 910 700777 289 093387 / 910365071 912 737 762

289 723 358491 915 660or 915 322 655

289 395911 355 766// 914 812896 616 143 917 961 297 167 289390500

913 056 131 289 358007 or 912 571 912 965 576 251

919 328 203 918 348 898 289 355442 927 282 937

289 391 373 934 646 270

289 247 298 289 395570

289 392 484 Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, Irish and English solicitors and Portuguese lawyers (Justin Ryan, Dora Moleiro) 289 390080 inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio management. Independent unbiased advice, regulated in Portugal and the UK. Central Algarve Traditional Thai Massage is the ancient art for well being and relaxation. Now also in 927653571 8, Winter 2020 Homemade chilli and peri peri products made to order. For your home or your I s s u e 7 939821879 Almancil - Feel The Real Royal Thai Massage restaurant. Mozambican and African inspired flavours with a kick!

Qualified professional therapists. Enquire Now! www.massage-me.eu Health and fitness

Ria Siertsema


Health and fitness

Ekilibrius Centro Terapeutico



Horseriding Air Conditioning & Heating

Pinetrees Riding C3 Eurocooling Centre

Sport injuries, chronic musculoskeletal problems, pre and post operative rehabilitation, 933 887 980 personal training, massage, house visits. Treatments from 30 euros. E: riasiertsema@gmail.com www.physioalgarve.com

Business Directory

Musculo-skeletal issues, osteopathy, acupuncture, sports, deep tissue, thai, ayurvedic, 289324089 relaxing massage, lymphatic drainage, hypnotherapy, yoga. www.ekilibrius.pt 289324089 968783075 Map Description Tel Qualified English instructors, equipment other languages spoken. A.B.R.S. Air conditioning, underfloor heating and supplied, heating specialists across the Algarve. Now approved. Pop deals in andonletpool Bevheating. and her Premium team seesolar how panels. they can help you achieve your offering great goals. E: pinetrees.riding@world.net.pt www.pinetreesridingcentre.com www.eurocoolingalgarve.com

289 289 394369 369241 or 912 324 600

Large studio showroom (600m2). Inspirations and ideas forheating, homes and hotels. PENGUIN are&experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool under floor The easiest a completeenergy. interior. Bespoke headboards, cushions, tables, heating,way andtorenewable Open 9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday. E:curtains, blinds, sofas, chairs, and much more. studioshop@quintastyle.com info@penguinalgarve.com www.quintastyle.com Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and handcrafted Well established, qualityfrom upholsterer andworld. curtain maker. Complete interior design Objects d'Art collected around the service. Located in Almancil next to Restaurant A Quinta in Vale Formoso. Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. Bespoke motorboat Our showroom&has one of the packages largest selection of fabrics in theservicing Algarve, & with a wide maintenance management to suit you. Plus sales, repair of all range of curtain, blind, outdoora/c, and generators, upholstery fabrics. Also complementary onboard equipment - engines, electrics& gelavailable, repairs, painting, and carpets & rugs. E: thecurtaincentre@gmail.com www.curtaincentrealgarve.com polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com

289 289 358007 092 595oror 912 912 910 571 700777

Interior Decorating Air Conditioning & Quinta PenguinStyle Air Heating Conditioning

E2 E2

Art Corte Real Interior Decorating Luís Pires


Boat Maintenance PowerCool Interior Decorating The Curtain Marine Centre


Interior Decorating Curiosa Car Wash Top Wash

E5 E4

Dutch price-busting largeCar stock of wholesale interior/exterior Car Wash and Valetspecialist Service inoffers Almancil. washes from 3 euro upward. High furnishings and accessories. Curtains, sofas and beds for immediate definition polishes and full valet options available. Pick up service ondelivery. request.Turnkey High design projects in contemporary and traditional styles. www.curiosaportugal.com attention to detail.

289 915 391 723 373 660

Interior Equilibrio ChimneyDecorating Sweep Limpeza Chamines

D2 -

289 967 397059 191 278

289 390080

912 737 762 919 328 203 (+351) 289 355442 917866373

Cleaning & Lawyers Laundry

Zacarias & Dra Elia Apolo Zunido

F3 D3


Vences, Ryan & Associad Almancil


AProfessional stunning showroom displaying and chimney contemporary furniture softsweeping chimney sweep. Weelegant clean your using the rotaryand power furnishings in efficient. beautifullyNopresented We have thePortugal. largest soft system. Very mess. Weroom worksettings. with clients all over E: furnishings fabric collection and a making-up service of the highest quality. geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com www.equilibriointeriors.com Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a broad and varied Drª ÉliaofApolo (Lawyer) range services we can cover all your cleaning requirements. We specialise in embellishments, polishes, marble treatments, woods and traditional "calcada". Irish and English solicitors and Portuguese lawyers (Justin Ryan, Dora Moleiro)


All your laundry needs. Maid service also available



Traditional Thai Massage is the ancient art for well being and relaxation. Now also in Almancil - Feel deep The Real Royalservice Thai Massage A professional cleaning for carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and mattresses, hard floor stripping and treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels and agency The Originals are a well-established cover band in the Algarve. discounts available.


Cleaning & Laundry Massage Cleaning & Laundry Musicians & Live Music

Laundry Royal Thai Massage Deep Cleaning Solutions The Originals


289 395911 / 289 917 395570 812896

927 726 282 912 344 141

Construction Optician

Real Construct Optica Joia Unipessoal Lda

E3 E2

917 316 552 Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Bricklaying, If you want good vision, visit Optica Joia for a friendly, efficient and professional 289 399104 carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor repairs, gardens, pools - Nothing service. Glasses, contact lenses and eye examinations. Also a shop in Montenegro. is impossible! geral@opticajoia.pt

Construction Painting & Decorating

Modernbuild / Propaint Lda DeckingDave

E2 D2

Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & renovation work, also 289 149 476 Professional painting and decorating, wallpapering and special paint effects. We also 918 885 395 with specialist teams expert in lightweight steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes. treat metalwork and woodwork and re-spray kitchen units. All work guaranteed.

Construction Painting & Decorating

Algarvtennis Algarve Quality Painters



Paulo Gomes


We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 913 056 131 For professional painting & decorating, waterproofing of terraces & roofs and many 916 962 777 200 courts built or refurbished other works. We have the best correlation between price, quality materials and quality work - allspeak for the satisfaction our clients. E: nick@nickcucalan.com 965 576 251 Do you French, Dutch,ofEnglish, Spanish and Portuguese? We do too! Our first www.nickcucalan.com priority is to meet your personal requirements for renovations, pools, bathrooms,


Pet Hotel Merrylegs TJ Projects




shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com Merrylegs is a family-run pet hotel welcoming dogs, cats and small animals. Short or long stay. Daycare: rather than homeinalone, leave yourand pet modernising with us! Come visit Quality general builders specialising refurbishments theand Algarve's our facilities.Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com properties.

927 296 332 918 348 898

Photography Drain Cleaning

Bimering MerryLegs Drain -E1 Cleaning

High-end, luxury real-estate photography and the videography. Drones also Do you have blocked or problem drains? Call experts Merrylegs drainavailable services.for real estate etc. Professional service working with luxury, top-tier brands on their With years of local experience, CCTV cameras, and high pressure jets. No job is too image small. needs. Annual info@bimering.pt maintenance contracts available.

Pools Electrical

Aqualux Alan Carter


Aqualux offers professional pool Working construction, assistance Alan Carter. English electrician. in themaintenance, Algarve sincetechnical 2003. 24hr call-out,and fault 289 934 422 646 336 270 / commercial for swimming pools, gardens and spas. www.aqualux.com.pt 965 741 484 finding and equipment problem solving. E: aceletrical2000@gmail.com

Property Estate Agent Management

Algarve Villas & Sunshine VacationsHome


Property Services | Handyman Repairs | Window 737 Property Management Sales Property| Gardening Rental Property Management All &your property needs.Cleaning 915 289 176 390500 | Pool Maintenance

Property Finance & Management Investment

Villa Club MD Adamson

C3 E3

Property rentals. Villas Vacations along Club are one of We havemanagement over 50 yearsand experience within&the FX space. Ourwith mainVilla objective is to the largestproviding managing Almancil. continue ouragents Clientsinwith this experience in an advisory capacity as well as

Property Management Finance &



Private Fund Management


Rentals CProperty entral A l g a r v e Four Seasons I s s u e 7 8 , W i n t e r 2 Fairways 020



Food & Takeaways Mannie's Sauces -

927 282 937

289390500 289 247 298

providing tailored solutions to suit every need. ProQuinta - Algarve Property Services. A personal and professional service to property 916 287 054 owners. We provide a bilingual service for any maintenance, management or admin 289 392 484 Tax, investment, pensions & retirement services. Personalised tax mitigation, requirements inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio

management. Independent unbiased advice, regulated in Portugal and the UK. Luxury two and three bedroom villas in a secluded resort in Quinta do Lago, enjoying golf, pool, gym, salon, & bartoand 24h For reception desk.orCome Homemade chillibeauty and peri peri restaurant products made order. your home your for holidays and lifetime memberships. restaurant. Mozambican and African inspired flavours with a kick!

289 357667 939821879


www.nickcucalan.com Pets

Pet Hotel Merrylegs







High-end, luxury real-estate photography and videography. Drones also available for real estate etc. Professional service working with luxury, top-tier brands on their needs. info@bimering.pt Map image Description

Pools Air Conditioning & Heating

Aqualux Eurocooling


Property Management Air Conditioning &

Algarve Sunshine Home Penguin Air


Heating Property Management Art Property Management

Boat Maintenance Property Rentals


Conditioning Villa Club


Corte Real Proquinta


PowerCool Marine Four Seasons Fairways


Car Wash Property Rentals

Top Wash Four Seasons Country Club

Chimney Sweep Removals & Transport

Limpeza DLS Removals & E5 Chamines Storage

Removals & Cleaning & Transport Laundry

Algarve Zacarias & Removals Zunido


Security Cleaning & Laundry

IBC Security Almancil Laundry

D4 E3

Cleaning & Sport Activities Laundry

Deep Cleaning Golf & Leisure Solutions Store


Construction Sport Activities

Real Construct ZEN SUP

E3 A1

Taxis Construction

Algar Taxis Modernbuild / DeckingDave Algarvtennis Algarvtennis


Tennis Construction

E4 B5


Merrylegs is a family-run pet hotel welcoming dogs, cats and small animals. Short or long stay. Daycare: rather than home alone, leave your pet with us! Come and visit our facilities.

927 296 332

Business Directory

Aqualux offers professional construction, maintenance, technical and Air conditioning, underfloor pool heating and heating specialists across the assistance Algarve. Now commercial equipment pools, gardens and spas. www.aqualux.com.pt offering great deals on for poolswimming heating. Premium solar panels. www.eurocoolingalgarve.com Property Management | Gardening Services | Handyman & Repairs | Window Cleaning |PENGUIN Pool Maintenance are experts in air conditioning, solar heating, pool heating, under floor

heating, and renewable energy. Open 9.30am - 6pm Monday to Friday. E: Property management and rentals. Villas & Vacations along with Villa Club are one of info@penguinalgarve.com the largest managing agents in Almancil. Corte-Real Gallery; the most fascinating mix of international art and handcrafted ProQuinta - Algarve Property Services. A personal and professional service to property Objects d'Art collected from around the world. owners. We provide a bilingual service for any maintenance, management or admin requirements Professional, cost-effective, reliable marine engineering expertise. Bespoke motorboat maintenance & management packages to suit you. Plus sales, servicing & repair of all Luxury two and three bedroom villas in a secluded resort in Quinta do Lago, enjoying onboard equipment - engines, a/c, generators, electrics& gel repairs, painting, and golf, pool, gym, beauty salon, restaurant & bar and 24h reception desk. Come for polishing. info@powercoolmarine.com holidays and lifetime memberships. Car Wash and Valet Service in Almancil. Car washes from 3 euro upward. High Luxury accommodation set in mature, landscaped gardens on the Quinta do Lago definition polishes and full valet options available. Pick up service on request. High estate. Wide range of sports and leisure activities. Rentals and club membership attention to detail. available Professional chimney sweep. We clean your chimney using the rotary power sweeping DLS are an Algarve based removals company, specialised in door-to-door removals to system. Very efficient. No mess. We work with clients all over Portugal. E: and from the UK. Safe and insured storage facilities. Need moving? Give us a call! geral@limpezachamines.com www.limpezachamines.com Algarveremovals.com have weekly departures to and from the UK and the Algarve Floor treatments. We provide an expert cleaning service and with a broad and varied offering you a personal service for full or part load removals. UK tel: / 0044 1245 range of services we can cover all your cleaning requirements. We specialise in 468888 embellishments, polishes, marble treatments, woods and traditional "calcada". Fast Physical Security Response to alarm/CCTV activations and personal emergency All your laundry needs. Maid service also available calls. When you are ready to take your security as seriously as we do - contact IBC Security. www.ibcsecurity.com A professional deep cleaning service for carpets/rugs, upholstery, beds and Visit or telephone us for great discounts on all Algarve green fees, hire of clubs, mattresses, hard floor stripping and treating. All Algarve covered. Hotels and agency electric/pull trolleys, PGA golf tuition, Aquashow tickets, boat trips and more... E: discounts available. info@golfleisurestore.com www.golfleisurestore.com Renovations and maintenance undertaken by reputable company. Bricklaying, Experience the power of Paddle Boarding. Group or individual classes for beginners carpentry, exotic roofing, painting, stonework, minor repairs, gardens, pools - Nothing and experienced paddlers. is impossible! Luxury and normal taxi service. Estate and eight-seater cars available too. Modernbuild offers 20 years' experience in general building & renovation work, also with specialist teams expert in lightweight steel frame (LSF) and quality timber homes. We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over We are established tennis court contractors with 15 years of experience, with over 200 courts built or refurbished 200 courts built or refurbished ATF offers expert coaching for all levels and ages, weekly tennis and fitness Do you speak French, Dutch, English, Spanish and Portuguese? We do too! Our first programmes and game arranging tailored to you. We have Yoga, Spinning, Pilates, priority is to meet your personal requirements for renovations, pools, bathrooms, Boot Camp and plenty more for you to enjoy. shops, electrical works, ceilings, painting, plumbing etc. E:polgome@gmail.com Luxury transfers company locals at Almancil. Airport transfers, Private chauffers for Quality general builders specialising in refurbishments and modernising the Algarve's tours & events. Transfer for golf, shops & restaurants. properties. Call Tim Parker +351 918 348 898 or Email: tim@tj-projects.com Established 1984. All flights - short/long haul; economy/business/first class, car hire, Do you have blocked or problem drains? Call the experts Merrylegs drain services. hotels, packages, excursions, cruises. Check for latest offers/discounts. Visit our new With years of local experience, CCTV cameras, and high pressure jets. No job is too website: www.solseta.com Seabourn and Silversea Cruises Main Agent. small. Annual maintenance contracts available. Experience the power of Paddle Boarding. Group or individual classes for beginners Alan Carter. English electrician. Working in the Algarve since 2003. 24hr call-out, fault and experienced paddlers. finding and problem solving. E: aceletrical2000@gmail.com

Tel 289 422 336 or / 369241 965 912 741 324 484 600 915 176 737 289 092 595 or 910 700777 289390500 912 737 762 916 287 054 (+351) 917866373 289 357667

915 723 660 289 357 158

967 191 278 289 399 946 / 91 987 3075 289 513 851 289 395911 / 917 812896 289 093 344 289390500 927 726 282 289 358491 or 915 322 655 917 316 552 936735778 289 399000 or 289 149 476 289 394238 913 056 131 913 056 131

Tennis Construction

Algarve Tennis Paulo Gomes & Fitness Club

C3 -

289 385 028 965 576 251

Tours & Transfers Construction

Pleasant Tours TJ Projects Unipessoal lda

C2 F3

Travel Drain Cleaning

Solseta Travel C4 MerryLegs Drain E1 Agency Cleaning

Water Sports Electrical

ZEN SUP Alan Carter

A1 -

Estate Agent

Villas & Vacations


Property Sales Property Rental Property Management All your property needs.

289 390500

Finance & Investment

MD Adamson


We have over 50 years experience within the FX space. Our main objective is to continue providing our Clients with this experience in an advisory capacity as well as providing tailored solutions to suit every need.

289 247 298

+351 918 348 898 965579991 289 396677 927 282 937

936735778 934 646 270

289 392 484 Finance & 289 390 500 Private Fund (+351) D3 916 Tax, pensions & retirement services. Tel: (+351) | Mobile: 134investment, 215 Copyright Š Personalised 2019 Websitetax by:mitigation, www.villas-vacations.com Data Policy Investment Management inheritance tax planning, financial structures & bespoke investment portfolio Central Algarve Y o u c a n management. o b t a i n d i s Independent c o u n t b y uunbiased s i n g y oadvice, u r b oregulated n u s c a r in d Portugal a t a l l and the UK.


establishments highlighted with the yellow square.

Food & Takeaways Mannie's Sauces -

Homemade chilli and peri peri products made to order. For your home or your restaurant. Mozambican and African inspired flavours with a kick!

Issue 78, Winter 2020


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



Map Description (provided by restaurant owners)

Henrique Leis



French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the region. High standards in Sun a comfortable setting. Beautiful terrace with ocean view. One Michelin star.

Tel 289 393438 or 91 325 4322

Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience.


Map Description (provided by restaurant owners)





Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International cuisine. Fish specialities. Air conditioned. Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt www.restaurantalambique.com


289 394579 or 911 098 971



The new smart and elegant restaurant at Four Seasons Fairways serves contemporary cuisine with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and in-house sommelier. Open for dinner only Tuesday to Saturday. www.amararestaurant.pt E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com

Sun Mon

289 357 579

As Velas


Though the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membership-only, the restaurant is open to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. There's an extensive choice of international cuisines; for menu see www.asvelas.com

289 357000

Casa Pituxa


Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and international dishes. Al fresco dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian options and kids menu. Top 5 on Trip Advisor. Great value. Perfect for groups and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo.


289 396238

Casa da Quinta


A family-run restaurant offering excellent Portuguese/ International cuisine in an inviting atmosphere. Cosy fireplace. Fabulous, newly renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: info@casadaquinta.net www.casadaquinta.net


289 394097

Casa do Campo


Superb farmhouse restaurant serving excellent fresh fish, giant tiger prawns, oysters, steaks, Sun all with homegrown veg from our own farm. Seasonal menus and many vegetarian and gluten-free options. Beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner only.

289 399 109 / 919 858 118

Chez Antoinne


Superb cuisine in an intimate atmosphere. Open for dinner only. See menu on Facebook. Friendly, professional service. Children welcome. Wi-Fi. Large car park. Michelin Guide recommended. Booking advisable.


289 394428



A family restaurant for over 30 years, renowned for the excellence of meat and fresh fish. Enjoy pre-dinner drinks in our friendly bar. Dinner only. Reservations recommended. www.facebook.com/RestauranteFigueiral


289 395 558 / 919 291 733

Green Valley Restaurant


Fine quality Portuguese cuisine with an International twist. Comfortable and friendly atmosphere. Enjoy and explore texture, colour and tastes with a selective menu at a reasonable price. Fish & meat specialities, Chef's suggestions and homemade desserts.


289 396638

Mr Freddies


Enjoy a new concept with Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with wonderful filet steak or fresh Sun fish. Children welcome. Opens 7pm. Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt or facebook.com/mrfreddies

289 393 651 / 914 267 359

O Malveiro decor. fresh Y o u c a n o b tE2 a i n dNew, i s c o fresh unt b y u s Experience i n g y o u r our bon u s cprawn a r d aor t chicken a l l e s tcurry, a b l i sdelicious h m e n t sMozambique h i g h l i g h t e d w i tSun h t h e y e l917 l o w824 s q131 uare. prawns, fish moqueca or oven baked stone bass in our special house sauce. Take-away service. See Trip Advisor. Pequeno Mundo Restaurant


One of the Algarve's finest restaurants offering French Cuisine in a tranquil setting. Dine in a wonderfully romantic environment or al fresco in our beautiful courtyard. Private parking. www.restaurantepequenomundo.com


289 399 866

Thai Bistro


Thai & mediterranean cuisine in a peaceful setting. Lunch served Mon-Fri (2-courses: 12 euros), open for Dinner 7 nights per week. Takeaway & vegetarian available. Kids menu. Cocktails. The tastes and flavours from each dish will leave you wanting more!

Sat & Sun lunches

289 391 347 / 960 072 502



Excellent Mediterranean cuisine in a charming environment overlooking the resort pool. Open Sun every day July and August. E: tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com


289 359 665

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Green Valley Henrique Leis Restaurant


Mr Freddies


Sun Fine quality Portuguese cuisine with an International twist. Comfortable and friendly French/International cuisine from one of most talented chefs in the region. High standards in Sun atmosphere. Enjoy and explore texture, colour and tastes with a selective menu at a a comfortable setting. Beautiful with ocean One Michelin star. reasonable price. Fish & meatterrace specialities, Chef's view. suggestions and homemade desserts.


Enjoy a new concept with Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with wonderful filet steak or fresh Sun fish. Children welcome. Opens 7pm. Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt or Restaurants provide excellent cuisine in a special ambience. facebook.com/mrfreddies

Restaurant O Malveiro

Map by restaurant Closed E2 Description New, fresh (provided decor. Experience our fresh owners) prawn or chicken curry, delicious Mozambique Sun prawns, fish moqueca or oven baked stone bass in our special house sauce. Take-away Alambique C3 Enjoy a friendly atmosphere dining inside or out on the terrace. Portuguese / International service. See Trip Advisor. cuisine. Fish specialities. Air conditioned. Ample parking. WiFi. E: paulodagua@sapo.pt Pequeno Mundo D2 www.restaurantalambique.com One of the Algarve's finest restaurants offering French Cuisine in a tranquil setting. Dine in a Sun Restaurant wonderfully romantic environment or al fresco in our beautiful courtyard. Private parking. Amara B5 The new smart and elegant restaurant at Four Seasons Fairways serves contemporary Sun Mon www.restaurantepequenomundo.com cuisine with a Portuguese influence. Wine cellar and in-house sommelier. Open for dinner Tuesday to Saturday.cuisine www.amararestaurant.pt Thai Bistro C4 only Thai & mediterranean in a peaceful setting.E:amara@fourseasonsfairways.com Lunch served Mon-Fri (2-courses: 12 Sat & Sun euros), open for Dinner 7 nights per week. Takeaway & vegetarian available. Kids menu. As Velas B5 Though the renowned Four Seasons Country Club is membership-only, the restaurant is open Cocktails. The tastes and flavours from each dish will leave you wanting more! lunches to the public for dinner with a prior reservation. There's an extensive choice of international for Mediterranean menu see www.asvelas.com Tucano's A5 cuisines; Excellent cuisine in a charming environment overlooking the resort pool. Open Sun every day July and August. E: tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com Casa Pituxa C3 Family restaurant with superb traditional Portuguese food and international dishes. Al fresco Sun dining. Extensive menu with vegetarian options and kids menu. Top 5 on Trip Advisor. Great value. Perfect for groups and birthdays. Two minutes from Vale do Lobo. Casa da Quinta


Restaurants have good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices.

A family-run restaurant offering excellent Portuguese/ International cuisine in an inviting Sun Cosy fireplace. by Fabulous, newlyowners) renovated outdoor terrace. Dinner only. E: Restaurant Mapatmosphere. Description (provided restaurant Closed info@casadaquinta.net www.casadaquinta.net BJ's Oceanside A1 Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. Friendly, lively atmosphere. Regular live Casa do Campo D2 Superb farmhouse prawns, oysters, steaks, Sun music, gorgeousrestaurant backdrop. serving Always aexcellent top timefresh to befish, had.giant Freshtiger seafood & daily specials. all Open with homegrown veg fromE:bookings@bjsoceanside.com our own farm. Seasonal menus and many vegetarian and lunch daily to 6pm. gluten-free options. Beautiful outdoor terrace. Dinner only. At Bacaro Food&Wines by Chef Marco Alban, delicious Mediterranean Cuisine is served using Sun Bacaro Food & Chez Antoinne C3 Superb cuisine in an intimate atmosphere. Open for of dinner only. SeeThe menu on Facebook. Sat Wines the best ingredients prepared with the inspiration the moment. service is casual & Friendly, professional service. Children welcome. Wi-Fi. Large car park.recommended. Michelin Guide genuine in an elegant setting, yet homely atmosphere. Reservations recommended. Booking advisable. BellaRosa C3 BellaRosa Pizzeria is located in a warm and elegant space. Our concept is traditional Italia Sun Figueiral D3 A family over 30 renowned for also the excellence of meat and fresh fish. Cuisinerestaurant and pizzasforcooked in years, our wood oven. We have a takeaway and pizza delivery Enjoy pre-dinner drinks our friendly bar. Dinner only. Reservations recommended. service. For menu seeinwww.bellarosa.pt www.facebook.com/RestauranteFigueiral Casavostra Pizzaria E2 Casavostra, with its unique contemporary design and stunning esplanada continues to be the Green Valley C4 Fine quality venue Portuguese cuisine with an International twist. Comfortable essential for dining & shopping. Serving salads, delicious pastasand andfriendly pizzas from 12 Sun Restaurant atmosphere. and explore texture, colour and tastes with a selective menu at a noon until Enjoy late. Open daily, reservations recommended, takeaway available. reasonable price. Fish & meat specialities, Chef's suggestions and homemade desserts. www.pizzeriacasavostra.com

289 396638 289 393438 or 91 325 4322 289 393 651 / 914 267 359

Tel 917 824 131 289 394579 or 911 098 971 289 399 866

289 357 579 289 391 347 / 960 072 502 289 357000 289 359 665

289 396238

289 394097 Tel 910 698 479 289 399 109 / 919 858 118 915 845 664 289 394428 289 356 372 289 395 558 / 919 291 733 289 397 565 289 396638

Mr Churrasqueira Freddies a new concept withFresh Mr Freddie's "Flambeau cooking" with wonderful filet steak or fresh Sun de D2 E3 Enjoy Family-run restaurant. fish, grilled meats, special chicken piri-piri and Argentinian Mon fish. Children welcome. Opens 7pm. Reservations recommended. E:mdamas@outlook.pt Almancil meats. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, prawns and clams. Open kitchen or and facebook.com/mrfreddies grill. Takeaway service. Open for lunch and dinner.

289 289393 393651 324/ / 914 917267 812359 460

Sun Sun

917 289824 397131 784 / 967 732 340

O Malveiro Don Camillo

E2 C3 New, fresh our freshcuisine. prawn Great or chicken curry, Mozambique Lunch & decor. dinner.Experience Portuguese/Italian terrace. Newdelicious on the menu - Picanha. prawns, fish moqueca oven baked stone bass in take our special house sauce. Take-away Homemade chicken or pies & veal pies; to eat in or away. Economy lunches. (Come and service. Trip of Advisor. enjoy See a game lawn bowls or petanque.)

289 Pequeno Mundo of the atmosphere Algarve's finest offering a tranquil a Sun Eduardo's ParadiseD2 A3 One Relaxed withrestaurants seaside view whereFrench you canCuisine enjoy in a meal madesetting. with theDine bestinfish 289399 355866 508 Restaurant wonderfully environment or alparties frescowith in our beautiful and local romantic seafood. Enjoy our sunset Matt Moore courtyard. and friends.Private parking. www.restaurantepequenomundo.com Ichiban D2 Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine. Serving all types of grilled or steamed 289 391 918 / Thai Bistro C4 Thai & mediterranean cuisine inMulti-choice a peaceful setting. Mon-Fri (2-courses: 12 at Sat & 289 967391 782347 815/ seafood/meat/chicken/duck. sushi orLunch sushi &served teppanyaki specials available Yo u c a n o b t a i n d i s c o u n t b y u s i n g y o u r b o n u s c a r d a t a l l e s t a b l i s h m e n t s h i g h l i g h t e d w i t h t h e y e l l o w s q u a r e . Sun 960 072 502 euros), for Dinner 7 nights per week. Takeaway & vegetarian available. Kids menu. lunchopen and dinner. A take-away service is available. Cocktails. The tastes and flavours from each dish will leave you wanting more! lunches Izzy's A3 Located on the popular Praia do Garrao beach. Open for lunches throughout the winter 289 396 984 Tucano's A5 Excellent a charming environment overlooking the resort 289 359 665 period Mediterranean or maybe just acuisine drink ininour lounge area. Live music every Sunday lunch. pool. Open Sun every day July and August. E: tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com Julia's A3 The Algarve's most famous beachside restaurant with spectacular views and excellent food. 289 396512 Lunch and dinner all year. Specialising in group bookings. Regular live music. www.juliasalgarve.com La Terrazza Restaurant

Restaurants have good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices.

A2 Authentic Italian cuisine at the Praca Vale do Lobo. A wonderful family dining experience overlooking(provided the centralby entertainment Open for dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazzaMap Description restaurantarea. owners) algarve.com Email: laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt BJ's Oceanside A1 Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. Friendly, lively atmosphere. Regular live Maria's A3 music, Verygorgeous popular beach restaurant daily 12.30pm onwards (booking advised). backdrop. Alwaysopen a top timefrom to be had. Fresh seafood & daily specials.Large roof bar & lounge serving bites (no booking). Spectacular sea & sunset views from both. Open lunch daily to 6pm. E:bookings@bjsoceanside.com Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020 Comfortable, modern sunbeds & beach-shack available in front of restaurant. Bacaro Food & At Bacaro Food&Wines by Chef Marco Alban, delicious Mediterranean Cuisine is served using www.mariasbeachalgarve.com Wines the best ingredients prepared with the inspiration of the moment. The service is casual &


289 356019 or 289 353435 Tel



910 698 479 289 358 675


915 845 664


Almancil Tucano's Don Camillo

A5 C3

Eduardo's Paradise A3

meats. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, prawns and clams. Open kitchen and grill. Takeaway service. cuisine Open for and dinner. Excellent Mediterranean in lunch a charming environment overlooking the resort pool. Open Sun every day July and August. E: tucanos@encostadolago.com www.restaurante-tucanos.com Lunch & dinner. Portuguese/Italian cuisine. Great terrace. New on the menu - Picanha. Sun Homemade chicken pies & veal pies; to eat in or take away. Economy lunches. (Come and enjoy a game of lawn bowls or petanque.) Restaurants have good informal ambience and table service at moderate prices.

917 812 460 289 359 665 289 397 784 / 967 732 340


289 355 508


Relaxed atmosphere with seaside view where you can enjoy a meal made with the best fish and local seafood. Enjoy by ourrestaurant sunset parties with Matt Moore and friends. Map Description (provided owners)



Ichiban BJ's Oceanside

D2 A1

Experience the diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine.Friendly, Serving all types of grilled orRegular steamed Top beach bar/restaurant. Stunning beach location. lively atmosphere. live seafood/meat/chicken/duck. Multi-choice sushi or sushi & teppanyaki specials available music, gorgeous backdrop. Always a top time to be had. Fresh seafood & daily specials.at lunchlunch and dinner. take-away service is available. Open daily toA6pm. E:bookings@bjsoceanside.com


289 910 391 698 918 479 / 967 782 815

Izzy's Food & Bacaro Wines

- A3

the popularbyPraia Garrao beach. Open for lunches throughout winterusing AtLocated Bacaroon Food&Wines ChefdoMarco Alban, delicious Mediterranean Cuisine the is served period maybe justprepared a drink in ourthe lounge area. Live music every Sunday lunch. the bestor ingredients with inspiration of the moment. The service is casual &


289 915 396 845 984 664


289 396512


289 356 372


BellaRosa La Terrazza


C3 A2

Casavostra Pizzaria E2 Maria's

Churrasqueira de Almancil Monty's Bar

Don Camillo O Tanque


E3 A2

C3 C3

Eduardo's Paradise A3

genuine in an elegant setting, yet homely atmosphere. Reservations recommended. The Algarve's most famous beachside restaurant with spectacular views and excellent food. Lunch andPizzeria dinner isalllocated year. Specialising in group bookings. live music. www.juliasBellaRosa in a warm and elegant space. Regular Our concept is traditional Italia algarve.com Cuisine and pizzas cooked in our wood oven. We also have a takeaway and pizza delivery

service. For menu see www.bellarosa.pt Authentic Italian cuisine at the Praca Vale do Lobo. A wonderful family dining experience overlookingwith the central entertainment area. Openand for stunning dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazzaCasavostra, its unique contemporary design esplanada continues to be the algarve.com Email: laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt essential venue for dining & shopping. Serving salads, delicious pastas and pizzas from 12 noon until late. Open daily, reservations recommended, takeaway available. Very popular beach restaurant open daily from 12.30pm onwards (booking advised). Large www.pizzeriacasavostra.com roof bar & lounge serving bites (no booking). Spectacular sea & sunset views from both. Comfortable, modern sunbeds & beach-shack in front piri-piri of restaurant. Family-run restaurant. Fresh fish, grilled meats,available special chicken and Argentinian www.mariasbeachalgarve.com meats. Superb cataplanas - fish and black-pork meat, prawns and clams. Open kitchen and

grill. Takeaway for lunch Drink, dine andservice. dance, Open all in one place!and Startdinner. with a delicious dinner from our international menu&atdinner. 18:30, Portuguese/Italian have a drink and listen to music from live bands Lunch cuisine. Greatentertainment terrace. New on the22:30, menuwith - Picanha. and DJs. Bookings: montysrestaurantbar@mail.telepac.pt montys-algarve.com Homemade chicken pies & veal pies; to eat in or take away. Economy lunches. (Come and

289 356019 or 289 289 353435 397 565


289 358 675


289 393 324 / 917 812 460


289 356 079 / 289 289 353 397 436 784 / 967 732 340


enjoy a game of lawn bowls or petanque.) Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood daily. Various cataplanas. Black pork. Sucklingatmosphere Pig. Salads with and aseaside vegetarian dish aofmeal the day. Selection national Relaxed view menu. where Lunchtime you can enjoy made with theofbest fish wines. Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays. and local seafood. Enjoy our sunset parties with Matt Moore and friends.


289 398291 / 913 289 520 355 879 508


Retiro dos Indios Ichiban

C2 D2

Family-runthe Portuguese restaurant. Specialities include fish cataplana sole. Grilled fish Experience diverse flavours of Japanese cuisine. Serving all types&oflarge grilled or steamed and meat. Children's menu. Open every day for dinner. A pleasant welcome awaits you.at seafood/meat/chicken/duck. Multi-choice sushi or sushi & teppanyaki specials available Newly renovated restaurant/outdoor eating area. . lunch and dinner. A take-away service is available.


289 289 394306 391 918 / 967 782 815

Sandbanks Izzy's

A2 A3


289 289 398429 396 984/ 289 353424

Julia's Tapas e Vinho Restaurant

A3 C2


289 396512 289 391 145

La Terrazza The Cheeky pup

A2 C4

Open aironrestaurant overlooking the ocean, specialising seafoodthroughout and fresh fish. Breakfast Located the popular Praia do Garrao beach. Open forinlunches the winter and lunch daily. In principle will close 19th Nov, reopening 26th Dec but this is subject to period or maybe just a drink in our lounge area. Live music every Sunday lunch. change. The Algarve's most famous beachside restaurant with spectacular views and excellent food. Open and 12 noon tillall late. Curry Club Wedinnight. to book: "The live Chef's Table" in our Lunch dinner year. Specialising groupYours bookings. Regular music. www.juliasAdega. Great packages for groups. Seasonal lunch menu deal: Cover + 3 tapas + dessert algarve.com 12.95. Chill with a glass of wine and a few tapas on our sunny terrace. Authentic Italian cuisine at the Praca Vale do Lobo. A wonderful family dining experience Friendly Irish with great decor, Quinta Delicious food and a great overlooking thegastro-pub central entertainment area. inOpen for Shopping. dinner from 18:30. www.laterrazzadrinks menu all day. Indoor tables or a superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music. algarve.com Email: laterrazza@mail.telepac.pt


289 356019 or 289 205 289 358 353435

Wild Chicken Maria's

C3 A3



Monty's Bar


O Tanque


The popular house speciality is tasty piri-piri chicken, there isonwards so much(booking more. Tryadvised). also the Large steaks, Sun Very beach restaurant open daily frombut 12.30pm fish and prawns all served with fresh and local ingredients. Excellent service in smart roof bar & lounge serving bites (no booking). Spectacular sea & sunset views from both. surroundings,modern inside and out. With reception bar area. in front of restaurant. Comfortable, sunbeds & beach-shack available www.mariasbeachalgarve.com A la carte Restaurant dining from 7.00pm. Sunday carvery lunch. Curry Night every Tuesday. Sun night Poolside & bar serving & drinks daily April. For details of menu, music nights till Drink, dineTVand dance, all insnacks one place! Start withfrom a delicious dinner from our international - Apr & events : www.restaurantxenia.com menu at 18:30, have a drink and listen to music entertainment from 22:30, with live bands

289 289 394 358 832 675 / 965 232 669 289 396347 / 918 289 700 356 064 079 /

289 353 436 and DJs. Bookings: montysrestaurantbar@mail.telepac.pt montys-algarve.com Yo u c a n o b t a i n d i s c o u n t b y u s i n g y o u r b o n u s c a r d a t a l l e s t a b l i s h m e n t s h i g h l i g h t e d w i t h t h e y e l l o w s q u a r e .


Traditional Portuguese cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood daily. Various cataplanas. Black pork. These restaurants place emphasis value for money. Families welcome. Suckling Pig. Salads and a vegetarian menu.on Lunchtime dish of the day. are Selection of national Enjoy our new terrace! Live music Fridays. Map wines. Description (provided by restaurant owners)


289 398291 / 913 520 879



Retiro dos Indios Gamboa

C2 E3

Family-run fish fish, cataplana largemeat sole.daily. Grilled fish Sun Open lunchPortuguese and dinner.restaurant. LunchtimeSpecialities dish of the include day. Fresh prawns& and House and meat. Children's day forRib dinner. A pleasant awaits you.his specialities: Picanha,menu. Lamb Open Chops,every Uruguayan Eye Steak. Livelywelcome ambience. Rui and Newly renovated restaurant/outdoor eating area. . team look forward to welcoming you.

Sandbanks O Xafariz

A2 D2

Open air restaurant overlooking theisocean, specialising andPortuguese fresh fish. Breakfast - night 919 289 160 398429 The unique selling point of Xafariz the authentic tasteinofseafood traditional cuisine. Sat 021 / and lunch daily. In principle will close 19th Nov, reopening 26th Dec but this is subject to 289 353424 Takeaway. Showing all major sporting events. Popular specials are Chilli Weds & Curry Thurs. & Sun change. Let us prepare your Summer BBQ. See "O Xafariz" on Facebook for Dish of Day.

44 Tapas e Vinho Oriental Restaurant

C2 D2

Open noon till late. Curry Club Wed 6.30pm-10-30pm. night. Yours to book: "The Chef's Table" in our Asian12 food. Open for dinner only from Specialities include Crispy Aromatic Adega. Great packages for groups. Seasonal lunch menu deal: Cover + 3 tapas + Duck, Delicious Dumplings and Cantonese Prawns. Home delivery service available.dessert E:

-- I s s u e

289 048 394306 289 733

Central Algarve 289 391 7 8 ,289 W i 395668/ n t e r145 2020

910 002828

Poolside TV & bar serving snacks & drinks daily from April. For details of menu, music nights & events : www.restaurantxenia.com

till Apr

918 700 064



These restaurants place emphasis on value for money. Families are welcome.


Map Description (provided by restaurant owners)



Open lunch and dinner. Lunchtime dish of the day. Fresh fish, prawns and meat daily. House Sun specialities: Picanha, Lamb Chops, Uruguayan Rib Eye Steak. Lively ambience. Rui and his team look forward to welcoming you.

O Xafariz


The unique selling point of Xafariz is the authentic taste of traditional Portuguese cuisine. Sat night 919 160 021 Takeaway. Showing all major sporting events. Popular specials are Chilli Weds & Curry Thurs. & Sun Let us prepare your Summer BBQ. See "O Xafariz" on Facebook for Dish of Day.



Asian food. Open for dinner only from 6.30pm-10-30pm. Specialities include Crispy Aromatic Duck, Delicious Dumplings and Cantonese Prawns. Home delivery service available. E: cindy.oriental@gmail.com


289 395668/ 910 002828

Piri Piri d'Almancil


Piri Piri d'Almancil offers you the genuine and unique flavour of the famous charcoal grilled chicken piri piri. Fish & chips, burgers and other specialities also available. Open for lunch and dinner. Nice terrace. Takeaway service.


914 420 004

Pizzeria San Marco C4

The pizzeria in Quinta Shopping. Enjoy the warm atmosphere, good Italian food and friendly staff. Fully air conditioned. Open every day for lunch and dinner from 9am to 11.30pm. Takeaway service. www.sanmarcopizzeria.com


289 392384

Sr Frango


Established in 1992 with many thousands of satisfied clients. Modern and welcoming ambience. Awarded the "GOLDEN DIPLOMA" for the best chicken ever. Open for lunch and dinner.


289 393 756


Map Description (provided by restaurant owners)



Algarve Tennis & Fitness Cafe


Friendly clubhouse with poolside bar and restaurant serving tasty meals and snacks at lunchtimes Mon to Sat.


289 385 028

Irish Bar Vilamoura -

The best Irish bar in Vilamoura for live sports events, live music every night from our resident band that will make you want to dance on the tables. Open every day from 17.00 until late. E: irishpub@mail.telepac.pt Facebook: www.facebook.com/irish.pubvilamoura.9


Jax Bar


Jax Bar is an English-owner Bar just outside of Boliqueime. We're all about the music and the Mon atmosphere. Great bar good. Big screen screens. Live music Friday nights and Sunday afternoons.

289 044 772

Melting Pot


Public House. European & International Beers (7 on draught), cocktails, breakfasts/lunches /snacks from 10 am daily. Occasional live music. Accept Villas & Vacations Bonus Card.


289 392424

N24 Tapas Cocktail E3 Lounge

N24 Tapas Cocktail Lounge is conveniently situated in the Centre of Almancil. Built with vintage decor. N24 Focuses on healthy meals with inspiration from local cuisine. Cocktails, wine, Portuguese wine and big screen TV.


289 054 749

The Cheeky pup

Friendly Irish gastro-pub with great decor, in Quinta Shopping. Delicious food and a great drinks menu - all day. Indoor tables or a superb outdoor terrace. Regular live music.


289 358 205


Tel: (+351) 289 390 500 | Mobile: (+351) 916 134 215

289 048 733

Copyright Š 2019 Website by: www.villas-vacations.com Data Policy

MAP REF: E3 Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



The day before the 1996 U.S. presidential election, the NYT Crossword contained the clue “Lead story in tomorrow’s newspaper,” the puzzle was built so that both electoral outcomes were correct answers, requiring 7 other clues to have dual respons es. When the New York Sun was relaunched in 2002, its first edition carried the solution to the last crossword puzzle that the earlier Sun published before it folded in 1950. In the 1920s, people feared that crossword puzzles would contribute to illiteracy.


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Wa r m U p F o r W i n t e r . . Great Soup Recipes!

Pumpkin Soup

C a l d o Ve r d e S o u p



1.5kg edible pumpkin olive oil 1 teaspoon dried chilli 1 tablespoon coriander seeds 1 large onion 3 cloves garlic 1 carrot 1 stick of celery 1 litre hot vegetable stock

Method Preheat the oven to 170°C/340°F. Half the pumpkin and remove the seeds (you can keep these for roasting), then chop into wedges. Place the pumpkin on two large baking trays and drizzle over a little olive oil. In a pestle and mortar, grind the chilli and coriander seeds with a pinch of salt until finely ground. Sprinkle the spices over the pumpkin with some black pepper. Roast the pumpkin for 1 hour, or until soft and slightly caramelised at the edges. Meanwhile, roughly chop the onion, garlic, carrot and celery. Heat a lug* of olive oil over a medium heat in a large saucepan then add the vegetables and cook for 15 minutes, or until soft and sweet but not coloured. When the squash is ready, add to the pan with the hot stock. Blend with a hand blender, adding a little more water if you like a thinner consistency. *When you pour olive oil from most bottles, it will come out in waves of sort. Each wave will make a "lug" or a "glug" sound.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

1 large onion 2 cloves of garlic 700 g potatoes 300 g kale extra virgin olive oil 150 g higher-fat chorizo paprika

Method Peel and finely chop the onion and garlic, Dice the potatoes, Finely shred the kale and slice the chorizo. Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in a saucepan over medium heat and fry the onion and garlic for 5 minutes, or until they begin to soften. Stir in the potatoes, season with sea salt, and cook for a further 5 minutes. Add 1.25 litres water and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are soft. Mash the potatoes into the liquid to produce a smooth purĂŠe. Add the kale and simmer for 5 minutes. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the chorizo slices, sprinkling paprika over them in the pan, for 3 to 4 minutes. Add the chorizo to the soup, then ladle the soup into bowls and season with freshly ground black pepper. Delicious served with a swirl of oil in each bowl and slices of corn bread.


Uber Eats Expands The Uber Eats network now covers most of the Algarve's main towns and their distinctive bikes can often be seen around the area. Their app can deliver your meal in minutes! All the meals are prepared by their 2,000 partner restaurants while the couriers operate as freelancers charging â‚Ź2.90 per order. Check whether your favourite restaurant uses the service and you could now enjoy their food in the comfort of your home.

Algarve Health The EU has named the Algarve as a reference site for Active and Healthy Ageing. The award was given in Aarhus, Denmark in September. This included work being done in partnership with LoulĂŠ Council. One such project aims to train and support residents, especially the elderly, to use online health services, making appointments, and to request online prescriptions and documents. The scheme may be extended throughout Portugal. A new Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences has been approved which will be very beneficial to healthcare in the Algarve. The existing faculty already has around 450 students and has made a very positive contribution to the number of doctors in the Algarve and improvements to the quality of healthcare and associated research. About 250 new doctors have been trained, of which around 50% currently work in the Algarve region.

Thomas Cook Failure Giant UK tour operator Thomas Cook had a long history in the Algarve, organising thousands of package holidays and at one time even owned hotels here. Its bankruptcy has therefore been a shock to their many partners on the Algarve. However, the overall impact is not thought to be serious. The 10,000 passengers per annum, many of whom arrived as flight-only travel, represented less than half a percent of Algarve flight arrivals and it is thought that competitors will soon fill the gap. Around 500 passengers needed to receive repatriation assistance from the UK. The Algarve Tourism Association is now trying to assist the adversely-effected hoteliers.


Warren Buffet to invest in Portugal Property The third richest man* in the world, Warren Buffet, has confirmed that he intends to invest in the Portuguese property market via his company Berkshire Hathaway Homes Service (BHSS). Last year BHSS invested in London, Berlin and, in Spain, announced they were opening 150 new real estate agencies. This is another strong affirmation that property in Portugal remains a good investment and last year it made an average of 10% gains. * the top two richest men are: Jeff Bezos (Amazon) and Bill Gates (Microsoft) Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Pastéis de Nata T he P ri d e o f P o rtugal

T here is not a café in Portugal that you can walk past without seeing the signature, Portuguese custard-tart delicacies known as Pasteis de Nata. There is nothing quite like starting your day with a Bica (small espresso) and a freshly-baked pastel de nata. But this small delicacy is not only found here, anymore. Pasteis da Nata have gone global! With cafés, bakeries and delis all around the world offering a small piece of Portuguese heaven now too. Bakeries in Macau, Singapore, South Africa, London and even New York are now serving this delicious treat. The recipe for this country favourite dates back over 300 years to Belém, a civil parish located west of Lisbon. In 1834, the recipe was sold to the eventual owners of the Fábrica de Pastéis de Belém, which opened in 1837 and is still the most popular place to buy them around Lisbon. Someone did something right if over 180 years later the pastel de nata is still a local favourite. There are even variations available in some of our local Algarvean cafés, do yourself a favour and try the ones that are made with Nutella! They just melt in your mouth.

Alvará Nº171-A / 171-C


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

+351 289 093 344



T E N S U R P R I S I N G FA C T S A B O U T P O RT U G A L P o rt u g a l

is on e o f the o l d e s t nati o n-sta te s i n E u ro p e . B e l i e ve i t o r not , Po rt u ga l wa s f irs t e s tab l i s he d as a c o u nt r y in th e 1 2th Ce ntu ry , mak i ng it one o f th e ol d es t nati o ns i n E u ro p e .

P o rt u g ue s e

is the o ffi ci al l angu age of 9 c o u nt r ie s . Por tugu e s e i s s p o k e n b y over 236 mi l l i on p e opl e wo rl d wi d e . It i s t h e 8t h mo s t s p ok e n l angu age i n the world.

T he

c apit al of Port ugal, Lisbon , i s one of t h e oldest c it ies in t h e world. I nd eed , af t er At h en s, it is t h e sec on d old es t c apit al in Europe.

P ort ugal

own ed h alf of t h e ' N ew W or l d ' . I n 1494, Port ugal an d Spain div i d ed the world in t w o by sign in g t h e Trea ty of Tordesillas wh ic h essen t ially awarded Port ugal t h e East ern ha l f of the n ew w orld.

L i s bo n

wa s s tr uck b y o ne o f the mo st po we r f ul ea r th qu ak e s i n E u ro pe a n h i s tor y . 85% o f the b u i l d i n g s in th is i co ni c ci ty we re d e s t ro ye d d ur i ng the e arthqu ak e i n N o ve mb er 1 7 5 5 .

T he

bi g g e s t wa ve e ve r s u rfe d was i n Po rt u ga l. I n F e b ru ary 2011, Garre tt McN a m a r a r od e a wave o f 24 me te rs ( 80 f e e t ) of f th e c oa s t o f Nazare and creat ed a ne w w or ld r e co rd .

T he

Li v r a r i a B ertrand (B e rtrand B o oksho p ) i n L i s b on i s the wo rl d ’s o l d e s t b o o k sh op . F ou n d e d i n 1732. Sad l y i t was one o f th e m a n y cas u al ti e s o f the Great L i s bo n E a r th q u ake o f 1755, whi ch s c ored 8.5 o n th e Ri c h ter s cal e and l e ft aro un d 60, 0 0 0 d e a d .

P ort ugal

h as t h e lon gest bridge i n Europe. Th e six- lan e, c able- st ayed Va s c o da Gama bridge c rossin g t h e Ta gu s River t o t h e n ort h of Lisbon was op ened in 1998 an d it is 18km lon g.

O ver

h alf t h e world’s c ork c om es f r om Port ugal, we h ave t h e largest c or k oa k f orest s ( mon t ados) in t h e w orld a nd ou r c ork oak ( Querc us suber L) is pr otec ted by law . Cork is st ripped f rom t he tr u nk of t h e c ork oak every n in e years wi thou t damagin g t h e t ree.

T he

oldest diplomat ic allian c e i n the world is t h e An glo- Port uguese A l l i a nc e sign ed by En glan d an d Port ugal b a c k i n 1373, an d is st ill in f orc e t oday.


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Banana Bread Recipe P re p aration t ime: less t h an 30 min s Co o k i ng t ime: 30 min s t o 1 h our Serves 10 people I n g re d i e n t s

• 285g/10oz plain flour • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda • ½ tsp salt • 110g/4oz butter, plus extra for greasing • 225g/8oz caster sugar • 2 eggs • 4 ripe bananas, mashed • 85ml/3fl oz buttermilk (or normal milk mixed with 1½ tsp lemon juice or vinegar ) • 1 tsp vanil la extract

Method Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Sift the flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt into a large mixing bowl.

Grease a 20cm x 12.5cm/8in x 5in loaf tin (2lb) and pour the cake mixture into the tin.

In a separate bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.

Transfer to the oven and bake for about an hour, or until well-risen and goldenbrown.

Add the eggs, mashed bananas, buttermilk and vanilla extract to the butter and sugar mixture and mix well. Fold in the flour mixture.

Remove from the oven and cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack to cool completely before serving.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Av o i d t h e Online Booking Scams!

With many holidaymakers organising villa rentals directly with property owners, it seems there are lots of new opportunities for dishonest scammers. UK holidaymakers alone have lost over €8M in the past 12 months and these are often families with little money to spare.

At Vi l l as & Vac ation s we are s ometim e s co n t a c ted b y desp erate h olidaymak ers w h o have b ooked fic titious p rop erties and t hen been l ef t with n owh ere to s tay. Ob v i o u sl y we t ry our bes t to fin d alterna tive ac c o m modat i on f or th em, but in h igh s e a s o n th i s i s very di f f i cult in deed. F ur t herm or e, t h es e p oor p eop le h ave u s u a l l y l ost al l t he mon ey th ey p aid and a re ex t r e m el y st ressed, wh ich is es p ec ially cru e l w h e n they have been look in g forward to th e i r wel l - earned h oliday all year! I t i s of cou r se e as y to s ee th e attraction of t h e se scams f r om th e c rook 's p oin t of v i e w . I t i s rel at i vely eas y to s et up a d od g y we b s i t e and, by gettin g all th e mon ey in adva n ce, t hey have p len ty of time to c ove r th e i r t r acks b ef ore th eir decep tion h as be e n noticed. S o w hat can cl ien ts do to p rotec t th e m s el ves? See our tip s in th e n ex t co lu mn . I n o ne recent cas e, a villa own er con t a cte d a h o l i d aymaker an d told th em h e was v i s i t i ng T hai l and for a coup le of mon th s a n d th a t t h ey shou l d tran s fer th e mon ey th e re . W h i l st t hi s m i gh t h ave s eemed lik e a p l a us i bl e st ory at th e time, it s h ould be n o s u r p r i s e t o anyon e readin g th is article, th a t th e m oney was never s een ag ain ! T he poi nt i s t hat we are s ometimes jus t to o t r ust i ng f or our own good. O ur f i nal w or d of advic e is th erefore to as k fo r a second op in ion from a fin an ci a lly s a v v y a cq u ai nt anc e. If g iven th e ch an ce , ot h e r s can of t en see th e mos t obvious tra p s , be fo r e we wal k i nto th em!

C he ck at : w w w.sc amadv is er.c o m


Rec ommendat i ons • Do u ble ch e ck th e we bs ite a d d r e s s a n d d o a we b s e a rch for comp la in t s . A l s o u s e a s e rv ice s u ch a s s ca ma d v is e r . c o m • I f bo o k in g th rou g h a p la tfo rm s uc h a s A irbn b, d o n o t ma k e y ou r p a ym e nt th rou g h s ome oth e r we bs ite , e ve n i f t he y o ffe r y ou a d is co u n t. • A lwa y s try to p a y by cre d it c a r d w h ich o ffe rs mu ch g re a te r p ro te c t i o n. Av o id ma k in g d ire ct ba n k tra n s fe r s t o t he p rop e rty ow n e r a n d be e s p e cia lly wa r y a bo u t p a y in g fu n d s ou ts id e th e E U . • A lwa y s a s k fo r a co mp le te a d d r e s s o f th e p rop e rty a n d fin d it on Googl e M a p s . • Pre fe r to d e a l w ith a comp a n y th a t h a s p rop e r re p re s e n ta tio n a t y o ur ch o s e n d e s tin a tio n . C a ll th e bu s in e s s o r re p re s e n ta tive a n d ma k e s u re th e y s o und le g it. • T ru s t y ou r ow n in s tin cts . A s w i t h in ve s tme n ts , if it s ou n d s to o g o o d t o b e tru e , it p ro ba bly is ! • B e ve ry ca re fu l w ith u n offici a l look in g e ma il a d d re s s e s a n d ch a n g e s o f p a y me n t in s tru ctio n s . A lwa y s ca l l b a c k th e o fficia l, p u blic te le p h on e n u m b e r a nd d o u ble ch e ck . Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020





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Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



est l ed amon gs t beautiful s ce n e ry and u n imag in able views , just a 9 0 mi nu t e drive from Vilamour a , lie s t he tr anq u i l t own of Z ambujeira Do Ma r. Wi t h w i de, u n s p oiled s tretc h es of cliffl i n e d beaches, Zambujeira offers a re la x in g , p e a cef u l escape from Cen tral Alg arve . Ther e are m any c h oices of acc ommod a tion a va il abl e t o meet an y budget ran gin g fro m 6 0 e u ros per ni gh t an d h ig h er, dep en d in g o n t he level of comfort you're look in g for a n d h o w cl ose t o t he village c en tre y ou'd lik e to b e . T he m ai n b each of Z ambujeira offe rs a l i t t l e st ream f or h ours of en tertain me n t w ith t he li t t l e ones.

I f y ou ma k e y o u r wa y to th e s m a l l f i s hi ng d ock y o u 'll fin d Re s ta u ra n te S a cas , p r i m e p ick in g s a re th e ca tch o f th e d a y w i t h in cre d ibly fre s h s e a food op tion s a nd s o m e more w id e ly tra d ition a l Po rtu g e se d i s he s a s we ll. I n th e v illa g e , y ou 'll fin d a s m a l l re s ta u ra n t, 'S u n s e t C a fe ', h e re y o u c a n g e t y ou r to a s te d s a n d w ich e s , frie d s q ui d a nd p ra w n s fo r re a s o n a ble p rice s a n d p a c k e d w ith a fla v ou r to o .

The ni ght comes alive with th e s un ny o p e n- ai r t errace s th at in vite you to re la x a nd appreci at e th e region ’s ex cellen t c u i s i ne. You have to try g rilled loc all y c a ught f i sh, t he g oos e barn acles an d th e o c t opu s.

B e wa rn e d th ou g h , th e wa lk d o w n t o e a c h be a ch a n d ba ck u p a g a in is qu ite i nt e ns e . S o co me we ll p re p a re d , u mbre llas , s na c k s a n d re fre s h me n ts a re n e ce s s a ry a s no t e ve r y be a ch h a s a be a ch s id e ba r. The drive to Zambujeira do Mar is scenic and easy. Be careful when entering some of the smaller towns along your way because of sharp bends in the road. Stop in Aljezur for a Pastel da Nata and coffee, and be sure to check out the local fresh produce market.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

A n y on e w h os e a fte r s o me fitn e s s c a n l o o k in to ma n y of th e h ik in g tra ils a va i l a b l e , t he s e a be co me s y o u r con s ta n t co mp a ni o n. Yo u ca n h e a d No rth or S o u th a n d be o ne w i t h s ome of th e mo s t be a u tifu l s p ots o n t he A le n te jo C o a s t. 55

Bee Happy! W

ith honey bees in decline, there is much concern for the future of our essential pollinators. Luckily for our busy friends, they have some champions, but few have taken their plight more seriously than Deborah Richmond, who has already started a 10 hectare (25 acre) site under developmen t as a 'bee haven'. In nature, honey bees live in natural cavities such as old hollow trees or in the crevices of cliff faces. Over millenia humans have domesticated the bees and placed them in artificial hives, close to the ground, designed to suit the needs of the beekeeper rather than the bees. Combined with the rise of industrial farming practic es and the use of pesticides, pollution, loss of foraging spaces and and the removal of natural habitat, the health of the bees is now in a critical conditi on. This is now becoming a serious threat to humans as so many plants d epend on bees for pollination. In response to the threat, many have decided to encourage the bees by returning them to more natural homes. One simple design is the log hive which repurposes old logs as hives. There are many benefits to this:

Quinta das Abelhas Work has been done to introduce a greater variety of native trees and plants. Through composting, mulching, and other water retention strategies, there is already a significant increase in the number and diversity of wild flowers. This has led to the presence of many more pollinators. More birds have begun to nest including the exotic hoopoe, and even bats. Future work is planned to include: Felling 250 old dead or dying pine trees to allow more light and encourage smaller selfseeded native trees to flourish. Planting 500 trees selected especially for pollinating insects. This will provide all year round forage for the bees, butterflies, bats and birds found on our land. Ongoing production and installation of log hives. Running workshops to teach others how to make the hives and to share the theory of hands-off bee husbandry.

1 The shape of a hollowed-out log mimics a natural tree cavity. This means the bees can make their comb to suit the space and their health needs, ra ther than the beekeeper's need to extract honey. 2 The walls provide much better insulation and a more regulated temperature allowing the bees to concentrate their efforts on survival. 3 The log hives are keeping the bees at ground level. undisturbed, yet health checks.

elevated on long legs away from the damp air The bees are generally left can still be monitored for

When housed in this way, the health of bee colonie s has been s een to improve dramatically, showing a significant decrease in disease, and . science has also shown the bees in such homes are able to fight off disease without the need for chemical intervention. 56

This autumn Deborah Richmond did a sponsored cycle to Portugal in a custom-made bee cape to raise awareness and crowdfunding for the bee sanctuary in Portugal. If you are interested in the project or would like to help, contact Deborah Richmond. hello@deborahrichmond.co.uk https://www.rewildingourplanet.com Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

gente que ama o som do mar... Garrão beach… the best Sea View

Praia do Garrão Nascente Almancil eduardos-paradise@hotmail.com +351 289 355 508

Estrada de Vale de Lobo, Escanxinas 8135-016 Almancil +351 289 356 372 info@bellarosa.pt Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



very winter, at least one septillion (that’s 1 followed by 24 zeros) individual snow crystals fall from the sky.


single snowstorm can drop 39 million tons of snow.

he first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924.


here is a frog which lets itself completely freeze into a 'frogsicle' every Winter. Its heart stills, blood stops flowing, and eyes go white because its lenses freeze. In the Summer it thaws and hops away, good as new.


o country in the Southern Hemisphere has hosted, or even been an applicant to host, the Winter Olympics.


he coldest temperature ever recorded was -123° C at Vostok Station in Antarctica in 1983.


ome animals possess the amazing ability to turn white during the winter: the arctic fox, arctic hare, ptarmigan, barren-ground caribou, and ermine all change colors.


he coldest temperature ever recorded was -123° C at Vostok Station in Antarctica in 1983.


here is a town in Norway called Hell, and it freezes over almost every winter.


o r l d ’ s Ta l l e s t S n o w m a n : The people of Bethel and the surrounding areas worked 5 months to plan and build the 34.66 metre tall snowman.


t –40º Celsius (which coincidentally is also –40º Fahrenheit), the condensation from your breath can actually freeze.

* R e s t a u r a n t e O r i e n t a l w i l l b e c l o s e d f r o m 1 0 J a n u a r y t o 1 2 F e b r u a r y.


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Who says you can't use your pool in winter? M a n y o w n e r s o n l y u s e t h e i r p o o l s i n J u n e , J u l y a n d Au g u s t … b u t t h a t doesn't make sense these days!


he i nvest men t in a p ool is quite si gni f i cant to on ly be us ed 3 mo n th s p e r year . The benef i t of ex erc is in g reg ularly i n a p ool ar e eviden t an d recogn ized. S p e c ial i st s cal l it “th e s p ort of th e c e n t ur y”. I t ' s an activity wh ich ex erci s e s a l l t h e b ody' s major mus cles in a n on a g g r essi ve way. H e re are some p h ys ic al ben efits : • K eeps you r h eart rate up but take s s o me of t he i mp act s tres s off your bod y ! • B u i l ds enduran ce, mus cle s tren gth a nd car di ovas c ular fitn es s ! • H el ps m ai ntain a h ealth y weigh t, h e al t hy heart an d h ealth y lun gs ! • Tones m u sc les an d builds s tren g th ! • P rovi des an all-over body workout, a s nearl y al l of your mus cles are us e d d uri ng swi mmin g.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

T h a t so u n d s g r ea t ! B u t wh a t a b ou t w h e n m y wa t er is t o o co ld t o g et in t o ? There's an easy solution! Have you considered pool-heating? Many people are concerned at the cost of heating bills. But with the latest heat-pump technology, it is now much more affordable. In any case, you've already made the major investment by installing the pool, it makes sense to spend a little more to comfortably use it! Think of the barbecues and get-togethers you'll be able to have because your friends and family can plan to enjoy a day in the pool, even during the winter! If you have children and grandchildren, having the pool available all year-round means access to an activity to burn off all that extra energy! The fact is, pool heating is a good investment, not only for your own use, but also as and when you come to sell your home. Contacts: See the Aqualux advert on this page.


DIY Ideas for Home Improvement Whether you've recently bought a new home in Portugal or you've b e e n l i v i n g h e r e f o r y e a r s , t h e r e ' s a l wa y s r o o m f o r D I Y p r o j e c t s ! A s a homeowner, one never feels truly complete with their home projects. We ' v e p u t t o g e t h e r s o m e i d e a s f o r y o u t o t r y d u r i n g t h e c h i l l y m o n t h s !

G e t o rg a n i s e d ! A g r e at t ask t o get bus y with is org anis in g y o u r h ome. We often h ave ton s of items l a y i ng arou nd t hat we h ardly ever us e a n d we do n ' t need. H a ve a l ook at th e s p aces in y our h om e th a t fe el or l ook c luttered. Th es e are the a r e a s t hat you should foc us on . Con s ide r p u t t i n g t oget her a s h elvin g p roject for y o u r s e l f . Ou r l ar ger h ardware s tores in th e A l g a r ve have great do-it-y ours elf s h elv in g o p t i o n s. Measu r e out y our walls an d s e e w ha t you can get in to fit. An d be ruth l e s s , m a k e s u re t hat you th row out or don ate i t e m s that you ha ven 't us ed for lon ger t h a n 6 m o n t h s. Chances are y ou won 't mis s it if y o u ha ve n't u sed i t .

M a g i c w i t h p allets! We c an w or k w on ders with th os e emp ty p a l l e t s you can f i nd ly in g aroun d. Th er e 's n o l i m i t i f you can t a p in to your imagin ati on .

Updat e your fi xt ures ! H a ve a lo o k a rou n d y ou r h o me a nd s e e w h ich fix tu re s ma y s e e m o u t o f d at e ? The r e s e e ms n o p oin t to h a v in g re mo d e ll e d y o ur h ome if y ou r lig h t fix tu re s , s w itche s a nd ta p s a re d a te d . Go on th e s e a rch fo r s ome ch a rit y s ho p fin d s , or con s id e r ta k in g y ou r fix t ur e s d o w n a n d s p ru cin g th e m u p . You ca n p a in t lig h t s w itch e s d iff e r e nt colo u rs , a n d th e n fix th e m ba ck o nt o t he wa ll to a d d a p o p o f co lou r to a n y r o o m . Dra we r a n d d oor h a n d le s ca n be ta k e n o f f , s a n d e d d ow n a n d p a in te d o r va rn i s he d t o g ive a n e w lo o k a s we ll! I f y ou wa n t to be qu irk y , y ou can a d d mis ma tch e d fix tu re s th rou g h ou t yo ur ho m e to a d d to a n e cle ctic lo o k for e a ch r o o m . Mis ma tch e d ca n o fte n lo o k s o g o o d w he n p u t tog e th e r!

Wi t h a b i t of el bow-g reas e, you can s an d do w n the pal l et s, varn is h th em an d th e n c r e a t e w onderf u l p ieces of wall art an d de c o r a t i ve pi eces for aroun d your h ome . H o w a bou t a won derfully -don e world ma p o n a p al l et ? O r a b eau t i f u l f loral p iec e p ain ted onto th e r a w w ood? I f y ou h ave c h ildren or g r a n dchi l dr en, b rin g th em in to th e fun a n d l e t t he m hand pain t artwork on to y our n e wly sa n de d pal l et s. H an g it up for vis itors t o a d m i r e!


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Visit our newly decorated Showroom with 450m2 of room settings giving inspirational ideas ALMANCIL Portimão



Showroom: Estrada de Vale do Lobo | 8135-107 Almancil | t.+351 289 397 059 | f.+351 289 397 092 info@equilibriointeriors.com | www.equilibriointeriors.com


Vale do Lobo

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Quinta do Lago

GPS: 37º 04’ 48.77’’N 8º 02’ 44.65’’W


TAKING CARE OF YOUR C A R 'S PA I N T For many of us, our cars and vehicles are just as much a part of our f a m i l y a s o u r p e t s ! S p o t t i n g d a m a g e c a n b e p a i n f u l . At ' T o p Wa s h ' ( s e e ad below) we have found these FIVE things damage your paintwork... 1. BIRD DROPPINGS One damaging substance that will probably surprise you is bird excretions. The droppings can leave a permanent mark on the outside of a vehicle because they are acidic and, when baked and hardened under the sun, they harden onto the paint. It’s best not to let the droppings dry and remove them promptly with a wet rag and mild detergent. When cleaning, try not to rub the spot because seed particles and grit in the droppings can scratch the surface of the underlying paint. 2 . TA R When the outside temperatures peak during the summer months, it’s possible t o s p o t t a r t h a t h a s s t a r t e d t o m e l t . Ta r can also pose a problem if you drive

through fresh asphalt that has just been laid. The substance will stick to the car’s paint and, if allowed to dry, it can be very tough to get off. Special tar remover will need to be used in this case, otherwise you'll cause more harm than good! 3. SHOE POLISH Yo u m i g h t b e s u r p r i s e d t o f i n d o u t t h a t shoe polish can stain a car and may be difficult, if not impossible to remove. It’s important not to let it sit or dry on the paint. Don't use household detergents to remove shoe polish from your car, simply wet a rag with vinegar and try to wipe it away carefully. 4. COFFEE & FIZZY DRINKS Most people don’t know that beverages like coffee and soda can harm your car's paint. These drinks have high acidity levels which can eat away at the protective layer of paint and start the corrosion process. Sugar that is found in both coffee and fizzy drinks will leave behind a sticky residue. Be sure to clean up any messes as soon as possible to prevent long-term damage. 5 . B O R E H O L E WA T E R



When water evaporates from your car's paint, it leaves behind trace elements. The calcium in borehole water will leave behind noticeable spots and other damage. Have you noticed sprinkler-like drops of white marks on your car? That's calcium and metal damage left from using e v e r y d a y w a t e r t o w a s h y o u r c a r . At T o p Wa s h , w e u s e a p u r i f i c a t i o n s y s t e m t o ensure that the water we're using doesn't leave behind marks. Meaning, you can drive away streak-free and happy!

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

ALGARVE’S FINEST IRISH GASTRO PUB DELICIOUS MEALS | CRAFT BEERS | COCKTAILS | LIVE MUSIC Quinta Shopping, Quinta do Lago | +351 289 358 205 | reservations@thecheekypup.com

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


2020 Calendar "Dogs are not our whole life, but t h e y m a k e o u r l i v e s w h o l e . " - Roger Caras


t's that time of the year again where Goldra is raising funds for their sanctuary situated in LoulĂŠ. The sale of the 2020 Calendar has started and will be available at Villas & Vacation reception. For more information, you can follow the Goldra Facebook Page. The Goldra Dog Sanctuary is located at Goldra near LoulĂŠ. There are over 80 dogs that need daily care. The Sanctuary is run by volunteers and supported by various fundraising events, sponsors and donations. T he calendar will be for sale for 5 euros each and all funds raised will be in aid of Goldra's mission.

We i r d C h r i s t m a s T r a d i t i o n s from around the world M

ost kids are well acquainted with Father Christmas or Santa Claus but they can consider themselves lucky they don't live in Austria. This is where a ghoulish creature called ' Krampus '; who is the evil accomplice of St Nicholas, is said to wander the streets in search of badly-behaved children. During the month of December you can expect to see terrifying masked figures out and about scaring kids and adults alike with ghastly pranks. There's even an annual Krampus Parade held in Vienna each year.



n Guatemala, cleanliness really is next to Godliness. Locals believe that the devil and other evil spirits live in the dark, dirty corners of your home. Therefore, they spend the week before Christmas sweeping up, collecting rubbish and then piling everything in a huge heap outside. Finally, an effigy of the devil is placed on top and the whole thing is set on fire. It's called La Quema del Diablo, the 'Burning of the Devil'. The idea for Guatemalans is to burn all the bad from the previous year and start a new year from out of the ashes.

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


I T 'S W R I T T E N I N T H E STARS! H e r e's your 2020 visio n ! Ch e ck yo u r s t a rs a n d g e t a f ly in g s t a rt t o a n e w d e ca d e ! Aries: This year is all about balance for Aries. Although you may be realistic about your goals, you can still let your ambition shine through. Stabilit y will be present in all aspects of life, and that goes for relationships too. New work opportunities and a good chance of promotion should keep you busy. For those that make the first move, the results should work greatly in your favour. Taurus: We forecas t a calmer and more stable year for this sun sign. For example, this is a good year to 'settle down' or make some important decisions. The conditions may be good, but you still need to think carefully, whether it be in relationships or work. In particular, Taurus should not be 'bullish' about love. So too when it comes to investments; listen carefully to your financial advisors. Gemini: There should be some refreshing zest for life in 2020. However, to last the whole year, you should pace yourself accordingly. Rather than rest on your laurels, you should set a good tempo. You will find fun and passion in your love life. Finances will remain steady, and your energy levels will be helpful in your job. This is a good year for self improvement. Cancer: Get ready for a few changes in 2020. You will make progress in love and even step up a rung or two on your career ladder. You will have to decide whether to embrace any new opportunities, but if you look after the smaller details, the bigger picture should work out in your favour. There may be conflict in the workplace, but an unexpected success in diplom acy should sweep any issues away. L eo: Life may be on a roller coaster with this sun sign. Vim and vigor should help to attain one of your dreams this year, but do not get carried away if anything starts looking too good to be true -- everyone needs to know where to draw the line! Be open to trying new food, new exercises, and new relationships. If the opportunity presents, a job change or new business should work well. The lions will have a good year! Virgo: An interesting year ahead as the Virgos may be feeling out of sorts. Usually better known for being practical, there may be temptations to be over-impulsive with decisions. Be wa ry of relationship problems, breakups and even issues in the workplace. Clearly this applies to financial decisions too. Thin k twice before making big commitments in 2020 (as everyone should!). Keep alert and on your toes, and all will go well.

new decade ahead. Family-orientated Librans can enjoy quality time with their nearest and dearest. Singles should nurture their loving partnerships, keeping them happy and close! Scorpio: This decade starts with feelings of liberation and freedom, possibly leaving some of life's limitations behind. A great time to focus on learning a new hobby, a language, or taking a work-related course to improve your skills. Your positive energy can be very meaningfully applied to help others move forward in their lives. You would be very happy applying yourself to charitable work in 2020. Sagittarius: Put your best foot forwar d and start with some new year resolutions. This is the year to ditch some past baggage and then spring clean some of your old problems. Be prepared to be patient and persistent and you will achieve a big turnaround. It will help your sense of renewal even more if you push yourself to meet some new people, but take care to cherish existing relationships. A financial boost could also provide some cheer! Capricorn: This sun sign will yearn peace and tranquility. It has been tiring with the world on your shoulders, so try at least to take a break. Meditate and learn to think in-the-mo ment. A restful holiday will boost mental health and strengthen the immune system. Once you are feeling at peace once more, you will be best equipped make the most of a few opportunities that await just around the corner! Aquarius: You will be at your creative peak in 2020 and this is a great year to prove your abilities, and put to rest any doubts of others. You'll be able to show your loved ones that you can be the perfect spouse, parent or child. Your imagination and innovative ideas will also come into play with your job. Make the most of this year's super-power, but don't get carried away by applying it to your finances – sometimes prudency should shine through. Pisces: This year foretells excitement and adventure and things should go swimmingly for the 'fishes'. You will be brave enough to be open to change and try new things in life. Indeed, it is a good year to get pregnant! Your role in your job or business will seem more inspirational than usual. You will find yourself in a comfortable position in life, so don’t be tempted to let impulsive decisions spoil the best of what is working well for you.

L ibra: As usual the scales will be in balance and a relatively easy 2020 lies ahead. This is a year to enjoy and make merry. There will be fewer responsibilities towards family and work, so it's a great time to take a breather and prepare for this 66

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

MAIS DO QUE SERVIR, HĂ 30 ANOS QUE CUIDAMOS! Celebrating 30 years of pure enjoyment!

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


THE ART OF SEDUCTION There is nothing more important than mastering the art of seduction, and here's the psychology of how it works!


famous quotation says, "Everything in life is about sex, except sex, which is about power!". Whilst this may be over-simplifying things, it's a great opener for a discussion about seduction. After all, when most people think about seduction, they think about it in terms of erotic seduction or sexual seduction. Psychiatrist and author Dr Raj Persaud thinks there's more to it, "Perhaps we should understand that seduction is a much deeper, wider, and more mysterious thing. Actually at the centre of this is the powerful secret to success in life itself." It turns out that most of the world's successful people intuitively know a l i t t l e s e c r e t . At t h e h e a r t o f e a c h o f lifetime's encounters with people, is a 'transaction' which can also be described as a 'seduction'.

with the play, I think we can safely assume that the seduction worked well, but we should also reflect on why. He identified her unmet need and provided the solution. Of course, some might say that he could have more easily just paid for speech therapy, and that might have worked too. But Casanova's solution was beautiful. He recognised and worked around her needs with a personalised solution, instead of simply focusing on her flaw! Now, we know that Casanova was a bit of a charismatic expert in these matters. What about the rest of us? The wider point here is that everyone desires something, and those desires come from unmet needs. Whether you are charismatic or not, give them what they want!

It works like this: in return for everything you wish from the world and life, you have to be able to give something that the world wants. But here's the kicker: you have to give it first! That's right - in order to seduce effectively, we need to make the world the right offer. And only after, we might get what we want in return. So the next question is, what on earth do people want? This is where the key skill of seduction lies. First you identify the unmet need and then fill it in a way that it’s never been filled before. There's a great story about when Casanova met a gorgeous actress who had a speech impediment, unable to pronounce the letter R – yes, Jonathan Ross probably knows this one. Casanova goes home and writes an entire play for her which has no words in it containing the letter R. After she was presented


S o t h e r e i t i s . We ' v e m a d e t h i s a s simple as it could be, but I can imagine you may still have lots of questions about the life-changing benefits of the art of seduction. Alas, there is only enough room left on the page to mention one more advanced technique. I will leave you wanting a little bit more!

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Closed 25/11/19-17/12/19 inclusive. Closed 24/12/19 & 25/12/19. Live music afternoons 26/12/19-01/01/20. Lunch only 31/12/19 & 01/01/20 Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020



rones, sometimes referred to as u nmanned aerial veh ic les , h ave no h u m a n pi l ot onb oard, an d are c on trolle d by a p e r s on on t he groun d. Thi s st eal t h bi t of tec h is bec omin g i n c r e a s i ngl y popular, n ot jus t with th e m i l i t a ri es arou nd th e world, but als o e ve r y t h i ng f r om d eliverin g p arcels , sci e nt if i c resear ch an d s p orts p h otog ra p h y to s n a p pi ng t hose In s tagramworth y h olid a y sn a p s ! Wi t h regar ds t o th e rules you n eed to f o l l o w when f l yi ng a dron e, th ere are m a ny f oru m s onl in e th at talk about th e i n t e r nat i onal ' cod e'. H owever, lik e th e ' Pi r a t e s Code' i n th e Pirates of th e Caribbe a n

F o r e x a mp le th e a p p s h o w s flight p a t hs , n a tio n a l p a rk s (w h e re y o u n e e d s p e c i a l p e rmis s io n to fly ) a n d h e lip a d s . T hi ng s to wa tch ou t fo r w h e n fly in g y ou r d r o ne in clu d e w in d s p e e d s , te le p h on e line s a nd bird s ! F a s t w in d s ca n ma k e y ou r d ro n e l o o s e co n trol a n d fa ll o u t o f th e s k y . B ird s ha ve be e n k n ow n to ta k e a n in te re s t in d r o ne s , ofte n try in g to k n o ck th e d ro n e ou t o f t he s k y by d ive bo mbin g it, n ot w h a t y o u wa nt h a p p e n in g to y o u r e x p e n s ive bit o f k i t ! Ou r top tip s fo r fly in g y ou r d ro ne i n t he A lg a rve : • You n e e d to ma k e s u re th e d ro ne i s k e p t in y ou r h a n d lu g g a g e w h e n tra ve ll i ng d ue t o th e lith iu m ba tte rie s . • B e fo re fly in g th e d ro n e , ma k e sur e y o u h a ve p e rmis s ion fro m th e A A N to f l y i n t ha t a re a . • With s o mu ch s u n in th e A lg a r ve we re comme n d y o u h a ve ND (n e u tra l d e ns i t y ) filte rs w h ich a re e s s e n tia lly “ s u n g l a s s e s ” f o r y ou r d ro n e le n s , fo r be tte r p h oto a nd v i d e o qu a lity ! H a p p y fly in g !

m o vi e s, many see th e code as " more like g u i d e l ines”. However, th e c ode is wh at m a ny cou nt ri es bas e th eir dron e laws o n , so a r e def i ni t el y worth readin g, for s om e b a c k g r ou nd r eadin g .

T o ap p l y to f l y y ou r d r on e i n th e Al g a r ve c h e c k ou t: ttp s : / / aan . p t.

I t i s necessary to ch eck th e leg is lation th a t i s i n p lace i n t he c oun try y ou are p lan nin g o n fl y ing you r dron e. In Portug al th ere is a n a p p c al l ed “voa n a boa” wh ere you can s e e if the r e ar e any restriction s in an area th at y o u w i s h t o f l y i n.


Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Retiring in the Sun I t i s e a s y t o g e t c a r r i e d a wa y w i t h n e w e x c i t i n g p l a n s , b u t m a k i n g sensible choices at retirement is more important than ever...


f y ou a r e th inki ng ab o u t P o rtu gal as y our r eti re me nt d e s ti nati o n, co ng r a tul a tion s ! Wi th l o w cri me , t ax i nce n ti ves , a n d the b e s t cl i mate i n E u ro pe , y ou a re at l e as t l o o k i ng i n t h e ri g ht p l a c e . A s al ways ' l ocation ' is cruc ial, n ot ju s t fo r a w i s e i nvest m e n t, but h ap p in es s too. Yo u m a y be t em pt ed to look for larg e is ola te d fa r m hou ses u p a s teep h ill with g ood v ie w s , b u t p l ease bear in min d th at you will th e n i n e vi t abl y be m ovin g again in a few ye a rs . N o mat t er how fit an d in dep en den t y o u m a y be now , acc es s to amen ities , a s o cia l c o m mu ni t y, and s ome flat terrain for g e ttin g a r o u n d w i l l bec ome in c reas in g ly imp o rta n t. I ni t i al l y, i t may s eem lik e a g ood ide a to h a ve a l ar ger prop erty th an you n eed s o y o u can i nvi t e all y our family an d frie n d s . H o wever , so man y retirees s p en d mos t o f t h ei r t i me worryin g about th eir lar g e g a r dens, pool s, c lean in g an d main tena n ce , it e n ds u p seem i ng like a full-time job! A nd t hen, t here are th e vis itors ! It is w o nderf u l t o sp en d time with th em, b u t y ou

w ill qu ick ly d is co ve r th a t a ctin g a s a t o ur g u id e a n d p e rma n e n tly w orry in g a b o ut a irp ort trip s a n d ca te rin g a rra n ge m e nt s is mu ch more tirin g th a n y o u w o ul d e ve r ima g in e . T h e p o in t is th a t y ou s ho ul d ch oos e a p ro p e rty p rima rily fo r yo ur s e l f ra th e r th a n e ve ry on e e ls e ! A low ma in te n a n ce g a rd e n w ith min ima l la w n s is a g o o d id e a . A l s o , w he n co n s id e rin g y ou r ow n p o o l, d o b e a r i n m i nd th a t y o u w ill u s e it mu ch le s s th an y o u mig h t th in k . E a s y a cce s s to a co m m una l o ne is a ve ry s e n s ible o p tio n . L o o k for a p rop e rty w ith a brig ht a nd co mforta ble liv in g s p a ce a n d , id e a l l y , a n o p e n -p la n k itch e n . I t is g re a t t o ha ve e ve ry th in g w ith in re a ch . T h is g o e s f o r c a r p a rk in g too – n o o n e wa n ts to ca r r y he a v y ba g s fo r lo n g d is ta n ce s . We a p p re cia te th a t y o u w ill h a ve y o ur ow n p rio ritie s for re tire me n t a n d m a y no t min d mov in g h ou s e fro m time to t i m e . H o we ve r, k n ow in g th a t y o u h a ve c ho s e n a p ro p e rty w h ich w ill s u it y o u on a l o ng t e r m ba s is ca n g ive g o o d p e a ce of min d – a nd th a t's a lwa y s a g ood in ve s tme n t!

€ 4 1 0 ,0 0 0


This lovely three-bedroom townhouse is situated in one of the newer developments in the "Golden Triangle", Vale da Quinta. A perfect property for retirement being close to Almancil with its shops and services and not too far from the beach and golf courses. Vale do Quinta is a small friendly resort with both local and foreign permanent residents. Property includes: air-conditioning throughout, covered private terrace, double glazing and small enclosed garden. Beds 3 (one on the ground floor ) Baths 3




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Non Furnished

w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 71

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties

NEW ADDITION TO THE TEAM As we move in to Winter we are pleased to announce the introduction of a younger and trendier team mem ber to accompany the wise old men at Villas & Vacations. Michelle brings with her a positive, never-saydie attitude as well as great attention to detail. She highly prioritises the customer's experience. Michelle speaks Portuguese, English and French fluently. In celebration of Michelle joining the Villas & Vacation team, (and we hope our readers will keep her very busy), we bring you a bumper addition of properties to view.



€420, 000

This linked townhouse situated in Dunas Douradas certainly offers excellent value for money. Being within 1km of the beach, this property is perfect as either a holiday home or rental investment. The entrance hall leads to the lounge, guest WC and kitchen. Patio windows lead to a terrace with view overlooking the pool. Two ensuite bedrooms on the ground floor with direct access to the pool area. Stairs lead to the roof terrace for you to enjoy your evening Gin & Tonic and admire and distant sea views. Fully air conditioned and plunge poo l.








€1, 200, 000


This exceptionally well presented two-story villa can be found in the tranquil development of Clube d o Ancão. Perfect for being close to the beach and at the same time located in a quiet corner within the Ria Formosa area. Completely fenced plot with electric gates. Large entrance hall leads to the spacious lounge diner with patio windows leading to the south-facing pool and covered terraced. Solar panels for hot water, air-conditioning throughout, double glazed security windows, modern floors & bathrooms, carport , BBQ area, utility & storage rooms.




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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties

DUNAS DOURADAS Dunas Douradas is situated between Quinta do Lago and Vale do Lago. The impressive development is beach fronted and is set over 70 acres of African pine and orange groves. At the heart of Dunas Douradas is the large central pool with its snack bar and popular Xenia Restaurant. There is also a central reception and two tennis courts. Nearby is the small town of Almancil with its shops, supermarkets and cafes, whilst the larger town of Loule, with its traditional market, and Vilamoura, with its marina, shopping, boat tours and nightlife, are both within 10 minutes drive.

SCAN HERE TO SEE ALL AVA I L A B L E P R O P E R T I E S P R I C E S S T A R T F R O M â‚Ź3 2 5 , 0 0 0

We have a selection of Dunas Properties which are ideal for holiday homes and rental investments. Dunas Douradas Resort is perfectly located for the beach and the resort of fers a central pool, reception and onsite snack bar and restaurant. The apartments are spacious and some even of fer distant sea views! First floor apartments have a private terrace, while ground floor have access to communal gardens.

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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 73

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties

VA L E D O LO B O Is probably one of the most well known resorts in the Algarve. It is located on Portugal's central Algarve coastline and is just twenty minutes drive from Faro airport.

there is live music and a great atmosphere to enjoy.

This self-contained complex caters for all ages with its unique range of restaurants, bars and shops. The resort itself consists of over 1000 properties of different types and styles wit h variating price tags; it also has a 24-hour security patrol. One of the main sources of entertainment for both day and night time is a large cobbled square known as the Praça. The Praça offers an amicable atmosp here and has a variety of restaurants, bars and shops to c hoose from, all within this beachfront location. During the summertime,

SCAN HERE T O S E E A L L A PA R T M E N T S . P R I C E S S T A R T F R O M € 32 5 , 0 0 0

We have a selection of incredible properties in the Vale do Lobo area. Ranging from a 1 bedroom studio apartment to larger three bedroom, spacious townhouse units. Some units offer private pools or access to a communal one within mature, beautiful gardens. We have something to suit different budgets and requirements.

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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties


€ 7 9 5 ,€835, 0 0 0000

This three bedroom villa is located in a quiet cul-de-sac within the popular and mature development of Vale do Garrão located i n the heart of the "Golden Triangle". There's a private pool set within a mature landscaped garden with ample exterior tiled terraces and pergola, ideal for dining Al Fresco. Fully fenced and walled plot. The property has many recent improvements, with new kitchen cupboards, bathrooms and floor tiles. Air conditioning throughout. Large garage in the basement with forth ensuite.







4 4BB EE DDS S , ,4 3B AT HH SS B AT


€ 1€950, , 1 5 0 ,000 000

Superb modern four-bedroom villa perched on the foothills of Parragil, Loule, providing the perfect location for stunning panoramic sea & country views. Furnished and fitted out to a high standard this property has everything you require for living in the countryside. At the same time, it is only a short drive to the town of Loule. Features include underfloor-heating, air conditioning throughout, double-glazing, automatic-electric shutters, large garage and large swimming pool.








Not Furnished

, 25000, ,000000 € €1 1, 1

Approved project for a fantastic four bedroom villa with swimming pool. The 4000m² plot, in an elevated position above the historical town of Loule offering the most stunning country and sea views imaginable. Construction is well underway. This i s an unbeatable investment opportunity should you wish to purchase the 'shell' and install finishes to your own personal taste then this is an option. Many modern features including under floor and pool heating.




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Not Furnished

w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 75

Villas & Vacations VAL E DA Q UI N TA

Featured Proper ties


€1, 200, 000

Exceptionally well-presented luxury villa with pool and many modern features located in a quiet area of Vale da Quinta, within the Golden Triangle. All four bedrooms in this villa boast built-in wardrobes, features throughout the home include a utility room, garage that could be converted into 5th bedroom, underfloor-heating throughout, high-spec, air-conditioning, double-glazing, alarm, electric shutters with central master switch. There is an efficient solar panel providing plenty of hot water.









€ 9325, 5 0 , 000 000 €1,

This high-quality villa is situated in a prestigious resort between Vale do Lobo and Quinta do Lago, and is ideally positioned to take advantage of what this area has to offer. This home has a fully fitted kitchen, with laundry room and access to outside. Features include good quality finishes throughout. Double glazed windows. Fully air conditioned. Double garage. The outside kitchen area, includes a fridge, sink, traditional Portuguese BBQ as well as a new gas BBQ.







Non Furnished

€1, 500, 000


Located right in the heart of Santa Barbara within earshot of the bells of the 14th Century church. This high spec property provides all the luxuries of modern living while still taking full advantage of the quaint lifestyle "village life" has to offer. From the first floor, there are beautiful views of the sea and surrounding countryside. The entire property enjoys underfloor heating as well as air conditioning. Large electric gates open onto a calçada driveway with access to a garage.




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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties


V ilamoura wa s pleased to host the Golf

Masters European Tour again this October. Driving Vilamoura further up the popularity ladder. With the new Central Resort all but sold and phase two starting soon, investment in property in this marina town is buoyant, to say the least. We have a few new properties which we are very excited about. The first one is a high-spec two-bedroom apartment, only a short stroll from the marina. The other is a two-bedroom ground floor apartment close to the golf courses.


On the next page are some property reductions that offer great value.



€350, 000

This South-East facing, ground-floor apartment can be found in the Luxury Condominium do Golf in Vilamoura, considered ideal as a lock up and go, benefitting from a high-spec finish, private alfresco large terrace. The development is a stone's throw to the golf course and within minutes to th e popular Falésia sandy gold beach plus the International Vilamoura Marina.This is a perfect holiday home or rental investment.








€1, 295, 000


Exceptionally well-presented luxury villa built to a high standard with beautiful mature garden, large salt water and heated pool, excellent finishes throughout. Set in the development of Vilamoura, in quiet prime location, within the Golden Triangle. High-spec, automatic gate, central heating pre insta llation, air conditioning double-glazing, thermal insulation, alarm pre- installation, electric shutters with central master switch.




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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI 77

Villas & Vacations

Featured Proper ties

V I LA M OU R A Vila mo u ra - C l os e t o Ma rin a


Pr ice Reduction €280, 000

Set in the tranquil heart of Vilamoura, this nicely located townhouse one of 34 townhouses. It is within minutes drive of the beach and popular Vilamoura Marina and benefits from some golf views, a private garden and a private car park, a charming and mature residential area. Property is on two floors and with its large lounge and separate dining area that offers ample room for a small family. Bedrooms have access to an open terrace. There is a spacious, fenced, mature garden which could accommodate a small swimming pool.





Not Furnished

No Pool

210m² 3 BEDS, 2 BATHS

Pr ice Reduction €299, 000

Spacious ground-floor apartment with a private terrace that enjoys sunshine practically all day. With beautiful panoramic views over Vilamoura and towards the sea. A large communal area and pool is surrounded with palm trees and gardens. Underground paarking with storage area.





Communal Pool


Not Furnished

€645, 000 C O


This detached villa with pool can be found within a 5-minute drive of the gorgeous sandy beaches as well as shops and restaurants. The large lawned garden offers plenty of space. Lounge area with further TV area. " FogoMontanha" Fireplace with feature stone surround. Enclosed covered terraces add extra space and lead out to pool terrace with covered seating areas and garden.




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w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Estate Agent: 715AMI Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020

Central Algarve Issue 78, Winter 2020


Vil las & Vacatio n s

P R E S T I G E S P O T L I G H T Q U I N TA D O L A G O E x c e p t i o n a l va l u e 5 Be d ro o m villa

A perfect family or holiday home in the heart of Quinta do Lago! Large entrance hall. Well-equipped and spacious kitchen and dining room. Patio doors lead to an outside dining space. Basement contains double garage, laundry and storage area. Spacious lawns and garden.

Quinta do Lago 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms €2,500,000


5045 400m






P R E S T I G E S P O T L I G H T Q U I N TA D O L A G O L a r g e mo d e r n 6 Be d r o om villa

Outstanding villa with self-contained annex. Located in a quiet area within walking distance of lake and beach. The elevated position provides great privacy. Upstairs there are large terraces with views towards the sea and lake. Completely renovated in 2014. Viewing is strongly recommended.

Quinta do Lago 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms €5,500,000


Te l : ( + 3 5 1 ) 2 8 9 3 9 0 5 0 0 (+351) 911 119 009 s a l e s @ v i l l a s va c at i o n s. c o m


1404 620m






w w w. v i l l a s - v a c a t i o n s . c o m Government Licensed Central Algarve Estate Ag 5t A I se s une t7:8 , 7W1i n e rM 2 0I 2 0

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